Page 1: Reg: No 352 Volume No. 3546 Tuesday March 28, 2017 Hamal

Reg: No 352 Volume No. 3546 Tuesday March 28, 2017 Hamal 08, 1396 Price: 15/-Afs

Quote of the DayOptimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done

without hope and confidence.Helen Keller

Email: [email protected]: 0093 (799) 005019/777-005019

50% of Pregnant Women Lack

Access to Basic Health Care

KABUL - President Ashraf Ghani in a telephonic conver-sation with Britain’s Foreign Minister (FM) Boris Johnson on Sunday discussed ter-rorism, security and other mutual interest issues, the Presidential Palace said in a statement.The two sides also talked about political and security issues of Afghanistan and the region and emphasized on extending cooperation in this respect.

KABUL - A report issued to-day by the Ministry of Pub-lic Health (MoPH) shows that more than 50 percent of pregnant women in Afghan-istan do not have access to essential health services and more than 50 percent of the births take place without nursing facilities. On Mon-day, the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) launched a two day conference under the theme ‘National Mater-nal and Newborn Health Conference’ in Kabul with the participation of its in-ternational partners and health agencies to find ways on how to reduce the level of mortality among mother and child.The report shows that the rate of mortality among mothers is still on the rise; however, the mortality rate of children has dropped.The report states that from every one thousand chil-dren, 55 of them die before the age of five.Based on the report, from each one hundred thou-sand births, six to seven hundred mothers lose their lives.Referring to the report, the Minister of Public Health Ferozuddin Feroz said that the figure is shocking and there is need to reduce the numbers. “Despite the fact that the survey shows a variety of developments and changes, but still the index of mortality among mothers is quite high, it is unacceptable,” said Feroz. ...(More on P4)...(5)

KABUL - President Ashraf Ghani has ordered the ap-pointment of wgis Nehan as the minister of mines and petroleum.“In line with provisions of paragraph 11 of article 64 of the constitution, the nomination and appoint-ment of Nargis Nehan as

KABUL - The Afghan defence and interior ministers and the head of the country’s intelli-gence service survived a vote of confidence called on Mon-day over the failure to tackle mounting insecurity and the Taliban insurgency.Defence Minister Abdullah Habibi, Interior Minister Taj Mohammad Jahid and Mas-son Stanekzai, head of the National Directorate for Secu-rity were all summoned be-fore parliament over a string of security failures in recent months.About 50 people were killed this month when gunmen at-tacked Afghanistan’s largest military hospital, Kabul’s 400-bed Sardar Mohammad Daud Khan hospital, just across the road from the heavily fortified

Ghani, British FM Discuss Regional Security

Over $1Billion Spent on Elections in Afghanistan in a Decade

ACJC Arrests Ex-Army Commander over Corruption

Ghani Introduces Nehan as Mines and Petroleum Minister

Security Ministers Survive Impeachment Vote

CEO Urges Pakistan’s Sincerity in War on Terror

Govt Asked to Fix Trade Deficit

23 Arrested in Connection to Deadly Kabul Military Hospital Attack

U.S. embassy.While all three officials sur-vived, the fact of their sum-mons to parliament, which has the power to sack min-isters, underlined mounting

KABUL - Authorities in the Central Statistics Organiza-tion (CSO) said Afghanistan’s annual imports cost $7 billion USD; therefore, government should support domestic products in order to fix the trade deficit.Information released by the CSO reveals that Afghanistan annually spends $1 billion USD on ironware imports, $1.5 billion USD on commodi-ties and $2 billion USD on fuel and gas imports.“Now it is the time that gov-ernment should pay attention to support domestic products. This will help the government to overcome the unemploy-ment problem and enhance Afghanistan’s economy,” the deputy head of the CSO, Ha-

KABUL - At least twenty three people have been arrested in connection to a deadly attack on main military hospital in Kabul, Sardar Mohammad Daud Khan hospital.The Minister of Defense Ab-dullah Habibi informed re-garding the arrest of the in-dividuals as he was briefing the lawmakers in the Lower House of the Parliament.Habibi further added that the detective and intelligence or-gans have made negligence on duty.He said the files of the de-tained people have been im-

