Page 1: Saint Lawrence Church 1000 North Greece Road Rochester ...2015.pdfTuesday, May 26, 2015 -Saint Philip Neri, Priest Sir 35:1-12/Mk 10:28-31 8:30 a. m. - Rosemary and Sebastian Mazzatti

Saint Lawrence Church

1000 North Greece Road

Rochester, New York


The poor are the real treasures of the Church, by the inestimable gift of their faith and because they convert our alms

into imperishable treasures for us.

Weekend Mass Schedule: Baptism

Saturday 4:00 p.m. Parents should contact us as soon as they

Sunday 8:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m. know they are expecting.

11:00 a.m.


Engaged couples should contact us at least

Weekday Mass: one year in advance of their desired

Monday through Friday wedding date.

8:30 a.m.

Rectory Office

Holy Days of Obligation: 1000 North Greece Road

8:30 a.m., 6:00 p.m. Rochester, NY 14626

Phone: 585-723-1350 fax: 585-723-1361


Saturday 3:00 p.m. Office Hours:

Monday – Friday

Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Please contact us if you or a family member

wish to be anointed. St. Lawrence School



Page 2: Saint Lawrence Church 1000 North Greece Road Rochester ...2015.pdfTuesday, May 26, 2015 -Saint Philip Neri, Priest Sir 35:1-12/Mk 10:28-31 8:30 a. m. - Rosemary and Sebastian Mazzatti

Page Two

Parish Staff

Pastoral Ministry

Father Lee P. Chase - Parochial Administrator x. 207

Father Scott B. Caton - Assisting Priest x. 204

Deacon David Squilla - Pastoral Associate x. 212

Deacon Tom Beck - Parish Deacon x. 208

Deacon Manny Asis - Parish Deacon x. 213

Administrative Staff

Bruce M. Watson - Finance Director x. 206

Tina McAuliffe - Business Manager x. 205

Wendy Speciale - Office Manager x. 201

Linda DeMarco - Office Assistant x. 203

Bob Gray - Maintenance Director x. 201

Faith Formation Ministry

Jamie O’Mara - Faith Formation 225-7320

Debbie Cichelli - Faith Formation Office Assistant 225-7320

Donna Gray - Youth Ministry/CYO 225-1485

St. Lawrence School

Frank Arvizzigno - School Principal 225-3870

Music Ministry

M. Virginia Pierce, Music Director 225-7061

Organist, 4:00 p.m. Mass choir

Susan Judkins 225-2076

9:30 a.m. Mass Choir Director

Steve Amico 225-7338

11:00 a.m. Mass Choir Director

Susan Judkins 225-2076

Mary Kay Huber 957-8947

Young People’s Choir Directors

Mass Intentions and Readings for the Week

Monday, May 25, 2015 - Weekday / Eighth Week in

Ordinary Time

Sir 17:20-24/Mk 10:17-27

8:30 a. m. Worden and Teresa Kilbury - by Tom and Joann

Tuesday, May 26, 2015 - Saint Philip Neri, Priest

Sir 35:1-12/Mk 10:28-31

8:30 a. m. - Rosemary and Sebastian Mazzatti - by Dick


Wednesday, May 27, 2015 - Weekday / Saint Augustine of

Canterbury, Bishop

Sir 36:1, 4-5a, 10-17/Mk 10:32-45

8:30 a.m.- Rodolfo Iovoli - by Maryann and Pasquale Tomei

Thursday, May 28, 2015 - Weekday

Sir 42:15-25/Mk 10:46-52

8:30 a.m.– Mary Loria - by David and Linda DeMarco

Friday, May 29, 2015 - Weekday

Sir 44:1, 9-13/Mk 11:11-26

8:30 a. m. - Kathy and Chet Edsall 45th Wedding


Saturday May 30, 2015 - Weekday / BVM

Sir 51:12cd-20/Mk 11:27-33

Sunday, May 31 2015 - The Most Holy Trinity

Dt 4:32-34, 39-40/Rom 8:14-17/Mt 28:16-20

Saturday 4:00 pm - Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kane - by Anthony

and Patricia Cinotti

8:00 a.m. - For All Enrolled in the St. Lawrence Memorial


9:30 a. m. - Frank Mangione - by Family

11:00 a. m. - Merton Barrow - by Wife, and family

The Sanctuary Lamp is lit this week


Armand Marcucci


Andy & Isabell Marcucci

Weekly Stewardship

Collection of May 17, 2015

Amount Weekly Surplus /

Received Budgeted Amt. Shortfall


Collection $14,887.99 $15,451.00 ($563.01)

