











RFP NO: PR No. 12668(Welfare)16-17

February, 2017

State Mission Director

Bihar Integrated Child Development Services Society


Indira Bhawan, 2nd Floor,

Ram Charitra Singh Path,

Bailey Road, Patna,

Bihar - 800001

Ph: 0612 – 2457341

Email: [email protected] / [email protected]




















































1. The information contained in this Request for Proposal (“the RFP”) document or

subsequently provided to Applicant(s) / Proposer(s), whether verbally or in

documentary or any other form by or on behalf of Bihar Integrated Child Development

Services Society (BICDSS) or any of their employees or advisors, is provided to

Proposer(s) on the terms and conditions set out in this RFP and such other terms and

conditions subject to which such information is provided.

2. This RFP may not be appropriate for all persons, and it is not possible for BICDSS, its

employees and advisors to consider the investment objectives, financial situation and

particular needs of each party who reads or uses this RFP.

3. BICDSS may in its absolute discretion at any time, but without being under any

obligation to do so, update, amend or supplement the information, assessment or

assumptions contained in this RFP. BICDSS may also withdraw or cancel this RFP at

any time without assigning any reasons thereof.

4. The issue of this RFP does not imply that BICDSS is bound to select a Proposer or to

appoint the Selected Proposer or Selected Applicant, as the case may be, to be a Joint

Venture Partner. BICDSS reserves the right to reject all or any of the Proposal or

Proposals without assigning any reason whatsoever.

5. The Proposer shall bear all its costs associated with or relating to the preparation and

submission of its Proposal including but not limited to preparation, copying, postage,

delivery fees, expenses associated with any demonstrations or presentations which

may be required by BICDSS or any other costs incurred in connection with or relating

to its Proposal. All such costs and expenses will remain with the Proposer and BICDSS

shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever for the same or for any other costs or

other expenses incurred by a Proposer in preparation or submission of the Proposal,

regardless of the conduct or outcome of the RFP Process.



S. No. Particulars Definition

A.1 Proposal

The Technical and Financial Proposal having all

the documents required under this RFP

including, but not limited to, information in

prescribed format, required documents,

certificates, prescribed affidavits, Detail Project

Report (DPR) and other documents required for

fulfilling the eligibility criteria.

A.2 Applicant(s) / Proposer(s)

An Individual / Proprietor / Partnership / Co-

operative Society / Corporation / Government

Undertaking / Company registered under

Companies Act 1956 / 2013 itself or its

subsidiary / holding or any other legal entity,

who have submitted proposal against this RFP.

A.3 Proposal Documents

The documents, affidavits, samples, test

reports, etc. as required under this RFP, to be

submitted alongwith proposal and including but

not limited to all the documents for

substantiating claim of Proposer for fulfilment of

its eligibility criteria. The documents submitted

should be legible and should be properly


A.4 Proposal Due Date / Last

Date of Submission On 28th February 2017 upto 15:00 HRS

A.5 Proposal Security or EMD

FDR / Bank Guarantee issued by any

Nationalized or Scheduled Bank, in the format

prescribed under Appendix - VIII, for

Rs. 10,00,00,000/- (Rupees Ten Crores only).

A.6 RFP Process

The process of inviting RFP, receipt of

proposals, evaluation of proposals, online

verification, testing of samples (A.41) as per

Product Specifications (A.27), selection of

qualified Proposer, execution of Agreement

(A.9) and SHA (A.35), including but not limited

to all the activities relating to selection of

Selected Proposer against this RFP.

A.7 Proposal Validity Period 180 days from the Proposal Due Date (A.4)

A.8 Eligibility Criteria As defined in Clause - 4.

A.9 Agreement

The Agreement to be executed between

BICDSS and Selected Proposer(s). It will be

provided to the selected proposer(s)

subsequently for establishing manufacturing unit

in the State of Bihar and manufacture & supply


of MFEDF Items.

A.10 Letter of Award /

Acceptance (LoA)

A Letter of Award / Acceptance (LoA) to be

issued to the selected proposer(s)


A.11 Equity Participation

An equity participation in proposed JV Company

between BICDSS and Selected Proposer in the

ratio of 30:70 respectively (i.e. 30% of BICDSS

and 70% of Selected Proposer).

A.12 Responsive Proposal A proposal, which is fulfilling all the condition and

criteria, prescribed under this RFP.

A.13 Non Responsive


A proposal, which is not fulfilling any one or all of

the condition and criteria, prescribed under this


A.14 Technically Qualified


The Proposer(s), who has / have submitted all

the required documents against this RFP and

conforming all the conditions and criteria

prescribed under this RFP and which after in

depth evaluation has been found suitable by

Proposal Evaluation Committee for further

consideration in the process for the selection of


A.15 Selected Proposer(s)

The Proposer, who has been selected by the

Proposal Evaluation Committee (A.21) after final

evaluation shall be issued LoA (A.10).

A.16 BICDSS Bihar Integrated Child Development Services

Society, Government of Bihar.

A.17 DSW Department of Social Welfare, Government of


A.18 Beneficiaries

Present beneficiaries being children 6 months to

3 years, severely malnourished children 6

months to 3 years, pregnant women, lactating

mothers and adolescent girls under ICDS and

SABLA Schemes and / or any other

beneficiaries as may be included by Ministry of

Women and Child Development, Government of

India or DSW from time to time.

A.19 National Food Security

Act (NFSA)

National Food Security Act, 2013 (No. 20 of

2013) as amended from time to time.

A.20 Supplementary Nutrition


Supplementary Nutrition (under the Integrated

Child Development Services Scheme) Rules,

2015 notified under National Food Security Act,

2013 and as approved by Ministry of Women

and Child Development (MoWCD), Government

of India and amended from time to time.


A.21 Proposal Evaluation


Committee constituted by the BICDSS / DSW for

evaluation of Proposals submitted by the

Proposers against this RFP.

A.22 Shelf Life

The Shelf Life of the Micronutrient Fortified

Energy Dense Food Items when packed (A.23)

should not be less than 90 days from the date of



Micronutrient Fortified

Energy Dense Food

(MFEDF) Items

MFEDF Items means Ready to Cook / Ready to

Eat Food items to be provided as THR as

specified by the Ministry of Women and Child

Development, Government of India under

Revised Nutritional and Feeding Norms issued

on 24/02/2009 or as amended from time to time

by MoWCD. It should be prepared without using

any preservative. During the manufacturing

process, it should be fortified as per MoWCD,

NFSA and FSSAI guidelines with essential

micronutrients as per specifications provided

(A.27). The MFEDF Items do not require any

further processing / extensive cooking or

addition of any raw material before distribution

among the beneficiaries.

A.24 Products / Recipes

MFEDF Items should conform to the guidelines /

norms issued by the Government of India with

regard to the Nutritional Norms. However, the

same shall be subject to change / modification

as per acceptability and palatability among the

beneficiaries. MFEDF items shall be

manufactured without use of any color,

preservatives and should also conform to the

A.25 and A.27.

A.25 Roasting / Extrusion

Cooking Process

Process for manufacturing of MFEDF Items

through Roasting / Extrusion cooking process.

A.26 Manufacturing Unit

The manufacturing unit should have fully

automated manufacturing facility for

manufacturing and delivery of MFEDF Items as

prescribed under Annexure - A. During

manufacturing processes use of human hands

should be avoided as desired under order

issued by Hon’ble Supreme Court Order in its

judgement dated 19.08.2011 in the case of

Shagun Mahila Udhyogik Sahkari Sanstha



A.27 Product Specifications

MFEDF Items as prescribed under A.23 & A.24,

which has been manufactured by process

prescribed under clause A.25 and should fully

comply with the guidelines / norms issued by

the Ministry of Women & Child Development,

Government of India and should also conform to

technical specifications provided under

Annexure – A.

A.28 Take Home Ration (THR)

As defined under National Food Security Act,

2013 and Revised Nutritional & Feeding Norms

dated 24.02.2009 issued by Ministry of Women

and Child Development, Government of India.

THR should be given in the form palatable to the

beneficiary and is seen as food exclusively

consumed by the beneficiary instead of entire


A.29 Adjusted Tangible Net


Net Worth (Capital + Reserves) minus

Intangible Assets and Investments in group /

associate concerns.

A.30 Annual Production


Production Capacity of Manufacturing Unit for

Manufacturing of MFEDF Items with process

and method prescribed under A.25 meeting with

the Product Specifications as per A.27 and to be

calculated as TPH x 22 x 300 (Ton Per Hour x

22 hrs. in a day x 300 days in a year).

A.31 Delivery Destination

ICDS Project Godowns or at other specified

Godowns / Locations at Block Level in the State

of Bihar.

A.32 Security Deposit

FDR / Bank Guarantee issued by any

Nationalized or Scheduled Bank, in the format

prescribed under Appendix - XI, for

Rs. 25,00,00,000/- (Rupees Twenty-Five Crores


A.33 Joint Venture (JV)


Company incorporated by the Selected JV

Partner and BICDSS in the State of Bihar

A.34 Infrastructure

Infrastructure include manufacturing unit for

manufacture of MFEDF Items and should

include in-house laboratory (with all necessary

equipment), fortification equipment, packing

unit, separate Godowns for storage of raw

material & finished products, sufficient power

supply / backup, RO Plant, office, roads and

drainage and arrangement of necessary

logistics to complete the supply chain up to the


ICDS Project Godowns or at other specified

Godowns / Locations at Block Level. The

infrastructure should be in conformity with the

existing rule & regulations of State and Central

Government and as amended from time to time.

A.35 Shareholder Agreement


The Shareholder Agreement (SHA) to be

executed between BICDSS, JV Company and

Selected Proposer


Due Date for

Establishment of

Manufacturing Unit

18 Months from the date of incorporation of

proposed JV Company after issuance of LoA


A.37 Date of Commencement

of Supplies

Commencement of manufacturing and

supplying of MFEDF (A.23) within two months

from the date of execution of the Agreement


A.38 Last Three Financial

Years 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16

A.39 Turnover

Turnover achieved from manufacturing and

supplying of MFEDF (A.23) against the order

placed in its own name issued by the

Department of Women and Child Development /

Social Welfare Department of any State / UT

Government under ICDS and / SABLA Scheme

shall only be considered. The turnover achieved

by trading of MFEDF shall be excluded.

Turnover from business operations would

exclude all non-recurring receipts / income such

as income from sale of fixed assets, income

from sale of investments, income from sale of

products other than MFEDF (A.23) and other

non-business incomes.

A.40 Open Market Sale of MFEDF items to public at large whether

in India or abroad.

A.41 Sample Submission

2 Samples of each type of MFEDF Item (A.24)

for each category of beneficiary containing 1 Kg

in sealed pouch, as per the Product

Specification (A.27).

A.42 Standard Operating


Process of Testing of Samples of MFEDF,

specified and provided by the DSW and has

been provided in Appendix - I under section

Quality Control and Inspection against

parameters provided under Annexure - A.

A.43 Detailed Project Report

(DPR) A DPR is to be submitted by the Proposer having assumptions, presumptions, capital


structure, type of share capital, ratio, secured loans, unsecured loans, working capital, means of finance, production capacity proposed to be installed, proposed recipes, dividend, expected turnover, etc. Technical knowhow, machinery and equipment, land, operation facilities, maintenance facilities, technical assistance, source of raw material, manpower, power & fuel, administrative expenses, overheads, transportation, etc.

A.44 RFP Document Fee RFP Document Fee of Rs 25,000/- (Rupees

Twenty-Five Thousand Only)



The Bihar Integrated Child Development Services Society (BICDSS) was set up in 2015

under the Societies Registration Act, 1860, acts as a facilitator and nodal agency for

implementation of various Social Welfare Schemes of Government of Bihar and

Government of India.

The basic objective of BICDSS is to work as facilitator and nodal agency for

implementation of ICDS and SABLA Schemes in the State of Bihar.

1.1 The Government of Bihar has identified BICDSS for implementation of

Supplementary Nutrition Programme (SNP) under which Micronutrient Fortified

Energy Dense Food (MFEDF) as Take Home Ration (THR) shall be distributed to

various categories of beneficiaries, in accordance with the norms / guidelines

issued by Ministry of Women & Child Development, Government of India and

orders of Hon’ble Supreme Court.

The BICDSS intends to select technically and financially sound JV Partner(s) for

manufacturing and supplying of MFEDF (A.23 and A.24) under ICDS and SABLA

Schemes, as per the Product Specifications provided under A.27. The BICDSS

intends to establish manufacturing unit(s) under Joint Venture through 30:70 equity

participation between BICDSS and Selected JV Partner respectively. The BICDSS

shall subscribe equity upto Rs. 10,00,00,000/- (Rupees Ten Crore Only) for each

JV to be established.

The JV Partner shall be responsible for the day to day operations and

management of the JV Company and shall be responsible for manufacturing and

supplying of MFEDF upto ICDS Project Godowns or at other specified Godowns /

Locations at Block Level, in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement (A.9)

to be executed between BICDSS and Selected Proposer(s). The Agreement shall

set forth the detailed terms and conditions including the scope of the Selected

Proposer’s services and obligations.

The detailed scope of work for the Selected Proposer is provided under



The statements and explanations contained in this RFP are intended to provide a

proper understanding to the Proposers about the subject matter of this RFP and

should not be construed or interpreted as limiting in any way or manner the scope

of services and obligations of the Selected Proposer(s) detailed under APPENDIX I


BICDSS’s right to amend, alter, change, supplement or clarify the scope of work,

the Joint Venture to be formed pursuant to this RFP or the terms thereof contained

herein. Consequently, any omissions, conflicts or contradictions in this RFP are to

be noted, interpreted and applied appropriately to give effect to this intent, and no

claims on that account shall be entertained by the BICDSS.



