

in hi w in ill tl 111

V P1 1


Established July 2, 1856.


I 1 I J r a ATI

justness Guards.

i ii iiiiiii liiiin i

Honololo and San Francisco Mail Service.





A1 torneys - at - Law,HONOLULU, H. I.


General Agent,Except Sundays,

corning40 Merchant az.

ty-Offi- ce over Bishop's Bank.April 2. M91.


Oceanic Steamship Co.(SUBJECT TO CHANGE.)

Cor. Fort and Merchant Streets6th inst., the Maui

: r'helJ a meeting of officers

Fort, Cor. Queen St.

Are now located at their NEW SPA-

CIOUS STORE, and have the bestfacilities to offer to the trade.

A Full Line of

Desirable Goods !


Cormsellor - at - LawOffice in Cartwright Building, opposite

Post Office, Honolulu, H. I.2866 1379-t- f

It is reporieu wai.wTpercent- - was declared.

the 8th, during the af--" " i 1 .t L ihn ni

The ArsTBALiA willLeave San Francisco at 3 o'clock F. M.

Leave Honolulu at 12 91. Tuesdays.

The Throusli Steamer Leave San Fran-cisco and Honolulu Thursdays.;,

2eff warehouse of Wilder &

'successful luau. Fifteen:iS't:f,a Wpre Dresent as guests LAVE ABE1VE


Attorney and Counsellor-at-La- w.

Office Kaahumanu Street,

For Sale. (i

Lot 50ft. xGOft.. near Chinese Theatre.$950.

Lot 43ft.xll0ft., Palama. $550.Lot 81ft.xl70, Beretania St. $1800.

Lot and 2 Houses on Queen St. $2250.

Lot 81ft.xl20ft., Piikoi St. $850.Large Corner Lot. Tiikoi St. $3000.70 Acres at Honokalani, Kawela, Maul,

now leased to Hana Plantation.116 Acres, Molokai.Several Lots near Chinese Theatre.

SAK FBAKCI6C0. HONOLULU.STEAMER.fUll" employees of the25.) natives,


Z the Hth inst., the nativethiols of Makawao district held (In office formerly occupied by Mr. 0

LEAVE ARRIVE265i-i-y .Kogersj.Prints, Cambrics, Batistes, Cballies,

Brown and White Cottons and Sheet- - BTEAMEB. HOKOLCLU. SAN FRANCISCO.Hamakuapoko. lie pre--

jn at PETER HIGH, Proprietor.,-- , 1. n.,:.. iTn;v., I moraHtia n i : 1 ,l . a a 41. i n i a . i - n jAlameda Oct. 22 .... Oct. 29Australia Nov. 10 .... Nov. 17Mariposa Nov. 9 Nov. 26

283 1388 3m

J. B. CASTLE,..i.nAL'n mailfi a total of I Plain and Strinpni Dpnims.

i Reverends' Kuia of Paia, White, Colored and Fancy Flannels, Commission Merchant. OFFICE A.TsT13 MILL :

Office Cartwright Building,'j the meeting. , .,..... On Alakea and Iticliards near Queen Street, Honolulu, H. I. AllStraliUIl Mail Serviceg:fKnSS; SATINS, VELVETS and RIBBONS

For Rent.

House of 7 rooms and bath room ; allconvenciences; large lot; stabling, out-houses; choice flowers; situate on Luna-m-o

St. Rant $45.House of 6 rooms ; hot and cold water.

Kinau St. Rent $40 to a desirable tenant.

510 basa oi sugar.

f meting of the Maui Rifle Asso- - Embroideries, Mosquito Net, Lawns, MOXJL33HSTG S,IiS new at J60"".. Tweeds, Cassimeres, Linings,elected andOfficersGulick.'i,jin.I

Prpsidftnt. F. I And a Full Stock of allFOR SAK FRANCISCO,

The new and tn Al stet tamsblp

Merchant Street, : Honolulu, H. I.2651-- y



Agent to take Acknowledgments.

Otficb No. 13 Kaahumanu Street, Hono-2872-- y

lulu, H. I. .


Etc.SasIDoorsV Vice-Preside- L. A. An- -T A. 1 O 1, Blinds, Screens, Frames, Etc..

Treasurer, urmsieuu ; ouuie- - W-AJSTTE3-


Property for Sale.TAIIOKS' GOODS,99ALAMEDA... n 11 1 . i 1 orfa o r. n TURNED AND SAWED WORK.

14- - n-- n a VAtO 1 fA rITT- -

three permanent prizes, one of White Percale and Fancy Overshirts,Of tba Oceanic Steamship Company, will bertao

is to I known as tne i,aaies' Gent's Furnishing (ioods,Money.

$500 for two years on good security; cur-rent rates.

2881 1395--q

' anJ can be competea ior oyc 1 TSTPAV MAHHTNERY with the latest im- -

.n? or onv nr i ni iikjiiliiivr UiltO w - f 1

at Honeluiu from eyaney na Aucumuuon or aboui

Oct. 22, 1891,provements from one of the best firms in the East, we are now prepared to do

trtlippveninL' of the lGth instant

Typewriter and Notary Mlic

Office with L. A. Thurston. 2858-- g


Jthe October Literary and Social

Men s, Boys and thildrens nothing

HATS AND CAPS,iikawao foreign Uhurcli. "Oen-Viila- ,"

the residence of Mr. andH. Dickey, of Haiku, brilliantly

And wlllleavo for the abve port wltb malls andpassengers on or about that date.

For freight or passage, having (SUPERIOR

gooa worK at snorter nonce ana lower raws mau ever ueiure, uim uaiu6 .wjengaged several first-clas- s mechanics, we will make a specialty of

Counters, Shelving, Stairs, Etc., Etc.

ACSPrompt attention to all orders.


-- attractive sisht to guests ar- - Misses', Ladies', and Childrens' Boots! ;w muJdv roads under a dark ana bhoes,

Steam Engines,Boilers. Sugar Mills, Coolers, Brass

nud IaCH1 Castluffs,

And machinery of, every ef

ACCOaiMODATlOiNS, apply to

Wm. Irwin & Co.,A.OJCNTS.

:3'.eniDgsky..... - 4 ..n-An- lll All 1 Ti C

ickey hospitality and the fact Hosiery, Fancy Goods, TELEPHONES1 order. Particular tuenuou puiu w "i""Stationery and Perfumery, g:njthing. Job work executed on the nJJ8tsiri?ory and Mr. U. V. liald- -y nrpnaration of the enter-- C-- bell 498. jpor Sydney and Auckland.exrwvTv&L 55.

L: attracted a larire attendance. 2804--q1 1 1

Tobaccos, Cigarettes,ID.Loveland and Mr. Gilhus.


Stenographer and Type-write- r,

Office of J. A. Magoon, Merchant street,near the Fostoffice. u

ij, a most amusing piece en-- ."The Rubles Family invited out

cleariv and attractivelv deli- -


F, HORN Practical Coniectioner,Pastry Cook and Baker.

No. 71 Hotel St. - " - Telephone 74.- 2S011S82

LOVE'S BAKERY.So. 73 Nuuanu Street.

MES.EOBT.LOYH, - - Frorletreai .

and the Choicest Brands of

AMERICAN and HAVANA CIGARS,(tyJI Maude Baldwin. Solo


Shipping and Commission Merchants,

i otch son;; by Mr. Nichols.:5::ng Bee" a clever bit of a

The new and fine Al steel steamship

' MONOWAI"Oi theOoeanlo Steamship Company, will be

due at Honolulu from Ban Franciacoor or about

Oct. 22, 1891.

DR. EMERSON,v PYpnntpd hv Jllisses

, Eeckwith, Maude Baldwin, I OFFICE 135 Fort St., (formerly Dr.many other articles too ter's office).

Office Hours 9 to 11 a. m., and 2 to 3" -- " J -- tlOl A A W 1 1 IV U11VA v. I

I Quartette. Mrs. Beckwith and numerous to mention.3.Eeckwith, Dickey and Baldwin . Cnniliina Q tn 10 A. M.

Minnie Brown" as though Bell Telephone No. 51. Residence 5--rx'hlv aDnreciated the oualitiea



School street.iiiaty darling of which they sang.

nothing personal about tnis--aded for Mr. nilmnn. nf Hnno- -


(3uccesBorB to Ls-wer- & Dlckeon)


FORT, COB. QUEEN ST.2881-l- m

And will nave prompt di3patcn with malls anassengers for the above ports.For freight or passage, baying SUPEB.IOB AC-


Wm. GK Irwin & Co.,2804 1383--q AGENTB.


N'iiougli he was among the BUILDERS' md general hardware, agricultural implements.Importers and Dealers in dumberae.

.intermission followed, in which:re3 and coffee were served.'Krtshmeats the remaining num--

And all Kinds of Building Materials.

2sO. 82 FORT STBEET, Honoluln. 28CjWMBARPALMERt"6 programme was the "FamilvPLANTATION SUPPLIES

Carpenters' Blacksmiths' Machinists' and Plumbers' Tools,

Ql plication to Jos. Tinker for any BizeRegan Vapor Engine. See cotalogue

Every Description of Plain and Fancy

Bread and Crackers,FBEBB

Soda CrackersA K D -

Saloon BreadAlways ou Hand.


tslaud Orders Promptly Attended to.2804--q


with its living pictures . JOHN T. WATERH0USE,

Importer and Dealer ic

;uregDry acted the part ol tnefttnt old lady exhibiting the?a?"S of her relations and friends.

the first. Anoninn nf ic im- -

and testimonials beiore purcnasing anengine elsewhere.

CASTLE & OOOKE.HOUSE FURNISHING GOODSGENERAL MERCHANDISE.alburn showed the features of. Loveland representing " My HARDWAEE,

No. 25-- 31 Queen Street, Honoluln. 28C

H. HACKFELD & CO ,Mowed "My Father" by Mr.

ARCHITECTS.Stylos of .roliitectnre :

Eastlake, Queen Anne.Renaissance, Gothic, Italian,Classic and Norman,

Kitchen Utensils, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Lamp Goods, and

G-ener- al Merchandise.-- .im; - .uv L.amentea iius-M- r.

