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1 Summary2 Agency Brand Strategy3 History4 Environmental Analysis5 Competitor Analysis6 SWOT Analysis7 Objectives and Budget8 Research9 Brand Value Proposition10 Target Market11 Campaign Strategy12 The Big Idea13 Creative Overview14 Print Advertisement16 Out of Home & Online17 Television Storyboard18 Creative Strategy19 Media Objective20 Media Strategy21 Media Choices25 Media Flowchart26 Media Budget27 Brand Activation29 Evaluation30 Creative Brief31 Meet Our Team

Table of Contents Executive SummarySabra Hummus is a nutritious, gluten-free dip or spread that consists of fresh ingredients from around the world. Sapphire International’s mission for this campaign is to show Sabra’s target market the many easy ways in which Sabra Hummus can be used. By conveying the YDULHW\�RI�ÁDYRUV��XVHV�DQG�HDVH�RI�6DEUD�+XPPXV��ZH�will continue to create brand awareness, but alsoconvert alternative dip users to Sabra Hummus. The women in Sabra Hummus’ target market are health conscious for themselves and their families and looking IRU�D�WDVW\�VROXWLRQ�WKDW�VDWLVÀHV�WKHLU�GLHWDU\�QHHGV��2XU�campaign will show these women that Sabra Hummus is WKH�VLPSOH�VROXWLRQ�WR�WKHLU�KHDOWK\�DQG�ÁDYRUIXO�GHVLUHV�

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Agency Brand StrategyAt Sapphire International, we pride ourselves on the creativity and results we give our clients. Our team of six is all ears, and we guarantee the highest quality production in implementing your ideas. Every detail is important to us, DQG�ZH�RQO\�SUHVHQW�WKH�ÀQHVW�ZRUN�WR�WKH�VDWLVÀFDWLRQ�RI�our clients. Our unique ideas encompass truth, faithfulness and sincerity; the qualities of a true sapphire. We promise to work hard to represent an everlasting image through these six steps:

Research Creative Thinking Creative Application

CritiquingIdea TestingFinalizing

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History of Sabra1986 Sabra was founded in Queens, NY as Sabra Blue & White Foods

2005 Strauss, an Israeli food manufacturer, bought Sabra

2008 Strauss entered a partnership with Frito-Lay, a division of PepsiCo, giving Strauss 50% ownership and PepsiCo 50% ownership of Sabra

2008-2009 Sabra grew over 50% in size during this period


May 2009 Sabra began a series of promotional events in which it recreated ´0HGLWHUUDQHDQ�9LOODJHVµ�LQ����PDMRU�86�FLWLHV

November 2009 7KH�PDUNHW�VKDUH�RI�6DEUD�UHDFKHG�����RI�WKH�86��PDNLQJ�Sabra the largest hummus manufacturer in the world

2010 Sabra opened the doors to its new manufacturing plant in Virginia

2012 Sabra introduced its new line of Grab N Go Packs with salsa and Tostitos Tortilla chips for snackers on the move

2013 6DEUD�RSHQHG�D�ÀUVW�RI�LWV�NLQG�JOREDO�´&HQWHU�RI�([FHOOHQFHµ�UHVHDUFK�and development facility to cook up a world of possibilities in dips and spreads

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Environmental AnalysisCompetetive ForcesCompanies in competition with Sabra Hummus include Tribe Hummus, Cedar’s Hummus, and Athenos Hummus. Sabra sets itself apart with its extra creamy texture and its variety RI����GLIIHUHQW�ÁDYRUV��,W�LV�FXUUHQWO\�WKH�PRVW�SRSXODU�EUDQG�RI�KXPPXV�DQG�LV�FRQWLQXLQJ to develop new ideas to improve and expand within their research and development center.


Sociocultural ForcesSabra prides themselves on having social responsibilities that directly impact the future. They are committed to helping the environment, caring for the community, and promoting better nutrition. To make the company increasingly more eco-friendly, its new plant uses recycled materials and a percentage of their buildings energy comes from renewable resources. In addition, Sabra product packaging is made from 30-40% post consumer recycled plastic.

