
FYP Committee

Content� Background

� Research based FYP Guidelines

� FYP Report

Background� Requirements from Engineering Accreditation Council

(EAC) Malaysia:� An investigative research oriented approach to engineering

studies.� A requirement of the programme to include a significant � A requirement of the programme to include a significant

project in its later stages.� Individual analysis and judgement, capable of being assessed

independently.� Develop techniques in literature review and information

processing, as necessary with all research approaches.� Provide opportunities to utilise appropriate modern

technology in some aspects of the work, emphasising the need for engineers to make use of computers and multimedia technology in everyday practice.

Research Based FYP Guidelines1. To conduct a focused literature review

� To understand the problem.

� To study previous related work

� Recent literature (<5 years) should be included� Recent literature (<5 years) should be included

2. To propose or adopt a solution or methodology� Originality: How your work is different from previous work in

terms of idea, concept, approach, implementation, etc.?

� Significance: How your work contributes to the advancement of knowledge and the betterment of society?

Research Based FYP Guidelines3. To implement the solution or carry out the


4. To evaluate the implementation or analyse the collected data with detail analysis and discussionscollected data with detail analysis and discussions

� To compare with previous or known results

5. To conclude the investigation

6. To recommend future work

FYP Report General Requirements� The standard FYP report format is strictly followed (refer to the detail

FYP Report Guidelines).

� The FYP report has been verified against plagiarism via Turnitin, that the report is original with proper citations.

� The FYP report is easy to read with a sound logical structure. All � The FYP report is easy to read with a sound logical structure. All aspects of the project are properly documented in the report.

� Writing is technically sound. Technical terms are properly used and not excessive.

� From the abstract, readers are able to tell what are investigated and the findings.

� From the conclusion, readers are able to tell what are the major achievements of the project.

� All figures are crystal clear.

� No of pages: typically about 50 pages

FYP Report Outline� Introduction

� Theoretical Background or Review of Literature

� Method of Investigation or Details of Design

� Presentation of Data and Discussions on Findings� Presentation of Data and Discussions on Findings

� Conclusions and Recommendations

� References

Introduction� Motivation (Why do this FYP?)

� Project scope and objectives (Problem statement)

� Report outline

Theoretical Background or Review of Literature

� Details of previous research work and findings

� Knowledge gaps

� Use citations, e.g. [4].

Must follow the standard citation format described in � Must follow the standard citation format described in the detail FYP report guidelines.

Method of Investigation or Details of Design

� Empirical research

� The measurement setup, calibration and measurement procedures, etc.

� Constructive research� Constructive research

� The construct, e.g. theory, algorithm, model, hardware/software, etc.

� The experimental setup and procedures to evaluate the construct performance.

Presentation of Data and Discussions on Findings

� Compare data with previous or known results if available.� Present and compare data using graphs, charts, tables, etc.� Explain ALL presented data and comparisons.� Draw and explain the implications of the data and

comparisons. comparisons. � For example, if there are discrepancies between the

theoretical and experimental results, an analysis or discussion should follow to explain the possible cause or source of error.

Conclusions and Recommendations

� Summarize the work done.

� Highlight the main contributions of the work and its significance and constraints.

� Do not add new information (e.g. results that were not � Do not add new information (e.g. results that were not reported earlier).

� Discuss the implications or potential applications of the results.

� Recommend possible future work.

References� Follow the format

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