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Vlll's Afl Pre -season C1p Grand Final • Cam•bolltown v Q1eanbo1an

Celebrating Sydney football Activities planned to mark the Centenary season.

W elcome 10 round O"<l ot the 2003 S';dney AFL season. It prom,ses to be anolile< exciting year of

football across greaw 5',dney In the ~ AFL the pre-season IOtT"I o1

tl'e CamCJCe!ltown ~ ana ~~t

H b Demons suggesu L...., "" CN1 e'lg8 ,,,., •.es o! 11>8 Botrt>e<s a.'ld ine B"'IOOO> tnos yeat, a'ter ll'9V t>otn srrugg ed "' tn

OfU'Y encl 'nd•"erent form Int )'ear Cor>gratu1a1oons 10 Campbe'ltown on

winnong the VILrS Cup Grand Final by one point against Oueanbeyan at the SCG on Apnl 13.

This 1s the fol.Jf1h year the Sydney AFL and AFL Canberra clu~ hallo J<>ned foroes to compete '" Ille VILrS priHeason compet•tion

Ungane • Kv•• Atchillald and Lockhart's David Trotter lpetured be-i spent 1he pasl two wee!<s ., Ireland representong Aostta"a ., the lhlee-Test lnte<nat.onal Ru•es senes aga,nst Ireland'& Undo• 17 team. Ausualia dropped the series 1·2

Ard11bald and Troner \'\/ere part of a group ol 30 plovers m the sixth intake in10 the AIS/AFL Academy last October The AIS/AFL academy IS pan of tne Naoona1 AFL Patl!wlly program. prO<JOiy Supported by t"8 Nittona Austtara l!a'>l

Atchalo 17. ·S a ~trong marUlQ ceorre ha~·forward wm &Jr.Ce1eru SJJi.s and excepuonal r,mess. wnde Tronet. a1so 17. is a

smart. kev POSll•on defender renowned IOI his sttong. reliable ~..::;_,ng

ll>e pfayef1 were offered pres" g•ous Academy sd>Olarshi!)s afte< oumanci...g perlormances 11 ll'e Nauonal AfL Unde•l6 Charnpoonsh<ps ·•n l'l><th ; ast year

last .,ur·s SOie NSW memoer of the AJS/Afl SCI'*'-"' IOU< to lteJanO . Jarrad\. was oraf:ed by tne Syd<ley Swans last year. deSP<t• n1s shoulder "'11!1e

on 1ou1. and s, out of football IOI the 1est ot the season

Th•• yee1 the AFL tNSW/ACTI Convn<SSlon wu <•M>r••• me ce<itenetV of .....,u11ian Rules fooUl9lt plll)'9d "' Sydney

The NSW Austta:ian Foott>oi i._.. was born ~ 12. 1903. It I ,,_IA'IO in the YMCA lia!l 111 Geotge St •~ended by a lotge

gotheiing ot footba! enm.-sa, El<Mn Clubt pertoopated • Ale..andr ...

Ashfnld. Baime1n. Eas' SYtloev Newtown, North ShOre. Padd ng1on. Redfern. Sydney. YMCA & Wost Sydney

l'llo AFL INSW/AC rJ Commissron has o number of 11<:t1V1t•es planned to celebtate this special enn(versary.

To cooncide with the Centern1ry. the Sydney AFL Recotd .,.,II feature weeUy

a•t.cles on dubs and the" htstO<y u welt as opGC'81 ed•toons honouong the three dubt 11111 '" .... !Once today - NO<t/I Shole. EHt S';(lney IUNSW ESI and 8alma1n

Jiii Mou. Media M•neoo•. AFL (NSW/ACI)


- UNSIW£5 ...... ..., , ......... _,. ~Afl ~ Allll- _ .. Mallll ._ ......... COITEITS s-.... -- " .... 1-U ,..-.:. .... ~ - - - - 14 ,.._..... . - ~

......... ·- - - -- -· -· Z3

7 • ... , __ _ ___ , .. ---------- ·~-&ml--·-·

, ·/·cc.--.. S y D N E y A F L P R E V I E W J A S 0 N T U R N E R ' ; ~ ·,

___ .......::.:::.. --- -

"" -Bulldogs have challengers Improvement expected from several teams.

Bal main Coad\: Troy luff Last season: Fifth !'Te-season: lhe T ige<S started tro>mng on Novomber. a month ahead of schedule. with a squad of more than 40 naming bef0<e Christmas. About 85 sornor playe<s have appearod since January. with the focus in mo l/ili's Cup being to "expenment and give the )'Ounger under 23 players a go7 Luff said. Balmain won one gamo and lost IWO 1n the pre-season OO<f"81ltl0n, but ,,_ had

lllOfe than 70 per cent of its regula< Side <'Mlllled. New nocNits and improve<S: With a recruol'lg campaign stretd>ng al <NeI Australia. OON playors

to look out f0< are Wade Keeoen from Metboume; Simon Moyer and Mail< Peterson from the WAFL. and a tno ol AFL Oueenstand playe1s. Evan Davis. AnthOny Randoll and Joel Godde. Balma•n is also hOplng to get some game-time out of former Sydney Swan Craig Nettlebed<. andTom Ka<pert from Melbourne. Both hiMl started tta.n1ng. wnh Luff WISl1llQ for "half a dozen to 10 games out of each :w,th the loss of some senio< plajo9fs lrom last year, onduQng vire-caption Matlc MacKenzie. O<Md Doon and Josh Bartlell have boon promoted to leadersh;p positions. Expectations: luff wants to improve on last year, when the Tigers made a belatod push lor firnlls action. "'We'V<> se1 our expectations on finishing tn the top four. and from thoro anything can happen. The players have set a oomm1tment to teall><lrientated play and stid<ing to the game plan.· he said


Coach: Craig M<:Brien Last se.son: Eighth Pre season: The Kangaroos stanod in November With Sauday sessions pan of their ~ routt>G. Cooch Qag McBtion sad p/.¥1s had theO' °""' fl1ness piO\jltli 11$ <Ung Jney. gWlg them a good beiSe when 1'iey telLm!ld to team trariig "We'vo boon

w0<king on ooro body suength;' McBtien said aboU1 themaindfference this~-~ became tile fl'SI ~AR. side to \Wl the Vtli's u.>. wWrilg fM) ~t games and~ rtS

depth bf lJSSlQ 41 ~s n the ""'""'"""1t "It \l\l8S

the ideal p-eparation. because we didn't have to

0<ganise practice games for three "-eeks~ he s.11d. New recruits and lmprovers: J.oson Turner returns to Sydriey football ar1or 1~ay1ng With the NSN/ACT RAMS and South Adelaide in the SANFL. Another local 00,, coming home is Matthew Withers. who spent tme i\ the WAFL Jason Fleming, Joel \M>eefe< and ManhewWilams made rapid

impr""""""'t dunng pr-.on. Expectations: Although McBnen has been '1W&f from the Kangaroos' home for a few vwrs. he says "the dub has always aimed to bo successM. We just wam to keep working hard and stick to the

grindstone. Wo have good depth. our aim 1s to make 1he finals and we'll take it from tho1e':

East Coast Eagles

Coach: Michael Knuppel Last season: Ninth Pre-season: started in NOllelllber 'Mlh solid oombers returning to training afte< Ovistma.•. New coadl Michael Knuppel usod 42 playeis in the\lili's Cup. using it as ·a bil of a M out" along ttie way to a 1-2 reoord. Knuppel has devised a simple game plan and basic team rules for a side that has flrished last three years rumng. "Our style ol play IS new and we weren) ""'"8d about losing" At:ec hawlg a P'<tlW19 coacn for the past few vears. Knoppel also said tile Cfub "needs a complete~ on-~: New recruits and improven: Matt McConviJI ts

an Al~Australian amateur ruckman from the VAFA Josh Ryder and Rohan A1td1te have c0<ne on bomd from Tuggeranong. and Luke StanfQ(d IS back horn the NSW//>CT RAMS. A local improver to ·.o;atd1 is Ryan Fruon. With tho reserves winning the flag last yeat. Kn'4'P01 wants to • 1.git a t~a lllder the 1oca playefs beCause unleSs they tmprcMl. OON recnits Y.()R't make a dtfference~

• I/Wt Q:I SYDNfY Afl flfCOflO

-, ..... -Turner wants football fun Campbelltown midfielder has several goals.

