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1. Thulam Raasi  Now you are beginning the Ezharai Andu Sani period.  When Sani enters the 12th place to your Janma Raasi, it is called Sirasu Sani.

Normally this period should start with hard felt experiences.  

But the beginning of this period does not appear to be that hard for you.  

The first one year after Sani Peyarchi will be financially encouraging to some extent.  During this period, it will appear that you may take possession of some ancestral property which had been under dispute until now and it will be held up for one reason or the other.

You will be expecting money from source which is owed to you.  The person or persons who took money from you would have promised repayment during this period.

It may appear as if coming on time and will be dragging until the end of your needy time.  When the money actually comes, you would have satisfied your needs by other means like borrowing from outside.

When your own money comes, it will come in pieces and will have to be spent on routine expenses or on medical expenses, which could not be avoided.

The money which you kept for a specific purpose and which you lent to your friends on the fond hope of having it back on time to serve that specific purpose, will not serve that purpose.

When the money actually comes, it will be withered away in piece meals defeating the purpose for which you kept it  Health will be a matter of some concern for the first one year.  Family health will also suffer.  Particularly, health of your parents will be a matter of concern.  

Some may have an overseas opportunity by compulsion and will have to, as a result, will have to separate from the family.

During the same period, some impending Subha Karya will also materialize.  This will add to your financial burden.

However, the effect of 7-1/2 years Sani will be prominent in one form or the other, though it will not have any serious impact on your economy for the first year.

From the second year onwards, it will rather be a tough time.  You will have to play it hard.

On one side health will not co-operate.  On the other expenses will be too very high that you will find it too difficult to manage.

The liabilities you have created in the first year will start pressing now.  Interest accrued will add to your burden.

Though Ezharai Andu Sani has commenced one year back, you will start feeling the heat of it only one year afterwards.

Being Thula Raasi, the adverse impact of Ezharai Andu Sani will not be that much serious as in the case of other Raasis.  Still the extra strain is the strain and the pain felt out of it, is the pain.

In the second half of the 2-1/2 years, family health will also cause some anxiety and invite medical

expenses beyond your limits.  Displeasure will grow within the family.

This period will further give rise to the liabilities and you will have to manage the show with the borrowed funds.

As the time advances in the present over two years when Sani traverses in Kanni, financial pressure will continue to mount.

In the end of the period, even close friends will try to maintain a distance.  Friends who were until then receiving your help and assistance will behave in an indifferent manner.  This will add to your mental agony.

For business people and professionals, this time period will mark with a good beginning and end up with a mental distress.  Turn over and profits in business or profession will dip down.  Some new business disputes or litigations may arise. There will be problems from the Government Agencies.

Expenses will surpass the income.  Meeting the business commitments will gradually become a task. Cut down business expenses.  Cut down all unproductive expenses.  Try to keep your business budget within the limits of income.  This will be practically impossible in the second half of the 2-1/2 years You may have to take up a foreign tour on account of business.  But this will most probably end up in vain.  In the beginning it may appear to give you high hopes.  As the foreign tour is completed, you will realize that it meant nothing to you except the traveling expenses and the strain.

Relationship with workers will appear to be normal.  But be cautious in your employee relations.  There will be risk or betrayal later.

For employed persons, opportunities abroad will look very prospective and lucrative.  If you take the risk of leaving the present job, your new job abroad will be too uncertain or it will not be that much worth.  

Work in the present working place will become rather heavier.  Greater responsibilities will be given to you.  It will be too difficult to achieve your target in work and thereby you may have to earn a bad name.  

In the meantime, you can not expect to have a corresponding compensation or reward for the extra work you are doing.  Your employer or boss will always try to find fault in your work and try to keep you in a position where you can not open the topic of an increase in your compensation.  You will have to work under a compelling situation.  

Do not think of changing the job at this juncture.  It will land you in greater problems.

You will not find time to spend with your family or to attend to their needs.  This will add to the displeasure in the family.

All that you need is patience and endurance.

For Artists, the first half of the 2-1/2 years will give some opportunities, though not so big.  You can not expect to have opportunities consistent with your talents.

You can not get thee complete arrears of payments for the performances already completed.

New opportunities will be gradually thinning down.  Try to maintain your relationships in spite of all the odds.  Otherwise, you will have to loose the other opportunities later.

You would have performed exceptionally well.  But it will not be recognized to that level by the persons who engage your programmes.  Even then, it is wise to maintain the relationship in good humour in consideration of the future opportunities.

In the overall, the first part of the 2-1/2 years when Sani traverses in Kanni will be just about good and the second half will be better. 2. Makara Raasi  It was Ashtama Sani for you until now.  Sani is now moving into your 9th place Kanni.  