2.1 For the selection of JV Partner, BICDSS has adopted a Two Bid System for RFP

Process (referred to as the "RFP Process"). The Proposer(s) are requested to

submit their Proposal pursuant to this RFP in accordance with the terms and

conditions set forth in this RFP document, all the Volumes, Appendices,

Corrigendum and Addenda thereof issued by the BICDSS as part of this RFP

Process (collectively the "RFP Documents"), as modified, altered, amended and

clarified from time to time by the BICDSS. All Proposals shall be prepared and

submitted in accordance with the such terms and conditions. The Proposals shall

be valid for a period of 180 days from the Proposal Due Date (the “Proposal

Validity Period”). The BICDSS reserves the right to reject the Proposal which

does not meet this requirement. Any further extension of the Proposal Validity

Period shall be with the consent of the Proposers. Further details of the process

to be followed during the RFP Process and the terms thereof are spelt out in this


2.2 The Proposer shall meet the Eligibility Criteria as specified in Clause-4.

2.3 The Proposer shall be required to establish Manufacturing Unit (as per A.26 and

Annexure - A) having requisite Infrastructure (A.34) for manufacturing of MFEDF

(A.23 and A.24) under the proposed JV Company within Due Date for

Establishment of Manufacturing Unit (A.36). All the facilities and Infrastructure

(A.34) should have been located in a single Premise. The proposed JV Company

shall commence production from the manufacturing unit to be established in the

State of Bihar and ensure manufacture and supply of MFEDF items within a

period of 18 months from the date of execution of Agreement. However, the

Selected Proposer shall commence the manufacturing and supplying the MFEDF

items (A.23) from manufacturing unit owned by it and / or any of its subsidiary /

holding company within two months from the date of execution of the Agreement


2.4 Any queries or request for additional information regarding this RFP shall be

submitted in writing or by e-mail till 15th February 2017 by 17:00 HRS, thereafter

no request for any additional information or query shall be entertained by the


2.5 The BICDSS shall endeavor to adhere to the following proposal schedule:


Period for Sale / Download of RFP


From 3rd February 2017

10:00 HRS to 27th February

2017 upto 17:00 HRS from

the Office of State Mission

Director, BICDSS. RFP

document can also be

downloaded from /




Following documents should be submitted in Technical Proposal:

3.1 Covering Letter, as per Appendix - II.

3.2 Prescribed Proposal Form, as per Appendix - III.

3.3 Power of Attorney for Proposal Signatory, as per Appendix - IV.

3.4 Duly Notarized Affidavit, strictly as prescribed under Appendix - V.

3.5 Proposal Undertaking, as prescribed under Appendix - VI.

3.6 Duly filled in format of Anti-collusion certificate, as prescribed under Appendix -


3.7 RFP Document Fee of Rs. 25,000/- (Rupees Twenty-Five Thousand Only) (A.48)

in the form of Demand Draft in favor of “Bihar Integrated Child Development

Services Society” payable at Patna, which is non-refundable, in case, the

Proposer has purchased the RFP Document from the office of BICDSS, he shall

enclose Purchase Receipt else the Proposer shall enclose DD as stated above.

3.8 Proposal Security / EMD (A.5) in the form of FDR / Bank Guarantee, strictly as

per the format prescribed under Appendix - VIII.

3.9 RFP document duly signed and stamped on each page as an acceptance of

terms and conditions of this RFP.

3.10 Self-Certified copy of Registration Certificate, in case of Proprietorship / copy of

Registration Certificate and Registered Partnership Deed, in case of Partnership /

Incorporation Certificate and Memorandum of Article & Association, in case of a

Company / Registration Certificate and Bye-laws, in case of a Co-operative

Society or any other documents for substantiating claim of proposal of having any

legal entity.

3.11 Proposer shall submit 2 (two) Samples (1 Kg each) for each recipe of MFEDF (2

variants of recipes for 4 categories of beneficiaries) alongwith product profile

containing information in respect of ingredients, composition, nutritive value,

micronutrient fortification, manufacturing process, process loss, microbiological

specifications, serving size, method of preparation & consumption, packing size,

packing specifications and any other relevant information.

3.12 Analysis Test Reports indicating the composition of each recipe of MFEDF and

calories, protein per 100 g, Shelf Life Report and Micronutrients Premix Analysis

Last Date and Time for Submission of

Proposals along with all supporting

documents and Samples (“the

Proposal Due Date”)

28th February, 2017 upto

15:00 HRS

Date and Time for Opening of

Technical Proposal containing

Proposal Security / EMD and Technical


28th February, 2017 at 16:00


Opening of Financial Proposal of the

Technically Qualified Proposers only

To be notified later


Report of each type of MFEDF issued by National Accreditation Board for Testing

and Calibration Laboratories (NABL) accredited Laboratory.

3.13 Audited Balance Sheet for last three financial years i.e. 2013-14, 2014-15 and


3.14 Financial Statement, in prescribed format as per Appendix - X, duly certified by a

Chartered Accountant, who has audited the Balance Sheet.

3.15 Proposer must furnish a list of machineries installed in his premises and a latest

certificate from a Chartered Engineer registered with the Institution of Engineers

(India), stating that the machineries are sufficient to meet the production

requirement of MFEDF Items and also stating that the machineries can

effectively perform for a further period of 2 years. The certificate shall also clearly

indicate the installed capacity of such machinery.

3.16 Production Capacity Certificate issued by competent authority of State / Central


3.17 The documents for the manufacturing unit(s) from where the proposer shall

manufacture and supply MFEDF Items till the time JV Company’s manufacturing

unit is established within the State of Bihar.

3.18 Copies of all the following statutory licenses, continuously valid for last three

financial years (2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16):

i. Factory Act License

ii. DIC / SIA Registration Certificate

iii. VAT and CST Registration

iv. License under FSSAI

v. PAN Card

vi. Consent to Operate issued by the respective State Pollution Control Board

3.19 ISO 22000:2005 Certification.

3.20 List of laboratory equipment’s available at in-house Laboratory.

3.21 No Dues Certificate up to the end of preceding month of date of publication of

this RFP Document from the Commercial Tax Department from all the States /

UTs where Proposer is registered.

3.22 Certificate regarding Annual Turnover of manufacturing and supplying of

Micronutrient Fortified Energy Dense Food (MFEDF) items (A.23) against the

order placed in Proposer’s name by the Department of Women and Child

Development / Social Welfare Department of any State / UT Government under

ICDS and / or SABLA Schemes in each of the last three financial years i.e. 2013-

14, 2014-15 and 2015-16.

3.23 Certificate regarding past performance of the proposer during the last three

financial years i.e. 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16 from all the States / UTs

where the proposer has executed any Agreement for the manufacture and supply

of MFEDF items against the order placed in Proposer’s name by the Department

of Women and Child Development / Social Welfare Department of any State / UT

Government under ICDS and / or SABLA Schemes.



Proposer shall submit:

B.1 Detailed Project Report (DPR) duly appraised by a Practicing Chartered

Accountant comprising of following details:

i. Background of Promoters

ii. Installed Capacity

iii. Land & Building

iv. Details of Plant and Machinery

v. Manufacturing Process

vi. Product Formulation (Composition, Nutritive Values, Process Loss,


vii. Raw Material Availability

viii. Staff and Labor

ix. Power and Fuel

x. Other Infrastructure Facility

xi. Banking Arrangement

xii. Break Even Point

xiii. Assessment and Arrangement of Working Capital

xiv. Cost of Project and Means of Finance

xv. Capital Structure Amount in Rs to be subscribed by both the Parties

xvi. Project Cost Per Metric Ton

xvii. Conclusion of the Appraising Chartered Accountant

DPR shall be prepared on following assumptions and presumptions:

i. JV Company to be incorporated shall have Equity Participation in the

Ratio of 30:70 between the BICDSS and the Selected Proposer

respectively. The BICDSS shall subscribe Equity up to Rs

10,00,00,000/- (Rupees Ten Crore Only) per JV Company. The

Proposer shall have to prepare and submit their Financial Proposals


ii. Manufacturing Unit to be established under Joint Venture shall be in

accordance with detailed specifications provided under Annexure – A

of this RFP document. Proposers shall consider all the specifications

of the manufacturing unit and applicable rules and regulations

applicable for establishment of manufacturing unit in the State of


iii. The District-wise details of various categories of beneficiaries is

provided in this RFP document (Annexure - A); proposers shall

access the requirement of MFEDF Items as per recipes to be

proposed by them and submit their proposals accordingly. The

Proposers may submit the Financial Proposal for the total

requirement or lesser quantity.

B.2 The Proposer shall offer rates for manufacture and supply of MFEDF Items


for each category of beneficiary in the following manner for the manufacture

and supply of MFEDF Items:

i. If the required quantities of Wheat, Rice and Maize including process

loss are allotted to proposer at NFSA / BPL price under ICDS /

SABLA Scheme (Appendix – XII.A) and,

ii. If the required quantity of all raw material are to be procured by the

proposer himself from open market (Appendix – XII.B).

iii. The Proposer not offering Rates of MFEDF Item for each category of

beneficiary, proposal(s) of such Proposer(s) shall be liable to be


The Proposer(s) shall offer rates considering:

i. The rate in Rupees per Beneficiary per Day for manufacture and

delivery of MFEDF Items in desired pouch (700 – 1000 g) packing up

to the ICDS Project Godowns in the State should be inclusive of cost

of raw material, processing, packing, cost of micronutrient

fortification, freight, VAT, excise duty, cess, levies, other taxes and

other incidental charges, etc. However applicable VAT, excise duty,

levies, cess and other taxes & charges, etc. should be indicated

separately in percentage (%) applicable at the time of delivery.

ii. Proposers are required to offer 2 (two) variants of recipes for each

category of beneficiary, however the Proposer shall offer SINGLE

RATE for both the variants of recipe for each category of beneficiary

as specified under Appendix – I, Para - 10.

iii. The Proposer not offering Rates of MFEDF Item for each category of

beneficiary, proposal(s) of such Proposer(s) shall be liable to be


iv. The Proposer shall note that while offering Rate under Option-(i)

above (Appendix – XII.A), there could be probable disruption in the

supply of food grains. In such event, with a view to avoid probable

interruption in the supply of MFEDF Items in the State, the selected

proposer / JV Company shall procure above food grains at its own

cost in order to provide continuous supply of MFEDF.

v. In case of Nutritional and / or Financial Norms are revised by Ministry

of Women and Child Development, Government of India, the MFEDF

recipes / ingredients of all / any recipe(s) may be changed / modified

accordingly. The increase / decrease in the Rates of such changed /

modified Recipe(s) of MFEDF shall be decided by a Committee

constituted by BICDSS / DSW.

vi. The BICDSS / DSW reserves the right to select the recipes of

MFEDF for each category of beneficiary as proposed by selected

proposer(s). Further, the BICDSS / DSW may change / modify the

Recipe(s) of MFEDF to enhance the acceptability / palatability among

the beneficiaries with written consent of the JV Company(s) and


giving sufficient time to equip them to execute the amendments in the

recipe(s). The increase / decrease in the Rates of such changed /

modified Recipe(s) of MFEDF shall be decided by a Committee

constituted by BICDSS / DSW, within the stipulated norms per

beneficiary as decided by the MWCD, GoI.

vii. In case of any increase / decrease in the taxes, VAT, excise duty,

cess, levies or any new tax is imposed by the Central Government or

Government of Bihar after the submission of proposal, the actual

increase or decrease shall be adjusted accordingly subject to

production of notification / document relating to increase / decrease

of applicable taxes.


The invitation to this RFP is open for all the applicant(s) / proposer(s) (A.2) who are legal

entity and original manufacturer and supplier of MFEDF (A.23) and they legally competent to

enter into an Agreement in the State of Bihar. Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) Companies of

other organizations are permitted to participate in this RFP, if their Share Holders

Agreement have specific provision for them to participate in such RFP’s and permit them to

deploy capital investment in the State of Bihar. The Proposers should meet the following

Eligibility Criteria for submission of the Proposal, in addition to submission of Proposal

Documents as required under Clause - 3. The RFP document should be read as a single

document and no individual interpretation of any Clause shall be permissible. All the

Clauses should have to be read connecting with other Clauses of this RFP.

4.1 The Proposer should have manufactured and supplied MFEDF items (A.23) for

continuously at least for the last three financial years i.e. 2013-14, 2014-15 and

2015-16 against order placed in Proposer’s name by the Department of Women

and Child Development / Social Welfare Department of any State / UT

Government under ICDS and / or SABLA Schemes.

4.2 The Proposers should have all the statutory licenses for manufacturing /

producing and supplying of MFEDF items (A.23), continuously for at least last

three financial years (A.38). The Statutory Licenses include (a) Factory Act

License (b) DIC / SIA Registration Certificate (c) VAT Registration (d) CST

Registration (e) License under FSSAI (f) PAN Card (g) Consent to Operate

issued by the respective State Pollution Control Board.

4.3 The Proposer should have its own operative and functional manufacturing unit

having Roasting / Extrusion Cooking Process for manufacture and supply of

MFEDF items (A.23) as per Product Specifications (A.27). The proposer should

also have an in-house Laboratory equipped with necessary equipment.

4.4 The Annual Production Capacity of the manufacturing unit should not be lesser

than the quantity Proposer has applied for under this RFP. The proposer must

submit a Production Capacity Certificate issued by competent authority of State /

Central Government.

4.5 The manufacturing unit to be established by JV Partner in the State of Bihar shall

exclusively be used for manufacturing and sale / supplies to BICDSS only. The


BICDSS, on its sole discretion, may require from the proposed JV Company to

sell the products / MFEDF items in or for any other scheme(s), as per production

capacity and the Proposer shall have to abide by the instructions of the BICDSS.

The manufacturing unit to be established would be a dedicated unit for BICDSS

and shall not be permitted to sell MFEDF in the open market under any


4.6 The Proposer shall submit Audited Balance Sheet along with financial statements

(Appendix - X) of last three financial years (A.38). The Audited Balance Sheet

along with financial statements (Appendix - X) should clearly indicate the

Turnover (A.39) of the Proposer from manufacture and sale of MFEDF Items

(A.23). In case, the Audited Balance Sheets are carrying the required details,

even then, the Proposer shall submit required details in the separate format

attached as Appendix - X to this RFP, duly certified by the Chartered Accountant,

who has audited the balance sheet of the Proposer for respective Financial Year.

4.7 The minimum eligibility criteria of proposer are as under:

S. No. Criteria Minimum



Annual Turnover (in amount) from

manufacturing and sale of MFEDF (A.23)

during each of the last Three Financial Years

in amount (i.e. 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-


At least

Rs. 200



Average Annual Production (in quantity) from

manufacturing and sale of MFEDF (A.23)

during last Three Financial Years (i.e. 2013-

14, 2014-15 and 2015-16)

At least




Annual Average Adjustable Tangible Net

Worth for Last Three Financial Years (i.e.

2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16)


Rs. 50


Explanatory Note:

4.7.1 Turnover (A.39) should include only manufacture and supply of MFEDF


4.7.2 Turnover from business operations would exclude all non-recurring receipts

/ income such as income from sale of fixed assets, income from sale of

investments, income from sale of products other than MFEDF (A.23), and

other non-business income etc.

4.7.3 The turnover achieved by trading of MFEDF or manufacture and supply of

semi-finished / semi-processed MFEDF Items shall be excluded from the


4.7.4 Adjusted Tangible Net Worth would be worked out as: Net Worth (Capital +

Reserves) minus Intangible Assets and Investments in group / associate


4.7.5 Total outside liabilities will include secured loans, unsecured loans and all


current liabilities and provisions. In other words, apart from Capital and

Reserves, all other liabilities would constitute as ‘outside liabilities’.

4.7.6 20% relaxation in terms of Annual Turnover and Average Annual Production

Quantity as mentioned under Eligibility Criteria (Clause No – 4.7-1 and 4.7-

2), shall be given to the Proposer(s) having their own functional and

operative manufacturing unit within the State of Bihar and registered as SSI

unit with the Department of Industries, Government of Bihar. The proposers

shall submit IEM – II and other documentary evidence to claim such


4.7.7 The Proposer must be profit making concern since last three financial years

(2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16) as per its Audited Balance Sheet.

4.8 The Proposer should submit undertaking regarding commencement of

manufacturing and supplying the MFEDF (Clause A.23) from manufacturing unit

owned by it and / or any of its subsidiary / holding company within two months

from the date of execution of the Agreement (Clause A.9) and within a period 18

months proposer shall establish manufacturing unit within the State of Bihar as per

standards and specification prescribed in this RFP, failing which the EMD /

Security Deposit of the Proposer would be forfeited.