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Competitor Analysis

Strengths-Well-established company-Strong focus on being Greek

Weaknesses-Available in only one size-Available in only seven � ÁDYRUV-Limited locations for purchase

Strengths-Available in 17 Flavors-Multiple sizes available, including single serve-Organic Hummus offered � LQ�WKUHH�ÁDYRUV-Easily accessible for purchase

Weaknesses-Not well established-No corporate responsibility shown-Website lacks nutritional information-Website is not aesthetically pleasing

Strengths�$YDLODEOH�LQ����ÁDYRUV-Fat-free offered in 2ÁDYRUV

-Flavors available with toppings-Offered in 5 sizes (8oz, 10oz, 12oz, 16oz, 20oz)-Made in All-Natural, Organic, and Authentic-Available to be ordered online-Non-GMO and � JOXWHQ�IUHH�FHUWLÀHG

Weaknesses-Most expensive competitor-Low brand awareness

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Strengths· Positive brand image with strong corporate responsibility· A leading hummus purveyor· Considered to be a healthy snack· Multiple products creating brand awarenessò������9DULHW\�RI�.RVKHU�ÁDYRUVò������5HFHQWO\�RSHQHG�D�5HVHDUFK�DQG�'HYHORSPHQW�� IDFLOLW\��WKH�ÀUVW�RI�LWV�NLQG�IRU�GLSV�DQG�VSUHDGV that are refrigerated· Packaging made out of recyclable materials

Weaknesses· Can be more expensive than salsa· Less versatile than guacamole· Only 18% of households have tried hummus· Low awareness currently

Opportunities· Could introduce new product lines to enhance awareness· Expand product line by creating additional merchandise such as cookbooks· Bring to light additional uses for the product· The product is becoming more well known and recognized· Create ads to make men more aware of Sabra hummus· Packaging made out of recyclable materials

Threats· Increasing market due to uniqueness of the product, leading to more competitors· Geared more toward women· Brand name ties to Israel, creating sense of uneasiness for some consumers

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Objectives and BudgetMarketingThis campaign is going to cause an increase in sales of Sabra Hummus by 7%. We will achieve this by strategically emphasizing the idea of hummus being an easy food for any occassion in order to increase awareness, consumption, and attract new custom-ers.

AdvertisingIn this campaign, Sapphire International will target women ranging from the ages of 18 to 34. We will see 65% comprehension and 55% conviction. In other words, 65% of the target DXGLHQFH�ZLOO�XQGHUVWDQG�WKH�PHVVDJH��ZKLOH�����ZLOO�ÀQG�YDOXH�LQ�WKH�PHVVDJH��:H�ZLOO�reach 65% of our target market and have an effective frequency of 4.

Time Frame7KLV�ZLOO�EH�D�\HDUORQJ�FDPSDLJQ�WKDW�ZLOO�UXQ�IURP�-DQXDU\������WR�'HFHPber 2015. Our campaign will be pulsing, meaning that ads will be steady throughout most of the year, but will peak with heavier exposure during the summer and early fall.





�ƵĚŐĞƚ�^ƵŵŵĂƌLJ�Budget SummarySapphire International has been allocated ten million dollars to execute our campaign. The following pie chart represents the breakdown of the allocation of money to be used per medium.

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Primary Research For our primary research, we conducted an online survey where over 100 people from our target audience participated. In the survey, we were able to identify information related to: the amount of peo-ple who eat hummus, if they know of Sabra Hummus, the effect that price has when purchasing hummus, the time of day hummus is eaten most often, what it’s eaten with, and the dip that is hummus’ closest com-petitor. We discovered that over 80% of our target audience has heard of Sabra Hummus, but that 20% of our audience does not eat hummus. We learned that those who do eat hummus consume it most during the afternoon, followed by consumption in the evening. Most of our audience prefers to eat their hummus using vegetables, with chips, crackers, and pretzels being close choices. Another important statistic obtained from our survey was that 70% of our target audience agreed that taste is more important than price when choosing a brand of hummus. The ÀQDO�LPSRUWDQW�SLHFH�WKDW�ZDV�WDNHQ�IURP�RXU�VXUYH\�LV�that guacamole is our closest competitor.

Secondary Research� 'LIIHUHQW�ZHEVLWHV�VXFK�DV�EORJV��VRFLDO�PHGLD�sites, and product reviews gave us an inside look on how our target market feels about Sabra Hummus. It seems as though the majority of people who eat hummus are every day people looking for healthy and tasty options in their lives. Many teenagers are writing about the convenient to-go packages of hummus on their social media accounts. Furthermore, on Twitter, a common trend for adults is posting their recipes that include Sabra Hummus in different, creative ways. Through research on Simmons OneView, we were able to determine how and where our target audience consumes media. Our target audience often reads magazines like People, Instyle, and Family Circle. These women are on the Internet at home frequently checking emails and visiting blogs. In addition, we found that our target market eats dips for a snack most often around late afternoon with vegetables.