Though Ashtama Sani would have been a period of some test and trial, all that were not altogether attributable to Sani, for the reason that Guru was in your 12th house until last Guru Peyarchi and in the current he is Janma Guru.  

With Janma Raahu and Kethu in the 7th house, the combined effect would have made life miserable during the past over two years.

When Sani moves into the 9th house, it is not going to give you a sea change.  The next Guru Peyarchi due in another two months will provide some relief.

As far Sani is concerned, it will give you a great deal of relief from the stresses of Ashtama Sani.  Health and financial flow will ease up.  Sure there will be great relief.  

Because financial problems are getting reduced to a large extent and health will also co operate, you will be confident and courageous.   You will again start looking at things with a new perspective.  You will develop a confidence that you can.

This is where you will have to be cautious.  It may appear that you can put on your efforts and have things done.  In some cases this will partly workout.  In several or most cases, you will have to find an endless end.  

Whatever you plan to do during this period will appear to be progressing alright.  In the end of the day, there will be some outside intervention.  As a result you will have to keep things in abeyance.

If there is no outside intervention, the internal conditions will develop in such a manner that you will have to perform in a conditioned environment, which will not allow you to attain your objective.

You would have invested your time, efforts, energy and/or money in certain objective.  You will find yourself in a fix in the end and will not complete the task you have taken up.

Before taking any initiative or new ventures, explore all possible negative aspects involved in your initiatives.  Think over twice what are all the possibilities that other people can intervene and restrict or divert your efforts.  

Even if you take all these factors into consideration before entering into a venture and have ready-on hand solutions, something from outside will creep up and stall up the whole thing.  

If you have any plans, ventures or new initiatives in mind which you have been contemplating for long, in the new situation when you have relief from the Ashtama Sani, you will develop an euphoria that things can be done well and everything is well within your disposal or control.

But when it comes to implementation, it will drag a long way as if things are moving in the right direction. In the end of the day, it will either be a debacle or postponement. Better avoid new ventures for now.

You are a great a resource to other people.  When you apply your talents for your own sake at this time, the end result will not be a matter that you can be proud of. In some cases, opportunities within the country may appear to dry up and there may be doubts about survival.  During the period of this global recessional trend, such conditions are common to most people

either in business or employment.  This will create a compelling situation that you will have to travel abroad to keep yourself going.  Even the opportunities abroad may not be so much promising - but it will keep things going.

For about an year from Sani Peyarchi, this status will continue and your time will gain momentum after that.  Still then, it is safe that you play it safe always.

Makara Raasi is one of the Raasis which Sani is generally believed to be soft.  It will be so in your case. Though being conditioned by the situation, after the first one year, you will be able to have things done in proper order.  Finances now will further strengthen and you will be happy about things that are happening around you. Relationships in the family and business circles will by and large improve.  The toughness that you have experienced in the past will gradually vanish.  It will take some time to give material benefits,  It is worth waiting with a smiling face.

Health that has been a matter of worry both to you and your family will improve and this will make you courageous in all your efforts.

People in business or profession will find the fist one year a little difficult.  This will not be a hard pressing time.  But a period rather dull, where brisk business activites will not yeild expected level of benefits.

Almost by the close of the first year, you will find yourself very active and can realize turn over and profits to the expected levels.  The business relations that were almost silent during the Ashtama Sani period will now revive and start giving life your efforts.  The second second year onwards will be enough rewarding.

For people in employment, this period will really be a period of great relief.  The displeasure you have been earning in the past over two years with your employer or superiors will gradually reduce and create a cohesive relationship with your higher ups.  Your hard work will begin to gain recognition.

Some people will also have a promotion or elevation in their rank.  In stray cases, for some persons, promotion will have almost come - but will be held up in the last minute.

Financial benefits from the work place will find an increase.

For Artists, the regaining period.  You will gain to re-establish your relationships.  For sometime, the benefits of such a relationship will not be immediately seen.  But, it will give benefits over time.  Hence, irrespective of any immediate benefits, try to maintain the relationships in good humour in view of the future benefits.

Money flow will be adequate and you will be able enjoy a air of relief from the past stress.

In the overall, this Sani peyarchi will give a great deal of relief to all sections of Makara Raasi.  The first one year may appear to be not so much encouraging, though you may feel the warmth of relief.

From the second year onwards, you will stand to gain both monetarily and by relationships in all areas. 3.  Kanni Raasi

This is Janma Sani period.  Headaches should have commenced with the last Sani Peyarchi.  

The dull note in the financial activities, ailing health of the family members, recurring medical expenses with associated worries would have already brought down your mental balance.  

The liabilities you have created in the last over two years are still there.  In some cases, it should have gone to an awesome level.