A;,twO years with the NSN/l>C.1 RAMS and year w:th Sou1h Adelaida. Jason Tume.-·s · 1oo1ang to haw a good t"18 ~ mv

mates and Cl!ld'l <4> w:th wha! l\ie mssed out on~ Caml)belh<>Nn's new No. 8 grcm up n 8at111J<sl

and afte< sacnficing much to pu<soe his AfL dreom, is n<>N en,oving his role alongside playing.coadl Craig McBrien. "We both play in the midfield and we get along well~ Turne< said of his "'1W ooad1.

S•nce finishing pre-season tra n·ng with South Adelaide 1n Oacember. Turner has already tasted success after his move back home "We held on - that's about all I cao S<1'(. Turne< S8td of the Kangaroos' on&po1nt Vil1"s Cup Grand Final win ""9f Ouoanbeyan. a team he played finals footbal' for in 2001

Tumer, a greenkeeper at Macquarie Links lntematK>nel Golf Club. was S<JSpended fOf twO weeks alter a striking incident in h.s first V11i's Cup game But he is now focused on tr)'lng to make the Stale sdo. win a premieiship and keep having a "good tome· with his mates.

Bulldogs have challengers ~> Q1Mi'l11oc111om µagt- 5

Jones was prepared 10 have a high Mnover of playe<$ in the Vii's Cup (n vvillch the Bu·Jdogs were

WIRlessl to eslablish who could play.

New recruits and improve<S; Simon Lethloon and

Ben Coughlan have come from the amateuts 'n Melt>ourne. Man K1mbaR and Don Ctuttenden have improved s1gnilicantlv over pr&-season. E•pectations: With a turnover of players. Jones 1s hoping to be competitive earty and win a row

games. building momentum from there "We have a lot ol new players fr0<n laS1 ';ear. so we w1K have a s19'll'( diffeient game plan. It maf take tlVee or four wee!<.s befo!e we see w!lere playe<s are bcs1

suted end get tnem to"""1< togethe( he sad

.i~.f~Gt / '.t~-~ . •

/ ·rN·· f.; . . -If 'I ,'· .. . ' -• l~-1~ ;

" .. - ..

PRUIEIRSHf Q.!l!'1 .U:...-1 w .. r •m~ tc Viii< G11m:l hi.ii

Western Suburbs Coach: Laine Spencer

Last season: Fourth


Pre-season: With the departure of senior players and several injuries in pre-season, Western Subu1·bs will start the season with a nevv side, according lO coach Lalne Spencer. "We had 15 undc1·23s 1n one Vil1's Cup game. so ifs about develOJ)<ng young guys and gcn1ng to know each other"' New nocNits and lmprovers: Luke Ja:jour<1, Martin B<ewster and Jonathan Bradfield joon the MagPl!!S after playing with the Redbacks in 2002 Nick B'encowe arl'Mls fr0<n ~el Thunder 1n the WAfL. and Stephen Sp<aU from South Austral.a. Keep an eye on local 1mprovers Stephen Hudson. Mark Egan and Mau EureM. El(pectations: Spencer is looking for confidence­building in the f•rst few woeks. and for his 1eam to hAy fo.b.v the game pltiil "W<th a )O<A'9 team I "'lUd l l:c to WWI games e8f1\t fQ( cooftdenc:e. and

idea!ty iOOI< at fin<shing in tne top tot.<. he sad

SYDNEY AFL RECORD [!!] v1Sir: a!

'f~~; u M p I Re 5 5 y D NE y AF L p Rev I e w (~:-~ 'IE· -- - - ilDm:J

Sydney AFL Umpires Sydney AFL Field Umpires 2003


2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 II

12 13 14

15 18 17

Mark Rendeil 18 Tony Horton 35 Darren Wl>1•

Wayne Ho&"'!- 19 Davtd Malone 38 OwenTr~w Adam Hosl<ns 20 T!!!!): Untemolzer 37 s1..... f'focholt Henry Harrop 21 o-c!Blaneh 38 John Swenoen -James AJ"1n 22 BradGM!fSCh 39 David Lonoo

Gr!!! Rohan 23 Paul Cherly 40 Gr!!!! Clark Grant Godf,.l 24 Juslln DeOomenoco " Les Genre Frllr'k Kaley~ 25 ~llal1!f2!bre 42 PU Best SlevenW_, 26 Goly M .<deniss 43 John p,..,_

Petet Ho&k.,. 27 Glen Calaghan 44 Tony McG•way -Raoh Allwng!'t . 28 °"'"'" SamooloWIC2 45 Graham Gla•6fOld Brendan Arnol - 29 Warren T!Q9 48 Tim Pow

Kovin Moackl 30 M ke Hemrichs 47 Na1ash.a Kutchn

PeterC~r 3 1 Peter Scoble 48 Luke Jolloy Nathan Candueeo 32 Gt!S Youna 49 Pe1or Humf2!!!-. Oatrellud< 33 Ncllolas AnQelos 50 Nici< Fov.lo<

David Yole 34 Andrew Cohen 60 Craig OaVlS



NSWIACT NSWIACT . - •- --, ..... ···-To be ellg1ble a player must be on hos first two years of pl•ymg senoor football

(eg must not have played two or more years in another competition eg SANFL WAFL. l"f'IAFA etc.)

F.nals w.I not be oncJuded

Clubs have been asl<ed to forward > name each -'<. rf a player fits the cncena. and ••worthy of a nom1na00t> based on thetr perlotmance.

A player can only be nominated once dunnc the year.

...... ....

9 Vll•! •fl00f1"'•11 -----@----- SYDNtiV ArL ,.-[COAD

Expectations: Knuppel •S lool mg tor a pasi1ive wrn..foss rauo, He be!-eves ··100 wins. 11 18 games would be a big step from last \'Mr We need 10

bu•ld oor~dence and get •n the habll oi w,,n.1-,g

North Shore

Coach: Chris Rourke

Last season: Second f'n>.oeason: The Bombe<s had a "sold" p<e­

season lCXXlm-"!J to Ore Jblt"'- w.~'> pe-ity of c-:r . ..,.,.....,._ ~e sac he,.,.. .-sec! Wt.:

a ga..c> of ~s :.-der.a> ~""· lor's °"" ~ as exva tra •ing North Snore wr:r two al

rts wee games on cr>e Vif•s CuP. tesung 37 players "Somo kods stepped up and some <>'Cler guys fou•l(J 1hey had mo<e WO'k to do. Rour'i<e sad

New recNits and improvers; NO. and

~ JorToa come to Iha c. b ''""' M<>ocume fv'ocr..e. C""'8I ano Danoe< Rcbons "<!"·'!! """""""· 2001 p1em1e<sh1p players Ch•15 Dole and Peter Chadwiele have retcmed alter a yaa1 off, and Bon CarlyOn is back frorn the Norihc111 lorritory. EJcpectallons; The Bombers hwo boon pretty svong over Ille 'ost three vears. and flooJ•l<Et expect$ lhom lO be a IOI><"° 5'Cie lhal"s wl""8 I rope to firm

Pennant Hills

Coach: Da nny Ryan

Last season: Seventh P""season: The Demons hid good numbers ill tntnnO betore ~ bJt c::ont .. rcttateo mere

on ~--~..Rs thBr. '':ness \'\ie're pernaps N>! Qllte as

h1 as "1.S i..... las! \'Bill. but - ·IN Ileen \O\l()('ang

on oui sl.Ms and s"-Ye of play n'O&; Ry-an saod lho Derr<Jns""" their Vi's Cup,- !()I 1ho first hme. ending '·"" p<e-season carroaqi v.ilh wee .....,ns a,.; or-. IOss. -we ....,. . ..., ~ 519".S . I).' ..,... •1 s. ~'""et; are at 'hs siq · ,. sai0

N9'W rec:n#ts and improwrs: ~ ~ l)la",1!r Pe'.er ~IS ro.·. a Dl'mcr M:l w!I 8fSO

help Ryan as an asss-..an1 coach Steve 01etrie played on allVli's Q.p games after ptavong uwds foolbaf1 ~ ~ w'"ist Tm Fl>aor. Plk# Fcf'«<l«I and Brant.-. who IS hock From ltlo' RA.'-IS. w< be

- ~Astley a... whoOr:Wt r»t•

.... -game tast ~ ooa... .o o4 os1 .. 11S cl.bis. pns Ryan TolllOI andTony Rod"'3w. also 1etum1ng 'arm •~uoas.

