Page 1: Remembering the Amendments


A Review

Page 2: Remembering the Amendments

First AmendmentReligion, Assembly, Press, Petition, Speech;

the FIRST thing you do is learn how to SPEAK


But How do I remember it???

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Second AmendmentRight to Bear Arms

A bear has TWO ARMS

But How do I remember it???

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Third Amendment

No quartering of troops unless there is a war. Not here

Three’s a CROWD

But How do I remember it???

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Forth Amendment

No search without a warrant

We searched 4 a WARRANT.

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Fifth Amendment

 Due process and protection of property; The right to remain silent

I plead the 5th

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Sixth Amendment

Fair and speedy trial


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Seventh Amendment

Right to a jury trial in civil cases

But How do I remember it???

Seven is your lucky number for justice by a jury.

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Eighth Amendment

   No cruel and unusual punishment; 

EIGHT says you can’t “ATE” me.

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Ninth Amendment

   Rights not specifically mentioned in the Constitution should not be assumed not

to exist

#9 Says more rights are MINEThe 9 looks like a P written backward. P

stands for POWER to the PEOPLE

But How do I remember it???

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Tenth Amendment

   Rights of the states

But How do I remember it???There are 10 Amendment rights, Amendment 10 gives rights to the states.

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Eleventh Amendment

   Sovereign immunity

But How do I remember it???The 1’s are equal and so are the states. So they can’t sue each other.

Immunity of states to foreign suits

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Twelfth Amendment

   Revision of presidential election procedures

But How do I remember it???The 1, 2 position

President is #1, and the Vice President is #2

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Thirteenth Amendment

Slavery abolished

13 is an unlucky number, but a lucky one if you are a


But How do I remember it???

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Fourteenth Amendment

  Citizenship, state due process, state equal protection 

13 freed the slaves, 14 made them a citizen

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Fifteenth Amendment

   Every Man Can Vote

Every Man Can Vote(15 letters in this phrase)

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Sixteenth Amendment

   Pay income tax

But How do I remember it???

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Seventeenth Amendment

   Two senators are elected by the people for each state

But How do I remember it???senators are elected, too

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Eighteenth Amendment


Your 18, You Can’t Drink

But How do I remember it???

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Nineteenth Amendment

   Women's vote

At 19 you’re a woman, so you can VOTE

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Twentieth Amendment

 Term Commencement for congress

President starts work on the 20th of January, and Congress on the 3rd

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Twenty-first Amendment

   Prohibition repealed.

At 21, You Can Drink

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Twenty-second Amendment

 Presidential terms

2-2 president can serve 2 terms

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Twenty-third Amendment

   Representation of Washington, D.C. in Electoral College

Washingtonians can VOTE!

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Twenty-Fourth Amendment

   Poll Taxes Abolished

Poll rhymes with Toll. You pay money at a TOLL bridge, so 24 takes away the Toll (money) at the Poll. The POLL is TOLL free.

But How do I remember it???

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Twenty-Fifth Amendment

   Presidential disabilities

Sets a line of succession for when Presidents resign or pass away.

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Twenty-Sixth Amendment

   Voting age lowered to 18)

The right for18-year-olds to vote was confirmed. 2+6=8 teen can vote

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Twenty-Seventh Amendment

   Variance of congressional compensation

Congress gets a pay raise. 27 is the last amendment and a pay raise for congress the LAST thing we want.

But How do I remember it???

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