


; [ . U;(l";.Under Secretary (Revenue).

Panaji, 6thM~Y, 1991.



No. 22/78/90-RD .

Whereas by .Government Notification No. 22/78/90-RD dated 6-8-1990 published' on page 303 of Series II, No. 25 of. the Official Gazette, dated 20-9-1990 and in two newspapers (1) Gomantak dated 17.-8-1990 (2) Herald dated .13-8-1990 it was notified under section.4 of the' Land ACquisition Act,1&94 (Central Actl.of1894) (her'einaffJer referrel,i to asUthe said Act") that the land, specified in the Schedule appended to the said Notification was likely to' 'beneeded for the. public purpose viz. LandAcquisition for .extension. of D.W.C.No.45 of RlghtBank. Main..Canal of. .,mjunem IrrigatioJ;lProject .beyond Syph9n. " '

,And whereas, the Govetnment of, Gda' .(hereinafter referred,to. .ag'.'the-Government");after .co~ideriD.g' the. report ni~eunder sUli-section (~5 dfsectlon. 5Aof the said,A~t is-sattiifie(Ithat;ther8.nd~l? the Schedule

. . heretO , isneedeQ':for,thePtib!j,cpqrpose ~speclfied .above . C4ereinafter referre4 to as "the s~id land"). . ,

" -" . _ '_ , ,',f,l' :' --"' ... " ,-

Now, therefore;, the Government heTE)bydeclares, under section 6 of the said Act, that the said laiid is required for the public purpose specified above. '

2. The C}overnment also appoints, under clause (c) of section 3 of the said Act, the Special Land Acquisition' Officer, Duler, '~pusa to perform t4e functions .of a -Collector for all' proceedings hereinafter to be taken. in

r.espect of thE;) .said,~nd, and directs ,him under section 7 of th~. said Act to'liike order for the acquisition of the said land.' '

. ,

.3~ , A plan' of .th~iVaingankar.

0: Smt.M,anoramahaiRaoji Rane. 113.00 T:Shri ArjUn Bhikaro VaingankaJr. 0:, Smt. Mahor'amaibai Ra6ji Rane. ' 70.00

T: NavsoDeo Vaing!IDkar. , '

0: Snit. ,Manoramabai Raoji, Rilne, '45.00

T: Shri Mukund Shivram Vaingan!ro.r. "

0: Smt. ManoramabaiRaojiRane.


T: ,Shri Anta' DattaVaingallkai-.


0: Smf. ManoramabatRaoji Rane; "


T:Shri Arjun, Bhikar6 Vaingankar,

0: Smt. Manoramabai R.aojiRan,e, T: Shri Navso Vaj:njgankar.'


0: Smt. ManO'ramabai RaojiRane,


T: Shri Vishnu NagojiNaik. '

0: Smt:Manorari:i.abalRaoiji Rane.' T: SJ:I.ii' Vishnu NagojiNaik. " 0: Sblri.Arjim JaganathQaUnklair,


600.0'0 950.00

"T: Shri KashihathJaganath GauDkar.


.o" ,

Nortl1:S. NO'. 146/6. " Soutl1:S. ,No. 148' ~.214.. East:S.:No;142/4,5; 146/6; 7..-8. 9;;10,

11, 12;13, ,147/3, 6,11, 12; 140/43. 'VVest:S. N(). 146/6, 7; 8; 9, 10,H, 12, 13" :147/3,6, 11; 12,140/43."

'.Cotal: 3179.00

4. The-Government further appeints under clause (c) ef sectien 3 of the said Act. Special Land Acquisitien Officer, ' (l{enkim Railway Lilie) , Nerth goa" Panaji to' perfO'rm the functiO'ns O'f a COllecter' under the said Act, in respect O'f the said land;

, 5. The Gevernmentalseautherises~nd~r sub-sectien t2}

, of sectien 4 of the said Act, the' fO'llewing O'fficers to' de the acts, 'specified ,therein in respect of the said Iand.-:'

1. The Cellector,' NO'rth GO'a. Dist., Panaji.

.. ,I. " _ " .

