
Samson and The Lion

Story…. There was a pious (religious) man

named Manoah. He was married, but had no children.

One day, while his wife was praying to the Lord to give her a son, “And the angel of the Lord appeared to the woman and said to her, “Indeed now, you are barren and have borne no children, but you shall conceive and bear a son.


What is the name of the Man?Why was his wife praying?What did the angel speak to her about?Why did Manoah pray?

Acting out…

Manoah: Sir, you said to my wife that she will bear a son….what shall we do with the child?

Angel: Your wife must not drink wine and your son’s hair must not be cut.

Your son also must not drink wine, as he is a Nazirite.

The Sacrifice…

Manoah took a young goat, slew it and put it on fire…to their surprise, they saw the angel of the Lord go up towards heaven in flames.

They threw their faces downwards on the ground.

When the angel disappeared, they rose to pray and thank the Lord.

One day he was walking with his parents in a place filled with grapes and suddenly a lion appeared to them and it was roaring.

Samson’s parents were frightened, but Samson told them, “the Lord will fight for you, do not be afraid…”

He ran to the lion and got hold of his head.

Samson was fighting with the lion, grabbed hold of his head and jaw. Samson cried out, “The Lord fights for you…O Lord, help me to kill the lion”

Samson was able to separate the jaws and destroy the mouth of the lion.

The Lion fell dead and Samson threw it to the ground.

Manoah and his wife were amazed at the great power of Samson. They all knelt down and thanked God.

They went on their way and then came back safely.


Samson’s Mother was barren and the Lord gave her the ability to give birth to a child. This shows how God can give those who ask Him

for good thingsManoah was a symbol of simplicity.

When he knew that the angel appeared to his wife, he prayed asking the angel to appear to him to teach him what to do.

When he realized that it was the Lord that appeared to him he was afraid he might die.

More Questions?

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How was Samson born?What does the statement mean, “Out of

the eater came something to eat?”

Memory Verse

“Out of the eater came something to eat”

(Judges 14:14)

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