EJQ>OCtations: The Dornons a1e k:>oking for a r>OG<ll\/$ SUlll to d>e Y>'l'· ·we fin.shed off with a w- .a<' ve¥ \o\'e'•e becJ< r. Em Holmes~ a>ld ~ ~ 1.89'\ IO hlMl a gooa Start.' P..-an sad

St George

Coach: Glenn Gamer Last season: Third

P,...ason: The Cr w - ;ri NQ.err"Oer .and Cff'"'ll'.ecl ()t' ..__ - !oocy smarts bec:&;se

o( ou young rs;; · Gier-in Garntt sad Wr"i.h a 2 '

Wlll-IOSS reoord ,n 1"8 V11,-, Ct4J. Gamer Crn1r'1us 1>.ght of h•S regulal1Sl sow some pos/!MJS in nav111g

the "cf1ance to IOOlc e1 a few young guys. The \llll"s •lCP"loMQe W1I ~ it. 8 good boost for the

'"'"of the S6'J>(lll'.

New r&eruits and improvers: Ruckrian °'"'" fron~11n hes movod frou1 CfJ1npbeiJtCM'l1

E><NSW/ACT RAMS plrry111 Pete< Ougmc.a. who

tra1not1 with the Svtlriov S\Nlln$ until Christmas.

will boost St George. Aa1011 LangsWO<th, a 2002 ptom•orSll.p ~ye1s with Sr Mary's in the NTFL

w•M onhanoe the •OVlng SIOO<s. wt.ISi I.Sled RAMS

playt'<S Pat McB•ICIO. Tm Addison and Dale ~en are J""'°'S 10 watd> "Th01~ a1e a1so fvo or'" undo• 1Bs from taS1 Vt!•• who h<rve really maru1od CM!• pr&-season:· G-Omor &atd E)C1>ectetions: Alter f n1~h1ng third lhreo vcars 10 a

'""'· Gomer wams mooe 1mp<OY&ment ·vve·ve wt got 10 l!Y and w .. e-,,..,y game be CO"o$<$ten1

on OJI lllP'oacll 10 111""'$ and :o u... (oo:v and

loO' 10 =:.iu 11<!::.00 better•


eo.ct>. nm Jones

Last season: Firs1 Pi.we-.: - m JolVM ' l!Or'est by say-ng ire

~are bel>nd w,. '' <ney Y'oO<Ad '""' to be. after IOS>ng eq11 players from last vear"s p<omoe1ship s<fe '"Wo\lfJ got a bundl o: new lll"'!C'S through so •Mire not at lhe same SW!lt os les1 yeor, but wfire confidef': o! b&ng CXJml)e~t ~ ag..n • ...., ,,, IJMI ,,.. • .

[!] ... Cctfn.ea P@91" l

SYONfV A.fl R£COFtO l 'o'lS•t. •fl com.a.t.

~ 2 O O 3 T E A M L I S T H I S T 0 R I C A L ~~~, - - --- -- IJDml

~East Coast Eagles

E~~T~~~~T. Proudly Sponsored By:

UDO< UITIRBlRRY ..... -~~~



( r J r rj -_,/ -' - - ~

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1?7/ut11; J. ,,. ... ·

·;· ;:, ,,,Lil . • / 11•••



Elite Sponsors

Corus Hotel Sydney

Crane Australia

Custom fleet

Taxi Clothing

The Lampson Paragon Group of Companies

Ll.:tl~ I Sc:c:AW· -I a~utn

• GaiS..0.Ct.

' J•SOl'0\IU I $.lllOl\ M11"'61 I r.,. Physlcl I Stftlttled•

' "°""' ,.., .... .. CW<..........,., .. ,, 1' G•·· • W..111 •.tJ 11 t DMGa.. .. l~)· 11 · AN~.w Bar-.1

" rJ1n h 1ehol .. ll• r .. ef 8fi1"1•

" Oell'll N1l'lk t'f.,fll 17 Bt>n f>hysick II Rod"ltyffc11 II S1eve 811k.y 11 ~'•Mi ,, R.e.Mtd 8 •t.y 1l _,.,... 13 trwm BA•o• " N111h1n H1llid.1y

" Andre Shwk1

" Ryan f,non 21 M11llltow A1bon 18 M11tt McConvill II RCIW&n 911key JO Michie' 81\t1 ll Be.,~• 11 Josh"• Hll'rtf .J:J Andttw ,.,.,. 3' C11+g MIQl'llllOI'! 15 M.1chell Ed1 J8 J .1L1111 K1iby l l Oan•n Cti1p1'11n !II ll.Jke McteOd 31 J11tlf'PY Peil

'° Seot1 Loe•" &I ~- Wild MtOOM U Rv1t!M~ ., 8f!'l'f'9'tvy .. PetM8Mt.1.1 ~ 1111,. U""Y .. Jon.o JtCl •OA

" r .... eo.u.,. .. Mamlo\..a: .. O•l"!M u.,...., .,_ Mt!tMWW·,.... ~ · _,_ l •• J_.u·.,. u ""' ....... ,, r .. K"""9 !>I!'teW ltedt ... H ,.,1 llcC.~ .., .. O.riellY.dd"41 ~1 0v .. c.... .. h111 Rtcet ,Y Mdrtw$pfl'I' ,. S,..W>od

·~"' llS '5 .,.13 ICI '° j ~, ... , 111) I. •~W 1'6 Mil 2'!'!1119 m IS !fl~ Ill 19 l:W.111 "' SI 12/J.'tl Ill II ll.;4 71 112 II

! ~~ ::: l:: _JQ.117! : 115 11 '!'S-71 111:1 ~ ,,, 9'li?I 171 15 19.'9116 112 80

29/12/18 1811 Cl 179 80 2~'3/11 1'8 '13 13/11/SI 113 II 12/V1I ICI " lU'll r 111 ~ JZ,?/11 195 .. t!r"lt.13 1111 "

Navy. Gald I IJdn Ceach: Michael Knuppel

Captain: Dan Gaual

l t(lln! 171

El 30;12/19 11S ll/~183 174 1JJ(lltll lff8 1>19/'10 190 9S 1a'il'83 18' II? 2913,_'81 111 19

'1 3¥11_Jli5 llS " 15.'UI 182 H wem 1911 "' l<,1.?l llO

~ r 25,.'8,'96 111 8/lliM 1/5 70

JJ(9181 18·1 92 arl!ll 180 80 17.tJ.11 180 '9(f

?l.?'S:l 1111 " . &.llll 1• IS ~ llil?.'19 ~ ,. ~ SJ

5' I/Tl ' IQ 12 ~1n.i t 'i(f 96 a;f/83 180 IO lfM'1 "' " 111</t< 180 " 27.~15 1111 IS 15.:l't! 1111 19 n"t 112 ,,

i ~1:...,. ~ 1• l n ?.:11. '!2 ~ "' 10

lJ , 1l'IS 111 JO 2$>1.111 llO IS

_"1173 I .. 9l 31_~ 161 61 9.'ll'iS 1111 ,; l/1~'83 1• " ~ 110 IS 1n.• ta i_ W


... 1903 • 2003 ....

~R·••1 .. 1. If" .... ,.... r··1 .. 1. .,#t:fji 1

~t: < '"' SYDNEY Af'l ftfCOflO

_ .... League celebrates centenary Australian Football is on the rise again.

T. _ )'\ooa", Ul9 AF:.. v .. s.~ • .1N::i1 .... _""!"!1)iSSIO

Cft& .... tf'-~ te"'!M""Y o: Aos.trd'.an

Foell>• ., Sydner. ....,. loc,11• • W11S plll'/lld balOle 1900, 1he NS/'/

A.isl,...., footli I~ lrow 1hl> ~ AfU ,...... o~"-·Y .>JI • .in Feb"...r, 12. 190.l On ~".al ar.: I~ Of •.u'IUSiiJs:s O:Jil'e'\l'(l I! u ..... YMCA Ha,1 ,,., rJIO'go :ciu,-~ aro Ot~-d 11 tearns­

Aiexardrod A>hl>t·<I Baima<" Eas1 ~.