General Maintenance

(Blue Env.) $608. 00 $1,412.00 ($804.00)

School Support $172.00

Weekly Attendance May 17, 2015

4:00 p.m. - 513 8:00 a.m. - 345

9:30 a.m. - 531 11:00 a.m. - 720

Total Attendance: 2109

Wedding Banns

Week I Staci Pignato


Philip Stoddart

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Page Three

MUSINGS by Father Lee Chase

Once, there was a minister, a very holy man. He

was well known in the community. His eccentric ways

were the talk of many a dinner table and workplace

conversation. Truly, he did dress in an alternative way

that made the more traditional crowd look twice and not

a few of them disapproved. He was also into alternative

food that sounded less than appealing to most people.

And while he had his following, some people in the

community gossiped about him horribly to anyone who

would listen. They said he was the devil, an evil man.

They couldn’t take his preaching. They said it was too

loud and too long. The politicians learned about this

minister, as did his religious superiors. At first, they

were amused until he started to preach about them,

confronting them in their corruption and hypocrisy. It

was too much. Although he was holy, they found a way

to get rid of him.

Another minister came to take his place. His

preaching was much softer, not so loud. The message

was really the same, just packaged differently. At first,

they liked what he had to say. He wasn’t eccentric. He

didn’t dress differently. He ate what everyone else ate.

In fact, he ate with anyone, no matter who it was. That

started tongues wagging. The “right” people didn’t care

too much that he ate with “those people.” The gossip

grape vine went into full gear and people started to call

on each other, to make things up or embellish on the

truth. We all know how gossip works. You take a little

kernel of the truth, usually out of context, and you build

on it. You embellish. You add in details not there. You

read into situations, phrases, actions. The whole

purpose is to distort the truth, putting whomever it is

you’re gossiping about in the worst possible light.

Gossip is never good, never complimentary, never


People who gossip are usually very self-centered,

selfish, insecure and frightened. They can’t help

themselves. They don’t want anyone talking about them

so they try to talk about everyone else. It’s the mild and

passive form of bullying. Of course, what gossipers

never think about is how they usually become the target

of gossip at one point or another. And when that

happens, they don’t like it one bit!

As for the new minister, the one who replaced the

first minister I mentioned, well, the gossip increased to

the point that it made its way to his own staff. People

talked about them, too. They tried to get the goods on

the minister by pumping the staff members with

questions. They tried to turn his whole staff against

him. One of his staff couldn’t take the pressure. He

worked with the powers that be to get rid of the second

minister. The gossip wasn’t just that he ate too much

and drank heavily, it was that he wanted to change

everything. He was upsetting the apple cart, too much.

It was all the usual gossip subjects that goes around

about people.

Of course, neither of these two ministers were just

“gotten rid of.” They weren’t just fired or transferred or

sent to a new location. The powers that be, with the

support of the people, executed them. They were

arrested on trumped up charges. They were never really

given a chance to defend themselves. Their fate was

decided long before they were indicted.

Their names were John the Baptist and Jesus of

Nazareth. In Matthew 11, we read about the gossiping,

the lies spread about them by the people of their day.

Gossiping is nothing new. It has existed for thousands

of years. It killed holiness then. It kills our holiness


Today, it takes on the form of phone conversations,

whisperings at work or the store or at church. Emails

and social media have become new vehicles to spread

gossip. No matter how it’s done, the intent is the same:

to hurt another human being, to smear their reputation,

to put them down and to elevate ourselves. Gossip

destroys communities, individuals, and can even lead to


I once heard from a seminary professor of mine a

good way to think of mortal sin: it is sin that destroys

our identity as a Christian, that’s why it’s mortal.

