











Gnanaguru Shri Anandha Bramma Gnani, Universal Enlightenment and Healing Master,

Anandha Prapanja Peetam,

No. 6, Veeramamunivar Street,

Colas Nagar,

Puducherry – 605 001



Public Communications Office,

NASA Headquarters,

Suite 5K39,


DC 20546-0001.

Sub: Request for Scientific research of universal enlightenment –

Submission of some evidences (images) to prove universal enlightenment

and its vibrations, true spiritual paranormal energies, etc – need for scientific

research to prove the energy of consciousness, realizations and other

connected energies in the field of spirituality and meditations– Reg:-

Dear Sirs/Madams,

I am Anandha Bramma Gnani, Universal enlightenment and

Healing Master send this requisitions along with some evidences for

scientific research of my universal enlightenment and healing energies,

consciousness, vibrations, true spiritual paranormal energies and energy of

realization, which are compared with dark energy, dark matter, cosmic

energies and energy of sun, etc. I believe that every human being is

definitely realized the universal energy and it is possible to all through my

universal meditations. Simply explained my self as that I have entered

search, what is truth in the universe like God, realizations, energies, etc

through meditations in the year 2004 to 2007, on 05.07.2007, I have attained

enlightenment but my search of truth is not completed. So, after 15 days of

enlightenment with deepest meditation and its vibrations, I have achieved



and realized that the truth of God is universal energy alone and the universal

energies merged and mingled in my body and finally, I have attained the

universal enlightenment (Bramma Gnanam) on 19.07.2007. There after, as

per order of divinity, I have established Anandha Prapanja Peetam for

universal service at Puducherry, India for true meditations, healings, Mind

treatment, etc to serve public in truthful manner. It is true that I am always

emitting or existing the universal vibrations from my body (eyes, noses,

body, etc) and having connection between my self and the universe always.

I want to prove my universal consciousness and its energies

through your valuable research institute (NASA). I think the universal

enlightenment has not proved scientifically still. I am having thousands of

images for proofs but, now sending some different types of images for

scientific research along with actual images and crop images(zoomed and

non zoomed) and some comparison images downloaded from internet (nasa

hubble images). The images are in different categories as mentioned below.

Please, carefully research and declare, the result of scientific research about

the truth to the world and I will humbly requested that myself may be

declared as a universal enlightenment and healing master to the world and

informed every thing to the public in this regard. I am ready for any test like

blood, Urine, brain, body, etc. I will dedicate my body and soul for any

experiments for bringing the truths and try to remove the fakes in the field.

Sir, you will know that it is not possible to write all those things

in this requisition for scientific research but, all things mentioned here in are



all truths only. I want to prove real spiritual realizations to the world. It is

true that every human being is definitely attained universal enlightenment. If

any body achieved the same, he has to existing, emitting or spread the

universal energy, vibrations, etc, from the body. I have achieved the same

and emitting or spreading the vibrations through my body. I will hope that

all the evidences enclosed here with are definitely prove my universal

enlightenment and healing energies, vibrations, etc. Please, don’t ignore me.

The research particulars and declaration may kindly send to me. If you want

more evidences, please inform me, I will send through post or email as you

like. The members of the Peetam are called me as “Iyya” so; I have

mentioned the word “Iyya” where it is necessary. The image evidences and

my explanations mentioned here under.

1. Universal energies (dark energy, dark matter and mysterious energy,

etc) are emitting from the body of Iyya. (Compared with Nasa Hubble

images, Chandra X – ray observatory images, etc).

Dark energy in 3-D

P. Simon (U. of Bonn) and T. Schrabback (Leiden Obs.) / NASA / ESA Dark energy image (nasa)



Dark energy is emitting from the body of Iyya. It is a zoomed crop image of dark energy



Dark energy emitting from the body of Iyya (right side top corner) zoomed crop image



It is an actual image without zoom and crop in which the dark energy emits from the body of Iyya. Dark energy found as a dot in the image near by the face of Iyya.

Dark energy is emitting from the body of Iyya. It is a zoomed crop image of dark energy alone.



Dark energy is emitting from the body of Iyya. It is a zoomed crop image and the dark energy is shows as a dot in the image left side top corner.

It is an actual image without zoom and crop in which the dark energy finds left side top corner.



Dark energy and dark matter are emitting from the body of Iyya. It is a zoomed

crop image of dark energy alone.