C. D. Loveland; "Myi'Ultp" ATI,.,, t i.!. r i ,2 , : .

General Commission Agentsi'KMr nil : --1.. w"-- Allege .IJLISS VJIAVO

Shipping and Connoission Merchants



Plantation Agents,

Life, Fire and Marine

Insurance Agents.

- tie Coquette'' the breaker of . . ,Trftn Qr ttt fl

Blake's Stoam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugals,



mmm APC" -


Cor. Fort & Queen Btg., Honolulu. 28C4Jlli:3 Aiiy iaiawin; iub 1 m uwuvj v- -.,

k', '1- - W:. d'.? BPn L..,rTW,Wi in m jJ' r. " l?mr.ll PhPAT. ATtistic Cottages a Specialty. W. E. R0WELL, Wilcox & Gibbs. and Remington Sewing Machines,

Dr. Jane & Sons Family Medicines.Juaes" Mm iii 11 i ho 1 r

I Beauties" blonde and brunette,,I.iss Maude Baldwin ; 2804 1382--q '

Eiisiixoer and Surveyor1382 HONOT.TTT.TT. H. I. 2804--qtion.

iumme rown" by Mr. J..J.-Ol- Beau" by Mr. C. H.'fiJ ,t Twins" by Messrs. B. Room 5, Spreckels' Block.

2804-- y


Spreckels Block.2867-- q -

v "iivi lira rvf Room 3, TAHITI LEMONADE WORKS Co.r tie.I ?a8 to Mr. and Mrs. Dickey


J. O. Carter ...PresidentGeo. H. Robertson ..TreasurerE. F. Bishop SecretaryHon. W. F. Allen. . .............. .Auditor



Boston Line of Packets.WILLIAM O. AOHI,parted at 10 :30 p.m. FOE S-A-Ij-E.jI eek and muddy roads for attorney and counsellor at law,

MANUFACTURERS OFNotary Public and Real Estate

liroker.1801A Tl 1.

Ron. C. B. Eltbop. ' Bon B Watorbonia2804

IMPORTERS WILL PLEASEtake notice that the fine

BARK EDWARD MAYOffice 36 Merchant Street. 2801

Lemonade, Soda, Cream Soda,Wm. G; Irwin.Clans HpreckelsBEAVER SALOON,mmi1UUU6U

Capt. Mahast.or Fort Street, Opposite Wilder & Co.',g,tSlEl HYninwin. rv CLAD8 SPRECKELS & CO.,Will be laid on the berth in Boston to leaveH. J, NOLTE, PEOPBIETOB.

The Celebrated Thoroughbred StallionsFlrst-cla- aa Lunches Served with Tea, Coffee, SARSAPARILLA, GINGER ALE

i45 OXi.v .

for this port on Oct. l, 1891, u sumcient inducement ofiers.

EST' For further particulars apply to

2804 1382-- q O. BREWER & CO.

Soda water, uinger aio ua hua.Open From 3 a. m. till 10 p. m.oiM t"' APPAKA- - MANTELS

arsmofcers Bequlsltes a Specialty. 2804ranit . aiiuoiuing auto--1 u s-- ' HAWAIIAN IBIaANDBHONOLULU

?tsr 13 reqmred to THE ROYAL SALOON,KING- - WILLIAMiaH!;1"2 be done with the


(Limited.;Draw Exchange en the principal parts o the

world. --'

.Cor. Nnaana ana uerwiau h.wi'fr... v aaa easp tiu!!?d onUlr John Brodie, andon w .A bv Dr. VICHY, APPOLLINARIS, ETC., ETC., ETC...gorfloS W. G. Irwin. - President and Manager

Uader the Management of

E. H. F1. "Wolter,zZs n be made from Dairy,fc Stock : SfffSurchase . goodWill receive deposits on open account, make

collections and conduct a general banking andexchange business. ' ;

Clatjs Spbickkl8, - - Vice-Preside- nt

Waxtib M. Giffakd, -Secretary and Treaanrer- - - -Sic. raie ol COO an hour. x "U3", 5 vori v aDDlication In stock a yarlety of the best Wines,

UtJSSiT Beers, and ice cold beers on draught at2cp- - mechanical draw 289l-l-m Thio. C. Pobtxb. - - - AuditoroseS in,fact anything that . ir'miircUHY. 0 CentS per giaan.Call and See Ua.ta 2804

DeposiU bearing Interest received In fielr Savlugs Department subject to published rules andregulations. V' 2804-- q

Sbjth? ,ar.lead Pencil can be j. m. & jf .meojgraDLie rro- - foTfeXfBtri F. 40 Queen St, Hono. Absolutely Pure! Eefreslling! Delicious! Sugar Factors and Commission Agents.

j A I J--


2itedSCOr?e ! work is practi LEWIS & CO.,

Wholesale and Retail Grocers,


OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO.,.Of San Francisco, Cal.StTthS Wholesale Grocers, Coinmission Mer- -

VJlioni"orbnr,Caii mentioned ahnv. cbants and Importers.PAPER HANGING !

J. L. MEYEB,THE PAINTERGIVE and have your paper hangingfirm nromDtlv and neatly. 130 Fort St.

" ana ca i . - c iue machine in

40 St.. Honolulu. TELEPHONES : Wm. G. Irwin & Co., (Limited) has'assumed the assets and liabilities of thelate firm of Wm. G. Irwin & Co., and will

A t 1 1 I 1Agent, rAnnnnft T.n Tierai nusinesH iormpnv111 FORT STREET.

T.l.phooe MO. '. 'smP.O.Box 387. Mat, Tel. 662, --

2823-lyJ"Bell 372. 1 carried on by that house. 2863 1390 q5!u uie Hawaiian Islands, N"andelyo daiger In using CTMtal 360. 2823-- q

66 Fort St., Honolulu. he Regan Vapor engine. -

id, 1


v $fan) SUtotrtiscmcnts.33j) ftutljoritii. Auction Sales. .dilution Sales.

1! ;

inn fiw Rt . i.. . ilHAVE JUST RECEIVED EX AUSTllA



Parasols, ''love.--i Uiivs andkei chiefs HiM,' '


2S48 l'pwa?d'.

A Decided AmusemeuTliniovaiioj

The Great French Scientist Professoi

PALACE ILLUSIONMysterious and Amusing Pcifotmancf

It has been a Fashionable Family Resort at every Gient Ftiovlarge City in America from New York to Ban fS?c!S " 1

Tl PI II IT 1 1 n . .

it is fcometniflg Jew! . it is lirand! it jj

It is Amusing! It is Scientific!

" cii mc umvciDtti vciuin xruiu me iiist ladies Of tlm 1 1 3leading learned and society men of America. n1

It will Open at the Cor. Fort and Beretania iUNDER THE MAMMOTH STRIPED PAVILLION,

ON 0CT0BEK I5tli, FOR ONE WEEK!Doors open at 7 p. m. ; performance to commence at 8 r. m., at luht pj

AdultsChildren Under 9 -

2893-l- w



Union Assnrance Societ


Hawaiian Hardware Co., L'd.

Monday, Oct. 19.

We announced, last week,the fact of our expecting anew style ice cream freezer-somet-hing

that will freezeliquids in seven seconds ;

think of it ! The article hasarrived, and we are convincedbeyond a doubt that it is thequickest and best thing of thekind ever introduced in thisor any other country.

While the " Little Wonder"Freezer is similar to otherquick-actin- g machines it differsin one respect : it is a success,while others have not giventhe satisfaction expected.Among it's greatest points ofexcellence is the conveniencewith which different articlesmay be frozen without anyadditional preparations beingmade. For instance! In themiddle of your dinner youwant a sherbet or a Romanpunch. Your cylinder havingalready been filled with ice andsalt you simply pour the liquidthrough a funnel, "Turn thecrank Charley" and it's donein exactly seven secondswhether you time it with aWaterbury or a chronometer.Later on, perhaps, you'll wantan ice cream. The cylinderdoes not have to be repacked,all you have to do is to pourthe prepared cream in at theopening and turn the crankfor seven seconds and youhave a morsel as good as anyever made by Delmonico'sChef. '

Now, then, suppose at yourdinner you happen to havesome gentlemen who wouldjust as leave drink frappechampagne as any thing; don'trepack the cylinder just un-

cork the bottle and pour thewine through the funnel andyou will have it better than ifit had been prepared in theold way by burying the bottlein a bucket of salt and waterfor an hour. It seems easy,don't it? And it's just aseasy as it seems. As to thecost of freezing a mere trine.Seven pounds of ice and fivecents worth of salt. The . en-tire cost depends upon whatyou freeze. If you freeze sodawater or iron water and sar-sapari- lla

it means from fortyto seventy-fiv- e cents a dozen,besides the ice and salt. Cheapenough" for anybody. Water-melon juice, syrups from anytinned fruits you may buy,aerated waters and. cream aswell as spirits may be frozenwith the greatest ease and inseven seconds, or just twenty-thre- e

seconds less than anymachine ever introduced.

To prove this assertion weintend giving a iree exhibitionof its working, next Friday.We will freeze all sorts ofthings while you wait and letyou gorge yourselves. Youcan try samples of frozenwatermelon mice, fruit svrups.soda water, sarsaparilla andiron water, sherbets and icecream. If your taste runto frappe champagne comesome other day. .

Another good thing we haveto offer you is a litde articlefor keeping California rollbutter always fresh withoutthe use of ice. They're sellingin San Francisco at the rateof a thousand a day. Theywon't make bad butter good,but they will keep good buttersweet and fresh. They'reeasy to handle; all you haveto do is to place the roll in thecase and it need not be re-moved again. It is arrangedso you can slice off the, butteras you require it. You'll wantone of these if you like goodbutter.

