
The Flame, November 2014xxxxxxxx

As I think of November, my mind immediately focuses on the word “gratitude.” This is probably because of Thanksgiving Day! At any rate, I tend to focus on gratitude and thanksgiving for the entire month! Today my heart is filled with gratitude for the folks who started St. Luke, who possessed a vision for a new church on Nine Mile Road. Thank God for their perseverance, faith, and sacrifice! We are indebted to many who’ve gone before us to make possible the church we enjoy in worship, study, service, and fellowship. I’m grateful for the mission outreaches we’re involved in, both global and local. Our preschool is operating at capacity because of the wonderful ministry it affords. Our youth ministry and children’s ministry continue to cause me to give thanks! The music afforded us every Sunday in worship gladdens my heart and inspires my faith. Indeed, it is a joy to work with a dedicated staff every day as we

(Continued on page 2)

October 15th was our final class on the Epistle of James. He was not only the half brother of Jesus, but he became a disciple after Christ’s resurrection. It’s easy to see why. After all, what would it take for you to be convinced that your sibling was, in fact, the Son of God? James is like the Old Testament book of Proverbs “wrapped up in New Testament clothes,” and there is a reason for that. As one of the leaders of the church in Jerusalem, James met with Peter and Paul at the Jerusalem Council (Acts 15) to affirm the decision to take the Gospel to Gentiles. Because James never mentions anything about Gentiles (unlike Paul’s letters), many believe his letter was the earliest, if not the first, written work of the New Testament.

Writing to Jewish believers, James needed to state the difference that Christ makes in the life of faith because they were used to the Law and the rituals that followed. Faith in Christ is more. Faith is active; and like Jesus’ “Sermon on the Mount,” James reasons that as children of God, our faith should be producing fruit in every facet of life. Although we stumble (James 3:2), James knew that Christ-followers should not

(Continued on page 2)

From the Associate Pastor ’s Pen:

Rev. Michael Cobb

Dear St. Luke Family: A Few Thoughts on


1394 East Nine Mile Road1394 East Nine Mile Road1394 East Nine Mile Road

Pensacola, FL 32514Pensacola, FL 32514Pensacola, FL 32514---572057205720

welcome@stlukewelcome@[email protected]

November 2014November 2014November 2014

From the Pastor’s Pen: From the Pastor’s Pen:

Rev. Larry Anderson

Dear Church Family:

Dana VanZyl

The Flame, November 2014

move forward together. Linda and I are grateful to be a part of St. Luke. Today I give thanks for the leadership of the Endowment Committee and all of you who have responded by giving toward the early retirement of our Administrative Office building debt. We will have that debt erased very soon, which will free up nearly $2,000 per month that can be used to propel us forward in God’s Kingdom! Stay tuned, but I encourage you to circle November 23 on your calendar, because I anticipate we will be “burning the note” on that day in worship!! Thank you for your generosity! I’ll see you Sunday at the place where we give thanks to our Heavenly Father together!

(Continued from page 1)

Refreshments for November November 9 Wesley Memorial November 16 Seekers November 23 Friends & Fellowship November 30 Caring & Sharing


judge or act wickedly. They should bridle their tongue and not consider themselves better than others. In all things and every situation, they should seek God’s wisdom, care for all people (especially orphans and widows), manage money God’s way, and endure trials and hardships for the glory of Christ. James’ main thrust is very applicable to today’s church: knowing better does not equal doing better. If you desire wisdom, it comes in the doing. If you desire spiritual growth, it comes in the doing. If you desire community, it comes in the doing. And if you desire to honor Christ, honor the gift (s) He has given you by using them. This month, as we turn a new season of ministry, I wonder if we could begin ask-ing ourselves, “What do our actions say about our faith, about our beliefs, and about the life of Christ in us, as His Church?”

Associate Pastor Mike

(Continued from page 1)

October Memorials

& Honorariums

Memorials & Honorariums not listed in this

edition of The Flame will be updated in the

next newsletter!

