Page 1: s i Space News Roundup · 2004-11-26 · discoveries made through the stellar wind ejected from the star important insights into theevolu- ourselves." southwest at 10 knots. The orbiting

Tiny trackers i LDEF book

National Aeronautics and A new system that could keep items from being The Long Duration Exposure Facility researchSpace Administration lost on space station is in the works. Story team at JSC is publishing a book. Story on

Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center on Page 3. Page 4.Houston, Texas

Space News RoundupVol.29 August31,1990 No.35

Some JSC reservists get active dutyBy KellyHumphries Eight astronauts, including Burnham will switch from her "It's part of the job. Of course, if

Five JSC employees were called STS-35 Mission Specialist Mike JSC duties, which include coor- I were going to Saudi Arabia, Ito military duty this week as a Lounge, are in the reserves but are dinating the distribution of JSC might not be saving this. . ."result of President Bush'sdecision not expected to be called. Announcements, to working with Burnham said the stress comesto activate the country's reserves Valerie Burnham, JSC's direc- personnel and service records, from being temporarily uprooted,in response to the Persian Gulf tives officer, was one of the first and insurance forms that will help getting her JSC work in order beforecrisis, to be notified. The Coast Guard keep the port operating, she left and canceling a planned

About a hundred more civil called her Saturday morning and In the reserves since 1985, she vacation to South Padre Island for

servants are members of the told her she had to report to her said it is the first time she's been which she was the trip leader.armed forces reserves and subject duty station in Port Arthur by 4 called into active duty. She did Because she deals with paperwork J

to being called up if their service p.m. Monday. serve seven years in the Army as aCoast Guard yeoman, she also I

branches so desire. So far, JSC 'Tm a little nervous," said the before joining the reserves, knows that it will take some timereservists have been called up by yeoman second class who doubts "Even though it's stressful, this before her military paycheck catchesthe Air Force, Army and Coast she will be shipped overseas. "It's is one of the things that happens up with her.Guard. a little stressful." when you're a reservist," she said, Please see RESERVES, Page 4 Valerie Burnham

++ Midnight launchto put Columbia,Astro-1 in orbitBy Kyle Herring assemblies are tight.

The countdown continues for "We're glad to be back in bus-N the launch of Columbia on its iness," Sofge said. "Our confi-IT Astro-1 mission just past midnight dence is very high that we're notE Saturday with only minor issues going to have a leak."D

remaining. Work on Columbia has gones Workers at the Kennedy Space well since the vehicle was moved3"A t_l Center were working a commun- to launch pad 39A Aug. 9. "Pro-

TE I_ ications dropout problem with the cessing has gone very smoothly,"s _ Broad Band X-Ray Telescope said Mike Conley, JSC vehicle

payload in Columbia's cargo bay manager, prior to leaving forThursday. Im- Florida.

:: pact on the STS-35 "We're Iook-l launchwasnot ing forwardto

. _ _ immediately going to FIoridaknownuntilthe andwatchinga

cause of the Astro-1 successfulJSC Photo by Kim Murray problem could launch. Every-SPACECRAFT SPRUCING--Richard Walker, a painter for Anchor Inc., gives the Saturn V on display

at JSC's Rocket Park a fresh coat o! paint. He's spraying on a two-part epoxy paint designed to be determined, thing is cominglast two to three years. The job, expected to be finished Saturday, is a regular maintenance chore. The crew--Commander Vance together," he added.

Brand, Pilot Guy Gardner, Mission Launch is scheduled for 12:17Specialists Mike Lounge, Jeff a.m. CDTSaturdayduringa2hourHoffman and Robert Parker, and 15 minute window. Tanking of the

Hubble scientists report discoveries andPayl°adsamSpecialistSDurrance--arrivedR°nPariSeat about4externaltankisscheduledt°beginp.m.Friday.KSC Wednesday night. The forecast is for a 60 percent

Images show ring around supernova, packed galaxy core "We've been waiting all chanceoffavorableweather. Scat-summer," Brand said. "There's tered and broken clouds areHubbleSpaceTelescopescient- compressed into a narrow, high- violet Explorer satellite, been some musical chairs expected at various levels. Winds

ists Wednesday released two new density shell by a high-speed The new image should provide between the 38 flight and are forecast to be out of thediscoveries made through the stellar wind ejected from the star important insights into theevolu- ourselves." southwest at 10 knots. Theorbiting observatory--a dramatic when it evolved back to a blue tion of massive stars and their Brand said the crew supports expected temperature is 75new look the great supernova of supergiant stage. The image sug- catastrophic deaths as supernova the May decision to stand down degrees with 7 miles of visibility1987 and the core of agalaxy40 gests that the star was more explosions, from launch due to a liquid hyd- forecast. There is a 40 percentmillion light years away. efficient at compressing gas along The slowly expanding ring is rogen leak because "you just can't chance for thunderstorms around

The visible-light image of the an equatorial plane, creating a destined to be relatively short- launch unless everything is right." launch time.supernova, one of the mostspec- ring-like structure. Because the lived. It will be overtaken by the "We know we're going this Work this week included instal-tacularandunexpectedastronom- ring is inclined along the fine-of- swiftly moving ejecta from the time," he added. "The primary lation of the ordnance devicesical events of the century, clearly sight, it appears elliptical, supernova in a few years. This attribute of an astronaut is to be used to separate the solid rocketshows an elliptical, luminescent The observation, made with the collision will heat the ring such patient, so we were." boosters from the tank and thering of gas about 1.3 light-years European Space Agency's Faint that it will brightly glow in X-ray Shuttle managers met Thursday orbiter fromthetank.across surrounding the still glow- Object Camera on Aug. 23-24, and ultraviolet light. Within afew and today to assess the readiness Croseout of the aft compartmenting center of the star explosion, provided unprecedented sharp- decades, the ring will be com- of the vehicle, launch team and was completed and the flight

The ring is a relic of the hess and clarity down to .1 arc pletely engulfed by supernova crew to conduct a safe, successfu[ doors were installed. A smallhydrogen-rich stellar envelope second. It shows the supernova debris which will be visible for mission, object protruding from the side ofthat was ejected by a red super- and its surrounding shell of stellar centuries as a bright supernova AI Sofge, NASA test director, the tank was noticed and found togiant in the form of a gentle "stellar material whose characteristics remnant, said the launch team is ready to be a piece of slag or sludge. Thewind" 10,000 years before the previously had been suggested by in a separate discovery, Hubble again "do what it does best" after object did not penetrate the foamexplosion took place. The diffuse ground based observations and provided a remarkably detailed a four-monthstanddownandthat on the external tank and wasgas was subsequently swept and data from the International Ultra- Please see HUBBLE, Page 4 he's confident the new umbilical removed.