At the Studio.Her Majesty the Queen, accompanied

by Prince Kawananakoa and her cham-berlain, J. W. Robertson, paid a visit onMonday to Mr. William Cogswell'sstudio in the Spreckels' block.

Mr. Cogswell has just finished twolife-siz- e paintings for the Government,one of the reigning Queen and the otheroi xue late iung. JUr. Uogswell alsopainted a three-quarte- r length portrait ofthe late Prince Consort John O. Dom-ini- s.

Her Majesty spent over an hour atthe studio examining the pictures, andexpressed nerseit as being well pleasedwith the artist's work. The portraitswere all painted from life and in iavoriteuie-njc- e positions . me paintings havebeen viewed by many prominent citizens,and all have been deliwhted by Mr.Cogs-well'- s

excellent work.

The Result of Not Advertising.The following poem was written by

our spring poet. It is respectfully dedi-cated to those who do not advertise :

For the man who advertises,The tide of business risesTill it covers up the last financial rock ;And it's come to be the saying,That a man by such outlayingHas McKinleyed all the goods he had in

stock.But the man who never usesAdvertising columns losesEven what he'd earned in other ways

before ;And the verdict it is hinted,When he fails is : He McGintyedAll the goods that he had put into the



Reasons why Pearl City should bebuilt up:

1 The City of Honolulu is crowdedinto narrow limits.

2 Goto Pearl City for sanitary con-siderations.

3 Pearl City occupies, naturally, themost favorable site for a great commer-cial city.

4 Pearl City is provided with thepurest and sweetest drinking water to befound in the Kingdom.

5 Pearl City offers the most charm-ing and desirable residence sites, vary-ing in elevation and location from tenfeet above sea level (at the point wherethe great ocean steamers will dock a fewyears hence) back to the mountainsthree miles distant, up a gentle slopeto an elevation or 1100 feet, commandinga view of the surrounding country, PearlHarbor and the blue Pacific beyond,which must be seen to be appreciated.

6 Pearl City as a health resort haspeculiar advantages and attractions. ThePresident, Dr. Duncan, of the AmericanHealth Association of Chicago, has justsecured the refusal of a site at PearlCity for a sanitarium for that society.

8 The soil of Pearl City is exceed-ingly rich and productive as evidencedby the location of three fruit companies.

9 Pearl City offers the finest busi-ness and residence sites for the leastmoney to be found in the Kingdom.

10 Pearl City is provided with thebest, most comfortable, most econom-ical, and the quickest means of trans-portation in the Kingdom.

11 Pearl City is six degrees coolerthan Honolulu.

12 Pearl City has a harbor destinedto be the Great American Naval andCoaling Station of the Pacific.

13 Pearl City has a harbor with acapacity to float all the navies of theworld.

14 Pearl City occupies a position tobe visited by the great line of steamer.en route via the Nicaragua Canal.

15 Pearl City is destined to be theGreat Commercial Emporium of thePacific.

OAHU RAILWAY & LAND CO.,B. F. Dillingham,

2S97-3- t General Manager.


It is hardly necessary to direct theattention of the public to the fact thatpure water is one of the principal agentsin preserving health and insuring per-fect comfort in a household. The germof our most malignant diseases can betraced back to impure water.

The filter works easily, and, likemagic, turns the impurest water into aperfectly colorless and absolutely pureliquid.

This apparatus is attached to the ordinary water-pip- e and filters rapidly. Itis displacing the old slow-workin- g filtersin the United States.

Call and examine the above at thePACIFIC HARDWARE CO., Lt'd.,

FORT STREET.2853 l?89-- q

Nciu SUtocrtiscmcnta.


Acres of Rice and Ta-- o Land, withwater rieht. well ariflntprf fnr t no--

apples or other fruit. Taro and bananasare now growing on part of this land.r or particulars address

DR. F. L. ALVAREZ.2890-tmt- f Waialua, Oahu.

NOTICE.T)URINQ MY ABSENCE FROM THE--M Kingdom, Mr. S. Ahnii will collectrents and accounts due to me, and attendto all my business under power of at-torney. L. AK.E.

Grapes for &ile.

TONE ISABELA GRAPES any part of the city, at 5 pounds per

?t. Anyone sending for them can get Gpounds for $1 at the Vinyard, KeauniokuOt. It. Ij SHM A K

2896-G- t Bell Tel. 317.

Homesteads Vov Sale !

I WILL SELL ON 5:OR 10years time, 8 Choice Lots on FCinstreet adjoining my residence. Pa-lam- a.


JOS. TINKER, NUUANCT STREET,sole agent in these Islands for the

Kegan Vapor Engine.







WEDNESDAY, OCT. 21, 1891.

On Wednesday, Oct 21, 1891

By order of the Oahu Railway andLand Company, I will offer for

sale at Public Auction, at theNew Store of the Pacific

Hardware Co.,





The Peninsula ot

Pearl City!This truly enchanting location for sub-

urban homes must be seen to be appre-ciated ; a lovely grove of algeroba treescovers the entire grounds, streets 80 feetin width are laid out, and 6 inch pipesare being laid to conduct water Irom a10-in- ch artesian well which is pro-nounced by McCandless Bros, to flowthe sweetest water of all the wells theyhave bored on this island. The RailwayCo. have constructed two reservoirs witha storage capacity of over two milliongallons, and built a flume extendingmiles into Waiawa Valley, which inyears of ordinary rainfall will supply anabundance of pure water for a largepopulation; to guard against suchdroughts as we have experienced duringthe present year, the Company have or-dered a Blake "Pump with a capacity of450,000 gallons per day, which will bereplaced by one or more of larger capa-city when needed. This pump now duefrom the manufacturers will be placed atonce at the artesian well from whichwater will be forced into the reservoirs,when not supplied from the mountains.

A block containing an area oi fiveacres has been reserved for a Hotel, andanother beautiful lot of the same area isalso reserved for a Public Park, whichthe Company propose to make one of themost delightful and attractive resorts tobe found anywhere.

This place has all the charms of "Wai-kik- i,

with the addition of an inland seaseven miles long and four miles wide,affording boating and yachting facilitiessecond to none in the world.

Pearl City is situated about half-wa- y

between the extreme eastern and western points of Pearl Harbor. The makaiend of Pearl City Peninsula points tothe entrance of the harbor,and is destinedsome day (not so remote as some peoplemay think) to be the great commercialemporium of the Pacific. The PearlCity Branch of the Company's line ex-tends down the centre of the Peninsulawithin say 1,000 feet of the shore oneither side.

E)8Tm Intending purchasers are in-vited by the O. R. & L. Co. to call at myoffice for free tickets and maps of PearlCity.

The Company will bind themselvesin the deed to carry purchasers, theirfamilies and servants for a term of nineyears from date of purchase at 12 centsper mile first-clas- s, and 1 cent per milesecond-clas- s. Those who build on theirlots within 12 months from date of pur-chase will thereby secure a reductionfrom the above rate, for the whole time,of say 20 per cent., making the fare eachway 15 cents first-clas- s and 10 centssecond-class- .

Thi3 rare spot of earth is quite limitedin area, and those who would secure alot valuable now but destined in the nearfuture to be worth many times its pres-ent value, will be wise to improve theirpresen t opportnn i ty .



One-four- th i Year,One-four- th 2 Years,

One-four- th 3 Years,

Secured by Mortgage, Interest at 7 Per cent.

Per Annum, Payable Semi-annual- ly.

Company will furnish Deedsand Mortgage free of charge.

E Stamping, Recording and Ac-knowledging at expense of purchaser.

Jas. F. jVIorgan,2867-1392-- tf AUCTIONEER. I


This .Day.


Wednesday, Oct. 21st

Bv Order of the OAHU RAILWAY &LAND . CO., and in accordance with myadvertisement now before the public, Ishall offer for sale at Public Auct on.

On EDNESDT, October 2tsf.


At the New Store of the Pacific Hardw areTo., b'ort strer,

Honse LotsOccupying that most desirable location

known as the

Peiiifisula of Piwrl i'ily!

No. of BLOCK LOTS as FOLLOWS:Block 25 Lots 5, fi, 9. 10, 13, 14. 15, 10, 19,

20, 21, 22, 27, 28, 31, 32, 33, 31.Block 2G Lots 5, 6, 7,S, 11, 12, 13, 17, 1,19.Block 27 Lots 11, 12, 13, 14, 19, '20, 21. 22.Block 27 Lots :G. 27, 23, 29, 37, 30, 35, 34.Block 28 Lots 5, 6, 7, 8.Block 28 Lo!.-- 2 13, 14, 15, 28, 29, 30, 31,

36, 37, 38.Block 28 Lots 20, 21, 22, 23.

Block 29 Lots lr2, 3, 4, 9, l( 11, 14, 15, 16,18, 21, 22.

Block 29 Lot 17.

Block 35 Lots 3, 4, 5.Block 35 Lots 8, 9, 12, 13.

Block 35 Lots 16, 17.

Block 35 Lots 18, 19.

Block 36 Lots 1, 2.Block 36 Lots 5, C, 9, 10.

Block 40 Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9.Block 40 Lots 21. 20, 16, 15, 14, 13.

Block 41 Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12.

Block 41 Lots 17, 18, 19, 20.

Block 42 Lots 5, 6, 7, 8.Block 42 Lots 13, 14, 17, 18,21, 22.Block 43 Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 13, 14, 15, 16,

17,18.Block 44-L- ots 5, 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 16, 21,

22, 23, 24.

J"as. F. nVToran.286 td AUCTIONEER.

Underwriters' Sale.


At io o'clock a. in.,At the STORE of Messrs. H. IIACK-FEL- U

& Co., Queen street, 1 will sellat Public Auction, for account of whom itmay concern, the following

MERCHANDISE ;Damaged by salt water on voyage of im-

portation, per German Bark H. Hackfeld,from Liverpool :

Mark :

Triangle II II 959, 1 bale, 50 pes., HorseBlankets.

