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RFQ for Cataloguing and Processing of Library Material

for Ontario's Colleges

OCLS RFQ #2018-003

September 2018

All information contained within this document should be considered confidential and is provided to give bidders an understanding of the Ontario Colleges Library Service requirements.

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Contents 1. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................... 4

1.1. Ontario Colleges Library Service and College Libraries Ontario ................................................... 4

1.2. Background ................................................................................................................................... 4

1.3. Budgets ......................................................................................................................................... 4

1.4. Anticipated volume ....................................................................................................................... 4

2. BIDDING PROCESS ................................................................................................................................. 6

2.1. Intent to bid .................................................................................................................................. 6

2.2. Bid submission .............................................................................................................................. 6

2.3. Schedule ........................................................................................................................................ 6

2.4. Bid formats .................................................................................................................................... 7

2.5. Questions ...................................................................................................................................... 8

2.6. Subcontracting .............................................................................................................................. 8

2.7. Bidder’s costs ................................................................................................................................ 8

2.8. Agreement .................................................................................................................................... 8

2.9. Evaluation ..................................................................................................................................... 8

3. RESPONSE ........................................................................................................................................... 10

3.1. General ........................................................................................................................................ 10

3.2. Cataloguing services .................................................................................................................... 10

3.2.1 Requirements ............................................................................................................................. 10

3.2.2 Colleges Union Catalogue (CUC) ................................................................................................ 11

3.2.3 eResources ................................................................................................................................. 12

3.2.4 Authority control ........................................................................................................................ 12

3.2.5 Process/resources ...................................................................................................................... 12

3.3. Physical processing services ........................................................................................................ 12

3.3.1. Spine labels / Call numbers ................................................................................................. 13

3.4. Shelf ready .................................................................................................................................. 13

3.5. Collections with unique requirements ........................................................................................ 13

3.6. Material acquired by college libraries......................................................................................... 13

3.7. Reporting..................................................................................................................................... 13

3.8. Customer support ....................................................................................................................... 13

3.9. Price changes .............................................................................................................................. 14

3.10. Invoices ....................................................................................................................................... 14

3.11. Pricing .......................................................................................................................................... 14

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3.11.1. Basis for pricing ................................................................................................................... 14

3.11.2. Price quote .......................................................................................................................... 15

3.11.3. Other pricing options .......................................................................................................... 16

3.12. Shipping ....................................................................................................................................... 16

3.12.1. Cross-border shipping assistance ........................................................................................ 16

3.13. Additional services ...................................................................................................................... 16

4. BIDDING FORM ................................................................................................................................... 17

APPENDICES ................................................................................................................................................ 18

Appendix A: Ontario College Information ............................................................................................... 18

Appendix B: Sample titles ....................................................................................................................... 19

Appendix C: Colleges Union Catalogue minimum standards, RDA version ............................................ 21

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1.1. Ontario Colleges Library Service and College Libraries Ontario The Ontario Colleges Library Service (OCLS) is a non-profit corporation, supported by the Ministry of Training, Colleges, and Universities (MTCU), established to provide a suite of services to the libraries of Ontario’s 24 publicly funded Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology, including two French language colleges. College Libraries Ontario (CLO), formerly the Heads of Libraries & Learning Resources (HLLR), is comprised of the directors (or designate) of libraries/learning resources of each of Ontario’s 24 publicly funded colleges, and serves as an advisory group to OCLS. College libraries and their students and faculty are the ultimate users of the materials acquired. Consortial negotiation of cataloguing and processing contracts for library material is one of a suite of services that OCLS provides to the college libraries.

1.2. Background OCLS seeks to contract with preferred vendors for the cataloguing and processing of library material for the Ontario college libraries. Content coverages will include Canadian, US, and UK imprints across a broad spectrum of subject areas and disciplines and will include print, audiovisual, and other formats. The term of agreement resulting from this process is expected to cover three years starting April 1, 2019. The term of the agreement may be extended by mutual written agreement. A separate RFQ has been issued for selection and acquisition services for library materials (OCLS RFQ #2018-002: RFQ for Selection and Acquisition of Library Material for Ontario's Colleges). Vendors that would like to respond to both bids should do so separately, but may describe additional benefits and discounts that are available should they be selected as a winning bidder for both RFQs.