You would have consulted Astrologers who would have convinced you that the Lord of Kanni, Budhan being a friendly Graha to Sani, normally Ezharai Andu Sani would not hurt you to any great level.  But practically that statement would have proved that it was told only to convince you and to keep your morale up The health problems of your family will continue to persist during Janma Sani period also.

After this Sani Peyarchi, one more thing is going to add to your headaches.  That is your own health.  In some cases, the mother's health will also be a subject matter of concern. Probabilities are greater for cervical and/or neurological problems.

Janma Sani will take away your sleep or rather peaceful sleep. You may not be in a position to enjoy even the available facilities or benefits in life.  

Some will have differences with the spouse which in some cases may end up in separation. Some people will have to shift the house they are living in and some others may have to take up a change of place even.  

Hard pressing finances, diminishing reserves, increasing liabilities, expenses running out of control both in family and business or profession, concurrent health problems and medical expenses are all inherent with Janma Sani.

To pay off the pressing liabilities, you may have to raise new loans.  This may give raise to the expenses by way of additional interest and even penalties People in business or profession should be doubly cautious and cut down the unproductive and wasteful expenses.  

Turn over and profits will be low.  Even maintaining the cost will be difficult for some people.  Servants will not co-operate.  

There may be exodus of servants.  

Money flow will be very tight. Some people in business may even think of pulling down the shutters and dislocate the business. People in employment will face the risk of retrenchment or layoff.

Some people even may be forcibly removed from service or may be transferred to places most disadvantageous to them - on the pretext of performance or relationship problems. Or otherwise, a lower salary or compensation package may be offered if at all you want to continue in service.

How much ever hard you work, it will be difficult to achieve the target.  Or your hard work will fail to attract the attention of your boss or superiors.

For people who have no problem with the job, will have to shoulder greater responsibilities with no additional compensation or rewards.  This will make you restless.  This will result in your poor attendance to the family affairs which again will bring in disharmony in the family.

You will have to work beyond your energy level to keep up the responsibilities you are entrusted.

In any case, if your job is stable atleast for the present time and if you have reasons to believe that you can continue in the present job atleast with the minimal salary level, better stick on to it.

There may be opportunities coming up on your way.  If you have greater expectations and try to switch over to a job which appears to be better paying, you will be risking your survival.

For Artists, just ensure your survival.  That is more than enough.  Do not expect any great opportunity to click during this time.  Even if you happen to click a greater opportunity, you will see that your health does not co-operate to allow you to perform upto your own level.

Refrain from internal politics within any troop  4. Mesha Raasi Until now, it is Sani in the 5th place Simham.  During the last around one year Guru was also in the 9th place from your Raasi.

When Sani was in the 5th place, it would have been a period of relief as you have just got relieved from the Arthashtama Sani.  Particularly when Guru moved into Dhanur Raasi last year, you might have found it a further progressive time.

With Guru in the 10th place and Sani moving into your 6th place Kanni, the one year period ahead is going to give you remarkable changes.

Health that remained a source of worry for some will improve providing cheers to the entire family.  

Most of your lost relationships would have restored to normalcy during the past around one year.  If there be anything left, that will also join with you now.

There will be a slight ego problem during this period.  It may even disturb your mental peace.  Materially that has nothing to do with the finance or  overall economy.

There will be some strain in relationship with a section of your relatives because of this ego problem or it may even be a result of unrevealed jealousy about your progress.

The current year and as well the one year period after the next Guru Peyarchi due in December 2009 will be flourishing period.

Sani, during his transit in Kanni Raasi, your place, is going to be so good for your fortunes that you will be able to acquire/buy some fixed asset.  It may be land, it may be a house, an apartment or anything that will remain your fixed asset.

Impending Subha Karya in the family like marriage, child birth etc will materialize.

Businessmen and Professionals will perform exceptionally good during this period.  Business and Professions will show good profits.  

Relationship with the employees will be normal.  In exceptional cases, there may be some strain and some unpleasant experience with employees.  But this will not have any impact on the performance of the Business / Profession. This is high time to implement any business new proposal or to bring about improvements in the existing business / profession.  Some persons will have the opportunity to travel abroad on account of business / profession.

Business turn over and profits will show substantial increase.  Professional activities will be at their heights bringing in substantial increase in remuneration.

Long pendiing business litigations or disputes will be settled in your favour.  The first over one year period will be exceptionally encouraging.  The subsequent period during the tenure of Sani in Kanni Raasi, will be excellent keeping the overall performance of business / profession in its peak.

There will be new business contacts and new assignments providing an impetus for improved


Employed Persons will gain new momentum in their career.  Change of location to the preferred area or change of  working disciplines will be to your pleasure and happiness.  If you are looking for a change to a different area of work, this is high time you get it.

You will gain to get the expected rise in remuneration.  Working environment will be cheerful.  Superiors / Employers will recognize your hard work and you will also derive the benefit of such a recognition.

