Page 1: RURAL HEALTH CONNECT€¦ · The Utah Hospital Association (UHA) will be marking its 100th year as an ... The Utah State Legislature is set to begin later this month and UHA's Government

P.O. Box 142005P.O. Box 142005Salt Lake City , Utah 84114Salt Lake City , Utah 84114

801.273.6677801.273.6677January 2020January 2020

RURAL HEALTH CONNECTRURAL HEALTH CONNECTImproving the Health of Rural Communit iesImproving the Health of Rural Communit ies


Medicaid ExpansionUHA 100th Anniversary

Upcoming EventsUtah AIDSRural HealthAssociationConference

OPCRH Program Updates:Health SystemsSupportWorkforceDevelopment

Statewide AnnouncementsApproved CannabisPharmaciesUtah LegislativeSession

Webinar OpportunitiesRural Hospital CEOCertificationEngage Legislatorsand PolicymakersHow to WinRevenue CycleWhat's at StakeDissemination of RuralHealthSuicide PreventionToolkitUtah CannabisProgram

Funding OpportunitiesHRSA Scholarship



What's NewWhat's New

Ful l Medicaid Expansion in UtahFul l Medicaid Expansion in UtahThe Utah Department of Health (UDOH) received approval from theCenters for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to implement fullMedicaid expansion in the state. The expansion will extend Medicaideligibility to Utah adults whose annual income is up to 138% of thefederal poverty level ($16,753 for an individual or $34,638 for a family of

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four). The federal government will cover 90% of the costs of theseservices, with the state covering the remaining 10%.Enrollment and coverage for the newly eligible individuals will beganJanuary 1.This announcement, along with a smaller-scale expansion implementedlast April, means up to 120,000 Utah adults who didn’t qualify forMedicaid at the beginning of 2019 now qualify.

For more information and how to apply, please follow the link herehere.

Utah Hospital Association 100th AnniversaryUtah Hospital Association 100th AnniversaryThe Utah Hospital Associat ion (UHA) will be marking its 100th year as anAssociat ion in 2020. The UHA Centennial Committee, led by UHA BoardMember Blair Kent, has been meeting to advise staff on act ivit ies andevents related to celebrat ing this milestone in Utah's healthcare history.

OPCRH OfficeOPCRH OfficeHighl ight:Highl ight:

Each month the OPCRH teamhighlights a map or project in ouroffice. This month, we'rehighlight ing our Health Centers(CHC, RHC, FQHC, and VA) Mapfor the State of Utah! We areproud to partner with our localcommunity health centers and allthe great work they do.

Upcoming EventsUpcoming Events

Utah AIDS EducationUtah AIDS Educationand Training Centerand Training CenterProgram (AETC)Program (AETC)"HI V Prevent ion in Primary"HI V Prevent ion in PrimaryCare"Care"This conference is designed for primarycare providers in Family Medicine,Internal Medicine, OB/Gyn, AdolescentMedicine, Pediatrics, and Pharmacyworking in the Mountain West andbeyond who are interested inattending a comprehensive medicalconference to learn how to provideHIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)throughpharmacotherapy within theirpractice.

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"T ransgender Medicine "T ransgender Medicine Pre-Pre-Conference"Conference"

This pre-conference is geared towardprimary care providers who areinterested in learning more aboutmulti-disciplinary carefor transgender/gender-nonconforming patients. Visit theregistration link below for moreinformation and topics covered!

For more information on theFor more information on theConference and Pre-Conference,Conference and Pre-Conference,please see the attached Save theplease see the attached Save theDate Flyer here.Date Flyer here.

Apri l 2-3, 2020 8:30 a.m. - 5:00Apri l 2-3, 2020 8:30 a.m. - 5:00p.m.p.m.Virid ian Event CenterVirid ian Event Center8030 S 1825 W8030 S 1825 WW est Jordan, Utah 84088W est Jordan, Utah 84088

Rural HealthRural HealthAssociationAssociationConferenceConference"Building Part nerships for Rural"Building Part nerships for RuralWell-Being"Well-Being"

The well-being of communities andindividuals is complex and requirescollaboration through effectivepartnerships that address multiplefactors that affect health such as,social, financial, and environmental.Rural communities have uniquechallenges, yet great opportunities, tofoster partnerships and collaborationsfor improved health and well-being.

Hospitals, clinics, and providers oftenneed community resources to supporttheir patients to improve health. Someexamples include: pre-diabetes anddiabetes education, opioiddependency resources, access to freshfruits and vegetables, or physicalactivity and social connections. Thisconference will address how toconnect community resources,engage the community at large, anddevelop effective partnerships.

