
Sadnes expression

Sadnes expressionCharolin Susanna Oley (07)Fajrin Ainnu Zulfa(14)Nurlintang Bening Pramesti(27)Ratih Oktaviani Purnama Ningsih(29)

Definision Of Sadness ExpressionUse these phrases to express yourself when you are down, or to respond to people who are feeling blue.

STRUKTUR USED TO EXPRESS SADNESSThe examples used in this section are in thepresent continuous tense to express feeling sad at the moment of speaking. You can also use these expressions in different tenses.Informal - for friends and familyS + be + feeling down aboutsomethingI'm feeling down about work lately.She's feeling down about her grades.S + be + upset aboutsomethingI'm upset about my friends.Tom's upset about his boss. He's too hard on him!S + be + sad aboutsomethingI'm sad about the situation at work.Jennifer's sad about her mother.More Formal - for Colleagues or WorkS + be + out of sortsI'm sorry. I'm out of sorts today. I'll be better tomorrow.Peter is out of sorts today. Ask him tomorrow.S + do not + feel wellDoug doesn't feel well today.The staff doesn't feel well about the changes at work.

Idioms Used to Express Sadness

S + be + feeling blueabout somethingJack is feeling blue about his relationship with his girlfriend.Our teaching said he was feeling blue about life last night.S + be + in the dumps about somethingWe're in the dumps about our financial situation.Kelly is in the dumps about her horrible job.S + feel + down in the mouth about somethingKeith feels down in the mouth about his relationship.Jennifer is down in the mouth this month. I don't know what's the matter.

How to Respond to Someone Who is SadWhen someone tells you they are sad, it's important toexpress your concern. Here are some common phrases to show you care.InformalBummerI feel you.Tough luck.I can't believe that. That's horrible / disgusting / not fairMore FormalI'm sorry to hear that.That's too bad.What can I do to help?Is there anything I can do for you?Would you like to talk about it?If you see that someone is sad, but that person is not telling you, you can use the following phrases to get the person to open up about their feelings. Make sure toask lots of helpful questionswhen helping a friend or a colleague who is feeling sad.What's the matter?You seem sad. Tell me all about it.Why the long face?

Ungkapan lainnya seperti:Response:

- The lowest mark- Im sorry that...- The lowest - Dont drop yuorself into sadness- I cant do the homework- Dont be sad I ever...- I cant do - Dont worry- That makes me sad-Dont be sad, please...- Its awfully sad- I feel so blue- My family is sick- I failed in my...

Example Situations

Example 1 - At WorkColleague 1: Hi Bob. I'm feeling out of sorts today.Colleague 2: I'm sorry to hear that. What seems to be the problem?Colleague 1: Well, I'm really upset about the changes at work.Colleague 2: I know it's been difficult for everyone.Colleague 1: I just don't understand why they had to change our team!Colleague 2: Sometimes management does things we don't understand.Colleague 1: It make no sense! I just don't feel well.Colleague 2: Maybe you need some time off work.Colleague 1: Yes, maybe that's it.Colleague 2: Is there anything I can do to help?Colleague 1: No, just talking about it makes things better.Colleague 2: Feel free to talk anytime.Colleague 1: Thanks. I appreciate it.Colleague 2: No problem.

Sue: Anna, what's the matter?Anna: Nothing. I'm fine.Sue: You seem sad. Tell me all about it.Anna: OK, I'm in the dumps about Tom.Sue: Bummer. What seems to be the problem.Anna: I don't think he loves me anymore.Sue: Really! Are you sure about that?Anna: Yes, I saw him yesterday with Mary. They were laughing and having a great time.Sue: Well, maybe they were just studying together. It doesn't mean he's leaving you.Anna: That's what I keep telling myself. Still, I'm feeling blue.Sue: Is there anything I can do?Anna: Yes, let's go shopping!Sue: Now you are talking. A nice new pair shoes would help you feel much better.Anna: Yes, maybe that's what I really need. Not a boyfriend, but some beautiful new shoes.

Example 2 - Between Friends


Susan: Whats going on, Iel?Daniel: Im very sad san.Susan: Why are you very sad, tell me come on!Daniel: Im very sad because my grandmother has just passed away.Susan: Oh no,........ I cant believe whats going on.