Ne'"ll°'""· North Sllo10. Paod1ng1on, ROdfom, Sydney, YMCA •nd West Sydr.oy >nto the NSWAFL Thlt111 $od<>s. Nonh Shore. East Sydney

"'°"'' UNSW·U!!.:nrn Scb..ros• .. td ~ ;ye S:•

8X'5tMOll and~ tl'e $;<jMy AFl North Shoie •nd East Sydney cont~ted the

1903 Grar){J F n11I n1 tho Agr1cultu111I Showgrounds on $(J1110mbor t2, with East Svdnov w1n111ng 6.8 144) 10 d 2 <26>

The adva•l(n o1 Ausuahan Footb91t 1rtto NO'\v South W&-.1 Q08S bad< lutltw !Mn 1900

• In 1817 c.. 'IOI "'"'led Sydnev to pidy ~side

W;r~tah "' two ma1c:hes at tNi Albert Cricket Ground 0 11 S,11urc1av. June 23. bef0<0 3000 specU>tors W.irotah won a l~·s1da rurJJi ,,.,. .. , ' •J"" tl'e Monday, Caf''<>n balanced the

iedg<.. _ . • · v .;ti:' .in rues· """"'

• The S,0-ey a"O r--.: 'i><t"e< 'ootllal'

Y.'Pra fom-00 ll .Lr"' 1880. OS \\0$ lht· ~ISW

Foo!ba11 Associdto The nei.1 'l'OOf. the NSW ~s tool< on lhe lhetOloan Footbal Assocaa:ICY' a: ;.ne MCG vi t~ '.rst .. •f'ltet-

COon;a""' g.3:~ Lit'~~· • .... :-,yo

• ~Rx>:::& .- l>IMO ·~ aa~ s.o-e, oo. ,,..,..,, .,,. ""°'1e OJr9 an e<:OO'lOITl>C

recess"".- the 1an.,,. pon o1 tt-.. 19th oaotury

Aocoo'd1ng ro me 2002 llusualian Footb<lll Natona. ~. New Sou1h Walos had "'"''"t 11 >ti

~ AFl ""51· o. Pll".ICIP8:°" ra:e wM mo~ thar> 20.000 par.q>an~ tes• Y"9' - SOOQt10 Ot>Y to Victoria New South W-<1~s· reg1str<1 t1ons in '2<lru are expected to exceed 26.000.

The AFL (NSW/ACT) Com> nission ho• pl~nnod 3 number of acuv11.1es to 1nark tho con1ontuv They >n<:lude • r...,,., of ::he Ce->llMV donnet • Centenaiy ed!OOns of the Sydney AFL Recold

for !he SAFl.S three found109 1eams - Noith Shore. UNSVV·ES ond 0-0'ma 11

• H>ghl>ghting the CEltltfln!lry at all season funcoons

• A new AfL lNSV\11.ACn Q!"l(!"..,,., logo

sru-. -~-,.,,. • s.,..., in,.. to.191h .......

•dh '"' "'Ill* "'""' ,, 1903.

SYONfV "''" -.rcom> ---- ----j rt vlf•t 1rl con• llli @ ·'.;-.., F I X TU RE 2 0 0 3 TE AM L I 5 T ;•A'lll) ~ J ~ ao®

SFL Fixture OUllD I U ... 13

!loo• -... v ............... ... \i..•.:.1~ ...... W..Jni"

"'""""'rila ... s..,.._. 'f'IW~\'V~ "

lOU1ro J ._ .... -·-,.,. ....... s-..


"-~-""' rs..

11our-ro 1 1 Mil, «1

1\1 1lt•llU'l~'N·1;.$

v .. ,,~., ...-"u"" ... ,,~--"*' t~ I - Jib V \\za;rie .., ... ,-s... ..... ,_...


ltOOtlD 4 tO t.t• 'I «1

Ul!IVl*in"1"1 ' 11vUA1 V >Aini, w1~1111,..1h

M1l4-11111 U•1 V itfn 1 ~1!11 Wa l S'id"llY '/f'ln• Vt w11 l.,t

11t1> 'ilolln V ~'·'.fl-,,q,n lj ~>'h(~YHi _..~

Ol.INO \ 11 r••r -t.l \')~1,#11

M1 nl, V.'tnl'Q•ll \' U• !!"'' 11 ti I~ v !;;.o1,1th WeM::.r:t·ti, r.J1 V•11•I Je~ \'~\Via q,, " li,•·.wP•11.wt1d'IA ,,. ut·;

li~·l';W l~ 'Sew!•..,~••·

• MU..CJ ,, .............. ,""" w~v ... ~ h'\t \l ..... 1t .. "" f~"' u.· y...,,.,. .............. ~ V l1i"5'/t' .fS

llOl.IW l ,, "-" fl

- ---... ,.,.. ........ lildlM: ~ l' V..-.-• ;..~;.·(S'1$rr:t'w'llh

S., Sr11"*1t Sh.Jr••·

ROUND I 1• J. Ol

• ,_;mo ,.._.w.-p-s..-...... ... ~ ........ -. SM't'lllU' ...... lhli~t~ ,..., .. VI

~:o. 11.-«l .._ __ ,... ..... ...... ._'". 11.1'-~t:ws..-..s..w. ·-' -~D 10 zt,,_00 ... , ... ,.,.,........ ..._ ' ...., ~ "o'A•.-..i '• !fl,. ......... ,.1'~ ~-i~4,lS

$Glllll: ~$oft YVfS

AOUlfD II \ J• 03

Pto'f4' 'IM•llh '1,..J11 ,-!f!I' H.:lu.'i•l l'w·11··.11"-t\'fty1J U"4SW,it.3 V ,,_.,, 11i'tn .l111i lrS V 'o\\.i._lfllPIO S.-l/o'1'~'i~lh S...-Oh11 ·.-~·lh

flD 11 U .W-«l

SaAt..-11 lNlb •1 .....

Mu,..,.1\h""ll' •Vl111rit,:1 1'~~

U•S'li.'l !i 'i 0>'1 L1SV1';111 \\'1111 ~u..vv.-• ..., \llll"'7> ' -., I '/ $n <:"!

.,_ 1) ttJ.IG

"""" - .,,...,..._!"" .,.. .. _,n S.,.."'4"V~l..._AU



w ~ .... .m ,.,, .,-;. ~, .. ~&;. .- ...

~ .... ,,._.1o ... .-s.. ... 11t.i;$...,...,,\ .. ~ M;:I~ ha.,.,_1t,1 'f S.:\llbirltS"~

M.llll:fii .-..: UW..,.__,,n ..,...ftlC"fl~•10Jllll •.:~ ~- • Ut;:a ..... ~.--.......... die: .... ~

"\Wt!•••--\r .... '"S..'llllllit'•r- ........ 1~_ ........ ~.)I~·''~

llOONO U l a..-OJ

"' -· ""9'11

............ SClllP .... ........ "~ ... -"""

COUICO 1£ I A.t.t lJ

' ... ,. ~ ·~-......... .,......,_

'"'=-" PCVI•


"'"''' V'-\ltl;urotU111 "''~\\' ""l··v~v ..

., \Y,_,..,. •; """

.~ ,... - ., sorr.a.-.. "' --~V&aw.lh

llOIJllll> II U a..1 '3

"'"' Wro;i ~'11!1fV v l~mll' Wt1"!11Q01l;VM&'l\' W1Jm~1!1 fl111W1111J111sV&fll M.M•!•l#ot Ullo \I ~111\d l'u-1>1111111•1!1

<'flltlt'il ~-" v UNS\'1·1~ Sll•l.:<JV-

ANALS a.... •a.t- o.Mtrl111 .-.... S..1hl Aue • Olm1Mt11111 ,._. __ .., _,._, .... ....... 111 ... ftlllll ... , . .., . .........,,,.... .................. HOME GROUNDS u ... '-''•tii• \t,fw ',\...,,..... w.;, °'111

.. _, .. 11V-~O...M

9 .,,..,,.•II corr> tw ([} S'f'D'itV All MCOAD

lilftl Campbel ltown

Trevor Burne·n

3 Jason Aemong 4 Brad Pull••

5 Shane Bramely

6 Brenlon Mcabster

1 Matthew Bell

8 lute Nonon-Smah

9 Adam f;ddler ' 10 Jason Tomer

11 Michael Foran

12 Crmg McBrien (coachl

13 Matthew Wihams

14 Garv Webb 15 Matthew Brunron

16 Cart Teske

17 Jason Haddock

18 Matthew i.vithers

19 Luke Coughlan

20 Ashley Premer 21 Cameron Desmond

22 Manhew Hocking

23 Manhew Chilton

24 T1oy Conney

25 Chns Fretwell

27 Dav•d Cooper

28 Daniel Fraiser

29 Brod Kingwill

30 Joel w11 .. 1er

31 Glenn Herne

32 Juslln Rrgney

33 Mark Skuse

34 Trent Baker

35 Man.n RO<loreda


;e-•t1 .. 1 ,,._..,,... -r-•11 .. 1 1111. a1.,,, j

Reflex Blue & White Coatlt: Cnii1 Mc8rie11 • C<isitain: Radlee Moler

Proudly Supported By.