You will have overseas assignments which will give you happiness and increased savings.  Some people will get overseas opportunities as a change of job.  The general economic slow-down is not likely to affect you during the time period of Sani's tenure in Kanni Raasi Job Seekers will have good news.  Opportunities, consistent with your merits will knock your doors. Never mind that there are lay offs.  You are having your share of the cake.

Even those, who were struggling for an opening and entry, will have one opportunity or the other to give a start.

Persons longing for overseas jobs will get their chances.  Of course itt is like a recession and many companies are going for job cuts.  But it is not likely to you.

Artists will also have good chances.  But, there is a likelihood of being given a secondary consideration, when compared to your talents.  It may appear that other artists in your line are better recognized and you may feel a little less or inferior.  Never mind.  During this same period you will gain to attain your deserving position.

In the outset it may appear to be less rewarding.  But in due course you will gain momentum and get your due recognition and rewards.

Students will perform well.  There are chances for distraction.  The extra money you have in your pocket may tend to divert your attention.  Utmost focus and attention is necessary to gain your educational strength.  If you are attentive, you can gain top positions in educational levels.

As a whole, this Sani Peyarchi is going to bring in cheers to almost all sections belonging to Mesha Raasi

 5. Rishabha Raasi Until now, it was Arthashtama Sani for you.  The past over 2-1/2 years would have made you feel that you were passing through the worst part of your days.  financial stress, mounting liabilities, unhappy family environment, unhelpful friends and relatives would have been the order of the period. For some people, even marital relationship would have been impaired or disturbed.

In fact, compared to some other Raasis when they were in Arthashtama Sani, your problems would have been far less.  For Rishabham, Sani does not that much affect even in very odd times, as compared to what he does to some other Raasis.  Still then, as for you, you might have felt it hard.

You would have even felt  that the future was a total bleak with no hope for improvements.  Time changes and time heals.

After the last Guru Peyarchi, it could have been a little better.  Monetary loss and loss of credibility would have started reducing their intensity gradually.  It would not have been a total relief from all that striff. But, after Guru Peyarchi, the virulance and severity of the situation would have started reducing.  You would have had some breathing gap or relief.

Financial flow would have eased and social credibility would have gained some momentum.

Now, after this Sani Peyarchi, it is going to be a little further better.

For Rishabha Raasi, Sani is normally a favourable Graha.  The adversities of the 5th place will not affect you to any large extent because of this Sani Peyarchi.  Instead, the relief that you get from the change from the Arthashtama Sani state will be prominent.

Several things that are pending overdue during past over two years will get resolved now.

Beware that this is a period ahead for relief.  Do not jump into conclusions that this is going to be alround a favourable time.  It is not so.  It is just good enough to take you out of your problems, normalize your relationships, keep you free from worries to some extent.  Matter ends there.  Sani in the 5th place will not bring in fortunes to your days.  Only the pressure you had yesterday will not trouble you to any serious extent.  This is the state of Sani in the 5th place.

Guru is already in the 9th house for the past over 9 months.  He might have rewarded enough for the current one year, in spite of the odds of Arthashtama Sani.

Now, in December Guru is going to move into your 10th house.  Though not extremely good, Guru, is also in a favourable position to keep you going well.

There will be reloaction for some people.  Maybe you will have to move to a new place or a new work environment.

Sani also impairs your social relations and credibity.  Occasions may arise where you will have to cut a sorry figure for no fault of yours.  Your image will be reduced.

Some dispute or litigation regarding the ancestral properities or inherited properties will arise during the period of Sani in the 5th house.  This will also get resolved for the reason that you are Rishabha Raasi.

Separation from family may affect some people in one form or the other.  Some people will get ransferred unexpectedly to a new location which they prefer.

Or a separation may be due to a new assignment for which you will have to travel abroad - but much to your happiness, though financially this may be of some help to some extent.  Some people will have to accept a foreign tour under distress.

For some people, family separation may be miserable.  It will be a painful separation arising out of differences or disputes.  Legal separation is also a possibility in some cases.

Since Sani will aspect the Kudumba Sthanam, some confusions, misunderstandings and strained relationships may become so prominent in some cases.  It can also affect your personal respect and family image.

Family health may suffer to some extent.  But is not likely to be worrisome, except that it will unnecessarily drain your purse.

Problems or even litigations relating to ancestral properties may arise to some people.

Almost for for just over another two years, you will have problems of one kind or the other.  When financial position is good, you will have medical expenses;  when you are struggling for a job you will have an opportunity abroad - but there will be situations at home where your departure will be felt very painful and miserable.  

