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Skins is a teenage drama about students who are at college studying for their A-levels. We delve into each Of their lives individually and they fit the stereotype of ‘typical teenagers’ where they are enjoying their youth and not caring too much about the consequences. Skins is ideal to show the representations of age as they are seen throughout the series, getting in trouble with the police and their parents. But also they are seen in a positive light, by helping each other out and other people. Which can be overlooked.

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The clip you just watched shows the teenagers entering a pub and fights break out.Mise-en-scene

When they first enter the pub they are greeted with displeasing looks, and are looked down on by the older generation. This is a representation of age because we see the generic stereotype for youth. The idea that they are loud, rowdy and inconsiderate. But we are also shown a representation of age from the older generation. Who are looking down on them.

Possibly because of this, a fight kicks off and we see the stereotype of their age come into play. But here, the older people in the pub are fighting with them. Making them just as bad. But highlighting the skins cast in a bad way because of the connotations of their age. Therefore kicking off and getting involved in bad behaviour also.

However, not all characters are like this, as we see one of them hiding under a table, not wanting to be part of the fighting and not causing any trouble. This is a representation of age because this character is very non confrontational and possibly showing more maturity than the older people in the pub. Contradicting the stereotype. And also showing another way age can be represented. Opposite to the rest of the cast.

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At the end of the clip we see them jumping off a wall. This is a representation of age because it is showing them being careless and happy. Enjoying their youth. Skins is a good tv drama to show the representations of age because within the show, there are many characters, all with different stories and lives which show the representations of age in very different ways. We have a character called ‘Cook’ who is very violent and doesn’t really care about anyone. Then we have a character ‘Pandora’ who is away with the fairies most of the time but is kind to everyone and is a very bubbly and funny character. Opposite to cook but both these characters represent stereotypes of age and things that are overlooked by people too. Which shows us lots of different angles to age representations of adolescence.

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Camera angles/Lighting

This camera angle is very low, to represent the character shown. This angle makes her look very weak and timid. Which fits the character’s personality. Using different camera angles within a TV drama, can express representations of many themes, such as age. For instance this character, is quite immature, and shy, and this camera angle helps establish this, in the skins trailer.Using lighting, colours and shadows in a TV drama can express emotions of characters to the audience. For example in this screen shot the lighting is dark and dull, which mirrors how the character is scared and the shadows in the shot connote her fear.

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• The majority of this clip is in slow motion to emphasize the message and it also makes the audience envy their rebelliousness and care free attitude. The reactions people are giving them when they walk in is also slowed down to make the message clearer. Adding this element makes the fighting look more fun rather than frightening.

• At the end of the clip we see them jumping in slow motion to add a fictional element and not seeing them land makes us think that nothing can go wrong and is a form of escapism.

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Stereotypes - CostumeEffy is presented wearing short, revealing clothes with fish net tights and big boots which portrays her to seem more sexualised and reckless.Not all teenage girls dress like this, though many older people think young people dress very provocatively like they’re trying to act older, which her costume reflects.

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