~ .......... . v lf"t ,.... ~ llf#'f: 1-

~ NSW/ACT ... 1903 . 2003 --

SYDNEY AA. lltl-COAD [!Jr---------Vf$.lt' •"com..., •

AFL: 2 O O 3 TE AM l IS T ST AT I S TICS ~-:~·~,, aIX!J) , ' ;I ' - - ---· - ilDllD

• North Shore

Proudly Supponed By:

snowY-h~ro 1•n1twabl• •n•tpy

Tfiiies '°'-' \« •l.t"\. llfliOllL4-'l•I 'ttw-.. t

Jtrrod Crosby

4 Chns Tyrrell

5 S,mon Wiison

8 Marc Rose

1 M111hew Parker lcl 8 Ch"• e,slKJp

9 . Toby Kennen

10 Nelllan Carbone

13 Nathan Chadwick

14 Poter Chadwick

15 Simon Webb

18 Marc Ba1c1c

17 D1m11n Allen

18 Ben She1dow

20 Anlhony Lowes

21 Stovo Culler

23 Ma1k Livy (vcl

24 Doniel McGralll

25 RonWason

26 Merk Wilson

27 Micha al Cowell

28 Woyne Jarrod

32 Bon Corlvon

N 0 R T H S y D N E y " 3' Mark Brady ~ 35 Oanotl Kulk .... ,..,

39 Oao•tl Rcberts l.ft\GJlfS _ 42 Ktrnn Hughes

45 Justin Whyte

49 Brent I.Ivy

51 Nick Hosking

57 Jen-,e D'De1

S8 Ktnt McDonald

Black wilh Red sash Coach: Chris Rourke • Caplllin: Matthew Parker

tc cl(V7• 171l 75

1:wena 178 .!! 01112111 m 75

31/12/72 188 90

05m/76 182 B2

0&~13 180 76

IS'06177 180 ~

18'1l5175 176 76

13/09173 194 93

221 11/72 190 85

18/12/79 180 7

'l1J06/'19 188 ~ 84

I 9/0al80 183 88

15/09fT7 194 ~

05109/80 188 80

10/05171 176 l ? 2S10ms 1aL s5 09/l)S/80 188 85

17/02183 190 95

~ 190 90

27~ 195 87

24107/77 191 84

20/11176 180 ~--

14/07170 180 88

2~ 1005 194 88

07.IOC>1' 185 80 ' 09/02/82 193 84 I

3(W07/80 178 80

06/00/81 180 ~ 15/06/19 192 92

0&'0118t 183 n OC/02/79 198 90


NSW/ACT ... 1903 . 2003 ...

,e.wu .. 1, II*""""'' -tt-••1 .. 1 II'""'*' j

9 --- m -~~

SFA Statistics ROUNO 1 SATIJROAY. 26TH APRIL. 2003

FIRST GRAOE UTS U "9 8.13 IO 1t !111 N-WJeu 4 4 &e l.12 8.12 (IOf

GoM - UTS T ...hl. 1Coaiev2 M~ 't r>I

.•- d .J

HWJ '• Bio>. J-., Dllnr\ S u.. ·· r;.

8- t/TS '-' 't•'h#•. J t).o,. C Sir'ah,. T ·.\,.,_.

°" - c "9'..d HWJ: ~ iulltt•J, I f.•w.-.~"~ S 0;,11!'0. 8 Smc•I J

C111<:01 . .._, Uudc,

Um~*: AC:14·1'f\ M Hf>mildls At Bforlton1i .. ,..,

~Uni J 1' 41 U u !WI

....,.. "'°"' 0~5 l.S 4-1__.__ ~) Go11t .. SU: c.;c.,, ••r>• 2. A Brownd') 8 S. ry, l

liiggmt. S .-1t111m, A f"K~

Wl"IQ CW01~1 7 N Cnndu550, B Do AOOoi

Best .. SU: I) Pl.Iii°"'" l I l!y(ll'lS, $ N85h fl. M Oti"311. C '11 W I · :J!l!lt'I

wng· e c. '"'''' 1. M vhl!I R f9t-v. e Dit "w.t. _1 Co,...i I( 91"0'• Umpne ~ P Hi7t'1-.,..,_ o~

A1 ~"- •OI ••

MocquantUnl u -u I0.6 ,.. 0041

s-w S>jdnoy u 1.1 9.12 9.15 (191 GOI.. MU A (or...., V 4 J rvtansh•ld 3 f S... ~ .-,. 2. PCi c' ,,,_ •1111-fv, c ~w.I. ~-f\.\ If

"S.- -$WS• 1 • tci.-i Pr.o. P• . ..,.,. e PS.-.

- · MU N .. II\ P 0..:.. A FO"oQ. C •<.:Mrv. 0\-\ 0 ic: w.-O'lsl.1

SW$: AS.. "O':I .if\ f• ff•. G .<ropa. L ft-a-aw. J

.... 0(}'11• ~~~.AtQ l :l'IS

...:~ 0..:

&... i-=-Otd-hiraclQtll ,.-...,::-,...._~ ~'SJoS


UTS 211. 15 11•1 II N W Jo:s 0 2 121

--t e (901 · ~,dne, Uhi? 61181 MocUn1101 1•1 1 -•~ ,..,..u~

l11l· 9U


W l 0 8fot.,..,.,._ ~:Y.'11

W£U\ I 0 0 O

\ -W .llS 0

A'Ol.t{1.._~, I l Q 0 l2 !e \11 rlol·f;l!PA ___ o: o: o --1-ll_O •.t.4.~-W,\RR G 0 0 I 0 0 'FNRlnt D '.:O:_o - 1 D _ • O

STHSHARt;S D O 0 1 D 0 JNSV1"t5 • 0 ti . --

RESERVE CAA.Ol LADDER W l08'9rApl '- Pt1 ' ! w O 0 0 1$• I 9''>0C 4

\llOLLONGONG 11.W:.iiNI S·\t/ S'iOkf't'


I 0 0 0 liO IU 3333 r-o- Q o li!l •1 : ml I> 1 0 0 4t.i Ml GS2 D I 0 0 ll::Jl=-JOO

N--·,1; ~ "1 li'X.-l'AIN 0:::;1 UA.\.M'll 0 e ft~ a_ v .u 1::0-----r=:eo-Sll! S>tM>.;s __ _ Q 1 0 0 00 0

~·"·'.rt- u D~ oo · o


SfA FIRST GRADE kier c ..... y

Jdw'I '11:atha~ 8'ld< TllMSf'aedl





DiMd Caljp1


ea, NSW/ ACT .. A. - 1m .,...,



3 3 3


6 ~

- -------jll ~ SVONEY!>.rt AICMD 1111•; f 11ff com-... .....