Ghani condemned the recent terrorist attack in London and said terrorism is a joint threat to the world, the state-ment said.Ghani stated that lasting ties between Kabul and London is crucial for security of Af-ghanistan and the region, the statement added.Meanwhile, the British For-eign Minister said Britain is committed to continue its support to Kabul in different sectors. (Tolonews)

minister of mines and pe-troleum is approved,” part of the presidential order reads.In the order, Ghani has directed state minister for parliamentary affairs to officially introduce Nehan to parliament for a vote of confidence. (Tolonews)

frustration with the Western-backed government’s han-dling of the security situation in Afghanistan.Abdul Rauf Ibrahimi, the speaker of parliament, said

sibullah Mowahid, said.Meanwhile, a number of eco-nomic affairs analysts said the trade deficit has surged this year to almost 90 percent. They called on government to overcome the problem by supporting domestic prod-ucts.“We hope that the govern-ment leaders have learned a

mediately sent to the judiciary institutions for further investi-gations.This comes as a delegation which has been given the task to investigate the deadly Kabul military hospital at-

KABUL - Documents seen by TOLOnews indicate that over one billion dollars have been spent on the elections in Af-ghanistan over the past one decade.The documents show that the financial expenditures of every election have been less than the previous poll, but the lvel of challenges facing the elections have noticeably increased.Meanwhile, the Independent Election Commission (IEC) has said that there is a need for $120 million financial ex-penditures for the next parlia-mentary and district council elections in Afghanistan.“They (donors) have some reservations that the money is spent on holding the elections in transparent manner so that

KABUL - Lt. Gen. Moham-mad Moeen Faqir, the former commander of 215 Maiwand Army Corps has been arrest-ed on charges of embezzle-ment and misuse of authority, a source at The Anti-Corrup-tion Criminal Justice Center (ACJC) said on Monday.Faqir was summoned to ap-pear before the ACJC and an arrest warrant for him was is-sued and he was transferred to Pul-e-Charkhi jail, the source added.The ACJC is se my to follow

KABUL - Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Abdullah Ab-dullah on Monday urged Pa-kistan’s honesty in the fight against terrorism, saying sup-port to terrorist groups was threatening the region’s and world’s stability.Presiding over a Cabinet meeting, Abdullah said last year was full of security chal-lenges for Afghanistan but the Afghan government had meanwhile some achieve-ments as well.Inauguration of various infra-

the vote had been called over “weakness in management and the worsening security around the country,” notably the hospital attack.Habibi, in particular, faced

lesson from the border closure by Pakistan and roll up their sleeves to support the domes-tic products,” said Azrakhsh Hafizi, an analyst in economic affairs.The Ministry of Commerce and Industries spokesman Musafir Qoqandi meanwhile said they have prepared plans to ...(More on P4)...(4)

tack provided partial updates regarding the investigation nearly two weeks ago.According to the head of the probe team Hialuddin Hilal, investigations confirm fifty people ...(More on P4)...(6)

satisfaction of the people of Afghanistan is achieved,” said IEC commissioner Maazullah Dawlati.Large part of the amount raised to Afghanistan by the international community for elections have been invested on the training of the IEC employees, capacity building programs among IEC employ-ees, construction of IEC offices

the case against Faqir, the source added.This comes after the US Inspector General For Afghanistan Re-construction (SIGAR) said that military generals serving in the ranks of Afghan National Army (ANA) are the most corrupt of-ficials in the nation’s military forces. (Tolonews)

structure development pro-jects, launching of the Nation-al Citizen Charter program, reforms in the election system, introduction of technology to the electoral regime and fina-lization of electronic ID cards were major steps of the gov-ernment last year, he said.The CEO said Pakistan recent-ly closed the crossing points with Afghanistan due to some security issues, while Afghani-stan had been the frontline state in the fight against ter-rorism without differentiating

widespread ridicule for his al-leged tendency to fall asleep at inappropriate moments, with pictures circulating on social media showing him sitting in a variety of meetings, with eyes closed and head leaned forward.“If we put the minister in a sack and sent him to another country and opened the sack there, he wouldn’t have any idea how he got there,” dep-uty speaker Humayoun Hu-mayoun told parliament this month.In his address to parliament on Monday, Habibi denied falling asleep in meetings, saying he sometimes avoided looking up so as not to acci-dentally stare into the eyes of any women present.The ...(More on P4)...(1)

and buildings and IEC stocks.$449 million spent on elections in Afghanistan between 2003 and 2005 while this figure is around $370 million between 2008 and 2010.$223 million spent on elec-tions between 2014 and 2016“The electoral reforms and finally continued and regular works on the utilization of ...(More on P4)...(3)

between good and bad terrorists. “Negotiations are the only so-lution to all problems with neighbors and measures taken across the Durand Line would not help eradicate terrorism”, he said, adding that the fight against terrorism ...(More on P4)...(2)

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