Apri l 10, 2020Apri l 10, 2020St. George, UtahSt. George, Utah

For more information andFor more information andregistration, p lease cl ick here.registration, p lease cl ick here.

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OPCRH Program UpdatesOPCRH Program Updates


The OPCRH team isestablishing the Utah RuralUtah RuralVeteran Coalit ionVeteran Coalit ion(URVC)(URVC) to collaborate oncare coordination andshare resources for Utah'srural veterans. If you wouldlike more information on theURVC, please [email protected]

Save the Date:Save the Date: Apri l 9,Apri l 9,2020.2020. OPCRH is sponsoringa workshop for RuralRuralHealth Clin ics Health Clin ics and willcover survey preparedness,billing, and coding. This is inconjunction with the RHAUconference on April 10 in St.George, Utah.

Save the Date: Save the Date: June 11-June 11-12, 202012, 2020 the OPCRH ishosting our annual FLEXFLEXSummitSummit at Ruby's Inn inBryce Canyon, UT.


The legislative session beginsthis month, which meanswe are watching forfunding for our three statefunded programs: HealthHealthCare W orkforceCare W orkforceFinancial Assistance,Financial Assistance,State Primary CareState Primary CareGrants, and RuralGrants, and RuralPhysician's LoanPhysician's LoanRepayment.Repayment. Keep an eyeout for announcementsregarding funding andapplication cycles over thenext few months! If youhave any questions on theamendment, pleasecontact Robbin W il l iams,Robbin W il l iams,atatrobbinwil l [email protected] l [email protected]

The OPCRH is establishing aHealth W orkforceHealth W orkforceCoalit ionCoalit ion to develop acoordinated approach toaddressing health workforceissues in rural andunderserved Utah. Thecoalition will focus on theroot causes of healthworkforce shortages,identify emerging issuesaffecting Utah's healthworkforce, and sharesuccessful models andopportunities to scale them.Members may includegovernment, healthindustry, educationinstitutions, and associatedorganizations. We are still inthe process of reaching outto potentially interestedstakeholders. If you wouldlike to participate or learnmore about this initiative,please contact AshleyAshleyMoretz, W orkforceMoretz, W orkforceDevelopment Special ist ,Development Special ist ,at [email protected] [email protected]

Statewide AnnouncementsStatewide Announcements

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Utah Department of Health AnnouncesUtah Department of Health AnnouncesRecipients of Medical Cannabis PharmacyRecipients of Medical Cannabis PharmacyLicensesLicensesThe Utah Department of Health (UDOH) announced the companies towhich it intends to award 14 medical cannabis pharmacy licenses. Thecompanies were selected from more than 130 applicat ions submittedthrough a competit ive bidding process. More than 60 differentcompanies submitted applicat ions.The following businesses will be issued licenses:

Beehive’s Own (two licenses), Salt Lake City and locat ion TBD butwill be in Box Elder, Morgan, or Rich CountyBloom Medicinals, Cedar CityColumbia Care, SpringvilleCuraleaf, LindonDeseret Wellness (two licenses), Park City and ProvoDragonfly Wellness, Salt Lake CityJust ice Grown Utah (two licenses), Salt Lake City and St. GeorgePure UT, VernalTrue North of Utah (two licenses), Logan and OgdenWholesome Therapy, West Bount iful

Eight of the locat ions may open as early as March 2020 and six mayopen as early as July 2020. Some of the companies to whom theDepartment intends to award licenses do not yet have ownership oftheir proposed locations and in some cases, their proposed locationsmay change. Their operat ing plans are pending Department approvaland their owners must st ill pass criminal background checks. The UDOHwill make announcements regarding when each locat ion may open ata later date.License applicat ions were evaluated and scored by an evaluat ioncommittee based on several criteria, including: experience in themedical cannabis or other highly regulated industries, disciplinary act ionor invest igat ion in other jurisdict ions, an operat ing plan that will bestensure the safety and security of cardholders and the community, theextent to which an applicant can reduce the cost of medical cannabis,connections to the local community, and a st rategic plan that has ahigh likelihood of success.

For more information, please follow the link

Utah State Legislative Session BeingsUtah State Legislative Session BeingsJanuary 27January 27The Utah State Legislature is set to begin later this month and UHA'sGovernment Relat ions Committee, led by chair Mike Clark, has alreadybeen at work ident ifying healthcare issues expected to be addressed inthis year's session.Issues UHA is watching include Medicaid funding, mental healthlegislat ion and funding, t ransparency and surprise billing, among manyothers.