Dark energy and dark matter are emitting from the body of Iyya. It is a zoomed crop image and the dark energy is shows as a big dot in the image right side top corner. -8/-


It is an actual image without zoom and crop in which the dark energy finds right side top on the face of a person standing.

Dark energy and dark matter are emitting from the body of Iyya in the meditation. It is a zoomed crop image of dark energy alone. - 9/-


Dark energy and dark matter are emitting from the body of Iyya. It is a zoomed crop image and the dark energy is shows as a big dot and circle in the image right side top corner.

It is an actual image without zoom and crop of dark energy emitted from the body of Iyya after healing and meditation is over in which the dark energy is finds in the right side above. -10/-


Supernovae shed light on dark energy

The remnant of a supernova ... stars that exploded 9 billion years ago have led to new insights into dark energy

Credit: Chandra X – ray observatory

It is an image of supernovae shed light on dark energy (nasa).

Dark energy is emitting by Iyya as mentioned above. It is a zoomed crop image of dark energy alone.



It is a zoomed crop image in which dark energy shows in the right side top corner.

It is an actual image without zoom and crop in which the dark energy is finds in the right side top.



Dark energy is emitting by Iyya as mentioned above. It is a zoomed crop image of dark energy alone.

It is a zoomed crop image in which dark energy shows in the right side bottom corner at the time of healing.

It is an actual image without zoom and crop in which the dark energy is finds in the right side center at the time of healing. -13/-


Dark energy expands and contracts universe

Mysterious energy: We may not know what it is, but dark energy is busy expanding and

contracting our universe, researchers say. Credit: NASA/CXC/SAO/A.Vikhlinin et al

This Dec. 16, 2008 file photo, shows the galaxy cluster Abell 85, located about 740 million light years from Earth.

Galaxy clusters are the largest collapsed objects in the Universe and are ideal for studying the properties of dark

energy, the mysterious form of repulsive gravity that is driving the accelerated expansion of the Universe.


Mysterious energy (dark energy) is emitting from the body of Iyya. It is a zoomed crop image of mysterious energy alone. -14/-


Mysterious energy is emitting by Iyya in which shows left side (zoomed crop image).

It is an actual image of without zoom and crop in which the mysterious energy (dark energy) is finds right side. -15/-


Mysterious energy shows back side of Iyya (zoomed crop image).

It is an actual image of mysterious energy with out zoom and crop and finds back side of Iyya. -16/-


Mysterious energy shows near the head of Iyya (zoomed crop image).

It is an actual image of mysterious energy with out zoom and crop and finds near the head of Iyya. -17/-


2. Universal enlightenment energy images of Iyya, cosmic rays, eye

energies, etc. Compared big bang experiments (CERN) and black holes,

moon vibrations and other energies.

The Real Nature Of The Universe: Good Vibrations

Real nature of universe vibrations

Record Levels of Cosmic Rays Hit Earth in 2009

Cosmic rays in moon

A super massive black hole In a single exposure, astronomers were able to confirm the existence of a supermassive black hole in the

center of galaxy M84. They did this by using the Hubble Space Telescope's more powerful spectrograph to

map the rapid rotation of gas at the galaxy's center. The colorful zigzag provides the evidence. If no black

hole were present, the line would be nearly vertical. The Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph measured

a velocity of 880,000 mph within 26 light-years of the galaxy's center. This measurement allowed

astronomers to calculate that the black hole contains at least 300 million solar masses. M84 is located in the

Virgo Cluster of galaxies, 50 million light-years from Earth, and a nearby neighbor to the more massive M87

galaxy, which also contains an extremely massive black hole. The image on the left shows the galaxy's

center in visible light. -18/-


Universal vibrations are emitting in the eyes of Iyya during eye initiation.(zoomed crop

image of eyes alone)

Zoomed crop image of Iyya is emitting universal vibrations from his eyes.



It is an actual image of universal vibrations are emitting from the eyes of Iyya during eye

initiation.(without zoom and crop)

First experiment of big bang (cern) and the result declared in the month of

September 2008

‘Big Bang’ experiment starts well

Universal energy is exists from the eyes of Iyya as 1st big bang experiment. -20/-


Second experiment of big bang (cern) and the result declared in the month of

March 2010. (Spreading of energies in two images)

Third experiment of big bang (cern) and the result declared on 04th


2012.(Spreading of energies) a velocity of 880,000 mph within 26 light-years of the



Zoomed crop image of Iyya exist vibrations from his eyes as result of the 2nd and 3rd big bang experiment.