Astronaut McCulley will leave NASA JSC workers getBy Barbara Schwartz will be heavily involved in the day- Crew Operations, and currently, furlough notices

to-day processing of space shut- as lead of the Astronaut SupportAstronaut Michael J. McCulley, ties in his new position. Team at Kennedy Space Center. : JSC civil servants received

a Navy captain, is retiring from the McCulley was the pilot on STS- Regarding McCulley's decision notice this week that they could beNavy and leaving NASA in early 34duringwhichthecrewsuccess- to retire, Director of Flight Crew subject to up to 22 unpaid, non-October after the STS-41 Ulysses fully deployed the Galileo space- Operations Donald R. Puddysaid, working furlough days in fiscallaunch, craft for its journey to explore "Mikehasalwaysbeenatop-notch 1991.

McCulley has accepted the Jupiter. performer in every way. Both as InalettertoallNASAemployees,position of vice president and Selected by NASA in May 1984, a pilot and as a technical expert, NASA Administrator Richard H.deputy director, KSC-launch site, McCulley has served as theAstro- he has made significant contribu- Ib Truly emphasized that the 30-daywith Lockheed Space Operations naut Office weather coordinator, tions to the shuttle program and notice means only that there is aCo. the flight crew representative to to my office. We will miss him here possibility of a furlough. He said

"t am not changing teams with the Shuttle Program Require- at JSC, but his experience and the agency's analysis shows thatthis move, only my position on the ments Control Board, technical expertise will be extremely valu- the worst case would requireaone-team," McCulley said. McCulley assistant to the director of Flight able in his new position." Mike McCulley Please see FURLOUGH, Page 4

Page 2: s i Space News Roundup · 2004-11-26 · discoveries made through the stellar wind ejected from the star important insights into theevolu- ourselves." southwest at 10 knots. The orbiting

Page 2 Space News Roundup August 31, 1990

JS<:: J _=::<:=

Ticket Window Dates & DataThe followingdiscountticketsareavailablefor purchaseinthe Bldg.11 Exchange Today Blood Drive of 1990 will be from 8- airpower demonstration.Contact Col. 2 p.m.weekdays. Cafeteria menu--Special: fried 11:30 a.m. and 1-3:30 p.m. Sept. 6 Ray Jones, 850-7545, or Lu Lewis,GeneralCinema(validforoneyear):$3.75each. chicken. Entrees:fried shrimp, baked at the Gilruth Recreation Center. For 784-5200,for more information.AMCTheater(validuntilMay1991):$3.50each. fish, beef stroganoff. Soup: seafood appointment call Bob Jones, x33004,SeaWorld(SanAntonio,yearlong):adults,$17.25,(2-day$21.95);children(age3- gumbo. Vegetables: okra and toma- Mary O'Rear, x36531, or Helon Oct. 28

11 ) $14.75, (2-day $1 8.95). Bicycle ride--The Texas CoastalAstroworld(valid1990season):adult$15.97;children$9.21;seasonpass,$39.95; toes, buttered broccoli, carrots in Crawford, x34159. For additional

Waterworld,$8.15;two-day--AW/WW $18.47. creamsauce, informationcall Crawford. Century bicycle ride, a comprehen-Lovin'FeelingConcert(7:30p.m.Sept.29,Summit):$16. Cafeteria menu_Special: stuffed sive tour of the greater Bay Area, willCountryandWesternDancefeaturingSpur28 (7 p.m.Sept 8, GUruthRecreation Monday cabbage. Entrees: beef tacos, ham befrom 8 a.m.-5 p.m.Oct.28, starting

Center),includesbarbecuedinnerbuffet:S15. Cafeteria menu--Special: meat and lima beans. Soup: beef and at the University of Houston-ClearStateFairof TexasTrip (7a.m.,Sept.8--6 p.m.,SepL30),includestransportation,sauce and spaghetti. Entrees:franks barley. Vegetables: ranch beans, Lake. Proceeds will benefit the

admission,lodging,buffetbreakfast:$70. and sauerkraut, sweet and sour pork Brussels sprouts,cream style corn. Houston Food Bank and UniversityAstrosvs.Braves(7:30p.m.,Sept.28,Astrodomemezanine):$5. chop with fried rice, potato baked of Houston-Clear Lake recreation

chicken. Soup: cream of potato. Sept. 7 and sports. Early registration by Oct.J'_<:: Vegetables: French beans, buttered Cafeteria menu--Special: Salts- 1 is $10; registration after Oct. 1 is

Gilruth Center News squash,limabeans, bury steak. Entrees: fried shrimp, $15. For applications and moredeviled crabs, ham steak. Soup: information, visitthe Rec Center. CallTuesday seafood gumbo. Vegetables: but- Mike Prendergast at 335-2505 for

Library workshop--The JSC tered carrots, green beans, June details.Signuppolicy--Allclassesandathleticactivitiesarefirstcome,firstserved.Toenroll, Technical Librarywill offera Keyword- peas.

you mustsignup in personat theGilruthRecreationCenter.Everyonewill berequired ing and Information Retrieval Work- Oct.30to showa badgeor EAAmembershipcard.Paymentmustbemadein fullat thetime shop from 12:30-4:30 p.m. Sept. 4 in Sept. 12 Space conference--The fourthof registration.Classestendtofillupfourweeksinadvance. Bldg. 45, Rm. 304. To register, call Integration expo--The Informa- annual "Space: Technology, Com-

EAAbadges--Dependentsandspousesmayapplyfor a photoI.D.6:30-9:00p.m. Sheryl Gates at x33074; for details, t/on Systems Directorate is sponsor- merce and Communications"Monday-Friday. callDonnaMcAIlisteratx36144. ing a Macintosh-DOS Integration Southwest conference will be held

Defensivedriving--Courseis offeredfrom8 a.m.-5p.m.,Oct.13andNov.17;cost Cafeteria menu--Special: smo- Expo from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Sept. 12- Oct. 30-Nov. 1 at the Nassau Bayis $15.

Weightsafety--Requiredfor useof the RecCenterweightroom.Thenextclasses thered steak with dressing. Entrees: 13 in Bldg. 12, Rm. 112. For more Hilton. The aerospace and spacewillbeSept.5 andSept.20,from8-9:30p.m.Costis$4. beef stew, liver and onions, shrimp information call Pat Doerr,x37589 commerce conference is sponsored

Aerobicsandexercise--Bothclassesareongoing. Creole.Soup: navy bean.Vegetables: Sept. 13 by the Space Foundation. For moreCountryandwesterndance--LessonsbeginSept.10andwillbeheldeveryMonday butteredcorn, rice,cabbage,peas. JSC/NPMA meeting--The JSC information, call John McLeaish,

forsixweeks;costis$20percouple. National Property Management 480-7445.Ballroomdance--Professionalinstructionin beginning,intermediate,andadvanced vceullesuc=y

ballroomdancing.ClassesbeginOct.4 and meeteveryThursdayfor eightweeks. Library workshop--The JSC Association (NPMA) monthly dinner Space conference--SpaceBeginningandadvancedclassesmeet7-8:15p.m.Intermediateclassmeets8:15-9:30 Technical Librarywilloffera Scientific meeting will be at 6 p.m. Sept. 13 Exploration '90, a conference andp.m.Costis $60/couple. and Technical InformationResources at the Rec Center. Linda Massey of aerospace industry exposition spon-