1.3. Budgets OCLS and 23 of the college libraries operate on an April-to-March budget year. The remaining college operates on a May-to-April budget year. Acquisitions budgets for materials and services covered by this process are set by the libraries on an annual basis. This process and any resulting agreement will not obligate the college libraries to spend any specific amount of money in any year.

1.4. Anticipated volume During the 2017-18 fiscal year, the 15 college libraries currently participating under the existing OCLS cataloguing and processing service agreement received cataloguing and processing for approximately 12,000 physical items. Of these items approximately 8,000 were unique titles and approximately 4,000 were duplicates or added copies. 2017/18 Volume Details:

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Original cataloguing

• 257 print items • 17 non-print items

Copy cataloguing

• 7,823 items (all formats) Duplicates/added copies

• 3,971 duplicate items (all formats) Processing

• 11,482 vendor direct • 674 college direct

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2.1. Intent to bid Potential bidders are advised to send a confirmation of their intent to submit a bid by Friday, October 5, 2018 as noted in the Schedule (Section 2.3). Please include the name, title, phone number, and email address for the company representative with whom we will communicate, and send via email to: Coralee Leroux eResources & Services Coordinator Ontario Colleges Library Service [email protected] Subject Line: “OCLS RFQ #2018-003 Intent to bid” All subsequent information regarding this RFQ, including changes made to this document and responses to bidder questions, will be directed to those that have provided their intent to bid.

2.2. Bid submission Bids are to be sent by email: Coralee Leroux eResources & Services Coordinator Ontario Colleges Library Service [email protected]

Subject Line: “OCLS RFQ #2018-003 Bid” Bids are to be received on or before: Thursday, October 25, 2018 at 2 pm. Bids received after the deadline will not be considered. Receipt of bids submitted as per the above instructions will be acknowledged by OCLS. If you do not receive an acknowledgement with 2 business hours of submitting a bid, please contact Coralee Leroux.

2.3. Schedule

Date Event Monday, September 17, 2018 RFQ issued and distributed Friday, October 5, 2018 Intent to bid submitted by bidders Friday, October 12, 2018 Last date for questions from bidders Friday, October 19, 2018 Response to all questions submitted by bidders Thursday, October 25, 2018 Bids are due November 2018 Evaluation and recommendation approval period Friday, November 30, 2018, Announcement of successful bids

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December 2018- February 2019 Contract negotiation February – March 2019 College account setup, profile creation, training, as required. April 1, 2019 Implementation date for services to colleges under agreement

During the evaluation period, OCLS may request clarifications from and/or a meeting with any bidder at OCLS’s discretion. Dates subsequent to the bids being submitted are estimates only and are subject to modification without notice to bidders. All bidders will be informed of the winning bids. OCLS will not release the list of bidders.

2.4. Bid formats The following format and sequence should be followed in order to provide consistency in the submitted bids and ensure each response receives full consideration:

a) Bidding Form (Section 4) Each bidder shall provide a complete bidding form, including signature from an authorized signing officer and a single contact to whom all requests for clarification or additional information may be addressed.

b) Response Bids shall follow the format and sequence outlined in Section 3: Response, and include pricing for services or service components as appropriate.

c) Company Profile Bidders shall provide a one-page profile of their company and information demonstrating relevant experience and qualifications.

d) References Bidders shall provide three references for work requiring similar knowledge and capacity, preferably from institutions requiring similar materials. Contact information for each of the three references shall be provided.

e) Sample Titles Bidders shall provide the information requested for the list of sample titles provided in Appendix B.

Bid responses are subject to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Any information that the bidder regards as confidential must be in a separate appendix that is labelled as confidential. OCLS shall endeavor to honour such confidential designations to the extent allowed under the appropriate legislation. Bids must be valid for 120 days from the date bids are due.

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2.5. Questions Questions about the contents of this document should be submitted by email by Friday, October 12, 2018 to: Coralee Leroux eResources & Services Coordinator Ontario Colleges Library Service [email protected] Subject Line: “OCLS RFQ #2018-003 Questions” Questions submitted as per the above instructions will be acknowledged within two business days. Questions not acknowledged may be resubmitted. Responses to all bidder questions will be directed to those that have provided their intent to bid. Bidders may not rely in any fashion on communication with any staff at OCLS or any college except through the process defined above.

2.6. Subcontracting Bidders must clearly identify any and all subcontractors that they intend to use in supplying services to meet the obligations of the RFQ. Bidders are responsible for all work performed by subcontractors.