Christians don’t gossip, don’t try to tear another down or

purposely hurt another person. Christians give each

other and everyone the benefit of the doubt. We think

good of others and try not to think badly of them. We

forgive when we are wronged just as we expect to be


If ever we are in a situation where gossiping starts

up, is taking place, we should try to change the subject if

possible, or say something really nice about the person

of subject, or just walk away. And remember, when you

are in a group that gossips about others - you may want

to ask yourself a question: who are they talking about

when I’m not around? Ponder that one for a few

moments and you’ll guess the answer. As Jesus said,

the measure with which we measure others will be used

to measure us.

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Page Four

Men’s Club Dinner

Wednesday May 27th

St. John the Evangelist Parish Center

Dinner cost $12.00 6 PM Doors open for appetizers and cash bar

7 PM Steak Roast by Katie

Dinner includes:

Steak, baked beans, chef salad, potato salad, rolls &

butter, dessert and coffee

Euchre or Poker available after dinner

Please reserve by Sunday May 24th

To either:

Jerry Batog 225-0392

John Argento 225-2264

Bill Smith 225-1586



Today’s Share Sunday collection will benefit the

individuals and families who turn to the Greece Food

Shelf for

assistance in their time of need. The following items are

especially requested at his time, and would be greatly


Canned Fruit

Canned Tuna

Canned Meats

Boxed Macaroni & Cheese

Canned Pasta

Canned Soups


Dish Detergent

Toilet Paper

Please bring your donations to church by

12:00 noon on Sunday, May 24th. Thank

you for your generosity.

Your Human Development Committee

St. Lawrence Blood Drive

When: Saturday, May 30th 9a.m. - 4p.m.

Where: Deacon Hall

Cause: Please join Molly Martin and Alyssa Morales

in partnering with The American Red Cross for a

blood drive. The American Red Cross needs our

help to gather AT LEAST 30 donors.

**Please commit your attendance by putting your

information down on the Sign- up sheets posted

in the narthex of the Church***

Please prayerfully consider donating to help save a

life. Thank you for your consideration.



Our goal for this year is $167,986.00. As Of May

12th we have received $140,784.00 in pledges.

84.59% of our goal from 784 households. The

balance that we need to raise is now $27,202.00.


Our Mother of Sorrows

Festival on Paddy Hill

June 4-6, 2015

Please join us for food, gambling, entertainment,

raffles and much more! Pre-sale, greatly reduced

ride tickets are available by calling the parish

office at 663-5432.

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“Shine Through Me”

May 12, 2015

Dear St. Lawrence School Community,

St. Lawrence School’s Healthy Lunch Program is continuing to go strong! It is so wonderful to see students eating

fresh fruits and vegetables at lunch as they work to earn a dress down day. This has been such a great way to encourage our

students to eat healthier foods on a regular basis!

Our school will be performing the musical, Voice Message on Thursday, at 12:50 PM and 7:00 PM and on Friday at

7:00 PM. The students have been working so hard preparing for these performances. I am truly excited to see this show, and I

hope that you will be able to attend!

Our Ascension Thursday Mass will be this Thursday at 8:30 AM. I look forward to seeing you there!

I hope that you are all having a pleasant and peaceful week. As always, thank you for all that you do for our students!

God Bless,

Frank Arvizzigno


Shine Through Me

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Page Six

Please Note:

Walkathon T-shirt Wed. 5/13

Ascension Thursday Mass Thurs. 5/14

Musical 5/14 - 5/15

Parent Association Meeting Tues. 5/19

Lunch Order DUE Thurs. 5/21

Early Dismissal – 11:00 a.m. Fri. 5/22

NO SCHOOL Mon. 5/25

First Friday Mass Fri. 6/5

Walkathon T-shirt Wed. 6/10

Today’s Envelope includes:

Voice Message Flyer

Red Wings Flyer

Field Day Flyer

Sewing Club

Fully Rely on God!

