
S ec:. 2900

MODEL 121 AUTOMATIC CARDMATIC TUBE TESTER T«:hnlC'lnn's IJortnblc "Cnrllrnntlc" tuoo, trlllllll ~ tor Rud scrnl ' i'unductor II lode tester : In8tnnHlnl'OUS nllIl rm tOlnnllc h ltrh 84'JI ~ltl v l t}· ahorts teilt. H eltt(,f to c:l.I,hmIC lenknltc Is Illiantl\nth'ch' Indlc!l.tcd tI ' rfi'II)' on the me ter . :'< IClUlllres: :!20 heale r VUIlIl'::CII: 1·10 f1 lCl'(l hIIlll IKltC n l la,ls : 6-10 Illnte voll~es: 640 fU'N't'n vollru;:r.s; 100 II('H·bl:L~ Iletllnlt:8: nod 1000 q llnJll Y"'lIhl" lII'n ~ltI\' II)' r.l.nltcs--nll llCt Ilulornallo­nlly. A crurnll'ly ch~ks hOTlsont:ll and \'crtiealllmpUncr lubM ror flUI I!C oll,ernUon. :;O WllltS. 110-125

~;-o~ ,C!);i ~:~~bf~~un~~:t;~~~~e\~M:; ~4VIJ!~;.S~~'i ~::::W:I.n~: .:~ .I~~ .......... ,529950


;;"~~il~ 'NII,;~.P~t ~rrr:I~~~I,~ 1~;:t~~~~:.1:1 ~~~l~,~c~~:::::il ~,r~ri~ii::)\I:ull:~III;:-ZI~d ~I~~~~~~~e e~~:;~n~\II\ ~ ~"uC~I~II~t~c ll\~~~te~d\~;~lgn~H~:'II~;~~~I~irou~ltllf;n~m~:~i~W~fI~~II~~e:ntf:~: l rnn;:I~~~:h~~,(lT~\~s~l\is'l~ hutton InRI:lnUy provhlll8 accurate ga.s (l\·alua l lon. 40 II'IUIS. 1Ob-125 v. , I)().OO ciis. I OU · X II U '

::"~~e~ ~o~JI~~:!tnagbl;V~:e lind Transistor Tesler- Net I~ach .. . . , .... , ••••.•.• . ". ,518925

Model 6000C Counter Tube and Tra nllstor Testu- Ket Elich ... .... ... " ••..• ,. , . . 5195.00 Model 6000 or Model 6000C with CRT Ada pter-For l('l'n lll~ nil picture lubcslnelmllllG new 11 0·

~(J:f"i3~WIOII;,'!r N'J~t~ . ~(~~ I.l ~~~ .t~~ . t.e~~~~~ .~ • .'~I~I . ~ 1~ 1.1 ~1~ . l~r.)~I , ~: I~I ." . ."~~l~.d. ~~I~.n,I~~I~.t~I ~~~., 518 05

MODEL 6005 ALL-PURPOSE TUB E AND SET TESTER (NOT ILLUS.) Contnlll.~ nil te:Hurcs of Model 6000. AccuTl\I~ . buil t- In. 20.CM>O ohmS/v. DC. 1000 ohm8/ v. AC

~~1~12~~~cr08.n~ ,830e~II~8~1~'~h:~~~~Ce~~tl~ ~~n~o~~: r:lI~fllr:lI~I?~~I(~O 0~tt5~f~~S;;(f;\~t~ .001 Jill; Current (10. 100,500 mil D C) : Dedt~'I!I (- 10 10 +[.0 db). Excellent for leakage tesU! o r electrolyti c!! and for hum ehecklnll: In nny reeel\'cr sln.gc. IlIILll tuse Ilroteets bllUl IIOIClltlornctcr. ~:td:ln~~~~ ~1~.Purpose Tube/ Multltester-Wlth leads. . " . ,... .. .. . .... 5 231°0

Madel 600S AII·Purpo .. Tu be/MultUuter- Wlth CRT ndnlltCr, 7·llln Inllnc, nnd S.l1l n round .sui ... mlnlnlurc IIOcket atln lltCr8. Net Each , ., .......... .. 5249.05 Acorn Adapter for Models 6000 or lOG-Net Each .............. .... . ........... 14.80