2.7. Bidder’s costs OCLS and the college libraries are not liable for any costs incurred by any bidder as part of the bidding process. This includes, but is not limited to, costs to prepare bids, visits to OCLS, legal or other costs.

2.8. Agreement OCLS intends to negotiate agreements with the winning bidders. This RFQ, any amendments to it, and the bidder’s full response may form part of the agreement. In the event that a mutually satisfactory agreement cannot be reached with any selected bidder, OCLS reserves the right to open negotiations with any bidders.

2.9. Evaluation Bids will be evaluated to obtain the best value for the college libraries. Value is a combination of cost of materials and services being bid and the quality of the materials and services. The proven ability of the vendor to deliver materials and services requested will form a material portion of the evaluation. The lowest-cost bid or any bid will not necessarily be accepted. All submissions will be judged using the following weighted criteria:

• Cataloguing and processing services – 20% • Availability of delivery options – 20% • Customer support – 20% • Cost and/or discounts – 20% • Quality of MARC records – 15%

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• References – 5% In the case of partial bids, only the applicable criteria will be included in the evaluation. Selection of preferred vendors will be made by OCLS in consultation with the Ontario college libraries and College Libraries Ontario (CLO). The evaluation process will use information drawn from the written submission portion of the bid and information supplied by references to determine how the bidders perform against the above categories using a 10-point gradient scale. OCLS reserves the right to waive any requirement if this is in the best interests of the college libraries.

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3.1. General Bidders shall comment on their ability to process material for the college libraries, including cataloguing and physical processing. The response in this section should provide a broad overview of the bidder’s capabilities. Responses to detailed requirements should be organized per the following sections.

3.2. Cataloguing services Bidder shall describe their ability to provide MARC records for all material where processing has been requested. Bidders are free to quote on more than one variation. Bidders are encouraged to provide multiple cost quotations where there is a material difference in the pricing. Unless otherwise specified as a limitation within the bid, processing prices are assumed to fully meet the requirements below. The college libraries have a number of requirements that may be considered custom usages. Bidders shall quote on the provision of:

• MARC records without any of the custom usages • MARC records that fully conform to the custom usages (if available) • MARC records that meet some but not all of the custom usages with specific reference to which

usages can be provided

3.2.1 Requirements Standards

Bidder shall describe their ability to provide MARC records that meet the following standards: • MARC records that meet Resource Description & Access (RDA) guidelines and Library of

Congress Program for Cooperative Cataloging Policy Statements (LC-PCC PS) standards for the material

• Full level encoding for material provided by the vendor • Records that meet or exceed the minimum standards for the Ontario Colleges Union Catalogue,

as approved by CLO and the Bibliographic Standards Working Group (BSWG) (see Appendix C). Name Authorities Bidder shall describe their ability to provide the following required name authority headings:

• Library of Congress name authority headings • Library and Archives Canada name authority headings for Canadian corporate names

Bidders shall indicate any other name authorities (i.e. VIAF, AAT, TGN) they can provide, along with any additional costs associated. Bidders shall indicate if URI enrichment and/or faceted headings are part of their practice. Subject Authorities

Bidder shall describe their ability to provide the following required subject authority headings: • Library of Congress Subject Headings (LSCH) for English language items

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• Répertoire de vedettes-matière (RVM) for French language and bilingual items o French language material for French language colleges require only RVM subject

headings o French language material for all other colleges require RVM headings and LC/LAC

subject headings o Bilingual material for all colleges should have both RVM and LC/LAC subject headings

• Canadian Subject Headings for materials on Canada / Canadian concepts • Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) for appropriate material

Bidders shall indicate any other subject authorities they can provide, along with any additional costs associated. Bidders shall indicate if URI enrichment and/or faceted headings are part of their practice. Subject Classification Bidder shall describe their ability to provide the following requirements for subject classification:

• Library of Congress classification with the following exceptions: o Bibliographies – Z class o Biographies – classed by topic o Canadian history – FC class (per Library and Archives Canada) o Canadian law – KE class (per Library of Congress) o Canadian literature – PS8000+ class (per Library and Archives Canada) o Children’s non-fiction – use PZ class o French Canadian literature – PS9000+ class (per Library and Archives Canada) o Cutters follow the Cutter-Sanborn table Delivery

Bidders shall comment on their ability to make available a file of MARC records prior to delivery of processed materials, along with the method for identifying a shipment with the corresponding records. Bidders shall state all available options for the delivery of MARC records and any associated costs for each delivery option.

