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Reg. No. NPO: 066 – 288 / PBO: 930038487 BBBEE STATUS: Level 1

Page 2: Reg. No. NPO: 066 288 / PBO: 930038487 BBBEE STATUS: Level 1 · Alcohol Harmful alcohol use Alcohol is the oldest and most widely used drug in the world. Consumed recreationally,

Marijuana/Dagga What is it? Even now that it is legal in South Africa it is still a mind-altering psychoactive drug. Dry, shredded, green/brown mix of flowers, stems, seeds and leaves from the cannabis sativa plant. THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) is the main ingredient that produces the psychoactive effect. Addictive.

Street Names Aunt Mary, BC Bud, Chronic, Dope, Gangster, Ganja, Grass, Hash, Herb, Joint, Mary Jane, Mota, Pot, Reefer, Sinsemilla, Skunk, Smoke, Weed, Yerba

How is it used? • Smoked as a cigarette or in pipe or bong • Smoked in blunts (cigar emptied of tobacco and filled with marijuana, and sometimes mixed with additional drugs) • Mixed with food (edibles) • Brewed as tea

How does it affect the body? • Relaxation, disinhibition, increased appetite, sedation, increased sociability • Effects memory and learning • Difficulty in thinking and problem-solving • Hallucinations • Impaired judgment, reduced coordination • Distorted perception • Decreased blood pressure, increased heart rate, dizziness, nausea, tachycardia • Confusion, anxiety, paranoia, drowsiness • Respiratory ailments

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Page 3: Reg. No. NPO: 066 288 / PBO: 930038487 BBBEE STATUS: Level 1 · Alcohol Harmful alcohol use Alcohol is the oldest and most widely used drug in the world. Consumed recreationally,

Mandrax South Africa is the largest abuser of Mandrax in the world. Statistics show that Mandrax with Dagga is still the drug of preference in the largest parts of South Africa. Mandrax is mainly sold in the form of a tablet and is highly addictive.

What is it? Mandrax is a synthetic drug that is compiled by means of the mixing of chemicals in a chemical process and a tablet is then produced. The active ingredient in Mandrax is Methaqualone. In the sixties and early seventies these tablets were prescribed as sleeping tablets. Other medicinal uses included illnesses like high blood pressure and anxiety attacks. It was however found that Mandrax had various side effects, especially if it was used with Dagga and alcohol, which was life threatening because it caused psychological and physical dependency.

Street Names White Pipe, Buttons, MX, Gholfsticks, Doodies, Lizards, Press outs, Flowers

Method of use The Mandrax tablet is usually crushed and mixed with Dagga and is then smoked in a Dagga pipe or better known as "Bottle neck". This is also known as the so-called "White pipe". In fact, it is the smoking of the "Bottle neck" that causes the distinctive stains on the palm of the hand of a Mandrax user.

Paraphernalia • broken bottles and bottle necks • homemade filters - known as a "Diamond" • brown stained tissues • containers used to spit in • Lotto and Tab tickets in which tablets are crushed

How does it affect the body? • serious emotional problems • depression • drastic weight loss • headaches • stomach cramps • insomnia • epilepsy • aggression • toxic psychosis • the muscle control of the body is effected which causes the Mandrax user to fall often Copyright ©2019

Page 4: Reg. No. NPO: 066 288 / PBO: 930038487 BBBEE STATUS: Level 1 · Alcohol Harmful alcohol use Alcohol is the oldest and most widely used drug in the world. Consumed recreationally,

Alcohol Harmful alcohol use Alcohol is the oldest and most widely used drug in the world. Consumed recreationally, most people do not have a problem with alcohol. However, millions do have a drinking problem. Many are alcoholics or suffer from the consequences of an alcohol-related or induced problem or disease. In South Africa, more than half the road accidents, more than 60% of the road deaths, domestic violence incidences and homicides are directly or indirectly related to alcohol consumption and harmful alcohol use.

What is alcoholism? Alcoholism is a treatable dependency on alcohol. It means that the drinker continues to drink despite the repeated negative effects on the person’s health, relationships, finances and other life areas.

Types of drinkers: The manner in which people consume alcohol often determines their behaviour. For many it is not a problem. What kind of drinker are you?

Social Drinkers • Mostly drink on generally accepted social occasions. • Do not feel regret, shame or guilt after drinking. • Can decide to stop drinking even when there is still plenty to drink. • Seldom or never have conflicts with those close to them about their drinking. • Consider and obey the ‘drinking and driving’ regulations in force. • Know their limits and stick to that. • Do not place themselves, family, friends or others at risk as a result of their drinking.

