
Technical Committee on

Recreational Vehicles

Mark Luttich, C~air Nebraska Dept. of Health, NE [E]

Bruce A. Hopkins, Secretar 3 Recreation Vehicle Industry Assn., VA [M]

Donald D. Bartz, Winnebago Industries, Inc., IA [M] oseph M. Bloom, Bloom Fire Investigation, OR [SE]

n P. Harvey, State of Washington, WA [E] ph E. Herzler, Majara Corp., MI [SE]

Jerome Hoover, Holiday Rambler, IN [M] Jon O. Jacobson, Jacobson Engr, WA [SE] George E. Kiefer, State of Arizona, AZ [E] Blaine IL Lanuing, AGA/Int ' l Approval Services, Inc., OH [M] Patrick Lewis, Oregon Building Codes Division, OR [E] Shawn D. MacGregor, Terralab Engr Int'l, LIT [RT] Samuel E. McTier, McTier Supply Co., IL [IM] John Pabian, Underwriters Laboratories Inc., IL [RT] Homer Staves, Kampgrounds of America, Inc., MT [U] Daniel P. Thompson, Bldg. Inspection Underwriters, Inc., DE [E] Raymond F. Tucker, RADCO, CA [M] Richard Weinert, State of California, CA [E] Gary Wight, Yogi Bear's Camp-Resort, WA [U]

Rep. Nat'l Assn. of RV Parks & Campgrounds A. Elwood Wille~,, FIREPRO, Inc., MA [SE] Robert E. Wozmak, Fleetwood Enterprises, Inc., CA [M] Patrick Yee, Canadian Standards Assn., Ontario, Canada [RT]


Allen Aschim, Oregon Building Codes Division, OR [E] (AlL to P. Lewis)

Christopher J. Bloom, CJB Fire Consultants, OR [SE] (AlL to J. M. Bloom)

James W. Finch, Kampgrounds of America, Inc., MT [U] (Alt. to H. Staves)

Vincent Guy Fiorucci, Underwriters Laboratories Inc., IL [RT] (/kit. to J. Pabian)

Rick Marchman, RADCO, CA [M] (AIt. to 1L F. Tucker)

Kent Perkins, Recreation Vehicle Industry Assn., VA [M] (Alt. to B. A. Hopkins)

Toby Pimental, State of Arizona, AZ [E] (AlL to G. E. Kiefer)

Staff Liaison: Richard Ortlsi-Best

This list ropresents the membership at the time the Committee was balloted on the text of this edition. Since that time, changes in the membership ma 3 have occurred. A key to classifications is found at the back of this document.

Committee Scope: This Committee shall have primary responsibility for documents on the fire safety criteria for recreational vehicles and recreational vehicle parks.

The Report of the Technical Committee on Recreational Vehicles is presented for adoption in 2 parts.

Part I of this Report was prepared by the Technical Committee on Recreational Vehicles, andproposes for adoption amendments to NFPA 501C-1996, Standard on Recreational Vehicles. NFPA 501G1996 is published in Volume 7 of the 1997 National Fire Codes and in separate pamphlet form.

The document when adopted will be renumbered as NFPA 1192, Standard on Recreational Vehlcleg

Part I of this Re[~ort has been submitted to letter ballot of the Technical Committee on Recreational Vehicles, which consists of 22 voting members. The results of the balloting, after circulation of any negative votes, can be found in the report.

Part II of this Report was prepared by the Technical Committee on Recreational Vehicles, and proposes for adoption amendments to NFPA 501D-1996, Standard for Recreational Vehicle Parks and Campgrounds. NFPA 501D-1996 is pubfished in Volume 7 of the 1997 National Fire Codes and in separate pamphlet form.

Part II of this Report has been submitted to letter ballot of the Technical Committee on Recreational Vehicles, which consists of 22 voting members. The results of the balloting, after circulation of any negative votes, can be found in the report.

The document when adopted will be renumbered as NFPA 1194, Standard on Recreational Vehicles Parks and Campgrounds.


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(Log #CP2) 501C- 1 - ( Entire Document): Accept SUBMITTER: Technical Committee on Recreational Vehicles RECOMMENDATION: Renumber the standard on Recreational Vehicles from NFPA 501C to NFPA 1192. SUBSTANTIATION: To be consistent with NFPA, mandating to remove all letters from NFPA standards references. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 22 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 18 NOT RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, Thompson

(Log #46) 501C- 2 - (1-3 ASME Container (New), Container (New) , Cylinder (New), Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LP-Gas and LPG), Overfilling Prevention Device (New), Volumetric Filling (New)): Accept in Principle in Part SUBMITTER: Samuel E. MeTier, MeTier Supply Co.

I RECOMMENDATION: 1. Remove the last two words of the ] definition for "Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LP-Gas and LPG)" as [ follows: " ('.'~cI::~-.'.~g ~o..'x¢:'~.) ".

2. Add the following definitions to read as follows: ASME Container. A container constructed in accordance with

the ASME Code. Container. Any vessel, including cylinders, tanks, portable tanks,

and cargo tanks, used for the transporting or storing of LP-Gases. I Cylinder. A portable container constructed in accordance to ] U.S. Department of Transportation specifications (49 CFR). } Overfilling Prevention Device. A safety device that is designed to ] provide an automatic means to prevent the filling of a container in [ excess of the maximum permitted filling limit.

Volumetric Filling. Filling a container by determination of the volume of LP-Gas in the container. Unless a container is filled by fixed maximum liquid level gauge, correction of the volume for liquid temperature is necessary. SUBSTANTIATION: 1. "(Including isomers)" does not appear in NFPA 58.

2. These are definitions taken from NFPA 58 that should be covered in NFPA 501C. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle in Part.

1. Accept as submitted. [ 2. Change the following definitions to read as follows: ] Tank. A container constructed in accordance with the ASME ] Code. ] Container. A tank or cylinder.

Cylinder. Accept as submitted. Overfilling Prevention Device. Accept as submitted.

COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The committee wanted to clarify that container means tanks and cylinders, tank means ASME tank and cylinder means DOT cylinders. The definition of "volumetric filling" was deleted as it was not used in NFPA 501C. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 22 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 17 ABSTENTION: 1 NOT RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, Thompson

EXPLANATION OF ABSTENTION: WOZNIAK: Which ASME Code is referenced, including


(Log #13) 501C- 3 - (1-3 Pipe (New), Piping (New), and Tubing (New)): Accept in Principle SUBMITTER: Kent Perkins, Recreational Vehicle Industry Assn. RECOMMENDATION: Add the following new definition to read as follows:

Pipe. This term is used to describe only rigid (e.g.. iron niDe~ materials of the gas system. - -

Pining. The materi~s of the t, as supply system that convev O';Lg from source to appliance. This term- includes both rioid ¢iron ninel and semi-rigid (e.g.. conner~ materials of the gas supply svstem.

Tubing. This term is used to describe only semi-rigid fe.g.. coDner tubing, flexible connectorsl materials of the ~as system. StJI~STANTI~.TION: These definitions will match specific language in the standard and clarify these terms intended meanings when used in the standard.

COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Prindple. Revise as follows: Pipe. This term is used to describe rigid materials (e.g., iron

pipe) of the gas system. Piping. The materials of the gas supply system that convey gas

from source to appliance. This term includes both rigid (e.g., iron pipe) and semi-rigid materials (e.g., copper) of the gas supply system.

Tfibing. This term is used to describe semi-rigid (e.g., copper tubing) materials of the gas system. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The change in "pipe" is editorial and flexible connectors under tubing could be construed as "hose", which is not intended. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 22 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 18 NOT RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, Thompson

COMMENT ON AFFIRMATIVE: PABIAN: The Technical Committee also agreed to add the

words ",Gas Supply" after the terms "Pipe', "Piping ~, and "Tubing" to be consistent with the terms relating to the gas supply system definitions presently in Section 1-3.

(Log #CP7) 501C- 4 - (1-3 Remote (New)): Accept SUBMITTER: Technical Committee on Recreational Vehicles RECOMMENDATION: Add new definition to Chapter 1, 1-3 definitions as follows:

Remote: The width of the RV or 1/2 the length of the RV, whichever is greater, when measured in a straight llne edge to edge of each exit opening. SUBSTANTIATION: The Committee revised the first three subsections under 5-2 Recreational Vehicle Exit Facilities, and added a new definition to clarify what is meant in Section 5-2.1 by "two exits located remote from each other". See Committee Proposal 501C-62 (Log #CP6) COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 22 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 17 NEGATIVE: 1 NOT RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, Thompson

EXPLANATION OF NEGATIVE: WOZNIAK: Remote is used in 2-2.7.2 and elsewhere. Does one

definition fit all? COMMENT ON AFFIRMATIVE:

PABIAN: See my Comment on Affirmative on Proposal 501C-62 (Log #CP6).

(Log #14) 501C- 5 - (1-4): Reject SUBMITTER: Kent Perkins, Recreational Vehicle Industry Assn. RECOMMENDATION: Update the requirements in this paragraph to match the new ANSI Label Code. SUBSTANTIATION: These label requirements should match those in the latest edition of the ANSI Label Code. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reject. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: No specific information was provided to giveguidance on how to modify paragraph 1-4. NUMBER OF COMMITI'EE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 22 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 18 NOT RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, Thompson

(Log #8) 501C- 6 - (1-7 (New)): Accept in Principle SUBMITTER: Patrick Lewis, State of Oregon RECOMMENDATION: Add new text as follows:

1-70ccut~ancv Separation. Where a recreational vehicle 9r combination vehicle has more than one occuDancv within the same vehicle fi.e. a combination live stock trailer ~ad recreational vehicleL the occunancies shall be divided by a permanent, vanortight separation.

Exception 1~o. 1: This does not annlv to those occupancies ident~ed in Section 3-4.7 of this smn~dard.

ExceDtion No. 2: The t)ermanent, vavortight seDaration can contain closable windows and doors between the two occupancies, However. any door or window enterin~ another occupancy *b~ll not be used as a method of meeting the e~ess requirements of Section 3-2 of this standard. SUBSTANTIATION: Recreational vehicles combined with other uses, such as live stock transports, can create health and safety risks


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to the occupants of the recreational vehicle th rough the contaminat ion of food, water or air. This proposal is necessary to protect the residents o f recreational vehicles from potential contaminates occurring dur ing the t ransport or temporary storage of animals, feeds, fuels, fertilizers, combustibles, etc. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: See Commit tee Action on Proposal 501C-68 (Log #43). N U M B E R OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE T O VOTE: 22 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 18 NOT RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, Thompson

COMMENT ON AFFIRMATIVE: WEINERT: Although I am voting in the affirmative for the

adopt ion of the new Section 1-7, occupancy separation walls should also be required in vehicles transporting, storing or in tended to t ransport internal combust ion engine vehicles as def ined in Section 3-4.7. The Committee 's concerns over transportat ion and the ". . . temporary storage of animals, feeds, fuels, fertilizers, combustibles, etc." is commendable , but the same rationale should also apply to gasol ine-powered internal combustion engine storage and co-habitation with the RV living area.

(Log #CP1) 501G- 7 - (Chapter 2): Accept SUBMITTER: Technical Commit tee on Recreational Vehicles RECOMMENDATION: Revise text as follows:

2-2.1 Maximum Container Capacities. (a) One but no t more than three nonpermanent ly moun t ed

~ O T e.r .A~SME c~n'.z2:~er: cylinders having individual water capacities o f 105 lb (47.6 kg) maximum (approximately 45 lb (20.4 kg) L-Gas capacity), or

(b) One or more permanent ly moun ted .A~L~.E cc.nW2ne~ tanks having a maximum aggregate water capacity of 200 gal (757 L ) (approximately 712 Ib (323 kg) LP-Gas capacity).

2-2.2 Construction of LP-Gas Containers. DOT c~.nw2ncr ~] inder shall be constructed and marked in accordance with the specifications for LP-Gas c~n'~"ne:: cvlinders of the U.S. Depar tment of Transportat ion (DOTi, the Rules for Construction of Unfired Pressure Vessels, Section VIII, Division 1, ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. ?~ME c~n'---n:m tanks utilizing vapor withdrawal shall be constructed and marked in accordance with the rules for construction and shall have a design pressure of at least 312.5 psi (2155 kPa).

2-2.3 Location of LP-Gas Containers. Exception: New LP-GAS DOT c~.n'.:2ncr: cylinders that have

never conta ined LP-Gas, supplied as originai equipment , maybe t ranspor ted inside the vehicle.

(3) Mounted on the chassis or to the floor of a motor home or chassis-mount camper, provided ne i ther the cc.n'.z2=cr tank nor its support is located ahead of the f ront axle. Cc.:.'.:2:c:~ Tanks mounted between the f ront and rear axles shall be installed with as much road clearance as practical but no t lower than the f ront axle height. C:=='~-:nzr: Tanks moun ted behind the rear axle of a motor h o m e or chassis-mount camper shall be installed in such a manne r that the bot tom of the tank and any connect ion thereto shall no t be lower than ei ther the rear axle height (excluding the differential) or any section of the frame immediately to the rear of the tank, whichever is higher. All clearances shall be de te rmined f rom the bot tom of the cc.n'.z2ncr tank or from the lowest fitting, support, or a t tachment on the c c n ~ ' ~ e r tank or ccn+~--ner tank housing, whichever is lower when all axles are simultaneously loaded to their gross axle weight rating.

2-2.4 Securing of LP-Gas Containers. Containers shall be secured in place so they will no t become dislodged when a load equal to eight times the container 's filled weight is applied to the filled container 's center o f I~ravity in any direction. If the recreational vehicle is supplied with the c~n'.:2ner~ cylinders not in place, the recreational vehicle manufacturer shall provide mount ing instructions and required materials with the vehicle.

2-2.6.1 Ventilation of Compar tments Containing LP-Gas C ~ n ~ n e r : Cylinders. Compar tments shall be ventilated at or near file top and at the extreme bot tom to facilitate diffusion of vapors. The compar tment shall be ventilated with at least two vents having an aggregate free area equal to at least 1 sq. in. for each 7 ib (1 cm 2 per g) of the total LP-Gas fuel capacity of the . . . . . . . . . ..... :~.t.xwt cvl inder(sL The vents shall be equally distr ibuted between the floor and ceiling of the compar tment . If the lower vent is located in the access door or wall, the bot tom edge of the vent shall be flush with the floor level of the compartment . The top vent shall

be located in the access door or wall with the bot tom of the vent within 12 in. (304.8 mm) of the ceiling of the compartment . Vents shall have an unrestr ic ted discharge to the outside atmosphere. Doors or panels providing access to valves shall not be equipped with locks or require special tools to open.

2-2.6.2 Securing LP-Gas Cc.n'.z&=cr Cylinder Housings. Doors, hoods, domes, housings (or por t ions of housings), and enclosures required to be removed or opened for rep lacement of cc.n'.z2:~cm cyhnders shall incorporate means for clamping them firmly in

~ ace and prevent ing them from working loose during transit. oods or housings covering valves shall no t be equipped with

locks or require special tools to open. 2-2.6.3 Fastenings for LP-Gas Cc.:ta 'ncr~ Cviinders in

Compartments . C~n'.:2ncr (~ylinder compar tments or carriers shall be provided with hold-down fastenings complying with 2-2.4 for as many c~n'.:2ncr= cylinders as the carriers or compartments are capable of holding.

2-2.7.2 Location of C~n~ak~=zr Tank Appurtenances . The manual control of the ce:=~:ner ' : tank's shutoff valve, the LP-Gas fill connection, and the liquid level outage valve of permanent ly installed ASME z~.==:.z2ncrz tanks shall be locatea no t more than 18 in. (457.2 mm) f rom the vehicle's outside wall. The LP-Gas fill connect ion and its liquid level outage valve shall be located in accordance with like requirements for LP-Gas safety relief devices (see 2-2.8.3).

Exception: Vehicles shall be permi t ted to be equipped with a remotely controlled normally closed electronic shutoff valve installed on the high pressure side of the LP-GAS regulator. A double back-flow valve shall be installed in the fill opening of the :~.n'.:2ncr tank. The remote fill connection, liquid level outage valve, and electronic shutoff valve control shall be located within 18 in. (457.2 mm) of the vehicle outside wall and shall be located in accordance with like requirements for LP-Gas safety relief devices (see 2-2.8.5).

2-2.7.3 Valves for Multiple LP-Gas Ccn'.:2ncr Cvlinder Assembly System. Valves in a multiple LP-GAS cc.nw.2ncr assembly system shall be ar ranged so that rep lacement of c.~n:z2ncm cylinders can be made without shutt ing off the flow of gas to the appliance(s).

2-2.7.6 LP-Gas Regulators. Listed two-stage regulator(s) shall be supplied. Such regulator(s) shall have a capacity no t less than the total input of all LP-Gas appliances installed in the recreational vehicle. The regulator(s) shall be moun t ed only in a position downward within 45 degrees of vertical and the d iaphragm area being drained. C:.n~.~2ncm R%~ulator(s) installed below floor level shall . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . w; be installed in a compar tment that provides protect ion against the weather and wheel spray. The compar tment shall be of sufficient size to permi t tool operation for connect ion to and replacement of the regulator(s), shall be vaportight to the interior o f the vehicle, shall have a I sq. in. (6.5 cm 2) min imum vent open ing to the exterior located within 1 in. (25.4 mm) of the bot tom of the compartment , and shall no t contain flame- or spark- producing equipment . The regulator vent outlet shall be at least 2 m. (50.8 mm) above the compar tment vent opening.

2-2.7.7 LP-GAS Excess Flow Valves. (a) The inlet or outlet o f each cvn ' - -ne r service valve of a

permanent ly moun t ed z:.==.~':c: tank shall be equ ipped with such a listed excess flow valve or a listed POL (CGA 510) adapter with an integral excess flow valve.