3.2.2 Colleges Union Catalogue (CUC) The Colleges Union Catalogue (CUC) is a publicly available, shared resource comprised of bibliographic records drawn from the colleges’ libraries. Ontario’s college libraries have maintained a union catalogue for several decades. The CUC upholds a high standard of bibliographic record by ensuring that additions to the catalogue meet minimum requirements. The catalogue, also known as BibC, is updated regularly by drawing on new and modified records from the bibliographic databases of contributing colleges. As a collective resource the CUC presents an opportunity for less duplication of record creation and management efforts.

Bidders shall describe their ability to: o Add to process a check in the CUC for an existing record o Tier pricing of records based on an existing record in the CUC

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o In the case of an existing record, provide a matching title control tag in the delivered duplicate/added copy record

o Distinguish between originally catalogued and duplicate/added copy record

3.2.3 eResources Bidders shall describe their process for validating multiple ISBNs.

3.2.4 Authority control Bidders shall describe the availability of authority control MARC records for use by the college libraries.

3.2.5 Process/resources Bidders shall provide a description of the cataloguing resources (human and technical) that it uses. This shall include information on external databases/services used and any internal tools. Bidders shall provide a copy of their cataloguing manual or standards employed as an attached appendix. Bidders shall make specific reference to the authority control procedures and standards used during cataloguing. Bidders shall describe quality control processes in place, including how are errors reported and what actions result from error reports.

3.3. Physical processing services Each college library will specify physical processing requirements with the successful bidder. Bidders shall describe their ability to provide physical processing. The following types of physical processing are expected:

• Spine label • Spine label protector (if not protected by Mylar jacket) • Barcode application (location as specified by each college library; college libraries to supply

barcodes) • Barcode protector (if not protected by Mylar jacket) • Security applications – either EM security strips or RFID tags (location as specified by each

college library; college libraries may or may not supply security strips; college libraries will supply RFID tags)

• Ownership stamp (location as specified by each college library; college libraries to supply ownership stamps)

Additional processing, such as Mylar jackets for dust covers and programming of RFID tags, may be requested. Bidders are encouraged to provide multiple cost quotations where there is a difference in the pricing for physical processing of different material types (e.g., DVDs, kits, non-print material).

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3.3.1. Spine labels / Call numbers Spine labels are required for all processed material. Bidders shall comment on their ability to provide these and on the fonts available. Bidders shall describe the full range of options available for spine labels including formatting and content. Costs for alternatives shall be included. Bidders shall comment on their ability to control the spine label information that will be used for given titles. For example, if a library already had an existing copy of an item, can an additional copy be ordered with the call number pre-defined to match the existing record? If yes, bidders shall describe the available processes.

3.4. Shelf ready Bidders should comment on their ability to provide shelf ready material to the college libraries including the ability to provide holdings level information. Pricing for MARC records and barcodes must reflect the inclusion of the necessary item holdings information for all processed material in the supplied MARC records.

Holdings fields must conform to the specific requirements of individual college library’s integrated Return policy

3.5. Collections with unique requirements Bidders should comment on their ability to provide collections with unique requirements. Examples may include:

• Leisure reading (mass-market paperbacks requiring minimal cataloguing & processing) • Leisure viewing (feature film DVDs requiring minimal cataloguing & processing) • Children’s collections (with full cataloguing and processing, but using Dewey instead of LC)

3.6. Material acquired by college libraries

Bidders shall comment on their ability to catalogue and process material acquired directly by the college libraries. This may include material acquired directly from publishers/vendors, or material donated to the library.

3.7. Reporting The bidder shall provide full details on available reports, including samples in an appendix.

3.8. Customer support Bidders should describe the available mechanisms to interact with its staff, including:

• hours of operation • dedicated account representatives • automated services • services in French

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3.9. Price changes

Bidders shall provide full information on their procedures for handling pricing changes. Bidders must define the options that exist for the college libraries to be notified when prices have changed.