Triangle H H 952, 1 bale, 50 pes., HorseBlankets.

Triangle H II & Co. R 5, 1 bale, 13 pes.,Crown Cotton, 520 yds.

Triangle H H & Co. R 2, 1 bale, 13 pes.,Crown Cotton, 520 yds.

Triangle II II & Co. R 6, 1 bale, 13 pes.,Crown Cotton, 520 yds.

Diamond R 3, 1 bale, 25 pes., Crown Cot-ton, 1000 yds.

Diamond R 7, 1 bale, 24 pes., Crown Cot-ton, 576 yds.

Diamond R 6, 1 bale, 25 pes., Crown Cot-ton, GOO yds.

Triangle H H 334, 1 case, 21 shts. plainIron , 84x24x26 g. , 246 lbs.

II II & Co. 300, 291 bxs. blue mottled Soap.Triangle II , 22 bxs. Demon mottled Soap.Triangle H, 8 bxs. fine cold water Soap.Triangle H, 10 bxs. Mogul Soap.Triangle H, 9 bxs. Three Eagles Soap.Triangle H, 4 bxs. Defiance Crown Soap.Diamond H, 500 bbls. White Bros.' Port-

land Cement.Diamond H P 5000-503- 9 20 bdls. ea. 14x280

sheets galvanized corrugated iron G ft..24 g., 4570 lbs.

5010-508- 9 49 bdls. ea. 12x588 shts. galv.corr. iron 7 ft. 24 10930 lbs.

5090-517- 9 30 bdls. ea. 10x300 shts. galv. corr.iron 8 ft. 8,-3x-24 g. , 6495 1 bs.

5180-519- 9 14 bdls. ea. 9xl2G shts. galv. corr-iro- n

9 ft. 24 g., 3011 lbs.5200 5239 26 bdls. ea. 12x312 shts. galv. corr.iron 6 ft. 10-3x2- 4 g., 6238 lbs.5240-528- 9 29 bdls. ea. 10x290 shts. galv. corr

iron 7 ft. 10-3x- g., 6685 lbs.5290-537- 9 76 bdls. ea. 8x608 shts. galv. corr

iron 8 ft. 10-3x- 24 g.f 16902 lbs.53S0-53S- 9 17 bdls ea. 7x119 shts. galv. corrnuu u. iu-iJX- g., 6iL6 IbS.H H 1-- 20 12 bdls. ea. 14x168 shts. galv.

vuu- - uu o it. n-t- g., 'Zbio IDs.2W012 bdls.ea. 12x144 shts. galv. corr.

iron 7 ft. 24 g., 2790 lbs. .41-8- 0 29 bdls. ea. 10x290 shts. galv. corr.

iron 8 ft. 24 g., G670 lbs.Teems Cash is U. S. Gold Coin.

JAS. F. MORGAN,2S98-3- t Auctioneer.


L-,A- of Kamaole, Maui, has thisclay sold the whole of the store known bvthe name of Kwong Sun Choiig, at theabove mentioned place to the undersigned.L.. Ake will pay his own debts and collecthis own accounts. TONG HOP,

Kamaole, Maui.October 1. 1891. 2886-3- w

fiice Straw For Sale.

$4 flfl A LOAD, DELIVERED.2875-l- m 22 Nuuanu Street.


present occupied by the UnionIce Company, on the Esplanade.Size of Building, 40x80 feet in theolear.

elevator.. For narticnlars enanire on thpremises. . 2878-t- f

i.ri V--



1 r

i J"in

. '

: '. r ),

f' 'I

i 0

Finance Department.Bcekau of Customs, )

Honolulu, H. I., Oct. 17, 189l.fClarence L. Crabbe ha3 this day been

appointed Port Surveyor for the Port andCollection District of Honolulu, Oahu, viceJohn P. Holt, resigned.

G. E. BOARDMAN,Deputy Collector.

Approved :

John Mott-Smit- h,

Minister of Finance.2S99-3- L


Tax Payers of the District ofKona, Oahu.

The Books of the Tax Assessor for theDistrict of Kona, Island of Oahu, will beopen for inspection by persons liable totaxation from October 20th to Novemberlat, 1891, (Sundays excepted), in the Ka-puai-

Building, between the hours of 9o'clock in the forenoon and 4 o'clock in theafternoon ; Saturdays until 12o'clock noon.

T. A. LLOYD,Deputy Tax Assessor, District of Kona,

Island of Oahu.Approved: C. A. Brows,

Assessor and Collector of Taxes 1st Dmsion. 2S98-2- w


Be joct and fear not;Let all the ends thou aim'st at be

Thy Country's, thy God's, and Truth's

WEDNESDAY, OCT. 21, 1891

The political pot is simmering, andcontains a strange brew a most hetero-geneous compound. Whether anythinggood will come out of the mixture, ismore than the wisest political seer dareprophecy. The difficulty is that partiesdon't know what they want, nor how toget it.

The departure of Dr. Mott-Smit- h forWashington leaves the Cabinet in acrippled condition. Dr. Smith was theone member of the Cabinet who pos-sessed the general confidence of thecommunity, and his absence for an uncertain period must inevitably greatlyweaken that body in the public estimation. The present Minister of Financehas talents which fit him for the positionof Minister to Washington as well asMinister at home, but unless he candivide himself in halves, as Swift prayedhis beloved Stella might do, we do notthink he can fill both positions to thesatisfaction of the public.

The sale of Pearl City Peninsula lotswill take place to-d-ay at noon in the newand commodious store of the PacificHardware Co. Many of the choicestlots on the Peninsula will be offered, andthe opportunity to get them at low ratesand on easy terms will never be as goodagain as it is to-da- y. Now that sugar islow and stocks uncertain, there is nobetter investment than in real estate, inthe soil which remains and is fruitfulthough men and stocks may come andgo. The elements which make everyfoot of earth on Pearl City Peninsulavaluable, are its superb situation, delici-ous climate and proximity to a splendidsheet of water, destined soon to be oneof the finest harbors in the world. Theseelements of value are permanent in theirnature, and will survive all temporaryfashions and fluctuations. The valueof all this land now offered for sale isbound to rise. The supply is limited andthe demand will steadily increase. Thenatural growth of population will en-hance prices, and the movements ofcommerce will do still more. The Rev.S. E. Bishop thinks that Pearl City Pen-insula is the site of a future city. Thereis no one more competent to form anopinion. But whether the city to comeis located on the Peninsula or not, landvalues there are bound to rise.

To those who wish to acquire a coun-try residence within 30 minutes of townthe Peninsula offers unsurpassed attrac-tions ; to others, it gives an opportunitytor a good investment as well as a verypromising speculation.

A Judicial Decision.An important decision of the full

Court was filed yesterday in the case ofthe Hutchinson Sugar Plantation Co. vs.the Hawaiian Government and O. T.Shipman, Deputy Tax Assessor, an ac-tion to vacate a decision of the Tax Ap-peal Board The law provides that theTax Appeal Courts shall consist of theDistrict or Circuit Judge and two disin-terested persons appointed by the Minis-ter of Finance. One of the Board in thiscase was C. Meinicke. who holds a smallGovernment position as country post-master. Was he, as a Government em-ployee, a "disinterested " person, withinthe meaning of the statute? The Courtdecides that he was not, and orders thatthe taxes paid over and above those dueon the return made by plaintiff be re-funded. Hatch & Carter for plaintiff;Peterson and the Attorney-Gener- al fordefendants.

Correspondents should not forgetto post the Hawaiian Gazette, theDaily Advebtiseb and the ToubistsGuide to their friends abroad, bythe outgoing steamer Alameda,which may arrive this evening andleave for San Francisco to-morro- w.




2, 1 50,000.

410.000- -

Capital Fully Subscribed,Capital Paid Up,Total Invested Funds Exceed,Total Annual Income,

JSOTThe undersigned, having been appointed Agent of the '

Society for tbe Hawaiian Islands, is prepared to issue Policies agaii

on the usual terms. (Signed)


HONOLULU, H. I.2881 1395-l-m


Fort Street, Honolulu.i



After an importing lockj

years, and Td'iwhich we bad o q

of tbeiriw 1

on accouDt rfof tbeany

frigerator, we hfjeJJ fisomething, padecipies, " --

. tetter vy.joodand your od

than anytl'g Jet ,u1

this markei.

niift Gurney,

enaction ami cm. --ij

A t V . --t " V. I

- - V J wbo have EubBUtutea

; : ttA ers can tesW. ;

The EDDY Befrigerators and Ice Chests of which Jways given satisfaction. They are plain, wellIroadeijji w f vlucft ,j

The WHITE MOUNTAIN ICJ5 CRFAM tnjdsold hundreds, are generally known and appreciated, ,cTbcse aehand from a large invoice just received from the factory.

27-W- e keen reliahlA winds and tell at reasonable prices.

HAWAIIAN HARDWARE CO., L'D,(Opp. Spreckels' Block),



--1 1


1 More rain yesterday.Last show at the striped tent to-- WOEKS1891. night. "August

SAN FEANOISCO,Ten cents to see the striped tentshow to-nigh- t. Everybody should go.

ERYMatheson Patent Lock Joint. DITIF WUv iW WvV HiMACSUGAR

Meeting Notice.


A SPECIAL MEETING OF STOCK.holders of the Kahuku Plantation Co.,

will be held in the Chamber of Commerceat 9 o'clock, on WEDNESDAY

MORNING, Oct. 21st. to consider businessof importance.

Per order. WM. W. HALL,299-l- t Secretary.

Special Meeting.

Mr. Clarence L. Crabbe has beenappointed Port Surveyor for ur mil nu I uvUUILUMIO

(JF ANY STYLE OR CAPACITY.This is the query perWhat Is petually on your little

P.M. P.M.