2. Special Land Acquisition Officer, NO'rth Gea KO'nkan -Railway CorporatiO'n Liniited,Durga Bhavan,: Tonca, Caranzalem,' Goa.

3,. The" Executive Engineer, (ConstructiO'n), Konka;n Railway Corporation,' Panaji. '

4. ~e DirectO'r 'O'rt.and Survey,Panaji.

, 6. A rough plan of the said land is available for ~pectiQn in,the office of the Special Land AcquisitiO'n, O~ficer, (Konkan ~ RailwayLine),NorthGoa; panaji,. fora,J?en~d 'o~ 30'd.a:ys, from the" date of publication, of tlps NotiflCatiO'n In OffICIal

Gazette; " , ' , ,


, (De~ption of the said land)'

Ta~ka: BichO'lim vuzage: Naroo "



SurVey,No. Names of the persons believed

: area 1D

to be interested "

Bub. Dlv. NO.

sq. Dits.


1 II

52/5 part 52/14 part

, 52/4 part .52/13 part

O/Frlincisco VicentO';, 8000 O/Ayailtano ,de CarvalhO'; O/Sitabai Raghuveer SaW-ant." ,~650a

'O/Pandurang HariSawantSubhader. O/Savitri Sankar sawarit Subhader. O/Krishna Sankar Sawant'Subna Dessal; O/Vishwanath Sm'yara:o Oessai.


400 950 850 1600, 1000 2000

107/13 part 107/14 part' 107/15 part :107/16 197/1.7 part 107/18 part 107/19 part 107/20 Part: lQ7/21" part 107/22 .part 107/23 part 107/24 part 1'07/2,5 part 107/26 part 107/27 part 107/28 part 107/29 part 107/1 part

O/Emil Pereira. T /KuSSQ Anant Gadekar: O/Emil Pereira. T/~axman Sayan Gadekar. O/Dattaram Mahadev Narvekar. T/Tukaram Mukund Chdankar. O/Brasilio Benjarriin. O/Henery Mascarenhas. O/NicQlas MelchiO'rCiriaco Mascarenhas. T/Keshav Mukund Chdahkar. O/Anad Satu Kamat. O/Vishnu Ganesh' Kamat. ,()/GO'vind Kamat Azrekar. O/Govind Trivikram Kamat. T/:Pandha.ri Tatu Chopdekar. . 0/Ahad Satu Kamat. 'O/Vishnu Ganesh Kamat. O/GovindKamat Azl'ekar. . O/GO'vind Trivikram Kamat. ~T/Rohidas GO'vind KO'uthankar. T/Dhananjai Govind Kouthankar. O/Jack D'MellQ. , ' T/Rajaram Pundalik ChO'dankar. O/Jack D'MeUO'. ;,' T /Ra,ylu Narayan ChO'dankar. O/AnitaPintoE'SO'uza; T/SuryaRamacrul.1ldra Divikar. O/Lily Mendes., . " O/Gang:abai Dhananjai Nagwenkar. T/Raghunath Ladu ChO'pdekar. O/A. PremIal RapO'sa.. T/Yeso Vanan KarbO'dkar. O/CaitarrO' Filip Rodrigues. T/Indirabai Vishwanat):1 Pilgaohkar. O/Caitario Filip SO'uza. , . T/Devidas PurushO'ttam 'Chopdekar. ' O/Baba .Sakhardande. , .' T / Anand Krishna Shi:mgaIi. O/B~ba Sakhardande. T/Bhiku Sadashiv Thanekar. O/Krishna Babulo Naik. T/Damu Manguesh CO'uthahkar. T/SantoshManguesh Couthan"kar. O/TeO'dO'lina LO'pes LO'bo., T/Chandrakant Manguesh Thanekar. O/Anand Satu, Kamat. ' O/Vishnu ,Ganesh Kamat; O/GO'vind Kamat Azrekar. O/GQvind TrivitramKamat. OjJack D'Seqeiia. ' O/Martino LO'bo. o/Cristalina' CO'mera.