You will have to leave for abroad at a time when your presence is felt most necessary at home.  You can not reject the foreign opportunity for the sake of survival and economic betterment and it will be painful to

separate from the family at that point of time. Similar is the status of marriages in the family.  You will be able to settle down and finalize the marriage. But marriage in several cases can be conducted only by the end of the 2 years tenure when Sani is traverses in the 5th place.  Everything you will be able to finalize - except the marriage date.  You need not wait until the entire period of Sani's transit in the 5th place.  Marriages will take place anytime during the last six months of Sani's transition in Kanni Raasi.

People in business or profession will have just below performance.  Profits will be very much in your papers of accounts.  Realizing the profit will be impractical during this period.  However, money flow will not be altogether affected.

Be cautious about your employees or subordinate collegues.  Do not share all that you have in your mind with them.  They will appear to be helpful but may  land you in trouble.  

You will also need cautious steps with your relationships with the Governemnt Authorities or Government Agencies.

New Business opportunities will appear as being getting through - but will be held up in the verge.  For the time being, you can take initiatives for new business ventures - but should put off starting with them. Just make your initiatives and carry on the prelimineries.   When it comes to the point of commencing the venture, postpone it for some more time.

Employed persons will have a tough time.  Of course, this period is going to be better than the period when Sani was in the 4th place.  Your intelligence and hard work will be well recognised by your employer or superiors.  You will also receive appreciation.  

But any material benefit is difficult to come or it will be far very less.  The appreciation or recognition will not reward any significant financial benefit.  Instead, your services may be felt necessary in a place where you will not prefer to go.  You may be shifted or transferred to a place which will serve nothing but your separation from your family and incurring more expenses on account of your outside stay and travelling.

Job seekers will have their opportunities with a lesser official status and lesser remuneration. Opportunties will be coming up, but they will not be upto the mark of your expectations or merits.  You will have to necessarily accept it.  

If you want to skip the opportunity and wait for a fitting job, you will have to waste your time.  It is wise to accept the coming opportunity and utilize it for further growth.  By the end of this period, you will naturally get elevated to your fitting place. Overseas opportunities will be coming.  But they will not be upto level of your expectations and merits. You will have to accept an under-pay.  At a time, when you are desperate to get an overseas job, you will not have any better chances for the next about two years.   Do not take any financial risk at this time for the sake of an overseas job.

If you are likely to get a job within the country with even with a lesser remuneration, it will be better.

For Artists, this will be a good period.  Their performance will attract audience and they will be recognized.  This will bring in greater opportunities and better remuneration.

Students will perform to an average level.  Distraction of attention will be there, since Sani aspects the 2nd place.  If you are having a concerted attention, you can perform fairly well.

On the whole, this will be a period of average performance for all sections.  No high and no low.  But a risk element is there in the fiancial front, on which a double caution is necessary.  

6. Midhuna Raasi For Midhuna Raasi, Sani Baghwan is now moving into the 4th house.

The 4th place is called 'Arthashtama Sani'.  This will give half the effect of Ashtama Sani.

Guru is already in the 8th place, Makaram, giving enough of his might, making days turbulent to move. The day dawns with problems and sets with problems becuse of Ashtama Guru.

By the time Sani Peyarchi comes, Guru is in your 8th place.  Sani's impact on the 4th place Kanni would have also started giving signs of added headaches.  This is just for a month or two.

Again when Guru moves into Kumba Raasi, you will feel some ease.

The conflicting time when Sani is in his Arthashtama house and Guru in the 9th house, will render a mixed effect of good and bad.

But there are also chances, since Sani is the Lord of the 8th and 9th places from your Raasi, that you may derive some benefits also.  

As the Lord of the 8th and 9th houses, coming down to the 4th house, the enmity and animosity among the relatives and friends will increase.

Confrontations will be more.  But as the Lord of the 9th place, Sani will also render some benefits from your father's side.  Or atleast, there will be some support from your father's side.

The overall result during these just over two years are going to be  problems and relief in a mixed form. Some people will have the opportunity to take possession of the ancestral properties that have been under dispute or litigation until now - but with great efforts.

Relationship in the mother's side will remain normal - not much helpful and in the meantime - not troublesome also - since the 4th place  Kanni is the house of Budhan, a friendly Graha to Sani.   What will be more prominent is that, benefits of your efforts may appear to materialize until the end.  In the end of the day, the benefits will not be on hand.  Or it will be distorted and will not be of any great use.

This will be the peculiar condition of people of Midhunam during this Arthashtama Sani period.

From the 4th place, Sani looks at the Raasi.  This will have its impact on your mindset.  You will become mentally tired and rather dull.  This will affect your day to day decision making process.  You will get fed up at the happenings and will not be able to make the right decisions in the right time.

This may also have its impact on your well-being, in other words on your health.  Being in the 4th place and aspecting the Raasi itself, will impair your health.  Sani in the 4th house may also cause anxiety about the mother's health.