1:45 4:30t2:49 5:35t3:51 5:451

bov s hps. Ana ne isi

Mr. and Mrs. V. G. Irwin gave anenjoyable card party at their resi-dence last evening.

On the first page will be foundMaui correspondence, and on thefourth page items, etc.

10:51 It For? no worse than the big-ger, older, balder-hea- d

WROT IRON and STEEL RIVETED PIPE,The l arge t Manufacturers over 250 Miles Made, varying :

from 6 inch to 6 feet in diameter.

1.11:55 4:55 6:50ted boys. Life is an interrogationCST-TH- IS DAY.

A SPECIAL MEETING OF THEBoard of Trustees of the Oneen's Hos

point. " What is it iorr we con-

tinually cry from the cradle to thecrave. So with this little introduc


pital wUl be held THIS DAY, Wednesday,Egan & Gunn have opened a::::that jock Joint Pipe!special importation of goods

arrived on the Australia.

5 I f

''s' 1j6R jlesona

the 21st October, 1891, at 10:30 a. m., at thelloom of the Chamber of Commerce. AfuH atrendarce is requested.

Per Order. F. A. SCHAEFER,2699-l- t Secretary.

tory sermon we turn and ask: "Whatis August Flower for ?' ' As easilyanswered as asked : It is for DysThe water front will present a

lively appearance to-morro- w if theexpected steamers are on time.

pepsia. It is a special remedy forthe Stomach and Liver. Nothingmore than this; but this brimful.

2S'.3--q LAST NIGHT.tan

Dr. L. F. Alvarez, of Waialua, We believe August Flower curesINTELLIGENCE wishes to sell the lease of 15 acres OF Dyspepsia. We know it will. We

have reasons for knowing it. Twentyof rice and taro land, with water


THE MATHESON fOINT is made by enlarging or belling oue end of

thewrot iron tube (as s!own in the cut), thereby requiring one half tuk leadof any other pipe joint and one half the chance of leakage.

THE i'li'K. is maJo of any thickness necessary for the desired pressure

or head and



right.Most years ago it started in a small country

town. To-da- y it has an honoredTriPAY, Oct. 20.

nivied. for Maui and wm. Cogswell the artist leavesplace in every city and country store,Dossesses one of the largest manufor Maui.

u-u- . tor ivitudi.

Thursday for a tour of the UnitedStates. He will be absent about livemonths.

A large consignment of dried fruit,the finest in the San Francisco mar

. tor 'awiliwui,, Cam'..:i.f. .l,,in


facturing plants in the country andsells everywhere. Why is this? The trf: ,v;ii;;;,:;i ::;,!;';'! :;u! Fittings,Elbowtwffl:

'I' 'li:

-:- - And Most Wonderful!

-;- - Of All Tent Exhibitions !


Tees, Grates, and allSUPPLIED FOR THE SAME.kfefd, Hilerlob. for San

K lac ket, has just arrived at the CaliforniaFruit Market.:.ini forhooiau.

reason is as simple as a child'sthought. It is honest, does onething, and does it right alongitcures Dyspepsia.G. G. GKKKX, Sole ManTr,Woodbury,N.J.

Annual Meeting.

Auction sale of Pearl City lotsat noon. Ladies are speciallyLe Claire, for Waialua

gjEFFor mrther particulars, apply to

JOI-IaS- T DYEE,rootjji Room iif Syreckels Block.

invited. Provisions for the wants B Bell end Pipe.C C Body Pipe.DD Lead Space, showing point Lock OF ILLUSIONS !'iifornanalaei. of the inner man will be made.

tor Laie. E Lead bpaceA sDecial meeting of stockholders

COR. FORT AND BERETANIA STS. ASK FORof the Kahuku Plantation Companywill bo held in the Chamber of Com

ANNUAL MEETING OF THEReciprocity Sugar Company will be

held at the office of W. O. Smith, Presi-dent, at 3 o'clock p. m., on TUESDAY,Oct. 27. 1591. W. P.. CASTLE,merce room this morning at 9 o'clock.DEPAETfRES.

cbco.perbk H llackfeld,BachoItzanJ fannh.

Waialcale, Oct 20operstmr


2S97-- 8t Secretary.One Price for Everybody!

Ammal MeetilT. G. Quinn offers 25 reward for

the return of a black horse brandedJ. X. C. Mr. Quinn can be found atthe Enterprise Ranch, Nuuanu Valir Mikahala, Oct 20

U LiJfjr Miss MtOrew, Migj&au.O Chinese and 35 on ley., ANNUAL MEETING OF THE

stockholders of the Mutual TelephoneCo. will be held on WEDNESDAY, Oct.21, 1 r- -vA scecial meeting of the Board of

IO CTE3STTS!2896-- lt

HAWAIIAN ANNUAL!stmr Claudine,

Trustees of the Queen?s Hospital at 2 o'clock p. m., at the Company's buildinff. C. O.?S V H Cornwell, Hon L SSiW ITlie Most2886-t- d

will be held this morning at 10:30a. m. at the Chamber of Commerceroom.

and Bllf. 'Effective Preventive Against

Motli and Cockroaches.vrite

The animals belonging to SellsvUin. Master Maby, Mrs J;Ja uUshU-r- , 11 Uoss, Misses

F thcr Miss 11 Kaeo,iw Mis KCammings, C Ma-Jvi- le

'Chinese ami 40 deck pas- -

Bros.' circus will be on exhibition onthe dav of the Monowai's arrival.

Annual Meeting.


holders of the Paia Plantation will beheld at the office of Messrs. Castle &Cooke, Agents, on MONDAY, October 2G,

charged to see

BUTTERNew Pack Just Received !

Quality Unsurpassed!


MACKERELShould be on every Hawaiian table. Ready

for delivery October 1st.

S. FOSTER & CO,, Sole Agents,

26 and 23 California St., San Francisco.2686 1360-- y

Fifty cents will bethem.

CHEAPER AND BETTER THAN CAMPHOK !1891, at 10 o'clock a. m.Per order. T. W. HOBRON,288G-t- d Secretary.

The annual meeting of the stock-holders of the Koloa Sugar Co. will

EIGHTEENTH ISSUE OP THISTHE handbook is in preparation forpublication during December. All cor-rections therefor and articles in prepara-tion are desired to be handed in by Novem-ber 1.

The Annual for 1892 will have speciallyprepared illustrated articles, with newstatistical tables and other features of per-manent value and interest, including anengraved cover of typical design by K. C.

kfloners Ualeakala and Uob RoyAe Marine Railway yesterday.

be held at the office of Messrs. U.Hackfeld & Co.. Saturday, Octoberrkentiiie Irmgard is now due from

ichcowita general mercuauuise.LnprKa Hae Hawaii came off

IIST BLOCKS AND IN Railway on Tuesday.24, at 10 a. m.

The auction sale of Pearl City lotswill commence promptly at noon to-

day. Seats will bo provided forr jriiiifpi)ur went on the Ciau- - Barnfield, so that uatrons may leei assured

that no effort is spared to have each num

Annual Meeting.


of the Haiku Sugar Companywill be held at the office of Messrs. Castle& Cooke, Agents, on MONDAY, October2G, 1891, at 11 o'clock a. m.

Per order. J. B. ATHERTON,2886-t- d Secretary.


DE1STTISTS,ladies, and everything win ue aonefor the comfort of the spectators.

ber an improvement on its predecessor.Advertising patrons will please report

the changes desired by the 15th prox., soas to allow time for arrangement and in-

dexing.All orders for mailing abroad or to the

other islands will have prompt attentionon issue.

S" Price 75 cents each, or 85 centseach by mail. THOS. G. THRUM,

Compiler and Publisher.2899-l- w. 1398-2- t.

OLLISTEE .& CO.,Annual Meeting.The steamer Mikahala took last

evening to Kauai numerous gifts,many of them costly, for the Isen-berg-Purv- is

wedding, which is totake place at Lihue on the 28th inst.

Iieliav, as acting freight clerk inSr. WaHa'.'e, who remained ashorejlllnt'S-i- .

iingof the C. It. Bishop for Waia-lilrak- a

has been postponed tillmorning. She will carry a

?."Time:it of heavy machineryiHmwIulu Iron Works for theJjntation. consisting of rollers,

ar.J,c!arifiers, etc.:ai Ceylon will probably sail next.:'.sn Francisco. iShe expects to

"irto-davb- v the steamer Iwa-:- J

ie W.O. flail will bring her::!: ouFn lay.

::aniroa bark II. Hackfeld, Hil-- .:)n;ma:itier, sailed at noon onTues-fo- r

San Francisco en routej?s. the went away in ballast,

tool tain a cargo in San Fran-.r.!i- e


Honolulu, H. I.109 Eort Street, Hotel St., opp. Dr.J. S. McGrew'aANNUAL MEETING OF STOCK-holder- s

of the Kohala Sugar Companywill be held at the office of Messrs. Castle& Cooke, Agents, on TUESDAY, October27, 1891, at 10 o'clock a. m.

Per order. J. B. ATHERTON,28S6-t- d Secretary.

Eight lawyers almost the wholenative bar in fact were engagedon a single petty ejectment case yes $25 REWARD. 2804--q

terday. Where tne carcass is, merewill the eagles bo gathered

GAS ADMINISTERED.2801 1343-- y

Landlord's Sale!Annual Meeting. Gl. L. MEYER & CO-- ,

Tho following nersons arG bookedfn lonvft on the Alameda: Mr. and MEETING OF THEmHE ANNUAL

CT RAYED OR STOLEN FROM THEEnterprise Ranch, Nuuanu Valley, 1

Black Horse, white face, white hind feet,branded J. X. C. on left hind hip. Returnsame to the undersigned and receive theabove reward. T. G. QUINN.

2899 1w

Corporation Notice.

Princeville Plantation Co. of Hanalei,I 1 11 1 T.P.I T.H MINI n WK m ORDER OF J. T. WATERHOUSE.ft ! ; IB I UUV UKJ UUJ-Vt-. , u x will seu at public auction at myKauai, will be held at the office of C.