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Utah Department of Health CampaignsUtah Department of Health Campaigns


Rural Hospital CEORural Hospital CEOCerti ficationCerti ficationLet the world know you know how torun a rural hospital withexcellence. Regardless of howsuccessful you already are, thechanging world of rural health caredemands our CEOs have diversified skillsets while also being regarded asleaders in their communities. Thisprogram is designed and developedfor you by tenured successful ruralhospital CEOs with the support ofNRHA.

The first class will be held February 10,February 10,2020.2020.

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For more information, p leaseFor more information, p leasefol low the l ink here.fol low the l ink here.

Preparing to EngagePreparing to Engagewith Legislators andwith Legislators andPol icymakersPol icymakersW HAT:W HAT:

Understand the environment onCapitol HillDiscuss SORH legislative prioritiesfor 2020Lean how to “orient” newcongressional members (andresources available)Discuss strategies and tips forconducting a Hill visit with statepartners

W HOW HO:Andrew Coats, Legislative Liaison,NOSORH Counsel to Hall RenderLisa Davis, Director - PennsylvaniaOffice of Rural HealthScott Daniels, Director - HawaiiOffice of Rural Health

January 16, 3pm ETJanuary 16, 3pm ET

For more information and how toFor more information and how toregister, p lease fol low the l inkregister, p lease fol low the l

How to Win theHow to Win theTyranny of SmallTyranny of SmallNumbers: Coalitions,Numbers: Coalitions,Col laborations, andCollaborations, andNetworksNetworksThis one hour webinar will discuss howpayors view rural, low volume providersand identify barriers and solutions forrural providers in the current value-based climate. Speaker ShannonCalhoun will also explorecollaborations, coalitions and networksas a way to engage in better payorrelations and negotiations. There willbe designated time at the end of thepresentation for Q&A. Mrs. Calhoun is adistinguished healthcare executivewith 24 years of experience in theindustry. Mrs. Calhoun has spent thepast five years in network and businessdevelopment in value-basedhealthcare transformation and

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alternative payment models with anemphasis on Practice Transformationand Collaborative Accountable CareOrganizations. Much of Shannon's workfocuses on programs that betterposition providers for healthcarepayment and delivery reform with thegoal of creating sustainable solutionsfor both the network and the network'shealthcare members.

W hen: January 14, 12 p.m. CSTW hen: January 14, 12 p.m. CST

To register, p lease fol low the l inkTo register, p lease fol low the l

Addressing RevenueAddressing RevenueCycle ManagementCycle ManagementChallenges in RuralChal lenges in RuralHospitalsHospitalsKey elements of this one hour webinarinclude the critical role eachdepartment plays in the revenuecycle, identifying RCM champions,and addressing over and underpayments. Time for Q&A will beavailable following the presentation.Sylvia Alcala, MA,RHIA,CDIP,CCS,CPC-Iwill be the guest presenter. Ms. Alcala isan approved ICD-10 trainer and AAPCapproved instructor with more than 30years of experience as a leader in HIM.Ms. Alcala is an adjunct codinginstructor at Texas State University andthe Director of HIM at ConnallyMemorial Medical Center. In additionto having served as president of theALAMO Health Information Association(AAHIMA) she has also served on theAHIMA committee for accreditingcoding exam questions. If you havequestions or wish to submit a questionprior to the webinar, pleaseemail: [email protected].

To register, p lease fol low the l inkTo register, p lease fol low the l

What's at Stakes asWhat's at Stakes asRural America LosesRural America LosesIts HospitalsIts HospitalsThis webinar will provide a freshoverview of the trend, and explain theforces driving closures and what theymean for health. Reporters will gain

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crucial context and insights that willdeepen their coverage of imperiledhealth centers and the communitieswho rely on them.

When: January 22, 10-11 a.m. PT/ 1-2p.m. ET.

For more information, p leaseFor more information, p leasefol low the l ink here.fol low the l ink here.

Dissemination of RuralHealth Research: AToolkitThe emphasis of knowledge translation isto ensure health providers, consumers,researchers, advocates, and policymakersare aware of, can access, and are able touse health research findings to informdecision-making. Differences amongaudiences make it imperative to knowwhen and how to utilize various modes ofdissemination for health research.