It is an actual image of Iyya without zoom and crops and exist vibrations in his eyes as

result of 2nd and 3rd big bang experiments.

Zoomed crop image of Iyya exist vibrations as 2nd and 3rd big bang experiments from his eyes



It is an actual image of Iyya without zoom and crops and exist vibrations in his eyes as result of


and 3rd

big bang experiment.

Zoomed crop image of Iyya exist vibrations as 2

nd and 3

rd big bang experiment from his eyes

It is an actual image of Iyya without zoom and crops and exist vibrations in his eyes as result of 2

nd and 3

rd big bang experiment. -23/-

-23- Narrowing the search for Dark Matter (April 30, 2012)

Energy of dark matter

Dark matter exists from the body of Iyya and shows on the back side. (zoomed crop image)



It is an actual image of Iyya exist dark matter on the back side with out zoom and crop.


Pale blue dot energy and energies of star are exists from the eyes of Iyya during eye

initiation.(zoomed crop image) -25/-


It is an actual image of Iyya exist pale blue energy and energies of star from his eyes with

out zoom and crop during eye initiation.

It is a divine Prapanja chakra (wheel of universe) realized by Iyya as universal energy

radiating and rotating the universe and the same is designed by Iyya for life philosophy of human. It is having the contents of birth of universe and its expansion still.



3. Brain energies of Iyya and the face of Iyya reflect in the energy

circles. (The images mentioned below prove that the Iyya is a true

universal enlightenment and healing master).

Brain energy covered the face of Iyya transparently. (zoomed crop image)

Brain energy covered the face of Iyya transparently (without zoom and crop image).



Brain energy is found on back side head of Iyya (zoomed crop image)

It is an actual image of Iyya emitting brain energy without zoom and crop. -28/-


It is a zoomed crop image of Iyya reflecting brain energy on the back side of his head top.

Brain energy image of Iyya reflects on the back side head without zoom and crop. -29/-


Zoomed crop image of Iyya emits brain energy on the top of his head.

It is an actual image of Iyya emits brain energy found above the head without zoom and crop. -30/-


It is an actual image of Iyya reflects brain energy totally covered his face with out zoom and crop and proves his full consciousness.

Zoomed crop image of Iyya emits full consciousness energy and covered his face. -31/-


It is a zoomed crop image of Iyya emits universal energies from his fore head at the time

of healing.(Awareness Chakra is activating)

Zctual image of Iyya emits universal energy at the time of healing without zoom & crop.



Actual image of Iyya reflects brain energy on the back of head without zoom and crop.

Zoomed crop image of Iyya emits brain energy on the back side of his head.



Zoomed crop image of Iyya emits brain energy at the left side of his head (kindly watch it clear that the face of Iyya is found in the energy circle)

Actual image without zoom and crop of Iyya emits brain energy near left side head. -34/-


It is a zoomed crop image of Iyya reflects his face in the energy circle with three dimensions. (Opened eyes, noses and mouth are all found) (please clearly see)

Zoomed crop image of Iyya reflects his face in energy circle (left side). -35/-


Without zoom or crop image of Iyya reflects his face in energy circle found on back side

It is a zoomed crop image of Iyya reflects his face in energy circle in transparent position.

(Opened eyes, noses and mouth are all found. (please clearly see a minute) -36/-


Zoomed crop image of Iyya reflects his face in energy circle found in the right side top.

Without zoom or crop image of Iyya reflects his face in energy circle found above -37/-


It is a zoomed crop image of Iyya reflects his face in energy circle.(Opened eyes, noses

are found) (please clearly see)

Zoomed crop image of Iyya reflects his face in the energy circle is found on the top.

Without zoom or crop image of Iyya reflects his face in the energy circle (top) -38/-


4. Live energies (life energy) are emitting by Iyya. i.e. called as soul

energies. All the images are in living being shapes (head, face and eyes

are also found. (which is important images please take much care for


Zoomed crop image in which live energies are found center near the chest and bottom

near the leg of Iyya. (both live energies are in different shapes and having head and eyes) -39/-


It is an actual image without zoom and crop in which live energies are found in the center

and bottom.

It is an actual image without zoom and crop in which live energy is found top of the Iyya



Zoomed crop image of live energy found top of the head of Iyya with a shape.



