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Report 2: “First Green mobility” in Tomelloso, Spain Wednesday 21st November 2012 8.30 - 10.00 The opening meeting: welcome speeches given by the headteacher of Santo Tomas - La Milagrosa: Mercedes Gonzalez and the project coordinator: Peter De Deyn. Plenty of warm words were said.

Last preparations before starting the meeting.

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Mercedes Gonzalez giving a welcome speech. She fully opened the school to us. She told us to enjoy our time, to be productive and of course to be happy of sharing this time with our students giving them a explicit working, commitment and passion for what we do model.

Peter De Deyn presenting the aims of the meeting. Project participants presented their schools and own countries during the presentation session.

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Meeting the representative of the local education authorities.

Stressing the importance of the project. 10.00 - 10.30 Coffee break: time for resting, getting to know each other and experiencing new tastes.

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10.30 – 13.00 Visiting the school departments, classrooms and facilities. Meeting a lot of wonderful people, observing some lessons and experiencing other methods and culture.

Exploring and experiencing the school.

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10:30 -13:00 h. Work session. Pupils work in a final report about their point of view of the project, their expectations, their thoughts about the present and the future of the renewable energies etc. This report was presented to the teachers in the next activity.

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13.00 – 14.00 Work session: project LOGO contest. The best logo designed by Hungarian students.

16.30 -17.30Workshop:Key Competences and Multiple Intelligences.Trends in Education. We heard a wonderful presentation, consisting of two separate parts.Firstly, Juan Jose Pagan Casanova presented the latest trends in education.

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Secondly, we viewed the animate presentation at the RSA ‘Changing Education Paradigms’ by Sir Ken Robinson, world-renowned education and creativity expert. Both parts were interesting and useful. Finally, we had a short discussion about how to educate our children to take their place in the changing world. 18.00- 18.30 Town Hall Reception. We met some local businessmen and politicians

After brief welcome speeches, the project participants were awarded with sponsors’ souvenirs.Then, all together we took a photo for the press and memory.

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Thursday 22nd November 2012 8.30-9.30 Presentations about renewable energies by each school.

9.30-11.00 We visited a windmill field (Campo de Criptana) where we were informed about the function and usage of the windmills.

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11.30-12.30 Visit to a recycling plant (Alcázar de San Juan) which services 21 towns in the area. After a short presentation our guide showed us around.

13.30-14.30 Journey to Toledo, The City of the Three Cultures . For centuries, re and the we came back to Tomelloso.

Friday 24th November 2012 9:00 On Friday morning we visited a traditional cave wine cellar and we watched how the Spanish used to procude wine. We learned a lot of things About the ways of producing wine.

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11:00 In addition to this we visited “Vinicola de Tomelloso” wine cellar, Which is the region with the biggest production of wine in Europe and the second biggest in the world. We watched how the wine was made and how the wine was made and how was bottled.

13:00 After that, we made a visit to ARSA Alcohol producer and Bio-Mass Power Plant. There, we were in formed about this type of renewable energy, which is the most developed in Spain.

16:00 In the afternoon we visited a solar power station in Tomelloso, this solar farm is an electricity generating compound which uses Solar Photovoltaic Technology . It became true thanks to the collaboration of three local companies. It is located in a rural terrain near Tomelloso . It ’s got equivalent generates power for 45 homes . We were shown how it works by the engineers of the farm.

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In the afternoon we had a teacher’s meeting to discuss about the main topics of the Project and to prepare the next mobility to Poland in March, 2013.

Saturday 24th November 2012

This last day started early because of the back home bus ride at 7 AM. In front of the town hall all pupils said farewell to their Spanish host families and friends. With a lot of tears and laughs all promised to stay friends for life; For sure these past days were a lifetime experience. The early bus trip in the dark was an occasion to catch some sleep and exchange coordinates.

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After a first drop off at the airport, we made a tour by bus to Madrid. We were surprised by the size of the city and the quality of historical and modern architecture. In the magnificent city we were guided by Ana Maria and Juanjo, two Spanish teachers. Thanks to their guidance we didn’t fall into tourist traps. Thanks to Europe and Comenius we had an inside view on this city and experienced some wonderful moments with long lasting friendships. All countries went back home after the sightseeing tour in Madrid. Only Greece and Lithuania slept one night more in Madrid because their airplane left the next day early in the morning.

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