Page 1: Response to Request For Proposal · 2017. 6. 10. · homeowners. With this available, your members wouldn’t have to use products such as the REALTOR® Lockbox NXT Electronic Lockbox

Response to Request For Proposal

Greater Syracuse Association of Realtors

Emerging Information Technology


Page 2: Response to Request For Proposal · 2017. 6. 10. · homeowners. With this available, your members wouldn’t have to use products such as the REALTOR® Lockbox NXT Electronic Lockbox


Why choose to work for a freelance company? Not only do I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication and Information Design but I have also completed my Master’s program in Information Design and Technology. Due to my exceptional skill level, I was able to graduate earlier than others in my class by being a part of the Accelerated Program. In between my studies, I have continuously worked on exclusive projects with the directors of different non-profit organizations and associations.

My main goal as a freelance designer was to work with the director and the marketing department to come up with ways that the company can benefit as a whole. As a freelance company, I developed different marketing and design concepts and was able to execute them successfully, which greatly benefited each company. I am here to do the same for the members of your association.

Further information about my background and work samples can be found at:


As a freelance designer and owner of A.Kadic Design, I am very excited for this opportunity to work with the Greater Syracuse Association of Realtors. After much research, I am thrilled to present the desired information on the essential emerging technologies and potential ways they can be utilized by the Real Estate Industry.


Emerging Technologies ForecastThe potential emerging technologies that I will be focusing on are Augmented Reality, Personalization, The Internet of Things, Intelligent Personal Assistants and Telepresence. From your proposal, I can see that the Greater Syracuse Associ-ation already interacts with technology on a daily basis. Not only will these emerging technologies immensely assist the members of the Real Estate Industry, they will completely transform the way members interact with their clients.

Would you rather scroll through photos or see an image come to life? Most of the time, if not all of the time, photos don’t have the ability to present every great feature that a property has to offer. There is a limit as to how many photos are allowed to be posted on sites and how many are viewed before clients get bored and moves on to the next property. This emerging technology has the potential to substantially help Real Estate members in the future.

With Virtual Realism, members in the Real Estate Industry can turn any photo into a realistic 3D video on a smart phone or iPad. Instead of staring at a photo, clients are given the chance to see and imagine the space in a real world. realtors would be able to show their clients listings without having to take them to the actual house - thus, increasing their free time and number of potential clients. Having this option on a device gives members of the association, especially brokers, salespeople and property managers, the ability to show a property to their clients virtually. This is also a great tool for advertising properties or planning out projects. Property managers can use Augmented Reality to see a project come to life. By placing the device over a design, it gives them a better idea of how the property will fit into the space and with all of the other elements designed around it. Augmented Reality increases visual appeal which then increases property showings and sales. Who doesn’t love seeing things come to life!

Have you ever had a hard time imagining a property in real life by viewing photos? With the Matterport Virtual Camera, this will no longer be a problem as members of the Real Estate Industry can fully immerse themselves in virtual spaces that feel so real – it’s like being there.


Page 3: Response to Request For Proposal · 2017. 6. 10. · homeowners. With this available, your members wouldn’t have to use products such as the REALTOR® Lockbox NXT Electronic Lockbox



Replace thousands of site photos with a single set of immersive 3D Spaces for complete, efficient communication and long-term record keeping. Real estate agents can also present this idea to their clients who are not capable of traveling to search for properties. It will give them the ability to view residential or commercial properties online with a simple click of a button. This decreases the need for traveling, while making property tours for Realtors that much easier!

By now, everyone has most likely heard about viewing the world through virtual glasses, but what about on-the-job train-ing through virtual instructions? This is an up and coming emerging technology that everyone will soon be very familiar with. It has the potential to aid and lessen the responsibilities of the members in the Real Estate industry. From all of the members in the GSAR, property managers would benefit from this emerging technology the most. They would be able to distribute these devices to their employees in order to make the workplace safer. It allows workers to be trained and uses several different types of equipment on the job as they go. Using the software SAP firm and the Vuzix glasses, it gives way to easier, safer and more efficient work. The software gives workers the knowledge of “where to pick inventory, receive alerts and instructions, and to get safety messages to avoid accidents.” There would be no need to physically hire employees to train others or worry about how successful they are in producing the desired result. There would be a lot more order throughout companies, as the job efficiency of the workers would improve. This automatically increases the amount of available workers that will be available to work on bigger and more important projects. Overall, it is not a secret that augmented reality will create an easier work place for all of the members in the Real Estate Industry. It would all be done virtually and hassle-free.