High Risk Drinkers • Occasionally experience blackouts (memory lapses) after drinking. • Can drink a lot before getting drunk. • Sometimes do or say things when they drink, which they regret afterwards. • Find that their weekends are usually filled with drinking occasions. • Behave impulsively and put themselves and others at risk as a result of their drinking.

Problem Drinkers • Various occasions where their drinking embarrasses or angers those around them. • Frequently drinks to alleviate a perceived problem – loss, loneliness, anger. • Frequently drinks to alleviate the symptoms of a hangover. • Lie about their drinking/drink in secret. • Experience major problems in their relationships. Copyright ©2019

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Common misconceptions about alcohol MISCONCEPTION Alcohol stimulates the brain to make people more sociable and outspoken.

FACT Alcohol depresses brain functions. By putting the rational part of the brain to sleep, inhibitions are reduced causing the person to believe he/she is more convivial, impulsive and cheerful.

MISCONCEPTION Being arrested for an alcohol-related offence is not a crime.

FACT If arrested and sentenced, even a suspended sentence, for an alcohol-related offence will be regarded as a criminal record that may come back to seriously haunt you later in life.

MISCONCEPTION Alcohol can be eliminated from the body faster by doing physical exercise.

FACT The liver breaks down alcohol at a steady rate and this cannot be changed by doing strenuous physical exercise, drinking black coffee or taking a cold shower. Although one may feel more awake after doing this, it will not bring the Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) down.

MISCONCEPTION A person who is an alcoholic needs to drink on a daily basis.

FACT Problem drinkers do not necessarily drink daily or even regularly. In fact, in a desperate attempt to control their drinking, some problem drinkers often successfully abstain for long periods.

Factors which would affect the way alcohol affects a person Alcohol concentration. The greater the alcohol content of the beverage, the more rapidly the alcohol is absorbed by the body when it is consumed. Presence of food in the stomach. Food dilutes the consumed alcohol, thus slowing down absorption of alcohol by the body. Speed of drinking. Gulping drinks would result in a rapid rise in blood alcohol content (BAC). Substances in the alcoholic beverage. Some beverages such as beer contain food substances which in themselves slow down absorption. Carbonated alcoholic drinks, on the other hand, will speed up absorption. Body weight. A person with a larger body mass generally has more blood (water) and therefore a given amount of alcohol will not be as concentrated as in the body of a person with a lower body mass. Effect of alcohol. It is a central nervous system depressant and therefore it will slow down and eventually put the entire brain to sleep. Alcohol affects everyone differently. If one person does not seem to be affected by a certain amount of alcohol it should not be assumed that another person will be affected in the exact same way. Be vigilant about what you drink and know your own limitations. Copyright ©2019

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Cigarettes About 8 million adults in SA smoke 27 billion cigarettes a year Fast Facts It’s a fact. Teens get hooked on tobacco every day. They don’t realize that trying cigarettes can lead to a life-long addiction. The tobacco companies don’t want you to know that; they want you to think smoking is cool. Read on and get the facts for yourself. The international theme for World No Tobacco Day on May 31 is “Tobacco - Threat to development”. New South African research confirms the detrimental effects of tobacco, even in the first year of life. Smoking rates in South Africa have decreased from 33% to 21%, mostly thanks to legislation and taxation. However, the decline in smoking has plateaued over the last decade, and South Africans still smoke too much - with nearly 8 million adults lighting up 27 billion cigarettes every year. Smoking prevalence remains the highest in the Western Cape, where 42% of men and one in four women still smoke. “Smoking increases your risk for heart attacks and stroke, lung cancer, pneumonia and emphysema - and also doubles your risk of tuberculosis,” said Professor Richard van Zyl-Smit of the University of Cape Town’s Lung Institute. “Some 50% of smokers will die early - 14 years earlier on average - from a smoking-related disease." Smoking habits often start young and children of smokers are more likely to start smoking themselves. The latest South African Global Youth Tobacco Survey reports that 17% of Grade 8 to Grade11 pupils smoke cigarettes regularly. A more recent study found similar figures among Western Cape university students, with the use of water pipes, commonly known as Hubbly bubblies or hookahs, rapidly increasing. “Perhaps the most worrying finding is that 66% of high school pupils don't feel confident enough to ask someone not to smoke around them. “This highlights just how vulnerable even a 17-year-old is to second-hand smoking,” says Dorothy Du Plooy, The Cancer Association of South Africa's (Cansa) general manager, Southern Business Unit. Tragically, the damage inflicted by second-hand smoking starts about 18 years earlier. “The consequences of second-hand smoking around infants and even unborn children are well known. Tobacco affects foetal development, increasing the risk of stillbirths, miscarriages, premature births, certain congenital malformations, poor foetal growth and sudden infant death syndrome,” said Professor Tony Westwood, head of paediatrics at Somerset Hospital, Western Cape Department of Health.