475 . 475. 475 45!r 475475 45() 450 725 425 425 425 .175250


o/Suryaji 'Suryarao 'Oessai.

9/Evil Pereira.



O/Bhaskar Fattu Suryarao Dessai. O/Nilakant R. Suryarao Oessai.

O/Kalyan Panachandi Narvenkar. O/Jack D'Mello.

,o/Sun?erraO' B. SuryaraO' Oessai.

O/Lily Mendes.


O/Laxlmikant Suryarao Oessai. ,9/Vaman SuryaraO'Dessai. O/Shriram Suryarao De;ggai. T/Antulo BhisO' Naik.

O/Ohananji Nagvehkar. O/CaitahoSQuza,. O/CaitanO' Rodrigues. O/Bala'Sakhardande.


O;Bas~o Bengamino Hen~ry" MasCarenhas. O/NicO'!as Mekchiorciriaco ~Mascarehhas. ' T/Ana~t'Shabu Jalmi'. O/B~silio B~ngamino Henery,Mascarerihas, '

800 800

]06/1 part

O/TeO'filo FO'nseca. O/Arthur FO'nseca. O/Jack D'Sequera. O/OrtinhO' Matias Oias.o / Art~ur' FO'nseca. O/TeO'fiIo FO'nseca. o/Francis',Segufr;'!. O/Lily Mendes.



SERIES'!I ""No.21,~' 13TH SEPTEMBER, 1991

1 2

. "

O/Bala Sakhardunde. O/Te~filina Pais.

,100/2 part 0/A. ,Premlal Raposa.. 'T/Shainba GQpaIThanekar.

lOO/3part O/OrfinMathias Dias. "," TjManguesh Narv-ekar Morajkar.

100/4 part O/Tiafilu Fonseca. T/Mahadev Vasu Morajkar.

106/5 part O/Tiafilu Fonseca.. T/Ramanath ~hna Mayekar.

'106/6 part O/Jack D'Sequira. O/Francis Sequeira. . "'r/Raghuveer' RamachandraCOCgaokar.

l06/.1 part O/Jack D'Sequira. ~ O/Francis Sequeira. ., T/KrishnaShainba Corgaokar.

106/8 'part Oi'Lily Mendesa.' ,O/Gangabai Dhananji Nagvenk8x. T/R.aniOai Gangaram .Chopdekar.

.1~/9 part O/Anita Pinto E'Souza; T/Vasu Dh;.arma Diyakar. " '.

106/1Q part. O/A. PremlalRoposa. "l'!Sugun BabuGaonkar.

106/11, part' O/Caitano Fili~ Souza.' . T/Rauji Purushottam Chopd~kar:

106/12 part O/Caitano Filip D'SotlZa. T/Kanalukant Krishna Thanekar.

,106/13parl O/BalaSakhardande. , T/Ramnath. Krishria Majekar.,

100/1'4 part . O/Bala' Sakhatdande. 'T/GanjaramA,rjUIl ~hanekar.

.106/15 part ol'J:'eo~()Iina.I.OPe~~bq. ' T/},{anoharKushPiath."Thanekar.

106/16 part. O/Ba~loBabU: Natlt; .' "'.,... ' " T/Dattl:tram JaganatJl Couthankar.

106/17 part 0/ArumdSatuKamat.

,9/VishnuGanesh Kamat. O/Govind Kamat Azrekar. O/Govind.Trivikram Kamat. T/Chandra Umaji Chopdekar. T/UmajiChandi-a . Chopdekar. T/Suresh,ChandTaChopdekar.

106/18 part 0/Ariand Satu Kamat.

,O/Visbnu Ganesh. Kamat. O/GoV1ndKamat Azrekar. O/Govirid Trivikiam Kamat. TfShamba AtmaramChpdekar.