Zoomed crop image of live energy found on the stomach of Iyya with a living being shape having head, nose, eyes, ear, etc.,

Live energy is found in the stomach of Iyya.(no zoom and crop) -42/-


Zoomed crop image in which live energy found in front of Iyya. (it is shaped as rabbit in the left side and cat in the right side)

It is an actual image with out zoom or crop in which energy is found in front of Iyya



Non zoomed crop image of live energy is emits by Iyya finds on the top.

Zoomed crop image of live energy exists from Iyya. (flying shape with head) -44/-


Zoomed crop image of live energies exists in front of Iyya. (like octopus)

It is an actual image of live energy exists from Iyya at the time of healing. (center)(without zoom and crop) (like octopus).



It is an actual image of live energy emits from Iyya found on the left hand

Zoomed crop image of live energy is emits by Iyya from live chakra.(flying shape with

head and eyes) -46/-


Zoomed crop image of live energies are flying from the body of Iyya with a living being shapes.

Non zoomed crop image of live energies emitted by Iyya, is on meditation



Zoomed crop image of live energy exists from the body of Iyya with a shape.

It is an actual image in which live energy emits from the body of Iyya with a shape on the left side.



Zoomed crop image of live energy emits from the brain of Iyya and flying top of his head with a living being shape with eyes. (love chakra on the cheat of Iyya is also activated).

It is an actual image of live energy emits by Iyya from his brain and flying top of the

head with eyes.(love chakra on the cheat of Iyya is also activated). -49/-


5. Universal energies are emitting from the eyes of Iyya, vibrations of

sun, planets, moon, etc in different colors of vibrations.

Real image of Sun (Nasa)

Iyya emits sun energy in his left side eyes with vibrations. (Zoomed crop image)

Actual image without zoom or crop of Iyya emits sun energy in his left side eye. -50/-


Zoomed crop image of Iyya emits sun energy in his left side eye.

It is an actual image of Iyya emits sun energy in his left side eye

Zoomed crop image of sun energy exists in the meditation place in front of Iyya. (energy alone) -51/-


Zoomed crop image of sun energy exists in the meditation hall in front of Iyya.

Sun energy exists in meditation place in front of Iyya. (non zoomed and crop) -52/-


Sun energy (right side eye) with deep vibrations emits from the eyes of Iyya. (zoomed

crop image)

Sun energy (right side eye) with deep vibrations emits from the eyes of Iyya. (without zoom or crop image)

Sun energy (right side eye) emits from the eyes of Iyya. (zoomed crop image)



Sun energy (right side eye) with vibrations emits from the eyes of Iyya. (Actual image)

Sun energy (right side eye) with vibration emits in the eyes of Iyya. (zoomed crop image)

Sun energy (right side eye) with vibration emits in the eyes of Iyya. (actual image) -54/-


Zoomed crop image of real Moon

It is an actual real Moon image without zoom or cropped.

Energies of Moon and sun are emits from the left side eye of Iyya.(zoomed crop image)

It is an actual image of Iyya emits moon and sun energies in his left side eye. -55/-


Iyya emits energies of Sun & Moon from the eyes(universe energy).(zoomed crop image)

Iyya emits energies of Sun & Moon from the eyes(universe energy).(zoomed crop image)

Iyya emits energies of Sun & Moon from the eyes at the time eye initiation (actual image)



Zoomed crop image of Iyya emits energy of stars in his eyes.

It is an actual image of Iyya emits star energies in his eyes.

Zoomed crop image of Iyya emits universal vibrations in his eyes.



Iyya emits universal vibrations from his eyes. (without zoom or crop image)

Zoomed crop image of Iyya emits energy of stars in his eyes.

It is an actual image of Iyya emits star energies in his eyes. -58/-


Vibration exits from the eyes of Iyya in different colours. (actual image)

Vibration exits from the eyes of Iyya in different colours. (actual image)



6. Universal consciousness energies are emitting or existing by

Iyya like true paranormal energies, flowing of energies, moving

energies in different colours. (orbits)

Vibration found on the back side of Iyya. (actual image)

Vibration found on the back side of Iyya. (zoomed crop image) -60/-


Vibrations emitted by Iyya in different colours. (zoomed crop image)

Vibrations emitted by Iyya in different colours. (actual image)



Vibrations found on back side with blue colour orbit. (zoomed crop image)

Vibration found on back side of Iyya in blue colour orbit. (actual image)



Golden colour vibration found on the top of Iyya. (actual image)

Golden colour vibration is found on top of Iyya. (zoomed crop image) -63/-


Vibration appears on pink colour and another. (actual image)