Tennis--Beginning tennislessons,Mondays 5:15-6:45p.m.six-weekcourseis $32. Workshop from 1-4 p.m. Sept. 5 in NASA's Supply and Materials Man- sored by the NASA Alumni League,Sign-upsbeginimmediately.LessonsbeginSept.10.Advancedbeginnerclasswillbe Bldg. 45, Rm 304. To register, call agement Branch wiilspeak. For more will be held Oct. 30-Nov. 1 at theofferedon WednesdaysbeginningSept.12. Sheryl Gates at x33074; for details, information contact Sandra Pierce at South Shore Harbour Resort and

Soccer registration--Will be Sept. 17. Pick up information at the Rec, Center. call Donna McAIlisteratx36144. 282-4151. Conference Center. Contact CarolRamey, exposition manager, 800-

_11_(:: AIAA/NASA conference--The Sept.25 765-7615,formoreinformation.

Techm'cal Library News American Instituteof Aeronautics and BAPCO meeting--The Bay AreaAstronautics and NASA will sponsor PC Organization (BAPCO) wilt meet NOV. 6a conference of Innovative Technol- at 7:30 p.m. Sept. 25 at the League Ada users' symposium--Theogles for the Exploration of Space City Bank and Trust, For more third annual NASA Ada Users' Sym-

The following selectionsarenowavailablein JSC'sTechnicalLibrary, Bldg. 45, Rm. Sept. 5-6, at the Ramada Renais- information call Earl Rubenstein, posium will be Nov. 6 and is hosted100. sance Techworld in Washington,D.C. x34807,orTom Kelly,996-5019. byJSC andthe MITRECorp.Formore

The Aria Programming Language [videorecording], R.E. Fairley, 1982, QA 76.73.A35 For more information, call Leslie informationcontactJohn Cobarruvias,F34. Tavennerat(202)646-7453. Oct. 20 x39357,or Sheila,333-0910.

InformationSystemLife-CycleandDocumentationStandards,NASA,1989,QA76.9.S8 Cafeteria menu--Special: salmon Wings Over Houston--The 19901541989.TheGrandTour:ExploringthePlanets[videorecording],McGrawHill,1990,QB501.2 croquette. Entrees: roast beef, baked Wings Over Houston Airshow will be NOV, 27

.G7. perch,chicken panpie.Soup:seafood Oct.20-21 at Ellington Field.The U.S. National technology ¢onfer-HighTemperatureCorrosionofCeramics, J.R. Blachere, 1989,TA455.C43B57. gumbo. Vegetables: mustard greens, Marine Corps' vertical take off and ence--Technology 2000, a nationalRoboticAdaptiveGraspingBasedon Visionand TactileSensorData, DongMin Italiangreenbeans,slicedbeets, landing jet, the Harrier, will partici- technology conference, will convene

Woo,1987,TJ211.R6261987. pate.The Confederate Air Forcealso Nov. 27-28 at the Washington HiltonNewLightAIIoys:PapersPresentedatthe67thMeetingoftheStructuresandMaterialsThursday will celebrate the 50th Anniversary Hotel. For more information call 212-

PanelofAGARD,AGARD,1989,TL500.N63A24No.444. Blood drive--JSC's third Onsite of the Battle of Britain with its WWll 490-3999.

J ,=;(::

Swap__koSwap Shop ads areaccepted from current and retired Cars &Trucks ball. ex. cond, will fit most mid-size-full sz. cms/trucks, finches, doves, guinea pigs, $5/ea. Jim, 282-3750 or Miscellaneous

NASA civil serwce employees and on-site contractor '88 Acura Integra LS, 27K ml.. AC, PW, PL, AM/ $100,OBO.486-4963. 482-6744or Della, f409)778-6976. Smith & Wesson, Mod. 12 Airweight, nickel, $275;employees. Each ad must be submitted on a separate FM/cass.gray,ex.cond.,$10.dK996-8410, Lhasa Apso pups, 3 males, cream & white, blk. & Star45,auto.,new,$275.332-5057.full-sized, revised JSC Form 1452. Deadline is 5 p.m. '83 Ford van, 134K mi., only 26K mi. on V8 & AC, Audiovisual &Computers white,blk.&cream, S150.485*3151. Carpet. rose pattern, 9x12, $125; Ward's Signatureevery F_iday, Iwo weeks before the desired date of captr, chairs, table, dual tanks, $4,500. Samouce, Applelle, 128K, duo-disk, monitor,parallelinterface, Rabbits, mini-lops and New Zealands, $10-$35. chestfreezer,$200. Samouce,x35053or482-0702.publication. Send ads to Roundup Swap Shop, Code x35053or 482-0702. joystick, SW,$750,OBO. Roger,280-0769or 335-2780. Gaito,554-6200, Oriental rug, 6x9, Ming design, navy/ivory/maroon,AP3, or deliver them to the deposit box outside Rm. '76 mercedes 300D, all pwr w/sunroof, good cond., Apple li plus cornp., monitor, new printer w/NLQ, 2 AKC Chihuahua pups, approx. 4 rodS. old, shots, $250,OBO. Roger, 335-2780or280-0769.147in Bldg.2. Nophone or fax adsaccepted. $3,200,O80. Jer_/,x39287or 554-6093. disc drives, modem, SW, corm, $500. Don, x34205 or wormed, dipped,$100-$150cash.534-3893. Rollaway bed,3/4 sz,,$50.x36080or 482-5621.

'85 Malibu Skier, tnd. trlr., Barefoot equip., access., 488-8105. Jobst extremity pump w/gauntlet, ex. cond., $100.Property 350Chevy, ex.cond. Lon,998-7146 Kayproll-83(CPM-80) comp,;2SSDDFD'sw/BasLc, Household Earl,x34807 or 326-2354.

Sale: Pasadena, 3-1.5-2, blinds/drapery. 1,072 sq. '85 Toyola Supra, sunroof, auto., 66K mi.. loaded, C, 2 assemblers, S/sheet, etc, $350; Panasonic 1080; 30" Philco big screen TV. $800. Donna, 283-5453 Sunbeamminifoodproc,,new.$12.486-8716.ft., landscaped, deck/patio, near NASA. $48,500. 477- ex. cond,,$6,995. 283-5356or661-6371. 9-pin dot matrixprinter, $110. Jesse. 280-2770 or 554- or337-3838. Crystal pic. frame, new, holds 4x6 pic., $10. 486-2709. '80 Char. Citatior_,4-dr. htchbk., AC, runs well. int. 2924. King sz. bedspreads, pink, $20. brn./white, $20, 8716.