105/17 part ,O/Orfin Mathias Dia.s . .TjGopal Vish:nuThanekar.

.105/18 part O/Crisw."IinaCordero,>' ., -T/NarayariGo'VindMaOrajkar;, ,

,i05/1:9part 0,?r6rtlllo,L,obo.:;. TIHari VishntlPatie.

1015/20 blMortiD.6LObo. , T/Gopal VastiPatre.

,1()5t.21 O/Lorence Ferrao. T/Arjun'Satu'Thanekar.

105/22 07Juse Ferrao. T/Vasant Krishna Divikar.

105/23 O/Lorence Ferrao; T/Gangara.m Arjun ,Thanekar.

105/24 part' O/AnandSatu, Kamat. OjVishnu Ganesh Kamt.

.O/Govind Kamat Azrekar. O!Govind Trivikram Kamat. ' 0!TeodolinPaise.

o/Lily Mandesa, O/Dhanajai Nagvenkar; OIJackD'Mello. ())EVnP~reira. "

'O/KalyanRamachandra Narvenkar. . ojMartiiilio Loi>o. . OlOrthi.nho.Mathias Dias.





575 1100








25 ' 25 25 125

1 2


. .. 105/43 part



T/Ijari VishIlu Patre.

lQ5/44 part

O/Marttiiho' Lobo.


T/Gopal Vasu Patre.

105/45 part

O/Lorence Ferrao. T/ArjunSatuThanekar.


105/46 part

O/Jose li'errao.. . T/Vasant ~rish:na Nivkar


W5/47 part




T/Gangar~ Arju'n Thanekar.


Total ....................:


By oI'der and in the name of'.the Governor of Goa.

,E:. M. ~amb'iar, Under Secretary (Revenue).

Panaji, 23m July,. 1991. ,



AN AG:R.ElIDMENT is made on. thfs 3rd~{y of the moritli of ~tembell', One Thousand NmeHUndred and Ninety One BETWEEN The Governor Qf Goa (hereinafter refe;rred to 8,5 "theGovernment") Qf the One Part AND The GOA URBAN . CO-OPERATIVE .BANK LTD. ,a Society registered under the . :Ml3.harashtra Co-oper.ative SOCieties Act, 196(}, having their. n.egisrtered Officeat Pan'alji-GOa andrep~tedin this act by its General Man81ger.o.pemtive Bimk Ltd: at

PoIrvO!rim, Bardez; Taduka; ,

"AND WHEREAS the 'Goverriment. 'have. called' upon the Society in terms of the provisions of~ction 41, of the said , ~ct to en~er into an Ag:reementWlth the Government as

hereinafter' contained.


itish$reby agreed that the 'Govermrientshall. put into , '~orce the "provisions, of the said Act in order ta acquire the , . ~d landfor the SOCiety on the following terms' and con

,ditions,namely; "


1. The 'SoCiety ~haU,pay to the GOvernment the entire

',eqst,as determined by the Government for .t1ieficqui~ition of the" said ,land, includingl:l;lleompensation;, " damages; costs, charges and,other expenses, wltatsoevel" which have been or may be paid or, incurr~'in respect of',or' on accoUilt ()fsu~h ,acquisition oriD: eonnection with 'any litigation ,arising Qut' of such aequisition'in ,the' Original or Appellate Courts and including the costs on account of any establishment and salary 'of any officer or officers o~ the Government, whom the ,Government 'may ,think flt ta, emp~oyordepute on special duty for the purpose' 'Of such acquisition and also including the per-.' centag~ ,c~rges ,on, the ~otalamotint of compensation , awardedm ,accordance wlth the instructions, issued, Iby , the Government from time, to tinie. The money ,which shall be payable by the Society under 'thiS clause shall be paid by the SOCiety by making initial, deposit with the office, of the QolIector 'North GbaDistrict "free ''Of interest in th,e sum of Rs. 1,OO()j;' (Rupees one'thousan4


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