In Memory of… Edward Rigby Designated Fund: Given By: Debt Reduction Lewe & Beth Cunningham General Bob & Gloria Baggett Debt Reduction Ken & Janice Taylor Debt Reduction Wesley Memorial Class Debt Reduction Pat & Barrie Rommes Debt Reduction Joy Beasley Debt Reduction Gaye Kent Debt Reduction Faye Reed

In Honor of… Hannah Stagner Designated Fund: Given By: General Bob & Gloria Baggett

Pastor Larry Anderson Designated Fund: Given By: Debt Reduction Ken & Janice Taylor

Pastor Michael Cobb Designated Fund: Given By: Debt Reduction Ken & Janice Taylor

Births for the month of October

November WNT Menus:

Nov. 12: Hearty Chili, Grilled-Cheese Sandwich

Nov. 19: Fried or Baked Turkey, Grandma Kaser’s

Cornbread Dressing, Gourmet Sweet Potatoes, Green Bean

Casserole, Creamed Corn, Rolls, Salad, Pumpkin Pie Desert

Nov. 26: NO WNT DINNER or activities

* All dinners include , Beverage

Menus subject to change by the Chef !

Twins Mary Beckett Jones, 6 lbs. 3 oz. and Baylor Grace Jones, 5 lbs. 2 oz. , September 26, 2014 to Allison & Jason Jones. Allison is the daughter of Don and Carol Williams. Proud big sister of the twins is Brantley!

St. Luke is saddened by the sudden loss of Music

Director David Frantz. The on-line version of The

Flame contains more details on Page 8.

The Flame, November 2014xxxxxxxx 3


Children’s Sunday School & SPLASH

Leadership Teams are Now Complete!!

Join us on Sunday mornings for Children’s Sunday School!! Here are the details:

9:30 AM (Teachers begin arriving at 9:15 AM)

3 & 4 year olds, Room 16 – Beth Menah, Barbara Partrick, Elisabeth Wright K & 1st grade, Room 15 – Wesley Henderson, Hugh Sweeney, Jon Levan 2nd & 3rd grade, Room 13 – Rene’ Riley, sub - Linda Anderson 4th grade, Room 20 – Pam Perrich, Michelle Williams 5th grade, Room 14 – Mary Lee Pement, Joe & Irene Patti

11:00 AM

Younger class, Room 16 – (ages 3 – 1st grade) – Kim Johnson, Bailee Johnson, Molly Pearce, Julie Menah Older class, Room 20 – (Grades 1 – 5) – Ryan Graber, sub – Karen Bruening

Wednesday Night SPLASH, 6:00 PM (May drop off grades K – 5 in sanctuary at 5:45 PM)

POWER UP opening assembly – Rene’ Riley, Shelliann Bowne, Renee McClure, Allen McClure, Esther Felt 3 & 4 year olds, Room 16 – Claudia Silverthorne, sub – Danielle MacDonald, (meets from 6:30 – 7:00 PM, following Cherub Choir) K & 1st grade, Room 15 – Beth Menah, Pam Levan 2nd & 3rd grade, Room 13 – Amanda Cobb, Susan Shockley 4th & 5th grade, Rm. 14 – Audrey Richmond, Pam Perrich, Greg Davis

THANK YOU to all of our wonderful volunteers!

The Christmas Parade is Coming!

Yes, we WILL have a St. Luke float in this year’s Christmas Parade, which will be held on Sat., Dec.13, 5:15 PM. EVERYONE is invited to participate! In 2010, 2011 & 2013, St. Luke won “Best in Parade” in the church division. Watch for more information soon! Please contact Darlene Henderson at 607-7616 or [email protected] if you would like to help out.

Elementary Winter Camp News

The dates for our 2015 Winter Camp are Feb. 6 - 8. This camp is for all 3rd – 5th graders. We will be camping at Blue Lake Camp in Andalusia, AL, and this is a great “trial run” to see if your child will like summer camp. Cost is $100 for kids if you register before Dec. 15. After that date, registration will be $115 until the deadline

on Jan. 23. Registration is now open on the Blue Lake website,

If you have any questions, please contact Esther Felt at [email protected] or 477-3145.