MODEL 539B LABORATORY PORTABLE TUBE TESTER G :-' I lr.romho R a nges: 00.000. :lO,OOO, 16.000,6.000. :1.000 a nd 600: ReCllfie r·Dlode Runll:ennd Voltulre

~~~jlll~f~r s'!::~~;t!n/\agdlll:~~~r 'r~~' if:1el \?o~rD~;'~ 8e::~~~f':r~.'l:~~~ 113lr!~~I~J~~r~~~IW~ i~I~~gl~efl:g:; elell1 (~ nt. T est lenkall:e (1.0 r.o 1111'11"".) : nMn !'~I Ill"II ' lo r Shott": II(' U·blal< through 8wlt ch : lubell ean be II1I1.1Chl'<.l; lellts future Itrl': al!<O no lllll and SflII. '1'1'1(1 tubc8 81 1l0rrmll or allo", lIhue nlld screen volttufCII . .010 watlll . 11()..1 25 v., 50·60 cps. mnck leathcrett.e covered case: IO U · x 18~ · x 7H · tI . Sh1!lIllnll:.

W4~~:i USB THter-Complel.e willI 8W·1 rClllaCCnble socket set. Net Ench .••••••.•. 5 41500

MOdel SUB THter-\\'lth CItT ndnlltcr. Net I~nch . . .., ....•••.•. • .... $427.10


[!~~~~~\~&'io~' 6~~. ly>t.81,t~ ~b~&aI~;~~~~~I~~i:nr~~~rta:~ A~~:~~lt~;~rnl:ll!~~T~"oa ~~~t~ ~'~I~a~:~: \~~.~ ~~~f3:: I~~~~ ~~:~i\;~g~tt~:ll~'~ ~~rd~I~~liJl~il~~1 gl~l::~~i t;~'~cer~i~~1 rl lr~~I~ \~?~::m~O~' IWlhgl~I~ I:II!I~\~~I~~gl.~:~ Meier nnd roll ellar t nre Ilhunlnnted. I nclutles luhe pin s lralghteners mountcd on Imne1. 40 wnll ll. 11 0-125 \' .. 60 CIlS. Blnck lentJlcrette covered Ilortahle ca llC, 18~· x 16',· x ;U" d . S II1!1111ult",

ilrol~:i 152 Engin Hr'. Tube Tester-Net Each ..• . . . . . ... . . . . ......• . • ••••• • • • • ••• $ 298°0

MODEL 820 TUBE CADDY PAL Comblnnllon tUb(l.lrnns ls to r ll'lltcr and VTV :-" I·Olllnlnetcr . Designed to 01 Into 8tall(Inrd tube cndtly. TeSler checksll'3s. grId eml llllion. conlaet 1>oIenliul a lld Icakn/:tc, ,\I~o checks TV Illc tUfC tubes (wIth

g~~9~'m8tg~~,~~~n',~~n:!~\'I~~8x:~'~~I;M~~I~~'~i-IJ' \~n~'1~~nl~·~~~:I~· :lgwJ~6~;;?il:f~1~~~fc:;>~; ~o~:}1:2 J lfub:.; ~~3yC~~·I.!.~~I~II~l!~ ~·r~I(~:h~~I:~~~C~tI~:~NCt, Encll ... . •.• .• , •••••. $ 99


Moda' 120 with CRT Adapttr- For 1eatill ll: all tllC lure lUUcll, IncludIng 110& types. Net.$ 111 .G5

MODEL 850 TRANSISTOR ANALYZER 1.0 ... • .... )11. attl lra lO. eU)" IO 'UIC Iransil lOr . n ~ I)~cr Iha\ ,-an n~\cr hccome ob~ol f ll!. I'anel sel~lor Ilnicki)' "'1' choice 01 ci rcuit u.e ,'On<1It IOI1 I. , ' hL't'k! Ilar.meter. 10 I n)' or Ihr .. ~ rontll:uralloH": \ 'ommoll Hue. Common t:mliler. , 'oUI1l10n Collector. , ' her k, nu,,"er Irll ll . ll lon \\'ll h t'OlIt'<.: lor curren! 11 11 10 I amp, (''' ('Ck~ m llcctor Itmklljlc, C II ~RI'l or (. ~:," I rl p r : I I('\~ (,·".reI11 1 1:11111: IlltUll uml OUl tlill rCii ldUlwc: IloII'er I:'IIh l: IhlcllrllY. I'orlahle I teel I : ~~e II'l1h ulutnlnlltn ]IYIlc!: lG 'h " I 1:1%" x 8" d. :-;hlllPlul:. ~I; Ihs. Hillier)' Ollcratet!. 513800 Mode! I~O Portlilble Trlllasistor Anal)'7er-:-;1'I Each. Madel I~OP Console-Portahle \'eu lon In n 'tl IN lhert'I'" eale. :-;,'1 ~;al'll ..

