  • 8/13/2019 Rosemary Works Newsletter 17th January 2014


    This week in Nursery Class we have been looking at

    each of our families and learning about how we grow.

    We have been caring for the dolls and learning aboutdifferent sizes by drawing pictures of our families in sizeorder.

  • 8/13/2019 Rosemary Works Newsletter 17th January 2014


    This weekReception Class

    have had great funwith 3D or 'fat'shapes. We been

    sorting, matching,naming anddescribing themthrough games andin the meantimeenjoying practisingother skills such astiming each otheron a digital timer

    and keeping scoreson a scoreboard.We've also hadfantastic fun usingthem to enhanceour constructionand fantasy-play,combining themcreatively withother resources suchas the woodenblocks and people.Check out some ofour GIANT 3DModels. Can youguess what theymight be?

  • 8/13/2019 Rosemary Works Newsletter 17th January 2014


    In Year 2/3 this

    week we have

    been thinking

    about movement

    and holding

    poses ingymnastics.

    Weve enjoyed

    looking at more

    complex ways to

    move by thinking

    about how many

    points of contact

    we need to make

    with the floor.

    In Year 1 we looked at both natural and electrical light sources,

    how light is reflected in straight lines from a mirror. We saw what

    changes happen to our eyes when a room goes from dark to light(our pupils changed size) and we also learnt that the moon is not

    a light source. The library has been blacked out and so wevebeen doing many of our experiments in there.

  • 8/13/2019 Rosemary Works Newsletter 17th January 2014


    This week, the focus was to tighten up on playground behaviour and niceness toward each other. Most of the

    time, our children are lovely to each other, but it is always great to celebrate those who try extra-hard to beinclusive, calm and kind. Well done to these children for doing just that.

    Next weeks focus is for children to be more independent and responsible when moving around the school.

    The Musician of the Week goes to Matilda in Year 2. Paul was so impressed with her knowledge of The Beatles

    and her solo performance of Help. Her singing voice is getting better and better and her confidence has really

    grown. Well done Matilda!

    The Artist of the Week goes to Evan in Reception Class for his lovely drawing and writing to accompany the

    work Reception Class have been doing on Oliver Jeffers book Lost and Found. Great stuff Evan Well done!

  • 8/13/2019 Rosemary Works Newsletter 17th January 2014



    Nursery Class ....... AlbertaReception Class ... Milo and YvieYear 1 ..................... Sam

    Year 2/3 ................ Dolly


    Nursery Class

    Thalia- for always being so happy and friendly towards the otherchildren within the class and for playing with a wider range of toys.

    Violet- for always playing so nicely and fairly with her friends and forhelping a shier child to feel more confident within the classroomsurroundings.

    Reception Class

    Ellie Mae- A big well done and thank you to you for playing so nicelyoutdoors, being inclusive and inviting others into your games, using ouroutdoor toys so well and always helping to put them away-superstar!

    Year 1

    Alfiefor showing maturity and good behaviour in all areas of schoolthis past week and on the school trip. Also for completing all of hisschool work to a high standard.

    Year 2/3

    Oscar is our Star of the week for being 'Doctor' of the cheer-uphospital. Oscar has made a wonderful effort to cheer up children whoare upset in the playground. What a fantastic idea!

    Musician of the Week Matilda

    Artist of the Week Evan

  • 8/13/2019 Rosemary Works Newsletter 17th January 2014


    For Your Diary22ndJanuary............................................................................ PERFORM in school working with R, Y1 & Y2/3

    WB Monday 27thJanuary ..................................................... National Storytelling Week (Details to follow)

    31stJanuary ............................................................................. Chinese New Year Celebrations begin

    Menu Next Week

    Teach your child the Underwear Rule

    I am aware that children like to read the newsletter, so I implore you to find out more information about thisonline by pressing the following links. For the website presshere;for the video presshere.

    Coats for Kids Appeal

    Now that the Christmas holidays are over, the children and youngpeople we support who are struggling to find the basic necessitiesarent thinking about school; theyre worrying about how they willendure the harshest months of the year without adequate clothing tostay warm.

    We have an urgent list of over 3,000 children and young peoplewaiting for a winter coat this year. Presshereto visit their website.

    Please donate via their Just Giving pagehereor drop your old coatsoff with Alannah by the end of January at the latest.

    Many thanks in advance.

    L U N C H

    --------------------Five bean chilli

    and riceserved with


    sweetcorn & salad


    Fresh seasonal fruit

    T E A

    ------------------Carrot & lentil

    soup & pear cake

    L U N C H

    --------------------Spaghetti al

    Pomodoroserved with

    garlic bread &



    Pineapple upside-

    down cake

    T E A

    -------------------Cheese on toast & flapjack

    L U N C H

    --------------------Quorn sausages &

    mashserved with

    peas & salad



    T E A

    --------------------Minestrone soup &


    L U N C H

    --------------------Macaroni cheese

    served withgreen beans &



    Fresh seasonal fruit

    T E A

    --------------------Beans on toast &

    seasonal cake

    L U N C H

    --------------------Jacket potato

    served withtuna mayo,

    cheese, beans,

    coleslaw & salad


    Fresh seasonal fruit

    T E A

    --------------------Vegetable soup &

    rice pudding

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