Vibration appears on pink colour and another. (zoomed crop image) -64/-


Energy is found in green colour on the top. (zoomed crop image)

Energy is found in green colour on the top near the head of Iyya. (actual image) -65/-


Vibration emits in white colour in front of Iyya. (zoomed crop image)

Vibration emits in white colour in front of Iyya. (actual image)



Iyya is exist white colour energy with live energy below. (zoomed crop image)

Iyya is exist white colour energy with live energy below. (actual image) -67/-


Energy emits by Iyya in purple colour on the top head. (actual image)

Energy emits by Iyya in purple colour on the top head. (zoomed crop image) -68/-


Moving energies are emitted by Iyya on his back side. (actual image)

Moving energies are emitted by Iyya on his back side.(zoomed crop image) -69/-


Moving energies appears in pink colour at left side. (zoomed crop image)

Moving energies appears in pink colour at left side. (actual image)

Vibrations are moving as chain in white colour. (zoomed crop image) -70/-


Vibrations are moving as chain in white colour. (actual image)

Flow energy shaded the Iyya transparently from the top to bottom. (zoomed crop image)



Flow energy shaded the Iyya transparently from the top. (actual image)

Flow energy fully covered Iyya. (zoomed crop image)



Flow energy fully covered Iyya. (actual image)

Flow energy exists as orbits at the time of healing. (zoomed crop image)



Flow energy exists as orbits at the time of healing. (actual image)

Flow energy fully shaded Iyya with transparently. (zoomed crop image)



Flow energy fully shaded Iyya with transparently. (actual image)

Flow energy appears on circles around the Iyya. (zoomed crop image)



Flow energy appears on circles around the Iyya. (actual image)

Flow energy fully covers the top head of Iyya. (zoomed crop image)



Universal vibrations are exits from the eyes of Iyya. (zoomed crop image)

Flow energy fully covers the top head of Iyya. (actual image)

Energy emits by Iyya in fire meditation and vibrations found in the smoke(1) -77/-


Energy emits by Iyya in fire meditation and vibrations found in the smoke(2)

7. Healing energies are emitting in the hands of Iyya and the

reflection of energy centers in the body of Iyya through


Healing energy exists in the right hand. (zoomed crop image) -78/-


Healing energy exists from the right hand. (actual image)

Healing energy exists from the right hand. (actual image) -79/-


Healing energy exists from right hand. (zoomed crop image)

Energy exists as a flame in the stomach of Iyya at the time of healing and spread in and around (zoomed crop image). -80/-


Energy exists as flame in the stomach of Iyya at the time of healing. (actual image)

Energy exists in the hands of Iyya after healing was over.(zoomed crop image) -81/-


Energy exists in the hands of Iyya after healing was over.(actual image)

Love chakra on chest with vibration orbits. (zoomed crop image) -82/-


Love chakra on chest with vibration orbit. (actual image)

Love chakra on chest with vibration orbits. (zoomed crop image) -83/-


Love chakra on chest with vibration orbits. (actual image)

Love chakra is vibrates clearly on the chest of Iyya. (zoomed crop image) -84/-


Love chakra is vibrates clearly on the chest of Iyya. (actual image)

Breathe chakra with vibration orbits. (zoomed crop image)

Breathe chakra with vibration orbits. (actual image) -85/-


Please, sirs/ madams may kindly research scientifically the above

energy images. All the images are genuine and has taken by sony camares

(Dsc 12.1 mps & 14.1 mps) and this requisition of research and thumbnail

images both actual and zoomed crop images are annexed herewith in

separate DVD (enclosed) and send by you through emails and post (both).

Kindly inform me the later stage proceedings of research. I will believe that

the images are enough for proving real things in spirituality. It is a good time

for prove true universal enlightenment and its consciousness, energies,

vibrations, etc. If the research is succeed scientifically and the world will be

definitely understand the truthss in the field. Please, sirs/madams don’t

ignore. I am having thousand of images and few movie dvd clips. Kindly

bring the truth behind in the field with connection universe and declare to

the world. At present, I have no website and pass post.

Thanking you for your universal divine service.,

Yours truly,


Communication details:-

E-mail: [email protected]

Cell no: 94432 92655

Phone no: 0413 – 2356373

Address: Anandha Prapanja Peetam,

No.6, Veeramamunivar Street,

Colas Nagar,

Puducherry – 605 001.

South India.



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