(b) VcI:'cl¢= ".;'~ rcra.~.-'aS!.: ,r~,-v'r . . . . . : . . . . ~ . ; %7= c . . . . . . . . . Cviinders shall have furnished or installed a listed POL adapter wifh an integral listed excess flow valve.

2-2.8.1 LP-Gas Container Safety Relief Devices. DOT c~.n'.z2n:rz cvlinders shall be provided with safety relief devices as required by the regulations of the U.S. Depar tment of Transportation. ASME c~.n'.:2n:m tanks shall be p rowded with relief varces in accordance with 8-2.3(a)(4) o f NFPA 58, Standard for the Storage and Handl ing of Liquefied Petroleum Gases. Safety relief valves shall have a direct communicat ion with the vapor space of the container.

The discharge from the outlet o f the safety relief device on ASME ::.n'---acm tanks shall no t directly impinge on the vehicle fuel container(s) , the exhaust system, any other part o f the vehicle or be directed into the interior of the vehicle

Listed manual tank shutoff valves (service valves) of ASME cc.n'^--:=c~ tanks shall be equipped with an internal excess flow check valve des igned to close automatically at rated flows of vapor specified by the manufactorer . Excess flow valves shall be designed with a bypass no t to exceed a number 60 drill size opening to allow equalization of pressure.


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2o2.8.5 Discharge from LP Safety Relief Devices. (b) The discharge from the outlet of the safety relief device on

ASME c~.n:.72ac~ tanks shall not directly impinge on the vehicle fuel container(s), the exhaust system, any other part of the vehicle or be directed into the interior of the vehicle.

2-2.9.3 Mounting of LP-Gas Containers. Container openings for vapor withdrawal shall be located in the vapor space when the container is in service or shall be provided with a suitable permanent internal withdrawal tube that communicates with the vapor space in or near the highest point in the container when it is mount td in service position with the vehicle on a level surface. ASME tanks shall have vapor withdrawal located midway between tank ends. Each c~'.z2~cr cylinder shall be permanently and legibly stamped to show the correct mounting position. Stamping shall be 1/4 in. (6.4 ram) minimum letter height. The method of mounting in place shall be such as to minimize the possibility of an incorrect positioning of the c~'.z2~cr cylinder.

2-4.11.3 High-Pressure LP-Gas Connections. (b) The connection between the shutoff valve o f a co~A.72acr

cylinder intended to be removed and mounted on the tongue (A frame) and a regulator mounted on a cc.:w2ncr cylinder support bracket shall be made with a listed high-pressure flexible hose connector.

(c) The connection between the shutoff valve of a co~t22ncr cylinder intended to be removed and mounted on the tongue (A frame) and a regulator permanently mounted other than as described in (b) above shall be made with a listed high-pressure flexible hose connector.

(d) The connection between the shutoff valve of a cc.nLc2ncr cylinder intended to be removed and mounted within a compartment shall be made with a listed high-pressure flexible hose connector if the regulator is not directly attached to the shutoff valve.

2-4.11.4 Low-Pressure LP-Gas Connections. (b) The connection between a regulator mounted on a

removable cc.r.'.z2ncr cylinder support bracket or a regulator directly attached to the shutoff valve of a removable c.~n'~:.~cr cylinder and the gas supply system shall be made with a listed flexible hose connector.

2- Warning: LP-Gas COam!nCr: cylinders shall not be placed or stored inside the vehicle. LP-Gas containers are equipped with safety devices that relieve excessive pressure by discharging gas to the atmosphere.

2- A warning that states not to bring or store LP-Gas containers cylinders, gasoline, or other flammable liquids inside the vehicle because a fire or explosion may result.

2- 3. Shut off the gas supply at the ~.~qk container valve(s) or gas

supply connection. 2-9.2.1 Identification of Gas Supply Connections. (a) THIS GAS PIPING SYSTEM 1S DESIGNED FOR USE OF

LIQUEFIED PETROLEUM GAS ONLY. DO NOT CONNECT NATURAL GAS TO THIS SYSTEM. Securely cap inlet(s) when not connected for use. After turning on gas, except after normal container cylind¢F replacement, test gas piping and connections to appliances for leakage with soapy water or bubble solution. Do not use products that contain ammonia or chlorine. Or,

(b) THIS GAS PIPING SYSTEM IS DESIGNED FOR USE OF EITHER LP-GAS OR NATURAL GAS. BEFORE TURNING ON GAS BE CERTAIN APPLIANCES ARE DESIGNED AND ARRANGED FOR THE GAS CONNECTED. (SEE EACH APPLIANCE INSTRUCTION PLATE.) Securely cap this inlet when not connected for use. After turning on gas, except after normal cc~*~""~cr cylinder replacement, test gas piping and connections to appliances for leakage with soapy water or bubble solution. Do not use products that contain ammonia or chlorine.

2-11.2 Permanently mounted ASME cont~2nc~ tanks shall be mounted in accordance with 2-2.3(b)(3) and secured in accordance with 2-2.4. SUBSTANTIATION: To be consistent with Committee Action on Proposal 501C-2 (Log#46). COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 22 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 18 NOT RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, Thompson

(Log #4fia) 501C- 8 - (2-2.1(a)): Accept in Principle in Part SUBMII~rER: Samuel E. McTier, McTier Supply Co. RECOMMENDATION: Revise 2-2.1(a) as follows:

"2-2.1 (a) One but not more than ~ e e two a~n~c..'~.ancn~y mo:mtc~ ~QT cz ?~.V.E ccnt22ac~ cylindeF~ having individual water capacities of 105 lb (45.6 kg) maximum [approximately 45 lb (20.4 kg) LP-Gas capacity], or...". SUBSTANTIATION: According to Waiter Johnson, a former chairman of the NFPA 501C committee, there was a need for more

rOpane storage for those RVs using cylinders in the middle and te seventies because of vehicles used for hunting and other

situations. The prior requirement was for a maximum of two cylinders and it was changed to three cylinders in the 1982 edition of NFPA 501C. With the increased use of permanently mounted ASME containers, it appears that the requirement that allowed an additional cylinder is no longer needed today.

As to reasons for revising the original terms, this writer submitted a letter to the staff liaison. Among those were all references to "DOT portable cylinders", "portable removable cylinders," "DOT specification containers", "nonpermanendy mounted cylinders," etc., should all be changed to "cylinders" which is defined. All references to containers built under the ASME construction requirements should be called "ASME containers". It was agreed that a combination of both "cylinders" and "ASME containers" should be called "containers".

There are virtually no portable (removable) ASME containers being manufactured today as they are not competitive with cylinders; therefore, they do not need to be addressed.

NOTE: Supporting material is available for review at NFPA Headquarters. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle in Part. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: Do not change number of cylinders from three to two because three have been needed in some applications and accept the change of terminology in accordance with Committee Propsoal 501G-7 (Log #CP1). NUMBER OF CO MITI'EE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 22 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 18 NOT RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, Thompson

(Log #46b) 5OlC- 9 - (2-2.2): Accept in Principle in Part SUBMITrER: SamuelE. MeTier, MeTier Supply Co. RECOMMENDATION: Revise 2-2.2 as follows:

2-2.2 Construction of LP-Gas Containers. DOT c~.n'.22ncr; Cylinders shall be constructed and marked in accordance with the specifications for LP-Gas c~n'.~2ncr: cylinders of the U.S.

h D I ~ Department of Transportation (DOT). ~.e ..~:.e= .~r ~en~'~-~c'.2cn

. ~ , ~ . : '=~.n."c . c~zc. ~ , ~ = . ~ M E c o n t a i n e r s u t i l i z i n g v a p o r withdrawal shall be constructed and marked in accordance with rule= f2r :c:=:m2c--cn Rules for Construction of Unfired Pressure y¢~¢ls. Sectign VIII. Division 1. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and shall have a design pressure of at least 312.5 psi (2155 kPa). SUBSTANTIATION: The editorial changes that are recommended above are required in order to harmonize NFPA 501C with NFPA 58. Under the new editorial rules of NFPA 58, all "DOT containers", "DOT specification cylinders", etc., are changed to "cylinders" and "ASME storage containers", etc., are changed to "ASME containers". A combination of "cylinders" and "ASME containers" are now called "containers." The other changes above are for clarification. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle in Part.

Revise as follows: 2-2.2 Construction of LP-Gas Containers. Cylinders shall be

constructed and marked in accordance with the specifications for LP-Gas cylinders of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). Tanks utilizing vapor withdrawal shall be constructed and marked in accordance with Rules for Construction of Unfired Pressure Vessels, Section VIII, Division 1, ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and shall have a design pressure of at least

!312.5 psi (2155 kPa). COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The committee accepted the editorial changes to place the ASME tank construction standard in the appropriate place and changes in the terminology were agreed to, per Committee Proposal 510C-7 (Log #CP1). NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 22


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EXPLANATION OF NEGATIVE: WOZNIAK: The year edition of the referenced ASME Code

should be identified.

(Log #46c) 501C- 10 - (2-2.3(a) Exception): Accept in Principle SUBMITTER: Samuel E. McTier, McTier Supply Co. RECOMMENDATION: Revise 2-2.25(a) Exception as follows:

"Exception: New LP-Gas P O T cc.'ztz:.2e~ cylinders that have never contained LP-Gas...". SUBSTANTIATION: The editorial changes that are r ecommended above are required in order to harmonize NFPA 501C with NFPA 58. Under the new editorial rules of NFPA 58, all "DOT containers", "DOT specification cylinders", etc., are changed to "cylinders" and ASME storage containers ", etc., are changed to ~ASME containers". A combination of "cylinders" and ~ASME containers" are now called "containers." The other changes above are for clarification. COMMITI'EE ACTION: Accept in Principle. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: See Committee Proposal 510C-7 (Log #CPI). NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 22 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 18 NOT RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, Thompson

(Log #46d) 501C- 11 - (2-2.3(b)): Accept in Principle SUBMITTER: Samuel E. McTier, McTier Supply Co. RECOMMENDATION: Revise 2-2.3(b) as follows:

2-2.25(b)(1) Containers shall be Dermitted to be installed -I~ in a recess or compar tment other t h a n o n the roof that is vaportight to the inside of the recreational vehicle.

(2) Cylinders shall be permitted to be M~:z tcd mounted on the tongue or A frame of travel or camping trailer...

(25) ASME containers .~.~.~=ca-. mounted on the chassis or to the floor of a motor home or chassis-mount camper, provided neither the ASME container or its suppor t is located in front of the front axle. ASME containers mounted between the front and rear axles shall be installed with as much road clearance as practical but not lower than the front axle height. ASME containers mounted behind the rear axle of a motor home or chassis-mount camper shall be installed in such a manner that the bottom of die ASME container m~,k and any connection thereto shall not be lower than either the rear axle (excluding the differential) or any section of the frame immediately to the rear of the ta~k ASME contairler, whichever is higher. All clearances shall be determined from the bot tom of dm ~SME container or from the lowest fitting, support, or at tachment on the ASME container or ~ container housing, whichever is lower when all axles are ¢i::..:!;&nee.~:~!7 loaded to their gross axle weight rating. SUBSTANTIATION: The editorial changes that are recommended above are required in order to harmonize NFPA 501C with NFPA 58. Under die new editorial rules of NFPA 58, all "DOT containers", "DOT specification cylinders", etc., are changed to "cylinders" and "ASME storage containers", etc., are changed to "ASME containers". A combination of "cylinders" and "ASME containers" are now called "containers." The other changes above are for clarification. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle.

Revise to read as follows: (25) Tanks mounted on die chassis or to file floor of a motor

home or chassis-mount camper, provided neither the tank or its suppor t is located in front of die front axle. tanks mounted between the front and rear axles shall be installed with as much road clearance as practical but not lower than the f ront axle height. Tanks mounted behind the rear axle of a motor home or chassis-mount camper shall be installed in such a manner that file bottom of the tank and any connection thereto shall not be lower than either the rear axle (excluding the differential) or any section of the frame immediately to the rear of the tank, whichever is higher. All clearances shall be determined from the bottom of die tank or from the lowest fitting, support , or at tachment on the tank or tank housing, whichever is lower when all axles are loaded to their gross axle weight rating. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: Accept the editorial changes as submitted and convert "ASME container" to "tank" everywhere in

text, as shown above, to be consistent with Committee Proposal 501G7 (Log #CP1). NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 22 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATWE: 18 NOT RETURNED: 4 Jacohson, Kiefer, MacGregor, Thompson

COMMENT ON AFFIRMATIVE: WOZNIA_I~ Add the word roas as the second word of the last


(Log #15) 501C- 12 - (2-2.3(b)B and 2-2.3(b)4): Accept in Principle SUBMITTER: Kent Perkins, Recreational Vehicle Industry Assn. RECOMMENDATION: Revise the second sentence of#3 and add a new #4 as follows:

"3.. . .Containers mounted behind the rear axle of a motor home or chassis-mount camper shall be installed in such a man n e r that the bot tom of the tank and any connection thereto shall not he lower than either the rear axle height (excluding the differential or any the lowest section of the frame "mmcd'atc! 7 to the rear of the tank, whichever is higher."

4, Mounted to the chassis or to the floor of a travel trailer or fifth wheel. Containers mounted behind the rear axle of a travel trailer or fifth wheel shall be installed in such a manner that the bottom or the tank. and any connection thereto, shall not be lower than either the rear axle(sl height or the lowest section of frame to the rear of the tank whichever is highest. Containers mounted forward Of the rear axlefs) shall be installed in such a manner that the I?9~tom of the tank and any connection thereto shall not be lower than the lowest section of the frame in front of the tank. SUBSTANTIATION: Currendy the phrase in item #3 ~or any section of the frame immediately" is very difficult to determine and enforce out in the field during inspections. The revised language clarifies that the bottom of a tank shall not be below die lowest section of the chassis. New item #4 is needed because the current language provides no requirements allowing the mount ing of ASME tanks to travel trailers and fifth wheels, since #25 addresses only motor homes and chassis moun t campers. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle.

Change container to tank in two places to read as follows: 4. Tanks mounted to the chassis or to the floor of a travel trailer

or fifth wheel. Tanks mounted behind the rear axle of a travel trailer or fifth wheel shall be installed in such a manner that the bottom or the tank, and any connection thereto, shall not be lower than either the rear axle(s) height or the lowest section of the frame to the rear of the tank whichever is highest. Tanks mounted forward of the rear axle(s) shall be installed in such a manner that the bottom of the tank and any connection thereto shall not be lower than the lowest section of the frame in front of the tank. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: To be consistent with Committee Proposal 50lC-7 (Log #CP1) and modified to be consistent with Committee Action on Proposal 501C-11 (Log #46d). NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 22 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 18 NOT RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, Thompson

(Log #46e) 501C- 13- (2-2.4): Reject SUBMITTER: Samuel E. McTier, McTier Supply Co. RECOMMENDATION: Revise 2-2.4 as follows:

"2-2.4 Securing of LP-Gas Containers. Containers shall be secured in place so they will not become dislodged when a load equal to e.g!:t four times the container's full weight is applied to the filled container's center of gravity in any direction, ff the containers..." SUBSTANTIATION: NFPA 58 addresses file securing of LP-Gas containers in 3-.2.3(b) and 8-2.6(0. Both paragraphs cover static loading in any direction equal to four times the weight of the container filled with fuel. This has proved to be a reasonable requirement and also includes containers mounted in a vehicle housing. California is presendy converting to NFPA 58 and should soon be followed by the state of Texas. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reject. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: There was no reason submitted to reduce the existing force requirements of eight times the weight, since this has been a long standing requirement within the standard and all RV manufacturers easily comply. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 22


N F P A 5 0 1 C ~ F 9 8 R O P


(Log #16) 501C- 14- (2-2.5): Accept in Principle SUBMITTER: Kent Perkins, Recreational Vehicle Industry Assn. RECOMMENDATION: Change the rifle as follows:

"Shielding of LP Gas Containers from Heat Producing Components of Internal Combustion Engine Exhaust Comoonents." SUBSTANTIATION: This section had additional items (transmission, etc.) added in 1993 and needs a changed tide. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle.

Revise to read: "Heat Shielding of LP-Gas Containers."

COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The word "heat" was added to define the type of shielding needed and other language deleted because it was unnecessary in the rifle. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 22 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 18 NOT RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, Thompson

(Log #1 7) 501C- 15 - (2-2.6.1): Accept in Principle SUBMITTER: Kent Perkins, Recreational Vehicle Industry Assn. RECOMMENDATION: Revise text to read as follows:

"...fuel capacity of the cc.===:2:cr: maximum size and number of containers the compartment may accommodate.~ SUBSTANTIATIOIg/: Compartment ventilation requirements should be based on the compartments maximum container capacity, not just the containers provided by the RV manufacturer, since additional containers may be installed by the dealer or consumer. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle.

I evise as follows: "...fuel capacity of the maximum number of the largest

cyllnder(s) the compartment can hold." COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The change of language was to clarify the intent of the submitter. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 22 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 18 NOT RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, Thompson

(Log #18) 501C- 16 - (2-2.7.1): Accept in Principle SUBMITTER: Kent Perkins, Recreational Vehicle Industry Assn. RECOMMENDATION: Revise text to read as follows:

2-2.7.1 Container Appurtenances. Appurtenances such as safety relief devices, container shutoff valves, automatic stop fill devices, back-flow check valves, internal valves, excess-flow check valves, liquid level gauges, and pressure gauges, a :~ Frcg~urc =egul:.t~= shall be listed. SUBSTANTIATION: NFPA 58 definition of "Container Appurtenances" does not include the term pressure regulator, see below:

Container Appurtenances. Items connected to container openings needed to make a container a gastight entity. These include, but are not limited to, pressure relief devices; shutoff, backflow check, excess flow check, and internal valves; liquid level

aoUges; pressure ganges; and plugs. MMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle.

