Download - Rock High School


Round Rock High School, just north of Austin in the Texas Hill Country, sprawls over 88 acres !t feels like a s"all li#eral$arts college% There is a junior R&TC Training center There are #asket#all courts, a gy"nastics facility, a swi""ing pool, a foot#all field, soccer fields, and a #ase#all dia"ond that, along its outfield fence, #ears a faded sign co""e"orating the school's ())* state cha"pionship victory!n +anuary ,--*, the principal called (*$year$old +ean .arlo /on0anelli out of first$period history class and down to the office to join a waiting detective who took hi" to the local station for 1uestioning A girl he knew had run away fro" ho"e and the police were curious a#out her wherea#outs They also suspected do"estic a#use 2The girl declined a re1uest for an interview, so her na"e has #een withheld to protect her privacy3/on0anelli had known this girl since the last day of ,--4, when he attended a 5ew 6ear's /arty at her ho"e 78e go to the sa"e high school,9 he re"e"#ers her telling hi" in the kitchen

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