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Over 3,000 teens and preteens are sucked in daily: Every day, approximately 3,450 teens in the U.S. try their first cigarette. About 25% will become daily smokers. One in eight teens smokes cigarettes daily. Smoking addiction starts at a young age. More than 80% of adult smokers began smoking before 18 years of age.

Bad for your looks: Smoking ages your skin faster. It’s second only to sun exposure for giving you wrinkles. Tar, the sticky brown substance in tobacco products, stains smokers’ fingers and teeth. Smoking makes you stink! Your hair, breath and clothes smell bad.

Bad for your health: Smoking is linked to slowed growth of lung function in teens. They cannot run as fast or far. Smokers suffer from shortness of breath three times more than non-smokers. Tobacco abuse harms every organ in the body. It has been linked to leukaemia, cataracts and pneumonia, and accounts for about one-third of all cancer deaths. People who smoke cigarettes are 20 times more likely to develop lung cancer than non-smokers. Cigarette smoke is toxic and poisonous to the human body. It contains about 7,000 chemical agents, including almost 70 that cause cancer. Some of the toxins found in cigarette smoke are found in items such as rat poison, toilet cleaners and formaldehyde, which is used to preserve dead animals. Not feeling good (and your parents smoke)? Every year, second-hand smoke causes more than 202,000 asthma episodes and 790,000 doctor visits due to ear infections.

It’s a killer: Smoking is the single largest cause of preventable disease and death. Every hour, more than 50 people die from smoking cigarettes. That’s about 440,000 people a year. Smoking kills babies. Every year in the U.S., about 2,000 deaths from SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) are linked to second-hand tobacco smoke. More deaths are caused each year by tobacco use than by HIV, illegal drug use, alcohol use, motor vehicle injuries, suicides and murders combined. On average, smokers die 13 to 14 years earlier than non-smokers.

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What is environmental tobacco smoke? Environmental tobacco smoke includes second-hand and third hand smoke: Second-hand smoke comes from burning cigarettes, cigars or pipes, or smoke exhaled by a smoker. The concentration of chemicals in second-hand smoke is actually higher than the smoke inhaled directly from cigarettes. This means that if you live or hang out around smokers, you breathe the same stuff they do-and more!

Why it’s harmful: Second-hand smoke contains more than 4,000 chemicals including carbon monoxide, formaldehyde and hydrogen cyanide (the stuff they use in a gas chamber). Who wants to breathe air filled with poisons? It makes you more likely to get sick with everything from colds to pneumonia. You could miss out on a lot of fun stuff being sick all the time! Second-hand smoke can give you cancer or heart disease, and if you have asthma it can make it much worse. Because your lungs are still growing, second-hand smoke may permanently hurt your ability to breathe. This can make playing sports and running a lot harder.

Third hand smoke: When tobacco is burned toxic smoke particles cling to surrounding areas long after the smoke has cleared. Studies show that these particles react with pollutants in the air to release cancer-causing toxins. The smell of tobacco on a person’s clothes and hair or in room is how our nose warns us that toxins are present! There is no safe level of exposure to environmental tobacco smoke. If you have parents, relatives or friends who smoke, ask them not to smoke indoors or in the car, even if the windows are open, smoke can still get trapped inside. Tip: Try to keep the conversation polite and cool. You’ll get better results from a discussion than an argument. Yeah, smoking stinks. It stinks up your breath and your clothes. But it really stinks because smoking causes cancer, lung disease, heart disease … and death!

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Hubbly Bubbly So you think smoking Hubbly Bubbly is safer and less harmful than


Think Again Hubbly Bubbly contains harmful substances like: • Nicotine (ADDICTIVE) • Tar • Carbon Monoxide (Car Exhaust Fumes) • Heavy Metals (arsenic, cobalt, chromium and lead

Hubbly Bubbly are more harmful than cigarettes: • 1hour of smoking Hubbly leads to 200 times more smoke volume than 1 cigarette. • The smoke produced in a typical Hubbly smoking session can contain 38 times more tar and 8 times more carbon monoxide than 1 cigarette.