I evise as follows: 2-2.7.1 Container Appurtenances. Pressure relief devices,

container shutoff valves, overfilling prevention devices, back-flow check valves, excess-flow check valves, liquid level gauges, and pressure gauges, shall be listed. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The change of language was to clarify the intent of the submitter. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 22 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 18 NOT RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, Thompson

COMMENT ON AFFIRMATIVE: PABIAN: In the revised Section 2-2.7.1, the words "overfilling

pressure devices" should be "overfilling prevention devices".

(Log #460 501C- 17- (2-2.7.1 and 2-2.7.2): Accept in Principle SUBMITTER: Samuel E. McTier, McTier Supply Co. RECOMMENDATION: Revise 2-2.7.1 as follows:

2-2.7.1 Container Appurtenances. Appurtenances such as ~ c t y pressure relief valves, container shutoff valves, :=t:~--~-'2c ~tc.~ .~I! ~c-'ccz Overfilling prevention devices, back flow check valves, . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . ~ ._t~.~o, .. . . excess flow check valves, liquid level gage: ~uges, and pressure regulators shall be listed or approved.

Revise 2-2.7.2 as follows: 2-2.7.2 Location of Container Appurtenances. The manual

control of the container's shutoffvalve, the LP-Gas fill connection, and the !'qu!~ l=;':! :'.='=go :-~;'c fixed maximum liquid level ~ u g e of permanently installed ASME containers shall be located not more than 18 in. (457.2 ram) from the vehicle's outside wall. The LP-Gas fill connection and i~ l 'qu'~ !t-'c! ~,utagc ;~; 'c the fixed maximum liuuid level gange shall be located in accordance with requirement; for LP-Gas zafc-3" pressur¢ relief devices (see 2-2.8.3).

Exception: Vehicles shall be permitted to be equipped with a remotely controlled, normally closed electronic shutoff valve installed on the high pressure side of the LP-Gas regulator. A double back-flow check valve shall be installed in the fill opening of the container. The remote fill connection, fixed maximum liquid level outage ":--.'.vc gauge, and electronic shutoff valve control shall be located within 18 in~ (457.2 mm) of the vehicle outside wall and shall be located in accordance with the requirements for LP-Gas zafc~" pressure relief devices (see 2-2.8.3). SUBSTANTIATION: Terms, types of valves, and other special items found in the definitions of NFPA 58 and NFPA 501C should be used throughout both standards. Many editorial changes have been proposed and accepted by the NFPA 58 committee to avoid confusion and be consistent and clear. Examples are terms such as "fixed maximum liquid level gauges, ASME containers, cylinders, overfilling prevention devices, and many others.

"Internal valves" are not addressed in NFPA 501C and therefore, they should be deleted.

Since there are several useful appurtenances that are "approved" but not "listed", adding "or approved ~ to the end of 2-2.7.1 will avoid many potential conflicts. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: For 2-2.7.1, see Committee Action on Proposal 501C-16 (Log#18). For 2-2.7.2: Change "ASME container" to tank" per Committee Proposal 501C-7 (Log #CP1). NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 22 VOTE ON COMMITIT~ ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 18 NOT RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, Thompson

COMMENT ON AFFIRMATIVE: PABIAN: We are not aware of any container appurtenances

acceptable to the authorities having jurisdiction that are not labeled by a nationally recognized testing agency such as UL, AGA, ASME, etc.

(Log #46g) 501C- 18 - (2-2.7.4): Accept in Principle SUBMITTER: Samuel E. McTier, McTier Supply Co. RECOMMENDATION: Revise 2-2.7.4 as follows:

2-2.7.4 A~tc.'...e'dc Sic F ~11 ~c; 'zc. Overfilling Prevention Device, (a) Cvlinders with 4 Ib through 40 lb oronane, capacity, for vaoor

service shall comolv with the following: 1. Cylinders faf~ricated after March31. 1998 shall be equipped

or fitted with a listed overfilling orevention device and a fixed maximum liauid level ~auge. ]'faese devices shall be Dart of the container assembly. TiTle length of the fixed maximum liquid level gauge din tube shall be determined by using Table F-4.3,4 in the Aooendix of ~FPA 5~.

2. As of Anril 1. 2002 no cvlinder shall be filled unl¢~ it i8 equipped wi~ an overfilling nrevention device and a fix¢~l maximum liouid level g a n ~

3. Cylinder reouired to have an overfilling prevention device installed shall be eauinned with either a Twe 1. 1-5/16 in. Acme connection or a CGA 810 connection as describ¢~l within ,ANSI Z21.81 Cylinder Connection Devices.

(b~ Permanendy installed ASME containers for use on recreational vehicles shall be equipped with a listed m:toma~dz :top fi![ de;".'cc overfilling nrevention device. SUBSTANTIATIO~I. ~ The changes are the pertinent requirements covering overfilling prevention devices extracted from NFPA 58 in order to harmonize NFPA 501C with NFPA 58.


N F P A 5 0 1 C - - F 9 8 R O P

COMMITrEE ACTION: Accept in Principle. Revise as follows: 2-2.7.4 Overfilling Prevention Device. All LP gas containers

greater than 4 Ibs. propane capacity shall be equipped with a listed overfilling prevention device. COMMITTEE STATEMENTt The change meets the submitter's intent without adding unnecessary information. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 22 VOTE ON COMMITIT, E ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 18 NOT RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, Thompson

(Log #46h) 501C- 19- (2-2.7.5): Accept SUBMITTER: Samuel E. McTier, McTier Supply Co. RECOMMENDATION: Revise 2-2.7.5 as follows:

"2-2.7.5 Protection of LP-Gas Container Shutoff Valves. Container shutoff valves shall be protected ~ f=!!~;;=

~ c . I . ~ : - k ^ : ~ . . - . . ~ 1 . . ' c ^ ^ ~ . ' ~ ^ - : . J . . . . . . I . . . . . . ~ " 1 ^ . . . . . t " . . . . .

SUBSTANTIATION: Recessing the container for protection shutoff valves is not practical and has not been utilized for years. COMMITTEE ACTION: AccepL NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 22 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 18 NOT RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, Thompson

(Log #460 501C- 20- (2-2.7.6): Accept SUBMITrER: Samuel E.McTier, McTier Supply Co. RECOMMENDATION: Revise 2-2.7.6 as follows:

"LP-Gas Regulators. A Listed-listed two stage . . . . . ~o . . . . . . ' . . . . "~w, FfgUlator svstelp or an integral two sta~e regulator shall be ==~F!'=~ reo_u~l'~ for vapor withdrawal systems. Such regulator(s) shall have a capacity that is not less than the total input of all LP- Gas appliances installed in the recreational vehicle. The regulator(s) shall be ..-'==.::::~ ==2;" "= =. ~::'~.== ~=.=;-=v.~_ -J_ ".C'-~--

I installed with the nressure relief vent ooenimr ooinfin~ downward within 45 de~rees of vertical to vertical to allow-for dra]naae of any moisture collected on the dlanhratma of the reaulator. Containers installed below floor level shall have.., freezing-rain, ice, mud, and wheel spray.

n t t r i m - - ^ - - * . . . . . I . . . . . . / ' t A f t J . . . . . E~ f l A f t J * ~ * - - . P 1

If the regulator is not mounted. . . . SUBSTANTIATION: Additions and deletions are included to clari~ the requirements and harmonize with NFPA 58. The note is unclear and unnecessary in a performance standard and has also been deleted from NFPA 58. COMMrlWEE ACTION: Accept. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOT]~ 22 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 18 NOT RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, Thompson

. . . . (.~ ~oj) 501C- 21 - (2-2.7.7(a), (b) and (c) (New)): Accept m v n n a p , e SUBMITTER: Samuel E. McTier, McTier Supply Co. RECOMMENDATION: Revise 2-2.7.7 as follows:

2-2.7.7 LP-Gas Excess Flow Valves. A listed LP-Gas excess flow valve shall be provided in accordance with the following:

Delete both 2-2.7.7(a) and (b) and substitute the following: (a~ Manual shutoff valves installed on nermanentlv mounted

A~ME containers used on recreational vehicles shall he eouinoed with a listed internal excess flow valve that is desim3ed to close ~gmat ica l ly at the rated closing flows of va~or or liouid snecified

([~ Manual shutoff valves for vaDor service installed on cvllnders ~hall be eoulpped with a listed internal excess flow valve or a listed external excess flow valve installed in the POL (CGA 510~ outlet of

New (c) Egc~s flow valves shall be desi~med with a b ~ not ~o exceed a number 60 drill size onenin¢ to allow eouallzation of Dressure. SUBSTANTIATION: New sub-paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) clarify excess flow valve requirements and also harmonize with NFPA 58. It also covers all of the requirements shown in the

Second paragraph of 2-2.8.1 which was apparently misplaced and therefore should now be deleted. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle.

Revise as follows: 2-2.7.7 LP-Gas Shutoff Valves and Excess Flow Valves. A listed

LP-Gas exces flow valve shall be provided in accordance with the following:

(a) Permanently mounted tanks shall require a manual shutoff valve equipped with a listed internal excess flow valve that is designed to close automatically at the rated closing flow of vapor or liquid specified by the mannfacmcer.

(b) Cylinders shall require a manual shutoff valve for vapor service that will not allow gas to flow until a positive seal is achieved between that valve and its mating connection. The mating connection shall be installed in the regulator furnished with the vehicle.

1. The mating connection to the cylinder valve shall be furnished with a thermal element that will activate at a temperature range of 240 degrees Fahrenheit to 300 degrees Fahrenhe|t and will positively shut off the flow of gas from the cylinder valve.

2. The matin!g connection to the cylinder valve shall also incorporate a listed excess flow valve that will close at a flow not greater than 200 CFH at 100 PSI and has a bypass area that will not allow a flow g~reater than 10 CFH at 100 PSI.

3. The mating connection to the cylinder valve shall be provided with a CGA 791 female connection that will not attach to a CGA 510 female POL connector. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: This language more thoroughly addresses the requirements for valves and incorporates the TIA submitted to NFPA by RVIA. Also see Committee Action on Proposal 501C-22 (Log #19) and 501C-23 (Log #20). NUMBER OF COMMrrTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 22 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 18 NOT RETURNED: 4 Jacohson, Kiefer, MacGregor, Thompson

(Log #19) 501C- 22 - (2-2.7.7(b)): Accept in Principle SUBM]TrER: Kent Perkins, Recreational Vehicle Industry Assn. RECOMMENDATION: Revise 2-2.7.7(b) to read as follows:

~Vehides with removable (DOT) type c~l'm.ders s ..ha X .~.~:.~= # . . - - : . k - - J A - - . ' - - . ~ l I - - J - - I 1 . t ~ J l ~ l ' ~ l ~ l . * . 4 - - J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . w - . _ - - ~ r . . . . . . . . . . . . . e~ . . . . . . .

I. A valve that will not allow wds ~0 flow until it D ositive sea] is achieved between the valve and-the vehicles matin~ ccmnection.

E. A thermal element, located on that hart of the connection attached to the vehicle regulator that willactlvate at a temperature range of 240°F ¢115°C~ to 300°F (148"C3 and will ~ i f lve iv shut off the] lo w of ~eas at the cylinder valvf,

3. An excess flow check valve comnlvln~ with Underwriters Laboratorie~ Standard for Valves for P~ah-vdrom Ammonia and LP Gas (other than safew reliefi. UL 1~.5. and that activates at a flgW not re'eater than 100 nsi (690 kPal and has bvnass area that will not allow a flow ~reater than 10 SCHF (0.28 mS/hr~ at 100 mi (690 kPa~: or a device other than an excess flow check valve.which. when activated will limit flow to l0 SCHF (09.8~ m 3 ~ (690 kPaL" SUBSTANTIATION: The RV industry has always been at the forefront in adopting new technologies and construction which enhance safety. Several advances in technology have occurred in the past fewyears which greatly improve the safety of LP ~as connection devices. The latest of these is a system, reqmred to be part of outdoor cooking appliances inch as LP Gas grills, which includes the safety enhancements being proposed. The new system is more user friendly and, in addition to the increased safety benefits, virtually eliminates misconnection by the end user. Currently, the connection devices used on recreational vehicles between gas cylinder(s) and the systems LP gas regulator incorporates only one extraneous safety feature; the excess flow POL. This device affords little if any protection downstream of the regulator. The proposed connection offers substantially increased protection both upstream and downstream of the regulator by limiting bypass flow to 10 SCHF or less. Finally, consumers are forced to deal with unfamiliar left hand threads on the system currently in use. The new systems eliminate the left hand thread on the cylinders mating connection and do not require tools to complete the connection proce~. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: See Committee Action on Proposal 501G-21 (Log #46j). NUMSER OF COMMrFrEE MEMBERS EIJGIBLE TO VOTE: 22


N F P A 5 0 1 C - - F9 8 R O P

VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION: AFFIRMATIVE: 18 N O T RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, T h o m p s o n

(Log #20) 501C- 23 - (2-2.7.7(c)): Accept in Principle SUBMITTER: Kent Perkins, Recreat ional Vehicle Indus t ry Assn+ RECOMMENDATION: Add a new (c) to read as follows:

"The vehicle side por t ion of the cylinder connec t ion device shall no t be capable of a t t achmen t to the cylinder por t ion o f a Compres sed Gas Associat ion No. 510 (POL) connec t ion ." SUBSTANTIATION: T h e new pa ragraph (c) is inc luded in all o ther Codes /S tanda rds which have adop t ed the new connec t ion devices. The idea is to e l iminate the left h a n d th readed POL, go to a connec t ion tha t requires no tools and, mos t importantiy~ no t allow the c o n s u m e r to connec t to an old existing cylinder which does no t have the r e d u n d a n t valving which will no t allow gas flow until a positive leak free connec t ion is achieved. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: See Commi t t ee Action on Proposal 501G-21 (Log #46j). NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 22 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 18 N O T RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor , T h o m p s o n

(Log #46k) - 501G- 24- (2-2.8): Accept SUBMITTER= Samuel E. MeTier , McTier Supply Co. RECOMMENDATION: Revise 2-2.8 as follows:

2-2.8 LP-Gas Conta iner and S)~t¢m Safe: 7 Regulator Pressure Relief Devices.

2-2.8.1 LP-Gas Conta iner Pressure Relief Devices. D O T ccn+~::me:: Gylindels shall be provided with =:let 7 pressure relief devices as requ i red by the regulat ions of the U.S. D e p a r t m e n t of Transpor ta t ion . ASME conta iners for recreat ional vehicle use shall be provided with full internal or flush +type full internal pressure rel ief valves in accordance with 8-2.3(a) (4) o f NFPA 58 , S tandard for the Storage a n d Hand l i ng o f Liquefied Pe t ro leum Gases. Safe~/ pressure rel ief valves shall have a direct commun i ca t i on with the vapor space of the ;':=:c! container .

Delete the second pa ragraph of 2-2.8.1 as it is covered in 2-2.7.7(a) a n d (c). SUBSTANTIATION: Sugges ted changes in the first pa ragraph are editorial. The second paragraph of 2-2.8.1 shou ld be de le ted as it is r e d u n d a n t to the p r o p o s e d new language o f 2-2.7.7(a) a n d (c) a n d has n o t h i n g to do with LP-Gas pressure relief valves. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept . NUMBER OF COMMITI"EE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 22 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 18 N O T RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor , T h o m p s o n

(Log #46t) 501C- 25 - (2-2.8.2): Accep t SUBMITTER: Samuel E. MeTie r , MeTier Supply Co. RECOMMENDATION: Revise 2-2.8.2 as follows:

2-2.8.2 Regulator Relief Device. F'n~,! Second stage regulators a n d integral two-stage regulators shall be equ ipped c:z ~'.e !c-v prczzt:rc : ' ~ : with one or ~.~. of the following:

Delete p resen t paragraphs (a) a n d (b) and subst i tute the following:

2-2.8.2(a) An intem'al nressure relief valve on the out let nressure side havin~ a start-to-discharge pressure set t in~ within the hmi t s soecified in the S tandard fo rLP-Gas Re trulators. U L 144. This relief device shall l imit t he out let pressure o f the second sta~e remJlator to 2.0 psi (14 kPal when the re~,ulator seat disc is~ remov~:d a n d the inlet pressure to the r e s i s t o r is 10.0 psi (69 kPa~ or less as snecif ied in the s tandard for LP-Gas Regulator+, UL l+ta+,

(b~ An it~te~ral overnressure shu tof f device tha t shuts off the flow of LP-Gas v a ~ r when "the out let n ressure of the regula tor reaches the overoressure limits specif ied in UL 144. Such a device shall no t onen to he rmi t f low'of ~as until it has been manua l ly reset. SUBSTANTIATION: With- the new requ i rements for overpressure pro tec t ion on regulators , r equ i r emen t s for the p resen t (a) a n d (b) a re no longer valid, thus w e h a v e de le ted the two paragraphs. New paragraphs (a) and (b) are extracted f rom NFPA 58 a n d are accurate. T h e NFPA 58 commi t t ee dec ided the best way to hand le regulator relief valve set t ings was to refer to UL 144. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept . NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 22

VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION: AFFIRMATIVE: 18 N O T RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, T h o m p s o n

(Log #21 ) 501C- 26 - (2-2.8.3): Accept in Principle in Part SUBMITTER: Kent Perkins, Recreat ional Vehicle Indus t ry Assn. RECOMMENDATION: Revise (b) a n d (c) as follows:

2-2.8.3 Discharge f rom LP Safety Relief Devices. Discharge f rom LP safety relief devices shall be located in accordance with the following:

(a) Discharge outlets shall be so located that the discharge f rom the safety relief device shall be no t less t h a n 3 ft (0.9 m) measured horizontally a long the surface of the vehicle f rom any of the following located below the level of such discharge:

1. Open ings into t he recreat ional vehicle, 2. Fuel -burning appl iance intake a n d exhaus t vents, an d 3. All internal combus t ion eng ine exhaus t terminat ions.