Lunch Order Due Thursday 5/21

The navy blue June Lunch order form can be

accessed online through our website. Just click on

the Lunch Order link and follow the directions.

Orders and Payment are due by 9:00am on

Thursday, May 21st.

Volunteer Needed

We are looking for a Parent Involvement Co-Chair

for the 2015-2016 school year. For more details

please contact Jen Cellura at

[email protected] or 755-9762. Thank you!!

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Page Seven

St. Lawrence Church Memorial Society We remember twice each year all those enrolled in our Memorial Society. The donations given to us in

their memory furnish the items needed for our Masses, such as altar linens and communion vessels. Next

week, Sunday 31 May at the 8:00 a.m. Mass, we will remember and pray for these people:

Lena Violante

Amelia DiPasquale

Joseph and MaryKutty Kandankary

Joseph and Aleyamma Vattappara

Elizamma Joseph Kandankary

Baby Joseph Kandankary

Gracy and Zoni Scaria

Thomas Vattappara

Robert Ryan

Carol Nopolitano

Harry and Margaret Scorse

Sister Anne Maloy

Rosemarie and Ralph Forest

Salvatore Petrella

Maria Paonessa

Ralph and Wanda Voorheis

Paul Miller

Vincent DiGiacco

Anna Biondi

Omero Paris

Mayer Family

Klem Family

Latacki Family

Theodore Siepka

Alexander Galardi

Jane Fleming

Rosalie Schmidt

Steve Bleier

David DeMonte

Chrissy Greenawalt

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Josefina Ysasi

Robert Colby

Patrick Fedele

F. Robert O’Loughlin

Marie Leone

Katherine Slattery

Joseph A. Cropo, Jr.

Gerard and Ethel Reichhart

John and Katherine Sakalsky

Catherine Sakalsky

Michael and Florence Krizan

Gretrude M. Reichhart

Jacob and Gretrude Reichhart

Joseph and Mary Cropo, Sr.

Charles and Edna Reichhart

Bernard Reichhart

Gwendolyn Linn

Carol and Sophia Mitchell

John and Helen Kachmarsky

Anna Schneider

Raymond and Dorothy Bezio

Norman and Margaret Murray

Ted Murphy

Lawrence Rossignolo

Frank and Sylvia Rutkowski

Margart Fee

Phylis Williams

Leonard Davies

Isabelle Civitelli

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Altar Server EMHC Greeter Lector