Smoking Hubbly can lead to long term health effects: • Cancer • Heart disease • Respiratory disease • Impotence • Skin wrinkling • Just being in a room where others are smoking hubbly can expose you to deadly chemicals • Toxins are not filtered out by the bubbling water because water is not a filter, it never was and it never will be. • Fruit flavours disguise the toxic substances, that is why teens love it and that is the marketing strategy used to get teens hooked. • Hubbly mouth pieces can spread Herpes (sexually transmitted disease) and TB

Hubbly Bubbly… Not so Lovely and definitely not Safer

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What is it? Very strong hallucinogen sold on streets that is odourless and colourless with high potential for abuse.

Street Names Acid, Blotter Acid, Dots, Mellow Yellow, Window Pane

How is it used? • Added to absorbent paper such as blotter paper divided into square dosage units • Tablets or capsules • Occasionally in liquid form

How does it affect the body? • Hallucinations • Distorted perception of shape and size of objects, colours, and sounds • Acute anxiety and depression • Flashbacks days and even months after • Elevated heart rate, higher body temperature, increased blood pressure, d dilated pupils • Overdose symptoms: longer, more intense episodes, psychosis and death.

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Page 11: Reg. No. NPO: 066 288 / PBO: 930038487 BBBEE STATUS: Level 1 · Alcohol Harmful alcohol use Alcohol is the oldest and most widely used drug in the world. Consumed recreationally,

Cocaine/Crack Cocaine

What is it? White, crystalline powder derived from coca leaves. Cocaine base (crack) looks like small, irregularly shaped white rocks.

Street Names Coca, Coke, Crack, Crank, Flake, Rock, Snow, Soda Cot

How is it used? • Snorted • Dissolved in water and injected • Crack cocaine is smoked • Cocaine users usually binge on the drug until they are exhausted or run out of cocaine.

Paraphernalia • Needle • Pipe • Small spoon • Straw or tube

How does it affect the body? • Smoking or injection creates an intense euphoric “rush” • Tolerance builds quickly, easy to overdose • Cardiac arrhythmias • Increased blood pressure and heart rate • Restlessness, irritability, anxiety, paranoia • Insomnia, loss of appetite • Stroke or death • Sudden cardiac arrest • Convulsion • The crash that follows a high is mental and physical exhaustion, sleep, and depression lasting several days. Following the crash, users crave cocaine again.

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Page 12: Reg. No. NPO: 066 288 / PBO: 930038487 BBBEE STATUS: Level 1 · Alcohol Harmful alcohol use Alcohol is the oldest and most widely used drug in the world. Consumed recreationally,

Heroin What is it? An opiate (narcotic) drug processed from morphine and extracted from certain poppy plants. Heroin comes in a white or brownish powder, or a black sticky substance known as “black tar heroin.” Often “cut” with other drugs or substances such as sugar or powdered milk. User is unaware how much actual heroin is being used, creating likelihood of overdose.

Street Names Big H, Black Tar, Chiva, Hell Dust, Horse, Negra, Smack, Thunder

How is it used? Injected, smoked, or sniffed/snorted. High purity heroin is usually snorted or smoked.

Paraphernalia • Needle • Pipe • Small spoon • Straw or tube

How does it affect the body? • Highly addictive. • Initial surge of euphoria or “rush,” followed by a twilight state of sleep and wakefulness.

Physical symptoms of use include: • drowsiness, • respiratory depression, • constricted pupils, • nausea, • a warm flushing of the skin, • dry mouth, and • heavy extremities.

Overdose symptoms: • slow and shallow breathing, • blue lips and fingernails, • clammy skin, • convulsions, • coma, and possible death

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What is it? Known as a party drug, ecstasy comes in pill or powder form; pill has a variety of logos and colours. Street Names Adam, Beans, Biscuit, Clarity, Disco Biscuit, E, Eve, Go, Hug Drug, Lover’s Speed, MDMA, Peace, STP, X, XTC

How is it used? • Swallowing gel capsules (Molly), pills, tablets • Powder, Crystal, liquid • Crushed or snorted • Occasionally smoked

Paraphernalia • Glow sticks • Pacifier

How does it affect the body? • Increased motor activity, alertness, heart rate, blood pressure • Muscle tension, tremors, teeth clenching, nausea, sweating • Euphoria, empathy, reduced inhibition • Chills, blurred vision • Confusion, anxiety, depression, paranoia, severe dehydration • Sharp increase in body temperature (hyperthermia), which can lead to liver, kidney and cardiovascular failure and death

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What is it? Invisible, volatile substances found in common household products, e.g., felt tip markers, spray paint, air freshener, typewriter correction fluid, butane, computer cleaners, glue. Includes more than 1,000 products that are harmful when inhaled.