Exception: Unvent i la ted c o m p a r t m e n t doors conta in ing e i ther door or body side seals and entry doors n o t conta in ing screens or openab le windows below the level o f the LP discharge ou t e r ( s ) .

h + . . + I : . ^ + + + A : - - + ^ + h + + + + + . : + + ^ + + h . . . . h i + l +

(b) The Dressure rel ief valve dischar+e svstem(sl on ASME conta iners shall be installed so that:

1. T h e relief valve dlschar~e f rom fuel containers on vehicles shall be d i rec ted unward or clownward within 45 ° of vertical: shall no t directly imnin~e on the vehicle fuel conta iner (sL the exhaus t system, or any o ther har t of the vehicle: a n d shall n o t be dir+q+ed into the interior o f ~ e vehicle.

2. Where the relief valve discharge mus t be n ined away. the pip¢+lway system shall consist o f a breakaway a~tap+er r e c o m m e n d e d by the relief valve manufac ture r , a l e n m h of nonmeta l l i c hose. a n d a nrotective cover to m i n i m i z e t h e oossibilitv of the en t rance o f water or dir t in to ei ther the relief ~alve or its d ischarge s~stem. No nor t ion of the s ~ t e m shall have an internal d iameter less than the ' in te rna l d iameter of the r e c o m m e n d e d breakawav adanter .

a. The breakawav adan te r shall be t h readed for dire¢+ connec t ion to the relief valve a n d shall n o t interfere with the onera t ion o f the rel ief valve. It shall break away without imDaldn~ the func t ion of the relief valve a n d shall have a mel t ing poin t o f no t less than 1500°F (810°CL

Excention: The breakawav adan te r shall be ne rmi t t ed to be an intet, ral Dart of the oressure relief valve.

b_ Tile nonmetaJ l ic hose shall be as shor t as nracticai an d shall be able to withstand the downst ream oressure f rom the r¢liefv'~ve in the full t h e n nosition. T h e hose shall be fabricated o f materials resistant to ~ e action o f LP-Gas.

c. Whe re hose is used to p ipe away the relief valve discharge on conta iners installed on the outside o f the vehicle, the breakawav adan te r and any a t tached fittin~ shall deflect the reliefvalv+ discharve upward or downwarcl within 45 ° of vertical anfl shall mee t the o the r r eou i rements o f 2-2.8.3(d~ wi thout the ho le at tached. If an addit ional fittln+ is necessarv to mee t this reou i rement , it shall have a mel t in~ no in t no t less than 1500°F (816°CI a n d shall m e e t the reouire-n:lents o f 2-2.8.3(b)2.

3. T h e nineawav system connec t ions shall he mechanica l ly secured arid 'shall n o t det~end on adhesives or seal ing COlnpoupds. The system shall n o t be rou ted between a b u m n e r system and the vehicle body.

4. Where a oineawav swstem is n o t reouired, t h e uressure reLief valve shall have a nroteciive cover in accordance wi+th 2-2.8.3.(1~2.

(c) W h e r e the relief device outlets on D O T cylinders are located in a c o m p a r t m e n t vapor t ight to the vehicle interior, d ischarge f rom these devices shall be e cons idered to be located at the c o m p a r t m e n t vents and shall m e e t the location requ i rements of 2- 2.8.3(a) above. SUBSTANTIATION: New (b) added in 1996 has m a d e safety rel ief pipeway systems c o m m o n a n d r equ i r emen t s shou ld be manda ted . This Proposal e l iminates any conflict between NFPA 501C a n d NFPA 58 by inc luding the p ipe away requ i rements o f NFPA 58 a n d e l iminat ing references n o t pe r t inen t to recreat ional vehicles. This change also clarifies tha t different r equ i r emen t s exist for D O T a n d ASME tanks. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle in Part.


N F P A 5 0 1 C - - F 9 8 R O P

Accept (b) a n d change 1500 to 1800 in two places as shown. Revise (c) to be consis tent with Commi t t ee Proposal 501C-7 (Log #CP1). Also, see Commi t t ee Action on Proposal 501G-27 (Log #46u).

(b) T h e p r e s s u r e rel ief valve discharge system(s) on tanks shall be ins t a l l edso that:

1. The relief valve discharge f rom fuel containers on vehicles shall be d i rec ted upward to downward within 45 ° of vertical; shall no t directly imp inge on the vehicle fuel conta iner(s) , the exhaus t system, or any o ther par t of the vehicle; and shall no t be directed into the inter ior of the vehicle.

2. Where the relief valve discharge mus t be p iped away, the pipeaway system shall consist of a breakaway adap te r r e c o m m e n d e d by the relief valve manufac ture r , a length of nonmeta l l i c hose, and a protective cover to minimize the possibility of the en t rance o f water or dirt into e i ther the relief valve or its discharge system. No por t ion of the system shall have an internal d iamete r less than the internal d iameter of the r e c o m m e n d e d breakaway adapter .

a. The breakaway adap te r shall be th readed for direct connec t ion to the relief valve a n d shall no t interfere with the opera t ion of the relief valve. It shall break away without impair ing the func t ion of the relief valve and shall have a mel t ing poin t of no t less than 1800°F (982°C). Exception: The breakaway adapter shall be permi t ted to be an integral par t of the pressure relief valve.

b . the nonmeta l l ic hose shall be as shor t as practical and shall be able to withstand the downs t ream pressure f rom the relief valve in the full open position. The hose shall be fabricated of materials resistant to the action of LP-Gas.

c. Where hose is used to pipe away the relief valve discharge on conta iners installed on the outside of the vehicle, the breakaway adapter and any a t tached fitt ing shall deflect the relief valve discharge upward or downward within 45 ° of vertical and shall mee t the o ther r equ i r emen t s of 2-2.8.3(d) wi thout the hose attached. . If an. addit ional fitting, is necessary, to mee t ing this r eqmremen t , it shall have a mel t ing point no t less than 1800°F (982°C) and shall mee t the requ i rements of 2-2.8.3(b)2.

3. The pipeaway system connect ions shall be mechanical ly secured and shall no t d e p e n d on adhesives or sealing compounds .

4. Where a pipeaway system is no t required, the pressure relief valve shall have a protective cover in accordance with 2-2.8.3.(b)2.

(c) Where the relief device outlets on cylinders are located in a c o m p a r t m e n t vapor t ight to the vehicle interior, d ischarge f rom these devices shall be cons idered to be located at the c o m p a r t m e n t vents and shall m e e t the location requ i rements of 2-2.8.3(a) above. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: Commi t tee is combin ing this proposal with 501C-27 (Log #46u) to better d o c u m e n t the requ i rements and raised t empera tu re f rom 1500 to 1800 to encompass all accep tance materials. N U M B E R OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE T O VOTE: 22 VOTE ON COMMITTE E ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 18 N O T RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, T h o m p s o n

(Log #46u) 501C- 2 7 - (2-2.8.3): Accept in Part SUBMITTER: Samuel E. McTier , McTier Supply Co. RECOMMENDATION: Revise 2-2.8.3 as follows:

2-2.8.3 Discharge f rom t :~LP-Gas S:£cty Pressure Relief ~ c ; ' c c s Valves. Discharge out lets f rom t=P-LP-Gas safc.%' pressure relief dc; 'cc~ v'dlves shall be located in accordance with the following:

Delete p resen t sub-paragraphs (a) a n d (b) of 2-2.8.3 and subst i tute the following:

(a~ Where pressure relief valve outlets are located in a c o m n a r t m e n t vaDorti~rht to the vehicle interior, the reoui red v

c o m p a r t m e n t vents shall be located no t less than 3 ft (0.9 ml measu red horizontallv a lone the surface of the vehicle f rom ~t~y open ing into the vehicle be]ow the level of the vents. This shall include appl iance intake and exhaus t vents, and internal combus t ion eng ine exhaus t ou0ets .

(b/ Pressure relief valve installations on ASME containers installed on the outside of vehicles shall comPlY with Section 8- 2.6(B of NFPA 58. S U B S T A N T I A T I O N : The above Proposal ha rmonizes the

~ ressure relief valve requ i rements for both NFPA 501C and NFPA 8. Editorial changes are r e c o m m e n d e d for consistency of the

d o c u m e n t . COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Part.

Accept all bu t (b). COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The commit tee is combin ing this proposal with 501C-26 (Log #21) to bet ter state the requ i rement .


AFFIRMATIVE: 18 N O T RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor , T h o m p s o n

(Log #45) 501C- 28 - (2-2.8.4 (New)): Reject SUBMITTER: Miles Turka t , Cont inenta l Ventures Int'! RECOMMENDATION: Add new text to read as follows:

"Wherever gas appl iances a n d LPG tanks are used, a protective device, namely the gas safety fuse shall be installed to pro tec t the gas appl iance a n d or LPG tank f rom catching fire a n d or exploding. T h e gas safety fuse automatical ly shuts off the flow of gas to the gas appl iance in the event of a break or leak in or to the gas appl iance. S U B S T A N T I A T I O N : Gas appl iance fires a n d or explosions have occurred in RV moto r vehicles due to the fact tha t they n o t have a gas safety fuse to prevent such accidents. The gas safety fuse is now available for installation with gas appl iances and or LPG tanks. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reject. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: A gas safety fuse is unde f ined an d excess flow valves are current ly required. N U M B E R OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE T O VOTE: 22 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 18 N O T RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, T h o m p s o n

(Log #461) 501C- 29 - (2-2.9.1): Reject SUBMITTER: Samuel E. McTier , McTier Supply Co. RECOMMENDATION: Revise 2-2.9.1 LP-Gas System Design. Systems shall be o f the vapor-withdrawal type.

Exception: Liquid withdrawal systems are permi t ted to supply LP-Gas as an engine fuel. See Section 8-1-02-11 for engine fuel installations. SUBSTANTIATION: There is a typo in the Exception. Section 2- 10 covers Gasoline and Diesel Systems. T h e reference shou ld be Section 2-11 tha t covers LP-Gas engine fuel installations. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reject. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: Proposed language was based on 1993 language a n d 1996 edi t ion of the s tandard already contains this p roposed change. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE T O VOTE: 22 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 18 N O T RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, T h o m p s o n

(Log #I) 501C- 30 - (2-2.9.2(c)): Reject Note: This Proposal appea red as C o m m e n t 501C-4 which was

he ld f rom the Fall 95 ROC on Proposal 501C-5. SUBMITTER: Bruce A. Hopkins , Recreat ion Vehicle Industry A s s n .

RECOMMENDATION: Accept original r e c o m m e n d a t i o n as submi t ted .

NOTE: Existing (c) t h r o u g h (f) shou ld relabeled as (d) t h ro u g h (g). SUBSTANTIATION: Paragraph 2-2.7.6 does no t address the submit ter ' s concern as stated by the commit tee . 2-2.7.6 addresses only the regulators used in the s tandard low pressure (10 in. - 14 in. water co lumn) RV LP gas systems. Paragraph 2-2.9.2 addresses a special except ion for r equ i rements for h igh pressure LP-gas systems on RVs. The only r equ i r emen t s for these h igh pressure systems are in 2-2.9.2 and a r e q u i r e m e n t for regula tor protec t ion is n e e d e d here. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reject. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The commit tee did no t agree that h igh pressure regulat ions need a protective cover. N U M B E R OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE T O VOTE: 22 VOTE ON COMIVHTTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 18 NOT RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, T h o m p s o n

(Log #46m) 501C- 31 - (2-2.9.3): Accept in Principle SUBMITTER: Samuel E. McTier , McTier Supply Co. RECOMMENDATION: In 2-2.9.3 change "tanks" and "tank" to "containers" a n d "container" in lines 8 and 9 of the paragraph. S U B S T A N T I A T I O N : Editorial changes for consistency. COMMITYEE ACTION: Accept in Principle.


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AFFIRMATIVE: 18 NOT RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, Thompson

(Log #46n) 501C- 32- (2-2.9.3): Reject SUBMITTER: Samuel E. MeTier, MeTier Supply Co. RECOMMENDATION: Delete 2-2.9.3. SUBSTANTIATION: This whole paragraph is unnecessary and extremely wordy. There are 58 words in the first sentence and it essentially states that the vapor withdrawal opening should connect to the vapor space of the .c°ntainer. . . Stamping a container to show the correct mounting posmon is not needed, plus the last sentence in this paragraph is meaningless and unnecessary. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reject. COMMI'ITEE STATEMENT: The committee is not convinced that safety issues addressed within paragraph 2-2.9.3 are in place elsewhere within the standard to ensure safety if this requirement was deleted. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 22 VOTE ON COMMITI'EE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 18 NOT RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, Thompson

(Log #460) 501C- 33- (2-4.1): Accept SUBMITTER: Samuel E. MeTier, MeTier Supply Co. RECOMMENDATION: Revise 2-4.1 as follows:

2-4.1 General. The requirements of this section shall govern the installation of all fuel gas piping attached to any recreationaJ vehicle intended for carrying gas in the vapor state..~t~chcd t~ m~y r ccrc='-~.n^2 ;'ch'c!c. SUBSTANTIATION: Editorial change for clarity. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 22 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 18 NOT RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, Thompson

(Log #CP5) 501C- 34- (2-4.1.2): Accept SUBMITTER: Technical Committee on Recreational Vehicles RECOMMENDATION: Revise Section 2-4.12 as follows:

2-4.12 Flexible Non-Metallic Tubing and Hose Connections. Where non-metallic tubing or hose is used within the LP-Gas

~ iping system, they shall be permitted topass directly through any nor, wall, partition or ceiling provided the entire length o f hose is

readily available for visual inspection. Provision is made to protect against chaffing, and no part of the flexible non-metallic tubing or hose is concealed in the hollow space of a floor, wall, partition or ceiling. SUBSTANTIATION: The existing language is limited in that it only addresses UL 569 Pigtails andFIexible Hose Connections. With the materials for piping systems listed in paragraph 2-4.2, particularly Subpart (f), other materials besides UL 569 listed assemblies, are permitted. The above changes recognize this and provides guidance for the safe installation of flexible non-metalllc tubing and hoses. COMMITFEE ACTION: Accept. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 22 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 17 NEGATIVE: 1 NOT RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, Thompson

EXPLANATION OF NEGATIVE: PABIAN: Listed flexible hose connectors confirming to UL 569

which have been previously recognized as suitable flexible connectors to gas-burning appliances have been eliminated from the revised Section 2-4.12 even though they are limited to maximum installed lengths of 60 in. The revised version does not require Listed flexible tubing or hose. It is suggested the section could be further revised to require Listed UL 659 connectors or Listed flexible hose or tubing permitted by Section 2-4.2(f).

Also, the revised language does not address areas within or outside the RV where extra lengths of flexible nonmetallic tubing or hose connectors may come into contact with foot or vehicular traffic. A considerably long length of flexible connector hose or tubing can easily be factory installed and stowed for future connection to a portable outside range top or appliance.

(Log #22) 501C- 35 - (2-4.2(a)): Accept SUBMITTER: Kent Perkins, Recreational Vehicle Industry Assn.


AFFIRMATIVE: 18 NOT RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, Thompson

COMMENT ON AFFIRMATIVE: PABIAN: The title of the ASTM A53 standard is "Specifications

for Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped, Zinc-Coated Welded and Seamless." The title of the ASTM A53 standard referenced in Section 2-4.2(a) should be changed accordingly.

(Log 023) 501C- 36 - (Table 2-4.4(h) through (d)): Accept SUBMITTER: Kent Perkins, Recreational Vehicle Indusu T Assn. RECOMMENDATION: In all four tables change "Length of Pipe in Feet" to "Length of Piping in Feet". SUBSTANTIATION: The term "pipe" is used to describe iron, steel or other rigid material in a gas supply system, while tubing describes copper, brass or other semi-rigid material in a gas supply system. The term "piping" is correct for these table headings since it includes both. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 22 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 18 NOT RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, Thompson

(Log #25) 501C- 37- (2-4.8): Accept SUBMITTER: Kent Perkins, Recreational Vehicle Industry Assn. RECOMMENDATION: Add new text to read as follows:

"Tubimt shall be routed to he protected from nhysieal damage. sham edges and moving harts." . v SUBSTANTIATION: "hae current language has no requirement for protection of tubing from physical damage except when passing through a wall or floor. COMMITTEEACTION: Accept. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 22 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 18 NOT RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, Thompson

(Log #46p) 501C- 38 - (2-4.11.3 and 2-4.11.4): Accept in Principle SUBMITTER: Samuel E. MeTier, MeTier Supply Co. RECOMMENDATION: In 2-4.11.3 insert "ASME" in front of "container" in sub-paragraph (a) and change "container" to "cylinder* twice in sub-paragraph (h), one in (c), and once in (d).

In 2-4.11.4 insert "ASME" in front of "container" in sub-paragraph (a) and change "removable container" to "cylinder" twice in sub-

ar a h (b). ~ B a ~ r 4 ~ T I A T I O N : Edltorial changes for consistency. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: See Committee Proposal 501C-7 (Log #CP1). NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 22 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 18 NOT RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, Thompson

(Log #11) 501C- 39- (2-4.11.4): Reject SUBMr[WER: Nolan Koreski, Lake Washington Tech. College RECOMMENDATION: Add new text to read as follows:

"Provide a 1 /8 in., female, NPT, Technician Pressure Test Port downstream of the second stage regulator or upstream of any appliance redundant regulator. This test port may be an integral part of the regulator or an additional in-line fitting. Location and position of the test port should allow for at tachment of a standard manometer with LP-Gas fueled equipment, except for protective covering, in its normal position." SUBSTANTIATION: In the field, problems with gas fired appliances are often traveled to supply system LP-Gas pressure. Good routine service procedures also dictate a supply system pressure and lockout check. LP-Gas pressures may be too high or too low, operating appliances outside the pressure range set by the


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manufacturer. For example, service manuals for Suburban water heaters use 11 in. water column as ideal and Norcold refrigerators call for 10 to 11 in. water column.