4.9 The Proposer itself and its associate company, associate concern, associate firm,

related parties, group companies shall have never been foreclosed / debarred /

disqualified / suspended / discontinuance of supply by Central Government / any

State Government / any Government Department / Government Organization /

Government Undertakings / Government Federations / Corporation Government

Agency / Local Authority.

4.10 Proposal Security / EMD and / or Security Deposit of the Proposer itself and its

associate company, associate concern, associate firm, related parties, group

companies shall have never been forfeited by Central Government / any State

Government / any Government Department / Government Organization /

Government Undertakings / Government Federations / Corporation Government

Agency / Local Authority.



5.1.1 Proposers shall submit their Proposal in accordance with the instructions and

terms & conditions set forth in this RFP. In order to promote consistency

among Proposals and minimize potential misunderstandings regarding

interpretation of Proposals by BICDSS, the format in which Proposers have to

specify the fundamental aspects of their Proposal have been broadly outlined

in this RFP.

5.1.2 Submission of Proposal in response to this RFP shall follow Two Bid System

i.e. “Technical Proposal” and “Financial Proposal” as indicated below:

i. Technical Proposal (PART – I) should include RFP Document

Fee, EMD, General Documents, Recipes and Samples alongwith

Analytical Test Report, Shelf Life Test Report and Micronutrient


Premix Analysis Report, eligibility documents and duly signed &

stamped RFP document and other documents / credential /

affidavit, etc. as required under this RFP.

ii. Financial Proposal (PART – II) shall include Detailed Project Report

(DPR) duly appraised by a Practicing Chartered Accountant and

Rates for manufacture and supply of MFEDF Items as per Annexure

– XII.A and Annexure – XII.B).

5.1.3 Conditional Proposal submitted by the proposer shall be liable for rejection

as a Non-Responsive Proposal.

5.1.4 In case during evaluation process, it comes to the notice of the Proposal

Evaluation Committee that Rates for the manufacture and supply of

MFEDF Items are disclosed in the Technical Proposal or elsewhere except

the Financial Cover, such Proposals shall be liable for rejection as a Non-

Responsive Proposal.

5.1.5 The Proposal and all communications in relation to or concerning the

proposal documents and the Proposal shall be in English language.

5.1.6 The Proposal Documents including this RFP and all attached documents

are and shall remain the property of BICDSS and are issued to the

Proposers solely for the purpose of preparation and submission of the

Proposal in accordance herewith. Proposers shall treat all information as

strictly confidential and not use it for any purpose other than for preparation

and submission of their Proposal. The Proposal and any information

provided therewith by the Proposer within the Proposal Due Date shall

become the property of BICDSS and BICDSS shall not return the same to

any Proposer. The Proposal and information provided by the Proposer shall

be treated as business secrete and would not be disclosed to anyone.

5.1.7 This RFP along with its Appendices is not transferable.

5.1.8 Any award pursuant to this RFP shall be subject to the terms of the RFP



The Proposers shall be responsible for all costs associated with preparation of their

Proposals and their participation in the RFP Process. BICDSS will not be

responsible or in any way liable for such costs, regardless of the conduct or

outcome of the RFP Process.


5.3.1 It shall be deemed that by submitting a Proposal, the Proposer has:

i. made a complete and careful examination of the RFP Documents -

failure to comply with the requirements of the RFP shall be at the

Proposer’s risk;

ii. received all relevant information requested from BICDSS;

iii. acknowledged and accepted the risk of inadequacy, error or

mistake in the information provided in the Proposal Documents;


iv. satisfied itself about all matters, things and information necessary

and required for submitting Proposal and performance of all of its

obligations there under;

v. acknowledged and agreed that inadequacy, lack of completeness or

incorrectness of information provided in the Proposal shall not be a

basis for any claim for compensation, damages, extension of time

for performance of its obligations, loss of profits, etc from BICDSS,

or a ground for termination of the Agreement; and

vi. agreed to be bound by the undertakings provided by it under and in

terms hereof.

5.3.2 BICDSS shall not be liable for any omission, mistake or error on the part of

the Proposer in respect of any of the above or on account of any matter

arising out of or concerning or relating to RFP, the RFP Documents or the

RFP Process, including any error or mistake therein or in any information or

data given by BICDSS. In case of any dispute with the proposer, the

interpretation given by BICDSS shall be final and binding on the Proposers.


5.4.1 Notwithstanding anything contained in this RFP, BICDSS reserves the right

to accept or reject any Proposal, and to annul the RFP Process, and reject

all Proposals, at any time without any liability or any obligation for such

acceptance, rejection or annulment, and without assigning any reasons


5.4.2 The BICDSS reserves the right to reject any Proposal and appropriate the

Proposal Security / EMD and en-cash the FDR / Bank Guarantee as per the

provisions of Clause 7.4.

5.4.3 Any misrepresentation / improper response shall lead to the disqualification

of the Proposer. If such disqualification / rejection occurs after the Proposals

have been opened and the Selected Proposer gets disqualified / rejected,

then BICDSS reserves the right to:

i. invite the remaining Technically Qualified Proposers for negotiation;

ii. take any such measure as may be deemed fit at the sole Discretion

of BICDSS, including annulment of the RFP Process; and

iii. appropriate the Proposal Security / EMD in the event of any

misrepresentation by the Proposer(s) or false claims.

5.4.4 In case it is found during evaluation or at any time before signing of the

Agreement or after its execution and during the period of subsistence

thereof, that one or more of the Eligibility Criteria have not been met by the

Proposer or the Proposer has made material misrepresentation or has given

any materially incorrect or false information,

i. The Selected Proposer(s) shall be disqualified forthwith if not yet

appointed by issue of Letter of Award (“LoA”).

ii. If the Selected Proposer has already been issued the LoA and the

Selected Proposer(s) has entered into the Agreement / Shareholder


Agreement with BICDSS, the Agreement / Shareholder Agreement

will be terminated, by a communication in writing by BICDSS to the

Selected Proposer.

iii. In such an event, BICDSS shall appropriate the EMD / Security

Deposit without prejudice to any other right or remedy that may be

available to BICDSS under this RFP or law.

5.4.5 The BICDSS reserves the right to verify all statements, information and

documents submitted by the Proposer in response to the RFP or the RFP

Documents and ask for clarification / additional information. Failure of

BICDSS to undertake such verification shall not relieve the Proposer of its

obligations or liabilities hereunder nor will it affects any rights of BICDSS

there under.


5.5.1 To facilitate evaluation of Proposals, BICDSS may, at its sole discretion,

seek clarifications in writing from any Proposer regarding its Proposal. The

request for such clarifications or substantiation and the response shall be in

writing or by facsimile / email. No material change in the Proposal would be

permitted by way of such clarification / substantiation submitted by the


5.5.2 However, BICDSS reserves the right not to respond to any question or

provide any clarification or consider any amendment(s) suggested by the

Proposer(s), in its sole discretion, and nothing in this Clause shall be taken

or read as compelling or requiring BICDSS to respond to any question or to

provide any clarification or consider any amendment suggested by the


5.5.3 BICDSS may also on its own motion, if deemed necessary, issue

interpretations and clarifications to all Proposers. All clarifications and

interpretations issued by BICDSS shall be deemed to be part of the RFP

Documents. Verbal clarifications and information given by BICDSS or its

employees or representatives shall not in any way or manner be binding on


5.5.4 Proposers may note that subject to the provisions of Clause 5.5.3 above,

BICDSS will not entertain any deviations to the RFP at the time of

submission of Proposals or thereafter. Proposal to be submitted by the

Proposer shall be unconditional and the Proposer would be deemed to have

accepted the terms and conditions of this RFP and all its contents. Any

conditional Proposal shall be regarded as Non-Responsive and would be

liable for rejection.


5.6.1 At any time prior to the Proposal Due Date, BICDSS may, for any reason,

whether at its own initiative or in response to clarifications requested by a

Proposer, may issue clarification by issuance of Corrigendum or modify the


RFP by the issuance of Addendum.

5.6.2 Any Corrigendum / Addendum thus issued shall be binding upon all


5.6.3 In order to afford the Proposers a reasonable time for taking into account

the contents of any Corrigendum / Addendum, or for any other reason,

BICDSS may, at its own discretion, extend the Proposal Due Date by an

appropriate period.



6.1.1 The Proposer(s) shall submit all documents, samples, etc. as required in

this RFP in prescribed format well before the last date and time of

submission of Proposal. Proposals which are not submitted by the last date

and time of submission or in prescribed format shall be summarily rejected.

Any conditional Proposals shall also be rejected during the evaluation of the

Proposals. The Proposals have to be submitted in physical form by Post /

Speed Post / Courier only within time limit as specified.

6.1.2 Proposer(s) shall provide all information as per this RFP and in the specified

format with proper indexing. BICDSS will evaluate only those Proposals that

are received in the required formats and are complete in all respects.

6.1.3 The Proposals shall be typed or written in indelible ink and signed by the

authorized signatory of the Proposer who shall also sign each page of RFP

documents. All alterations, omissions, additions or any other amendments

made to the Proposal shall be signed by the person(s) signing the Proposal.

6.1.4 Each Proposal shall be submitted in two separate sealed covers as

specified in Clause 5.1.2 above, with each sealed cover containing

documents / information as detailed in Clause - 3.


6.2.1 The Proposer shall seal Technical and Financial Proposals duly marked as


cover which shall be sealed and marked as “PROPOSAL FOR


6.2.2 All covers, both inner and outer must be super scribed with the following


i. RFP No.____________

ii. Name and Address of the Proposer

iii. Contact Person with Contact details – phone, fax no. and email


6.2.3 The covers shall be addressed to:

Attn. of

State Mission Director,

Bihar Integrated Child Development Services Society,

Indira Bhawan, 2nd Floor,


Ram Charitra Singh Path,

Bailey Road, Patna,

Bihar – 800001

6.2.4 If the covers are not sealed and marked as instructed above, BICDSS

assumes no responsibility for misplacement or premature opening of the

contents of the Proposals submitted and such Proposals – at the sole

discretion of BICDSS – may be deemed to be non-responsive and hence,

would be liable for rejection.

6.2.5 Proposer shall submit the Proposal by Post / Speed Post / Courier, so as

to reach the designated address by the Proposal Due Date and Time.

BICDSS shall not be responsible for any delay in submission of the

Proposals. Any Proposals received by BICDSS after the Proposal Due

Date and Time shall not be opened. Proposals submitted by fax, telex,

telegram or e-mail shall not be entertained and shall be rejected.

6.2.6 This RFP document can be accessed / downloaded from website / The proposer shall

have to submit the RFP Document Fee along with the Technical

documents in the Technical Proposal, if downloaded from the above

website or else Proposer may purchase the RFP document on payment of

Rs 25,000/- in form of DD in favor of “Bihar Integrated Child Development

Services Society” payable at Patna from the office of BICDSS on all

working days till the last date and time for the sale of RFP document as

prescribed in this RFP document.


6.3.1 The Proposer may withdraw its Proposal after submission, provided that

written notice of the withdrawal is received by BICDSS prior to Proposal

Due Date and Time. No Proposal shall be withdrawn by the Proposer

after the Proposal Due Date and Time.

6.3.2 The withdrawal notice shall be prepared, sealed, marked, and delivered to

BICDSS before the Proposal Due Date, with the covers being additionally

marked “WITHDRAWAL”.

6.3.3 Any substitution / alteration / modification in the Proposal or additional

information supplied subsequent to the submission of the proposal or after

Proposal Due Date, unless the same has been expressly sought for by

BICDSS, shall be disregarded.


6.4.1 BICDSS reserves the right to accept or reject all or any of the Proposals

without assigning any reason whatsoever. It is not obligatory for BICDSS

to accept any Proposal or to give any reasons for their decision.

6.4.2 BICDSS reserves the right not to proceed with the RFP Process at any

time, without notice or liability, and to reject any Proposal without

assigning any reasons.



The validity of the Proposal shall be as mentioned in Clause 2.1.


6.6.1 The BICDSS reserves the right to reject any Proposal not submitted on

specified due date and time and which does not contain the information /

documents as set out under Clause 3.

6.6.2 The Proposal Evaluation Committee shall first ensure that RFP Document Fee

and Proposal Security / EMD has been properly furnished by the proposers.

6.6.3 The Proposal Evaluation Committee would thereafter check the other

documents of the Technical Proposals, only for Proposers who have

submitted RFP Document Fee and Proposal Security / EMD as prescribed

under Clause A.5.

6.6.4 The documents in Technical Proposal shall be evaluated & scrutinized to

determine Responsiveness of the Proposals.

6.6.5 The Financial Proposal shall only be opened for Technically Qualified


6.6.6 Proposal Evaluation Committee reserves the right to inspect the existing

manufacturing unit of the Proposer(s), if Committee considers it

necessary, before taking a decision on the Technical Proposal(s).


The Proposal and all related correspondence and documents should be in the

English language only. Supporting documents and printed literature furnished with

the Proposal may be in any other language provided that they are accompanied by

appropriate translations of the said document in the English language. Supporting

materials, which are not translated into English, may not be considered. For the

purpose of interpretation and evaluation of the Proposal, the English language

translation shall prevail.


Information relating to the examination, clarification, evaluation and

recommendation for the Proposer(s) shall not be disclosed to any person who is not

officially concerned with this RFP Process or is not a professional advisor advising

BICDSS in relation to or matters arising out of or concerning this RFP Process.

BICDSS shall treat all information, submitted as part of the Proposal, in confidence

and shall require all those who have access to such material to treat the same in

confidence. The BICDSS may not divulge any such information unless it is directed

to do so by any statutory entity that has the power under law to require its

disclosure or is to enforce or assert any right or privilege of the statutory entity and /

or BICDSS. The proposal and information provided by the Proposer shall be treated

as business secret and would not be disclosed to anyone.



The BICDSS shall not entertain any correspondence with any Proposer in relation

to acceptance or rejection of any Proposal.


7.1 Each Proposal shall be accompanied by a Proposal Security or EMD, amounting

to Rs. 10,00,00,000/- (Rupees Ten Crores only). The Proposal Security / EMD

shall be valid for the 180 (One Hundred Eighty) days from the Date of Opening of

Technical Proposals, and may be extended as per the directions of BICDSS from

time to time. The Proposal shall be summarily rejected if it is not accompanied by

the Proposal Security / EMD. The Proposal Security / EMD must be paid by way

of an FDR / Bank Guarantee in favor of “Bihar Integrated Child Development

Services Society” from any Nationalized or Scheduled Bank. The format of the

Bank Guarantee is provided in APPENDIX - VIII – FORMAT FOR BANK


7.2 The Proposal Security / EMD of other Proposers would be returned on

acceptance of the Proposal and issuance of LoA to the Selected Proposer or

when the RFP Process is cancelled by BICDSS.

7.3 The BICDSS shall be entitled to appropriate the Proposal Security / EMD and en-

cash the FDR / Bank Guarantee on occurrence of any of the events specified in

this RFP including those specified in Clause 7.4 herein below and any related

clauses in the Agreement. The Proposer, by submitting its Proposal pursuant to

this RFP, would be deemed to have acknowledged and confirmed that BICDSS

will suffer loss and damage on account of withdrawal of its Proposal or for any

other default by the Proposer during the Proposal Validity Period. No relaxation on

the Proposal Security / EMD shall be given to any Proposer.