But Guru is still there in the 9th place.  He is there to give you a raise in your living standards, make your day to day experiences a course of happiness and pleasure.

But Arthashtama Sani will not permit it.  This is where things will look like happening because Guru endeavours to have your things done and in the end of it, Sani obstructs it.

Sani aspects the 10th place also.  It will create some problems in livelihood.  The job or business may get affected.  Still then, since the Lord of the 10th place Guru is in the 9th house, you will handle it with diligence and somehow be able to survive the situation.

Sani aspects the 6th house.   This will cause some financial strain.  In the meantime, Guru, the Dhana

Karakan in the 9th house will provide the opportunities and strength to handle the situation.  The result will be raising liabilities, mostly an unwanted situation in the present conditions.   Money flow will be there. But inflow of money will not be adequate to meet the out flow.

Some litigation or financial disputes may arise.   In the meantime, you will also raise new liabilities contemplating investments.  While Sani in the 4th place is a source of all these problems, he will also create liabilities for investment in land and building.

Family relationships will not be that much harmonious.  There will be differences between husband and wife.  You may have the grievance that your family does not recognize your constraints because of your business or profession.

Generally, the first 3 months after Sani Peyarchi, the second half of 2010 and the second half of 2011 will be a tough period for you.  During the rest of the periods, the strain of Arthshtama Sani will not be that much hard felt.

For employed persons, time is partially tough.  There may be a sudden change or transfer to a new area or new place - not of your preference - but you will have to accept it.

The rise in remuneration you gained because of Guru in the 9th house will be drained because of the change of work.  

There may be misunderstanding between your boss and you.  You may not be able to settle down with your colleagues.  With all these, you have no option to open your mouth even for a murmur.  If you pen, it may result in aggravating the situation and will further impair your progress in career.

For people in business or profession, do not make any hasty decision about business.  New business contracts may appear to be coming.  It may also warrant some incidental expenses.  In the end of the day, it will disappoint you.  You will have a good money flow.  But expenses will be greater than the income.  This will drive you towards new liabilities.

The best practice at this point of time is to stay away from new ventures or new developmental work in business.

Be content with the existing business.  Tighten the belt to avoid new business liabilities.  Anyway, Guru in the 9th house and then in the 10th house will help you going.

Artists will find a tough time.  In the face of your presence you will see that an opportunity which will very much fit your abilities will be going into the hands of somebody else.   You need to maintain restraints.  It may be a close friend of yours who ignores you and gives the opportunity to somebody else.  You only have to handle the situation with a smiling face and with ease.  If you get agitated, it will take a stake on your future opportunities.

Somehow, you will have a reasonable money flow.  The problem is, it will not be enough to maintain yourself and your show.  Somehow you have to adjust.  Be cautious not to raise a new liability to keep things going.  It will only aggravate the situation.

It is safe that you do not allow anyone, even your own close friends that you are trying hard to make both ends meet.   If others know that you are financially suffering a bit, you will find yourself  in a hot spot .     7. Kataga Raasi  Somehow, you have managed your Ezharai Andu Sani.  You are getting relieved of it now.  After a day long hard work, when you relax, the relief is something great.  It is an exceptional feeling.  You are going

to have it.

When you relax, it is not that all your problems are gone for ever.  But now you can sigh in the sense of relief.

Kataga Raasi people normally have the courage and wisdom to handle any tough situation   the in which you handled your time in the past is going to vouch its rewards now.

Sani is now in the 3rd place.  In the first around 3 months Guru is 7th place.  This gives relatively an advantage where you can assess your past and measure your future.

When Guru moves into Kumbam, it becomes your Ashtama Guru and will be giving some headache for a year.

Even then, Ashtama Guru and Thrithiya Sani (3rd place Sani) will not stop any impending Subha Karya in the family.

If a marriage is due in your family, it will happen during this first one year in spite of the fact that there is Ashtama Guru.

Relatives will reunite with you.  There will be inflow of guests and friends and relatives will share their happiness with you and your family.

Financial flow will be tight for an year - but will not be problematic.  After one year, it will also ease.

There will be some health concerns about the health of the father or grand father.  It may attract medical expenses.  But there is no room for anxiety.  Health and well being of the children may cause some anxiety.  

There will be some setback, in some cases, in the employment of the children.  Exceptionally with some, loss of job may also affect the children.  

This will give some mental worry.  But children will regain their position during 2011 or early 2010.  8. Simma Raasi  What is turbulence in life?  You would have had it enough during the past around 5 years since you commenced your Ezharai Andu Sani.

Particularly when Sani was in Simham itself, it would have been too difficult to pass through the period of over two years.