To test that a regulator locks out before exceeding the maximum allowable pressure of 14 in. water column (2-2.9.2) the technician s manometer must be in a location providing direct reading of the main regulator. This currently means inserting a test tap, often at the stove, before any appliance redundant regulator or other system restrictions that could mask a high pressure.

The same locadon for direct regulator reading is required to adjust the supply system workingpressure.

Providing a 1/8 in., female, NPTtap will provide for safer testing and adjustment because:

1. Regardless of location, installation of the tap requires the breaking of an LP-Gas supply line fitting inside the recreational vehicle. This action breaks system integrity allowing the possibility of creating a system leak, where none was before.

2. Movement of the LP-Gas supply line to insert the tap or rough handling may cause a kink of split of the copper tubing when pushed or twisted, however inadvertently, against the first tie down point.

3. The compression fitting must be tightened adequately to prevent leaks during testing and again upon removal of the tap. Each time the flare is compressed tile copper flare starts to get thin, fatiguing the joint.

4. After successful completion of all tests and adjustments only the 1/8 in. male plug needs leak testing using appropriate leak detection methods, prior to the Pressure Drop Test. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reject. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The required testing can currendy be accomplished without opening fittings within the system. While the use o f a Technician Pressure Test Port could provide benefit, the committee did not want to make this a requirement. A "standard manometer" was also undefined. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 22 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 18 NOT RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, Thompson

(Log #6) 501C- 40 - (2-4.12): Accept in Principle SUBMITTER: Dale Jordal, Winnebago Ind. Inc. RECOMMENDATION: Delete text as follows:

2-4.12 Appliance Connections. Except as provided herein, all gas-burning appliances shall be connected to the fuel piping with materials as provided in 2-4.2.

Excep.tion: Where a flexible connector is required to connect a gas apphance, such as a fold-down range, the connector shall be a listed flexible hose connector conforming to UL 569, Standard for Pigtails and Flexible Hose Connectors for LP-Gas, or other material conforming_ to 204.2(D. :.=:a : ~ ! ~ = p:z~ "~.rcxg. k. ~-I . . . .

f~.r ;5zc:2 ":.z~ccSc:~. Provision is made to protect against chaffing, and n o p a r t of the flexible connector is concealed in the hollow space of a wall or partition. SUBSTANTIATION: ff the hose is permitted to pass thru walls and partitions today, hose should also be allowed to pass thru a floor. Floors and walls are similar, as long as the hose is protected and hole sealed it should not make a difference (wall or floor). This would allow a safer installation (keeps a connection out of the living area). COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: See Committee Proposal 501C-34 (Log #CP5). NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 2"2 VOTE ON COMMITrEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 18 NOT RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, Thompson

(Log #26) 501C- 41 - (2-4.12 Exception): Accept in Principle SUBMITTER: Kent Perkins, Recreational Vehicle Industry Assn. RECOMMENDATION: Revise the first sentence of the Exception as follows:

"...Hose connectors for LP gas, or other material conformin¢ to 2-4.2(f5. and shall not pass..."

Combine the second and third sentence into one sentence by removing the period and adding a comma. SUBSTANTIATION: This section should be updated to allow the same flexible connectors allowed by 2-4.2(0 for the rest of the low pressure LP gas piping system. This will eliminate confusion

where RV manufacturers use these materials for piping to appliances located in slide out rooms.

Combining the second and third sentences is editorial to complete sentence structure. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: See Committee Proposal 501C-~4 (Log #CP5). NUMBER OF COMMITrEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 2"2 VOTE ON COMMITITEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 18 NOT RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, Thompson

(Log #24) 501C- 42 - (2-4.13): Accept in Principle SUBMrI'rER: Kent Perkins, Recreational Vehicle Industry Assn. RECOMMENDATION: Add a new 2-4.13 and renumber 2-4.13 through 2-4.18.2 as required:

2-4.13 Ouick disconnect devices used downstream of the LP tras re,relator must be listed for use with LP Q~as. listed for the sveci-fic location (indoor. outdoor, or ~gth~ anti-shall not De; capal~le of connection to the cylinder nortion of a cylinder connection device (CGA 810), SUBSTANTIATION: As you are aware, there are many voluntary standards governing the manufacture and installation of gas fired products. Due to the sheer number of standards, their complexity and their continuing evolution, coupled with the development of new product, it seams inevitable that conditions arise which were unforeseen.

We believe such is the case with the use of quick connect devices in the recreational vehicle industry and the new cylinder connection requirements of the outdoor cooking appliance industry.

Some years ago, a cylinder access quick connect was developed and introduced to the outdoor cooking appliance industry for use on 20# LP cylinders. The acceptance of this device was by a niche market segment and that device has served well within it.

Coincidentaily, within the recreational vehicle industry, there developed a demand for a quick connect device to allow interior to exterior movement of small cooking appliances. The quick connect device utilized for 20# cylinders was adapted to a shutoff valve to meet that demand. Like the cylinder version, this device has served well within the RV market.

A review of the history of the quick connect devices indicates that the interchangeability of the connection components was considered when adapted to the RV application. It was, however, felt that there was little chance the 20# cylinder and the stove connection would be utilized together and the practice of installing the male plug onto the stove inlet made the possibility of attachment of the low pressure stove to the high pressure cylinder very remote, if even possible.

No one, at that time, anticipated either that the cylinder connection requirements would change or that hose would be employed to connect the male plug to the RV stove. These developments have altered the possibilities of connection of the low pressure appliance to the high pressure cylinder.

There is now a marked increase in the number of 20# cylinders utilizing the quick connect entering the market and the quick connect valve having been accepted by the Compressed Gas Association for cylinder connections for LP-Gas, is being considered for use on 30# and 40# cylinders in the RV industry.

Likewise, there is a marked increase in manufacturers of recreational vehicles providing a flexible stove inlet hose assembly terminating in a quick connect plug.

Consequently, there is a marked increase in the probability that a consumer will have both such an equipped stove and cylinder in close proximity and will ultimately make the connection.

To address this probability, M.B. Sturgls, Inc., is finalizing development of a quick connect device which would be similar in function to that currently used in the RV industry but which would prohibit connection to the cylinder connection version as currendy produced. It should be stated, that. this device is non. proprietary in nature and the envelope dimenstons can be prowded to ensure interchangeability of manufacturers of the device.

To support the discontinuance of use of the device on future production vehicles which could be connected to a high pressure cylinder, we would suggest inclusion in the NFPA 501C/ANSI A119.2 standard, a statement to the effect "Quick disconnect devices when used downstream (on the low pressure side) of the regulator must be listed for LP-Gas, listed for the specific location (i.e., indoor or both), and shall not be capable of connection to the cylinder portion of a cylinder connection device (CGA 810)."


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COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle. Revise as follows: 2.4.15 Quick Disconnect Devices. Quick disconnect devises used

downstream of the LP gas regulator shall be listed for use with LP gas, listed for the specific environment (indoor, outdoor, or both) and shall not be capable of connection to the cylinder portion of a cylinder connection device (CGA 810). COMMITTEE STATEMENT: Add dde and modify words as shown for better clarity and to meet the NFPA style manual. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 22 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 18 NOT RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, Thompson

(Log #27) 501C- 43- (2-4.16): Accept SUBMITTER: Kent Perkins, Recreational Vehicle Industry Assn.


AFFIRMATIVE: 18 NOT RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, Thompson

(Log #28) 501C- 44- (2-4.17): Accept in Principle SUBMITTER: Kent Perkins, Recreational Vehicle Industry Assn. RECOMMENDATION: Add die following to the end of the second sentence:

"All pipe shall be rigidly anchored to a structural member within 6 in. (152.4 ram) of the supply connection(s); by galvanized, painted, ~ equivalendy protected metal straps or hangers or other cquiw[ent means." SUBSTANTIATION: The current wording would not allow a common bulkhead fitting or other methods commonly used as an acceptable means of anchoring the gas supply connection. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle.

Revise as follows: "All pipe shall be rigidly anchored to a structural member within

6 in. (152.4 ram) of the supply connection(s) by galvanized, painted, equivalendy protected metal straps, hangers, or fittings." COMMITTEE STATEMENT: This change eliminates the ambiguities of the phrase "other equivalent means" and the sentence was restructured to read better. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 22 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 18 NOT RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, Thompson

(Log #29) 501G- 45 - (2-4.18.2): Accept SUBMITTER: Kent Perkins, Recreational Vehicle Industry Assn. RECOMMENDATION: Change the first sentence of the second paragraph as follows:

"The entire system shall be pressurized to not less than 10 in. water column (2.5 kPa) nor more than 14 in. water column (3.5 kPa), the appliance shutoff valves closed, :~.~ ~.: zCurce of Frc=zurc ~l:ut ~ffand the svstem isolated from all sources 9f nressure.

Also, change "2.24 kPa" to "1.99 kPa", "9 in." to "8 in.", and move ":L-0.5" before the words "water column" in the third sentence of the second paragraph. SUBSTANTIATION: This change ensures the system is bled of excess high pressure sources when not testing downstream of appliance regulators, and provides a test value that is below appliance regulator lock up values when testing downstream of appliance regulators. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept. NUMBER OF COMMrIq'EE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 22 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 18 NOT RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, Thompson

(Log #30) 501C- 46 - (2-6.8.3): Accept SUBMITTER: Kent Perkins, Recreational Vehicle Industry Assn. RECOMMENDATION: Add to the beginning of the second sentence as follows and chan~e "Trailer" to "Vehicle" in the label:

"Any electric dryer that receives drying air from inside the vehicle and exhausts drvin~ air to outside the vehicle shall be nrovided with a-;~'~-~:~g iabe~i with the word "CAUTION" in 3/8 in. (9 mm)

I high letters and the body of the text in 114 in. (6.35 mm/ high letters :ha!! he posted on or near the dryer in a conspicuous~ location which shall read:" SUBSTANTIATION: The label requirement should apply only to electric dryers that are capable of creating negative pressure. This clarifies the meaning of the term negative pressure. Also, the letter sizes mandates are excessively large. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 22 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 18 NOT RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, Thompson

(Log #31 ) 501C- 47 - ( Accept $UBMITTER: Kent Perkins, Recreational Vehicle Industry Assn. RECOMMENDATION: Delete current (c) and make final sentence a new (c). SUBSTANTIATION: To make requirements consistent with 2- 6.8.5. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 22. VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 18 NOT RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, Thompson

(Log #32) 501C- 48 - (Table 2-7.1): Reject SUBMITTER: Kent Perkins, Recreational Vehicle Industry Assno RECOMMENDATION: Change the values in Table 2-7.1 as follows:

.013 to .010 (2 places)

.016 to .012 (3 places)

.019 to .014 (1 place). SUBSTANTIATION: The current values in the table are far in excess of those necessary to ensure the systems integrity. Listed ducts are thinner in diameter than the table's values. These revised thickness' are sufficient to ensure collapsibility is avoided. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reject. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: There is not enough information regarding the thinner material to substantiate the proposed change. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 22 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 18 NOT RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, Thompson

COMMENT ON AFFIRMATIVE: WOZNIAK: Has any evidence of a health hazard been found to

exist with the thinner listed material?

(Log #33) 501C- 49- (2-7.2): Accept SLIBMITTER: Kent Perkins, Recreational Vehicle Industry Assn. RECOMMENDATION: Delete the last sentence of the paragraph as follows:

SUBSTANTIATION: No minimum dimension is needed for ductwork, as long as proper static pressure is maintained as required. The appliance listings and installation instructions will address this issue, as required by 2-7.3. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 22 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 18 NOT RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, Thompson

(Log #4) 501C- 50- (2-7.7): Accept SUBMr['rER: WilliamJ. Miller, Newmar Corp.

J RECOMMENDATION: Add into the text in the 3rd sentence as J follows: The net free area of each opening shall be eoual to or J t reater than the area of the air supply to the closed off arem but J not less than 1 sq. in. for every 5 sq. ft. of total living area closed J off from the furnace by the door or partition serviced by the [ opening.

SUBSTANTIATION: It is possible to have enough air return to the furnace and yet to force air into a living area that would have more air forced into a room than can return toward the furnace causing the furnace to essentially have a register partially closed or at least greatly restricted. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept.


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AFFIRMATIVE: 18 NOT RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, Thompson

(Log #5) 501C- 51 - (2-7.7): Reject SUBMITTER: WilliamJ. Miller, Newmar Corp. RECOMMENDATION: Revise last sentence to read as follows: However, in the event that doors are undercut , ne t mvr~ than one- half of the area below $ l / 2 in. and all of the free air area provided over 3 1 /2 in. f rom the floor shall be considered return air area. SUBSTANTIATION: Carpeting with thick padding will max out at about 1 1 /2 in. thick. I r a manufacture needs over 100 sq in. of re turn air below a door that is 25 in. wide he currently would need to undercu t his door by 8 in.

With this proposal that undercu t would be reduced to 5 3 /4 in. Much more acceptable. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reject. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The suggested changes, while logical, were not considered practical because undercut t ing doors by 3 1/2" or more is not common. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 22 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 17 NEGATIVE: 1 NOT RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, Thompson

EXPLANATION OF NEGATIVE: WOZNIAK: Design f reedom should no t be restricted.

(Log #CP3) 501C- 52 - (2-7.10(a)): Accept SUBMITTER: Technical Commit tee on Recreational Vehicles RECOMMENDATION: Revise item (a) under 2-7.10 as follows:

2-7.10 Air Duct Registers or Grills. (a) Registers or grills shall be made of a material classified 94 V-

0 or 94 V- 4-2 when tested as described in UL 94, Standard for Tests for Flammability of Plastic Materials for Parts in Devices and Appliances. SUBSTANTIATION: V-0 and V-1 materials were chosen for plastic floor registers to ensure that adequate fire retardant was present. The V-1 material is no t available and tbe fire re tardant substance that is added to the plastic (polypropylene) used for floor registers makes them britde. It is the committee 's belief that allowing the use of V-2 material will provide s tronger floor registers without reducing the level of safety. It is difficult to imagine floor registers as f lammable materials when the temperature of listed furnaces is 200°F or less. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 22 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 17 NEGATIVE: 1 NOT RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, Thompson

EXPLANATION OF NEGATIVE: PABIAN: At the time the Commit tee Proposal was presented a

copy of the Standard UL 94 was no t available for the committee 's review and discussion. Plastic materials evaluated under UL 94 to the vertical burn ing test are classified as V-O, V-l, or V-2 materials on e basis of results obtained on small scale bar samples with V-O being the highest rating and V-2 being the lowest. The afterflame and afterglow times and flaming particles requirements vary depend ing upon the specific rating.

The V-O and V-1 plastic samples are not permit ted to ignite surgical cot ton located just below the samples. However, f laming particles or droplets from the %2 plastic materials are permit ted to ignite the cotton material. This appears to be the basis for requiring only V-O and V-1 materials in recreational vehicle plastic floor registers. Allowing %2 plastic floor registers in recreational vehicles without any teclmical suppor t ing data or substantiation could reduce the level of fire safety by permit t ing plastic material that can readily ignite a combustible duct ma te r i a lo r connect ion below the floor registers a n d / o r propagate a fire source in the duct system itself.

Polypropylene plastic material rated V-I is available. Several companies can . . . . supply recognized V-1 polyproprylene material and many companies can supply recogmzed V-O material. Recognized

~ lastic materials suppliers and parts fabricators are listed in the UL lastics R e c o g n i z e d C o m p o n e n t Directory.

Since there are a number of UL Recognized V-O and V-1 plastic suppliers to choose that could fabricate a plastic f loor register that would be able to mee t the spot load test the present requirements of Section 2-7.10 are appropriate .

(Log #2) 501C- 53- (2-9.1): Reject SUBMITTER: Bob Vincent , Recreation Vehicle Industry Assn. (RVIA) RECOMMENDATION: Add the following to Section 2-9.1:

All water heaters to be installed with combinat ion or individual devise to prevent ho t water from backing up and out cold water faucets; plus No. 125 relief devise for r e l i e f of pressure at cold water line to outside of RV or holding tank. SUBSTANTIATION: To prevent P and T valve from constantly "weeping" and risk of mis-operation (P and T valves not designed or listed for constant weepage). COMMITTEE ACTION: Reject. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The proposal as submit ted appears to be incomplete and is therefore unclear. The committee could not de termine the in tended revision as the substantiation does no t

nuMPear to fit the proposal. BER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 2"2


(Log #46<]) 501C- 54- (2-9.1.2(g)): Accept SUBMITTER: Samuel E. MeTier, McTier Supply Co.

[ RECOMMENDATION: In 2-9.1.2(g) change "diaphragm vent" to [ "regulator vent" in second line.


AFFIRMATIVE: 18 NOT RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, Thompson

(Log #34) 501C- 55 - (2-9.2.1): Accept SUBMITTER: Kent Perkins, Recreational Vehicle Industry Assn.

I RECOMMENDATION: Change the 24th word of the first sentence from "pipe" to "piping" as follows:

"Each recreational vehicle shall have pe rmanendv affixed to the exterior skin at or near each gas supply connection, or at the end of the ~:.pc Dining. a plate complying with the requirements for exterior labels (see 1-4) 3 in. x 1 3 /4 in. (76 mm x 44 mm) min imum size that reads (as appropriate) either:" SUBSTANTIATION: The gas supply connect ion may be either rigid or semi-rigid material, the term pipe describes rigid materials only while "piping" describes both pipe and tube. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 22 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 18 NOT RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, Thompson

(Log #35) 501C- 56- (2-9.2.1): Accept SUBMITTER: Kent Perkins, Recreational Vehicle Industry Assn. RECOMMENDATION: Delete wording after the first sentence as follows:

"Each recreational vehicle shall have permanently aft'axed t= 2~.c cx=cri~r :kin at or near each gas supply connection, or at the end of the pipe, a plate complying with the requirements for exterior labels (see 1-4.1) 3 in. (76.2 mm) by 1 3 /4 in. (44 mm) min imum size that reads (as appropriate) either:" SUBSTANTIATION: This label would be visible to anyone filling the tank if adjacent to the supply connect ion and doesn ' t need to be on the exterior skin. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 2"2 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 18 NOT RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, Thompson

(Log #12) 501C- 57- (2-10): Reject SUBMITTER: Bill Gaines, Transfer Flow, Inc. RECOMMENDATION: Revise text to read as follows:

2-10 Gasoline or Diesel Fuel Systems f~r Enginz Ccncrat~r Sc~. ~ o n Travel Trailers and Fifth Wheels.