Street Names Huff, Rush, Whippets, Gluey

How is it used? • Inhaled through nose or mouth • Huffing inhalant-soaked rag stuffed in mouth • Inhaling from balloon with nitrous oxide • Sniffing or snorting the substance from a container or dispenser • Inhaling fumes from substances in a bag

Paraphernalia Aerosol cans Balloons Rag

How does it affect the body? • Slight stimulation, feeling less inhibition, loss of consciousness • Damages sections of brain controlling thinking, moving, seeing • Slurred speech, loss of coordination, euphoria, dizziness • Long term use may cause damage to nervous system and organs • Sudden sniffing death may occur from suffocation or asphyxiation

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Crystal Meth/Tik/Methampetamine

What is it? Stimulant that speeds up body’s system that comes as pill or powder. Available In prescription as Desoxyn® to treat obesity and ADHD. Crystal meth resembles glass fragments and is an illegally altered version of the prescription drug that is cooked with over-the-counter drugs in meth labs.

Street Names Meth, Speed, Ice, Shards, Bikers Coffee, Stove Top, Tweak, Yaba, Trash, Chalk, Crystal, Crank, Shabu

How is it used? • Powder, pill • Smoked, snorted, injected • To intensify the effects, users may take higher doses of the drug, take it more frequently, or change their method of intake.

How does it affect the body? • Highly addictive • Agitation, increased heart rate and blood pressure • Increased respiration and body temperature • Anxiety, paranoia • High doses can cause convulsions, cardiovascular collapse, stroke or death

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About People Against Substance Abuse Our Purpose: Build a society where our youth are equipped and empowered to know, be solid in and live out their identity, their value and their self-worth so they can live lives of purpose. Our Vision: A purpose driven youth, free from substance abuse Our Mission: PASA empowers youth with life skills programmes for the prevention of habit and or addiction forming substance abuse. We provide early intervention, support and aftercare services, primarily to at risk youth in schools in the Western Cape. Our Core Values: Honesty Integrity Accountability Reliability Transparency Our Aim: Our passion is focused on impacting the lives of our youth through investing in on-going life skills projects through multimedia packages to provide guidance whereby generating lives of purpose and destiny due to moral generation.

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Programme rationale • Country perspective: ‘Drug consumption in South Africa is twice the world norm (CDA-2009). 15% of South Africa’s population have a drug problem (CDA). • Drug abuse is costing South Africa R20-billion a year and could pose a bigger threat to the country’s future than the Aids pandemic. • According to SAPS figures, 60 percent of crimes nationally were related to substance abuse. In the Western Cape, the figure was closer to 80 percent. The perpetrators of these crimes are either under the influence of substances or trying to secure money for their next fix. • In 2004, government disbanded the SA Narcotics Bureau (SANAB), a dedicated drug- fighting unit within the SAPS that had achieved some notable successes. Since its closure, drug-related crimes have increased exponentially – in fact by 30 percent. The recently- released United Nations World Drug Report had named South Africa as one of the drug capitals of the world. The abuse of alcohol and usage of dagga has led to the country to being one of the top ten narcotics and alcohol abusers in the world’

Eden District: ‘GEORGE NEWS - Drug and alcohol abuse was, once again, singled out as the major cause of crime in the Southern Cape during a crime statistics media briefing on Tuesday 31 October where Eden Cluster Commander, Maj-Gen Oswald Reddy, analyzed the various increases and decreases in crime in the district. According to the trends, George was the most problematic station with some serious and property-related crimes such as robbery at non-residential premises, theft of a motor vehicle, theft out or from a motor vehicle, commercial crime - mostly internet related - general theft and shoplifting’ Youth at schools in the Western Cape: ‘Western Cape Minister of Education Debbie Schafer has expressed her concern after drug tests in the province’s schools came back with alarming results. What’s even more worrying, the problem is in both primary and high schools. A statement from the Western Caped Education Department (WCED) revealed that drug tests from various schools during the first half of 2017 have come back with the majority of results showing positive for drug usage. A total of 360 primary school learners from 36 schools were tested, 229 tested positive. 605 high school learners from 17 school were tested, 415 tested positive. Tests were only conducted on learners who had been previously suspected of drug usage’