7.4 The Proposal Security / EMD shall be appropriated by BICDSS without prejudice

to any other right or remedy that may be available to BICDSS hereunder or

otherwise, under the following conditions:

i. if a Proposer engages in Corrupt Practices, Fraudulent Practices, Coercive

Practices, Undesirable Practices or Restrictive Practices as specified in

Clause 13 of this RFP;

ii. if a Proposer modifies or withdraws its Proposal except as provided in

Clause 6.3,

iii. if a Proposer withdraws its Proposal during the interval between the

Proposal Due Date and expiration of Proposal Validity Period;

iv. if any information or document furnished by the Proposer is found by

BICDSS to be misrepresenting, misleading, fabricated, incorrect or untrue


v. if any of the clause / word of prescribed affidavit is found incorrect /

misleading or modified/amended;

vi. in the case of Selected Proposer, if it fails within the specified time limit:

a. to accept the LoA; and / or

b. to sign the Agreement / Shareholder Agreement; and / or



8.1 The Proposal (and any additional information requested subsequently) shall bear

the signature of the Authorized Signatory of the Proposer and stamp of the entity

thereof on each page of the Proposal.

8.2 The Proposer shall also submit, alongwith their Proposal, a copy of this RFP

bearing the signature of the Authorized Signatory of the Proposer and stamp of the

entity thereof on each page of these documents i.e. RFP. This shall indicate that

the Proposer agrees to all terms & conditions specified in the RFP.

8.3 Proposals, that are incomplete in any respect or those that are not consistent with

the requirements as specified in this RFP or those that do not contain the required

information as per the specified formats shall be considered Non-responsive and

are liable for rejection.

8.4 Strict adherence to formats, wherever specified, is required. Non-adherence to

formats may be a ground for declaring the Proposal Non-responsive.

8.5 All communication and information should be provided in writing and in the English

language only.

8.6 All communication and information provided should be legible, and wherever the

information is given in figures, the same should also be mentioned in words. In

case of conflict between amounts stated in figures and words, the amount written

in words will be taken as correct.

8.7 No change in or supplementary information to a Proposal shall be accepted after

the Proposal Due Date and Time. However, BICDSS reserves the right to seek

additional information from the Proposer(s), if found necessary, during the course

of evaluation of the Proposal. In case of non-submission, incomplete submission or

delayed submission of such additional information or clarifications sought by

BICDSS, within stipulated time. The Proposal would be evaluated solely on the

basis of available information.

8.8 The Proposals shall be evaluated as per the criteria specified in this RFP.

However, within the broad framework of the evaluation parameters as stated in the

RFP, BICDSS reserves the right to make modifications to the stated evaluation

criteria, which would be uniformly applied, to all Proposers.

8.9 Proposers are advised that their Proposals be completely devoid of any conditions,

whatsoever. Conditional Proposals shall be rejected.

8.10 BICDSS reserves the right to reject any or all of the Proposals without assigning

any reason whatsoever.

8.11 BICDSS also reserves the right to withdraw the RFP Process at its discretion

under intimation to the Proposers submitting the Proposals, without assigning any

reasons for the same.

8.12 BICDSS reserves the right to vet and verify any or all information submitted by the


8.13 Notwithstanding anything stated in this RFP, if any claim made or information

provided by the Proposer in the Proposal or any information provided by the

Proposer in response to any subsequent query by BICDSS, is found to be

incorrect or is a material misrepresentation of facts, then the Proposal will be liable


for rejection and Proposal Security / EMD shall be forfeited in that case.

8.14 The Proposer shall be responsible for all costs associated with the preparation and

submission of its Proposal. BICDSS shall not be responsible in any way for such

costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the RFP Process.


9.1 Originals of all the documents required to be attached with the Technical

Proposal must be available with the Proposer / Authorized Representative at the

time of opening of Technical Proposal for verification, if required.

9.2 The Proposals shall be evaluated strictly in accordance with the terms and

conditions specified in this RFP Document.

9.3 The BICDSS reserves the right to reject one or more bid without assigning any

reason for the same.

9.4 Proposal(s) with any condition imposed by the Proposer, shall be liable to be


9.5 The Proposal Security / EMD of unsuccessful proposer(s) will be returned after

Letter of Award to the selected proposer(s).

9.6 The Technical Proposals shall be evaluated first. The Proposal Evaluation

Committee or any Officer Authorized by the Evaluation Committee reserves the

right to inspect the existing manufacturing unit of the Proposer(s), if Committee

considers it necessary, before taking a decision on the Technical Proposal(s).

9.7 The Financial Proposal(s) of only those Proposer(s) who qualify in the Technical

Proposal shall be opened and which shall be intimated to the Technically

Qualified Proposer(s).

9.8 The Proposal Evaluation Committee shall evaluate all technically qualified

proposals on the basis of Rates Offered by the Proposer(s) (by using NFSA /

BPL Raw Material), Project Cost per Metric Ton (MT) and Capital to be

subscribed by BICDSS, Proposer’s Credentials and Past Performance taken into

consideration for final selection of proposals.

For deciding lowest rates, rates offered by the proposer(s) (Annexure – XII.A) for

particular category of beneficiary shall be multiplied by (x) total no. of particular

category of beneficiary and sum of the total price calculated as above shall be

taken into consideration. Rates inclusive of various applicable taxes, duties etc.

will be considered. The State Mission Director, BICDSS shall have right to


9.9 The DSW / State Mission Director, BICDSS reserves the right to negotiate to

award the work to more than one proposer and in such case quantities

depending upon remaining quantity of MFEDF Items after agreeing to award the

work to L-1 (Lowest Proposer), provided the Proposer(s) other than L-1 accept

the rate quoted by L-1. The un-allotted quantity will first be offered to L-2 and

then L-3 and likewise.

Explanation for the purpose of this clause:

(i) L -1 means Lowest Proposer;

(ii) L-2 means the Proposer who has offered the rate next higher than the


rate of L-1; and

(iii) L-3 means the Proposer who has offered the rate next higher than the

rate of L-2.

9.10 However the proposers for Joint Venture (JV) would basically be selected based

on a weightage system which would include other factors besides rate, as

enclosed at Appendix- XIII as suitable to the requirements of BICDSS.


10.1 In the event of acceptance of the Proposal of Selected Proposer, BICDSS shall

notify the Selected Proposer through a Letter of Award (the “LoA”) (to be issued in

duplicate) that its offer has been accepted subject to all the provisions of this RFP.

10.2 The Selected Proposer shall within 15 (Fifteen) working days of the receipt of the

LoA, sign and return the duplicate copy of the LoA in acknowledgement thereof. In

the event the duplicate copy of the LoA duly signed by the Selected Proposer is

not received by the stipulated date, BICDSS may, unless it consents to extend of

time for submission thereof, appropriate the Proposal Security / EMD and en-cash

the FDR / Bank Guarantee of such Selected Proposer.

10.3 Each Selected Proposer(s) shall have to furnish Security Deposit amounting to Rs.

25,00,00,000/- (Rupees Twenty-Five Crores only) within 30 (thirty) working days

from the date of receipt of the LoA. Security Deposit in favor of “Bihar Integrated

Child Development Services Society” is acceptable only in the form of FDR / Bank

Guarantee issued by a Nationalized or Scheduled Bank in the form as prescribed

in Appendix - XI of this RFP Document within 30 (thirty) working days from the

date of receipt of the LoA. The FDR / Bank Guarantee should be valid for all

transactions during the minimum period of 126 (One Hundred Twenty-Six) months

from the date of Agreement. In case the Selected Proposer(s) fails to furnish the

Security Deposit within the stipulated period, then the Proposal Security / EMD of

such proposer will be forfeited and LoA issued to him shall be cancelled.

10.4 After furnishing of Security Deposit, an Agreement shall be executed between the

Selected Proposer and BICDSS. EMD shall be refunded to the Selected

Proposer(s). In case the Selected Proposer does not sign / refuse to execute the

Agreement, then the Proposal Security / EMD of such proposer will be forfeited

and LoA issued to him shall be cancelled.

10.5 After execution of the Agreement, the Selected Proposer and BICDSS shall

incorporate a JV Company and subsequently a Shareholder Agreement shall be

executed between the BICDSS, JV Company and Selected Proposer. If the

Selected Proposer is a Partnership Firm, then the Partners of the said Firm may

opt to subscribe the Share Capital of the JV Company in any ratio by all the

Partners / any Partner, within the overall ceiling limit of 70% of the equity of the JV



11.1 Selected Proposer shall incorporate a JV Company under the Companies Act,

1956 / 2013 and the registered office of the company shall be in the State of Bihar.


Name of the Proposed JV Company shall be decided by BICDSS and Selected

Proposer. Memorandum and Articles of Association of the JV Company shall be

made incorporating the terms of the JV Agreement / SHA and consistent with the

provisions of the Act Companies Act, into the MoA of the JV company.

11.2 The Equity Share Holding of the JV Company is 30:70 between BICDSS and

selected proposer respectively. The BICDSS shall subscribe up to

Rs. 10,00,00,000 (Rupees Ten Crores only) in the ratio of 30:70. The above

Shareholding pattern shall be maintained during currency of Joint Venture

Agreement and SHA.

11.3 The JV Company shall allot (Number of Shares) Equity Shares of Rs. (value of

share) each (equal to 30 %) to the BICDSS, The JV Company shall allot shares to

the Parties proportionately so as to always maintain the shareholding pattern in the

above ratio.

11.4 The BICDSS shall only procure above determined % Paid-Up Share in JV

Company and shall not contribute any additional capital investment / working

capital in JV Company. The JV Company shall be responsible for all the financial

arrangement whether it be capital investment or working capital. The BICDSS shall

not provide any guarantee for the loan, if any, taken by JV Company.

11.5 The day to day management of the JV Company shall always rest with selected

proposer(s) / JV Partner.

11.6 The BICSS shall be entitled to nominate one (1) Director and Selected Proposer

shall be entitled to nominate two (2) Directors on the Board of Directors of the JV


11.7 Chairman of the Board shall be nominated by Selected Proposer, the Chairman

shall have a second and casting vote.

11.8 The Cost of Project for establishment of MFEDF manufacturing unit, shall be

determined on the basis of DPR submitted by the proposer and Selected Proposer

shall be responsible for all investment as mentioned in DPR its own / business

associates resources or finance from FIs.

11.9 The JV Company may raise loans from business associates / NBFI / FIs for

creation of assets and / or working capital as required. However, rate of Interest

cannot be higher than lending interest rate of SBI. DSW / BICDSS or its nominee

Director(s) shall not give any guarantee for any loan which may be taken by the JV



The SHA shall remain in force for a period of 10 (Ten) years from the date of execution of

Agreement. The validity may be extended for a further period of 5 years on mutual

consent of the parties of the SHA subject to same terms & conditions and the Selected

Proposer(s) shall be required to extend the validity of Security Deposit accordingly.


The details of the roles and responsibilities of Selected Proposer(s) and BICDSS are as





Proposals shall be deemed to be under consideration immediately after they are opened

and until such time BICDSS makes official intimation of Award / Rejection to the Proposers.

While the Proposals are under consideration, Proposer and / or their representatives or

other interested parties are advised to refrain from contacting by any means, BICDSS and /

or their employees / representatives on matters related to the offers under consideration.


15.1 The Proposers and their respective officers, employees, agents and advisers shall

observe the highest standard of ethics during the RFP Process and subsequent to

the issue of the LoA and during the subsistence of the SHA. Notwithstanding

anything to the contrary contained herein, or in the LoA or the SHA, BICDSS shall

reject a Proposal, withdraw the LoA, or terminate the Agreement / SHA, as the case

may be, without being liable in any manner whatsoever to the Selected Proposer or

Qualified Proposer, as the case may be, if it determines that the Selected Proposer

or Qualified Proposer, as the case may be, has, directly or indirectly or through an

agent, engaged in corrupt practice, fraudulent practice, coercive practice,

undesirable practice or restrictive practice in the RFP Process. In such an event,

BICDSS shall forfeit and appropriate the Proposal Security / EMD as mutually

agreed genuine pre-estimated compensation and damages payable to BICDSS

towards, inter alia, time, cost and effort of BICDSS, without prejudice to any other

right or remedy that may be available to BICDSS hereunder or otherwise.

15.2 Without prejudice to the rights of BICDSS hereinabove and the rights and remedies

which BICDSS may have under the LoA or the Agreement / SHA, if a Selected

Proposer or Qualified Proposer, as the case may be, is found by BICDSS to have

directly or indirectly or through an agent, engaged or indulged in any corrupt

practice, fraudulent practice, coercive practice, undesirable practice or restrictive

practice during the RFP Process, or after the issue of the LoA or the execution of

the Agreement / SHA, such Selected Proposer or Qualified Proposer shall not be

eligible to participate in any tender or RFP issued by BICDSS during a period of 2

(two) years from the date such Selected Proposer or Qualified Proposer, as the

case may be, is found by BICDSS to have directly or indirectly or through an agent,

engaged or indulged in any corrupt practice, fraudulent practice, coercive practice,

undesirable practice or restrictive practices, as the case may be.

15.3 For the purposes of this Clause, the following terms shall have the meaning

hereinafter respectively assigned to them:

i. “Corrupt Practice” means (i) the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting,

directly or indirectly, of anything of value to influence the actions of any person

connected with the RFP Process (for avoidance of doubt, offering of

employment to or employing or engaging in any manner whatsoever, directly

or indirectly, any official of BICDSS who is or has been associated in any

manner, directly or indirectly with the RFP Process or the LoA or has dealt


with matters concerning the Agreement / SHA or arising there from, before or

after the execution thereof, at any time prior to the expiry of one year from the

date such official resigns or retires from or otherwise ceases to be in the

service of BICDSS, shall be deemed to constitute influencing the actions of a

person connected with the RFP Process); or (ii) engaging in any manner

whatsoever, whether during the RFP Process or after the issue of the LoA or

after the execution of the Agreement / SHA, as the case may be, any person in

respect of any matter relating to the LoA or the Agreement / SHA, who at any

time has been or is a legal, financial or technical adviser of BICDSS in relation

to any matter concerning the Joint Venture;

ii. “Fraudulent Practice” means a misrepresentation or omission of facts or

suppression of facts or disclosure of incomplete facts, in order to influence the

RFP Process;

iii. “Coercive Practice” means impairing or harming, or threatening to impair or

harm, directly or indirectly, any person or property to influence any person’s

participation or action in the RFP Process;

iv. “Undesirable Practice” means (i) establishing contact with any person

connected with or employed or engaged by BICDSS with the objective of

canvassing, lobbying or in any manner influencing or attempting to influence

the RFP Process; or (ii) having a Conflict of Interest; and

v. “Restrictive Practice” means forming a cartel or arriving at any

understanding or arrangement among Proposers with the objective of

restricting or manipulating a full and fair competition in the RFP Process.


16.1 This RFP Process shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws

of India and the courts at Patna shall have exclusive jurisdiction over all disputes

arising under, pursuant to and / or in connection with the RFP Process.