The chances that the members of the Greater Syracuse Association will be impacted by EmotionAR are profound. Aug-mented reality increases user interaction and provides more information about the property, whether it is commercial, industrial or residential. To have this experience, there are different technological products that can be used in combi-nation with EmotionAR.

In order to create interest, clients need to be informed about a property as much as possible. It can be used by all mem-bers of the association, such as salespeople, brokers, property managers and appraisers. This product not only provides this much information but it also gives way to user feedback. Clients can consult the images and propose changes or ask to change things appropriately, especially if it has something to do with construction or remodeling of a property. This way, both the client and realtor or property manager can understand the interests and the needs of the one another. The changes made can also be virtually stored and utilized at a later time, which is a great feature that teaches realtors clarity on what their clients are looking for in a property.

Lastly, the product is a great tool as it increases visual appeal for advertising and marketing. It completely transforms the way users are viewing advertisements and sales campaigns. With EmotionAR, images can be blown up and seen as “real-life” virtual items. Because of this, it helps promote additional web content from printed materials such as business cards, brochures and magazines. Never have to worry about marketing again!

Overall, nothing about augmented reality products is traditional. This emerging technology gives way to a whole different concept of viewing and executing material.

At first, the Pro 3D Camera was mostly directed towards professional real estate photographers but it can also be used by salespeople for advertising and marketing purposes while assisting property managers with Engineering and Construction. The camera gives full views of the house with messages in each room to show what was built or updated. Engaging walkthroughs of existing conditions can be annotated, edited and shared across engineering groups and key stakeholders. Matterport Spaces are real 3D representations of every job site that lets property managers vir-tually walk a job site at every stage of development instead of having to take time out to travel and see this in person.

Page 4: Response to Request For Proposal · 2017. 6. 10. · homeowners. With this available, your members wouldn’t have to use products such as the REALTOR® Lockbox NXT Electronic Lockbox



In the future, this forthcoming emerging technology can be utilized by members of the association in many ways. Telepresence products are quickly blooming and they will become essential in the Real Estate Industry in the near future. With that being said, there are many upcoming versions of telepresence robots. An example of one is the Double 2 Robot which is the “#1 telepresence robot for Hybrid Offices and Blended Classrooms” and gives you the physical presence at another location when you cannot be there.

This robot can ‘sit’ or ‘stand’ and basically act out the characteristics of a human being. Members in all of the asso-ciations can benefit from this. With this robot, members can have their clients be present for house showings from far away – they do not have to travel to see their potential future home. Clients who are moving across state or country would also be able to be present at a certain location or house and view it as if they were truly present.

Personalization is an emerging technology that works well in relation to any other emerging technology especially Telep-resence. The greatest feature of any product is its’ ability to give the user an opportunity to personalize and make appropriate changes to fit their interests and needs. If physical presence is not an available option, members are still able to travel virtually. AnyBots have the power to give members virtual presence at any location they desire. These robots were made by merging Telepresence together with personalization as it permits users to customize their own robot. Brokers, property managers, counselors and appraisers can choose characters that are most suitable for their day to day assignments.

In your proposal, I have noticed that classroom rentals are available to your members when necessary. Each one of your classrooms contain the basic tools with connection to the wireless internet. Members can now upgrade to a virtual meet-ing experience by buying or leasing telepresence rooms which will give them access to interact and share Real Estate content with people across the whole world. These rooms include life-sized displays, high-speed connections, high-defi-nition video and directional audio. You can hold educational classes, informational webinars, interviews and even connect with clients virtually, which is a great way to cut down on cost and travel time.


Page 5: Response to Request For Proposal · 2017. 6. 10. · homeowners. With this available, your members wouldn’t have to use products such as the REALTOR® Lockbox NXT Electronic Lockbox



The Internet of Things is quickly connecting with our community in a positive way especially due to the creation of smart devices and the tremendous advance in technology. A “cyber-physical system” that would benefit real estate agents is a device that can quickly connect to every home that is on sale through an online connection as long as they have access and approval from the homeowners.