Elementary Children’s Choir News

The children’s choir is hard at work practicing our Christmas musical, An Unplugged Christmas! The children now have a song book so that they can work on their parts at home. They will get a small treat for bringing their books back with them to choir each week.

Save the Date!

Nov. 30 – HANGING OF THE GREENS – NO CHOIR PRACTICE. We will be singing “Born is the King” at the Hanging of the Greens service at 6:30 PM. Saturday, Dec. 6, A Night in Bethlehem, 5 – 7 PM. Please contact Sandra Jesse at [email protected] for details. Dec. 7 – Mandatory Dress Rehearsal from 4 – 6 PM in the sanctuary. This is the last choir practice of 2014. Dec. 10 – Performance at 6 PM in the sanctuary. Dec. 24 – TBA – We usually sing at the 4 PM service. If so, it will be “An Unplugged Carol Medley.” Jan. 11 – Children’s Choir starts back.

For Ages 6 weeks – 11 years Why: To have FUN and raise money for Peru Missions! Cost: $25/first child, $40/2 siblings, $50/3 siblings, $60/4 siblings.

Have a BLAST on the playground, playing games in the youth center, watching a movie, and MORE! Kids Night Out is being provided & supervised by the St. Luke Peru Mission Team, & all proceeds will go to Peru Missions.

To register, contact Esther at 477-3145, Ext. 114, or at [email protected] to hold your spot. Payment is due the night of the event.

If you have any questions, please contact Esther Felt

at [email protected] or 477-3145.

The Flame, November 2014 4

Mark your calendar to save the dates.

The last day to bring in food is

Sunday, Nov. 16.

Volunteers are needed to make this a success. If you would like to

volunteer your time, sign-up sheets are in the Gathering Area. Lots of help

will be needed on the following dates:

For all of you non-shoppers, you can make a monetary donation

payable to St. Luke UMC and mark it for Feed-A-Family and we

will do the shopping for you.

God Bless You!

Bob & Peggy Woodard, Ensley Business Partner Coordinators

(850) 477-1475

Be a Thanksgiving Blessing

this Holiday Season!

Bag Stuffing Mix*

Rice (2 lbs.) (Minute Rice Preferred.)

Dried Beans (2 lbs.)

Granulated Sugar (5 lbs.)

Flour (5 lbs.)

Evaporated Milk

Chicken Broth

Box of Cereal*

Box of Oatmeal*

Pumpkin Pie Mix

Bag Grits*

Saltine Crackers

Packages of Ramen Noodles



Canned Sweet Potatoes



Tuna Helper

Hamburger Helper

Box of Raisins*

Family Size Canned Soups*

Canned Cranberry Sauce

Canned Corn

Canned Green Beans

Canned Green Peas

Pie Crust Mix

Canned Tuna

Spaghetti Noodles (2 lbs.)

Jar Spaghetti Sauce*

Jar Peanut Butter*

Jar Jelly, Preserves or Jam*

Aluminum Roasting Pan

Aluminum Foil

Dinner Napkins

Brown Sugar

Boxes Jell-O*

(*large or family size needed)

Items Needed for 2014 Thanksgiving Food Drive

THANKSGIVING FEED-A-FAMILY Ensley Elementary School St. Luke is a Business Partner with Ensley

Elementary School. Each Thanksgiving,

the neediest families are selected by the

teachers and guidance counselor at

Ensley Elementary School to receive food

for their Thanksgiving meal and to help

stock their pantry. The congregation

purchases the food items and then

helps to box up and deliver the food to

Ensley Elementary School. The collection

box will be in the Gathering Area each

Sunday or the food items can be dropped

off in the box in Room 8.

Thursday, Nov. 20, 9:00 AM

Several helpers are needed to shop for the

remaining non-perishable items at Walmart.

Thursday, Nov. 20, 10:30 AM

Several men are needed to unload the bus and

tape boxes. Ladies are needed to stock the

food and pack boxes. Rooms 7 & 8.

Monday, Nov. 24, 10:30 AM

Men are needed to unload the bus and ladies

to pack the perishables. Meet in Room 2.