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Brand Value PropositionFunctionalSabra Hummus is currently the leading hummus brand due to its creamy texture, variety of ÁDYRUV��DQG�KHDOWK\�LQJUHGLHQWV��,W�LV�DWWUDFWLYH�WR�PDQ\�FRQVXPHUV�EHFDXVH�WKHUH�LV�QR�VWLUULQJ�LQYROYHG��you can enjoy a quick snack that’s satisfying and easy. Additionally, it can act as a substitute for many traditional spreads and dips. These natural products are also gluten free and low fat, providing health EHQHÀWV�DQG�SURPRWLQJ�JRRG�HDWLQJ�KDELWV��

Self-ExpressiveSabra Hummus consumers are those who are conscious about what they eat and what they are feeding to their children. It is important to them that the food is healthy, but also tasty so that the entire family can enjoy it. They are open to trying new things and will encourage their friends to use the product because of the positive impact it has had on their lives thus far. They have come to the realization that this product is not only convenient and delicious, but something that they will have the desire to share with friends and family.

Emotional'XH�WR�WKH�IDFW�WKDW�6DEUD�+XPPXV�FRQWDLQV�RQO\�QDWXUDO�DQG�JOXWHQ�free ingredients, consumers can be assured that they are eating something that not only tastes good, but also enhances their healthy lifestyles. Furthermore, when mothers and women buy Sabra for themselves or their children, they can be assured that the delicious taste is also providing an effective balance to their diet. This will ultimately give them a peace of mind. Consumers will never feel slighted or limited to their choices with the option of 14 different ÁDYRUV��UDWKHU��WKH\�ZLOO�KDYH�D�VHQVH�RI�HPSRZHUPHQW��6DEUD�Hummus is very clear about the ingredients that are used, making consumers feel safe in their choice and want to invest in the product again.

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Target Market

Meet Layla: Layla is a 28-year-old mother of two-year-old Sophie. Layla lives in Montclair, New Jersey while commuting to work at the Wall Street Journal in New York City. Layla is fo-cused on her career, eating right on the go, and most importantly feeding her family nutritious, delicious food.

Primary:Mother’s who are health conscious and buying for their family

Secondary:Health conscious young adults

Ages 25-29

Meet Kate: Kate is a 34-year-old mother living in San Francisco, Cal-ifornia. She is the mother of Reid (6-years-old) and Connor (10-years-ROG��DQG�ZLIH�RI�'DYH��.DWH�LV�D�VWD\�at-home mom with the health of her IDPLO\�RQ�KHU�PLQG��6KH�ÀQGV�WKDW�Sabra Hummus is a great way to get little Reid to eat his carrots, and an easy spread on Connor’s sandwich for lunch.

Meet Alixe: Alixe is a 20-year-old college student studying engineering. While Alixe is very busy with her class-es, clubs, and social life, she doesn’t want to forget about her health. Alixe LV�IRFXVHG�RQ�ÀOOLQJ�KHU�ERG\�ZLWK�nutrients, but still satisfying her late night study session cravings with some tasty, Sabra Hummus.

Ages 30-34Ages 18-24

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Campaign StrategyThe ChallengeOur challenge is changing the mindset of consumers. We want to convert their mindset from thinking of hummus as a specialty product to thinking of hummus as an everyday dip and spread. In addition, we are trying to get other dip lovers to choose hummus instead of other alternatives, more VSHFLÀFDOO\�JXDFDPROH��6DEUD·V�OHDGLQJ�competitor.

The Key InsightSabra Hummus is not just a 0HGLWHUUDQHDQ�IRRG��LW�PL[HV�ÁDYRUV�from around the globe to appeal to a worldwide market.

The Brand PromiseWith our smooth and creamy texture, we offer nutritional value, with the IUHVKHVW�LQJUHGLHQWV��LQ�PXOWLSOH�ÁDYRUV�for a simple use, on any occasion.

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The Big Idea

“A creamy delightthat’s always just right”

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Creative OverviewCreative StrategyWith Sabra being the number one hummus brand, we want to show our target audience how to use Sabra Hummus as an every day dip or spread. Through our research, we discovered that Sabra as a brand is well known, but we need to introduce more people to hummus. Our campaign will show Sabra’s audience that through its creamy and smooth texture, they are offered nutritional value with IUHVK�LQJUHGLHQWV�IURP�DURXQG�WKH�ZRUOG��:LWK�D�YDULHW\�RI����ÁDYRUV��6DEUD�+XPPXV�LV�IRU�HYHU\�KRXVHKROG�and can be used in many different ways.