This toolkit aims to assist researchers withstep four in the knowledge translationprocess, reaching their target audiences.By developing appropriate, timely,accessible, and applicable products,researchers have the opportunity to informstep five, a change in policy or practice.This toolkit provides descriptions formultiple modes of dissemination andincludes discussions of the purpose ofeach product, which product is appropriategiven the topic and audience, and how todevelop each. Effective examples are alsoprovided.

To access the toolkit, please followthe link here.

Rural SuicideRural SuicidePrevention ToolkitPrevention ToolkitThe Rural Suicide Prevention Toolkitcompiles evidence-based and promisingmodels and resources to supportorganizations implementing suicideprevention programs in rural communitiesacross the United States.The modules in the toolkit containresources and information focused ondeveloping, implementing, evaluating, andsustaining rural suicide prevention

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programs. There are more resources ongeneral community health strategiesavailable in the Rural Community HealthToolkit.

To access the toolkit , p leaseTo access the toolkit , p leasefol low the l ink here.fol low the l ink here.

Utah MedicalUtah MedicalCannabis ProgramCannabis Program4-Hr Required Course4-Hr Required CourseThis course introduces theendocannabinoid system and itsinteraction with the components of thecannabis plant, and addressesadministration, therapeutic use, drugmetabolism, physiologic and cognitiveeffects, potential risks, and druginteractions. The use of marijuana in obstetricpatients, pediatric patients,adolescent patients, and elderlypatients is discussed in detail. Inaddition, the health effects ofmarijuana and cannabinoids inepilepsy are reviewed. Importantconsiderations for patients withischemic heart disease, hepaticdisease, psychotic illness, and thosewith a history of drug dependence areprovided. This course also informs the readerabout the legal and medicalconsiderations in the recommendationof medical marijuana, and addressesthe parts of H.B. 3001, including theUtah Medical Cannabis Act, thatwould be of interest to a Utahhealthcare provider. For more information about the course,please follow the link

Funding OpportunitiesFunding Opportunities

Scholarships forScholarships forDisadvantagedDisadvantagedStudents (SDS)Students (SDS)ProgramProgram

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The Health Resources and ServicesAdministration (HRSA) is acceptingapplications for the fiscal year2020 Scholarsh ips forScholarsh ips forDisadvantaged Students (SDS)Disadvantaged Students (SDS)ProgramProgram. The application cycle closeson March 3, 2020.

The SDS program increases the diversityof the health workforce by fundingeligible academic institutions that aretraining health profession students. Theinstitutions then make scholarshipsavailable to students fromdisadvantaged backgrounds whohave financial need.

Eligible applicants are accreditedschools of allopathic and osteopathicmedicine, dentistry, nursing,pharmacy, podiatric medicine,optometry, veterinary medicine, publichealth, chiropractic, and allied health;schools offering a graduate program inbehavioral and mental healthpractice; and programs for physicianassistant training. Students shouldcontact their financial aid office tofind out if their school participates.

HRSA has $48,200,000 $48,200,000 available tomake approximately 79 awards in FY 79 awards in FY20202020 . No student may receive SDSNo student may receive SDSfunds greater than $40,000 perfunds greater than $40,000 peracademic year.academic year.

For more information and toFor more information and toapply, p lease cl ick here.apply, p lease cl ick here.

Please check our website for updatedPlease check our website for updatedfunding opportunities. You can find thefunding opportunities. You can find thetable by fol lowing the l ink table by fol lowing the l ink herehere..

National OrganizationsNational OrganizationsHuman Services to Support RuralHuman Services to Support RuralHealthHealth

Oral Health in Rural Communit iesOral Health in Rural Communit ies

Overdose Data to Action (RFA-Overdose Data to Action (RFA-CE19-1904)CE19-1904)

HRSA US Fact Sheet by StateHRSA US Fact Sheet by State

Rural Health Care Professional JobRural Health Care Professional JobPostingPost ing

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Find UsFind Us3760 South Highland DriveSuite 361CSLC, UT 84106

Cal l UsCal l UsOffice: 801-273-6677Fax: 801-273-6512

Email UsEmail [email protected]

The OPCRH prov ides support to our stakeholders and clients in the form of hands-on support,economic impact analysis, research, community health needs assessments, and healthcare

workforce needs assessment. We also prov ide technical assistance and pertinent informationon student loan repayment programs and grant opportunities

If you would like to be a part of our newsletter in the future and/or would like tosubmit a success story, announcement, or communicate any other information tous or your rural health partners, please contact Colton Gordon Program Specialist

801-273-6618, [email protected]

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