Out of Makam,  Pooram and Uthiram (1st Paadam) Nakshatras falling within Simham, Makam and Uthiram would have suffered to the highest level.  Pooram Nakshatras would have had a marginal escape from the problems.

Still then progress in life would have only been a remote possibility.  

Sustaining the existing position itself would have been a matter of worry for Pooram and for the other two Nakshatras Makam and Uthiram, living itself would have been the experiment of time.

In the normal course, Simham is one of the Raasis worst affected because of Ezharai Andu Sani, Ashtama Sani and Arthashtama Sani periods.

Since now, Sani is moving into the 2nd place Kanni, it is called Paada Sani and there will be change.

Change - not in the sense that things are going to change upside down and everything is going to boom up. The change will reduce the intensity or severity of Ezharai Andu Sani.  The Sun will not blow so hot as in Simha (Janma) Raasi.  This period of Paada Sani will not be as severe as it was in the case of Janma Sani.  This will be less and a little better than before.

You can breathe and look around you.  You will be able to think and decide what can be done either to step forward or as a damage control exercise.

You will continue to have financial burdens, but the pressure will reduce by and large.  The money flow was totally stalled during the Janma Sani period.  This will relax now.  You will have money flow but it will be inadequate.

During this period there are chances that the mother's health will be affected to some extent and you will have to incur medical expenses.

Some persons will have to mortgage or sell ancestral properties and pay off their liabilities during this period. Avoid all promises, assurances, commitments etc.  Do not guarantee any performance of anyone.  

People from abroad will be of some help.  You may also have some opportunities to travel abroad on account of profession or business.

Parental relationships will strain.  Particularly, your father may turn a hard face and may not tend to be helpful.  Be cautious in your relationship with the bureaucrats.  Your relationship with Government Agencies will appear to be helpful - but you can not actually derive anything out of it.  You may receive promises and it will remain only literal promises and will not be kept up.  Of course you may listen to reasons why it is not done.  You will have reasons but not results.

Impending Subha Karya like marriages will materialize in the family during this period, in spite of your tight financial situation.

Untiring efforts will be necessary to obtain small benefits.  You will have to work hard.  But the yield will not match the hard work you have put in.

When compared to Janma Sani this period is better.  But you are not all out of it.  Something will be done materially with great efforts.  You may also derive some benefits out of your untiring efforts.  But the result will be negligible when compared to your efforts.

Family relationships will remain normal with a lip tight heaviness.  Everyone will have one grievance or the other.  They may not reveal.  May not speak out.  But in something remains in everyone's mind. Considering your tough time, they will not speak out their grievances.

Another two years will be tough - but manageable. You will have to take great efforts to have small things done.  There will be insufficient money flow which will only help you pass the day - but not enough to make a progress.

For employed persons, this is another tough period.  Last Janma Sani was tough and this Paada Sani is going to be a little less.  Still problems will persist.

Be cautious in your relationships with your employer, seniors and even colleagues.   Anything you speak in good spirit may be misconstrued and will be misrepresented. Your boss or superiors will not be sympathetic or kind to you in spite of all your hard work.  

 9. Vrichiga Raasi  It could have been a period that you suffered some character assassination during the past over two years.  You would not have done something to distort your social image.  

Even if you have not done anything, your name in your society would have suffered some setback - maybe for no fault of yours.

This could have also had some impact on your health.  Some people even might have suffered cardiac problems or problems arising out of blood pressure.  

It should have rather created a fear as if something serious was there about your health.

With something exceptional in your qualities or talents, you could have tried to venture into something which would have ended up nowhere except earning an ill fame for you.

All these could also have flattened your economy and financial benefits.

The coming period of over two years is going to be diagonally opposite in its net results.  You will stand to gain  Some will have occasions for romantic relations.  You have to be cautious that you do not fall in any trap or get entangled with the romantic relations or which paves a way for distorting your image again.  You have to be cautious.

Financially this period is going to be a period of high returns.  Money flow will be adequate and surplus funds will also be there.  People engaged in agriculture or trade in agricultural commodities and grains will stand to gain to a good extent.

Even for those who are not in agriculture or related areas of trade, this period will give a rise financially.

Opportunities from abroad will be beneficial to some extent - but utmost care is necessary in dealing with overseas opportunities whether in trade industry or commerce.

During this period, you will put in extra efforts which will keep you busy all the time.

Family relationships will be cordial.  Some Subha Karya is also likely in the family.  This will also attract additional expenses.  But you will be in a comfortable position to meet the expenses and will be more than willing and happy to spend on account of such a Subha Karya.

Health of the spouse - for some people - may be a matter of worry.  It will only be a small ailment and you will be carried away with worries for almost nothing.