Art DirectionWhen putting together the advertisements for our campaign, Sapphire International stressed the idea of Sabra Hummus being a simple snack that is perfect for any occasion. To execute this creatively, we portrayed each of our ads as different scenarios where the product is either being consumed or used. Each ad features a different Sabra Hummus scenario with body copy describing the product. The background color behind the copy is different in each ad with the intention of creating a consistent yet diverse look. Additionally, the slogan “A creamy delight that’s always just right” is the largest font on the page in order to draw attention to this important message about Sabra Hummus.

CopywritingAll of the copy on our ads is placed on the bottom half in order to accent the scenario that is depicted above. The font is easily readable, simple, and trendy to go along with the big idea of the Sabra Hummus campaign. Our slogan, “A creamy delight that’s always just right,” is placed on the top section of the FRS\�VR�WKDW�WKLV�LV�WKH�ÀUVW�WH[W�UHFRJQL]HG�E\�WKH�YLHZHU��7KLV�ZLOO�EULQJ�DWWHQWLRQ�TXLFNO\�DQG�HIÀFLHQWO\�WR�the key message of our entire campaign, and it will correspond with the pictures in each of the ads. The ERG\�FRS\�EHORZ�WKH�VORJDQ�FRQWDLQV�D�FDOO�WR�DFWLRQ��7KLV�FDOO�WR�DFWLRQ�HPSKDVL]HV�WKDW�WKHUH�LV�D�ÁDYRU�IRU�HYHU\RQH�DQG�HQFRXUDJHV�FRQVXPHUV�WR�ÀQG�WKHLU�SHUIHFW�ÁDYRU�

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Print Advertisements

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Out of Home and OnlineInternet Banner



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Television Storyboard

Shot 1: Sun rising through a kitchen ZLQGRZ��´%HVW�'D\�RI�<RXU�/LIHµ�E\ Katie Herzig is playing in the background.

Shot 2: We see a woman making a sandwich for her kids, using Sabra Hummus.

Shot 3: Woman is seen sitting at her GHVN�LQ�DQ�RIÀFH�ZKLOH�VQDFNLQJ�RQ�a Sabra Hummus to-go pack (song is continuous throughout the entire commercial)

Shot 4: The woman is having a glass of wine after work with a friend over some Sabra Hummus.

Shot 5: A container of Sabra Hummus appears. The song’s volume decreases and we hear a narrator saying: “No matter what occasion or crowd of people, Sabra hummus is always the SHUIHFW�FKRLFH��2XU����YDULHWLHV�RI�ÁDYRU�SURYLGH�mouth-watering satisfaction to every palate. Find \RXU�SHUIHFW�ÁDYRU�WRGD\�LQ�WKH�UHIULJHUDWHG�VHFWLRQ�of your local grocery store.”

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Creative TestingThe creative testing process Sapphire International chose to use consisted of asking members of our target market their opinions of the overall campaign and individual ads. The responses that were recorded after viewing showed positive attitudes toward the campaign and successful message comprehension. In general, the comments suggested a desire to consume more hummus as well as the ability to relate to the scenarios that were being portrayed. Several people also expressed an appreciation for the “happiness” that was depicted in each of our ads. They also received a sense of incentive from the ads to purchase hummus in the near future.

Responses from Participants“The way the hummus is presented makes it look really appetizing.”

“The ads are relatable and are all scenarios that could really happen.”“Makes me want to eat hummus.”

“Next time I go to the library I’m going to get this as a snack.”

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Media ObjectivesTarget AudienceOur target audience is women between the ages of 18-34. Our primary focus is on mothers due to the fact that they are often the person who purchases groceries for the family. Furthermore, mothers appreciate the simplicity and variety that Sabra will provide to satisfy the palate of every member of their family. Women enjoy the opportunity to be creative for the ones they love, and Sabra gives them the opportunity to make the product their own.

Geographic Scope of the PlacementOur goal is to reach a national audience through our Internet and magazine advertisements that will be distributed across the country. We will also reach regional audiences with our billboards being places in major cities including New York, Boston, San Francisco and Los Angeles.

Message WeightMagazines are used primarily as a medium for this campaign. Sapphire International chose to use magazines as a primary medium because of its easy accessibility to a large percentage of our target audience. We also chose to focus on television and the Internet due to the vast reach and frequency it would help Sabra obtain.

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Media StrategyReach and FrequencyThrough our campaign will reach 65% of the target market at least 4 times.

ContinuitySabra Hummus will use a pulsing technique being continuous throughout most of the year, but becoming more active during the VXPPHU�DQG�HDUO\�IDOO��'XULQJ�WKH�VXPPHU��KRXVHKROGV�DUH�PRUH�SURQH�to having gatherings where they serve food, and we want to encour-age them to choose Sabra Hummus. There will be another pulse in the early fall to encourage moms to purchase Sabra Hummus for the back-to-school season to be used for their kids’ lunches.

