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Page 1: Reported speech

Reported Speech

What is it? How do you use it?

Yesterday, I saw my friend Pamela! She told me that

she got a promotion!

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Reported Speechis the grammar we use when we want to tell when we want to tell another person about a conversation that another person about a conversation that

took place in the pasttook place in the past.We often use reported speech to . . .

1. Give someone a telephone messageGive someone a telephone message:Example:Example: Ellen said she couldn’t come today because…

2. Tell someone news that we heard Tell someone news that we heard from someone else:from someone else:Example:Example: Tom told me that he and Karen got engaged!

3. To report something that happened:To report something that happened:Example:Example: Sam said that the other driver wasn’tpaying attention and hit his car.

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How to use reported speech:

When we use reported speech, we are usually talking about the past.

Therefore, verbs usually change to the past tense in reported speech.

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am / is become wasare becomes were

have / has

become had

can / can’t becomecould couldn’t

will / won’t


would wouldn’t

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Reported speech typically uses the following structure:

Someone said (that) … Sentence, past

ORSomeone told me (that) … Sentence,past

However, in English, you can NEVER say

Someone said me . . .

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Examples of Examples of reporting what reporting what

someone said . . .someone said . . .I talked to Sandra yesterday. She was telling me about her job. Her job is quite stressful. Sandra said:

“I’m not happy at my job

anymore. I think I’ll quit.”

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Sandra said, “I’m not happy at my job anymore. I think

I’ll quit.Now you want to tell someone else what Sandra said. In this situation, it’s natural to

use reported speech:reported speech: You can say:

Sandra told me that shehappy at her job anymore and she she quit.

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Examples for practice:Examples for practice:

1. Peter said:“I don’t feel like going to the cinema tonight.”

Reported speech:

Peter said that he didn’t feel like going to the cinema that night.

2. Tina said:“My sister is coming to visit me soon.”

Reported speech:

Tina told me that her sister was coming to visit her soon.

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. . . And more examples:

3. The teacher said:“I’ll always be available for my students.”

Reported speech:The teacher said that she would always be available for her students.

4. The students said:“We want to do oral presentations in class so we can practice speaking more.

Reported speech:The students told me that they wantedto do oral presentations so they could practice speaking more.

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