N F P A 5 0 1 C - - F 9 8 R O P

2-10.1 General. T he r equ i r emen t s of this sect ion apply to the installation of gasol ine or diesel fuel systems for travel trailers a n d fifth wheels, i ,ntca~cd f~r uzc - : ' u ~. c.'~--,-;c gcncr=t~r ~cw..

2-10.1.1 The entire fuel system shall be l lquidt ight and vapor t ight f rom the interior of the vehicle.

2-10.1.2 Valves, filters, strainers, a n d similar c o m p o n e n t s shall be accessible for ma in t enance .

2-10.1.3 Auxiliary qutlets for drawing, r e tu rn ing and vent ing mus t b eon top of the fu¢l lank. A'~'~ili:.~" vuf le~ for ~.~'.;Sng fuel f r o m

2-10.2 Genera tor Ready. 2-10.2.1 W h e n a fuel system is installed for an electrical

generator , bu t the electrical genera to r is no t installed at the recreational vehicle factory, all fuel lines between the fuel tank and the genera to r c o m p a r t m e n t shall be rou ted and plugged.

2-10.2.2 T h e following in format ion shall appear on a label and shall be located nea r the fuel filler cap:



2-10.3 Fuel Tank Installation. 2-10.3.1 Location. T h e fuel t ank shall be located u n d e r the

floor, in a compar tmen t , on a trailer A frame, or forward o f the f ron t bu lkhead below the overhang of a fifth wheel trailer. Clearances shall be as specif ied below. All m e a s u r e m e n t s shall be de t e rmined f rom the bo t tom of the tank, or f rom the lowest fitting, support , or a t t a c h m e n t on the tank or tank hous ing , whichever is lower, while the vehicle is level and at d~y its m a x i m u m gross vehicle weight ra t ing (GVWRL

(a) Rear Clearance Line. Above a p lane t angen t to the line connec t ing a poin t tha t is 8 in. (203 ram) above the g r o u n d on the vertical center l ine of the wheel spindle a n d the lowest poin t on the intersect ion of the rear wall and floor lines (skid bars are exc luded) .

(b) Front Clearance Line. Above a p lane t angen t to the line connec t ing a t t ~ po in t tha t is 8 in. (203 m m ) above file g r o u n d on the vertical center l ine o f the wheel spindle and the lowest po in t of the f rame 's f ron t cross m e m b e r . It is no t the in ten t t o p r o h i b i t the fuel tank f rom being located in the A f rame area provid ing ne i ther the fuel tank no r the tank connec t ions ex tend below the bo t tom of the trailer frame.

(c) T h e fuel tank may be located in a c o m p a r t m e n t provided: 1. A c o m p a r t m e n t con ta in ing a fuel tank with filler opening ,

vent, or any combina t ion thereof , within the compar tmen t , shall have no floor.

2. A c o m p a r t m e n t con ta in ing a fuel tank tha t is filled a n d vented to the exterior is pe rmi t t ed to have a floor provided tha t the c o m p a r t m e n t side walls a n d floor are resis tant a n d n o n a b s o r b e n t to fuel, tha t the floor has a m i n i m u m l /2 - in . (12.7-mm) d iamete r dra inage hole at each potential l owpoin t , and tha t the jo in t s between c o m p a r t m e n t side walls a n d f l o o r are sealed to prevent fuel entry.

3. The fuel tank c o m p a r t m e n t shall be vaport ight to the vehicle inter ior a n d sealed so tha t vapors c anno t travel t h r o u g h concea led spaces between the exterior- interior surfaces of the recreat ional vehicle. Sealing c o m p o u n d s used to seal the c o m p a r t m e n t shall be fuel resistant.

4. T h e fuel t ank c o m p a r t m e n t shall no t contain flame- or spark- p roduc ing equ ipmen t .

2-10.3.2 Secur ing of Fuel Tanks. T he fuel t ank shall be secured by fas tenings tha t ho ld it in place when a force equal to 8 t imes the tank 's filled weight is appl ied t h rough the fuel t ank in any direct ion.

2-10.4 Fill System. 2-10.4.1 The filler subsystem shall r un as directly as possible

f rom tile filler cap to the tank. T he filler cap end shall be completely above the top o f the fuel tank. T he fill open ing shall no t be within 36 in. of any hea t source,

2-10.4.2 T h e a rea s u r r o u n d i n g fuel filler pipes and vents shall be sealed so tha t vapors c anno t travel t h r o u g h concealed spaces between t he exterior-interior surfaces of the recreat ional vehicle. The sidewall surface below the filler cap a n d ex tend ing at least 12 in. (304.8 ram) to each side of the cap s vertical center l ine shall be cons t ruc ted of fuel-resistant n o n a b s o r b e n t materials. Sealing c o m p o u n d s used a r o u n d the filler pipe a n d in this a rea s h a l / b e fuel-resistant.

2-10.4.3 A mark ing indicat ing tile type of fuel to be used shall be provided on or near the filler cap.

2-10.5 Fuel Distr ibution System.

2-10.5.1 T u S c z T u b i m t shall be cons t ruc ted of . r i m e a luminized steel or material suitable for use with fuel.

2-10.5.2 Hoses shall conform to SAE J ~ t S tandard _130. Fuel and Oil Hoses, J30R7 or better. , except "..hat ~c.zc ; ; '~; a wire

. . . . . . . . . . b . . . . . . . , - - , . . . . . . . . . . . .

2-10,5.3 Hose-to-tube jo ints shall remain leak-free when subjected to a 20-1b (9,0-kg) axial pul l test applied for 1 min, Hose-to-tube Joints shall remain leak free when subiected to internal pressure of 10 psig.

2-10.5.4 The dis t r ibut ion system shall be suppor t ed to minimize chaf ing and to main ta in at least a 6-in. (152.4-mm) clearance f rom any unsh ie lded exhaus t system componen t .

2-10.5.5 T h e fuel system shall no t be in contact with electrical wiring except as requ i red for c o m p o n e n t operat ion.

2-10.5.6 The fuel system shall be des igned so tha t leakage f rom fuel tanks or jo in ts will no t contact electrical or exhaus t system componen t s . (Drain t roughs may be used as required.)

2-10.5.7 Rollover ven t valves identif ied as comnlving with the Code of Federal Reeula t ions 49 CFR 393.67 harts fc~ fl~ th rough (5) ~rld (d~(2~ shall be used, as applicable. ~'or gasoline or di~¢~l systems.

2-10.6 Fuel T rans fe r /D i spens ing Systems. 2-10.6.1 Systems for t r ans fe r r ing /d i soens ing fuel to o ther vehicles

or conta iners shall be permi t ted when cons t~u~¢d in accordance with these r euu i r emen t s and o ther state and federal laws or r e ~ l a t i o n s as anolicable.

2-10.6.2 All t r ans fe r r ing /d i spens ing s~stem a t t achments inc luding suoolv, re turn and vent fines for fuelsf ia l l be accomnl i shed f rom a t t achments located at the too of the fuel tank. Fill nozzles and hoses shall be protec ted dur in~ t ransoor t ing.

2-10.6.3 Nozzles used for the d i soens ing of fuel shall be des igned v

for use with un l eaded fuel. o f a tr igger a n d hand le ty~_ e. m a d e with an a l u m i n u m cast body. a n d ident i f ied by its manufac tu re r as caoable 9f wi ths tanding mq~lerate abuse. Nozzles shall be comoat ib le with DumPs. ff nrovided.

2-I0.6.4 Fuel DumPs shal l 'be o f the manua l or | 2-volt electr~gai tvoe. The n u m o shall be identif ied bv its manu fac tu r e r as bein~ comnat iblewltIa the fuel tvDe to be used.

2-I0.6.5 Clamns used in t~he fuel system shall be of the cons tant tens ion true. Clarvsler screw d a m n s or eouaL Clamps shall be m a t c h e d ~ i t h the tvoe a n d size of the fuel lines used] W o r m gear clamDs shall no t be used o ther t han at the fill a n d ven t locations at the fuel lank.

2-I0.6.6 In-line fuel filters shall be nermi t ted . W h e n insl~[led, they shall be located in readily accessible locat ions for service. SUBSTANTIATION: The existing s tandard prohibi ts the withdrawal o f fuel f rom on-board systems. Consumer s are demand ing , a n d manufac tu re r s are provid ing , systems for fuel distribution. Safety gu idance is n e e d e d to ensure systems are installed safely for c o n s u m e r usage. Also, the s tandard addresses fuel systems only for gene ra to r sets. The p roposed changes b r o a d e n the s t a n d a r d t o pe rmi t t ranspor t ing and d ispens ing fuel for o ther purposes on travel trailers a n d fifth wheels. COMMITTEEACTION: Reject. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: While the proposal is t h o ro u g h in address ing fuel dis t r ibut ion requ i rements , the commi t t ee is lacking informat ion to approve t h e p r o p o s a i as written. Concerns were raised abou t local, state, a n d f e d e r a l r equ i r emen t s related to t ranspor ta t ion and d ispens ing of fuel. Listed or approved c o m p o n e n t s in a fuel dis t r ibut ion system were also desired, b u t re fe renced s tandards were n o t provided or known. It was believed tha t n e e d e d in format ion for the commi t tee to take action on this Pthroposal could be researched, developed and submi t t ed du r ing

e public c o m m e n t pe r iod so as to allow the commi t tee to take r up riate action.


AFFIRMATIVE: 18 N O T RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor , T h o m p s o n

501C- 5 8 - (2-11): Reject (Log #46r) S t lBMITrER: Samuel E. MeTier , McTier Supply Co. RECOMMENDATION: Revise 2-11 as follows:

2-11 LP-Gas Engine Fuel Installations. Delete p resen t 2-11.1 and 2-11.2 a n d subst i tute the following: 2-11.1 LP-Gas ene lne fuel installations shall be mad e in

accordance with Claaoter 8 9f NFPA 5~,

2 8 2

N F P A 5 0 1 C - - F 9 8 R O P

SUBSTANTIATION: T he NFPA Commi t t ee on Liquefied Pe t ro leum Gases has spen t years in developing reasonable a n d safe r equ i r emen t s for the installation o f engine fuel s ~ t e m s and systems on vehicles o ther than eng ine fuel systems. T h e NPGA Technology and Standards Commi t t ee spen t abou t seven years developing the r equ i r emen t s tha t are now in 8-2.60) covering the pipeaway of pressure rel ief valves on mobi le containers. The NFPA 501C commi t t ee shou ld accept these r equ i r emen t s for the fu ture to increase the safety of mobile LP-Gasiustal lat ions. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reject. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: T he proposa l would require RV e n f o r c e m e n t officials to enforce NFPA 58. In many states, NFPA 58 is m a n d a t e d by law a n d their compl iance m e c h a n i s m s could be in conflict with t he applicat ion of NFPA 501C. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 22 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 18 N O T RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, T h o m p s o n

(Log #CP4) 501C- 59 - (2-11.1): Accept SUBMITTER: Technica l Commi t t ee on Recreat ional Vehicles RECOMMENDATION: Revise Section 2-11.1 as follows:

2-11.1 LP-Gas Vehicle Propuls ion Engine Fuel Installations. D u ~ ".z'*d!!~v:= LP C = systems supplying bo th vapor and l iquid withdrawal shall comply with Chapter 8, Section 8-2 of NFPA 58, S tandard for the Storage and Hand l ing o f Liquefied Pe t ro leum Gases, except as provided for in 2-11.2. S U B S T A N T I A T I O N : Clarified tha t dais section only applies to Propuls ion Engine Systems. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept. NUMBER OF COMMrI~ITEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 22 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 17 ABSTENTION: 1 N O T RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, T h o m p s o n

EXPLANATION OF ABSTENTION: WOZNIAK: Clarity needs to be m a d e abou t applicat ion to single

fuel (liquid) gene ra to r set installations.

(Log #9) 501C- 60 - (2-12 (New)): Accept in Principle SUBMITTER: Patrick Lewis, State of Oregon RECOMMENDATION: Add new text as follows:

Section 2-12 Fuel Disoensin~. T he re shall be no e u u i n m e n t or facilities provided in or on a recreational vehicle i n t ended for or wltich can be used for d isnens in~ fuel to e o u i o m e n t which is no t an integral t a r t of the recreation~al vehicle -(i.e. mo to r cycles. ATV's etc.L SUBSTANTIATION: Some recreational vehicle manufac tu re r s mid dealers have started the practice of offering their cus tomers an optional fuel ing station ei ther in or on recreational vehicles for the purpose of re-fueling moto r cycles, ATV's etc. This practice is no t cu r rendy addressed in the s tandard bu t can be extremely dange rous cons ider ing t he potential of fuel spills and explosive fumes resul t ing f rom the fuel transfer. Because of the h igh risk to consumers , Oregon proposes the s tandard prohib i t the practice of d i spens ing fuel f rom a recreational vehicle until a s t andard is deve loped and adop ted which provides a safe m e t h o d of t ranspor t ing, s tor ing and d ispens ing fuel specifically for dais pu rpose . COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle.

Revise as follows: Section 2-12 Fuel Dispensing. The re shall be no e q u i p m e n t or

facilities provided in or on a recreat ional vehicle i n t ended for or which can be used for d i spens ing fuel to e q u i p m e n t which is no t an integral part of the recreational vehicle. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: Commi t t ee felt the deleted language was confus ing and unnecessary. Also see Commi t t ee Action on Proposal 501C-57 (Log #12). NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MFAIBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 22 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 18 NOT RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, T h o m p s o n

(Log #36) 501C- 61 - (3-2): Accept in Principle SUBMITTER: Kent Perkins , Recreat ional Vehicle Indus t ry Assn. RECOMMENDATION: Reques t tha t t he NFPA Technical Commi t tee on RVs review the ent ire 3-2 sect ion on exit facilities a n d draf t a proposal that would parallel more closely the cu r r en t exit language f o u n d in NFPA 101, Life Safety Code, and the CSA Z240 M86 RV standard.

SUBSTANTIATION: T h e r equ i r emen t s applicable to exits in RV have been changed and modi f ied over the years to the poin t tha t they are v i ewedby some as confusing. In some floor p lan situations, the r equ i r emen t s are n o t appl ied consistently. RVs are smaller t han houses , bu t of ten have m o r e emergency exits. A specific proposal would have been developed for the commit tee ' s considerat ion, bu t the emergency exit ph i losophy of the commit tee needs to be discussed before an actual proposal can be developed. Further , we n e e d e d to ge t this topic into the hands o f the commi t t ee for considera t ion before the actual meet ing . COMMITYEE ACTION: Accept in Principle. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: See Commi t t ee Proposal 501C-62 (Log #CP6). NUMBER OF COMMITrEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 22 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 18 NOT RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor , T h o m p s o n

(Log #CP6) 501C- 62 - (3-2.1, 3-2.2, 3-2.3): Accept SUBMITTER: Technica l Commi t t ee on Recreat ional Vehicles RECOMMENDATION: Revise text as follows:

3-2.1 M i n i m u m Exit Facilities. Recreat ional vehicles shall have a m i n i m u m of two exits located remote f rom each o ther a n d so a r ranged as to provide a m e a n s of unobs t ruc ted travel to the outside of the vehicle. Each ~c~ rccn . cr m-ca dcz 'gncd fer

:~,] ,e ' ,2~LTC- 7.T 7. ̂ T ~.:~'~.~; ~.d ~.LTY_~Y=YJ3Z £~.2~ 22,~2TM:2"2oo U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 1 . . . . 17 . . . . ~ ~ ' ! . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . T~IE . . . . . ~2: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2k . . . . . . '. . . . . . . . . . . / ~ ^ A . . . . . I t . , A L~: . . . . . A 9 o l X

. . . . . t ' r " . . . . . . . . ' " " 6 ~ " ~ " " = ~ ~ ' * J " e r s 3-2.2 Alternate Means m Motor Homes a n d Truck Camp . The al ternate exits in moto r h o m e s a n d t ruck campers shall be located on a wall o the r than tha t wall where the ma in vehicle exit door is located, or shall be located in the roof. Use of the driver's door as an al ternate egress is permi t ted provided tS.=t tF.z d~;'cr 'a . . . . . . . . . . . . . l . . . . . . . . . . . . . v . . . . . . . . . . a rm rests, if any, are retractable and nonlockable when in the a rm rest position. The

3-2.3 Access to Alternate Exits. The pa th leading to an al ternate exit, e.~:~r ~:a~ ~ z t : tz tz~ "n ~ 2.2, shall be no t less t han 13 in. +_! in. (330 nun + 25) wide at the narrowest poin t a n d as a m i n i m u m shall ex t end vertically f rom the suppor t ing surface below the al ternate exit to the top of the al ternate exit. The suppor t ing surface shall be no t more than 3 ft (0.9 m) below the bo t tom of the a l ternate exit a n d shall be capable of suppor t ing a weight of 300 Ib (136 kg). Recreational vehicles tha t contain a des ignated roof a l ternate exit shall be provided with a ladder or equivalent device for de scend ing f rom the roof.