16.2 Indemnity

i. The Selected Proposer and JV Company shall at all-time indemnify the

BICDSS against all claims, which may be made in respect of infringement of

any obligation, right under this RFP. The Selected Proposer and JV

Company shall also indemnify the BICDSS against all claims, which may be

made in respect of infringement of any other obligation taken by BICDSS

later on and assigned to JV Company for execution of the same. Provided

always that in the event of any claim in respect of alleged breach of any

obligation, right under this RFP, any other obligation taken by BICDSS later

on, being made against the BICDSS, the BICDSS shall notify the Selected

Proposer and JV Company for the same and the Selected Proposer / JV

Company shall at his own expense either settle any such dispute or conduct

any litigation that may arise therefrom.

ii. The Selected Proposer / JV Company shall not be liable for payment of any

royalty, license fee or other expenses in respect of or for making use of

patents or designs with respect to which it is, according to the terms of the


Agreement, to be treated as an agent of the Government for the purpose of

making use of the patent or trade mark for fulfilment of the Agreement.

16.3 Settlement of Disputes

In the event of any question, dispute or difference arising under Agreement / SHA

or any dispute in respect of interpretation of any Clause or Conditions of this RFP

or any other obligation undertaken during the currency of Agreement / SHA or

arising under obligation of Agreement / SHA, the same shall be resolved amicably

between BICDSS and Selected Proposer. However, in case of such question,

dispute, difference or dispute in respect of interpretation is not resolved amicably

within 30 days from the commencement of informal negotiation, either party may

resolve the matter to be settled by referring the same for arbitration to the two

arbitrators to be appointed by the BICDSS and Selected Proposer. The arbitrators

shall appoint a presiding arbitrator within a period of one month from the date of

their appointment. The arbitrators shall make their award within a period of four

months or such further extended time as may be decided by them, as the case

may be, with the consent of the parties from the date of entering on the reference.

However, if during the arbitration proceedings, the parties mutually agree,

compromise or compound their disputes, the reference to arbitration and the

appointment of the arbitrators shall be deemed to have been revoked and the

arbitration proceedings shall stand withdrawn or terminated with effect from the

date on which the parties file a joint memorandum of settlement thereof, with the

arbitrators. If, the arbitrators agree among themselves, then their award shall be

final and binding on the parties. If the arbitrators do not agree, then the arbitrators

shall give a notice in writing to the presiding arbitrator stating that they cannot

agree and in such case the presiding arbitrator shall enter on the reference and he

shall make his award within two months of entering of the reference or within such

extended time as the parties may allow. This arbitration shall be deemed to be a

submission to arbitration within the meaning of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act,

1996 or any statutory modification thereof and the provisions of Arbitration and

Conciliation Act, 1996, so far as applicable and as are not inconsistent or

repugnant to the purposes of this reference shall apply to this reference to

arbitration. The award of the arbitrators or the presiding officer, as the case may

be, shall be final and binding on the parties. During the Arbitration proceeding,

both the parties shall continue to perform their respective obligations under the

Agreement unless they otherwise agree.

16.4 The BICDSS, in its sole discretion and without incurring any obligation or liability,

reserves the right, at any time, to; suspend and / or cancel the RFP Process and /

or amend and / or supplement the RFP Process or modify the dates or other terms

and conditions relating thereto;

i. consult with any Proposer in order to receive clarification or further


ii. retain any information and / or evidence submitted to BICDSS by, on behalf

of, and / or in relation to any Proposer; and / or


iii. independently verify, disqualify, reject and / or accept any and all submissions

or other information and / or evidence submitted by or on behalf of any


16.5 It shall be deemed that by submitting the Proposal, the Proposer agrees and

releases BICDSS, its employees, agents and advisers, irrevocably,

unconditionally, fully and finally from any and all liability for claims, losses,

damages, costs, expenses or liabilities in any way related to or arising from the

exercise of any rights and / or performance of any obligations hereunder, pursuant

hereto and / or in connection herewith and waives any and all rights and / or claims

it may have in this respect, whether actual or contingent, whether present or future.


In case of deficiency in quality or undue delay in deliveries of MFEDF Items or

unsatisfactory performance of the Selected Proposer(s) / JV Company or breach of any

terms and conditions mentioned in this RFP or Agreement / SHA to be executed in

pursuance of this RFP Document, the Government may rescind the Agreement and forfeit

of Security Deposit. Such action shall be taken after affording due opportunity of hearing

to the Selected Proposer / JV Company.


In the event that performance of the Agreement / SHA, in the reasonable opinion of

either party (the BICDSS and Selected Proposer (JV Partner)) is made impossible by

Force Majeure like fire, flood, earthquake or any other natural disaster, blockage of

roads, labor dispute / strike, lockout, embargo, failure of law and order and unusually

severe weather then either party shall so notify the other in writing. If such Force

Majeure circumstances continue for more than three months then either party may

terminate the Agreement, or complete performance of the Agreement with such

adjustments as are required by the existence of the Force Majeure and are agreed

upon by the parties.






All the MFEDF Items should be in dry form and energy dense fortified with essential

micronutrients as per specification given below. At the time of delivery, the MFEDF

Items should be fit for human consumption, with a shelf life of at least 90 (ninety) days

from the date of manufacturing.


The proposer shall offer two (2) variants recipes of MFEDF for each category of beneficiary

given below –

i. Children in the age group of 6 months – 3 years

ii. Severely Malnourished Children in the age of 6 months – 6 years

iii. Pregnant and Lactating Women

iv. Adolescent Girls

The proposed recipes of MFEDF Items should conform to the Nutritional and Financial

Norms issued by Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India. In

case of Nutritional and / or Financial Norms are revised by Ministry of Women and Child

Development, Government of India, the MFEDF recipes / ingredients of all / any recipe(s)

may be changed / modified accordingly. The BICDSS / DSW reserves the right to select

the recipes of MFEDF for each category of beneficiary as proposed by selected

proposer(s). Further, the BICDSS / DSW may change / modify the Recipe(s) of MFEDF to

enhance the acceptability / palatability among the beneficiaries with written consent of the

JV Company(s) and giving sufficient time to equip them to execute the amendments in

the recipe(s). The increase / decrease in the Rates of such changed / modified Recipe(s)

of MFEDF shall be decided by a Committee constituted by BICDSS / DSW.


a. For Children in the Age Group of 6 months – 3 yrs

Per Serve

Calories (in Kcal) 500

Protein (in g) 12 – 15

b. For Severely Malnourished Children in the age Group of 6 months – 3 yrs

Per Serve Size

Calories (in Kcal) 800

Protein (in g) 20 – 25


c. For Pregnant and Lactating Women

Per Serve Size

Calories (in Kcal) 600

Protein (in g) 18 - 20

d. For Adolescent Girls

Per Serve Size

Calories (in Kcal) 600

Protein (in g) 18 - 20

e. All MFEDF Items should be manufactured / produced in such a manner that they

can be prepared as under:

i. MFEDF can be prepared by putting it in boiling water or by adding boiling

water / milk in desired amount in MFEDF according to the liking and


ii. For the beneficiaries of 6 months to 3 years, MFEDF can also be

prepared by the mothers by just adding luke-warm water / milk and mesh

it according to the convenience of children in desired amount.

iii. TASTE: It shall have a pleasant smell and palatable taste.

iv. SHELF LIFE: The shelf life of the MFEDF Items should not be less than 90

days from the date of manufacturing when packed and this shelf life should

hold good in ambient temperature and normal weather conditions. After

opening of the pouch, the MFEDF should be stored in air-tight container

and should be consumed within a fortnight.

v. For providing the prescribed Protein, Calories and Micronutrients as

Supplementary Nutrition, the financial provisions for various beneficiaries

are as under:

S. No. Beneficiary Category Cost Norm per

Beneficiary per

Day (in Rs.)

1 Children in the age group of 6

months – 3 years 6/-

2 Severely Malnourished Children in

the age group of 6 months – 3 years 9/-

3 Pregnant and Lactating Women 7/-

4 Adolescent Girls 5/-

4. Micronutrient Fortification

The Micronutrient Fortified Energy Dense Food (MFEDF) shall be fortified with essential

micronutrients (energy and protein excluded) with 50% of Recommended Dietary

Allowance (RDA) level per beneficiary per day, as indicated in the table below:



Age Group 1-3 Years

Age Group 4-6 Years

Pregnant Women Lactating Women

RDA Intake Gap RDA Intake Gap RDA Intake Gap RDA Intake Gap

Energy (Kcal) 1240 687 553 1690 978 712 2175 1654 521 2425 1852 573

Protein (g) 22 18.6 3.4 30 26.5 3.5 65 45 20 75 46.7 28.3

Iron (mg) 12 4.3 7.7 18 6.8 11.2 38 12 26 30 11.8 18.2

Vitamin A (µg) 400 56 344 400 66 334 600 111 489 950 107 843

Calcium (mg) 400 161 239 400 66 334 1000 352 648 1000 320 680

Thiamin (mg) 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.9 0.6 0.3 1.1 1.0 0.1 1.2 1.2 0

Riboflavin (mg) 0.7 0.3 0.4 1.0 0.3 0.7 1.3 0.5 0.8 1.4 0.6 0.8

Niacin (mg) 8.0 4.7 3.3 11.0 7.4 3.6 14.0 12.4 1.6 16 14.4 1.6

Vitamin C (mg) 30 9 21 40.0 15.0 25 40 26 14 80 28 52

Free Folic Acid (µg)

30 18 12 40 26 14 400 48 352 150 53 97

5. Composition of Micronutrient Premixes should be as per the micronutrients requirement

in the product specification, keeping in view the losses of micronutrients during the

storage period i.e. Shelf life of the product. Micronutrient Premixes with complete

certificate of analysis as well as with a proof of purchase of premixes may be submitted

along with the other documents for payments. Micronutrients premixes must be stored in

a dry, cool and clean place. Uniform mixing of Micronutrients may be ensured with

variation of 10% using Calcium as indicator elements. Each batch of not less than 150

MT of product may be tested for the Calcium content.

6. It shall be compulsory to have automated system for the measurement of the prescribed

micronutrients and also such system for blending of the same, so that the fortification of

the MFEDF is done in such a manner that material accuracy is obtained.

7. The prescribed micronutrients should be sufficiently stable in all MFEDF items under

customary conditions of packing, storage, distribution and use.

8. The essential nutrients should not impart undesirable characteristics to the MFEDF and

should not shorten the shelf-life of the MFEDF.

9. All MFEDF items should be free from rancid and objectionable odor, extraneous matter,

insects, fungus, rodent hair and excreta.

10. The MFEDF items shall be packed in desired packing size. The MFEDF shall be packed

in laminated Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) pouches manufactured from virgin LDPE

granules and shall conform to food grade quality and such pouches be placed in HDPE

woven bags. The outer bag and liner should be folded together and double stitched closed

after removing air in such a way to protect from deterioration, with the quantity of

micronutrients, date of manufacturing and expiry being indicated clearly on the


11. Selected Proposer(s) / JV Company must have their own in-house testing facilities and

they must ensure batch wise test report before dispatch of MFEDF items regarding

Protein, Calories, Ash, Moisture, Chemical contaminants, Physical conditions e.g.

dryness, softness, uniform consistency and Microbiological analysis.


i. The MFEDF items shall be manufactured from fresh ingredients of good quality,


which shall be free from foreign materials and substances hazardous to health.

ii. The ingredients and finished products shall comply with Food Safety and

Standards Act, 2006 laws.

iii. The raw material and finished goods must be stored separately under dry,

ventilated and hygienic conditions. The insecticides used for fumigation in storage

area should not be of hazardous nature. The quality of insecticides should be in

compliance with Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006.




The layout of the food manufacturing unit must be adapted to the hygienic

requirements of a given process, packaging and storage area. The interior layout

of the unit should be in such a way that the flow of material, personnel, air and

waste can proceed in right direction. The manufacturing unit that produces MFEDF

Items must address following elements: - Training of Processing and Supervisory

personnel, Segregation of raw materials during storage and handling, Validated

cleaning procedures for food contact equipment, Prevention of cross

contamination during processing, Validated storage / cleaning procedures for

finished goods. Sanitation procedure must be developed for all food contact

equipment and food contact surfaces. Manufacturing Unit should have all known

quality systems, control procedures and processing instructions.

Manufacturing Unit should be located in clean and hygienic environment and

should also maintain clean and hygienic environment inside the premises to

prevent the risk of contamination from environment and by the processing and

packaging environment. The manufacturing unit should follow all the GMP

regulations and Food Safety & Management System (ISO 22000:2005 Certified).

The whole premises and Manufacturing facility should be equipped with proper

fire-fighting system. The whole establishment should be well illuminated with

adequate lighting in external and internal area. The establishment should be

equipped with proper lightening arrestor system.

Manufacturing unit should have trained supervisors and workers to ensure that

they have necessary knowledge and expertise in food hygiene, food

Manufacturing, employee’s health and personal hygiene to produce safe and

quality products. Time to time training should be imparted to all the technical

supervisors and workers.


All the ancillary areas like storage of packing material, power backup, water storage,

power supply, fuel storage area, administrative area, supervisor room, waste

disposal area, sanitation areas and labour area should be properly segregated and

well defined. These areas should be properly maintained under hygienic condition

so as to keep the environment inside the premises clean and to prevent any kind of

cross contamination.



The Processing area should be designed in such a way to have minimal impact on

either the nutritional or sensory properties of food manufactured. The processing

area should have hygienic processing equipment and hygienic process environment

to prevent microbial, chemical and physical contamination. Processing area should

incorporate hygienic design of food processing facility to prevent development of

pest and microbiological niches and to avoid product contamination by particles

such as glass, dust and iron. The processing area should facilitate cleaning and

sanitation and preserve hygienic condition both during and after maintenance.


The layout of Storage area should be in such a manner that all entry / exit must have

controlled access, flow or exit of personnel, raw and finished products. Storage area

should have adequate air circulation, floor drains etc. All the entry and exit of the

storage area should be screened properly to prevent the entry of rats, insects and

birds. All the pathways like electrical wires conduits and air ducts should be

screened and closed properly to prevent the entry of rodents, pests and infestation.

The storage area should be dry, ventilated and free from dampness.

Storage area should have adequate space to store raw material and finished

product as per the requirement. It should have properly segregated and separate

place for keeping all the raw material and finished product.

i. Raw Material / Finished Product

The unit should have adequate and separate raw material / finished product

storage area to ensure smooth and uninterrupted Manufacturing of the

required MFEDF item. All the raw material / finished product should be

stacked properly. The raw material / finished product should be stacked in

such a way so as to provide easy access of the raw material for counting,

cleaning and proper air circulation.

ii. Packing Material

Different kind of packing material should be stacked in respective areas so

as to provide easy access of the packing material for using, counting and

cleaning purpose.

iii. Rejected Goods

All kind of rejected and waste material like rejected raw material, rejected

food item, rejected packing material and rejected plant hardware should be

stored in their assigned areas. Rejected area should be located at a place

where disposal of rejected items can be easily done as and when required

without hampering the different processes in manufacturing facility.


The unit should have proper and defined weighing area to ensure easy access and

exit of vehicles. The weighing machine installed should have adequate capacity as

per the requirement. The weighing machine should be accurate enough to ensure

accurate weighing of incoming and outgoing material.