MODEL 800 TUBE AND TRANSISTOR TESTER Smaller. Itnntltl'r pOrta hIe model tor rad io anti TV lcehulelans IL\I well all ]:lbs an ti ]mlu"lry, M lcroenlLo Hange: ~IOOO. 6000. 15,000. AC slgnnl, :! .6 V. 5· meter. TobCli arc tested tinder slinula tcd OllCratlDg condlUonn; covcrs a li lalcst lrJlCs lnclud· Inl; mlnlatnre8 lind 8uhmlnlntllrcs. IIlch1l1eH Ga8. tihort8 and Trnn81!!tor I.e!!t!;.. Ea.~y ·t()o-f('nd roll chart IJI re lllnccnblc. ~O watl-.!l . 110·125 v .. 5(}'OO CIIS. Onrk red. lell thcN'\te covered ~hl:I~:i:I~~~i6~ gold finished IIl1nel. 16W]l: 11 W ]I: 7W d.

~;td1~a~~I~ .~~r:t;.~I~ .~~ .~: ~.~~.s~~t~.r. ~~~e,-:-.•. 515950

Model 100 THter-lnchlll lng CltT ndaptcr nnd rcplaceall lC

~g~~I~L 811~tl~~ill~·t~~~I I~~~ko~l·~~~::fJ~~~k~~~~~\III~ I, ~~I;liJ"8~

..... 5147.00 '"


The MAITER- 2.'hh Ed ition

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~:td~(I~~ .~':' .•. ~~ ~r.o.~~~~ .fl~~~~I. ~~~~I~~. ~·.I~l~ .~I.~~I . ~~~'. ~~'.I~~I~[~~,. ~ .1.b.S: ......•..•.. $ 5 7 5 Modl l TVP- l Tele .. Islon Probe--l~or true rellroduellou. Shlpplog. 2 Ibs. Net Each . . .... $12.85

MODEL 4 57 VOLT-OHM-MILLIAMMETER Similar 10 Model -455,\ Vol t.-Ohm-:\lIlllrllnmctcr CXCCIIL 1000 ohm/\·. AC tlnd special automtltle cu I.-

~;dOe~C4~~I~~:i~~C~~~~\W~I~~el:~:~~I~Ltl~~Ch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... s 4395 L eather Carry ing Cal_For ·155,\ lind ·157-Net £ noll . .. ... .. ...• .• . ...... .. 59.00

MODEL 225K VTVM QUAL I-KIT Pr3CtlC31 kit with :I. big 9· melcr llist IlCfm\lfl reading casll)' at normal working distance. Designed t or the i!Cr\' lcemnn. ,\ ccuruie peak-In-peak scales. Built-In audio tone tOt Quick continuity testing. DC Voltmeter meas uM.'S plus nml minus 0-1.5. 3, 12 30. 120 300. 1200. In put Resistan ce: 10 meg­ohms. Ohmmetn: (:('utcr ~('al<:- 1 0 ohms: Readnhhllr- O.2 ohm 10 1000 rnegoillns. AC Voltmeter

~~ao~II~:i, ~Jb~I.'I:Fer~~\~~~'~~~~a~t~I;I ~t~c;:O~·l;[~· ,ih~ils ~~:\.l ~~bs !:~~t~~tto~f~~~~St~g 'e~,~: Blue hummcrtelo: MIC'Ci cnsc, la).(" x 1 6).(~ x 7". Net. 10 1118.; Shl!Illing, :!:J ibs, Complete with II CW

{?,[~~I~n~l~kn\}~~e~d~~'~\lt~Yt~~cetn~t!~~l~~ I,O.U, ~~~~. ~~~ ~:'~~ .~:I~~I~: .•.••• "."", •• 5 5950


~~: .• ~ ~1~:l~~tV~~h~~~~.h. ~.~~~~~~ ~)~~~, !.o.r, ~~ ,~ I,t~ ) . ~~~~I. ~:~'. ~.~ .~~I~: ,~'.)~t:. 5164 0 Model P R-4& Pro be--Hit:h \' oltaIl'CIlWbe tor usc with ~ l odcls 455" nnd 457 t o IIICrulUfC UII to 6 );:\'. Shlpl.inl::. 2 II)!I. Net. ERell . . , ...... ,., ..... . ................................. ,., .. 516.60 Model PR-SO KV Pro be- H igh \'o!tngc l)rolle tor USC wllh :\ l ode1 470 to check \'ollages Ull 10 au k\'. 5h\!l l)int:, :! Ills. Net Each . .. . ....... ,' .,' ............... , .................... , ... 516.40 Model P R-U O Pr obe- lI lgh ,'ollage Ilt obe tor usc wlUI M odels 455" nnd -157 to mensurt· au k\'. 5111 ,111Iug.2 ibs. Net Each , .. , ., ...... , ....•.• ,.,., ., •.•. ..... .....•. ,. . .... $ 1 6 .60

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