The Opening round cl th<> Sf L cnmpet'1<lfl l(Jd<ed off on

/Ip<•' 12.\ ""'' ~·, Gren<1 Frnehst Sydney Uni too good for ->go119 · "'9 wet at Nanl1 Da;;on Fan< The Sludenl5 .._,, ~ IM ..., l>f llOO\flQ loor IA!oS>"..e<ed gooq ' .,., !!!St hall. Mac:quMe Uni o «Id ., coriuol at na !-:me aga;

Soutn-'Ne.1 S..Unev e'. Rosedale The Magpies drew ;eve; a1 tN! la.a <:1'8'109. bvt 1h6«as IX>Oted SiX

goals'° tt>a lrnal lt'<m 10 win comfortably. The ro"nd's ugh10St gom~ was at Bansons Lane. where the No~Welt Jots led early agalrost UTS, before losing lhO 1Mi~l1VI) 1n the secorld tem'l. The Bat.s took conlrol in th~ last qu~ner 10 w .. 1 by 19 p6ints. "9nrith, Southem Sh11tct. Holroyd Parramatta.

Manly-W&ringlh .1nd UNSW/ES hao firSt-round bves. kicklllQ off theor t•:;pectiw S(l"SOOS this weel:end

~Allen rs fl9nitth's """'' coact>. The Rims """" ll1<M!d ID 8 new "CT • gr(>Ur<J, fcm""9 "1ioaroces '"""

St Clair tSFA ()vl~on 21 ard me Nof.West .leis (SAA.

!Ssl SdiO '"''"''"<I !ho.lid see an i~ perletrrence The Southtlm Shlilc• a•e also loolang for lmprW· """' COoO Se/In frtlll8<rido. has 1ecruoted Scou Turh> ""' lllO ~ Red from St George, wN> shcx.Adho·;1m1•(· 1Jl.· JO&tt'<fea1

~ agao~baS Stiaun Edmunos n cnarge T<fn 8visnlll returns trom mo Ealt Coast

Eaglet •rod with otl'E>1 e..oet>ertt recnrnng, Ille

Goaonas w111 be "°l>"<l 1or a soooessful 25!h annr.rersa1 y season. Chns Hughe< 19 the 11ew coacii at Manly-Walringah

I The Wolves· 2002 1oso1vo g•a<Je premiership could be the 1mpe1us tor hil}her honour~ ·this y<;>ar. Several quality 01c~ull!' lfOm North Shont should help the club's ambitions

UNSW/ES wit be alrnng for consecutJve ftagG and has recruted fQ!m'" St Geotge player Cra;g Tognolrru as 115

r1rst giadu coocll Tho Bulldogs' SQ<rad is st~ ta1gety

•ntaet "'"° sho.ilcJ ag;;·• be tonr•clabie.

~ Villif_ •"·'°"'_., ~ SYDNEY Aft RECORD

e ealmain 1 Andre''' Kyprianou 2 Troy Cole 3 Tom Keipert 4 Joel Coon_ey 5 Jason Clarke 6 James KirtiY 7 Anthony Randell 8 Aaron Gaukie -9 Joel Godde 10_ Simon ~~yer 11 Evan Davis 12 Ryan Meldrum 13 Warren Wilhams 14 Bret Carle 16 John Feain 17 Mark Peterson 18 Matthew Dwyer 19 Mark MacKenzie 20 Matthew Carpenter 21 Michael Carey (cl 22 Danny A~nson 23 Hayden IJyt 24 Bret Nitscke __ _ 25 Came1on Colville 26 Wade Keenen -21 Rob shaw 28 Brem Millar 29 Steve Bishop 30 Merrick Watts 31 David Dunn fvc[ 32 Heath Waters 33 J_osh Bartlett j vc) 34 Tro~ Luff 35 Jeff Angel :JS Eden Bennett 37 Andrew Jackson 3'l Craig Nettfebeck 4() Mark Rerd 41 Glen McKeman f 43 Oarren Carle 45 Rueben Bajada 47 Chris Abbott 48 Michael C~ 50 Clay Barber 51 Kieran Ba:,,rb"'e,_r __ 52 George Mclaren 54 Brad Gardener 56 Gavin Marsh 80 James Brie_n __ 88 Sam Bendeich



t ' "_.,, .. , 111,,. ....... , 1, ....... 1 W1=m I

Bladt widi Yellow ~b Coach: Troy I.Jiff • Captain: Mitt Caray

Proudly Supported By:

oSc Dnirnn·JQ)1ie Sport.t



e C.l\.LTEX




Homo of th• 811lm11ln Tigttrs 2 Hythe Sueet. Orummovne

Ph 9181 1687 www.balmainfootbollclub.c-om

I ive AR on 1he SIG SCRELN 11•8. SKY Channel

NSW/ACT "'" I 903 • 2003 *'"

SV!>NEV AR. RECORD [!] ..-;.-JI• •1t,oom au e

.:AFt.i; 2 O O 3 TE A M L I 5 T 5 Y D N E Y A F l 5 TAT I 5 T I C 5 !~~;;,;i\ \., Ct!:'~ . I -~~~.ti_:

0 Western Suburbs Black aAd ~1! Ca.ich: Laine Spencer • Cap1llio: TBC .. '

A . F .C

Proudly Supported By:

~ Ausrral1an l ntcgrat~d Finance

rt.~-... tot iii yclW' buslliess or ~~e flt\lnCa.3· fflQU!rtmtnU

• ..


1v1u@ s .. 11 Modem Dryw all Interiors P/ l

fOt 311 ISQ€<':J of ~1-aal A.asle:r!Xlard ri...,~

\'-~ 10 [till \',a(t~·h em H8a."t.i~ MUSASHI

, _ "" il'e C<WT'"""' _,.,., ol .................. _ ABBOTT LOCKSMITHS






NSW/ACT ... 1903 - 2003 --

1 Laine Spencer ~-Mark Egan 6 Martin Brewster 7 Luke Jarjourn (vc) 8 Jason Poulos '!i:--l<ag an Cot1 10 Jonathon Bradfield Ii Paul Gambale Ive) 12 Lee Urquhart I~ Darryl Hottman 14 Stephen Hudson 15 Dean Fraser f6 Peier Turnbull 17 Nick Blencowe 19- Paul Tripodi 20 lee Casey 23 Cameron French 24 Simon Fairbanks 25 Johan Kusuma 2!_ Chris Noordhof 29 Mat1hew Eurcll 30 Wael Gouda ~J Stephen Spratt 32 Warren Popper

'"3Y Adrian Stainsby ,.~ Gav in Dimery ~5- Daniel Coughlin 36 Paul loakim 37 Chris Sandy 38 Kevin Ponsmouth 3'3- Daniel Couch 4Q R~an Stanton 41 Nathan Muddle 42 Brad Delaney 43 Peter Janzer ·44 Andrew Eurall 45- Matthew Cullen 48 Clint Hawthorne 47Steve McWdliam 48- Daniel Robson 50 Nat Taylor 51 Brent Loar Si' Jarryd Lear 53 Ben Allen 54 Peter Berecz ··55- Daniel Lambcll 56 Bakhos Elaro Sf Kristian Lewis Sa Michael Crouch

8/1/74 12/12,/81 14fli82 9/10j83 27/8{79 319182 29/6182 28/4{77 I 1/Jlti9

24/l 'l/77 27(1(92 25.'8181 3111/78 16/3{/7 11/4/82 21/ll{/8 24/4{78 2513175 4/'J/82

30/11185 719181 111167

31/10/77 19/2/68 15112/82 16/12171 2112/80 2515183 8/10/73 2913171 118/84 IFJ8/74 17/3182 12/4/tia 517/0I

20(12/84 2612/84 10/5/72 30/9/BI 7/918-1 14/1171 9/5181

17/10184 5/3/86

3-0/10/71 7(1/86 25/6180


190 98 175 f(j 1s2 - 80 181l 8s 170 15 151 11 -=-- r 188 90 -T 178 82 1809 4 182 82 180 81 186 83 180 78 185 75 180 io- ~ 184 f.1-1- ~ 176 18 180 -so:+-- -192 ·so -182 75 188- 70 181 75 184 80 196 95 178 -i3 1so 9o 183 - 98 177 -65-+----178 72 1i1 - 93 l I 180 70 178 9i 175 76 182 n'--'- -184 81 100 75 118 as-+---'-178 89 178-,.-72 '. I 184 98 ' 182 · 97 180 71 175- 76 175 70 175 - 89 187 "72 t74 68 170 72 182 9ii



~=-••1 .. 1 . ....... ,;, , ..... 1 .. 1 --J!.M I

~--- ~ -~-

im· lm


SydneyAFL Sydney A FL Ladders

liNS~:I' 1A u 18; IO (106',, ewe p w l • • '" Au•• ~ '" -~~.o ~.2 9.8 1t8 1121 UMS'fl·ES 16 13 3 n ' ,.,, ,,., ,,. ' 11

Goals • UNSW-ES': D Wa1no ,Sr,.,th 3 B Abbott fN>lli'Sl\ili! ··•.Jt _f. J ·:r 1• l1ll'" ·ieu;.." Sl G!olge " II ' ' ~ l!N ltCIJ 1241 ..