Monday, Nov. 24, 1:30 PM

Men are needed to load the vehicles. Drivers

with SUV’s, covered trucks, etc. are needed in

case of rain to deliver the food to Ensley. The

convoy will leave for Ensley at 2:15 PM. Meet

in room 2.




The Flame, November 2014xxxxxxxx 5

St . Luke Bus iness/Services Directory

The deadline for submission in the current Business Directory is

Sunday, November 29th.

This is a great tool for members of St. Luke to use your business and refer to others as well. You can drop your information in the Tithing baskets or the church office or email Debbie at [email protected].

This will be a free publication that will be made available to the congregation via printed copy as well as posted to our church website once completed!

If you choose to have your information included in this publication, please fill out the information below and place in the drop box in the Narthex.

*If you have a business card, you may also submit that in

place of the information requested below.*

Information needed:

Name of Business:


Brief Description of the business, type of service/product offered:




Address: ____________________________________________

Phone: ______________________________________________

Fax: ________________________________________________

Website: _____________________________________________

Church Member

Name/Contact: _______________________________________

If you would like more information, please contact Debbie Bush at

850-261-6136 or [email protected]. Thanks!

Ensley Elementary Secret Santa Program for 2014 Will Soon Be Underway!

~~Save the Date and watch for our Secret Santa Elves…..coming soon!~~

The Secret Santa Tree will be up beginning November 23. All types of elves are needed to ensure the success of this year’s program for Ensley Elementary families. If you are interested in volunteering as an elf, please sign up below by the elf of your choice. Your help is much appreciated!

Name_______________________________________ Phone #_____________________________________ E-mail_______________________________________

Shopping Elves are needed to sign out the pink (girl) and blue (boy) gift tags from the Christmas tree in the gathering area, to purchase the gifts, and to return them to the tree. Tags may be checked out and gifts brought in on Sunday mornings before and after services and on Wednesday evenings during the WNT dinner hour.

You can sign up to volunteer to be an elf on Sunday mornings. Look for the yellow insert.

Organizing Elves are needed to check out tags to the shopping elves and to check in gifts, double-checking for clothing sizes and toy batteries.

I would like to work a shift at the Christmas tree on:

___Sunday morning ___Wednesday evening

Wrapping Elves are needed on Saturday mornings to wrap gifts. Shifts are from 9:00 a.m. - 12 Noon in the Education Building

___Saturday, December 6 (9:00 a.m. - 12 Noon) ___Saturday, December 13 (9:00 a.m. – until done!)

Delivery Elves are needed to take the gifts to Ensley Elementary School. Shifts are from 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.

We especially need a few larger trucks since we are down a bus this year and some heavy-lifting elves to wrangle bicycles.

___Monday, December 15 ___Tuesday, December 16

___Wednesday, December 17

Lighthouse Outing! -A Senior Adult Fun

Trip/Outing to the Pensacola Light-

house is being planned for Monday

November 17th. Please Contact

Patricia Floyd at 850-466-3226 if

interested in participating or for

more information.

The Flame, November 2014 6

Karen Bruening, Karen Bruening, Karen Bruening,

Health and Wellness Health and Wellness Health and Wellness

Coordinator at Coordinator at Coordinator at

[email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected] or


Celebrate Success, weeks 1-6: October 7-November 13 Healthy Holiday Living: November 13-December 25 Celebrate Success, weeks 6-12: Dec. 30, 2014-Feb. 6, 2015

Blood Drive: November 23,

2014, 9 am to 1 pm. Donors will also receive a wellness checkup. CHALLENGE: We MUST get at least 15 units to be able to continue to offer this life-saving service here in the future! Health & Wellness will be giving away $25 gift cards to one Adult and one Youth who successfully donates blood at this event! Ages 16-18 can give blood with a parent's permission and who meet requirements. Types O- and A- are always in need! Call Karen for details.

Run for God: The Run For God 5K Challenge is both a Bible study and a training program. Class is ongoing, but the meetings are optional! We can communicate via text and/or Facebook, or phone calls. If you are interested, please contact me for more information. P.S.--there is a Run for God app at

Save the date Semester Exam Stress Break for Senior High Youth: December 12, 2014, at the Star Complex. There will be guy things, there will be girl things, and food! I anticipate this to be very low cost and very high fun! Stay tuned for details!