DimensionsMagazine: 1 full color page with bleedInternet: 468 x 60 pixel banner adTelevision: 30 second commercialBillboard: 14 x 48 feet

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Media Choices: TelevisionGood Morning AmericaGood Morning America is a popular morning show with the latest news, celebrity interviews, weather, and special interest stories. A large part of the audience for this show is women getting ready in the morning for work or getting their kids ready for school. This allows us to reach our desired target audience for Sabra.

Live! With Kelly and Michael – CBSLive! With Kelly and Michael is a syndicated morning talk show hosted by Kelly Ripa and Michael Strahan. This program is perhaps the classic show to watch while getting ready for work. The un-scripted on-air conversation between the hosts talking about every day topics resonates perfectly with our primary audience.

Chelsea Lately – EChelsea lately is a late night talk show hosted by the comedian, Chelsea Handler. The show talks a great deal about current pop culture and lifestyle, often interviewing celebrities about their lives. This will reach our secondary audience of 18-24 year olds.

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Media Choices: MagazinesFamily Circle Circulation: 4,135,287Family Circle celebrates today’s families and targets women VSHFLÀFDOO\��7KH�PDJD]LQH�IRFXVHV�RQ�SURYLGLQJ�SUDFWLFDO solutions to help mothers raise happy, healthy families. With WKH�LQFRUSRUDWLRQ�RI�KHDOWK\�UHFLSHV��6DEUD�KXPPXV�ZLOO�ÀW perfectly with the content of this magazine.

People Circulation: 3,593,024People is a popular magazine that covers celebrity news and inspiring stories. In addition, People is constantly keeping their audiences up-to-date with current culture. With the majority of People’s readers being in the age range of our target audience, People is a perfect choice for an ad for Sabra.

InStyle Circulation: 1,889,108InStyle reveals the style choices of the world’s most fascinating people. In addition, it covers trends in beauty, home, and entertaining. This is a popular magazine among our age range, with topics that appeal to the audience Sabra wants to reach.

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Media Choices: OnlineWedMD:HE�0'�LV�D�SRSXODU�UHVRXUFH�XWLOL]HG�E\�PRWKHUV�ZKR�DUH�ORRNLQJ�IRU answers pertaining to their loved ones health concerns. Associating Sabra with this type of website will show mothers and all women in our target audience that our brand is focused on providing a healthy, simple solution to satisfying any cravings you might have.

GrouponThis website is a simple, easy process for any person to gain access to GLVFRXQWV�IRU�SURGXFWV�WKH\�DUH�LQWHUHVWHG�LQ��8VLQJ�*URXSRQ�DV�RQH�RI�our mediums will provide mothers and the rest of our target audience ZLWK�D�UHOLDEOH�DQG�HIÀFLHQW�ZD\�WR�DFFHVV�GDLO\�GLVFRXQWV�IRU�6DEUD�Hummus. In addition, it will give our target audience more incentive to use the coupons and/or discounts when purchasing Sabra.

CafeMomThrough our research, Sapphire International found that a large majority of our target market is active on social media and blogging websites. CaféMom is a blog used by women and moms as a support group and information outlet that connects the users to each other. The women are able to discuss anything from the latest trends to concerns they may have about a child’s health. Sabra Hummus ZRXOG�EHQHÀW�IURP�WKLV�PHGLXP�GXH�WR�WKH�FRQWHQW�DQG�DWWLWXGHV of its users.

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Media Choices: BillboardNew York, NYBoston, MASan Francisco, CALos Angeles, CA

'XH�WR�WKH�ODUJH�DQG�GLYHUVH�SRSXODWLRQ�WKDW�LQKDELWV�WKHVH�IRXU�FLWLHV��6DSSKLUH�International will place billboards throughout each of them. Our target market will be reached, and the frequency will be much greater as opposed to a small suburb or a rural area. Placing billboards in these major cities will also ensure exposure outside of our target audience, leading to word of mouth marketing and more action from consumers.