2 0 IWtc:helson 2 A. Vdsde~s? S Cnsp '1 S NOA WilidiSiiii:lii:=a ........ _·1=::ua .., nu--::-41· 2 M 0 arrnent6J A Shields V [)eoi

a.1 ..... IS • ' ' ' llllJ >)<> il!ifi " ••3ilff ™"AUCcr;;w: ·-~ Noni> Sf>o<o, T "6m&" 3 J a..,, 2 J Clote>v M P!!"M"t 'HIS ,, • ,, • l ''"

,,,, Ill ,. ' - l :a_._ .... _.,_ .... ~

Parl.« N c.tone 0 _, S C.,,S., M L"Y EDC.-bgies .. J u • ? IQ) HI) ,., " Best- UNSW-ES: 0 MaeGaorvl M -.'N 0-\l!leOCl.-S,.... R6D'ifS

- Shof9: SW-. OA$"'"' -ClllB , w ' • I ... ... .. "' s."""' " • • ' l ... ,., 1] 'f ..

' - ~ s..ion J °"""' ..... er A ...., ..,... .. llil61 ,, --... - 0 .. ~

......... " ll • , .. , ... .,, . .. Umpi~: N Angeros D ~ioll--1Cl G Godf1ev

' -y w- IC &::S:::t -=i:°lll:I:: ICI ~rr"Sub:oim .. ' ' ' l ktifl l l'JI

~·- ;J¢ • --,.. -i. ~ t %: , • . : J!t'1 l.HS'H.(S 16 I 10 I ' '"' "" ,,. 2i

RESERVE GRAOE , .• : r1·-, .!. -rt r z: !~_a;: un_ 11.!. 11 rieas.-coeoi-Eog!M . .(1 1:2 11.8 12.7 t19\ I Pcm;ifll Kiit 9.\111 16 ' " II 1 .,,, 21:'11! '" ' S!~ t.;.,_2,7 3.8 6.11 [41 ' G°"I$ • £8$1 Coa!lt Eagle.s: S Ahe1c:rorn1Jio 3 N

UN"Ut R·l8 CWB p w l • ri;, Au~e ~ ...

Hall~ 3 A Sh•A<a 3 J CnM1<>d L Mol.bod ' m):1!1S~ 18 16 ! • lfrJ!I ur, 719~ " MuMhill

~ 1f H i " .,.. .lW '!Id,- >a

~-18 1l ' • '"" •• /011 ~

St George: J Saar 2 BM~~ S f'>twrllt A ._ .. 1F.7L :z-.c-• ._ tn:_~ - l:tm t3eist &ell<'<- 18 t I •O "" ,,. tlJ.I " - ~=-~J

- • """ Eagles: s -.,.....,. ! """"' " , II ' "'

.,.., ... Of'Y'Sd; 0 Naii'IV . L ~AWlod MEW• R

-!!~- ~--. w:::::m ~ " ' u • '"

. .,, II> - -- ::a::t . ·~.==-

St Geotgee M Grahlm 1 C>rici'JiOtl 8 ........ , 8

HstlOn T -T'°' 0ooa> a.ue CKAMl'D'$HIP

Best Ployer. s At>et>:tomt>o ••• • U ... ""'! Norm 9lcr~ ~ ca ll 116

Umpim: 8 Aff'lol G Mll'Jdlemti F 1<11.tlVtldi sL~ !ll 16 Ill V-.'e$1em S!zl:a h'I 68 12 ia

UNDER 18'5 P!S IJ)t u Q

SydnevRedbadul 3.5 u &13 10.17(771 1 Ba!reain 11 16 .. Noni( ,511_°"" 1.3 8-3 7.8 8.8 l&all !'im Coos1!'!11l .. i! S1 10

Pennan1 Hills 32 JO 71 Goal-s • Sydney Redb~clts. J l.OV'O 3 J \!\'t'\Qh1 2 C~\iii•~ - ~- ~ IQ 6 Allen S UO'tW A Hodgson E Cl111ko 0 nosu1 North Sho~ 0 Robef'.s 3 S Oodev ? 6 P\AVUI Ct.OB _ tU_ut



Best · Sydney Redbac:tts: S OOM G StfW\"nl ~orAb :~•1 : r ,. "Hoogson e-. ea..<• PO...

~.tll l#"l'- .. " PWtll ClU8 , .... ........ ' .. oM I :r I ;1

Non!>Sho«< B._,,_S~A~O< . . """ """' ,.....m M loro J 8.AoN Uf~ "' ......... ,, I ..

Best Player. s ua,oe Ot!-. 1.....s-~ -.:-1-t'J <: r.i.. .. ,, ..

Umpires: M Renoe1 A~ VY Hol*int ~ S«ail i2!.§ .. ....... •El "

$YONEY AFI. R£CORO mJ v11Jt· 11tr coni."u @

;;··~ ··~, J 0 E L K E A T I N G 2 0 0 3 T E A M L I S T ' i.lF~ ~- ,.;~,; ,\ .' ----- ap~

-00. lllJ

Keating finds new home and a flag Football success is a family affair.

~born and bled 0""""51aocer, Joe Keatmg moved to Sl'(lnev S&l'k•OQ emplaymeot

her f nlSh1ng an 1n1erna11onal 11nance degree. As well as f1nd1ng a career. Keating found a prom1ersh1p in his lits1 y&a1 vvtth the

UNSW/ES Bulldogs. and rs " looking 10 build on

last .and be a bit more consistent: The 21-yoa• old 91ew up on the Gold Coast

playing jun.01 !0010011 for Surfers Paradise.

Keating played IO< the Cubs 1n 1999 and 2000. and men tor Broadbeach 1n the OFL

" It was great playino wuh 8JCP(lnenced

players at the Cvbs Keabog says or his piayng days w'th tho Brl$bane i..ons· reser.-es·

team During n1s st1n1 in the OFL. Uaung \''°" the reserves· gradt=! t.M;st and fatrest award afte;

ptayrng only four gamM Keat1ng's 2003 p1e--seeson campaign \.-'l.'3S along n<eely, unr11 he broke a hand 1n the Bulldogs' t1rs1 proct1ce game. s1dehn1ng him lor it\1$

vvoeks. The break vvns doubly frustral!ng. as ho

was not able to hit weights, ttr..varung

his attempt to

build some exud rrusdo


Promiersh·ps seem to f~lm"i the Keanng fam•lv His oldest h<other Clark played :n

Brisbane's back·to-back AFL llags. while Aaron

played 1n Adela•de's 1998 prem1ersh,p rnam. No doubt UNSW/lS w111 be looking for some

more farnily mtt~rc 1h1s season ~ Bv Pct~ B~b,11:111

I ~

lfYr' 11114: .... Kimmi - ... -· NSWlm ...t.anl~ ii • ,.....,~ oiJh "" Bullogi.