Save the date: The 2nd Annual Women's Health Fair is tentatively set for March 7, 2015. Dr. Jay Crittenden has tentatively agreed to be a guest speaker, depending on his schedule, and I am working on getting the Mammography Van here for the event as well. More details to come!!

Questions? Contact Karen Bruening at the email or number above.

Youth News! For the next few Sunday nights, we’re calling it “STUMPED”…as in try to “stump the pastor,” or "I am stumped about God.” It’s more apologetically based, foundational. We’re providing index cards to youth and they can write any question down that they have, drop it in the “stumped” box, and the teaching will revolve around answering those questions. Youth will not want to miss, because if they do, then they just may miss the answer to their question!!


Saturday, 11/8 the Sr. High Youth attended a Troy University football game! The Timberlakes had tickets available for us to use, so when you see them, give them a bug hug and a thank you!

Thursday, 11/13 - Casting Crowns Concert, with Mandisa and Sidewalk Prophets (Tickets range from $40 to $55 depending on seating.) We are working on a way to off-set ticket cost by about half. More details coming soon on the that.

Friday, 11/14 - Youth Bonfire @ “The Pit” behind the playground…enjoy worship music, hot-dogs & S’mores, “Cross-talk” and time with each other. The fun and fellowship begins at 6:30 p.m.

Meltdown 2015: Meltdown Retreat is January 30 – February 1, 2015. A $50.00 “hold my spot for Meltdown” deposit is due no later than Sunday, November 23rd.

Questions about youth ministry / youth activities, contact: -Wesley Henderson: 850-346-2424 or [email protected] -Pastor Mike Cobb at [email protected]

-Submitted by Wesley Henderson


All members of St. Luke are invited to share

the joyous occasion of the wedding of

Tim Barbari and Angela Funderburk on

Saturday, November 15th at

1:30 p.m. at St. Luke United

Methodist Church

The Flame, November 2014xxxxxxxx

The St. Luke UMC Altar Guild, Nov. 10. (2nd Monday of the month.) Contact: Nancy Williamson at [email protected]

Early Risers Discipleship Group 6:30 a.m., (Village Inn, 9 Mile Road), Nov. 12 & 26. (Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesdays.)

Game Day/Fun Day for Senior Adults! Nov. 13, 10 am– 2 pm, Fellowship Hall. Lunch is $3. Please RSVP to Janice Taylor (Senior Adult Coordinator) at 780-6359 or [email protected] .

Mission Lunch Sunday, November 16 (3rd Sun) Last Day to bring in Food for Feed-A-Family Nov. 16

Lighthouse Outing - for Seniors to Pensacola Lighthouse & Museum is being planned for Monday, Nov. 17. Contact Patricia Floyd at (850)466-3226 to participate or for more information.

“Red, White & Blue” Lunch Bunch Thurs., Nov. 20, 11:30 a.m. at St. Luke UMC in Room 2 of the Education Building. Bring a lunch & drink and enjoy lunchtime fellowship to honor America's freedom. NEW contact for more information: Roger Silverthorne at 850-477-3692 .

St. Luke UMW, Nov. 20, 1:00 p.m., Church Library. All ladies of the church are invited to attend the UMW’s meetings.

UMW Executive Board Nov. 21, 12:00 Noon in the Library. Secret Santa Tree begins Nov. 23. Details on Page 5. Hanging of the Greens Nov. 30


Special Days

November 11, Veteran’s Day November 27, Thanksgiving November 30, First Sunday of Advent December 7, Preschool Sunday December 24, Christmas Eve December 25, Christmas Day

St. Luke Annual Charge Conference is

Monday., Nov. 24 at 6 p.m. See description on Page 6.

Church-Wide Pay-Off Celebration Lunch &

Mortgage Burning, Sun., Nov. 23, noon, Fellowship Hall.

Staff Parish Relations Committee: Mon., Nov. 10, 6:30 p.m., Rm. 23. Trustees Committee: Tuesday, Nov. 11, 6 p.m., Room 2. Finance Committee, Thursday, Nov. 13, 6 p.m., Room 10. Church Council, Sunday, Nov. 16, 12:45 p.m. Choir Room.