Sale: ResortsCondominium Inc., time share, 20 yrs. needswork.S550.482-5621. Commodore port. SX-64 w/ext. 12" mono monitor, apple green. $75; 3 bJadewhite ceiling fan.$20; gold/ White velvet/lace wedding gown, sz. 10/11; maidremainingon 28 yr. contract,base,Hawaii,$3,200cash. '83 Chev. Bonaventure. 8 pass. wndw.van. V8, dual 300 BAUD modem, 300 plus disks SW, $375. George, smoke glass chain lamp, $25. Marilyn, 474-4228. of honor& flower girtdresses, BO,480-3952.477-2709. air,goodcond,,$3,400cash. Bob.x36527or482-6730. 749-4677or484-6295. Antique mahogany secretary w/matching chair, Refrig,4.2cu.ft.,$150. Ken,335-4312or474-3500.

Lease: 2-2.5-2CP, DR, W/D. fan, FPL, 5 rain. from "88 Pontiac LeMans. 2-dr. htchbk., 5-spd., 41K mi., C64, FSD-1 disk, modem, parallel printer I/F, SW, needs refin., recaning, $500; rect. kitchen tabte w/ Stainless steel prop.,Johnson or Evin. spline shall,JSC, Univ. Trace. patio.480-0035 or collect {813)566- ex. cond.,$4,200. x39926or 280-9408. CPU needsrepair, BO.Robert.x35258or482-0374. leaf, resem, butcher block, $50. Janet, ×35000or 482- 12 3/4 x 21,ex. cond.,$1Bd.x38430 or 335-1568.3729. '84 RX-7. ex. cond., 94K interstate mi.. $4,300. Rick, Ata¢i800 comp. w/cass, drive, $100, OBO. Gretchen, 2514. 25hp Suzuki OB motor,hand stern from motor, long

Sa_e:2waterviewlotsnearNASA,$38,500/ea Don. 283-1988or996-8961. 282-6650or482-6744. King sz. wtrbd, w/bkcs, hdbd. $200. Karen, 283- shalt.$1K, OBO.x31786or438-1347.x38039or333-1751. '83 Honda Prelude, 5-spd., sunroof, ex. cond., 83K Apple lic, 12" monitor, ext. drive, 300/1200 modem, 5658or554-2971. Sears 16 function port. eng. analyzer, $50. Ed,

Sate:Shoreacres, contemp., 4,000 sq g, 5-4-study mi.,$4,500.B.Craig.x32338or 1-420-2936. mouse, SW,$600.538-1479. Ethan Allen wingback sofa, Ioveseat, muted tone, x37686; 9 1/2hp Johnson OBM, wtr. cooled, 2-6 mother-in-law suite on wooded acre, $114.900. '83 Buick LeSabre. 2-dr, loaded, e×. cond.. $3,500 Microsoft"C"compiler, version5.1.$145;boxofcom, goodcond.,$475.Johnson,488-5010, tanks. $100; Tornado elec. concrete hammer. $60;x38039or333-1751. Scott,x39156or482-8o17, printerpaper,91/2×ll,$15. x36814, wing back sofa, fie×steel, 72_ long, floral design Sears36"_awnsweeperw/towbar,$20. Ed,x37686.

Rent:Lake Livingstonwtrfrnl,house,3-2, CA/H, [urn., '69 Lotus Europa-Mid eng. fiberglass B_itishsports IBM PC XT 10 Meg, 256K, color monitor, printer, w/beige background, ex. cond..$100. Ed,471-2542. Sears comput, treadmill, good cond.,$100, Ed, 471-decks,pier,ex. cond.,wk./wknd,rates.482-1582, car. 56Krni.,ex cond.,$6K.Lou,x35242 or326-2930. modem, SW,$1K.Sash/,333-6225 or480-2973. Sofa, Ioveseat. beige tones w/oak trim, good cond., 2542.

Lease: Pebblebrook condo, El Lago.1-1.mirr. walls., '65 Olds Star[ire sport coupe, 106K mi., orig. owner. Apple lie, 128 KB, 80-column card, monochrome $200. Barb, x38896 or482-9447. Tappan 1.2 cu. ft. microwave, ex. cond., $100; 20blinds,/verticals, W/D, upstairs, 650 sq, ft., $335/mo. $2K,OBO.Tom, x38298or 488-4089. monitor, dual disk drives, $800. OBO. Keith, 283-5829 Queen sz. wlrbd., $75; frostless re[rig.,$150; dinette gal,aquar, w/purnp.$25.480-3424.Lindemann,488-3300or532-2218. '87 Char. Cavalier. 4-dr,, auto,, 45K mi., ex. cond., or480-1179, set,$75. Will, x36050or 332-6986., washer,$195,OBO; 10-spd. bike,good

Lease: CLC/Oakbrook West, 4-2,5-2D, contemp.. $4,100,OBO. x39579or482-6187. Tandy 1000 TX color comp. w/SW, $500; Star NX Loveseat. blue, contemp., ex. cond.. $125. Tim, ¢ond., $55, OBO; wgt./bench press w/tog workoutFPL, no pets, sac. sys., gar. opener, $995/mo. 482- '86 17" Starcraft pop-up camper, AC. stove refrig. 1000color printer.$150.Gary, x38772or 480-0779. x39926or280-9408, attach.incl, wgts.,$65,OBO.x38385.6609, sleeps6,ex, cond..$2,995,Gwyn,944-8775; Afar/ 1040 ST, color, stereo TEK glasses, joysticks. Sofa/Ioveseat, beige,goodcond..$2OO;glasscoffee Comput. desk, ash wood, $85; Sears upright vac..

Sale: Lot,120xl 62 in Friendswood,all uti].Rick,283- '78 Lincoln Towncar, orig. owner, new motor, $1.500. SW,Cad 3D. Sculpt 3D,Ccompiler, games.$750. OBO. table, $75; JVC stereo rack, $80; TV stand, $50. Ted, $35; Mad. style nightstand. $30; '50's rocking chair.1988or996-8961. Gail.x30445. 484-5927. x36894 or 280-9595. $15;dog house,$30.538-1071.

Lease: Pipers Meadow. 3-2-2, formal, island kitch., '87 Pontiac TA, loaded, T-tops, sec, sys,,ext. warr., Apple [I mem. exp. card, 256K exp. to 1 Meg, $95; Penneys deluxe microwave, $150, OBO; print sofa, 2 sleeping bags w/air matt., $25/ea. x30411 or 480-FPL.,dooropener, palio,$7951mo.plusdep. 486-5527. 37KmL,$9,200.Brian,532-3507. AppteCatllint.modem, SW,$75.x35786or334-1852 $125, OBO; taupe balloon curtain & rod, $25, OBO, 2646.

Sale: Corner tot on Lake Livingston, Westwood '82Z28, auto,,T-tops, newAC/tires, 81Kmi.,$3.800, all in ex. cond.; Kenmore W/D. $200, OBO. Mike, Ounlog Volley II tennis racket, $20; 2 racketballShores, 60x115, util., avail., $9,500. OBO. x30032 or OBO.Mike.x39856or484-7319. Musical Instruments x31239or992-3522, rackets, $10/ea.; Adidas softball shoes, sz. 11, $10,x31834, '77 MG Midget, new top/tires/paint, needs work, Los Paul shaped guitar, $250; acoustics & 12 sir. x30411 or480-2646.