Jun-06-2015 Saturday 4:00 PM

Cheyenne Giacaz Quentin Cropo

Alma Jastrzembski Angela Valentine

Ashley Rourke

Bob Mayer Diane Kozlowski

Elaine Mayer

John Andreano Nancy Flanagan

Agnes Falbo Richard Mazzatti Ruth Blodgett

Jun-07-2015 Sunday 8:00 AM

Scott Breiner Francis Hull Jean Gilbert

Lynn Sadowski

Martha Temple Maureen Daley

Michael Daley

Sue Barker

Suzanne Burst

Debby Hoover Jeffrey Hoover Tom Temple

Jun-07-2015 Sunday 9:30 AM

Alexander Morales Alyssa Morales

Margaret Morales

Carol Dalle Chet Edsall

Jon Jamison

Mary Huber Michelle Morales

Nadine Silloway

Sam Trapani Sherry Viggiano

Shirley Alexander John Wenderlich Jonathan Radford

Jun-07-2015 Sunday 11:00 AM

Andrew Carfley Sarah Marron

Sydney Marron

Cathy Leonardo Jodi Rosati

Kalina Simonds

Marie Nauerth Nancy Simonds

Patty Amico

Robert Newton Shirley Hagstrom

Rosemarie Becker Dave Tomer Kay Tomer

Jun-13-2015 Saturday 4:00 PM

Adam Tharrett Angelina Greles

Isabella Greles

Candy Minchella Edward Walsh

Jeanne Sutton

Kathleen Enright Mary Ann Vaccaro

Mili Calvo

Rose Marie Gruttadauria Sue Verstraten

Carol Cropo Carrie Greles Gerry Iuppa

Jun-14-2015 Sunday 8:00 AM

Dakota Stanley Spencer Cattalani

Eddie Ehrmentraut Francis Hull

Jean Gilbert

Kevin Doell Peggy Hankey

Sister Concepta Vay

Sue Barker Suzanne Burst

Marc Remillard Brenda Avedisian Scott Breiner


Sunday 9:30 AM

Amy Cannan

Christina Wessman

Elizabeth Wessman

Beth Jamison

Cathy DiSchino

Harry Lindstadt

Jeannine Fraser Jen Cellura

Nancy Ferrauilo

Paul Tramonto Stephen McGarrity

Joseph Doran Eugene Welch

Maura Spencer

Jun-14-2015 Sunday 11:00 AM

Aleeaa Cobos Chance Henry

Garrett Henry

Cathleen Radford David Zeh

Florence Mangione

Richard Mazzatti Rick Antelli

Rosemarie Becker

Sharon Fronheiser Zenny Asis

James Radford Barbara Packard Maureen Young

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Altar Server EMHC Greeter Lector

Jun-20-2015 Saturday 4:00 PM

Aleeaa Cobos Cheyenne Giacaz

Quentin Cropo

Bob Mayer Carol Cropo

Diane Kozlowski

Eddie Ehrmentraut Elaine Mayer

Florence Mangione

Nancy Flanagan Ruth Blodgett

Richard Kohler Joe Kelly Peggy Hankey

Jun-21-2015 Sunday 8:00 AM

Angelina Greles Isabella Greles

Brenda Avedisian Joan Ciero

Kathleen Enright

Kevin Doell Lynn Sadowski

Maureen Daley

Michael Daley

Mili Calvo

Linda Mitrano Anthony Ciero Carrie Greles

Jun-21-2015 Sunday 9:30 AM

Alexandra Wlostowski Christina Wessman

Elizabeth Wessman

Dick Pfeifer Jane Pfeifer

John Wenderlich

Jonathan Radford Mary Ann Vaccaro

Mary Lyke

Maura Spencer Rose Marie Gruttadauria

Kathy Edsall Lana Lindstadt Tony Bellavia

Jun-21-2015 Sunday 11:00 AM

Andrew Carfley Sarah Marron

Sydney Marron

Barbara Packard Cathleen Radford

James Radford

Jodi Rosati Kalina Simonds

Maureen Young

Nancy Simonds Patty Amico

David Zeh Jim Kutrybala Sharon Fronheiser

Jun-27-2015 Saturday 4:00 PM

Adam Tharrett Aleeaa Cobos

Cheyenne Giacaz

Alma Jastrzembski Angela Valentine

Ashley Rourke

Candy Minchella Edward Walsh

Jeanne Sutton

John Andreano Sue Verstraten

Zenny Asis Agnes Falbo Richard Kohler

Jun-28-2015 Sunday 8:00 AM

Dakota Stanley Spencer Cattalani

Brenda Avedisian Eddie Ehrmentraut

Francis Hull

Jean Gilbert Kathleen Enright

Mili Calvo

Peggy Hankey Sue Barker

Kevin Doell Linda Mitrano Sister Concepta Vay


Sunday 9:30 AM

Alexander Morales

Alyssa Morales

Margaret Morales

Carol Dalle

Jon Jamison

Kathy Edsall

Lana Lindstadt Mary Huber

Michelle Morales

Nadine Silloway Sherry Viggiano

Mary Lyke Dick Pfeifer

Jane Pfeifer

Jun-28-2015 Sunday 11:00 AM

Andrew Carfley Sarah Marron

Sydney Marron

Barbara Packard Cathleen Radford

Cathy Leonardo

Marie Nauerth Maureen Young

Robert Newton

Sharon Fronheiser Shirley Hagstrom

Jim Kutrybala James Radford Rosemarie Becker

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Church Name: St. Lawrence

City, State Rochester, NY

File Name: 06-0101


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