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Media FlowchartJanuary February March April May June July August September October November December

Weeks 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234




Family Circle










New York, NY

Boston, MA

San Francisco, CA

Los Angeles, CA

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Media BudgetDĂŐĂnjŝŶĞ EƵŵďĞƌ�ŽĨ�WĂŐĞƐ �ŽƐƚ�WĞƌ�WĂŐĞ dŽƚĂů

People 5 236,200.00$ 1,181,000.00$ Instyle 4 180,500.00$ 722,000.00$ Family Circle 5 316,600.00$ 1,583,000.00$ dŽƚĂů 3,486,000.00$

tĞďƐŝƚĞ �ŽƐƚ ZĞĂĐŚ &ƌĞƋƵĞŶĐLJ /ŵƉƌĞƐƐŝŽŶ dŽƚĂůWedMD 10.00$ 23,441,621 4 93,766,484 937,664.84$ Groupon 10.00$ 15,112,314 4 60,449,256 604,492.56$ Cafemom 10.00$ 9,266,199 4 37,064,796 370,647.96$ dŽƚĂů 1,912,805.36$

dĞůĞǀŝƐŝŽŶ ZĂƚŝŶŐ�WŽŝŶƚƐ �ŽƐƚ dŽƚĂůABC / Goodmorning America 29 30,000.00$ 870,000.00$ E! / Chelsea Lately 12 30,000.00$ 360,000.00$ CBS / Live! With Kelly and Michael 32 30,000.00$ 960,000.00$ dŽƚĂů 2,190,000.00$

�ŝůůďŽĂƌĚ EƵŵďĞƌ�ŽĨ��ĂLJƐ WŽƉƵůĂƚŝŽŶ �ŽƐƚ�WĞƌ��ĂLJ dŽƚĂůNew York, NY 30 8,333,000 $24,999.00 749,970.00$ Boston, MA 60 636,479 $1,909.00 114,540.00$ San Francisco, CA 60 825,863 $2,478.00 148,680.00$ Los Angeles, CA 60 3,853,000 $11,559.00 693,540.00$ dŽƚĂů 1,706,730.00$

WƌŽĚƵĐƚŝŽŶdŽƚĂů 700,000.00$

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Brand ActivationPartnership with Celiac Disease Foundation- “Gluten Free is the Way to Be”

Objective: %ULQJ�UHFRJQLWLRQ�WR�WKH�IDFW�WKDW�DOO����RI�6DEUD�+XPPXV�ÁDYRUV�DUH�JOXWHQ�IUHH�DQG�HQFRXUDJH�WKRVH�affected by Celiac to include Sabra in their every day diet.

Strategy:,Q�DQ�HIIRUW�WR�FUHDWH�PRUH�DZDUHQHVV�DERXW�WKH�EHQHÀW�RI�6DEUD�+XPPXV�EHLQJ�JOXWHQ�IUHH��ZH�ZLOO�IRUP�D�SDUWQHUVKLS�ZLWK�WKH�&HOLDF�'LVHDVH�)RXQGDWLRQ��)RU�WKH�GXUDWLRQ�RI�RXU�FDPSDLJQ�����FHQWV�RI�every Sabra Hummus purchase will go toward the Foundation. We will also become their top sponsor, meaning Sabra will have advertisements on their webpage and at their events. This strategy will not only create brand awareness, but also encourage people of the gluten-free community to try hummus as an additional item that will satisfy their dietary needs. Lastly, this form of brand activation will create a positive corporate image for Sabra.

Sabra Hummus Online Recipe Contest- “Show Sabra How you Hummus”

Objective: Encourage people to experiment with and share the different ways in which Sabra Hummus can be used, as well as generating more activity on our website.

Strategy:Through social media, we will create “Show Sabra How you Hummus,” a contest in which people will submit recipes to our website that incorporate Sabra Hummus. After all recipes are submitted, anyone who visits our website will be able to vote for which recipe they like best. Once all votes are cast and FRXQWHG��WKH�WRS�ÀYH�ZLQQHUV�ZLOO�EH�UHZDUGHG�ZLWK�D�6DEUD�+XPPXV�JLIW�EDVNHW�VHQW�GLUHFWO\�WR�WKHLU�KRPH�WKDW�FRQWDLQV�DOO����ÁDYRUV�

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Brand ActivationIn store sampling and coupon- “Generating New Sabra Hummus Customers”

Objective: Encourage people who have not tried Sabra Hummus before to taste it, and then use the coupon

they will be given to immediately purchase the item and create a new Sabra Hummus customer.

Strategy:We will place sample stations in select Target, Wegmans and Costco stores across the country. Store FXVWRPHUV�ZLOO�KDYH�WKH�RSSRUWXQLW\�WR�WDVWH�D�ÁDYRU�RI�6DEUD�+XPPXV�XVLQJ�WKHLU�FKRLFH�RI�D�SLWD chip or vegetable. The store customer will then be given a coupon for $0.50 off any Sabra Hummus product. This will generate new customers for the brand.