Also add new defini t ion to Chapter 1, 1-3 defini t ions as follows: Remote: The width of the RV or 1 /2 the length of the RV,

whichever is greater, when m e a s u r e d in a s t ra ight line edge to edge of each exit opening . SUBSTANTIATION: Over the years, the r equ i rements for emergency exits have evolved. We watched the size of the requi red open ing increase f rom 11 x 13 to the cu r ren t 17 x 24. We have h ad an array of defini t ions for " remote" and ~unobstructive." Th e changes to the r equ i rements have been m a d e to fu r the r clarify one poin t or ano the r on what was permit ted . Infrequently, if ever, were changes based on statistical da ta always placing fu r the r restrict ion on design. The changes were in response to how the s tandard was to be applied, no t on need. It is no t u n c o m m o n for some RVs, d e p e n d i n g on floor p lan to require th ree exits. In o ther situations, the words within the cur ren t s t andard pe rmi t s i tuations involving s leeping area to exit relat ionships tha t some argue were no t within the spirit of the in ten t o f the commit tee . COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept . NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 22 VOTE ON COMMITrEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 18 N O T RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, T h o m p s o n

COMMENT O N AFFIRMATIVE: LUTTICH: 3-2.1 shou ld def ine ~remote" otherwise e n f o r e m e n t

officials a n d manufac tu re r s will undoub t ed ly be unab le to come to agreement . I believe a straight-line dis tance m e a s u r e m e n t would be mos t beneficial.

3-2.2 shall be re ta ined in its entirety s currently writ ten in the s tandard .

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3-2.3 shall be re ta ined in its entirety as curretnly written in the s tandard because h te commi t tee provided no substant ia t ion for h te 1 in. tolerance.

PABIAN: Section 3-2.3 present ly requires the pa th leading to an al ternate exit to be no t less than 13 in. Therefore , it is no t necessary to place a plus 1 in. to lerance for this d imens ion as this is d ie stated m i n i m u m pa th width.

Also, suggest tha t Proposal 501G-4 (Log #CP7) be relocated into a new subsec t ion 3-2.1.1 be as follows:

"Remote: in order for the exits to he considered remote f rom each o ther they m u s t be a dis tance apar t that is the actual width of the recreational vehicle or one-half the actual l eng th of the recreational vehicle, whichever is greater, when measu red in a s t raight line edge-to-edge of each exit opening ."

The defini t ion p roposed in 501G4 is only applicable to exit facilities in Section 3-2.1 and no t any o ther references to remote in any o ther sect ion of the s tandard.

(Log #37) 501C- 63- (3-2.2): Reject SUBMITTER: Kent Perkins , Recreat ional Vehicle Indus t ry Assn. RECOMMENDATION: Change the second sen tence as follows:

"Use of the driver's door as an al ternate egress-exit is pe rmi t t ed provided tha t the driver's seat locks only in the forward pos i t ion a n d a rm rests, if any, are retractable a n d nonlockable when in the a rm rest posit ion." SUBSTANTIATION: Editorial. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reject. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: See Commi t t ee Proposal 501C-62 (Log #CP6). NUMBER OF COMMrVrEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 22 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 17 NEGATIVE: 1 N O T RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, T h o m p s o n

EXPLANATION OF NEt~ATIVE: LLrlTICH: Sugges ted revised language shou ld be approved if

Commi t t ee Proposal #6 is defeated.

(Log #10) 501C- 64- (3-3.1): Accept in Principle SUBMITTER: Wayne Waggone r , T ennes see Fire Chiefs Assn. a n d TN Fire Safety Insp. Assn. RECOMMENDATION: Revise text to read as follows:

3-3.1 Smoke Detector. At least one integral bat terv-onerated smoke detector shall be installed in each travel trailer or moto r h o m e . fi~at haz a z!ccp'.ng area ~cparated f rom fi~c ! ' ; ' r ig a=:d cooklag area b 7 a door.

Exception: A travel trailer that has only interior li~htin~ canable 9f be ing powered only by a 120-volt or 120-volt/240-volt external Dower suonlv, shall be oermi t ted to be eou i oned with a 120-volt 9pe ra t ed ' smoke detector with batterv bac-k fi6 tha t shall be on a branch-circui t supplyin~ lightin~ ancl recentacle outlets tha t shall no t have ground-fau l t nrotect ion. SUBSTAIqTIATION: "All travel trailers shou ld have the same level of early warning as a single family h o m e . W h e n the detector is hardwired the detectors shall have a bat tery back-up. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle.

Revise as follows: 3-3.1 Smoke Detector. At least one integral battery-operated

smoke de tec tor shall be installed in each fifth wheel, travel trailer or moto r home . Exception: A fifth wheel or travel trailer tha t has only inter ior l ight ing capable o f be ing powered only by a 120-volt or 120- volt/240-volt external power supply, shall be permi t ted to be equ ipped with a 120-volt opera ted smoke detector with battery back up tha t shall be on a branch-circui t supplying l ight ing and receptacle outlets tha t shall no t have groun~l-fault protect ion. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: Fifth wheel trailer n e e d e d to be added for consistency. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 22 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 17 NEGATIVE: 1 N O T RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor , T h o m p s o n

EXPLANATION OF NEGATIVE: WOZNIAK: No evidence has been p resen ted which indicates

tha t smoke de tec tor e q u i p m e n t is a safety feature n e e d e d on all (i.e., fo ld ing trailers) recreat ional vehicles. Do no t the special confines p reven t the readily available detectors to no t be installed in an air flow or in violation of the te rms of their listing(s)?

(Log #3) 501C- 65 - (3-3.3): Reject SUBMITTER: Mark Luttich, State of Nebraska RECOMMENDATION: Revise text as follows:

3-3.3 Installation of Smoke Detector. The requ i red smoke de tec tor shall be instal led in accordance with its listing, bu t n o t within the separate s leeping areas or slide-out rooms tor any similar ~i'ea with ceiling at a lower level than the recreational vehicle 's ma in ceil ing), a m i n i m u m of 6 in. (152 ram) f rom all exterior walls m e a s u r e d edge to edge a n d away f rom the direct flow of air f rom hea t a n d air condi t ion ing outlets. SUBSTANTIATION: Manufac ture rs have been placing smoke detectors on slide-out ceilings. This location can be 10 in. lower than the main ceiling level thus prevent ing early smoke detection. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reject. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: Language is no t n e e d e d because the installat ion ins t ruct ions of listed detectors addresses device


VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION: AFFIRMATIVE: 18 N O T RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor , T h o m p s o n

(Log #38) 501C- 66 - (3-4.1): Accept SUBMITTER: Kent Perkins, Recreat ional Vehicle Indust ry Assn. RECOMMENDATION: Change to first sen tence o f the second pa ragraph as follows:

"The fire ex t inguisher shall be installed in accordance with its listing a n d Section 1-6 of NFPA 10, S tandard for Portable Fire Extinguishers , a n d shall be located within the recreational vehicle inter ior as nea r as practical to the pr imary m e a n s of cgrz-=z exit." SUBSTANTIATION: Editorial. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept . NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 22 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 18 N O T RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, T h o m p s o n

COMMENT ON AFFIRMATIVE: PABIAN: The words "primary m e a n s of" are usually synonymous

and general ly inc luded with the te rm "egress". Since the Commi t t ee agreed to replace the word "egress" in Sect ion 2-4.1 with "exit" the r emain ing po r t i on o f the te rm "primary m e a n s of egress" shou ld be d r o p p e d to read: "The fire extinguisher. . . , and shall be located within the recreat ional vehicle as near as practical to the exit."

(Log #39) 501C- 67 - (3-4.3 Except ion No. 1 ): Accept SUBMITTER: Kent Perkins, Recreational Vehicle Indust ry Assn. RECOMMENDATION: Change Except ion No. 1 as follows:

Except ion No. 1: Normally u n o p e n a b l e a l ternate cg rc~ exit windows shall be pe rmi t t ed to be installed in rear walls. SUBSTANTIATION: Editorial. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept . NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 22 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 18 N O T RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, T h o m p s o n

(Log #43) 501C- 68 - (3-4.7): Accept in Principle SUBMITTER: Kent Perkins, Recreat ional Vehicle Indus t ry Assn. RECOMMENDATION: Revise text to read as follows:

3-4.7 Special Transpor ta t ion Provisions. All recreat ional vehicles providing any en t rance door greater than 36 in. (914 m m ) in width, and an access r a m p for tha t door, or tha t are p ro m o ted as providing ~r prcT.'d¢ the ability for t ranspor t ing or s tor ing internal combus t ion eng ine vehicles shall provide t he following:

(a) A m i n i m u m of one open ing or window on each side of the vehicle 's l o n ~ t u d i n a l centerl ine having a m i n i m u m of 200 in. 2

(0.13 m 2) of free area openable area d u r i n g transit. This vent ing shall be ne rmi t t ed to be located on sidewalls, endwall or t h ro u g h the f lou t 'where oermi t ted (see pa rag raph 3-4.4). Th e top of sidewall and endwall opening~ or windows shall no t be more than 18 in. above the vehicle 's inter ior floor level. As an alternate, a ram air venti lat ion system shall be nermi t ted . This requires a, m i n i m u m of 10 so in. of free onenab le a rea in the forward uppe r end of the t ransoor ta t ion area no in t in~ forward and a m i n i m u m of 10 so in. of free o n e n a b l e area in the lower rear a rea no in t in~ aft. ou t or down.

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(b) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

t°.,^°t.:~.~ .....t.t.._t The floor of the transnortation ar~z shall be nonabsorbent and resistant to the intermit tent contact (mlashinir~ with fuel. If a floor covering or coafin~ is used m accom-nlish above, it shall be seamless. ~Nhere floorln¢ in the transnort aron meets a wall it shall be sealed to the sidewTails and endwall with sealant that is nonabsorbent and resistant to the intermittent contact (snlashin¢~ with fuel.

(c) Elec-trical etluipment and lighting installed in accordance with Sections 511-6(d) and 511-7(b) o f NFPA 70, National Electrical Code.

(d) A listed portable fire extinguisher with a minimum rating of 10B:C, as defined in NFPA 10, Standard for Portable F~re Extinguisher~

(e) LP-Gas ranges and ovens, if provided, shall not contain pilot lights or shall be equipped with a pilot light shut-oE

(f) A warning label placed inside of the RV adjacent to each entry and visible to anyone entering the RV. This label(s) shall be printed with red letters on a white background with the word ~WARNING" a minimum of 3 /4 in. (19 ram) high, text that shall be a minimum of 1 /4 in. (6 mm) high and shall read:

WARNING Any motorized vehicle or any motorized equipment powered with

flammable liquid can cause fire or explosion or asphyxiation if stored or transported within the recreational vehicle. To reduce the risk of fire, explosion, or asphyxiation:

1. Do not allow passengers to ride inside internal combustion engine vehicle storage area while vehicles are present.

2. Doors and windows in walls of seoaration are to be closed while the vehicles are present.

3. Run fuel out of engine after shutting off fuel at the taak, 4. Do not store or transport supplementary motor fuel within

this vehicle. 5. Ventilate the interior of the vehicle to reduce the risk of fire,

explosion, or asphyxiation. 6. Do not operate gas appliances, pilot lights, or electrical

equipment when motorized vehicles or motorized equipment are inside vehicle,

(g) Vehicles that contain a snecial transport~¢qn area with ~, wall of separation and oneninds in the floor shall have a warnin¢ label visible to anyone enterin~ the snecial transnortafion are-,L The label shall have letters a minimum ~/8 in. l~i~h and shall read:


xCg~ (h~ A statement in the owner's manual warning of the hazards of transporting, storing, or cohabitating with internal combustion engines inside the vehicle.

xq0- (i~ A label a r m e d to the interior of the vehicle and a statement in the owner's manual explaining the proper weight distribution for the transportation of internal combustion engine vehides. . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ?_" ZY~7~.~'='_-'_~_ ::'r_~%-.¢.'_ "', . . . . .

Exception No. g l : Recreational vehicles designed and promoted for the physically impaired are not required to comply with the requirements of ~ ~.~ 3-4.7.

Exception No. &2: Portions of recreational vehicles designed to transport animals are not required to comply with ~ ~.8 3-4.7. SUBSTANTIATION: The changes are being proposed to offer more clarity, additional safety in areas that had not previously been considered and where feasible, to offer manufacturers additional design and building flexibility without diminishing safety. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept in Principle. Revise as follows: 3-4.7 Special Transportation Provisions. All recreational vehides

providing any entrance door grater than 36 in. (914 ram) in width, and an access ramp for that door, or that are promoted as providing the ability for transporting or storing internal combustion engine vehicles shall provide the following:

(a) A minimum of one opening or window on each side of the vehide's longitudinal centerline having a minimum of 200 in.2 (0.13 mR) of free area openable during transit. This venting shall be permitted to be located on sidewalls, endwall or through the floor where permitted (see paragraph 3-4.4). The top of sidewall and endwall openings or windows shall not be more than 18 in. above the vehicle's interior floor level. As an alternate, a passive ram air ventilation system shall be permitted. This passive ram air

ventilation system requires a minimum of 10 sq in. of free openable area in the forward upper end of the transportation area pointing forward and a minimum of 10 sq in. of free openable area in the lower rear area pointing aft, out or down.

(b) The floor of the transportation'area shall be nonabsorbent and resistant to the intermittent contact (splashing) with fuel. If a floor covering or coating is used to accomplish the above, it shall be seamle~ W h e r e flooring in the transport area meets a wall it shah be sealed to the sidewalls and endwall with sealant that is

n o n a b s o r b e n t andres is tant to the intermittent contact (splashing) with fuel.

(c) Electrical equipment and lighting installed in accordance with Sections 511-6(d) and 511-7(b) o f NFPA 70, National

I Electrical Code. (d) A listed portable fire extinguisher with a minimum rating of 10B:C~ as defined in NFPA 10, Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishem

(e) LP-Gas ranges and ovens, if provided, shall not contain pilot lights or shall be equipped with a pilot light shut-off.

I (f) A warning label placed inside of the RV adjacent to each entry and visible to anyone entering the RV. Tfus label(s) shall be printed with red letters on a white background with the word ~¢~ARNING" a minimum of 3 / 4 in. (19 ram) high, text that shall be a minimum of 1 /4 in. (6 ram) high and shall read:

WARNING Any motorized vehicle or any motorized equipment powered with

flammable liquid can cause fire or explosion or asphyxiation if stored or transported within the recreational vehicle. To reduce the risk of fire, explosion, or asphyxiation:

1. Do not allow passengers to ride inside internal combustion engine vehicle storage area while vehicles are present.

2. Doors and windows in walls of separation are to be closed while the vehides are present.

3. Run fuel out of engine after shutting off fuel at the tank. 4. Do not store or transport supplementary motor fuel within

this vehicle. 5. Ventilate the interior o f the vehicle to reduce the risk of fire,

explosion, or asphyxiation. 6. Do not ope- rate gas applications, pilot lig[hts, or electxical

equipment when motorized vehicles or motorized equipment are inside vehicle. w ~ ) Vehicles that contain a special transportation area with a

of separation and openings in the floor shall have a warning label visible to anyone enterin[~ the special tra.nsportation area. The label shall have letter a nunimum 3 /8 in. high and shall read:


(h) A statement in the owner's manual warning of the hazards of transporting, storing, or cohabiting with in terna l combustion engines inside the vehicle.

(i) A label affixed to the interior of the vehicle and a statement in the owner's manual explaining the proper weight distribution for the transportation of internal combustion engine vehicles.

Exception No. 1: Recreational vehicles designed and promoted for the physically impaired are not required to comply with the recjuirements of $-4.7. l ':xception No. 2: Portions of recreational vehicles designed to

transport livestock, having a nermanent wall of separation ( p ~ e doors and windows permihec~) from the living section, are not ° required to comply with $-4.7. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: The committee wanted to clarify that ram air ventilation could not be accomplished by mechanical means and wanted to clarify that areas of these vehides for transporting livestock need a wall of separation to be exempt from paragraph 3-4.7. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 22 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 17 NEGATIVE: 1 NOT RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, Thompson

EXPLANATION OF NEGATIVE: BLOOM: Again, all this Committee is doing by accepting this

specific section is to approve a potentially life threatening and dangerous recreational vehicle. Numerous specific points can be raised on the issues of Fire and Life Safety, regarding these ~q~es of vehicles. However, in the interest of keeping the substantiation short, I offer the following substantiation for the Negative Votes:

1. OSHA has classified gasoline as a hazardous material and toxic carcinogen, in which humans should not be in direct contact.

2. Allowing the storage of these materials in the same breathable airspace ano proximity to habitation areas is extremely dangerous.


N F P A 5 0 1 C - - F 9 8 R O P

3. As the committee is well aware, especially during the last several meetings on this issue, these types of units vary in size from a small trailer up to 40 ft in length. Several brochures produced by the manufacturers clearly show the storage of large numbers of ICEWs, including water vessels inside, which clearly show BLOCKED EXITS.

Strictly speaking with the issue of water vessels, it should be known that a boat can have an internal fuel tank with a capacity up to 70 gal or more. It is a common occurrence for boats to experience fuel leaks. It is only a matter of time before fatalities occur from either toxic exposure, fire, or explosion.

3. Additionally, the storage of gasoline in the same living quarters as habitation, is not condoned nor recommended by any known fire department. When such situations are expected to arise under common conditions, like cars parked in residential garages, a ONE-HOUR FIREWALL RATING (5/8 in. SHEETROCK) is REQUIRED to separate the two occupancies. Further, some municipalities (like Los Angeles and Boston) have enacted local ordinances restricting the amount of gasoline storage inside a residence to a total of only 2 gal. FOR LIFE SAFETY PURPOSES, SHOULD THE COMMITTEE DECIDE TO FURTHER APPROVE THIS SECTION, A MINIMUM B R ~ E ~ M E N T MUST INCLUDE A VAPOR-TIGHT BARRIER


As we observed at out 1996 Laughlin meeting, THERE ARE MANUFACTURERS WHICH ALREADY COMPLY WITH THE VAPOR TIGHT BARRIER REQUIREMENT BETWEEN THE STORAGE AREA AND HABITATION AREA. We were in agreement that those manufacturers produced a safe product which met the intentions and written NFPA 501C standard at that time. These units were not design restrictive, other than saying you must provide a reasonable level of safety for the public.