The number of loading / unloading docks should be minimal and above ground

level. Loading / unloading points should have smooth and uncluttered slope

surface to encourage water runoff. Area beneath docks should not provide

harbourages for pests, should be paved and should drain adequately. During

loading and unloading to provide protection for raw material and finished product,

docks should be shielded by roof or canopies. To prevent the entry of insects, dock

openings should be provided with plastic strips or air curtains. All the dock

openings should be provided with rolling shutter. Docks should be well illuminated

with external lighting. Ultraviolet light electric grids should be strategically

positioned near docks to attract and kill intruding insects.


The establishment should have proper Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Control

(QC) in place to ensure quality of raw material and finished goods. The

establishment should have in-house laboratory to check the quality of raw material

and finished product in terms of quality and infestations. In-house lab should have

adequate equipment to check the nutritive values, physical parameters and

microbiology. In-house lab should have Technically qualified and trained staff to

execute the testing. Proper documentation of SOPs should be in place to ensure

quality of food products manufactured at every stage of manufacturing. BICDSS

would also have the right to get examined any sample of the MFEDF from any

recognised laboratory for full verification.


Plant and Machinery should consist of machines which can perform the different processes

required for manufacturing of the MFEDF items like feeding, cleaning, grinding, sifting,

roasting / extrusion, blending / mixing and packaging. Process equipment must be

designed from food grade material that are compatible with the food products produced and

the cleaning agents and disinfectants applied to sanitize the Manufacturing environment.

Processing equipment must be hygienically integrated within the factory premises. Plant

and machinery should have adequate / accurate system to deliver and blend micronutrients

in the final product. The processing unit should be fully automated to avoid the use of

human hands in processes like handling, feeding, cleaning, grinding, sifting, roasting /

extrusion, blending / mixing and packaging all of which are done automatically. The

manufacturing unit should have the following plant & machinery of sufficient capacity for

manufacture of MFEDF items:

S. No. Machinery & Equipment

1 Grain Cleaner with aspiration channel for the removal of impurities such as chaff,

mud particles etc.

2 De-stoner for removal of stones & other impurities proper dehulling equipment for

soya bean.

3 Separate storage bins for storing the different raw materials duly cleaned

4 Proper system in place for automatic blending / mixing desired proportions from

the storage bins.


5 Conveying system for carrying blended ingredients to grinding machine

6 Grinder / Hammer Mill / Pulverizer for grinding blended grains into grits prior to

extrusion / roasting.

7 Conveyor for carrying clean grinded blended grain grits to extrusion / roasting


8 Extrusion / Roasting Machine for cooking blended grains.

9 Grain Cooler to cooling extruded / roasted material to ambient temperature

10 Conveyor for carrying cooled extruded / roasted material from cooler to grinder


11 Grinder for grinding cooled extruded / roasted material into flour.

12 Conveyor for carrying milled blended flour from Grinder to Sifter

13 Sifter for shifting grounded flour

14 Grinder for grinding Sugar into powder

15 Automatic blending system for blending of flour and powdered sugar in required


16 System in place for mixing micronutrients prior to packing (fortification)

17 Automatic Conveying System for conveying final blend mix to finished goods silos

18 Automatic Conveying System to convey finished goods to Form, Fill & Seal

Machine Hoppers

19 Automatic Form, Fill & Seal machines for unit packing of desired size of pouches

as per the required quantity of MFEDF items

20 Sufficient number of weighing scale, bag stitching machines for packing the

desired quantity of finished product pouches in HDPE Bags

21 Aspiration system consisting of blower, cyclone, dust collector, ducting to remove

fine dust particles in the processing hall

22 Magnetic Separators at desired locations for removal of iron particles during

processing and packing

23 Full Power Backup


The manufacturing unit should have adequate power supply and power backup facilities

for smooth and uninterrupted Manufacturing. Power supply and Power backup area

should be equipped with all safety equipment like fire extinguisher.



GMP and GHP to be followed in all the processes like raw material storage, processing

operations, packing operation, finished goods storage so as to prevent cross

contamination and hygiene of the Manufacturing facility.


The unit should have qualified and experienced technical staff like plant manager,

supervisor, food technologist, chemist, electrician, foreman, administrative staff to ensure

smooth and uninterrupted operations at the unit. The unit should have sufficient number

of non-technical staff for handling respective activities.




1. The BICDSS is facilitator and nodal agency for implementation of various schemes of

Government of Bihar and Government of India. The Government of Bihar has identified

BICDSS for implementation of programme related to supply of MFEDF, in accordance

with the guidelines / norms issued by Ministry of Women and Child Development,

Government of India and various decisions of Supreme Court, to the beneficiaries of

ICDS and SABLA Schemes.

2. It would be limited liability joint venture in between a private party (proposer) and


3. The execution of the orders, issued by the BICDSS, shall be monitored and ensured

by BICDSS / DSW. The monitoring will extend from quality check and inspection of raw

material, ensuring smooth Manufacturing process, specified packaging, dispatch,

transportation, storage to distribution up to destination (ICDS Project Godowns or at

other specified Godowns / Locations at Block Level).

4. The periodical inspection will also be carried out by BICDSS for smooth implementation

of the scheme, including testing of MFEDF at random intervals from various stocks.

5. The co-ordination in supply chain management will be done by the BICDSS and it should

be ensured that there is no delay in Manufacturing and distribution of product as per

Delivery Instructions.

6. The JV Company shall be responsible for manufacturing and supply of MFEDF Items as

per specifications. All the responsibilities relating to safe delivery of MFEDF Items till

destination will be borne by the JV Company.

7. The BICDSS shall only subscribe 30% Paid-up Share Capital in JV Company (upto Rs

10,00,00,000/- (Rupees Ten Crore Only) for each JV Company) and shall not contribute

any capital investment / working capital in JV Company. The JV Company shall be

responsible for all the financial arrangement whether it be capital investment or working

capital. The BICDSS shall not provide any guarantee for the loan, if any, taken by JV


8. The JV Company shall be required to set up the manufacturing unit for manufacture the

MFEDF in Bihar within 18 months of the date of signing of Agreement and till such time

the selected proposer shall ensure manufacture and supply of MFEDF items from his /

subsidiary existing manufacturing unit(s).

9. The JV Company shall be responsible for the following work:

i. Lifting and transportation of food grains such as wheat, rice, maize allotted at

NFSA / BPL Price under ICDS / SABLA Scheme by the Government of Bihar from

designated depots of FCI.

ii. Unloading of food grains allotted at NFSA / BPL Price under ICDS / SABLA

Scheme at manufacturing unit.

iii. Procurement of raw materials other than food grains allotted by the Government of

Bihar as per recipe and Micronutrients.

iv. Storage of food grains and other raw material, micronutrients, packing materials.


v. Cleaning and grinding of raw materials, mixing of grinded raw materials as per


vi. Manufacturing / processing of MFEDF items.

vii. Fortification with required micronutrients,

viii. Final preparation of MFEDF items,

ix. Testing of quality of MFEDF items as per specifications,

x. Packing of the MFEDF items as per packing specifications,

xi. Storage of MFEDF items at manufacturing unit,

xii. Loading of MFEDF items

xiii. Transportation of MFEDF items up to the ICDS Project Godowns or at other

specified Godowns / Locations at Block Level of the respective district,

xiv. Human Resource

xv. Security

xvi. Manufacturing as per specifications provided by the BICDSS / DSW

xvii. Quality control

xviii. Financial arrangement

xix. All legal liabilities in reference to food laws and all other relevant labour law and

other laws of State Government / Central Government.

xx. The JV Company shall conduct time to time survey regarding the acceptability and

palatability of each recipe of MFEDF for different categories of beneficiaries and

submit survey report(s) with BICDSS.

10. The details of each category of beneficiary district-wise is as under:



Name of


No. of Beneficiaries


(6 months –

3 years)


Malnourished Child

(6 month – 3 years)

Pregnant &





1 PATNA 122766 52614 70152 13244

2 NALANDA 72744 31176 41568

3 ROHTAS 73794 31626 42168

4 KAIMUR 37254 15966 21288

5 BUXAR 41986 17994 23992 4528

6 BHOJPUR 60732 26028 34704

7 GAYA 102186 43794 58392 11022

8 JEHANABAD 27174 11646 15528

9 ARAWAL 16436 7044 9392

10 NAWADA 59668 25572 34096

11 AURANGABAD 59234 25386 33848 6367

12 SARAN 97790 41910 55880

13 SIWAN 79604 34116 45488

14 GOPALGANJ 65954 28266 37688

15 MUZAFFARPUR 109718 47022 62696

16 SITAMADHI 80962 34698 46264 8751

17 SEOHAR 15610 6690 8920

18 WEST CHAMPARAN 94584 40536 54048 10242

19 EAST CHAMPARAN 121730 52170 69560

20 VAISHALI 82544 35376 47168 8903


21 DARBHANGA 95102 40758 54344

22 MADHUBANI 104762 44898 59864

23 SAMASTIPUR 104944 44976 59968

24 SAHARSA 45584 19536 26048 4944

25 SUPAUL 53662 22998 30664

26 MADHEPURA 54558 23382 31176

27 PURNIA 78484 33636 44848

28 ARARIA 60158 25782 34376

29 KISHANGANJ 45752 19608 26144 5042

30 KATIHAR 76314 32706 43608 8312

31 BHAGALPUR 66150 28350 37800

32 BANKA 49924 21396 28528 5412

33 MUNGHER 36708 15732 20976 3987

34 SHEIKHPURA 15876 6804 9072

35 LAKHUSARAI 26348 11292 15056

36 JAMUI 44702 19158 25544

37 BRGUSARAI 69552 29808 39744

38 KHAGARIA 39746 17034 22712

Total 2490796 1067484 1423312 90754

The Proposer(s) are advised to consider the above details for estimation of quantities of

MFEDF items. However, the requirement of quantity may vary with the change in the

policy of the Government or requirement for distribution of the supplementary nutrition or

due to other Administrative or Financial exigencies.

11. The BICDSS will issue a "Delivery Instructions” (DI) indicating monthly quantity of MFEDF

Items to be delivered at each ICDS Project Godown or at other specified Godowns /

Locations at the block level in the State of Bihar. The DI for a month will be issued by the

State Mission Director, BICDSS to the Office of the JV Company / Selected Proposer by

25th day of preceding month.

12. On issue of the DI, the JV Company / Selected Proposer shall within 10 days commence

delivery of MFEDF Items to the various ICDS Projects in the State of Bihar abiding by the

DI. Failing to deliver the MFEDF Items as per the instructions will make the JV Company /

Selected Proposer liable for deduction as per the provision of this RFP document.


The JV Company shall ensure quality and hygiene standards under Supplementary

Nutrition Programme (SNP) of ICDS & SABLA Scheme provided hereunder:

i. Batch-wise samples will be tested through NABL accredited Labs duly notified

by FSSAI under section 43 of Food Safety and Standard Act, 2006. Thus, testing

of MFEDF being provided as THR shall be done through NABL accredited Labs

duly notified by FSSAI under section 43 of Food Safety and Standard Act, 2006

within the State or out of State, if so required. The cost of the sample testing

will be borne by JV Company / Selected Proposer.

ii. Supply will be initiated only after receipt of the satisfactory reports of in-house


iii. Samples may be drawn by the representatives of DSW from the manufacturing

unit or storage points or ICDS Project Godowns. The cost of the sample testing will


be borne by BICDSS / DSW.

iv. The supply of the entire batch will be cancelled and will be liable to be

replaced in case of sample testing parameters does not conform as per

specifications as per Annexure – A.

v. Testing reports may also be obtained from Food and Nutrition Board, Eastern

Zone under periodic plan in convergence with Food and Nutrition Board. The plan

may be derived and executed for sampling, testing and analysis of reports as well

as necessary action to be taken.


i. The MFEDF shall be packed in an appropriate pouch of 700 g to 1000 g. The

packing size shall be decided by the BICDSS in accordance with the serving size

of MFEDF and no. of feeding days in a month. The design of packing, containing

graphics, logo and color scheme will be provided by the BICDSS.

ii. Packing would ensure sufficient protection of the MFEDF to prevent its damages

or deterioration during transit to their final destination as indicated in the contract.

The packing shall be sufficient to withstand, rough handling during transit and

exposure to sunlight, humidity, salt and precipitation during transit and storage

under normal weather conditions.

iii. The required packing and labeling standards should meet the FOOD SAFETY


iv. The outer bag should be made up of laminated HDPE woven bag. The bag should

be closed by folding and double stitching; removing as much air as possible.

v. The MFEDFs have to be packed in air tight manner using food grade LDPE

pouch. Each such packet shall contain the weight mentioned on respective

MFEDF pouch. 100% virgin material should be used.


i. The JV Company / Selected Proposer should have the adequate facility of storage

(Godowns) at plant. It shall deliver MFEDFs to each ICDS Project Godowns or at

other specified Godowns / Locations at Block Level as per the DI issued in


ii. MFEDFs should reach the ICDS Project Godowns or at other specified Godowns /

Locations at Block Level within maximum delivery period of 50 days from the date

allotment of DI.

iii. The period of 50 days includes Manufacturing, laboratory testing, packing,

transportation and distribution upto ICDS Project Godowns or at other specified

Godowns / Locations at Block Level.


i. The product should reach the ICDS Project Godowns or at other specified

Godowns / Locations at Block Level within maximum delivery period of 50 days

from the date of allotment of DI. After completion of 50 days of delivery period,

penalty will be charged @ 1% (one percent) from 57th day up to 80th day. After 80

days, a penalty will be charged @ 2%. Such penalty will be charged for the quantity

delivered late or remains undelivered.

ii. The variation of the final MFEDF with respect to contents of various parameters and


specifications prescribed under ANNEXURE - A, shall not be more than ±5%

(numeric value of protein and calorie should not be less than 5% and numeric value

of microbiological and FSSAI parameters should not be more than 5%, as the case

may be) of the prescribed specification using standard analytical techniques. The

micronutrients level in each recipe of MFEDF Items should not be below prescribed

level. MFEDF not meeting this requirement throughout the shelf life is liable for

replacement free of cost at the ultimate destination. The JV Company has to

replace such MFEDF within 30 days from the date of intimation to the JV Company

/ Selected Proposer. If such product has not been replaced within stipulated time

period or consumed meanwhile, then the penalty at 2% (two percent) of total

amount (including all applicable taxes) of quantity of such batches will be charged.

iii. If samples are taken by the Food Safety Officer(s) and declared by Government

Food Analyst as unsafe / sub-standard / misbranded, the JV Company shall be

liable under FSSA, 2006.


i. JV Company / Selected Proposer will make request for payment to the BICDSS in

writing, accompanied by an invoice describing, as appropriate, the Goods delivered

and the Services performed, and by documents, submitted as given below and

upon fulfillment of other obligations stipulated in the contract.

ii. The JV Company / Selected Proposer will submit bills for the MFEDF Items being

manufactured and delivered in a particular month alongwith test report. The bills

should be attached with receipts signed by the Authorized Officer or staff of the

ICDS Project Office(s).

iii. After scrutiny of the bills and on getting the confirmation from the ICDS Projects, the

designated officers from BICDSS will make payment to the JV Company / Selected

Proposer as soon as possible preferably within one month.

iv. All payments will be made through Account Payee Cheque / Treasury Cheque /

Bank Drafts or as per the new arrangement of chequeless transfer.

v. Tax at source, if applicable, will be deducted from the bills at the prevailing rate and

a certificate will be issued.

vi. The payments will be made as early as possible, preferably within a month after

submission of bills by the JV Company / Selected Proposer.