With this available, your members wouldn’t have to use products such as the REALTOR® Lockbox NXT Electronic Lockbox System but would rather have instant access into a home without pressing any buttons. This would save them a lot of time with the keypad that most are using nowadays where a secure code is keyed in so that the door can open. With sensors, there would be no secure code needed as it would automatically open up for realtors.

I can definitely forecast that NeuroTechnology will be the next big thing. With extensive research and development, this can transform the usage of any product. For user-interaction in today’s world, one must voice a command, swipe across a screen or type on a keypad. Thought-controlled Devices will allow the user to simply think of the next thing they want to do and the device will get it done for them which also relates to the services of a Personal Intelligent Assistant. To accomplish these tasks, an innovative headset is used along with software that interprets brain function. I believe this will be the future. Not only will this help members of the GSAR but it will help other companies, if not all, accomplish tasks more accurately and in a less amount of time.

Greater Syracuse Association of Realtors already make use of personal assistants to aid with their everyday duties. With emerging technologies, members can now take it to a whole new level by bringing intelligent personal assistants into service. Having this ability allows members to change any product or device to fit their needs and interests. For example, realtors would be able to personalize their “selling agent” whether it is a site or an app to assist them with required tasks.

LivingActor is a great example of this. This is an intuitive and interactive user interface with an animated, 3D talking Avator. LivingActor provides an easy-to-use knowledge base editor to create and manage multilingual projects and pow-erful analytics that generate detailed dashboards in real-time. This can be used to boost user experience and decrease the amount of work for the members of the association by a considerable amount. It can also be presented to potential clients to assist them with house searching. It can be frustrating trying to find a house on sale that fits your needs – the specific house features have to be input into the app in order for it to bring houses in the area that fit your wants and needs. With this, clients can verbally request this from IPA and within seconds, potential houses in the area would appear on your phone.

As time goes by, displays of the five emerging technologies are quickly spreading throughout the whole world and pretty soon, everyone will be utilizing the upcoming, cutting-edge products and services. In my TiddlyWiki Blog, the Welcome page links to a “Potential Products” section where you can find a visual and a link that connects to an outside source which will supply your members with extra information about each prospective product or service.



Page 6: Response to Request For Proposal · 2017. 6. 10. · homeowners. With this available, your members wouldn’t have to use products such as the REALTOR® Lockbox NXT Electronic Lockbox




DESIGN OVERVIEWFor your proposal of four short blog posts and one extended blog post, it was decided that Twitter and TiddlyWiki would be the best options for promoting the emerging technologies. In order to have the microblog relate to each short blog post, the same color theme and design elements are

In this section, you will see examples of promotional microblogs which are created and submitted through Twitter. This social media networking site is known for its’ fast promotional tweets. Within seconds, tweets can be posted and viewed by thousands of people. Each tweet contains a link which is directed to the short blog post on TiddlyWiki, along with the a link to one extended blog post on the same platform.

You can see the overall look of the Twitter microblog home page below.

used for both Twitter and TiddlyWiki. I wanted to maintain a clean and organized look on both blogs. Each Tweet contains a link which directs the user to TiddlyWiki, which then gives the user a short blog with an additional link to a site that contains further information about each product.

microblog: Twitter

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Tweet 1:

Tweet 2:



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Tweet 3:

Tweet 4:



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Tweet 5: Extended Blog Post

In this section, you will see examples of the Short Blogs, followed by the extended blog post. These were made using the TiddlyWiki platform which can best be accessed through Chrome. Each short blog post contains a link to additional information about the product, along with a link to its’ microblog post on Twitter. You can see the overall look of the TiddlyWiki home page below.


BLOG: TiddlyWiki


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Blog Post 1:

Blog Post 2:


Link: Realism

Link: Instructions

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Blog Post 3:

Blog Post 4:



Link: VR

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Blog Post 5: Extended Blog


Link: Blog Post


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I look forward to working with the Greater Syracuse Association of Realtors. I have high hopes that the proposed emerging technologies will greatly aid the essential duties of your members. Through social media and promotional blogs, I can assure you that the members of your associa-tion will quickly be informed on the upcoming technologies mentioned above.

If you need further explanation about a product or service or have any additional questions, don’t hesitate to contact me directly. I am available anytime via email [email protected] or by phone at 1-888-888-8888.

Thank you in advance for your speedy reply!


Azra KadicOwner of A.Kadic DesignPhone: 1-888-888-8888Email: [email protected]


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