Download - Romeo and Juliet


Diapositiva 1

Romeo and Juliet

Clsicos EscolaresIES Mediterrneo Mlaga

Juliet's Family

Lord Capulet


Lady Capulet

The nurse


Prince of Verona

Romeo's Family

Lord Montague


Lady montague



Friar Laurence


-The two families: Capulets and Montages hated each other.

-Romeo, Mercutio and Benvolio decided to go to the masked ball party.

-When Romeo saw Juliet at her party, he fell in love with her at first sight.


- Romeo went to see Juliet at her balcony and they decided to marry.

- The nurse told Juliet's message to Romeo. They were going to marry in Friar Laurence's church.

- Juliet left home and went to the church. Romeo was there and they finally got married.


-Tybalt was looking for Romeo in Verona to punish him for insulting his family at the masked ball.

- Romeo killed Tybalt because Tybalt killed Mercutio. Now Romeo is exiled from Verona and he has to leave Juliet for a while.

- He hid on the friar's church, he planned about saying goodbye to her. Juliet's family wanted her to marry Paris.


-Juliet told the Friar all her parent's plans. She accepted the idea of taking that bottle and drink it to make her parents think she's dead on the day of her wedding with Paris.

- The nurse saw that Juliet hadn't been replying to her calls, everybody thought she was dead.

- All her family started to prepare Juliet's funeral.


- Romeo hasn't received the letter from the Friar telling him about the plan.

-He couldn't live without Juliet so he bought a poison to kill himself.

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