



الرحمن ) الله بسم( الرحيم

"In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Compassionate".

Consultant Book


By : Prof . Dr Hamid Ullah






The Quran Considers property a mean of Survival and Support For Mankind .


Historian and Jurists agree that Zakah Became mandatory in 9AH

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) used to ask Muslims to spend a part of their income from trade, agriculture and other sources in the way of God In Makkah.

Zakah was Began on a VOLUNTARY BASIS

Initially word Zakah signified an act PURIFIED THE SOUL.


After migration both the NUMBER and NEEDS of Muslims increased.

Money was required for DEFENCE.


When Muslims migrate from Makkah to Madinah their problem of poverty and unemployment was solved by the introduction of the institution of BROTHERHOOD which led to the creation of unit bound one helper and one Emigrant togethar the resulted in the merging of their families into a single family

Now the Question Arise

•How did the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) live ?•What were the means of their livelihood ?

A Swedish Orientalist writes

“ To began with , Muslims were extremely poor . They include in loot. They had nothing to eat and were Obliged to attack caravans . The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) used to send them on such expeditions”


•On arrival to Madinah from Makkah , Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) stayed in Quba in the south of city.

•Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) then moved forward to the settlement of BANU NAJJAR and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) stay there in the house of Abu Ayyub Al Ansari.

•Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) stayed there for a few months because he ordered the construction of large mosque there.

•A few residential rooms were provided for the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in this mosque.

What were the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) means of livelihood ?

Most of the Helpers (Ansar) in Madinah who were prosperous farmer had earmarked a fruit tree in their gardens for Him. This was done with the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) consent . “ ALL DATES OF THESE TREES WERE SENT TO HIS HOUSE EVERY YEAR”.Muslims historians and traditionists often quote from Lady Aishah that “ Some times the family had to be content with dates and water for months and no food was cooked in the house” .

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) means of livelihood

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) bought a few goats whose milk was consumed by the household . Some time she-camel or a goat was gifted by people who considered it an honor to offer a present . The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) occasionally accepted it .Sa’d Ibn Ubadah , a close relative of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) from his mother side , regularly sent some food deserts , vegetable, meat to the house .

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) means of livelihood

Soon another small means of income was added. From the month of Ramadan 2AH began with a series of battles with enemy.Of the spoils of war, one-fifth went to state treasury while four-fifth was distributed equally among the soldiers .Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) participated in the most of the battles. He than two resources of the income One as a soldier and second as a head of state to whom one-fifth of the spoils were given


Shafi pointed out that God had divided the expenditure into eight categories. In his finite Mercy He wanted the poor to have a double share and that is why two terms have been used i.e. 1/8 for the poor and 1/8 for the needy. This mean that a quarter of the entire sum should be spent on poor.

ZAKAHIt appears from work of Muslims jurists that zakah cannot be given to non Muslims. It is restricted only to Muslims.Abu Yusuf writes in Kitab Al Kharaj that “ Umer used to help Jews from Zakah funds during His caliphate.Tarabi has mentioned other companions such as Zayd Ibn Thabit, Ibn Abbas . As holding the view that Zakah may be given to non Muslims.Some early authors say that FUQARA are meant the poor Muslims and by the needy MASAKIN are meant the poor non-Muslims.

ZAKAHThe next category (al- amilin alayha) comprises the civil servant employed to collect and distributed zakah . It will not be surprising if we interpret it to mean the entire structure of civil administration because collectors, accountants, auditors, distributers, supervisors, are all invoked in task. We can say that the salaries of entire civil administration should be met from Zakah


Then come a category of those who need to be won over. Abu Ya Iabin Al farra Al Hanbali, a distinguished scholar, who was a contemporary of Marwardi, has written a book which, like that of Marwardi, bears the same title Al Ahkam Al Sultaniyyah.In a detailed discussion of category he has divided into four categories.The first comprises people who are paid to help peoples.The second consist of those who are paid so that they are persuaded to refrain from harming Muslims.The third category consist of those who may be provide financial assistance in order to soften attitude towards islam.The fourth category comprises those who are provided funds in order that this show of good will soften the attitude of their near relatives, families and tribes towards islam.

ZAKAHAs regard the freeing of slaves, the government has a responsibility towards the slaves living in islamic terriority as well as the citizens who have been made prisoners or slaves by another state.There is no distinction between the two in respect of ransom to be paid to the enemy.Caliph Umer held that all the needy and the poor could be held from Zakah irrespective of their religion

And those in Debt – Al Gharimin – are the people who suddenly become destitute and are unable to discharge their obligations e.g. a person who has lost his possessions during a journey , because of flood or an earthquake. A prosperous person who has temporarily rendered helpless can be helped from Zakah.

The category covered by Fi Sabil Allah (In the way of Allah) is applicable to the entire military administration. It includes salaries, expenditures on purchase of arms and other military requirements. The buildings of mosques, caravans , schools etc., also fall in same category

The last category –Ibn Al Sabil- the wayfarer, can be any traveler, Muslim or non Muslim . No distinction need to be made while offering help or hospitality. It is the duty of the state to help the traveler.


Before Islam Arab peoples were followed Solar calendar as it is today , This system was having fixed months but Arab mulsims were have different calendar . Months began and end on the moon sight . Six months of lunar year are usually of twenty nine days and other six are thirty days . The total numbers of days in a year is 354. The difference in season was due to the revolutionary of earth around the sun . It was completed in 365 or 366 days .

When Babylonians find that lunar year is shorter than solar one by eleven or twelve days than they adopt the solar system . They notice that while working according the lunar year , they sowing and the raping of crops suffered a loss.

The solution they found for the problem was a add a thirteen months year after every three years . Since a lunar year is shorter by eleven days than a solar years, the difference would be 33 days after three years . This would be approximately a month. That is why a month is added after three years .

Thus they succeeded in deriving the same benefit from the lunar month as they would have thought a solar system so far as their agriculture needs were concerned . The same system operated in the city of Makkah . This system of adding a month to the calendar was referred to a nasi . Because of Hajj, the entire Arab peninsula acted in according with it . Prophet Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص spent all but the last three months of his life under this system.

This last three months were an exception because nasi was abolished according to the quranic injunction at the time of Farewell pilgrimage of the Prophet Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص . “Surely nasi is an addition to disbelief . Those who disbelieve are led astray thereby. They allow it one year and forbid it another year, that they may agree in the number of months in which Allah has made sacred, and thus may make lawful what Allah is Forbidden”. (9:37).

The greatest difficulty in the lunar calendar is that it is not suitable for agriculture purpose. The Prophet Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص found a solution for it . He laid down that rural population would pay tax at the reaping of harvests regardless of the calendar month. this was end of all difficulties .

. Under the lunar year system an Islamic government receives taxes at different time throughout the year. Agriculture taxes are received in a particular season while other taxes follow a different schedule with the result that the treasury is not empty at any time of the year.


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