3.10. Invoices Bidders shall provide information on their ability to include an invoice in each shipment for all material included in the shipment, with normal payment terms of net 45 from the date material is received at the college library. Bidders shall provide information on their ability to provide invoices via email or via online interfaces. Bidders shall provide information on their ability to include the following required information on invoices for each title shipped:

• unit price charged per material type • quantity catalogued/processed per material type • purchase order number

Bidders shall provide information on their ability to include the following information on invoices, for the shipment overall:

• total cataloguing and processing charge • taxes • and shipping charges

Bidders shall provide sample invoices demonstrating flexibility of invoicing options, and describe their ability to include other information and formatting options. Bidders shall provide information on their ability to provide invoices in Canadian dollars and payable by one of the following methods:

• cheque from a Canadian financial institution • credit card • deposit account

3.11. Pricing

3.11.1. Basis for pricing Bidders shall provide information on prompt payment discounts, slow payment penalties, additional costs for rush delivery, and any other additional costs for any service. College libraries expect to pay for material after the material is delivered. Bidders shall clearly indicate any material where this service is not offered and procedures proposed in such cases. Normal payment terms are net 45 from the date material is received at the college library.

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Volume information presented in this document is based on previous years. Volume for future years may vary significantly. Pricing that is volume sensitive must be clearly described. Prices must be valid for a minimum of one year. Bidder must provide information on pricing changes over the terms of the agreement. OCLS and the college libraries reserve the right to evaluate bids based on worst case pricing.

3.11.2. Price quote Please complete the following tables. State the unit cost for this material. References to limitations, if any, should occur in the Limitations column. If there is a blended cataloguing and processing cost, please indicate this in the Limitations column. If more than one bid is being made or if there is different pricing based on specific factors, such as volume of business, use multiple copies of this table. Clearly indicate the conditions that apply for each copy.

Material type Cataloguing Processing Limitations or other comments Monographs

• Copy cataloguing • Original cataloguing • Duplicates / added copies

Government publications • Copy cataloguing • Original cataloguing • Duplicates / added copies

A/V material • Copy cataloguing • Original cataloguing • Duplicates / added copies

eBooks • Copy cataloguing • Original cataloguing • Duplicates / added copies

Technical reports Theses Early childhood education material such as games, puzzles, toys

Multi-media kits

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Other formats? e.g. • open access online

documents • continuing resources

(serials) • software • streaming audio • streaming video

Additional services Cost per record or item

Limitations or other comments

Supply and application of dust jackets EM security strips Programming of RFID tags MARC Authority records

3.11.3. Other pricing options

Bidders shall describe other pricing options (if any) that are available that might be advantageous to OCLS or the college libraries.

3.12. Shipping Shipments shall be sent to a delivery point designated by each individual college library. Bidder shall provide a complete description of all options for shipping (including regular, rush, next day, etc.), the costs for each option, and any surcharges that may be incurred for orders requiring special or expedited shipping.

3.12.1. Cross-border shipping assistance Bidders shall provide details of assistance available to the college libraries in the case of cross-border shipments that are delayed by Canada Customs.

3.13. Additional services One of the goals for the cataloguing and processing contracts is to optimize workflow by taking advantage of vendor services. Bidders shall describe other additional services that may assist OCLS and the college libraries in positioning for future workflow enhancements.

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4. BIDDING FORM OCLS RFQ #2018-003 – Cataloguing and Processing of Library Material for Ontario's Colleges Company Company name: ______________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ City, Province/State: ______________________________________________________ Postal/ZIP Code: ________________ Country: ______________________ Bid Contact Person Name: ______________________________________________________ Title: ______________________________________________________ Email Address: ______________________________________________________ Phone #: ( ___ ) _______________ Signing Officer Name: ______________________________________________________ Title: ______________________________________________________ Signature: ______________________________________________________ Date: ______________________________________________________ Date bid is valid until (DD/MM/YYYY)*: ____________________________________________ * All bids must be valid for at least 120 days from the date that bids are due.

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APPENDICES Appendix A: Ontario College Information

College Main campus Integrated Library System Participating1

Algonquin College Ottawa SirsiDynix Symphony* X Collège Boréal Sudbury Evergreen X Cambrian College Sudbury Mandarin Oasis X Canadore College & Nipissing University2

North Bay SirsiDynix Symphony (migrating to ExLibris ALMA)


Centennial College Toronto SirsiDynix Symphony* X Conestoga College Kitchener SirsiDynix Symphony* X Confederation College Thunder Bay SirsiDynix Symphony* X Durham College & University of Ontario Institute of Technology3

Oshawa SirsiDynix Symphony (UOIT migrating to ExLibris ALMA)


