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 Restricted Love (2013)

Written by

Aidan Reilly


We listen to the sounds of cups clattering and people

speaking to one another in a coffee shop.



Edna is sitting with Adele inside the coffee shop. The

camera pans across the coffee shop until it focuses on thepair. Adele is sitting with her straight blonde hair with a

small child’s red bow placed ever so carefully in her

fringe. Edna, however, seems quite scruffy, with her hair up

in a pony tail with several stray hairs. There is a close-up

shot of Adele; her eyes seem extremely focused and she licks

her bottom lip after every sentence.


I know it’s difficult to leave him. I know. I really doknow. It’s essential to your progress… I mean

happiness. You want to be happy, right?

The camera cuts to Edna. She is looking down in to her

coffee whilst holding it in both hands, looking deep in

thought. She slowly raises her head, not making eye contact

with Adele until her head is fully raised.


I… I do want to be happy.

Adele leans in. She looks wide-eyed and stares at Edna,

fiercely and confidently. Over-the-shoulder shot looking at



Get what you want then. You know what you want, right?

The camera switches to a close-up shot of Edna. Her eyes are

switching between objects in the room as she bites her lip.

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Yes… Well… I think. I don’t know. I know I want to be

happy. That is all that makes sense to me. I don’t know

what would achieve that… I mean who does? 

The camera cuts to Adele; she looks just as fierce and

confident in her opinion as before. She leans in even

closer. She makes eye contact with Edna and stares intently

at her, grabs her hand and cups it inside her own.


I know. I know what’s best for you. Look, why don’t we

just forget about all of this for a night.

Adele rubs Edna’s hand softly and smiles at her. 


We’ll have a proper girls’ night in. Get a pizza in and

a couple of bottles of wine. Make a night out of it.

I’m not taking no for an answer. Just you and me. No


Edna looks reluctant but willing. Adele stands up and moves

quickly over to Edna’s side of the table. Adele hugs her

firmly, resting her head onto her shoulder.


I know things are tough. But we’ll make it through

this. I mean… I’ll help you. You’ve got me. There’s no

getting rid of me! Come by my place at 9.

Adele laughs nervously and then inhales deeply before

kissing Edna firmly on the forehead. The camera focuses on

Edna’s face throughout; she seems distracted and her eyes

keep surveying across the room.


We can hear the faint sound of a car being driven; the sound

becomes louder until we hear the sound of the car shutting

off and a door being opened and then closed.


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Close-up of a hand shaking slightly as it goes to put a key

into a car to lock it. The camera zooms in to reveal Edna.

Her face seems pale and without confidence. She closes her

eyes, inhales and exhales deeply and walks tentatively over

to Adele’s house. Tracking shot. When Edna reaches the doorthere is a close-up of her hand that seems hesitant to ring

the door bell, but eventually succumbs. The door swings open

almost immediately and a smiling Adele pounces out of the

doorway onto Edna and holds her tightly, not letting her

move a muscle. She whispers into Edna’s ear.


I’m really glad you came, Edna. 

Adele steps back, away from Edna, still smiling; she keeps a

tight grasp of Edna’s hand, guiding her to sit down in the

living room. The living room is candle-lit with a bottle of

wine sitting beside the candles and two glasses to accompany

it. Adele releases the tight grasp on Edna’s hand, leaving

her in the doorway. She begins pouring a glass of wine.


Oh no, Adele, please, not too much.

Close-up of the bottle of wine as Adele continues pouring

until the glass is filled to near the rim.


No chance. You and I are having a good time tonight.

Adele stares powerfully into Edna’s eyes. 


No thinking about anything, Edna.

Edna takes the glass of wine cautiously whilst nervously

keeping eye contact with Adele.


Okay… Okay. Thank you 

Edna takes a small sip of wine and places it on the coffee


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Please Edna, sit down. You look absolutely shattered.

We need to calm you down, don’t we, sweetie?

Edna laughs nervously, then sits down on the sofa. Adelequickly sits down also, placing herself very close to Edna.

Adele sighs.


What’s up? 


I just don’t understand how a guy can’t appreciate it

when he has such a magnificent woman like you.

Edna appears uncomfortable


Adele, please stop.


No I mean it. You are so unbelievably beautiful. He

should be treating you right so somebody else won’t

snap you up and make you feel better.

Adele rubs Edna’s leg softly and begins trailing her fingers

slowly up her inner leg. Edna jumps up quickly and grabs a

photo frame in a panic. Close-up of the photo. The photo

frame contains a picture of two small girls (8 years old in

age) one with black hair and a red bow (Molly) and one with

blonde hair (Adele). Close-up of the photo.


Who is this?


We hear the faint sounds of small children’s laughs. 



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  NON-DIEGETIC MUSIC “Teddy Bears’ Picnic” - instrumental.