Acts 29 (1922 Larkspur Cir.) 6:45 p.m., Nov. 6 & 20. Azalea Trace Sunday School Class Sat., Nov. 8, 9:30 a.m. Men’s Only Accountability Group , Fridays, 6:00 a.m. (Village Inn, 9 Mile Rd.)

St. Luke Events & Announcements

If you are a St. Luke member and do not see your (or a member of your family) November birthday listed,

please contact the church office so that we can update our records with your birthday information.

Day Name

1 Mary Carmichael

2 Olive Wise

2 Dorothy Avasso

3 Parker Green

4 Linda Anderson

4 Vicki Hinson

4 Jami Burchfield

5 Deborah Bratton

5 Morgan Helton

5 Hylton Davis

6 Edna Resedean

6 Mary Lee Pement

6 Adrianna Sweeney

7 Phyllis Wiseman

7 Patsy Manning

8 Pat Wentz

10 Marge Stein

10 Jay Tucker

10 Carolyn Fitzpatrick

10 Grace Williams

10 Zara Cook

11 Joni Ray

11 Brandy Hendrix

12 Barbara Isiminger

12 Nancy May

12 Allie Townsend

13 Steve Foster

13 Glenda Mayo

13 Steven White

13 Sean King

16 Joshua Hendricks

16 Hannah Rogers

17 Dick Morton

17 Sharon Roberts

17 Candy Thomas

17 Tara Raulston

19 Marty Marini

20 Elizabeth Sansom

20 Jamie Byers

20 McKenna Young

21 Dawn Hall

21 Austin Young

21 Stone Williams

22 Larry Walker

22 Richard Williams

22 Karli Frantz

22 Allison Payne

23 David Mathis

23 Vance Mitter, Jr.

24 Jackie Saxon

24 Keith Waters

24 Stephen Dickerson

25 Roland Barker

25 Bob Woodard, Sr.

25 Opal Edgar

25 Scott Hale

25 Bob Shirer

26 Donny Cobb

27 Kim Stanford

27 Ethan Millet

27 Nathan Lyons, III

27 Lyle Barbee

28 June Dempsey

28 Wes Greeson

28 Whit Davis

29 Russell Maxwell

29 Gwinn Corley

29 Carol Williams

29 Sterling Johnson

29 Jordyn Dickens

May your day be filled with joy & happiness that follows you the whole year through!

The Flame, November 2014

ST. LUKE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1394 East Nine Mile Road Pensacola, FL 32514 -5720

Rev. Larry Anderson..……………...………Senior Pastor Rev. Michael Cobb ...…………………..Associate Pastor Rev. Ted Bowne……………..Associate Pastor Emeritus Bob Woodard………………………Certified Lay Minister Michele Millet………………………...Office Administrator Cathy Felling…………..……………..Financial Secretary Dana Van Zyl……...……….Communication Coordinator Wesley Henderson & Alli Roberts…...…Youth Ministry Interns Esther Felt…………………...Children’s Ministry Director Jeannette Lascell……………………..Preschool Director Lisa Mabrie…...……………………..Nursery Coordinator Robert Bryan………………………………AV Coordinator Pat Jernigan…………………………………………Pianist Ted Thomas, Jr………………...Maintenance Technician Don Williams…………………………………….Custodian Diane Fitzpatrick….Kitchen/Fellowship Hall Coordinator


8:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Traditional Service (Sanctuary)

9:00 a.m. Fellowship Time (Fellowship Hall)

9:30 a.m. Contemporary Service (Sanctuary)


9:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. (Education Building/ Youth Center)

Please Pray For Your St. Luke Church Staff

The Flame is St. Luke’s monthly newsletter. If you have information that you would like published in the next edition of The Flame, please send submissions to Dana Van Zyl by email at [email protected] or by placing a printed copy of your submission in Dana’s box in the church office.

Submission deadline for The Flame for December is November 14.


ST. LUKE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1394 East Nine Mile Road Pensacola, FL 32514 -5720

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