Fanshawe College London SirsiDynix Symphony X Fleming College Peterborough SirsiDynix Symphony* X George Brown College Toronto SirsiDynix Symphony* X Georgian College Barrie SirsiDynix Symphony* X Humber College Toronto SirsiDynix Symphony* Lambton College Sarnia Mandarin M3 La Cité collégiale Ottawa SirsiDynix Symphony* Loyalist College Belleville Mandarin M3 (migrating to ExLibris ALMA) Mohawk College Hamilton Evergreen Niagara College Welland Evergreen Northern College Timmins SirsiDynix Symphony* Sault College Sault Ste. Marie SirsiDynix Symphony* Seneca College Toronto ExLibris ALMA Sheridan College Oakville SirsiDynix Symphony* X St. Clair College Windsor Surpass Centriva St. Lawrence College Kingston SirsiDynix Symphony* X

1 Column indicates colleges that participated under at least one of the OCLS managed service agreements for cataloguing and processing during FY 2017/18. 2 Canadore College and Nipissing University share a library and share budgets for the library. 3 Durham College and University of Ontario Institute of Technology share a library, but maintain separate library budgets. *Indicates which colleges use the OCLS managed SirsiDynix Symphony system.

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Appendix B: Sample titles The following sample titles are provided to allow for evaluation of service pricing and MARC record content. For each title, the bidder shall include:

• Price actually charged to a library receiving the same discount being quoted in this bid for cataloguing/processing

• The vendor’s MARC record for this title as supplied to one or more of the vendor’s customers • The name of one or more libraries receiving this MARC record from the vendor.

Titles not supplied If a vendor has not supplied one of the listed titles to a library, the vendor shall provide alternative titles in the same format as the title omitted, if the vendor is bidding on this format of material. Important: Alternative titles must have been delivered to libraries in the period 3–12 months before the date of this RFQ. Changes in pricing or cataloguing practice If there have been changes in the pricing structure or cataloguing practice between the time that the selected titles were catalogued/processed and the present, the bidder shall note this. However, prices as delivered and MARC records as delivered shall still be reported.

PRINT TITLE / ISBN List Price Discount Customer Comments A practical guide to Linux commands, editors, and shell programming / 9780134774626

Advertising and promotional culture : case histories / 9781137026248

Canadian guide to uniform legal citation / 9780779885824

The creator’s game : lacrosse, identity, and Indigenous nationhood / 9780774836029

Excessive force : Toronto’s fight to reform city policing / 9781771621830

Health promotion throughout the lifespan / 9780323569101

Indigenous tourism movements / 9781442628298

Leininger’s transcultural nursing: concepts, theories, research, & practice / 9780071841139

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Making jeans green : linking sustainability , business and fashion / 9780815391852

Mécanique de l'ingénieur Version SI, 8e edition / 9782893775692

Mental health awareness : practical skills for first responders / 9781772552553

EBOOK TITLE / ISBN List Price Discount Customer Comments

Advanced infrastructure penetration testing: defend your systems from methodized and proficient attackers / 9781788623414

3D lighting: history, theory, and application / 9781315185279

The age of overwhelm: strategies for the long haul / 9781523094752

The Agile developer’s handbook: get more value from your software development: get the best out of the Agile methodology / 9781787280731

Instagram for business for dummies / 9781119439806

Aircraft Powerplants, ninth edition / 9781259835711

Social systems engineering: the design of complexity / 9781118974421

Film and video editing theory: how editing creates meaning / 9781315475011

DVD TITLE / Publisher, Publisher

Number List Price Discount Customer Comments

Coco / Disney/Pixar, 8047546 Annihilation / Paramount, 59196307000

Earth’s Natural Wonders. Season 2. Life at the Extremes / PBS, EANA602B

*Based on additions made in the CUC, held by several colleges in the past 6 months.

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Appendix C: Colleges Union Catalogue minimum standards, RDA version

MARC records shall meet Resource Description & Access (RDA) guidelines and Library of Congress - Program for Cooperative Cataloging Policy Statements (LC-PCC PS) standards for the material. Full level encoding is expected for material provided by the vendor.

In addition, records shall meet or exceed the minimum standards for the Ontario Colleges Union Catalogue, as approved by CLO and the Bibliographic Standards Working Group (BSWG). The minimum standards are subject to change. Bidders shall describe their ability to respond to changes to the minimum standards throughout the term of the contract. Please note: Minimum standards document begins on the next page.

