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Page 1: Rumpel Stil St Kin


Narrator It is dark....mother and father are in the woods following the ugly little man. They lost him for a while but they saw an archer.

Father Mr. Archer, have you seen an ugly little man past through here?

Robin Hood Don’t you know me? I am Robin Hood! And I need to shoot this arrow straight into that tree.

Mother Ok....Mr. Robin Hood...HAVE you seen an ugly little man past by here?

Robin Hood This arrow must go through the must....

Father We better go.....he’s definitely .....( pointing to his brain signalling he’s crazy)

Narrator They keep on walking and then they see another ‘lost soul’ in the woods....

Mother My dear.... have you seen a funny ....ugly man in the this woods.....?

Elsa Let it go...let it go....( sing the frozen song chorus)

father Not again.... come dear....let her go.....

Narrator They walked and walked in the woods.....going around and around and see a beautiful girl holding a basket of apples....

Mother you by any chance saw an ugly little man passed by?

Snow white Old lady....should I eat this apple.....should I...should looks so inviting....

Father Can you answer our question first? Have you seen a funny looking little man man passed by?

Snow White Did the funny man eat the apple?

Mother What apple?

Snow white What man? Huh?!!?

Father Dear, leave her and her apple....she’ll eat them...passes out....prince charming comes....kisses her....whatever.... let’s get back to our story......

Narrator Enough distractions! Let’s get back to the real story........It’s dark and mother and father are in the woods...They have followed the little man. Mother hides behind a bush. Someone is singing. She sees the little man dancing around a small fire. Father creeps nearer

Rumpelstiltskin Wife and family I have none...but tomorrow I’ll have the king’s own son. Tricks and riddles are my game, Rumpelstiltskin is my name.

Page 2: Rumpel Stil St Kin

Narrator Mother and father creep away without making a sound.The following, in the nursery, Lisa holds the baby. She and her mother and father wait for the little man to come back. The door flies open and the little man enters. He is grinning.

Rumpelstiltskin Now then, little queen, you have three guesses left.....

Father I bet it’s Justin bieber...

Mother Could it be......John.....Legend?Narrator The little man laughs and reaches out to the baby....Lisa shouts.Lisa I knowwhat it is! It is RUMPELSTILTSKIN!!!

Narrator The little man gives a great cry of rage and stomps his feet....

Rumpelstiltskin NO! No! No! You’ve cheated.....there is no way that you would knows my name..... AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

Father Well there is...if you are such a blabber mouth....

Lisa Now, go away Rumpelstiltskin....leave us alone and never come back!

Narrator Rumpelstiltskin looks at Lisa, then mother and father. Then he stomps so hard on the floor and hurt his leg.....he limped away quietly....crying.....

Lisa Now, the baby is safe....thank you mother, father....

Mother No need for that....we are the ones who put you in this mess...

Father Yes...we learnt our lesson. We’ll never boast about anything anymore...even if you are the best daughter and we’ve got the best grandson.

Narrator THE END!

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