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RTIReproductive Tract Infections

STISexually Transmitted infections

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Reproductive Health Indicators

• 28% used sanitary napkin• Uneducated and poor women less likely to use

sanitary napkin• 16% have menstrual problems• More than half (55%) have never heard about

RTI/STI• 27% have symptoms of RTI/STI• Only half of these sought treatment

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Types of RTI

• Endogenous infection• Iatrogenic Infection• Sexually transmitted infection

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Increased RTI in adolescents

• Vaginal and cervical epithelium in adolescents is immature.

• Poor hygiene practices• Unsafe delivery and abortion• Lack of awareness of disease and prevention• Lack of access to services

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Why it affects girls more

• Asymptomatic infections are more common in girls as compared to boys

• Diagnosis of infections is more difficult in girls than in boys

• Spread of infection to the genital tract is greater in girls

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symptoms of RTIs/STIs

- Unusual vaginal discharge- Pain in lower abdomen- Pain during sexual intercourse

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Factors that increase the risk of RTIs/STIs

• Adolescent girl pregnant or recently delivered (more so if a home delivery)

• History of recent abortion, spontaneous or induced, especially unsafe abortion

• Adolescent girl using an IUCD

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Consequences of RTIs and STIs for adolescents

• Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)• Urethral stricture• Infertility• Neonatal/Intrauterine infections

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Prevention of RTIs

• Genital hygiene• Menstrual hygiene- use of sanitary napkin and frequent

changing• Avoid vaginal douching• Seeking help early• Ensuring complete treatment of self and sexual partner • Opting for institutional delivery or home delivery by a

trained birth attendant• Availing safe abortion services• Awareness among adolescents and community

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