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BOOK EBOOK SERIAL ESERIAL THESIS LOOSE-LEAF WEBSITEX Leader/06 Type of record a a a a t a aX Leader/07 Bibliographic level m m b/s b/s m i i

Leader/17 Encoding level

Leader/18 Descriptive cataloging form

X X 001 Control numberX 007/00 Category of material c

008/06 Type of dateX 008/07-10 Date 1

X 008/11-14 Date 2

008/15-17 Place of Publication008/18 Type of material data elements Illustrations Frequency Frequency Frequency Frequency008/21 Type of material data elements Illustrations p p l w

X 008/23 Form of item s/o s/oX 008/35-37 Language

010 LC control number016 NLC

X X 020 ISBNX X 022 ISSNX X 035 System control number

040 Cataloguing source041 Language code050 LC call number055 Can. call number090 Local call number

X X 1XX Main entryX X 245 Title statement

246 Variant title250 Edition statement

X X 260 or 264 ImprintX X 300 Physical description

310 Frequency Not applicable

X X 336 Content typeX 337 Media type

X X 338 Carrier typeX X 362 Date of publication

Print *Under review Sep 2018 subject to change

Mandatory for all item types

Mandatory for all item types. $c is mandatory for all item types.Mandatory for all item types

Mandatory if RDA

If available

If available

Mandatory when 245 first indicator = 1

If available

If 008/06 = n; date1 is not mandatory. If date 1 is present, must equal to 260$c or 264$cIf 008/06 = d/m/q/r/t, Date 2 is Mandatory. If 008/06 = p/s, Date 2 is Optional. If 008/06 = c, Date 2 must equal

9999. If 008/06 = n, do not check Date 1 or Date 2.

Mandatory for all item types

MARC DescriptionItem typesRDA

coreCUC min



Optional. Used for bi/multilingual items. If $a or $d exists and is followed by another $a, it is bilingual. If it is RDA, should have $eRDA.

Should be one of: #/1/2/3/4/5/7/8/u/z

Should be one of: a/i/c

Should be one of: b/c/d/e/i/k/m/n/p/q/r/s/t/u/|

If availableIf available

If available

050$a Classification; 050$b CutterIn the absence of 050

In the absence of an 050 or 055

If needed particularly for bilingual titles, earlier title formsUse if applicable Not applicable

Not applicable As established in 008/18 As established in 008/18

As established in 008/18

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Print *Under review Sep 2018 subject to change

MARC DescriptionItem typesRDA

coreCUC min


point490 Series Statement

500 General notes"Source title taken from.."

"Viewed on…"

"Source title taken from.." and "Latest

issue consulted…"

"Source title taken from.." and "Latest

issue consulted…" and "Viewed


"Source title taken from.."

"Source title taken from.." and "Latest


"Source title taken from.." and "Viewed


538 System Requirements

System requirements

such as: operating system, memory

requirements, peripheral

requirements, browser, etc.

If applicable If applicable

X X 546 Language note6XX Subject Headings7XX Added Entry780785830 Series Added Entry856

Mandatory if bilingual

Use if applicable Not applicable

If applicable

600 or 610 or 611 or 630 or 650Add for 1st statement of

Preceding title and ISSNContinued by title and ISSN

As recorded in 490

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Leader/17 Encoding levelLeader/18 Descriptive cataloging form

X X 001 Control numberX 007/00 Category of material s + c h m v v v + c

X 007/01 Specific material desiganation s d z + r f d z + r

008/06 Type of dateX 008/07-10 Date 1

X 008/11-14 Date 2

008/15-17 Place of Publication

008/18Type of material data elements

X 008/23 Form of item o/sX 008/29 Form of item oX 008/35-37 Language

010 LC control number016 NLC

X X 024 Other standard identifier

X X 028Publisher or Distribution number

X X 035 System control number040 Cataloguing source041 Language code

050 LC call number

055 Can. call number

090 Local call number

X X 1XX Main entryX X 245 Title statement

246 Variant title250 Edition statement

X X 260 or 264 Imprint

Audio/Visual*Under review Sep 2018 subject to changeItem types

If 008/06 = n; date1 is not mandatory. If date 1 is present, must equal to 260 $c or 264 $c

If available

RDA core

CUC min req

Matching point

MARC Description

Should be one of: #/1/2/3/4/5/7/8/u/z Should be one of: a/i/c

Optional. Should be one of: b/c/d/e/i/k/m/n/p/q/r/s/t/u/|

If 008/06 = d/m/q/r/t, Date 2 is Mandatory. If 008/06 = p/s, Date 2 is Optional. If 008/06 = c, Date 2 must equal 9999. If 008/06 = n, do not check Date 1 or Date 2.