C. Iam sorry to hear that DanielB. You look so sadA. I am happy1

Freddy: Hi Roy, why you look so sad?Roy: Oh no Fred, .....Freddy: Wait, what happens Roy?Roy: My girlfriend has just broken up me. I cant hold my tears on it.Freddy: What? Whats the problem?Roy : I dont know why but it comes as my great sadness.

A. I cant believe it.B. Im fine C.No problem 2

Father: Hey my boy, are you okay?Clark : Well dad, actually Im not okay.Father: Ok, come on tell me why!Clark : Ive lost my mobile phone and now Im not in a good mood.Father : Oh, Dear. Its okay, ........we can buy again. Come on, you a are boy, dont be sad again.Clark : Ok dad. Thank you so much.

A. Dont be sadB. Thats awesomeC. Be careful3

Nurul: Oh Apri, can you join with us in our party tonight?Apriansyah: Oh dear,...... I have homework and I want to do that tonight. Sorry.Nurul: Okay, no problem.

B. I cant do it.A. Its unbelievebleC. Thank You.4

A : Hi, Joana. Why do you look so sad? B : My grandma passed away last night. That's why I'm very sad. A : Oh, .......B : Thanks.C. I'm sorry to hear that.B. Great! A. Poor!5

Kelly : Hi Miley. What do you want to hear my story ?Miley : I think not now, Kelly. Sorry.Kelly : No prob. Em... You look so sad. What happened ?Miley : Do you know Mary? Billy kittens given three months ago ? Yesterday Mary died. I saw her lying in the street outside my house. I think Mary was hit by a car or motorcycle.Kelly: .......How to respond expression sadness?6

Jono : My uncle didnt get the job after all.Joko :..........

Evi : Have you heard that 300 people were killed when a plane crashed this morning?Yuni :..........

Sinta: My uncles house is drowned because of Lapindo mudfood. Now they are staying with us.The kids lost most of their school stuff.Ulfa : .......... Let me know if you need anything, ok?


Aning: You look sad, Ucok. Is anything wrong?Ucok: Ive lost my wallet.Aning: Did you put some money in it?Ucok: Thats the problem. I put the school fee for this month.Aning: .............Kuncoro: Look at this news. A ship was reported to have sunk into the ocean due to a fire.Thirty passengers were killed including a three-month-old baby and two pregnant mothers.Fatimah: .............


Ani : You look different,Ali. What is the matter?Ani : I dont know why I did not study hard for the exam. I failed the exam.Ali : .............. Next time better.Ali :Thanks a lot for your concern.

Bambang: I really regret rushing off the house. Anita: What happened?Bambang: I knocked an old woman down.Anita: Was she injured?Bambang: Not seriously,actually.Anita: ................. It could happen to anyone1312

Endah: I cant think why I never listened to your advice.Simatupang: Why did you say that? Is there anything wrong?Endah: Yes. I rode my motorcycle carelessly and hit a tree. It broke. Luckily, I did not get seriously injured. Simatupang: ..............., but that could be a good lessonfor you to be more careful in the future

Siska: Whats going on John?John : .............., Sis.Siska: Why are you very sad, tell me come on!John: Im very sad because my grandmother has just passed away.Siska : Oh no, Iam sorry to hear that John. I cant believe whats going on.


Freddy: Hi Roy, why you look so sad?Roy: Oh no Fred, I cant believe it.Freddy: Wait, what happens Roy? Roy: My girlfriend has just broken up me. .............Freddy: What? Whats the problem?Roy: I dont know why but it comes as my great sadness.Father: Hey my boy, are you okay?Clark: Well dad, actually Im not okay.Father: Ok, come on tell me why!Clark: Ive lost my mobile phone and now .............Father: Oh, Dear. Its okay, dont be sad we can buy again. Come on, you are boy, dont be sad again.Clark: Ok dad. Thank you so much.Nurul: Oh Apri, can you join with us in our party tonight?Apriansyah : ............, I cant do it. I have homework and I want to do that tonight. Sorry.Nurul: Okay, no problem. 161817

Complete the dialogues below using the expressions of sadness, then practice them.Situation: Rangga feels sad because his favorite basketball team has been beaten by its rival.Yoyok: What happened to you, Rangga?Rangga: Yoyok: Come on! That was just a game. How could it make you so sad?Rangga: Well,

Situation: Ari feels so sad because she has been fired from her job.Agus: You look so glomy. What's a matter?Ari: I have been fired..........................Agus: Oh, I'm sorry. What made you be fired?Ari: Agus: Well, you still can find another job.Ari: Yes, you are right.











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