Rent:Room, priv.bath, kitch,priv.,Nassau Bay, non- $1,750, OBO; elec. truck, stake bed, Westinghouse, fender, $450 & 6 sir. ovation. $450 w/cases; distortion Wanted Lennox china, ex. cond., Montclair 8 place setting,smoker,x38677 or 333-2950. $450.Brian, x37332or 543-2358. pedal,$45. David,488-8105. Want Ford Pinto, late '70's. no air, auto., V6, body plus serv. pcs., ivoryw/silver band, $395; antique Blue

Sale: Univ, Green, 2-1-2 patio home, fenced, new '89ChevyCavalier,$8,200.282-4587or 538-1479. King trombone w,lcase, metronome. $275. Jan, unimportant, does not need to be running. Trey, 280- Willowchina.C[aire,488-5307,paint,blinds.drapes,fans, FPL,deck,$76K.480-7338. '80 Concordstationwagon,$1,200 nego,748-2119. x30551 or482-6120. 4275or484-7834. Engagement ring, 18K yellow gold, round diamond

Sale/Lease: 3-2-2 in Friendswood,Wedgewood VilE, '87 Volvo 245 GL, ex. cond., loaded. $12,300,OBO. King trombone,$85 also want to buy upgrade model Want brush shredder/chipper. Jerry, x39287, solitaire, .68 carats w/6 round diamonds, .18 carats,1,600 sq. It., formal OR, new paint/carpet, $68,900 or Scott,283-5611or482-1809. w/F-trigger,S400 max.Gary,x33786or 499-5786. Want vanpool riders, SW side & Braeswood to JSC. $1,200.x30874or333-1316.$700/mo.Gretchen,282-6650or 482-6744, '88 Olds Cutlass C/era XC, 2-dr., 34K mi., ex cond., Artleyclarinet, ex.cond., $250,OBO.xz31593 or480- Rudy,335-4113. 2-dr. legal sz. file cab.. ex, cond., $100. x30874 or

Sale: 2-2.5-1 plus 1 townhome, $6K assumes FHA $7,800,334-2647. 6292. Want Johnson Or Evin. OB motor in good cond.. 333-1316.fixed late, no app., $680/mo, plus $50/mo. maint, fee, '78 Buick Regal, good tires/int./body, feb. trans,, Saxaphone, Eflataltow/case, ex. cond.,$450, OBO. 5-30hprange, willpayto$250.332-0365. Surfboard, 6'1" Maxwell, good cond., $125, Billy,ex.cond.x35250or333-2636, needsvalvejob,$550,OBO.Greg,554-2504. 534-2985. Want non-smoking fern. roommate to share CLC x31339or534-4780.

Sale: Meadowbend, 3-2-2, blinds, fans, microwave, '89 Ford Probe LX, 16,400K mi.. sunroof, ex. cond,, Guitar.classic Alverez Regent, $85.333-3925. house, $275/mo. plus 1/2 util. Sharon, 282-3973 or Wooddesk, 7drwrs., ex, cond.. $80;desk chair, $20.gar.door opener, under 10 yr. wart,, 8.5% FHA assum. $10,900.335-1711. Buffet clarinet Model R-13, $945; V/to clarinet, $325. 480-6713. Gail,x39838.538-1071. '88 Ford Mustangcony. LX, auto.,ex. cond.,$10,500. 481-6372. Want roommate to share 2-2 apt., approx,mid Sept. Hospital bed, elec. head/knee positioning, remov.

Sale: Warehouse, 13K sq. ft. on 1.1 acres, Bayview, Chad,x35786or 334-1852. 1o1st of Oct movein. Lida, x34632, siderails,ex.cond.,Diane,471-5291.$85K.776-2375or 339-1957. '85 Toyota Corolla LE, 4-dr., auto., ex, cond., $4.750. Pets 8( Livestock Want musicians and/or vocalists inter, in rec. their Pumpmaster 760 pellet-n-BB gun. ex. cond.. $30;

Lease: Webs./Ellington, 2-1 apt., $425/mo. Dave, 558-7442. Blue & gold macaws, handfed, tame, talking, $950- performanceinastudiofreeofchg.Joe,996-1667, bow/arrowset, 151b. pullw/5beararrows,$20. Aaron,x38156or486-5181 orHerb, x38161. '86 Olds Cutlass Suweme Brougham, V6, good $1050; bear-eyed cockatoos. $900-$1,000; African Want any Beatles 45's or albums, '60's-'70's. 944-0493.

Sale: Cornet lot. Friendswood, Wilderness Trails cond.,toaded,$6K, OBO.484-9583. gray congo parrot,talking, $750; Noble macaw. $475. Martha,x31160or334-4766. Goodyear tires, used, 2, Eagle, VRd0 2250VR16,Subdiv.996-9157. Oonna,283-5453or 337-3838. Want 5-string folk banjo, Pete Seeger style w/long $25.Gary, x32454.

Sale: Dickinson. brick 4-2-2D, 2,800 sq. ft., open Boats&P|anes Baby cockatiels, grays,cinnamonpied/pearls. Linda, neck.Tom,282-4979or482-9172. Circular saw cutting table w/adapter jig. Gary,concept.FPL,trees.x31466or534-3932. '59 15' Duracrafl, galv. trlr., 40hp Johnson. $500. 484-7834. Want Brownie uniform, sz. sin. Donna, 280-2554 x32454.

Rent; Galv, condo, Seawall & 61st, sleeps 6, ally./ Sean,480-8190or 996-7693. Himalayan kittens, CFA seat point, blue point. [tame or 332-6991. RCA star. TV, warr., $400. OBO; Sears exer./rower,wkly,/wknd, rates.cable,pool.x33479 or486-0788. '85 Wellcraft 180 Elite, 170 I/O Merc., ex. cond., point,tortie point, $150-$200; Persian/Himalayan CFA, Want good var. band to play at evening wedding new, $125; steel stor. cab,, $75, OBO; end & cocktail

Sale: Surfslde, 2-1-1,2 btks from beach, corner lot. Sporlsmantrlr,,$9K, OBO.332-3730. stud serv. avail., blue & blue point, grand champions, recep. Becky, x31420or488-0556, tables, $50; B&W TV, $30; 8rnm racy. cam. & proj.,needswork,$28K.480-5141, 25 1/2' Robald center console boat, twin Yamaha nego.feeand/orpickoflitter. Kristy,483-0439. Want roommate to share 2 BRcondow/W/D, near $50; glass front ster. cab., $45; sofa sz. pic., red

