
Registration Form - For one Delegate - General Meeting of the RCAF Association - Delta London Armouries Hotel - 28, 29 October 2016

Mail to: RCAF Association, PO Box 2460 Stn D, Ottawa, ON, K1P 5W6, Attn: Wendy Song

Early-bird Registration - If you register before 01 September 2016 you could be eligible for the “Early-bird” Prize (Free* Registration)

1. Regular members-in-good-standing qualify as delegates. Wing Presidents, certain Group executive members, members of the National Executive Council (Board of Directors) and past presidents constitute Accredited Delegates. All other Regular members-in-good-standing constitute Fraternal delegates unless in possession of a validated proxy. Members-at-Large are Regu-lar members. Only Regular members may vote at the National General Meeting. Regular members affiliated with a Wing are ex-pected to vote on General Meeting issues at a meeting of their Wing, before sending their delegate to vote on their behalf at the meeting of the Association. Regular members-at-large who are affilated with headquarters may cast a vote at the general meet-ing and their vote will be carried by their proxy (Vice-President MAL Policy or the National President, as the case may be).2. Members and delegates are not obligated to attend all events. The Presidents’ Reception is optional. The banquet is optional. Anyone, especially Accredited delegates, wishing to attend the Business Session is/are required to pay the $65 admission fee, which also covers breakfast, mid-morning coffee break, lunch and mid-afternoon coffee break, venue (meeting space) rental, audio-video costs and other administrative costs.

Delegate1 Status (please select only one)Accredited Fraternal Member-at-Large

Attendee Information - one form for each member

Address 1Name

Membership No.Wing No.

Address 2CityProv/State Postal/Zip Code


E-mailEmergency Contact and Special Needs Information

Emergency Contact Name

Emergency Contact PhoneSpecial Needs: (Dietary, Medical, Handicap Parking, Travel, Other)

Travel Itinerary (Arrival in London)Airline Flight No.Date and Time of Arrival

Travel Itinerary (Departure from London)Airline Flight No.Date and Time of Departure

Wing members uncertain as to delegate status please consult with your Group, or call the RCAF Association

Executive Director at 1-866-351-2322 ext. 221

Delta London Armouries Hotel, 325 Dundas St, London, ON N6B 1T9, $129 per night, quote “Air Force Associa-tion of Canada” when reserving - call 1-888-236-2427. Reservations must be received on or before Thursday 29 September 2016 (“Cutoff Date”). In order to secure an adequate venue, reflecting the pride we have for the RCAF Association, we have contracted a minimum num-ber of room nights and meeting space. Please help us avoid penalty fees, book with the Delta London hotel.

Accommodation Information

Events2 and Registration Fees3 (Check all that apply)NEC Members Only Required

National Executive Council - Meeting 6:00 - 7:30 PM

Friday - 28 October 2016

Saturday - 29 October 2016 - Business Sessions 9:00 AM

Presidents’ Reception - 7:30 PM $42

Breakfast (7:00 AM), Coffee Breaks, Lunch (Package)⁴

Awards Banquet - 7:00 PM $85

Formal Events Begin - All Delegates and Guests Welcome

Sub-total (Enter $192 for three events) $HST (13%) (Enter $25 for three events) $

Total (Pay by cheque to “RCAF Association”, M.O. or Credit Card), $217 if attending all three events $

$65Saturday - 29 October 2016 - Awards Banquet

Payment Information (Cheque, M.O., or Credit Card)

Visa MasterCard American Express

Expiry Date

Enter Card No. Above

CSC Code

Retired RCAF?


3. Registration fees must be paid in advance. Payment will not be accepted at the door. All costs per person. Regis-trants must use separate registration forms. If you require an additional form, you may photocopy it locally, or print an-other copy of the form, by visiting: This Business Session package cost covers breakfast, coffee breaks and lunch, on Saturday.5. Wings unable to send a delegate are encouraged to re-cord member votes on the proxy form, and have their Re-gional Vice-president and/or Group President carry their proxy to the meeting.

Notes (Continued)

Delta London Armouries Hotel, 325 Dundas, London


You are cordially invited to the RCAF Association General Meeting, London, Ontario

28, 29 October 2016

Dear Member, Like all other non-profit associations, fraternities and social community-focused organizations, we look forward to our general meeting. We are therefore writing to you, to seek your ac-tive participation in shaping your association, as we move forward.Participating in the affairs of your association is not difficult, nor does it require much of your time. Rather, all we ask is for you to be aware of what other members are thinking, and for you to weigh in with your ideas, where you feel the need. While no single member or group of members “owns” the association, each and every one of us shares in all of its successes and all of its failures. This is why it is so important to become involved, and show how much you care. We are a diverse organization - not all of us have served in the air force. Some of our members are focused on, and are bet-ter equipped to, devote themselves toward important community-supporting activities. Others also give of themselves to local cadet squadrons, devoting countless hours, days, weeks, months and years to young Canadians who one day may pursue an aerospace career - civilian or military - for the betterment of Canada. How we balance these interesting challenges, alongside our commemo-ration of our country’s air force traditions and accomplishments, is something you can help us with. Our General Meeting this year takes place in London, Ontario. Events will be held at the Delta London Armouries Ho-tel at 325 Dundas Street. Amongst the many projects currently the focus of your RCAF Associaiton Trust Fund, are support to the Jet Aircraft Museum and the Secrets of Radar Museum, both located in London. We committed ourselves to a two-year fund-raising campaign, to help raise funds for important air force tradi-tions, support to Wings in need, and financial assistance for our air cadets. We would like to make a donation from the Trust fund to both of the museums mentioned, as part of our RCAF com-memorative mission. If you are unable to join us in London, but you would like to make a donation to either or both museums, please visit and search for Royal Canadian Air Force Trust

On Saturday evening, 29 October 2016, we will hold our Awards Banquet, and present a number of awards to association

members, wings and organizations. During the banquet we will also be announcing winners of our significant trophies for the air force men and women who are deemed worthy of the association’s formal recognition. The weekend’s activities open in a formal way, with the Presidents’ Reception on Friday night. We sincerely hope you can join us; we are especially grateful to the many Wing Presi-dents who have dedicated themselves to their important role, and are planning to attend, to at least convey the votes and opinions of members in their Wing. Thank you for your kind consideration. Terry Chester, CDNational President

Secrets of Radar Museum, 930 Western Counties Rd., London, ON, N6C 4R3 (519) 691-5922Visit for more information.

Jet Aircraft Museum, 2465 Aviation Ln, London, ON, N5V 3Z9 (519) 453-7000Visit for more infor-mation.Photo credits: Kevin W. Moore Photography

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