
Creating an automated drip program – Adding email personalisation


Email design & messaging

Drip campaign proposal

Dynamic content

Using completion actions

A/B testing

Ways of collecting data

Examples of work








Email design & messaging1

No recipient name

Starting first line with closed question &

playing guessing the game

Call to action right at the bottom of email. Unclear messaging

Email design & messaging1

Email length and deliverability issues.1.1

Email is clipped short due to excessive HTML code and large images. Gmail gives option to

view online but android and other devices to not… This affects the senders IP address


Email is 4 times the length of the fold.

Research has shown that 67% of people will not

scroll down to find information below the

fold. CTA and key massage must be

conveyed within a space of roughly 600x459px.

Email design & messaging1

How can we track a prospects engagement with this email?1.2

From the use of social sign in we should be able to track more

details from our prospects and attain further profiling


From the links click by prospects in the section of the email we can

determine the kind of content they may be interested in receiving in the

future and feed them into an automated content campaign.

A comprehensive drip campaign should be built out around the

jobs prospects click on. Will outline in detail on slide 7.

Drip campaign proposal2

First Internet world email

Download CMS report of CV uploaders. If prospect has not uploaded CV send reminder

email specifically about the role they clicked on.

Request a call from one of our consultants. Short email noting fact prospect has previously opened email with short CTA for call request.

Rest for 40 days before further


If still no application we can be assumptive and assume they are interested in within that sector so send them an email stating “you recently view out Email marketing

coordinator role and we though you should defiantly check out some of these other

fantastic positions”

Short email copy offering the chance to upload CV on website so that we

can personalise our service and make sure that we are only provided

info on the most current and relevant jobs.

Send email with different opening paragraph and plain

text version to try and determine whether spam filters

cause issue.

Last chance to apply for Email marketing executive! Add urgency

and off call from one of our consultants to try and match them

with their perfect position.

Opened & Clicked link

Did not open email

Opened no click

Resend same email with different subject line (why duplicate effort for an email that has never been seen?

What have we learnt? Maybe prospect doesn’t respond to company sender ID’s. Try sending directly from consultants personal email address. Different time of day to send email? All of these ideas can be put into practice after data has rested.

Just a remainder… Did any of the jobs in our last email take you fancy?

If opened we can put prospects into list that will only receive plain text emails going forward.

Prospects who didn’t attend get a message clearly

acknowledging this fact adding credibility.

Prospects who did attend get a more friendly and welcoming email but the personalisation instantly creates engagement

and credibility.

Dynamic Content3

From personal experience in current company this simple personalisation has increased click through rate on average by 16% and reduce unsubscribe rate by 33.2%.

Using completion actions4

Allows prospects who complete a particular action in an email to be taken on a variety of different journeys as the drop list to the left presents.

Can choose from a variety of different actions such as if a prospect opens of clicks.

A/B testing5Huge drop in open rate

performance. Subject link, sender and copy are all identical so this clearly

represents a deliverability issue with the HTML


Other tests to be considered are: Subject line, length of copy

+ writing style, different from address, various HTML

template designs such as less images, smaller top banners,

different use of color and quantity of links. These are just

a few possibilities!

Ways of collecting data6

Page tracking Website landing page tracking

Website CV uploads

Social sign in

Other sources may include: Trade shows/conferences, data purchasing, content led lead nurturing from protected site content, dedicated list builders e.g Procoms, ect and not forgetting collecting and enriching pre-existing data

Examples of previous drip campaign projects


Example of simple introduction drip campaign for new prospect who have signed up to website for the first time. The idea here is not to send

promotional information rich content to try and engage and earn the right to promote a product or service to prospect.

Very complex drip program (arguably over complicated) designed to take segmented

areas of our customer database through an 8 week cycle to promote a particular

webinar. Results of this when put into action have

been a 41% increase in webinar registrants while

reducing unsubscribe rates by 0.8% (Current company

average is 0.18%)

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