(On the letterhead of the Proposer)



State Mission Director,

Bihar Integrated Child Development Services Society,

Indira Bhawan, 2nd Floor,

Ram Charitra Singh Path,

Bailey Road, Patna,

Bihar - 800001

Dear Sir,

Sub: Proposal for Selection of Joint Venture Partner for BICDSS

We, the undersigned, submit the proposal to be considered for being a Joint Venture Partner in

accordance with your Request for Proposal (RFP) dated 3rd February, 2017.

1. We hereby declare that all the information and statements made in this Proposal are

true and accept that any misinterpretation contained in it may lead to our


2. We have read RFP document and agree to accept and abide by the same in toto.

3. The Proposal i.e. Technical Proposal and Financial Proposal has been prepared after

taking into account all the terms and conditions of RFP Document.

4. Our Proposal is binding upon us.

5. We understand you are not bound to accept any Proposal you receive.

Thanking you.

Yours sincerely,

Authorized Signature [In full and initials]: Name and Title of Signatory: Name of Company / Firm / Society: Address and Phone:




1. Proposer Details

a. Name of the Proposer

b. Proposer’s Constitution (Proprietorship / Partnership / Private Limited /

Public Limited / Joint Venture Company)

c. Country of incorporation

d. Address of corporate headquarters and its branch office(s), if any, in


e. Date of incorporation and/or commencement of business.

2. Brief Description of the Proposer including details of its main lines of business

3. Fulfillment of Eligibility Criteria by the Proposer as per the table below:

S. No. Requirement as per RFP



by Proposer

1 Covering letter, as per Appendix – II

2 Prescribed Proposal Form, as per Appendix-III

3 Power of Attorney for Proposal Signatory, as per Appendix-IV

4 Duly Notarized Affidavit, strictly as prescribed under Appendix-V

5 Proposal Undertaking, as prescribed under Appendix- VI

6 Duly filled in format of Anti- collusion certificate, as prescribed

under Appendix- VII


Proposal Security or EMD (as per Clause A.5) in the form of

FDR / Bank Guarantee, strictly as per the format prescribed

under Appendix- VIII

8 NOC / Resolution / Consent, as prescribed under Appendix-IX

9 Original RFP document duly signed and stamped on each page

as an acceptance of terms and conditions of this RFP.


Certified copy of Registration Certificate, in case of

Proprietorship / copy of Registered Partnership Deed, in case of

Partnership Firm / Incorporation Certificate and Memorandum of

Article & Association, in case of a Company / Registration

Certificate and Bye-laws, in case of a Co-operative Society or

any other documents for substantiating claim of Proposer of

having any legal entity.

11 Samples as per Clause A.41 In a separate

sealed cover

12 Audited Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account and Financial


Statement (Appendix X) for Last Three Financial Years i.e.

2013-14, 2014-15 & 2015-16.


Financial Statement, in prescribed format as per Appendix - X,

duly certified by a Chartered Accountant, who has audited the

Balance Sheet. In case, the same Chartered Accountant

refuses to certify the Financial Statement, then the Financial

Statement is to be certified by any other Chartered Accountant

and written refusal of Chartered Accountant, who audited the

Balance Sheet, shall be enclosed along with Financial


14 The documents showing ownership / lease in the name of

Proposer for the Manufacturing Unit (Clause A.26)


Copies of all the following statutory licenses, continuously valid

for Last Three Financial Years (2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16).

All the following statutory licenses / certificates for

Manufacturing / Producing and supplying of MFEDF items as

THR (as prescribed under Clause A.23) should be in the name

of the Proposer itself continuously for last financial three years:

A Factory Act License

B DIC / SIA registration certificate for having manufacturing unit

C VAT registration

D CST registration

E License under FSSAI

F PAN card

G Consent to Operate issued by the respective State Pollution

Control Board

17 ISO 22000:2005 certificate

18 Annual Turnover Certificate

19 Average Annual Production Certificate

20 Production Capacity Certificate issued by competent authority of

State / Central Government.

21 List of Lab Equipment available at the manufacturing unit

22 Any other documentary evidence / certificate etc. as required

under this RFP

4. Details of Individual (s) who will serve as the point of contact / communication

within the Proposer; with BICDSS.

a. Name:

b. Designation:

c. Company:

d. Address:

e. Telephone Number:

f. E-Mail Address:

g. Fax Number:


5. Name, Designation, Address and Phone Numbers of Authorized Signatory of the


a. Name:

b. Designation:

c. Address:

d. Phone Number:

e. Fax Number:

I / We have read all the terms and conditions of the REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP)

DOCUMENT and the ANNEXURES thereto and agree to accept and abide by the same in

toto. The PROPOSAL has been prepared after taking into account all the terms and



Signature of the Authorized Person

(with Seal of the Proposer)





(On Non-Judicial Stamp Paper of Rs 100 / - and duly notarized)


Know all men by these presents, we ____________________________(name and address of the registered office) do hereby constitute, appoint and authorize Mr. / Ms.____________ (name and address of residence) who is presently holding the position of as our attorney, to do in our name and on our behalf, all such acts, deeds and things necessary in connection with or incidental to our Proposal for selection of Joint Venture Partner for BICDSS (Proposal), including signing and submission of all documents and providing information / responses to BICDSS in all matters before BICDSS, and generally dealing with BICDSS in all matters in connection with our Proposal. We hereby agree to ratify all such acts, deeds and things lawfully done by our said attorney pursuant to this Power of Attorney and that all such acts, deeds and things lawfully done by our aforesaid attorney shall and shall always be deemed to have been done by us.

Executants’ Signature

(Name, Title and Address)

I Accept Attorney Signature (Name, Title and Address of the Attorney)

Attested Executants


1. To be executed by the Proposer

2. The mode of execution of the Power of Attorney should be in accordance with the

procedure, if any, laid down by the applicable law and the charter documents of the

executants(s) and when it is so required the same should be under common seal affixed

in accordance with the required procedure.

3. Also, where required, the executants(s) should submit for verification the extract of the

charter documents and documents such as a resolution / power of attorney in favor of

the Person executing this Power of Attorney for the delegation of power hereunder on

behalf of the Proposer.

4. In case the Proposal is signed by an authorized Director of the Proposer, a certified copy

of the appropriate resolution / document conveying such authority may be enclosed in

lieu of the Power of Attorney.




(To be furnished by the Proposer on a Rs. 100- non-Judicial Stamp Paper and notarized)

I, the undersigned, do hereby solemnly affirm on behalf of the Proposer that:

1. All statements made in the Proposal are true and correct to the best of my belief and


2. The undersigned hereby authorize(s) and request(s) any bank, person, firm, Central

Government / State Government / UT / any Government Department whether Central or

State / Semi Government Organization / Agency / Cooperative Federation / Public Sector

Undertaking / Government Corporation / Local Authority to furnish pertinent information

deemed necessary and requested by the BICDSS to verify statements, documents, records

submitted with the Proposal or regarding my (our) competence and general reputation.

3. During the last three years (2013-14,2014-15 & 2015-16) no Manufacturing activity has

been carried out by the Proposer without having all the statutory licenses, in the name of

Proposer itself.

4. The Proposer has carried out all the compliances to all the statutory licenses and there is

no any violation of the terms and conditions of any license resulting conviction under any

criminal case against the Proposer.

5. If the existing Manufacturing Unit is not found in ready to use condition to manufacture and

supply required MFEDF items, as per product specification, during the course of inspection,

the EMD of the Proposer may be forfeited by the BICDSS.

6. The Proposer itself and its associate company, associate concern, associate firm, related

parties its holding company or subsidiary company, constituents, group companies have

never been foreclosed / debarred / disqualified / suspended / discontinuance of supply by

Central Government / any State Government / any Government Department / Government

Organization / Government Undertakings / Government Federations / Corporation

Government Agency / Local Authority.

7. Proposal Security / EMD and / or Security Deposit of the Proposer itself and its associate

company, associate concern, associate firm, related parties, group companies had never

been forfeited by Central Government / any State Government / any Government

Department / Government Organization / Government Undertakings / Government

Federations / Corporation Government Agency / Local Authority.

8. In case any particular or details given in any of proposal is found to be inaccurate or

incorrect or the certificate or any documents furnished by the Proposer is found to be

fabricated and not genuine, either on inspection by Authorized Personnel of the BICDSS or

on the basis of information received through other sources, our proposal will be liable to be

rejected and in case agreement has been made, the same will be liable to be rescinded

and the same will be without prejudice to any other consequences (including forfeiture of

EMD and / or Security Deposit) to which the concerned Proposer will be exposed for

misrepresentation and misleading the BICDSS.

9. We will establish the Manufacturing Unit in the State of Bihar within 18 months and shall


commence manufacturing and supplying the MFEDF within two months from

manufacturing unit owned by us and / or any of our subsidiary / holding company from the

date of execution of the Agreement, failing which the BICDSS may forfeit our EMD /

Security Deposit.

The undersigned understands and agrees that further qualifying information may be requested

and we do hereby agree to furnish any such information at the directions of BICDSS.


(Signed by an authorized signatory)

(Title of the Signatory)

(Name and Address of the Organization)





(on the letter head of the proposer)


State Mission Director,

Bihar Integrated Child Development Services Society,

Indira Bhawan, 2nd Floor,

Ram Charitra Singh Path,

Bailey Road, Patna,

Bihar - 800001

Dear Sir,

Sub: Proposal for selection of Joint Venture Partner for BICDSS.

We have examined in detail and have understood the terms and conditions stipulated in the RFP

issued by BICDSS and subsequent communication sent by BICDSS. Our Proposal is in

consistent with all requirements of submission as stated in the RFP or in any of the subsequent

communication issued by the BICDSS. We would be solely responsible for any errors or

omissions in our Proposal.

We undertake that we will establish the Manufacturing Unit in the State of Bihar within 18

(eighteen) months and shall commence manufacturing and supplying the MFEDF within two

months from manufacturing unit owned by us and / or any of our subsidiary / holding company

from the date of execution of the Agreement, failing which the BICDSS may forfeit our EMD /

Security Deposit.

We also commit to abide by the decision of BICDSS on all matters relating to the implementation

of the Joint Venture Agreement and thereafter, the Operations of the Joint Venture.

For and on behalf of: (Signature of the authorized person) Name of the person: Designation: Signed by the Proposer




(To be furnished by the Proposer on their letter heads)


State Mission Director,

Bihar Integrated Child Development Services Society,

Indira Bhawan, 2nd Floor,

Ram Charitra Singh Path,

Bailey Road, Patna,

Bihar - 800001

Dear Sir,

Sub: Proposal for selection of Joint Venture Partner for BICDSS

We hereby certify and confirm that in the preparation and submission of this Proposal, we have

not acted in concert or in collusion with any other Proposer or any other person(s) and also not

done any act, deed or thing which is or could be regarded as anti-competitive, restrictive or

monopolistic trade practice.

We further confirm that we have not offered nor will offer any illegal gratification in cash or kind

to any person or agency in connection with this Proposal.

Dated this ___Day of _________, 2017

Name of the Proposer

Signature of the Authorized Person

Name of the Authorized Person




(To be issued by a Nationalized Bank or Scheduled Bank in India)

(To be executed on appropriate value of Non-Judicial Stamp Paper as per prevailing

provisions of Stamp Act of respective State/UT)

B.G. No. __________________________ dated _____________

This Deed of Guarantee executed at _______ by ______________ (Name of Bank) having its Head

Office / Registered office at ______________ (hereinafter referred to as "the Guarantor") which

expression shall unless it be repugnant to the subject or context thereof include its, successors and


In favour of

The State Mission Director, Bihar Integrated Child Development Services Society, Indira

Bhawan, 2nd Floor, Ram Charitra Singh Path, Bailey Road, Patna, Bihar - 800001, which

expression shall unless it be repugnant to the subject or context thereof include its successors and


WHEREAS, M/s. _______________________________, having its office at ____________

(hereinafter called "the Proposer") which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the subject or

context thereof include its / their executors’ administrators, successors and assigns, intends to

submit Proposal for selection of Joint Venture Partner for BICDSS (hereinafter referred to as the


And WHEREAS, as per requirements of the RFP (Request for Proposal), the Proposer is required to

furnish to BICDSS (BICDSS, which expression shall include its successors and assigns), a

Bank Guarantee for a sum of Rs 10,00,00,000/- (Rupees Ten Crores only) towards Proposal

Security / EMD for the aforesaid Proposal.

KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that we, as the Guarantors are bound to BICDSS, to

pay it on demand, in terms of this Deed of Guarantee, on behalf of _____________ [Insert

the name of the Proposer] the sum of Rs. 10,00,00,000/- (Rupees Ten Crores only). The

Guarantor binds itself and its successors and assigns by these presents.


1. The Guarantor, as primary obligor shall, without demur, pay to BICDSS an amount not

exceeding Rs 10,00,00,000/- (Rupees Ten Crores only) (hereinafter referred to as the

Guaranteed Amount), within 5 days of receipt of a written demand from BICDSS calling

upon the Guarantor to pay the said amount.

2. The Proposal Security / E M D shall be forfeited in the following cases:

if a Proposer engages in Corrupt Practices, Fraudulent Practices, Coercive


Practices, Undesirable Practices or Restrictive Practices as specified in Clause 12

of this RFP;

if a Proposer modifies or withdraws its Proposal except as provided in Clause 6.3,

if a Proposer withdraws its Proposal during the interval between the Proposal Due

Date and expiration of Proposal Validity Period;

if any information or document furnished by the Proposer is found by BICDSS to be

misrepresenting, misleading, fabricated, incorrect or untrue;

if any of the clause / word of prescribed affidavit is found incorrect / misleading or

modified / amended;

If the existing Manufacturing Unit is not found in ready to use condition to

manufacture and supply required MFEDF items, as per product specification,

during the course of inspection;

3. Any such demand made on the Guarantor by BICDSS shall be conclusive and absolute as

regards the forfeiture of the Guaranteed Amount due and payable by the Guarantor under

this Guarantee.

4. The above payment shall be made without any reference to the Proposer or any other

person and irrespective of whether the claim of BICDSS is disputed by the Proposer or


5. This Guarantee shall be irrevocable and remain in full force for a period of 180 (One

Hundred Eighty) days from ___________ the_______, ______ or for such extended

period as may be mutually agreed between BICDSS and the Proposer and shall continue

to be enforceable till all amounts under this Guarantee are paid.

6. The Guarantee shall not be affected by any change in the constitution or winding up of the

Proposer / the Guarantor or any absorption, merger or amalgamation of the Proposer / the

Guarantor with any other person.

7. In order to give full effect to this Guarantee, BICDSS shall be entitled to treat the

Guarantor as the principal debtor. The obligations of the Guarantor shall not be affected by

any variations in the terms and conditions of the RFP or other documents or by extension

of time of performance of any obligations granted to the Proposer or postponement / non-

exercise / delayed exercise of any of its rights by BICDSS against the Proposer or any

indulgence shown by BICDSS to the Proposer and the Guarantor shall not be relieved

from its obligations under this bank guarantee on account of any such variation, extension,

postponement, non-exercise, delayed exercise or omission on the part of BICDSS or any

indulgence by BICDSS to the Proposer to give such matter or thing whatsoever which

under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision have effect of so relieving the


8. The Guarantor has power to issue this Guarantee and Discharge the obligations

contemplated herein, the undersigned is duly authorized to execute this Guarantee

pursuant to the power granted under ___________________.

