  • 1. Marketing 101 for Self-Publishers: TenTools & Techniques to Maximize SalesRWA Conference July 28, 2012

2. Tool #1: PLAN Describe your product Set your price Create your bio Determine your sales Target your readers channels Specify your goalsPromote your titleSource: Marketing Plan for Fiction Titles by Brian Jud 3. Fiction is the genre most significantly affected by the completeness of both basic and enhanced metadata. TOOL #2. DATAMetadata: Basic Metadata ISBN, title, author, cover image, page count,binding, publisher, publication date, main category or genre Enhanced metadata description, review, author biography,table of contents, video Impact on sales Bookscan survey 4. DATA contd.How to insure accuracy: Dedicated ISBN number for each of your books ISBN numbers show company name as the publisher Enter metadata correctly Check metadata at major online retailers monthly 5. DATA contd.Sales Reports: How many units and dollars are you selling? Who are you selling to? What percentages of your sales are eBooks and print? 6. DATA contd.Marketing Metrics: Website Social Media Customer Demographics 7. TOOL #3. MATERIALS Cover, Postcards, Flyer, Bookmark, Business Cards Elements of Front Cover: Artwork Title and subtitleCover: Author/illustrator Elements of Back Cover: Professionally designed Promotional headline Readable as thumb-nail Excerpt or review excerpts BISAC code Effective in black and white BRIEF author bio and small picture Publishing company logo and contact info Price, ISBN, Bar code (for print), QR code 8. Postcards Elements of a postcard: Book cover on frontMATERIALS contd Title, author, promo, order info 9. MATERIALS contd.Advantages: Cost Inexpensive production Open rate Event giveaways Splashy promo pieces Book launches Mailing list updates Web-site invitations Testing Customer connections 10. MATERIALS contd.FlyersUses:Elements: - Personal appearances book title-Online & offline mailing short excerpts from your book one-line review(s) book cover author bio (short) format, price, size, # pages, ISBN, pub date, genre, web site ordering information! back side include a longer excerpt, more reviews/testimonials 11. MATERIALS contd.Bookmarks & Business Cards 12. TOOL #4. YOUR BACKYARD Local Marketing Local media outlets Convention and Tourist Bureau State Fair (organize authors day) State or city historical societies Local bookstores Local libraries 13. TOOL #5. YOUR BRAND Social Media Facebook, Amazon, Pinterest, Twitter,LinkedIn Signature Google Alerts Website Blog Public Speaking 14. TOOL #6. AMAZON Author Central Author Page Check data Customer reviews 15. TOOL #7. NICHE Associations Location Services Book Clubs Re-purposing 16. TOOL #8. BOOKAWARDS/REVIEWSAwards Finding contests Deciding which one to enter How to promote once youve won 17. REVIEWS/BOOK AWARDS contd.Reviews: Industry and Citizen NetGalley Target research Blogs Google alerts Review others Pay-for-review 18. TOOL #9. PIGGYBACK Dont reinvent thewheel. Analyze the competition 19. TOOL #10. YOU Events Writing Virtual Tours 20. TOOL #11. (bonus) Over-Delivery Thank-you notes RSVP Return calls Take the extra step Keep your word 21. Thank You!Florrie Binford Kichler, PresidentIndependent Book Publishers Association

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