Brewer & Co. in Honolulu, on TUESDAY,October 27, 1891, at 2 o'clock p..

President Princeville Plantation Co.2888-t- d

Mrs. Howell and cnild, G. W. Gay,wife and three children, It. W. Mc-Chesne- y,

Geo. C. Jordon, Win. Cogs-

well and U. Ohlandt.

The rain injured the attendance atthe Opera House last evening. It

me Court October Term.Tuesday, Oct. 20.

Scco. J. F. Colburn vs. J. Caanlimus. Heard and con--i

until Wednesday, October 21.Lie). The Hutchinson Suu'ar

Co., a corporation, vs. The

Salesroom, Queen street, ON WEDNfcb-- ,DAY, October 21, 1891, at 12 o'clock noon,

Having had much experience in superintending buildings carpenter work in following Goods, distrained for non--?- ;n TTnUrl StatfiB. and having associated myself with a practical payment of rent, from the residence of

MEETING OF THEHE ANNUAL rs. Sinclair:T Stockholders of the Koloa bugar Co.,win hf hpld at the office of Messrs. 1.was the last performance of

mthe on

1 ...o.. n imirnnl AT int-- 0 1

f-o- n Government and 0 F. Ship--3 wv 1 t bon combination. Tlie performance nacR eia a w., on ?ai u , x

went off well and evidently pleased - -g--


Architect and Builder, we are now ready to furnish plans and specifications, and

to nve figures on any kind of building or carpenter work wanted.stores and putting in store fronts of--We make a specialty of fitting. np

new and novel designs. All kinds of repairing done promptly and neatly at

reasonable rates.

L. MEYEK, 130 Fort Street

dtfoty tax assessor, run iniuacate decision of Tax Appeal ih tsmall audience present. Wnnnlnln. Out. 20. 1891. 2899-4- t

Notice to Stockholders.


of the Paukaa Sugar Co. willbe held at the office of C. Brewer & Co.,L'd.. in this city, on October 27, 1891, at 10

o'clock a.m. JON A. AUSTIN2879-l- m President.

V-- Decii-.- ! ior plaintiff.

hall to-nish- t, a lectureBEFORE JL'DD, C. J.vs. Anzee. Tartly heard ZX'Sins'o? tl Sale of Pearl City lots. 2894 3mcoatinued until Wednesday, Octo--


BEFORE DOLE, J.Leon? vs. Caroline Bolster,

nt. Castb fnr TlnintifT. Hnnta- -

For Lease or Sale.

1 Tarlor Sofa,4 Parlor Chairs,1 Lounge,1 lient Pine Cane Seat Chair,1 Step Ladder,4 Bedsteads,2 Mattresses,1 Single Bed (wood),1 Single Bed (iron),2 Arm Chairs,1 Kocker,3 Cane Seat Chairs,1 Whatnot,1 Small Table,1 Bedroom Set (3 pieces),1 Wash Stand, k

1 Picture,1 Looking Glass,1 Shelf Bracket,1 Table,

.2 Large Shells,1 Hall Lamp,2 Stand Lamps,1 Pair Vases,1 Flower Pot,3 Toilet Sets as is.

spent several days Ihere collectinginformation in reference to its con-

nection with the Bible. Extra chairsprovided. All are welcome. Seats TEA!OREGON KIDNEYfttdXawahi for defendant. Juryfree. . RESIDENCE ON LUNALILO

STTPPt. at nresent occupied by Mr.Evidence heard and submit--

Nahaolelua ct al. vs. C. II. RoseEjectment. Pirtlv heard and

Discovery ofthe Most Wonderful MedicalJ.A.Kennedy, containing double Tno.inro A hpHrnnms. dressins and I J--


As a public convenience the

sale of Pearl City Lots will

take place at the Pacific

Hardware Co.'s New Build-

ing, on WEDNESDAY, Oct.

21st, at 12 o'clock noon.

2898-2- t

bath rooms, dining room, pantry ana Modern Times.until Wednesday, October Grounds 3U0X1U& leet, wen iaiu

The Striped Tent Show.To-nig- ht will witness the last per-

formance of Professor Roltair's " Palace

of Illusions." This very interesting

performance has been seen by a very

laro-- number of our people, and every-u,- ut

v,oa annVp.n wfill of it. The water- -

BEFORE LICKERTON, J. out; servants' rooms, stable ana cuicKenhouse in rear of main building. Vacant BACKACHEJohn Cook, bankrupt. Hison August 14th. R. l. nrf5 proved claims amounting to

--A. N" D- -2822-t- f witn meo. a. uavies ou

FOE SALE. KID3STEYnvmph, the mermaid, the apparentlyliving half-ladi- es and a dozen or more.""J important action has been filed

To The Public.. . . 3 i r J ..:n nt ininrn iYta tmollott fbUfl

J"as. F. jVEoran,2883-t- d AUCTIONEER.


features comprise - iuia euicn."..and should be seen by everyone. A

ill be arrangea tor It is strictly a vegetable proaucuun r' VlTZ: ' " .

Sopreme Court. It is a bill tocontract the parties being

HChum, plaintiff, and the KohalaiJfJ0-- . defendant. The bill sets

j it Plaintiff came to this

,y i. vnn htlt TCI 1 I OUTR Taill 111A CHOICE LOT SITUATE ONPunchbowl Hill, commanding agrand view of the harbor and Diatr'fl nprformance. Professor ??,B":Sr: Mr or kidneys, brick dust

Koltair will introduce some new tricksmond Head. Apply to

T .E wish to add our testimony toand he is very clever ai iT;0onthePactolu3, beinj; induced

dpnosit in urine leucorrhoea, painful or suppressed menstruation, neryouen

and all complaints arising from a diseased or debilitated state of the kidney:

urinary organs of either sex. , defftctive action of "the kidneysW Nuuanu Avenue, Honolulu, II. I.Via Rwpetness and Purity ofmanagement, with a aesire ma J. ALFltUili fliAUUUPi,

2823-t- f Merchant street.

FOE EENT!UlU. See una icui"n."'w t

r,Unrxr Avprvhodv to enter the Pearl City water ouppiy. iub reuSmnd in at cure Utter b,t.ard appHcaUoDS, fail10-in- ch well bored by us at Pearl

this evening at .the, very.small price ofThis m-- disease.

mot t0 his arrival fromKiditioDBof the law withhit to the admission of Chinese City is one of the very best on this PLACE THAT HAS rt ETA 1 51 ED

the same manaarement, the saroowell as ff?.OTri.W.ftWted that many cases of so--

railed rheumatism would yield to its remedial vinues.j j;no nk nrcscrra mfnet. iffi medical

ten cents for each admission,eludes everybody, adults aschildren.

;ciarwi nnd fpw if anv supply sweeterwater.

guests, and the same emploj continu-ously, from its inception, is g Jly con-sidered trustworthy and reliaLlc. ,properties Tand the decoction is made by the person using it. thes securmg its ab--

R-- iry nor a3 to tho con"

? tbe contract providing for thelrora monll to month of

K Ti:n3-.fro- 11 10 was?a agreedl Pra.vs that the contract

Another Musical Treat. THE STORE NOW OCCUPIEDby the Pacific Hardware Companyin the Mclnerny Block. . Posses- - boiuub punijr. miMeA ibpasps of the kidnevs or urjnary organs

Tuesday evening next, tuo wOn . AnlreFeKnou"": "v: wnihPir troubles Others seek relief


FOE RE3STT.sion given aoout novemuci isu io

relief,ItiKn. 'Vi5ur as alternate they do not aggravate tbe dis"We need say no moTe ; but as always ,

respectfully solicit the patronage of tour-ists and others at the liberal rates of :

Perday $ 2 00Per week 12 00

the very best business sue m me wiijf.U1&V., . Tmby the Court. recitals, under the direction oi Air. " Also, tne uenar unuer iub wrua owic.Rents moderate. TT..T,r at least do not lessen it. Even those who secure l he advice ol VYease to the complicated and delicate nature of the

often fail to get relief, owing veryLVn !rarortant one as it gov- - , ;n the Kaumaka- -

Tared others t 1 rayio1"1 ::; aion anexcel-iS- tOn th sconstitutionality of the pili Church. Sept. 30, 1891. 2832-l- m organs affected.TRF. VERY DESIRABLE RES1- -lent programme r v; T -

H;.With special monthly rates.

THOS. E. KROUSE, Pbop.P. O. Box 390;" Bell Telephone 353. , :

- 2889-- p

dence located on Kinau street nearthe corner of Bensacola street, preIP? rt J.lTrMiS Emily Hal- - Building Lots for Sale.folic sently occupied by F. F. August Lhlers.rrinve u

a 'r Nichols. TheCourt Items. HmisA r.nntams. parlors, uihiur iuuiu,stead ana xi. ;;-- " aiRO

It HasnoEqual J

3Foi- - Sale by .

BENSON, SMITH & CO., 113 & 115 Fort Street.vjtoKon thrpe chambers, bathroom, pan- -astronomer. Uf. f"' ; i- -Pires1 "au Louise&a r tWO Viuuu nnR SALE- -4 CHOICE LOTS olTUA- -rnnms anu amuic i.iuock nyu..wr ass.inH1

: nnsmKnr let Tnnnirfint.and battery. , Both--C ted between Thurston and Spencer

SUN NAM SINGNo. 109 Nuuanu 8treet,

P. O. Box 175.SSr There will rt be several

orean. The pro- - ' . w . .WTir . 11 III M1iThe defendant stated Avenues; 380 feet frontage by 200 ft. deep.m a .

2804 1382-- qtions vu t1 ""'o - "gramme will appear - Begs to call the attention of the public to

HAWAIIAN tiAiiuWAftii w.,2897 tf Fort St.. opp. bpreckels .