I! UNSW-ES lllJiijll

I David ~upe 2'1Jf)lf19 19'1

2 Marl( Parmenter 27/10/73 181

3 Andre Pech 12/06/80 191 83

4 Ben Coughlan 07/04{75 180 87

5 Ben Macnamara 2W05!79 185 90

6 David McGeorge 15/08173 175 79

7 Simon Lethlean IJJll/75 177 85

8 Adam Ryder __ 22i08/77 192 90

9 Sam Ma cnamara '29/05179 185 89

10 Brad Abbon 15/02/74 182 90

11 Jason McPhefson C1Jj07n5 180 BO

12 John Caldwell ll6lll9l73 180 84

t3 Brad flinn 01/01/80 190 85

14 Chnsten McPherson 16/0lm 189 86

15 Andrew Davis 1Ml5/82 182 86

16 Cameron Temeleton f / 75 19'1 95

17 Dean Capobian~o 11/05/10 182 82 18 Brett Roberts 11/08(14 170 74

19 Alex Vasdekis 27/07/75 181 82

20 Nathan McPherson / /82 175 80

21 Stephen Crisp 21/04/76 181 76

23 Joel Kea1in9 -~6/10/81 200 97 24 Stewart Harper · / /82 175 76

25 1im Banfield 18/QSm 182 88

26 Don Crunenden 20111m 195 98

27 Matthew Zochling 18/05(15 185 80

28 Craig Lygoe I /80 180 78

29 Manhew Kimb~ 15/0lll75 190 93

30 Adam Cambourn I /82 182 82

31 Andrew Friedli eb I /80 lBO 78

32 Daniel Archer 3()/04/77 186 95

33 M ichael Keys I {18 178 78

34 Michael Kinnane 20JV3/74 186 80

35 Anthony Shields 03/05/74 190 84

36 Simon Ness 17105/73 183 80

37 Keith Bouch~r £ /_~3- 178 70

38 Oscar Sidlow·Jones / /85 178 75


~e••1 .. 1 ·=.:a11,,1 I*·•""' - "'*' j


Col11111!: Red. Whim. Blue Coacli: Jim Jorie$ • C8p1ain: Jason Md'lierson

Proudly Supported By:


• Sl'Okt~ A~M )( IAl l()N

./ ... ~" -. rnd ~~ ' .,...,._""P~;




NSW/ACT • 1903 . 2003 ....

- @

; .. -__ --;\ .· -: ;-:-_-,

0:,>~ 2 0 0 3 T E A M L I 5 T 2 0 0 3 T E A M L I 5 T -('-' .: -,

~Pennant Hills 8h!e willl Red sa$b Coad!: OaMy Ryao • Caplllin: Alnliony Brawn ' St George


Proudly Supported By:

Grange Securities ltd

Pennant Hills Inn

Terry Hogan Prestige Cars

Kaz Group Limited

National Bank of Austral ia


Diamond Shine Cleaning Services

One Ocean Seafood Restaurant

• Castle Hill •

--Visit us at--

NSW/ACT ... 1903 - 2003 _.

I Man McComey 03/12/81 189 80 2 Sob Parker 05/U9i8l T83 - 88 t • 2 Ryan U"d8'vrood 1Vll/8l 165 _3_ Brant Jock 04709(84 ) 79 _]0_ __ · 3 As" Cane< Ol/lll/14 1eo ·4 Ryan Talbot 16/11/82 189 85 • Afiam Rees Ol/11/84 116 ~ Alex Huggins 27/05184 173 'aii s Todd Feamerstone 28/08/81 11•

,_6 Shaun Jones Jll/04182 178 ·ao • e "''"""' Hino 21110/Sl 1a2 7 Peter Borbakov 22/08/73 188 '88- i 1 O•"' P""" 8 Tim Nunan ll3ill8/73 174 76 8 Chris P<iestlaod ~~WM 183 8G !!_ Tim Pouer 27/1)8/81 181 84 I + I_ Oeelan 0?'!>'""' 19/I0/14 185 as 10 Richard Gerke 18/07/72 188 - 90 ID GleM Geme<(c.lcoa<ht 05ltt/7• 182 to !LPauJ Folkard 23/12/81 195 100 , 11 S'"'enwd~ ttilW18 199 91 12 Nick Ponar 121U6/S5 lSO 79 + 1l B•ott B-~• lltl(IS 118 n ]~ Steve Cherne 14/07/80 190 Bi + 13 Pot McBndo ; Ml/91 r 14 Adam Grossmann IOI08/72 185 94 ,. " Peter o~.,,.,. ~" , •• ! " 15 Tony Redshaw 141U6/72 199 -93 t is Tim lli<tsoo ~Olts 118 n .\§ Jimmy Leggon 17/02/83 180 78 + 1' _.....,L_ O&Ol/18 118 eo 17 OaY1d Ounmng 25/t11n9 187 ·go- + 11 .,,onl•~ n1W1t m n L~ Steve Hodgson 23109/83 180 75 + 18 OrewFnnldm rim/81 19 Brad Cross 175 SO ~ Ii Ben Baud•netU> ~ 182 81 20 David Boers 18/02/85 187 So I 20 t .. Rodgm Ollll!flll! 182 /1

,12_ ~lair Hatherlay 08/10!74 190 94 21 Br~_!t M_'l'.m %O·l/79 183 Ill 23 Grant Brodorick 16/10!76 11885 22 1_ .. y001ton 06/09/ll lill !O is· Matt Gray 27/ 11/73 1 89 --90 23 50

"" o.,,.,, 17/llt\'llO m is 26 Ashley Boll 19/08/76 f80 90· 2

' " "l Ryan • 8!01(17 181, 95 '2i Chris Yard 26/04/72 198 94 • 2~ Oa• en BU<gm 1111l511• 191 92

- - · 26 tuke Pearce _28 Anthony Brawn 24/02/75 185 _11]_ · 17 ' •dd Poolos 03/l2182 ISEI 81 29 Evan Brophy 172 70 2a e,.. Ho$$ 03/04/11 1&1 83 ~2 Ja_mes Fulton l 5/04n s 175 JP_ ,_ + 2J Ritk r.1b01 1110C,'81 i• 88 33 M•ck Holgate l71U6/82 180 _~5 __,_ + JJl NJgeJTunb<odge 11/fll/IS 1es 1111 34 Adam Smyth 14/06/84 180 7_0_· _ _ ll JooShineb~ OB,'111'11 •• 18 35 Richard Harden 2Q/02/)l 193 105 12 MonMilioat1 1~ 11'° j fl 37 Dean Connors ZQ,112184 183 73 1 + 33 H'J'ltn Rood 18'11/lS lat 11

38 Matt Pink 7.9/07/82 180 75 ,_ )I r"'"'"""°" _39_ Jason Lyall 22[!}4{83 182- 75 + 36 eta.t e c.- ! 11101118 118 11 <\O Leigh Mortimer 24/02/81 178 80- 36 BenH•rper 31/0110 118 It ~l Dylan Tnegaardt 24108/80 178 ·ia -t :P An«ew ewer - m 1s 42 Mick Boors 10/12183 187- 85 38 M.chHJ Ri1- Ol/11/19 112 6S ,_4;! David Marscham 13/05/81 182 80 39 Tom Mc>Wa• 25/0!1'8" 186 84 44 Lachlan Howarth 03/02182 182 75 40 And<ewYaM>--;;-- l~l'BO 1115 ~ -1~- Daniel Andrews 13/1)5/81- 183 "78 l l M;c~!•l _O idce< 14/04180 111 85

16_ John Rak1c 21/1 1/66 178 SS '1. Ben ff.!'~ Ol/09(13 119 82 47 Camaron Bnasland • 175- 86- • J G~'Y."1J!!f.!!!_ 02,111na 100 74 4~ Tim Young 00/09n9 175 75 " J''" " ' "91;, 11/lll /BO 183 76 ~9 Joel Hoddy 05i07J78 178 ·n- •s Bn d Ch•lde• 1e1-01rya 18' eo _50 Jason Hoddy 29111/73 176 80* •& Pete< Thi<is 0~~1na .~.L Micheal Brown 21111/84 183 -70 + " " Peul Zanti_o!!!_ 03IO<li7' 18' 80 52 Mark Ellwood 29iM4 187 85 - 48 Cam Oro.!')' 'l:JIWT1 191 88 53 Nathan Sulhvan 21/02/84 185 75 ' " Sho,,._011.e_r _ 3C,'1}gl8' m 82

- · SO i\-ithony McCabt 21mt>1 19' 96 •



olf:•i! .. I ......... ;, 1e•11 .. 1 c=tltl I



'" -PViy. Red 8 Gold

Clpl!ia!Ceadt Glenn Gaiw


Proudly Supported By:


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• Toyota M otor Corp.

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• Bates Bikes

• Ford Gaitanis Lawyers


• Allstates Customs

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• O&B Conlan

• Sign King ( Hurstv111e)

• National World Travel

• Hungry Jacks (Bankstown)

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· Southside Colour Copy

• BBO's Galore

NSW/ACT ... 1903 - 2003 _.

@ - ... tilt bll.<O"l #II 0 --------------i@l~--------SYDNEY Afl fl ECOAD SYDNEY AFL RECORD v11/I: ,ff/ CQfn • .:ru ~

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