Sale: 60 acres on Hwy. 80, 3 mi. from Kames City. 150hpOBmotors,$14K.482-3727, Freefem.spayedcat.gray/white, shots.474-4132. JSC,$225plus 1/2util.Wendy,326-2934. poppies, $65; Seal-a-Meal, [g, sz., $15; Seal-a-Meal,TX,50mi.fromSanAntonio;2-stoq/houseinEICampo '87Wel[craft,170classic, 115Mer¢.OB.487-3593. Exotic reg. Vietnamese min. pot-beflied pigs, Want Iongboard surfboards, approx. 9' long. any,$10;aquar, stand, $10; Sanders menswesternon 1.5Iotsw/lruittrees.783-9164. Slalom Ski 67" Ebonite Shuttle, ultra pro ski rope, breeders & pets avail., $500-$3,500/ea. James, 282- cond. Billy,x31339or534-4780, boots, sz. 10, $65; old cast iron grill w/stand, $75; 4-

Rent: Room in Ig. house, $270/mo.. incl. util Eric, anchor line. oar. etc., $75, OBO; camper/boat hitch; 3759or 482-6744. Want roommateto share house in Sageolen. $270/ spd. trans, for Dodge, $45; Corn-a-Long, $25. Diane,x38420 Or484-9179. draw-rite 3500lb.cap. hitch w/remov, recep.,2"chrome Exotic Australian Shepherd (Aussie) dogs, $250/ea.; mo.,util. incl. EricRing, x38420 or484-9179. 283-5618.

Page 3: s i Space News Roundup · 2004-11-26 · discoveries made through the stellar wind ejected from the star important insights into theevolu- ourselves." southwest at 10 knots. The orbiting

August 31, 1990 Space News Roundup Page 3


Tiny electronic 'tags'may help space stationastronauts keep track

By PareAIIoway it's eventually found," he said. "But on the market now can only be read electronic tags do not use batteries cost of shipping items up to spacespace station is designed to be in orbit one at a time. NASA contracted with as their power source. The reader station will run something like $5,000

During the STS-31 mission inApril, for30years.Wewon'tbeabletobring Lockheed Air Terminal Co. in Bur- device, which does have a battery, a pound added to the time of anan amused Commander Loren it to the ground and clean house." bank, Calif., to develop a tag system emits a signal of seven watts max- astronaut on orbit which would totalShriver relayed to ground controllers In today's market there are six that can read at least 5,000 tags per imum to the tag+The tag has a built- about $20,000-$25,000 an hour.that STS-33 astronaut Sonny Carter's different inventory tracking technolo- second with an ultimate goal of in antenna in the form of a microchip That's some pretty expensive timemissing watch had been found gies: bar coding, voice control/ 15,000 tags per second• Under a circuit. The antenna picks up the you're wasting hunting for an object,aboardthe Space Shuttle Discovery• recognition systems, optical charac- previous NASA contract, Direct signal,converts it to power,activates causing the crew to do chores just

Had atracking system proposedfor ter readers, radio frequency/elec- Current-Light Inc. of Lawndale,Calif., the integrated circuit and sends a to find something or to figure outSpaceStationFreedombeeninstalled, tronic tags, magnetic strips, and the developed an electronic reader for response to the reader identifying its what'sleft."Carter's STS-33 crew mates could vision systems, the proposed space stationsystem, location. One application would be keepinghave sent out an electronic signal and The prime contractor for the space Scientists at the Oak Ridge "The difference with the Lockheed an inventory of crew food supplies.locatedthe elusivetimepiece, station's proposed inventory tracking National Laboratory in Oak Ridge, Air Terminal tag system is that it is The reader could be placed in the

Misplacing objects, large or small, hardware is Boeing Aerospace in Tenn., are working on related tech- based on a roll call system wherethe trash bin and, with little crew inter-can be frustrating on Earth but, on Huntsville, Ala., one of the Work nology in their development of a tags respond only when asked and action, could give a complete, accu-space station, misplacing or miscal- Package 1 contractors.JSC is pro- solar-powered infrared micro- respond veryfast one at atime," Lew rate accounting of the food that hadculating the number of certain items vidingthe subsystemmanagementfor miniature transmitter. However, the said. "Other systems involve all the been consumed, and hence whatcould be hazardous, the project's development, Lew said, Oak Ridge transmitter is asingle read tags responding at once• The Lock- was left in storage.

To addressthis problem,the Man- and is waitingfor additional research device. The Oak Ridge transmitter heed system is faster and more Another on-orbit application wouldSystems Division has been working anddevelopmentfundingtobuildflight initially is being developed to aid accurate." be in the Health Maintenace Facilityon new technology to track items ready hardware for detailed testing, scientists in tracking and studying An additional feature of the pro- area, Lew said. The crew could usewithin the space station. Such a Boeing is working on a bar coding Africanized, or"killer" bees. posed inventory system is its selec- medical supplies, throw the packag-tracking system would be the space system but Lew said he believes The system that's been worked on tive signal capability which would ing away and have a portable readerprogram's first automated system for more than one type of tracking at JSCuses ahand-held detectorand enable a crew member to look for a in the trash area to monitor thein-flight inventory control, technology will be necessary, electronic tags. They are commonly missing item. A crew member would number of supplies used.

"For me, the space station will be "To locate something labeled with referred to as"RF tags" which stands need only to enter the code of the The tags also could be usedthe most complex environment that bar codes, huge scanners would be for radio frequency electronic tags. missing item into the reader, outside the space station or thewe've ever had to deal with," said required to scan the entire module," The RF tag, when installed on an The project will require designing shuttle, Lew said.Leong"Jack" Lew, subsystem man- Lew said. "That's not a feasible object,canreceiveandreturnasignal multiple readers,Lewsaid. Mostlikely As an added incentive in theager for Space Station Stowage and solution. Bar code labels have to be at regular intervalsenabling whoever there would be a fixed reader and development of this system Lew saidInventory Management Systems• manually scanned. If you don't know activatedthe systemto locatean item. multiple portable readers on space there are spinoff uses that would beLew, an engineer, has worked for where it is, how can you scan it? For "Ideally we want the scanner to be station• The portable readers would beneficial tothose who remain on theeither NASA or NASA contractors example what about if you couldn't able to read a large number of tags be the sizeof small walkie-talkies and Earth.KSCcould use tagging to tracksince 1963. find a critical item like a crew in a room anddo itquickly," Lew said. would include a small computer to groundsupport crew members react-