NOTICE.:&,n; ae talke until evervoneF0rtermSaPPiyL. J. LEVEY,

2S91-2- W Corner Fort and Queen St.

NOTICE.HawaiianSPECIAL BUSINESS ITEMS.y'ff f!n wa3 tired, the efforts

I Kv"'?3.10 8ton her nntwithatfinfl- - SupremeFurnished Rooms aud Board Court of theIslands.

tneir large ana wen seieciea

Slock of Japanese Goods !

Suitable for this market, which willbe sold at Lowest Prices. . t

2392-l- y ' . i

UsinTed that thft nlaintifT said i...ab.ut her, and iu a fury JUST KECEIVED" FROM mHE UNDEESIGNED HOLDS FULL

San Francisco, a consignment I powPr cf attorney from ;Dr. John Bro- -VehfcVpn P'aintiff ia the mouth MATTER OF THE ESTATEIN THEsuch asicm nripd Fruits, API, of Waihee, Maui, a voluntaryA OfnOOL, AIRY ROOMS AND FAMILY

J board to be had at Ka Palama, Kingp0o Prunes.' Dried bankrupt.die ana requetsiato be presented o

CARTER.Oct. 19, 1891, WWCh'en die object-it-0- v

liVe 0Qe crammed downA 1 I'M II V 1 A tf - of town.111 ILiU WWI

All of the above are First street, within la minutes' wantAddress " R." Advertiser office.


Creditors of the said bankrupt areherebv notified to come in and prove their2843-t-ftxsr?ttvati e lue arrest. Judge

N Ja them both a !?ood ronri- - debts before such J ustice of the SupremeCourt as shall be sitting at Chambers atTO x,ET l. , ? ..., of Dried Fish, consisUng

them lmmo o Aliiolani Hale. Honolulu, on THuKoFashionable Dressmaking.

MY ABSENCE FROil THEDURING Mr. Chu Sem will act for meunder full power of ney

Honolulu, Oct. 8, 1891. 2895-l- w

1STOTICE.r HAVE GIVEN WILLIAM F. ALLEN1 my full power of Attorney, to act forme during my absence from the Kingdom.Mr F. A. Bacon will have charge cf theEnterprise Mill, and aU bmldiM andcon- -

pfq UlliXX.Oct.' 16, 1891. 2396-2-W

Comfortably Furnished Rooms !


No. 8 Union Street, (next to Bell Tower).

Mutual Telephone 394. . P. O. Box 47a.

28G9-3- m- T. A. SIMPSON, P&QP.

ADVERTISER Is the LeadingThe Paper of the Islands

DAY. the 22d day of Oct. , 1891, between thehours of 10 o'clock in the forenoon and noon. ko-tp- s. kees of Sardmes,ic.Cou read the "brother-Llo?,ki- nl

Chinamen allezed VaVes tie Trade. BuWFZLBKCT.P.O.CamarinosproprIeor. EMMA STREET.RTISS BURROW, 15


and Keaumoku streets,containing 10 rooms, diningroom,kitchen and out houses. Apply

of the said day, and elect one or more assignees of the said bankrupt's estate.

By the Court., HENRY SMITH, Clerk.

Honolulu, Oct. 13, 1891. 2894-- 6t

Miner and Fitting. AlsoilLE? Siiltv nf ? L1.unese theater were8 k aving the seductiveW30 eaST flnp?S8ession- - They were

Three of theJ.lutuai x eif.'""" by the day or week. Prices moderate.

2867--qto David Dayton, glKins street, upstairs.Daily Advertiser 50c. per month.

tfBffira .Therewerc a

1891.MEK? (Sntcroi StttoarfiscmcHts.

Baldwin Locomo ives JOHN NOT T,--IlVTI?OIrrTr2T YINHD DEALER IN"- -

;t x

Ill i it


The Czar has visited Germany recent-ly, remaining only a few days, however.

China is becoming alarmed over therepeated outbreaks and attacks on mis-sionaries, and has guaranteed the pun-ishment of the anti-missionar- y rioter3.

Canada is writhing in the throes of aMinisterial scandal. Following close onthe forced retirement of Sir Hector Lan-gevi- n

comes serious charges against theDominion Printer. The entire CanadianGovernment seems to be seething withofficial corruption if half of the reportsare true. .

Rebat, the French foreign minister,has been decorated by the Sultan ofTurkey.

Brazilian Reciprocity.The Bureau of American Republics

has issued a valuable bulletin on the re-

ciprocal arrangements between Braziland the United States. It appears thatthe average yearly imports into thatcountry of articles which, when pro-duced in the Uuited States, have beenadmitted free of duty since April, 1891,amount to more than $20,000,000, ofwhich considerably more than three-fourt- hs



imported from conn- -J. A m I 1 r i A mi

The undersigned having been appointedSole Agents for thn Hawaiian Islands


Baldwin LocomotivesI "Void the Work a of

Bumliaiii, Parry, Williams & Co,

Fh.ilacielpb.ia, J?enn..t


For the Announcement oi

' NE"W GOODS!Coast of CalifoM ...South Pacific Ocean.Western Pacific oceanCal Oregon

--in o K- - ana. " 'aa on.Are now prepared to give estimates and er'Western Routa to ....West Coast

receive orara tor tnese engines, oi anysize and style.

EM San Bias. U,rnca.-P- ar

Charts n(The Popular Millinery House, 104 Fit StThe Baldwin Locomotive Works are "rooraMam and K,J iIaaii.Charts of Harbor


learl River Honlou

ines oiner tnan tue unueu oiaies. ineSteel and Iron Banges, Stoves and Fixtures, explX

fairly indicated by these examples. Fish

now manufacturing a style of Locomo-tive particularly adopted

For Plantation Purposes,

A number of which have rfifintlv hftp.n

N. S S A CHS2804-- q

(salted, dried or pickled) imported fromthe United States, amounted to $23,278;from other countries, $1,629,229 ; duty,


Node's andWrinkles in Fractal tV1PBowditche's Navigatiot

Log Books.American Nautili Almanac8i

received at these Islands, and we willhave Dleasure in urniahincr Plantation AGATEAgents and Managers with particulars of

WARE IN GEEAT VARIETY, from the United States, $36 ; from othercountries, $905,503; duty 15 per cent.

White, Gray and Silver-plate- d. STbSXsame.

The superiority of these Locomotives

LAMPS mechanical machinery, tools and imple- -mfintM nnnltiilinof Rfntinnarv n.Tid nnrfc- -

over an otner mazes is not only knownhere but is acknowledged throughout theUnited States. Also, all articles i


'" -- . -o j Iable engines and all machinery formanufacturing and all industrial pur-poses, except eewing machines), importsfrom the United States, $184,652 ; fromall other countries, $2,310,628 ; duty from15 to 48 per cent. Coal imports fromthe United States, none : from all othercountries, $6,057,381 ; duty 5 per cent.

THEF. O. Box No. 480. ': J Jj : Mutual Tel. No. go

West Cor. Nuuanu and King Streets,

Fo Sale byWM. 6. IRWIN & CO.,

Sole Agents for Hawaiian Islands.28041382-- q


Plumbers' Stock, Water and Soil Pipes.

Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron WorkE. 0. HALL ft stain Company, gXP-A- ll kinds of NEW and SECOND-HAN-D FURNITURE sold cheap

for cash at the I X L.gX2The I X L pays the HIGHEST CASH PRICE for all kinds of

Second-han- d Furniture, Stoves, Sewing Machines, Etc.2&IF YOU WANT TO SELL out your Household Furniture in its en-

tirety, call at the I X L Auction & Commission House, cor. Nuuanu and King Sts."Prompt returns made on goods Sold on Commission.

liip Chandlers,DIMONO BLOCK, 95 and 97 KING STREET.

2804-1382-- q



Hiime and Cement,PARAFFINE PAINT CO.'S



BUILDER and CONTEACTOE nifen iei constantly on M

To Whom It May Concern.

I beg leave to state that Ihave done the veterinary workfor the Woodlawn Dairy andStock Co. since January, 1888.During that time the moststringent efforts have beenmade to keep the Dairy stock inperfect health.

When a diseased animal isdiscovered segregation or de-

struction is immediately re-

sorted to.A. R. ROWAT, V. S.

Honolulu, Oct. 5, 1S91.2891-2- w

i r sale forCompounds and Eooflng

S. W. LEDERER, - - - Proprietor.

SStore Open Saturday Evenings Till & O'clock. 2823-- y

For Bargains of Superior Goods& O TO

13. 'IT. Elilers & Co.99 FORT STREET.

Is prepared to furnish Hans and Specifications for, and Construct allkinds of

"Buildings, either Brick, Stone, Iron or Wood, in a satisfactory


$3.00 per dkeed'b patkut

Felt Steam Pipe Covering, all sizes.

fpGrBeing a Practical Architect myself, I am prepared to make all Plansand Specifications, and Personally Superintend the same.

Thankful to all who have entrusted their work to me heretofore, I hope tomerit a continuance of their patronage, by giving the same my personal supervis-ion and employing competent assistants, thereby enabling me to guarantee satis-faction.

X-?- KINDS OF JOBBING and REPAIRING promptly attended to.Offices and Stores Fitted up with neatness and dispatch.

And under, by

All our Goods Greatly Reduced in order to make room for New Q, HALL & SG. W. LINCOLN,2804-q- J 75 and 77 King Street.

Importations to Arrive.Bell Telephone 275.

n TIAnm o T7Tvri nm


Wool Duet,Bone Meal,

K'ish. Griiano.AL80


High Grade Chemical Cane Manure.

tor. rum ttJUMBiMi:Island orders will receive prompt attention and will be filled at the samelow prices.The Honolulu Soap Works 2836 1387-- qiflice i

Co-Partners- hip Notice.

VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THATL. Akau, residing in Waimanalo, Oahu,

Pan Lum Mow, Hung Big, and Hurg Kee,all residing in Honolulu, Oahu, have thisday formed a under thefirm name of YUEN LUNG COMPANY,with place of business at 42 Nuuanu St.,Honolulu aforesaid, and that Pan LumMow is fully authorized by power of at-torney to transact all business of the firm.

2894-l- w

Jlast lieceived


Dressmaking Department under the management of Miss K. Clark.2804--q

UNION IRON WORKS OO.The undersigned have just completed

their NEW STEAM SOAP WORKS. iron and Locomotive WortRIBBONSCorner of Ileal and Howrd8irMtiJGKASS SEEDS i

Cocksfoot, Rye GrasB and Clovers.J. N. S. WILLIAMS,R. MORE, :

Manager.Superintendent.7visrr Ban Francisco 3Per Bark " CHARLOTTE," a number of W TT TAVT-flT- l

B. 8. MOORE -.- .BnpOTintiIron Pounders,!Engineers and

Office and Works,


ETC., ETC.,Hfl! Pianos !

Builders OfETC.,

and are prepared to supply the trade a

Pure Laundry Soap!

Put up in Boxes of 100 Lbs.,

of 42 and 56 Bar3 each .

We guarantee our Soap to be pure,and much better than the imported.

7Each box is stamped " Honolu-lu Soap Co.," and is

For Sale by all Retailers.


Esplanade, Honolulu,


Fairbank Canning Co.'s CornedBeef, 1 and 2 lb, tins.


In til Iti bnnchM.From the Celebrated Factory ofSteamboat, Steamship. Land Enginei

High TresBure or ComppinlJust Arrived per Australia c-- bechstein, London and BerlinBTEAM VESSELS of all klndi built Wffi

fiSNow ready for inspection, for salewltn nulla ot wooa, iron or wmyj. i

OBDINABY ENGINES compounded wt

vleable. JBTEAM LAUNCHES, Bargei nd Bteun ftc

i. iiv u.iiki in h triutlBl

--AT- byNOTICE.H. HACKFELD & CO., they are to be employed. Speed, towu

MANUFACTURERS OFSugar Machinery, Irrigating Machinery, Steam Engines,

Steam Boilers, Juice Tanks, Coolers, Molasses Tanks, Sugar Cars,Cane Cars, Elevators, Conveyors, Furnace Fittings,

Wrought and Cast Iron Work for House Builders,Water Wheels and Gearing, Bar Iron, Etc.


IPelton Water Wheel.

GOOD'S, arait or water gurnuwSDGAB MILLS and Sugar Making M

FROM AND AFTER maun sulom. mo uvo.Boiler Iron Work connected tnerewiui.this date we will not be M. W. JdeGUESNEI k SOIresponsible for any

frPltrhf offo-- cam a Km a

Sole Agents foi the Hawaiian Islands..

2840-- q

ATLASAssurance Company

size, made in suitable lengthi tetogether, or Sheet, rolled, " J

for Bhlpment, ready to be rlretedbeen landed. Parties tnnhnm fraioht ia 1390 2856-3- m AGENTS. Mclntyre Block, Fort Street.

2864-3m- q

consigned must be at the landing to receiveground.

WILDER'S steamship co.Honolulu. Sept. 5. 1890. ?836 g. nr

. CAETER, CASTLE & COOKE, Pipes maae vj mis w""" 7.7. auifhydraulic rlvetlag ttKbinery,inrv hAfnnr far snDerlor to band wori. 1

r7Tr ttUJtmuso1 mAUtllJNIl.KX Uoneat REASONABLE I and Bteam CepiaMORATES and at SHORT NOTICE. 287M392-- q ? rroSSJ Aifand circulating pw?,


Capital,Assets, '

1808.$ 6,000,000$ 9,000,000

82 King Street,JAMES NOTT, JR.,


TINSMITH & PLUMBERBOLE Agents and manufacturerilotw


Uoaet 01 ne zieino Dio.,FUMPS-Dlr- ect Acting SSKS

city works' purposes, lmMJtJ w J ,

Davy Valve Motion,pump.

...BobJOHN DYER..-- " .

pianos! mm PIANOS !

Just Arrived per Woosung, 135 days from Bremen, three of those Fine

Life, Fire and Marine

Insurance Agents !


New England Mutual Life Ins. Co


iEtna Fire Ins. Co, of Hartford.


Corner of King and Alakea St.tHonolulu, H. I.

TELEPHONE Workshop, Mutual 261residence, Mutual, 236.


Having been appointed Agents of thaabove Company we are now ready toeffect Insurances at the lowest rates ofpremium.

H. W. SCHMIDT h SONS.. 1387 2836-- q


E. B. THOMAS,Contractor and Builder.

2804 1382-- q



S3"Estimate3 furnished on all classesof Plumbing and Tinsmithing work. Firstclass workmanshin and material

Has on Hand For Sale

Departure Bay Coal,

Nanaimo Coal,


Celebrated for their sweet tone and durability in this climate. Also on hand,two Fine

Parlor Organs !teed in all the above branches of my busi-nes-s

at reasonable rates. 2804q Ih?ui'mIi co Uompany EEED CO,ESTIMATES GIVEN ONall kinds of Brick, Iron,Stone and Wooden Build-ings. All kinds of Jobbing



Big O la acknowledgedthe leading: remedy forGtonorxhoea GleUThe only saie remedy forl.eacorr tioea or Whites.

I Drescribe it and feel

oormsh & Co., Washington, N. J., Makers. For Sale at


f; fi To 5 DAYS. YUuarMteed sot 10 V9 (tut Strietarc.

Newcastle Coal.4 m k WEB, I

tended to. Keeps for sale: Brick, Lime,Cement, Iron Stone Pipe and Fittings, oldlirJenlvtiv F. H. REDWARD,TheEaisChewjicm( to all sufferers.ONCmM!,o.ErTa A. J. ssTONER. M. D..

Decatcb. lu.Sold by Drnsviata.Trxd.iik MUCK 91.00.

in; suit.

Delivered in anypart of the town.

CgBoth Telephones 187. 2852-3m- tf

H. S. TREGrLOAN & SON,Hollistib & Co"., Wholesale Agents.

Have on nana a"

Fresh every month fromot

the very best quality

Hay and G-ra-inntuH,i3xiTH x uo., wnoiesaie Agents. 1391 2S6S-- q

Contractor and BuilderErick, Stone and Woodan Building --

Estiraates Given.

Quarry Tiles, assorted sizes and colors;California and Monterey Sand, GraniteCurbing and Blocks, Etc., Etc.Rf? o,an(iTYard Cor- - KinS and Smith

Office Hours 8 to 12 a.m., 1 to 4 p.m.Telephones Bell 351; Mutual 417. Resi-dence, Mutual 410. P. O. Box 117.

2832-- q


Commission Agent.Honolulu, : : Hawaiian Islands.

Cor. Fort and Hotel Sts.,

MEEGHAIT TAILOES!Dealers in Gent's nvm-0Tn--


JSTttW GOOT3Ba Fine Assortment.

Jobblus Promptly Attended to,76 KING STREET.

Boll Telephone No. a. p, o. Box 432850--q

Of aU. kinds, at wpyiDelivered prompt y

of the city

GIVE US A TBIAIIHand-paint- ed Porcelain Dinner Set. - UJ.XXXOAAXA1C1 UUVUOiCLASTICTRUSS, A few of fbose fine hand-embroider- edtea Knrn . N ?

2ait-3m- q

given that wo aro fJ

Patentee of Lose's Chemical Com-pound" for Clarifying Cane Juice; ofwhich supplies are kept on hand.

fSFI1?6111 attend to any business en- -

. .rMatnalTe!Warehouse, y

- jm m u ah iue unaThis Celebrated AnniVXs V

': ? f''

- ! - f

.; ini


fil' i

;' : ;- 'I

: f:.

: i i' ? i

:: f; I

'; .' ' r



lzxLD GuaOflRr-f- t

--rev T. ,.t,nnal'


--Architect,Office Room 5, Spreckel's Block.

(Mutual Tel. 203).

Mil o- -. Vuiauj J aim liHH VM


Assorted colors and patterns of CrepeSilk Shawls. Elegant Tete-- a te Cnps

and Saucers. A fine lot ofA- - few of those handy Mosquito Urns.

Also, an assortment of new styles 0

' ' T W . phoneys; MntneMM orcaiei orunpture! This is antiUettrle Trna (the only successful oi;vser inTCstcd): has no Iron Hoops or Steelv!v

OFFICE-MERCHA- NT ST., NO. 42.Telephones Mutual 128; Bell 15

. P.O. Box 338. 287l-3- m

H. Ev M'lN l YRE & BRO.,

Groceries, Provisions and Feed,EAST J)tfB PORT A.TD KINfQ STSIEBTS.

New Designs Modern Rt?Jith ease and oomforKlehC and Day. It's a perteetretKlner : For further particulars a - TflOJIASEil-in"uP3'0'Pa,- n PbletKo. lan Rattan rjhrLiTn.Tirl TVkloc Comolete Plana and SnpoifipaimT,., Pianos For Rent,R Ff 1 fJ R ED that Dr. Pierce's Genuine Electri Every Description of MamifaefflriBIContracts drawn and earefnl sn norm.

Also, a small selection of JAPANESECOSTUMES.

WING WO CHAN & CO.tendence of construction eiven whpn re

ntof exactly like that shown at too of ttaiiBvctTertfccmeui. Beware of inferior imitationsAddress:.1. JAGNETIC ELASTIC TRUSS COMPANY,

- 2823 1386


- 2SGl--q

2651' 22 Nuuanu Street. Call and examine plans.2830-3m- tf

PceVby'ry?telStrbyAeirorLSfJf',?111 .tIie SUtesand iCurope reh CaliforniaCOMPANY. city free oi ch'iM Particnlar attenuo-- r ;

TUchnn w fto solicited. Saaafactlmi minnto vn.nn. C ic .. wwni n Idnds Of liepai- -


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