We see 8-year-old Adele and Molly, who is a girl of the same

age with a red bow in her hair. They are swinging on the

swing set, then jump off in sync with one another.


Last person to the pool loses!

Tracking shot as both girls rush over and jump in to the

pool. Adele reaches it just before Molly.


Ha. You lose Molly! That means I get to kiss you.

Adele leans in to kiss Molly and Molly forcefully pushes

Adele back. Close-up of Adele’s face. Her smile dissolves

quickly into a look of intensity. Close-up of Molly’s face.

She looks disgusted and confused. Adele forcefully grabs

Molly by the hair and pushes her under the water. Molly

struggles and splashes, but Adele persists until she doesn’t

struggle any more. Extreme close-up of Adele’s hand as it

releases its grasp from Molly’s hair and takes the red bow.

The camera pans out and shows a medium shot of Molly’slifeless body floating in the pool and Adele placing the bow

in her hair. Extreme close-up of Adele’s lips as she kisses

Molly’s forehead tentatively. Long shot of Adele stepping

out of the pool and running into the house crying. She jumps

into her mother’s arms, still crying. 


Mummy… Molly… Molly… She drowned. 

Adele nestles her face into her mother’s chest. Close-up of

Adele’s face smiling vindictively. 




Close-up of Adele’s face looking angered and defensive.

Medium shot as she snatches the photo frame from Edna’shands and throws it to the ground with fury.

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I really think you should not involve yourself with

things that do not concern you.

Adele stares with authority into Edna’s eyes. Adele’s facequickly changes to a smile.


Top up of your wine?

Adele walks out of the room with a skip in her step.

Tracking shot. Cut to close-up of Edna’s face. She appears

scared. She is shaking slightly and seems close to tears.

She cautiously picks up the cracked photo frame. Close-up ofEdna’s finger shaking as it runs over the cracked glass

above the part of the picture where there is Molly. Adele

re-enters the room still skipping with a bottle of wine in

hand. She stops suddenly as she sees the photo in Edna’s

hand. In shock, Adele drops the bottle of wine and it

smashes on the floor.


That girl with the black hair… She has the same bow asyou… Why do you have it? 

Close-up of Edna. She looks confused, intrigued and

frightened. Adele forcefully grabs Edna by the wrist and

snatches the picture off her. Medium shot of Adele holding

Edna and staring forcefully into her eyes.


I think it would be best for you if you stopped asking


Whilst maintaining eye contact, Adele strokes Edna’s face

softly then grabs the back of her head and forces herself

upon her, kissing her passionately and powerfully, holding

her tightly throughout. Edna stumbles back frightened.


I… I…I’m sorry I have to go… I can’t. I just can’t. 

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Edna attempts to run away but Adele grabs her by the wrist.

Close-up of Adele, as she stares with strength and intent at



I’m afraid I can’t let you leave. I want you. 

Edna stumbles and falls to the floor.


Adele… p…please… I…I don’t want to.


Well, Edna, darling… if I can’t have you, then I’mafraid nobody can.

Adele pulls Edna off the floor by her wrist and pulls her by

her hair towards her. Edna attempts to struggle away from

Adele, but she is overpowered. Still pulling Edna by the

hair, Adele aggressively pulls Edna in to kiss her

passionately and forcefully; she holds the back of Edna’s

head so she cannot escape. Close-up of Edna’s face as Adele

finishes kissing her. She looks exceptionally shocked and

she struggles to keep her breath. She looks down fearfully,

as she wipes away blood that falls from her nose. The camera

zooms out to a shot where we can see the full bodies of both

Adele and Edna. This reveals Adele’s hand holding a knife

into the back of Edna. This shot is held for several seconds

as they stare into each other’s eyes until Edna collapses

onto the floor, as Adele relinquishes the grip on the knife.

Close-up of Adele’s stern face. However, a small tear rolls

down her cheek. She kneels next to the body of Edna and

begins stroking her hair.


I told you Edna. I told you that if I couldn’t have

you, nobody could. Why didn’t you listen to me, Edna?

Why couldn’t you be with me, Edna? It didn’t have to be

this way, Edna.

She cups Edna’s hand inside her own 


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You were such a sweet girl, Edna. I just never wanted

you to leave me. This way you can’t. This way a part of

you will always be with me. Just like Molly. But I

don’t need Molly now I have you Edna.

She begins smiling as she lets go of Edna’s hand and

cautiously trails her hand up to her wrist and carefully

removes her watch. After removing the watch, she cups it

inside her hands. Close-up as she closes her eyes and

inhales deeply as she puts her hands across her nose and

mouth. Cut to close-up of Adele tentatively putting on the

watch. Zoom out to reveal her with a stern and psychotic

look on her face.


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