NOTWITHSTANDING anything contained herein:

i. Our liability under this Bank Guarantee shall not exceed Rs 10,00,00,000/- (Rupees Ten

Crore only)

ii. This Bank Guarantee shall be valid upto __.__._____, (expiry date).


iii. We are liable to pay the guaranteed amount or any part thereof under this Bank

Guarantee only and only if you serve upon us a written claim or demand on or before

__.__.____ , (claim date).

iv. Thereafter all your rights under this guarantee shall be forfeited and we shall be released

from all our liabilities hereunder irrespective of whether the guarantee in original is

returned to us or not.



Signed and Delivered by __________________ Bank

by the hand of Mr./Ms. __________________

its ______________________ and authorized official

(Bank’s Seal to be affixed)





1. If, the proposal is submitted by any Government / Semi Government organization /

Agency / Cooperative Federation / public sector undertaking / Corporation / Local

Authority, the written consent of the competent authority shall be submitted along with

proposal specifically permitting the Proposer for (a) submission of proposal against the

RFP (b) Authorizing the Proposer for execution of Agreement, in case of selection,

and (c) consent for equity participation in JV Company and deploy capital investment in

manufacturing unit to be established in the State of Bihar.

2. If Proposer is a JV entity having any Government or Government Organization or

Government Corporation / Undertaking or Local authority as a JV partner, then the

consent of the competent authority of Government, which permitted for formation of initial

JV entity (Proposer) shall be submitted along with proposal specifically permitting the

Proposer for (a) submission of proposal against the RFP (b) authorizing the Proposer for

execution of Agreement, in case of selection, and (c) consent for equity participation in

JV Company and deploy capital investment in manufacturing unit to be established in

the State of Bihar.

3. If, the proposal is submitted by an entity, which is JV company (duly registered

under Companies Act 1956 / 2013), then the resolution of the Board and written

consent of all the JV partners for (a) submission of proposal against this RFP (b)

authorizing the Proposer for execution of Agreement, in case of selection, and (c)

consent for equity participation in JV Company and deploy capital investment in

manufacturing unit to be established in the State of Bihar.

4. If, the proposal is submitted by any Company, registered under the Companies Act

1956 / 2013, then the resolution in Board meeting of the company (a) submission of

proposal against the RFP (b) authorizing one particular authority of the Proposer for

execution of Agreement, in case of selection, and (c) consent for equity participation

in JV Company and deploy capital investment in manufacturing unit to be established in

the State of Bihar.

5. If, the proposal is submitted by any partnership firm, then consent of all the partners for

(a) submission of proposal against this RFP (b) authorizing one particular authority of the

firm of execution of A greement, in case of selection, and (c) consent for equity

participation in JV Company and deploy capital investment in manufacturing unit to be

established in the State of Bihar.





S. No. Particulars FY 2015-

16 (Audited)

FY 2014 – 15


FY 2013 – 14

(Audited) Average Remarks

1 Turnover Refer

Note (b)


Profit before Depreciation, Interest, Tax & Appropriation


3 Depreciation -

4 Interest Refer

Note (c)

5 Profit before Tax (PBT) (2-3-4)

6 Income Tax Refer

Note (d)

7 Profit after Tax (PAT) (5-6)

8 Appropriation Refer

Note (e)

9 Profit after Appropriation (7-8)

(A) Liabilities

10 Capital Refer

Note (f)

11 Reserves & Surplus Refer

Note (g)

12 Term Loans Refer

Note (h)

13 Unsecured Loans Refer

Note (i)

14 Current Liabilities & Provisions (incl. Bank CC/OD Limits)


Note (j)

Total (A)

(B) Assets

15 Net Fixed Assets Refer

Note (k)

16 Current Assets Refer

Note (l)

17 Non-Current Assets (Investments in non-


Note (m)


core business activities)

Total (B)

18 Tangible Net Worth (TNW) (10+11)


19 Adjusted Tangible Net Worth (ATNW) (18-17)


20 Total Outside Liabilities (TOL) (12+13+14)


21 Net Working Capital (NWC) (16-14)


22 Current Ratio (CR) (16/14)


Note (o)

23 TOL / ATNW (20/19)


Note (p)

24 Manufacturing of MFEDF

In Metric



a. All figures to be provided in Lac Indian Rupees

b. S. No. 1: Turnover (as per Clause No A.39 and 4.7).

c. S. No. 4: Interest head should include Bank charges & all other Financial Expenses.

d. S. No. 6: Income Tax should include Current Tax as well as Deferred Tax

e. S. No. 8: Appropriation should include Dividend (in case of company) or Partners

Salary, Interest to Partners etc., in case of Partnership firm.

f. S. No. 10: Capital should include Paid-up Share Capital (in case of company), Corpus

Fund (in case of Society) or Proprietor / Partners Capital in case of firm.

g. S. No. 11: Reserves should include balance of Profit & loss account, subsidies, general

reserve, capital reserve etc. Revaluation reserve to be excluded.

h. S. No. 12: All long term loans should be mentioned under Term Loan (incl.

vehicle/equipment loans).

i. S. No. 13: Unsecured loans to include loans other than from Banks / FIs, be it from

market or from Directors/Partners or their family members/Friends.

j. S. No. 14: All heads under liabilities, excluding capital, reserves & long term liabilities

to be disclosed under Current Liabilities.

k. S. No. 15: Fixed Assets to be stated net of Depreciation till date.

l. S. No. 16: Current Assets to include business recoverable within one year (Inventory,

Debtors, Cash & Bank Balances, loans & advances granted in the normal course of


m. S. No. 17: Investments, advances to group concerns, advances of capital or non-core

business nature etc. to be included under non-current assets.

n. Total (A) must match with Total (B)

o. S. No. 22: To be derived by dividing the aggregate of Current Assets of all 3


respective years (stated at S. No. 16) by the aggregate of Current Liabilities of all 3

respective years (stated at S. No. 14).

p. S. No. 23: To be derived by dividing the aggregate of TOL of all 3 respective years

(stated at S. No. 20) by the aggregate of ATNW of all 3 respective years (stated at S.

No. 19).

Enclosures Required:

1. C.A. Certified Key Financial Figures in the format given above.

2. C.A. Certified Income Tax Returns (with Acknowledgement) of the Concern for the last

3 years.

3. C.A. Certified Audited Balance Sheets of the Concern for the last 3 years.

4. VAT Returns for all 4 quarters of the last 3 years.

5. C.A. Certified Production Figures for the last 3 years.




(To be issued by a Nationalized Bank or Scheduled Bank in India)

(To be executed on appropriate value of Non-Judicial Stamp Paper as per prevailing

provisions of Stamp Act of respective State/UT)

B.G. No. __________________________ dated _____________

This Deed of Guarantee executed at _______ by ______________ (Name of Bank) having its

Head Office / Registered office at ______________ (hereinafter referred to as "the Guarantor")

which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the subject or context thereof include its,

successors and assigns;

In favour of

The State Mission Director, Bihar Integrated Child Development Services Society, Indira

Bhawan, 2nd Floor, Ram Charitra Singh Path, Bailey Road, Patna, Bihar - 800001, which

expression shall unless it be repugnant to the subject or context thereof include its successors and


WHEREAS, M/s. _______________________________, having its office at ____________

(hereinafter called "the Proposer") which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the subject or

context thereof include its / their executors’ administrators, successors and assigns, intends to

submit Proposal for selection of Joint Venture Partner for BICDSS (hereinafter referred to as the


And WHEREAS, as per requirements of the RFP (Request for Proposal), the Proposer is

required to furnish to BICDSS (BICDSS, which expression shall include its successors and

assigns), a Bank Guarantee for a sum of Rs 25,00,00,000/- (Rupees Twenty-Five Crores only)

towards Security Deposit for the aforesaid Proposal.

KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that we, as the Guarantors are bound to BICDSS, to

pay it on demand, in terms of this Deed of Guarantee, on behalf of _____________ [Insert

the name of the Proposer] the sum of Rs. 25,00,00,000/- (Rupees Twenty-Five Crores only).

The Guarantor binds itself and its successors and assigns by these presents.


a. The Guarantor, as primary obligor shall, without demur, pay to BICDSS an amount

not exceeding Rs 25,00,00,000/- (Rupees Twenty-Five Crores only) (hereinafter referred

to as the Guaranteed Amount), within 5 days of receipt of a written demand from

BICDSS calling upon the Guarantor to pay the said amount.

b. The Security Deposit shall be forfeited in the following cases:


• in the case of Selected Proposer, if it fails within the specified time limit –

- to sign the Agreement / Shareholder Agreement; and / or

- to commence manufacturing and supplying the MFEDF (Clause A.23) from

manufacturing unit owned by it and / or any of its subsidiary / holding company;

and / or

- to establish manufacturing unit within the State of Bihar as per standards and

specification prescribed in this RFP.

• in case the Selected Proposer, having signed the Agreement / Shareholder Agreement,

commits any breach thereof.

c. Any such demand made on the Guarantor by BICDSS shall be conclusive and

absolute as regards the forfeiture of the Guaranteed Amount due and payable by the

Guarantor under this Guarantee.

d. The above payment shall be made without any reference to the Proposer or any other

person and irrespective of whether the claim of BICDSS is disputed by the Proposer

or not.

e. This Guarantee shall be irrevocable and remain in full force for a period of 126 (One

Hundred Twenty-Six) Months from ___________ the_______, ______ or for such

extended period as may be mutually agreed between BICDSS and the Proposer and

shall continue to be enforceable till all amounts under this Guarantee are paid.

f. The Guarantee shall not be affected by any change in the constitution or winding up

of the Proposer / the Guarantor or any absorption, merger or amalgamation of the

Proposer / the Guarantor with any other person.

g. In order to give full effect to this Guarantee, BICDSS shall be entitled to treat the

Guarantor as the principal debtor. The obligations of the Guarantor shall not be affected

by any variations in the terms and conditions of the RFP or other documents or by

extension of time of performance of any obligations granted to the Proposer or

postponement / non-exercise / delayed exercise of any of its rights by BICDSS against

the Proposer or any indulgence shown by BICDSS to the Proposer and the Guarantor

shall not be relieved from its obligations under this bank guarantee on account of any

such variation, extension, postponement, non-exercise, delayed exercise or omission on

the part of BICDSS or any indulgence by BICDSS to the Proposer to give such

matter or thing whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties would but for this

provision have effect of so relieving the Guarantor.

h. The Guarantor has power to issue this Guarantee and Discharge the obligations

contemplated herein, the undersigned is duly authorized to execute this Guarantee

pursuant to the power granted under ___________________.

NOTWITHSTANDING anything contained herein:

i. Our liability under this Bank Guarantee shall not exceed Rs 25,00,00,000/- (Rupees

Twenty Five Crore only)

ii. This Bank Guarantee shall be valid upto __.__._____, (expiry date).


iii. We are liable to pay the guaranteed amount or any part thereof under this Bank

Guarantee only and only if you serve upon us a written claim or demand on or before

__.__.____ , (claim date).

iv. Thereafter all your rights under this guarantee shall be forfeited and we shall be released

from all our liabilities hereunder irrespective of whether the guarantee in original is

returned to us or not.



Signed and Delivered by __________________ Bank

by the hand of Mr./Ms. __________________

its ______________________ and authorized official

(Bank’s Seal to be affixed)





Proposer shall quote Category-wise Rate per beneficiary per day and Total Cost of manufacture and delivery of Recipes of MFEDF Items FOR destination at Project

Godown / other Godowns at Block Level as indicated in the following Proforma, all columns should be filled. Incomplete Proforma and those not on this Proforma are

liable to be rejected.

Category of Beneficiary



Quantity (in MT)


Cost of Raw Materials, Processing including

Fortification and Packing excluding all applicable Taxes (in Rs. beneficiary

per day) (3)

Cost of all applicable

Taxes (in Rs.

beneficiary per day)


Freight upto Project

Godowns / other Godowns

(in Rs. beneficiary per

day) (5)

Total Price inclusive of Cost of Raw Materials, Processing including Fortification and

Packing including all applicable Taxes & Freight (in Rs. beneficiary per day)

(in words & figures) (6)=(3+4+5)

Details of Taxes &

Levies, as applicable

(in %) (7)

Child (6 months – 3



Severely Malnourished

Child (6 months – 3


Pregnant & Lactating Women

Adolescent Girls

I/We have read all the terms and conditions of the REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) DOCUMENT and the ANNEXURES AND APPENDICES thereto and agree to

accept and abide by the same in toto. The above quotation has been prepared after taking into account all the terms and conditions of this RFP.

Signature of the Proposer __________________________________

“SEAL” Name & Designation of the Signatory __________________________________

Date: ______________ (in capital letters)

Place: ______________ Name & Address of the Proposer __________________________________





Proposer shall quote Category-wise Rate per beneficiary per day and Total Cost of manufacture and delivery of Recipes of MFEDF Items FOR destination at Project

Godown / other Godowns at Block Level as indicated in the following Proforma, all columns should be filled. Incomplete Proforma and those not on this Proforma are

liable to be rejected.

Category of Beneficiary



Quantity (in MT)


Cost of Raw Materials, Processing including

Fortification and Packing excluding all applicable Taxes (in Rs. beneficiary

per day) (3)

Cost of all applicable

Taxes (in Rs.

beneficiary per day)


Freight upto Project

Godowns / other Godowns

(in Rs. beneficiary per

day) (5)

Total Price inclusive of Cost of Raw Materials, Processing including Fortification and

Packing including all applicable Taxes & Freight (in Rs. beneficiary per day)

(in words & figures) (6)=(3+4+5)

Details of Taxes &

Levies, as applicable

(in %) (7)

Child (6 months – 3



Severely Malnourished

Child (6 months – 3


Pregnant & Lactating Women

Adolescent Girls

I/We have read all the terms and conditions of the REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) DOCUMENT and the ANNEXURES AND APPENDICES thereto and agree to

accept and abide by the same in toto. The above quotation has been prepared after taking into account all the terms and conditions of this RFP.

Signature of the Proposer __________________________________

“SEAL” Name & Designation of the Signatory __________________________________

Date: ______________ (in capital letters)

Place: ______________ Name & Address of the Proposer __________________________________




S. No. Criteria Weightage Proposer 1 Proposer 2 Proposer 3 And so on

1 Technical Proposal 20

2 Financial Proposal (Rates) 20

3 Total Annual Turnover 5

4 Past Satisfactory Performance of similar Contracts


5 Experience in Years 10

6 Consistency of good quality maintenance / certification / in-house testing facilities


7 Project Cost per Metric Ton Capacity


8 Suitability of Proposed Recipes for Bihar State


9 Competency / Qualified Staff Availability


10 Good Reputation / Record in the Industry


Total 100

A composite score based on the above criteria would be determined by an Evaluation Committee specially constituted for the purpose.

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