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Page 1: Saddam Hussein

Saddam HusseinFidel Castro

Compare and ContrastJacqueline AlvarezWorld History HonorsPd. 8

-Born in:Oriente Province, CubaAugust 13, 1926-Fidel Castro was the third of six children-Educated in private Jesuit boarding school-He attended El Colegio de Belen

-After his graduation in late 1945, Castro entered law school at the University of Havana


-April 28, 1937 in Tikrit, Iraq.-Hussein grew up in Auja, a village of mud-brick huts northwest of Baghdad-While attending college in Baghdad he joined the Ba'ath party (at the age of 19) and in 1956 Hussein took part in an abortive coup

-In 1963, with the Ba'ath party in control in Baghdad-The coalition war against Iraq in 2003, Hussein's government collapsed.

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