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WHAT WE DO Schools Ministry: We work mainly in schools where we are accommodated by the principal and talk to learners of all grades

but our focus is on teaching life skills to grade 7 learners over a longer period of time as the school makes

room for the program to be implemented. We have over the years adopted 5 schools within the George area

and work in these schools year after year with all the grade 7 learners and we have build strong relationships

with the principals and teachers at these schools. These schools are:

• Conville Primary

• Dellville Park Primary

• Kretzenshoop Primary

• Olympia School

• Van Kervel School

• Every year our organisation reach at least 28000 young people

in various schools with a message of hope.

• Every year at least 1200 grade 7 learners go through our life skills program.

Parents Ministry: People Against Substance Abuse also run a course for parents

called “Drugs & Addiction” and it is facilitated by Freddy Trout.

Most parents don’t know what to do or hoe to react when they are

faced with the reality of their kids abusing or being addicted to drugs.

They do not have the skills to identify the problem at an early stage or

where to get help or how to handle the situation and most times they

cause more damage by the way they react. That is why this course was

written, to equip them with the necessary skills to identify the problem

early and get the best kind of help at the right time. Course material are

fact based an very well researched and are updated on a regular basis ensuring parents get the latest up to

date information.

Consultations: People Against Substance Abuse also have an office at the Family Transformation Centre every Friday where

the public and especially parents can make an appointment to see either Freddy to get advice or information.

Many parents come to this office on a weekly basis seeking help for either their children or family members.

From June 2013 to date, the organisation have referred over 84 people to rehab centres for help. Out of this

84 people, 45 people have already completed their programme and only 3 people have relapsed so far.

Information: People Against Substance Abuse also print and distribute 2500 booklets on a monthly basis with up to date

information on different kind of drugs in schools, hospitals, police stations, doctor’s rooms, businesses and

clinics around George, Mosselbay and Knysna. The printing and distribution of these booklets are made

possible by local businesses that have partnered with the organisation and contribute financially on a monthly

basis. These booklets have become very popular in our community.

People Against Substance Abuse also print and distribute at least 6000 A2 size full colour posters per year in

schools, hospitals, police stations, doctor’s rooms, businesses and clinics in and around George. These have

also become very popular among teachers as a teaching aid in classrooms and the police also use them in the

prevention projects at schools.

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• By praying for us regularly. We do not just teach life skills on the subject of drug

abuse/addiction but we engage in a very real spiritual battle everyday and we need to be

covered by prayer every moment of every day.

• Volunteer at schools: If you have a testimony to tell of how God saved you out of drug

addiction then we would like to hear from you.

• Fund Raising. We have general month to month fundraising projects where we need people

to help.

• Fundraising Events. We try to have at least 4 events per year and need more people to get

involved in these.

• Contributing Financially. This is our biggest area of need. Partnering with us on a

monthly basis will really help with the day to day running of the ministry as we do most of

the work in schools free of charge.

• Sponsor a learner: We have a sponsor a learner programme for our programmes we do

during school holidays twice a year. During the periods we work with up 160 learners and

provide transport, material and meals for them when they attend the programme.

Donations can be collected from your office or home, just contact our office to make arrangements or use our banking details below to transfer directly. Please leave your

name as a reference.

BANK DETAILS: People Against Substance Abuse Fnb Cheque Account Number: 623 652 58295 Branch Code: 210 114 George Branch Please use the cash accepting ATM at the bank to make cash deposits.

If you would like to get involved in any of the areas mentioned above then

you can contact us on:

Office: 044 150 0007 or [email protected]

Freddy Trout: 071 090 4450 or [email protected]

Wayne Windvoël: 071 469 9353 or [email protected]

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• Prevention and Awareness Schools – Youth Groups – Churches

Businesses – School Holiday Programmes

• Information Sessions

• Life Skills Training/Camps

• Parents Information Workshops

• Referrals/Transportation to Rehabs

• Consultations with family of Addicts

Please note that we are not a Rehabilitation Centre and focus only on

Prevention and Awareness but we can help to get people into Rehabilitation


Reg. No. NPO: 066 – 288 / PBO: 930038487 Website:

Head Office

044 150 0007 / [email protected] Office No 3, Doneraile House, 7 Doneraile Street, George, 6529

Overberg Branch 3038 Mhlaba Street, Botrivier, 7185

Edmund Arendse: 061 150 2809 / [email protected] Facebook:

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