January February March April May June July August September October November December

tĞĞŬƐ ϭϮϯϰ ϭϮϯϰ ϭϮϯϰ ϭϮϯϰ ϭϮϯϰ ϭϮϯϰ ϭϮϯϰ ϭϮϯϰ ϭϮϯϰ ϭϮϯϰ ϭϮϯϰ ϭϮϯϰ




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EvaluationSapphire International’s three main objectives for the Sabra Hummus campaign is to increase comprehension by 65%, increase conviction by 55% and increase sales by 7%. The table and graphs below display the projected numbers based on our media schedule.

DŽŶƚŚ �ŽŵƉƌĞŚĞŶƐŝŽŶ �ŽŶǀŝĐƚŝŽŶ ^ĂůĞƐJanuary 5% 3% 0.1%February 3% 3% 0.2%March 4% 5% 0.4%April 5% 4% 0.5%May 8% 6% 0.8%June 10% 8% 1.0%July 9% 5% 1.0%August 5% 6% 0.7%September 7% 7% 0.9%October 4% 4% 0.8%November 3% 2% 0.4%December 2% 2% 0.2%

dŽƚĂů 65% 55% 7.0%










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Sabra Creative Brief ���������� �������#�����!��������,10/����!����'���#� ��������������!��������� �������)���������������%�� �� ����%���������� ������"������� ������� ��������� ����������+��"��%��%���� �'��! � �!�� �� �������"�� !��!���� !��'��������� ���$����� ������������� �����������"������������!��� ���#����� ���"��%��%���!�������)�������!��!��������� ������ ���� ���#����+����� ��! ��� ������"�������� �������%'��! �� ��!���!��!�� �� �#���������� �%�!���"��%� �� ���!�)���������� �����������+�� ���� ��!����������#������� #���� �����������,0*-.)�����������%����!���������� ������!�� �� ������ � �� � ��%������� ��� ����������#����!���������������������� �������������)��!� �������'��� ������������� �� ����������� %�����"���� %� �� ������#�������"���� ���� ���%� ������� ������"��%����������� ����������%)�����������%� �������� !�� %� ��������� �"������ �������� ��%���"�'������������"��� �������� !�� %� ������� �������!� � ������#�)�������������� ���!������ �����������%� �$ !��'�#���������! �� ������"��!�'�#� �� ���������� ���������� �'�����!� ��������"���������������!���� ���%���������)������������������� !���������� �������� ��������!� ����� �� �� +��"���� ����#� ��� ��,.����"���'�� +�������%�������������%������������#� ��� ������ �������� ���%)�������� ���'��������������� �%��� '������������ ���'���! �������'�����������)���������"����� �������� !�� %� ��������� �"����� �� �%�!�����!���� ���������������!� ������������'���������������"������"����!�����������)������������������ ������������� ����!����������!��!�������'�#��#�� � �����#�����+�� ���� ��!������� �� ��!��!������� ��!� ���������#���������&������!��'�� +�������"��%���)�����!����! ���������'�#����"����!��� �� �����+��,.������������������ �����"������������!��� ���#����)��������������#�������#�����+���!������� �� � ���!��� ��������%��������� �� �$ !��'� ��%��������������! �� ������"��!��#� ����"���� %������������������� �'������"��%���!������)�����!����!�����������#�+��������� �����#��� �������#� ��!���������������"��%���%��������������)�����������������!������������������������ ��������� ��������!����)����#�� � �����"�� � ����������� ������ ������������!��!�������������� %�����!� � �� ������������!��!���������"��%��%���������������)�������� ���'�#������ �%���� ���� �� ����������"���'� ����������!��!����� �������� ������ ���� �"��(�����������������%'��!���������!��������������� � ��)������������������������������ �����������"���������� �����������!������������������� #��

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Meet Our TeamBrittany Asito is a sophomore Business Administration major with a concentration in Marketing and a minor in Integrated Marketing Communication from Rochester, NY. She is a member and the Fundraising Coordinator for the Ithaca College Cheerleading team and a member of the Women in Business Network. She is excited for the fall 2014 semester ZKHQ�VKH�ZLOO�EH�VWXG\LQJ�DEURDG�LQ�%DUFHORQD��6SDLQ��8SRQ�JUDGXDWLRQ�VKH�KRSHV�WR�VWDUW�a career that combines her love of business and advertising. Brittany’s favorite Sabra +XPPXV�ÁDYRU�LV�2ULJLQDO

Erin Batty is a sophomore Integrated Marketing Communications major with a minor in Environmental Studies from Westchester, NY. Erin loves to be creative and hopes to eventually work at a job where her artistic abilities are in use. She is currently LQWHUQLQJ�DW�DQ�RUJDQL]DWLRQ�FDOOHG�*R*UHHQ1<�DV�D�0DUNHWLQJ�'HYHORSPHQW 3DUWQHU�IRU�WKH�VSULQJ�VHPHVWHU��(ULQ·V�IDYRULWH�6DEUD�+XPPXV�ÁDYRU�LV�5RDVWHG�3LQH�Nut.