4. Further, all states MUST comply with the DOT and their own regulations regarding the dispensing from and transportation of a gasoline storage container. If further endorsed and approved by this committee, these recreational vehicles MUST comply with ALL Department of Transportation Requirements regardingthe dispensing and transportation of flammable liquids, INCLUDING MSDS SHEETS AND EXTERNAL PLACARDS.

5. Finally, history shows that GM once approved Side-Saddle fuel tanks on their trucks. At the time it was not an issue, but later it was discovered that many people were severely injured and several even died from these unsafe units. AS A RESULT, NOT ONLY WERE NUMEROUS CLASS-ACTION LAWSUITS, BUT IT ALSO RESULTED IN A NATIONWIDE RECALL OF THE UNSAFE UNITS.

I strongly urge that the NFPA both reject the proposals, and also take a pro-active measure requiring a vapor tight barrier between the habitation area and storage area. COMMENT ON AFFIRMATIVE:

PABIAN: Exception No. 1 excluding the RV's from the requirements of $-4.8(e) and (0 if a vapor-fight separation is provided between the special transportation and the living area should be retained.

(Log #42) 501C- 69 - (34.7 Exception): Accept SUBMYITER: Kent Perkins, Recreational Vehicle Industry Assn. RECOMMENDATION: In all three Exceptions change ~ ~.o_. to 3- 4.7. SUBSTANTIATION: Editorial. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: See Committee Action on Proposal 501C-68 (Log #45). NUMBER OF COMMFFrEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 22 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 17 NEGATIVE: 1 NOT RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, Thompson

EXPLANATION OF NEGATIVE: BLOOM: See my Explanation of Negative on Proposal 501C-68

(Log #43).

(Log #7) 501C- 70 - (34.7 Exception No. 1, 2, and 3): Accept SUBMrrTER: Patrick Lewis, State of Oregon RECOMMENDATION: Revise text as follows:

Section 3-4.7 - Exception No. 1: Recreational vehicles having vaportight separation between the special transportation area and the living space are exempt from the requirements of $ !.E 3-4.7 (e) and (f).

Exception No. 2: Recreational vehicles designed and promoted for the physically impaired are not required to comply with the requirements of ~" ~.o $-4.7.

Exception No. $: Portions of recreational vehicles designed to transport animals are not required to comply with ~ ~.o 3-4.7. SUBSTANTIATION: This proposal is for the purpose of correcting existing text which currendy references the wrong sections of the standard. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: See Committee Action on Proposal 501C~68 (Log #43). NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTF~ 2"2 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 17 NEGATIVE: 1 NOT RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, Thompson

EXPLANATION OF NEGATIVE: BLOOM: See my Explanation of Negative on Proposal 501C-68

(Log #43).

(Log #40) 501C- 71 - (3-4.70) (New)): Reject SUBMITTER: Kent Perkins, Recreational Vehicle Industry Assn. RECOMMENDATION: Add a new item (i) to read as follows:

(i~ A means of anchorin~ the internal combustion engine - - v

vehicle bein~ transDortecl. SUBSTANTIATIO-N: An unanchored ICEV could prevent a safety

oblem due to fuel leakage. MMITTEE ACTION: Reject.

COMMITTEE STATEMENT: Committee does not believe this is a fire related issue, the proposal is vague and is unenforceable. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MF.MB~_~RS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 22 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 18 NOT RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, Thompson

(Log #41) 501C- 72 - (3-4.70) (New)): Reject SUBMITTi/~R: Kent Perkins, Recreational Vehicle Industry Assn. R F . C ~ D A T I O N : Add a new (j) as follows:

(i~ If auxiliary fuel tanks are nrovided to store and disnense f ~ ] for the transvorted or stored internal combustion en~ne vehicle, the fuel tanl~ and distribution system shall comniv with anniicable portions of 2-10 of this standard. On these permanently mounted anxiliarv fuel tanks, a fuel disnensin~ system shall be providcd thi~t includes a listed aasoline dis~ihution nozzle. SUBSTANTIATION: RV manufacturers are now installing auxiliary fuel tanks to allow ouboard transport of fuel for these special transportation units. These installations are not currently addressed and safety requirements are needed. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reject. COMMITTEE STATRMI~T: Only the nozzle for dispensing of fuel is being addressed. Overall, there is a lack of requirements related to the distribution of fuel by consumers. Further, section 2-10 has a prohibition for drawing fuel from the tank except for draining the tank. Also see Committee Action on Proposal 501C-


AFFIRMATIVE: 18 NOT RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, Thompson

(Log #46s) 501C- 73 - (5-1.1 and 5-1.2.4): Accept SUBMITTER: Samuel E. McTier, McTier Supply Co. RECOMMENDATION: Revise 5-1.1 as follows:

5-1.1 NFPA Publications. NFPA 58, Standard for the Storage and Handling of Liquefied

Petroleum Gases, I~c~22 1998 edition. 5-1.2.4 UL Publications. UL 144-1997. Standard for LP-C, as Re~alators.


AFFIRMATIVE: 18 NOT RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, Thompson


N F P A 5 0 1 C / 5 0 1 D - - F9 8 R O P

(Log #44) 501C- 74- (5-1.2.1): Accept SUBMITTER: Kent Perkins, Recreational Vehicle Industry Assn. RECOMMENDATION: Change ANSI/ASME B$6.10M to ANSI/ASME A5 $84A. SUBSTANTIATION: Editorial. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 22 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 18 NOT RETURNED: 4 Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor, Thompson

COMMENT ON AFFIRMATIVE: PABIAN: See my C o m m e n t on Affirmative on Proposal 501C-35

(Log #22), herein.


(Log #CP1) 501D- 1 - (Entire Document) : Accept SUBMITTER: Technical Commit tee on Recreational Vehicles RECOMMENDATION: Renumber the s tandard on Recreational Vehicles Parks and Campgrounds f rom NFPA 501D to NFPA 1194. SUBSTANTIATION: To be consistent with NFPA, mandat ing to remove all letters from NFPA standards references. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept. NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 22 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 16 ABSTENTION: 1 NOT RETURNED: 5 Bloom, Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor,


WEINERT: With respect to the Committee Actions on the proposals accompanied this ballot, please record me as voting in abstention on these issues due to existing California State laws and regulations governing RV campground construction and maintenance°

(Log #1) 50113- 2 - (1-3 Campground, Camping Unit, Destination, Developed Campground, Extended Stay, Fill Developed Campground, Recreational Vehicle Park, Primitive Campground, Semi-Developed Campground, Semi-Primitive Campground, Senior Adult, Traveler): Reject SUBMITTER: David Gorin, Nat'l Assn. of RV Parks & Campgrounds RECOMMENDATION: Proposed Changes to 1-3 Definitions:

1. Campground. Any parcel or tract o f land under the control of any person, organization, or governmental entity wherein two or more r c c r c a ~ = : ! ; ' :h 'c!c, rccrca'2c.:=a! ~ark "~-:21cr, - - : ~ / c r cem='=g u•'t : ' tcz camping unit sites are offered for the use of the

Lr--lcr:, ==:d/zr t%.-z~$.qg : :z '~ . The terms Recreational Vehicle Park and campground may be used interchangeably. Campgrounds can be one of the following types:

2. Camping Unit. A . . . . . . . ..~_., . : . ._:. ^,~.^_ .t.__ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l . . u l ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . It" . . . . . .

Portable structure, shelter or vehicle des igned and in tended for occupancy by persons engaged in RVing or camping. The basic umts are: recreational vehicle, recreational park trailer, camping cabin, housekeeping cabin, tent, tepee, yurt, and other rental accommodat ions for enjoying the outdoor exl?erience.

3. Destination. An RV park or campground eontmning facilities (e.g. swimming pools, restaurants, golf courses, and p lanned recreational programs, etc.) and catering to RVers and campers who will typically travel ex tended distances to stay for ex tended periods (e.g. a weekend, a week or longer) .

4. Developed Campground. A campground with two or more . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . camping unit sites accessible by vehicular traffic where sites are substantially developed with two or more utilities i.e. sewer, water or electric and refuse disposal systems, flush toilets, bafiz'eg shower facilities and water are provided.

5. Extended Stay. An RV park or campground that caters to ex tended stays, full timers, and seasonal use rather than short term accommodat ions .

6. Full Developed Campground. No change. 7. Recreational Veh ide Park. Any parcel or tract of land under

the control of any person, organization, or governmental entity ! k I I I I wherein two or more rccrc=Sz== vc.. 'c.c, rczr~='2c==. F - - z ~",

~ . _ ^- c-..~.=:~= "~!t z'te= camping unit sites are offered for the l ~ l r I use of t h e p u b l l c or members of an organlzauon . . . . F : . -~ c_-c

. . . . . . . . . . . r . . . . . . . . . , - - ' - , . . . . . r '"~, . . . . . . The terms Recreational Vehicle Park and campground may be used interchangeable. Types of Recreational Vehicle Parks include:

Ownersh ip /Membersh ip and Specialty. An RV park or campground that is e i ther opened to members or owners only, or where the sites are individually owned. This category also includes RV parks or campgrounds that are owned by, or cater to, specific audiences such as religious organizations, equestr ian groups, square dancers, c lothing optional recreatiomsts, etc. 8 . Primitive Campground. No change.


NFPA 501D - - F98 R O P

9. Semi-Developed C ampground . A c a m p g r o u n d with two or more recrca~onal ; 'ch 'cle cr rccrca'2~nc2 par ' : t r-- lcr u n ' t ~'tc: c amp ing un i t sites, accessible by vehicular traffic. Roads, facilities (toilets a n d / o r privies) and refuse disposal are provided.

10. Semi-Primitive C ampground . No change. The above categories r ep resen t descr ipt ions of c a m p g r o u n d s

general ly f o u n d in the public sector. 11. Senior Adult. An RV park or c a m p g r o u n d for the exclusive

use of senior individuals 55 years of age or older. 12. Traveler. An RV park or c a m p g r o u n d where RVers and

campers stay for a day or week as an alternative to o ther types of lodging while traveling or vacat ioning or to enjoy the local at tract ions within a given area. SUBSTANTIATIO N: T he p roposed changes are sugges ted to clarify a n d simplify the s t a n d a r d b y g r o u p i n g all camping uni ts u n d e r a single term. It is ou r view that this simplification is impor tan t to those who use die s tandard. COMMITTEE ACTION: R~ec t . COMMITrEE STATEMENT: The defini t ions are no t used within Chapter 3 and. are outside the scope of dais standard. . This proposal mall be forwarded to the ANSI Accredi ted A l l 9 Commit tee . NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 22 VOTE ON COMM IT T E E ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 16 ABSTENTION: 1 NOT RETURNED: 5 Bloom, Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor,


LEWIS: P roposed changes to ANSI A I I 9 . 4 / N F P A 501D: Chapter 1 General.

1-2 Scope. The in ten t of dais s tandard is to provide m i n i m u m const ruct ion r equ i r emen t s to ensure a reasonable degree of safety a n d heal th for occupants us ing facilities suppl ied by recreat ional vehicle parks and campgrounds , which offer t empora ry living sites for use by recreat ional vehicles, recreational park trailers, and o ther c amp ing units.

1-3 Definitions. Campground . /May parcel or tract of land u n d e r the control of

any person, organization, or governmenta l enti ty where in two or more recreational velticle, recreational park trailer ~ . d / o r o ther camping un i t sites are offered for the use o f the public or m e m b e r s of an organizat ion.

Camping Unit . A rccrcafis :ml ca..-~F'=g u:: ' t cAher ".!.a.'~ a :ecrea ' -c=al ;'z!:!c!e vr recrea*2c~2 F ~ k tra '!er "2=ed tc F r c : ' d a . . . . . . . . ~ , . . r ~ , ~ ~ . . . . . . t : . , : . . . . . . . . . . . b -1 . . . . . . . . * ^ - rccrcat 's=z2, cz=~,p'zg, or zc=c~a l uzc. A port~3ble s tructure, shel ter or vehicle desimaed and intende~l for occuoancv bv ne r sons en~a~ed in Rvinu or camoin~. The basic un i t s ' i nc lude I~ut are n o ( l i m i t e d to re&eational" vJaicles. recreat iqnal park trailers, c amp i ng cabins, h o u s e k e e p i n g cabins, tents, tenees, yurts, and o ther rental accommodat ions .

Camnin~ Uni t Stand. A snecific area within a recreat ional vehicle oark or c a m t m r o u n d set aside for use bv a camoin~ unit .

Density. "l~e n u m b e r of . . . . . . . . : ^ ~ •.^t.;~t^, L ^ . 2 _ ^ , : ^ ~ ~.~t, h-.x'lcr, a n d / o r campin~ uni t sites on a un i t o f land area.

Recreational park Trai ler Site. A ;pec '~c arza ;7"~='n a . . . . . . • t ^ - - . 1 . , - - l . l . I . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . .~ . ^ . - . t ~ ^ 4r . . . . . . k • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L " . . . . . . . t ' l b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I a

. . . . . . . :^--~ ~^.~ . . . . :l~.~ S Camp" g U " ite. . . . . . . . . . . . r . . . . o. . . . . . ee nn nit S a i i Recreational Park Trailer Stand. , ~n =rza zcmF.c tz .7 co:=tz2ned

. . . . . . . . . . . . r . . . . . . . . . See Camp, ng U m t Stand. Recreational Un i t Site. A recreational vehicle, recreat ional park

trailer, or camping un i t site. See C amni n~ Uni t Site• Recreational Vehicle Park. Any parcel or tract o f land u n d e r the

control o f any person, organizat ion, or gove rnmen ta l enti ty where in . : I t ' two or m o r e recreat ional vehicles, recreat ional park trailer, e.-~, or

o ther c amp ing un i t sites are offered for the use o f public or m e m b e r s of an organizat ion. RV parks are ~primarily desi.gned to a c c o m m o d a t e recreat ional vehicles, recreat ional park trailers, ~ . .~ /o r o ther camping units.

• • • x . . . . : r . . . . . . : % 1 _ : . . . . . . . . - . ~ ^ ~ l Recreauona l Vehncle Snte . . . . r . . . . . . . . a ~; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . veh'c!z Fv.rk ~r . ~ m p g r c ' ~ ' ~ act a : '~e for thz accc.'z'~'..e~a'-c.'-, of a

"d.~'~L See Gamnin~ Uni t Site. Rec reauona l Vehm le S tand . . . . . . . . . . . . t - . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . : ~ : . : : :m

. . . . . . . u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f~ . . . . pi . . . . . . . . . . . . . I t I recrcaS~.nm vca 'c .e . See C amni n~ Uni t Stand.

Stand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

~:e=e u .x ' : . See Campi ng Unit Start0,

Water Riser Pipe. Tha t por t ion of the water system serving the recreational vehicle, recreat ional park trailer, a = ~ / o r o ther camping un i t site tha t extends f rom the water supply main th rough a lateral b ranch and te rminates at a water connect ion .

WIGHT: T h e suppor t ing in format ion for us ing the t e rm " c a m p i n g Unit" t h r o u g h o u t the documen t , as reques ted by both the Al19.4 and NFPA commit tees , was submi t t ed in a t imely fashion by Pat Lewis. His d o c u m e n t to Bruce Hopkins da ted October 20, 1997 clearly confirms the simplicity o f u s i n g the term " c a m p i n g Unit" t h r o u g h o u t the d o c u m e n t without any conflicts. EXPLANATION OF ABSTENTION:

WEINERT: See my Explanat ion of Abstent ion on Proposal 50113- 1 (Log #CP1).

(Log #2) 5OLD- 3 - (3-2.2): Accept SUBMITTER: David Gor in , Nat'l Assn. of RV Parks & C a m p g r o u n d s RECOMMENDATION: Delete:

| 3.2.2 Refuse. A refuse disposal system shall be provided. S U B S T A N T I A T I O N : This i tem is already found in 4-11 a n d it seems unnecessa ry to inc lude this twice even t h o u g h one re ference is in regard to fire safety and the o ther is in regard to env i ronmenta l hea l th and sanitation. COMMITTEE ACTION: Accept . NUMBER OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 22 VOTE ON COMMITTEE ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 16 ABSTENTION: 1 N O T RETURNED: 5 Bloom, Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor,


WEINERT: See my Explanat ion of Abstent ion on Proposal 501D- 1 (Log #CP1).

(Log #3) 5OLD- 4 - (A-l-3 Recreational Vehicle Site): Reject SUBMITTER: David Gor in , Nat'l Assn. of RV Parks & C a m p g r o u n d s RECOMMENDATION: Delete text as follows:

Append ix A Explanatory Material A 1 ~ P.ccreation~2 Vc!:'clc Site. At tent ion "z callz~ tc t~.z fact

~ ' ~ - - ' i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . camF:=g uni t z'tc"

IMPORTANT NOTE: T h r o u g h o u t the s tandard, where the te rms "recreat ional vehicle, recreat ional park trailer a n d camping unit" are used together , ARVC in tends to propose that the te rm "camping units" be subst i tu ted for tha t phrase . SUBSTANTIATION: T h r o u g h o u t the s tandard, where the t e rms "recreational vehicle, recreat ional park trailer a n d camping unit" are used together, ARVC is p ropos ing tha t the t e rm "camping units" be subst i tu ted for tha t phrase. COMMITTEE ACTION: Reject. COMMITTEE STATEMENT: T h e proposal is too broad to address. T h e submi t t e r shou ld have ident i f ied each area of the s tandard where change was requested. NUMBER OF COMMITrEE MEMBERS ELIGIBLE TO VOTE: 22 V O T E ON C O M M I T T E E ACTION:

AFFIRMATIVE: 16 ABSTENTION: 1 N O T RETURNED: 5 Bloom, Jacobson, Kiefer, MacGregor ,


WEINERT: See my Explana t ion of Abs ten t ion on Proposal 501D- 1 (Log #CP1).


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