Mandatory for all item types. $c is mandatory for all item types.

Optional. If it is RAD, should have $eRDA.If available

If available

If available

If availableMandatory for all item types

Running Time

If available

Mandatory when 245 first indicator = 1Mandatory for all item types

Optional. Used for bilingual items. If $a or $d exists and is followed by another $a, it is bilingual. 050$a Classification; 050$b

Cutter050$a Classification; 050$b Cutter

In the absence of 050 In the absence of 050In the absence of an 050 or

055In the absence of an 050 or 055

Use if applicableIf needed particularly for bilingual titles, earlier title forms

Not applicable

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Audio/Visual*Under review Sep 2018 subject to changeItem typesRDA

coreCUC min


pointMARC Description

X X 300 Physical descriptionX X 336 Content type

X 337 Media typeX X 338 Carrier type

490 Series Statement

500 General notes

Source title taken from… “Heard on…” (MARC record

is representative

of item as heard on this


Source title taken from…

“Viewed on…” (MARC

record is representative of item as

heard on this date)

508Creation and Production credits

511Participant and performer note

518Date Time and Place of Event note

520 Summary

538 System Requirements

System requirements,

mode of access if available

System requirements

, mode of access if available

X X 546 Language note6XX Subject Headings

7XX Added Entry

830 Series Added Entry856

Mandatory for all item types

Mandatory if 040 $eRDA is present

Not applicable

600 or 610 or 611 or 630 or 650Add for 1st statement of responsibility if record is a title main entry; include for additional statements of

responsibilityAs recorded in 490

Source title was taken from if not found in preferred source

of information, i.e.., “Title from container.”

Source title was taken from if not found in preferred source of information, i.e.., “Title from


If applicable

Other creation/production credits (other than 245$c)

Notable participants and performers

Original broadcast note and details of the event


System/equipment requirements

System/equipment requirements

Mandatory if bilingual

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IMAGE MUSIC MAP VIDEOGAME COMP_SOFT CDROM PHYS_OBJET KIT MIXEDX Leader/06 Type of record k c e m m a/e/c/t/k/m r o p

Leader/17 Encoding levelLeader/18 Descriptive cataloging form

X X 001 Control numberX 007/00 Category of material c c c

X 007/01 Specific material designation b/c/d/e/k/o/r/s b/c/d/e/k/o/r/s o

008/06 Type of dateX 008/07-10 Date 1

X 008/11-14 Date 2

X 008/23 Form of item o/q o/q

X 008/26 Type of computer file g b/c/h/j/ibrush up against

incoming item type

X 008/35-37 LanguageX X 010 LC control numberX X 020 ISBNX X 022 ISSNX X 035 System control number

040 Cataloguing source041 Language code

X X 1XX Main entryX X 245 Title statementX X 260 or 264 ImprintX X 300 Physical descriptionX X 336 Content type

X 337 Media typeX X 338 Carrier typeX X 362 Dates of publication X X 546 Language note Mandatory if bilingual

If 008/06 = n; date1 is not mandatory. If date 1 is present, must equal to 260 $c or 264 $c.If 008/06 = d/m/q/r/t, Date 2 is Mandatory. If 008/06 = p/s, Date 2 is Optional. If 008/06 = c, Date 2 must equal

9999. If 008/06 = n, do not check Date 1 or Date 2.

Hybrid/Other*Incomplete and under review Sep 2018 subject to changeRDA core

CUC min req

Matching point

MARC DescriptionItem types

Mandatory for all item typesMandatory for all item types. $c is mandatory for all item types.

Mandatory for all item types

Mandatory if 040 $eRDA is present

Mandatory for serials, when Leader/07 = s

If available

Should be one of: #/1/2/3/4/5/7/8/u/z Should be one of: a/i/c

Optional. Should be one of: b/c/d/e/i/k/m/n/p/q/r/s/t/u/|

Mandatory when 245 first indicator = 1Optional. Used for bilingual items. If $a or $d exists and is followed by another $a, it is bilingual.

Optional. If it is RAD, should have $eRDA.

Mandatory for all item typesIf availableIf availableIf availableIf available

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