"During Skylab, people on the member's eyeglasses? The design requirements statethat collect and store data. It could be ing to an emergency on the launchground in flight control would sit in a "Bar codes also are affected by the tags must not be affected by plugged intothe fixed reader and tied pad, Lew said. Currently the workersback room with pencils and pads to such things as ice and other contam- expected space station environmen- into the inventory management sys- wear jumpsuits with numbers on theirtrack items," Lew said. "On shuttle, inants," Lew said. "For future space tal conditions.They must be as small tem, enabling the reader to dump its backs and arms to assist spotters inI figuredthere are about 5,000 loose travel we have to have something aspossible and capableofbeing read collected information, tracking them but water spray coulditems such as photographic equip- better than the bar code. Something from a distance of 40 feet. The tag Lew is convinced this electronic obscure their numbers.ment and supplies, food, tools, that can read faster, locate missing is about one-fourth the size of a tracking inventory system would be Lew said the tagging system offershygiene supplies, payload parts and things and reduce crew interaction postage stamp and if a battery were an important part of space station, unlimited commercial spinoffs suchspares. On space station, we'll be time." added to the tag, its range would be "lntheeventofanemergencythere as:thetaggingofindividuals'vehiclesdealingwith inexcessof 50,000items. Therefore, Lew has concentrated improved, Lew said. are certain critical items you've got which would be particularly useful in

"With shuttle, if something is his work on potential alternatives Electronic tags cannot read to have that you may have to locate the case of a theft; tagging airportmissing or misplaced,once it comes such as miniature, multi-read, elec- through aluminum or any kind of fast," Lew said. "We must have better baggage to deter unlawful activities;down everything is cleaned out and tronic, passive tags. Single-readtags metalic material, Lew said, and the control. Space will be limited and the and general inventory control,


JSC Photo by Kim Murray

Top:Tracking"tags" as smallas the oneonthisAfricanizedor "killer" bee couldbe invaluablein keepinginventoryandpreventingthe lossof smallitemsonSpaceStationFreedom.Left:JSCengineerLeong"Jack" Lewshowsofta proposedtag ona spacestationfoodcontainer.Above:Itemsthatneedto be locatedin a hurry,suchas an astronaut'seyeglasses,couldbetaggedfortracking.

Page 4: s i Space News Roundup · 2004-11-26 · discoveries made through the stellar wind ejected from the star important insights into theevolu- ourselves." southwest at 10 knots. The orbiting

Page 4 Space News Roundup August 31, 1990

Magellan's troubles delay radar mapping startBy Pam AIIoway why we're planning contingencies," spacecraft'scheckout,its radar instru- week. further instructions. It apparently

NASAengineershavedelayedthe saidAnthonySpear,Magellanproject mentstookthe most detailedphoto- Scientistsbelievethe earlier black- locked onto the wrong object andstartup of Magellan'sradar-mapping manager at NASA's Jet Propulsion graphs ever of the planet's rough outswere triggeredin part by corn- thoughtitwaspointedtowardEarthsomissionof the Venusiansurfaceuntil Laboratoryin Pasadena,Calif.,during surface. It will take Magellan about putersonthespacecraftthattheysaid itwaited16hoursfor Earthtorespond.the lastweek ofSeptemberwhilethey a recentpressconference."We have eight monthsto map nearly all of have"run amok." After 16 hoursof waiting,anotherinvestigatethe probe'scommunica- to believeitwillhappenagainuntilwe Venus' surface with cloud-piercing They believe the first incident unknownevent triggereda secondtionstrouble, understandthe problem." radar, occurredwhentherewasan unknown sating operationwhichpromptedthe

AlthoughMagellan scientistsand ScientistswilltestMagellan'sradar- Magellanwas scheduledto begin lossof signal,knownas a heartbeat, spacecraft again to sweep the areaengineers believe they understand mappingcapabilitiesagain on Sept. its mapping mission Saturday but between the spacecraft'smain corn- in itssearchfor Earth.It finallylocatedwhat caused the first loss of signal, 15. Thursday, Magellan was in its signal losses have complicatedthe purerandan attitudecontrolcomputer Earthand engineersmaintainedit inthey are stilltryingto understandthe 140th orbitof Venus and was about scheduledevents. The spacecraft's that caused the spacecraft to swing the sating mode until the secondsecondincidentand saidtherecould 150 millionmilesfromEarth. communication capabilities have intoa satingroutine,Wallsaid.During more communicationproblems Magellanbraked intoorbitaround failed twice. Last week it lost radio theroutine,theprobeattemptedtofind Wall said scientistsand engineerswiththe $550 millionprobe. Venus Aug. 10 after a 15-month contactwithgroundcontrollersfor 17 the Sunand a guidingstarthat would still are trying to understandwhat

"1thinkitcouldhappenagain,that's journey.Two weeks ago duringthe hoursand for 15 hoursthe previous have enableditto locatethe Earthfor causedthe secondlossofsignal.

MissionControl Publication describesviewing hoursnot for babies LDEFexposure effects

The MissionControlCenter view- The first of several publications Facility: A Preliminary Report,"inn room will be open to JSC and describing the effects of almost six describesthe impactfeatures madecontractor badged employees and years in space on the Long Duration by meteoroidsandman-made orbitaltheir families during portions of the Exposure Facility should be out in debris, said Mike Zolensky, aSTS-35 mission. September. member of the Meteoroid and Debris

Onechangehasbeenmadetothe LDEF scientists are still in the Special Investigation Group andguidelines. Children under the age formative stages of their research, curator of LDEF surfaces for JSC.of 5 will not be permittedin the ' but are preparing to share their The book includesdetaileddes-viewingarea. preliminaryresultsat the FirstLDEF criptionsof all of the approximately

Based on a Saturday morning Symposium Oct. 22-26 in Williams- 5,000 largest impact features onlaunch, employees will be allowed to burg, Va. LDEF and a listing of all the LDEFvisitthe MCC from 2to 5p.m. Sunday Bill Kinard, chief scientist and head surfaces curated atJSC. Itconcludesand Monday, from 2 to 4 p.m. Tues- of the LDEF Data Analysis Office at with a list of recommendationsday through Friday, and 2 to 5 p.m. Langley Research Center, said regarding the importance of LDEFSept.9 and 10. : "things are going great" and all of meteorite and debris studies to

Employees must wear their theexperimentsareproducinguseful agencyprogramssuchasthespacebadgesandescortfamilymembers information, station.through the regular public entrance "The more we look at it the more Kinard said additional databaseson the northeast side of Bldg. 30. we see we can learn from the will be published by each ofthe otherVisitors should limit their stay during analysis of the data," Kinard added, special investigation groups dealingbusyperiods. "lt'strulyremarkablethatthesystems withsystems,materialsandradiation.

Sincemanyvariablesareinvolved and hardwarefunctionedas well as Once published, copies of thein mission operations, viewing times they did." meteoroid and debris book will beand dates may change with little The JSC book, "Meteoroidand available by contacting Zolensky,notice. Employees are encouraged Debrislmpact Features Documented Mail Code SN21, or the JSC Tech-to call the Employee Information on the Long Duration Exposure nical Library.Service at x36765 for the latest

information. Course to teach technical team buildingCafeteria hours setA course designed to teach the art increasing awareness of certain

Special cafeteria hours have been of building high-performance techni- drivers and barriers to teamestablishedfor theSTS-35mission, cal teams will be offered from 10 effectiveness.