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Olivia Berrigan is a Sophomore Integrated Marketing Communications and Theatre Studies double major from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. On campus, she works for Campus Center and Event Services as a Special Events Manager. In addition, she serves as Vice President of 3URIHVVLRQDO'HYHORSPHQW�IRU�WKH�$PHULFDQ�0DUNHWLQJ�$VVRFLDWLRQ��$0$��DV�ZHOO�DV�$UWLVWLF 'LUHFWRU�RI�,&�3OD\HUV��7KLV�VXPPHU��2OLYLD�ZLOO�EH�LQWHUQLQJ�ZLWK�-RXUQDO�0XOWLPHGLD��6KH�KRSHV WR�VWXG\�DEURDG�LQ�/RQGRQ�QH[W�VSULQJ��VWXG\LQJ�WKHDWUH�DQG�LQWHUQLQJ�DW�DQ�(YHQW�3ODQQLQJ�ÀUP��8SRQ�JUDGXDWLRQ��2OLYLD�ZRXOG�OLNH�WR�VWDUW�D�FDUHHU�DV�DQ�(YHQWV�3ODQQHU��2OLYLD·V�IDYRULWH�6DEUD�+XPPXV�ÁDYRU�LV�5RDVWHG�*DUOLF�

Sonya Joshi is a sophomore Integrated Marketing Communication major at Ithaca College and is pursuing a minor in Psychology. She is a member of the American Advertising Federation, Habitat for Humanity and is on the Women’s Club Soccer Team. Last summer she interned at Womenkind in NYC. She is originally from Randolph, New Jersey and hopes to pursue her passion in advertising at an agency once she graduates. Being from North Jersey and 45 minutes outside of New York City, she hopes to land an internship this summer in the Big Apple. 6RQ\D·V�IDYRULWH�6DEUD�+XPPXV�ÁDYRU�LV�&KLSRWOH�

Meet Our Team

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Micaela Metz is a rising junior at Ithaca College from Hershey, PA majoring in Integrated Marketing &RPPXQLFDWLRQV�ZLWK�D�PLQRU�LQ�&RPPXQLFDWLRQV�0DQDJHPHQW�DQG�'HVLJQ��7KURXJK�WKH�5R\�+��3DUN�School of Communications, Micaela has discovered her love of communications and has plans to mix communications with the fashion industry upon graduation. This summer, Micaela will be pursuing a marketing internship at Macy’s in New York City. On campus, Micaela is the Vice President for the Big %URWKHUV��%LJ�6LVWHUV�RUJDQL]DWLRQ��WKH�'LUHFWRU�RI�&RPPXQLFDWLRQV�IRU�WKH�3XEOLF�5HODWLRQV�6WXGHQW�6RFLHW\�of America, a Peer Advisor for the Park School of Communications, and a Marketing Executive for +L)DVKLRQ�6WXGLRV��0LFDHOD·V�IDYRULWH�6DEUD�+XPPXV�ÁDYRU�LV�6XQ�'ULHG�7RPDWR�

Marisa Nizzi is a sophomore Integrated Marketing Communications major with a Sport Studies minor at Ithaca College. She is involved in several clubs and organizations on campus including the American Marketing Association and the Women’s club soccer team. She also holds an on campus job as a receptionist at the Athletics and Events Center. This summer Marisa will be working with a Minor League %DVHEDOO�WHDP�DV�DQ�RQ�ÀHOG�SHUVRQDOLW\�DQG�SURPRWLRQV�LQWHUQ��1H[W�VSULQJ�VHPHVWHU��VKH�SODQV�WR�VWXG\�abroad at the IC London Center. Marisa came from a small town, Frankfort, NY, which lies between Syracuse and Albany, NY. She plans to move south after graduation to pursue a career in marketing or SXEOLF�UHODWLRQV�ZLWKLQ�SURIHVVLRQDO�DWKOHWLFV��0DULVVD·V�IDYRULWH�6DEUD�+XPPXV�ÁDYRU�LV�5RDVWHG�5HG Pepper.

Meet Our Team

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