Basedona Saturdaylaunch,Bldg. a.m.-4p.m.Sept.7 onJSC'sclosed- JSC employeesinterestedin the3 will be open from 11 a.m.-4:30 p.m. circuit television system, course, offered through the NationalSaturday,7 a.m.-4:30p.m.weekdays JSCPhotobyJackJacoband 7 a.m.-4:30 p.m. weekends and IRON MEN--Iron workers for Pan Am World Services tackle a big "Developing High-Performance Technological University,can watchholidaysexceptfor launchday. job on JSC's Bldg. 32, the Space Environment Simulation Technical Teams," lead by Hans J. it on any monitortuned to JSC TV.

Bldg.11 willbe closedlaunchday, Laboratory with a scaffold and "cherry picker." Foreman Bill Thamhain, a leading authority on The specificchannelwillbe listedonweekends and holidays,but will be Archer and co-workers Marc Anderson, Phil Lyons, Hal Moen and technicalteams from BentleyUniver- channel 10 the morning of theopen from 6:30 a.m.-2 p.m. Eddie Scoggins are replacing all of the screws and the caulking sity in Massachusetts,will focus on seminar.weekdays, on the metal sided building that houses the large vacuum organizing a new project team; Reservationsare now beingtaken

chambers used to simulate the space environment for spacecraft implementingteam-centeredleader- to watchthe course in Bldg.45, Rm.

STS-41 launch passes component tests, ship; developing skills needed to 203 by Sheryl Gates at X33074 orbuild successful projectteams; and TimJohnsonatX33071.won't be available

cance,e..,,,o=,,Reserves called to support Persian Gulf responseguest operations for the STS-41

mission because of the threat of (Continued from Page 1) As for pay and leave,civilservice sick leaveorannualleaveareearned When they return,employeeswhobudget constraints due to the Personnel Management Special- reservistshaveseveraloptions.They while an employee is on military take militaryfurloughgenerallyhaveGramm-Rudman-Hollingslaw. ists inthe Human ResourcesOffice will be paid by NASA if they take furlough,but benefitssuch as health the rightto be treatedas if they had

The move means that invitations aredealing witheach ofthe reservists unused military leave (reservists and lifeinsuranceare retained, never been furloughed.They havewill not be extended to people individually,providingthem informa- receive 15 days per year and may Greg Hayes, chief of the Human the rightto returntotheir previousjobnominated by field centers and tion about how temporary military carry over 15 days to the next year), Resources Management Branch, orto a comparableposition.Headquartersoffices,and that veh- service will affecttheir jobs, promo- annual leave or compensatorytime. asked all reservists who are called Taking her situation in slightlyicle passes normally issued to JSC tions,leaveand insurancecoverage. When those are exhausted, the up to notify his office as soon as nervous stride, Burnham left thisemployees on a first-come first- Each affected individualwill receive employee will be placed on military possibleso thatthey maydiscussthe messageon her answeringmachineservedbasiswiltnot be available, a fact sheet and a letter informing furlough,underwhichtheywillbepaid options with reservistsbefore they athome:'Tmofftofightfordemocracy

The STS-41 launchwindowopens them of theiroptions, by their service but not by NASA. No leave for their duty stations, and to keep oil prices down."Oct. 5 during the two-week initialsequestration period that will go into

effectifCongressfailstemeetcertain Hubble takes remarkably detailed image of galaxy coredeficit-reductiontargetsbyOct. 1.

(Continued from Page 1) Field/PlanetaryCamera on Aug. 17, thought. Lauer, of the Wide Field/PlanetarySupply allocations newviewofthecoreofagalaxywhich reveatsstars30,000timesmoretightly HST scientistsare greatlyencour- Cameraimagingteam. "We've neverare being rescinded lies 40 millionlight-yearsaway, more concentratedat the center of the aged by this new observationand beenable to studyanygalaxyoutside

thanhalfwaytothe greatVirgocluster galaxythan waspreviouslyexpected, emphasizethatitdemonstratesintrig- of our Local Group, our 'neighbor-Administrativesupply allocations ofgalaxies.Theseresultspromisethat Since the galaxy,catalogedas NGC uing science can be routinely hood'ofabouttwo dozengalaxies,at

will be rescindedtoday because of astronomerswill be able to use the 7457, is assumed to be a "typical" accomplished with the space thisresolutionbefore."severe restrictionson researchand telescope to probe the mysterious galaxy, these preliminary findings observatory. It is far from clear whether aprogram management funds this centers of galaxies, in a search for suggest that the nuclei of normal "The images of NGC 7457 show massiveblack hole is at the centerfiscal year and budgetuncertainties massiveblack holes, galaxies may be more densely emphaticallythat research on nuclei of NGC 7457, sincetheimagesaloneforfisca11991. The image, taken with the Wide packed with stars than previously ofgalaxiescanstillbe done,"saidTod do notprovidethe answer.Grady McCright, deputy director of

CenterOperations,saidThursday that Furlough readiness actions continue Chu to speak at UHCLallpurchaserequestsusingthe R&PM Sp Newfund code 073-36-FB willbe returned (Continued from Page 1) to cuts required under the Grimm- ace S Dr. Paul Chu, the renowned ,ous-to the originator without action, day furlough during the first 15 days Rudman-Hollings law, which begins _ ton physicist who has made recent

Copy and computer paper will offisca11991,which begins Oct. 1. to sequester funds throughout the __ breakthroughs in superconductivity,continue tobeissued, but otheroffice JSC Director Aaron Cohen is government if Congress does not will speak at the University ofand papersupplies will not. allowing each directorate to decide meet certain deficit reduction targets Houston-Clear Lake next Friday.

Orders placed before the close of how and when, within the 15-day withthe fiscal 1991 budget. TheRoundupis anofficialpublicationof The noon, Sept. 7 presentation inbusiness today will be filled if the period, to implement the furlough if Truly stated that if an agreement is the NationalAeronauticsand Space UHCL's Atrium II is cosponsored bysupplies are in the warehouse, necessary. However, all employees not reached by Oct. 1, a cut of about Administration,LyndonB.JohnsonSpace the JSC Asian Pacific HeritageCenter, Houston, Texas, and is published

Any exceptiontothe restrictionswill will be required to take any furlough 31.9 percent would be required by everyFridayby thePublicAffairsOffice Committee.require the approval of the user in one-dayincrements. NASA and other non-Defense agen- forallspacecenteremployees. OhM will discuss "The Role oforganization's director and the con- Directorsare being urged to imple- cies. The NASA management team Creativity in the Search for a Roomcurrence of the Center Operations ment any furlough early in the period is striving to minimize the impact of Editor............ KellyHumphries Temperature Superconductor."director. For more information, call to avoid adverse effects on the STS- the reductionson the agency's "most AssociateEditors..... PamAIIoway Buseswill be availableat 11:30a.m.John Rosales at x34840, or Linda 41 mission,set to launch Oct. 5. valuable resource," itsemployees,he KarlFluegel from Bldg. 1. For details,call KamleshMasseyat x36656. The furlough is a possibleresponse said. Lulla,x35159,or FredaMarks,x30606.

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