Long pending arrears will get collected.  Disputes and Litigations will find a favourable solution. Generally this period of over two years will be great for you   Business People and Professionals will find this period as exceptionally performing.  Turn over and profits will be adequate.  Money flow will be easy.  Finances will be well within control.  Liabilities will reduce. You will be able to leap forward in the business or profession during this period.

Business contracts and assignments will work out and will be profitable.  You can initiate action for any

new business ventures or projects you have been planning or dreaming for long.

Yet, caution is necessary that you do not take up such projects during this time that completion of the infrastructure and commencement of business takes too long.  

Long term preparatory process will result in a dull beginning and a strain for a good start.

Employed persons will be more than happy about the changes that are ahead.  Appraisals and salary revisions will be by and far satisfactory.  

Your performance in your work place will receive recognition and you will also the benefits of your performance.  It is difficult that your performance will be publicly appreciated though you will be well recognized.

Change in the areas of functions or transferred to desired location are possible.  People expecting promotions will get it - but not to the level of your expectation.  Your promotional level will be scaled down and you will not get that much significance as you are really worth.

Financially you will be comfortable during this period.  There may be some health issues worrying exceptionally for some.

For Artists, this will be a period of mixed response.  Financially it will be alright.  You will have good opportunities and good financial benefits.  Making a reputation out of your performance will be a near dream.  Financial benefits will not bring together the associated fame and popularity or recognition.  Yet, you will have good and cordial relationship with everyone including the co-artists and the event organizers or owners.

In general, this will be a period with enough of financial progress.  About the significance and reputation, you will have grievances underneath your mind.  10. Dhanur Raasi  You would have had a good deal of encouraging events during the last over two years.

Just as a matter of having been relieved from the Ashtama Sani period, the period would have given some experiences that you can be happy about.

Also, there would have been a situation when your financial position was rather tightened at times, particularly when Guru was in your Janma Raasi and prior to that partly in the 12th place.

Some would have rather had to suffer a separation from family on account of job or business.  There could have also been situations of separation under distress.

Now because Sani is moving into the 10th house, things do not appear to turn upside down.

The consoling factor about the present change is that - by inherent nature the character of the house into which Sani is now going to move.

When last Sani Peyarchi took place, Sani was moving into Simham, which was altogether his inimical house and the Lord of Simham Sooriya Baghwan being an arch rival to Sani.

Now characteristically there is a change.  When Sani moves into Kanni, which is his friendly house and also the Lord of Kanni Budhan Baghwan is a fiendly Graha to Sani.

Basically,  the Lord of Dhanur Raasi Guru Baghwan and Sani Baghwan being opposite to each other by

character, though being to neutral to each other, the weightage  of the relationship of Sani with Kanni Raasi and Budhan carries some significance.

With Raahu offing into Janma Raasi and Guru moving into the 3rd house Kumbam, there will be a complex situation of good and bad.

This will result in displacement for some and displacement to overseas countries to some others. Shri Sani Baghwan Some may even have to loose their jobs or a still position come to prevail for people in professions, trade and industry.

For the fist one year commencing this Sani Peyarchi, the period will be a tough game to play with.

During the overall period of over 2 years when Sani is going to traverse in Kanni, though Sani is not going to be hostile to Dhanur Raasi as it will be to some other Raasis, the period is going to be a period of efforts and experiences rather than being a period of consolation.

Some people will have to face a reduction in their respective levels, some people will have to leave the job, profession or business, some people will have to displace to other locations and some people will have go overseas countries for a survival. Those who have the opportunity to stick to their profession, business or job, will have to face a reduction in their economic status and for some in social status also.

For those who are already in foreign countries, may have a compelling situation where they will have to contemplate returning to their homelands.

Use the best judgment and then decide in such crucial occasions.

The one opportunity that Dhanur Raasi has over other Raasis is that, Dhanur Raasi people are accommodative in general and Sani will also not be so virulent in its present place.

The above is the overall position of Dhanur Raasi as rendered by the present Sani Peyarchi.  With the soft behaviour of Sani in Kanni, several people will be able to manage the situation by adapting to lesser remuneration and tightening their belts.

When you feel that you can not manage with less, you may have to face any one of the above consequences.

In the second half the period when Sani is in Kanni Raasi, there will be unpleasant or  unhappy news from the close relatives.

General health and family health will normally be a matter of concern and will inevitably incur expenses.

People already suffering neurological disorders will have to take extra strains.

Having Guru in the likely position of moving into your 3rd house will add to the trying times.

With Guru moving into the 3rd place in December, and Raahu Kethu moving into the 1st and 7th places, this Sani Peyarchi will also have its impact on the family's health causing worries and expenses.

There will be financial pressure with the overall economic status slowing down resulting in increasing liabilities.

Persons on own business will find the business in the low ebb with inadequate profits and increasing expenses.  Co-operation from workers will be poor.  Utmost caution is necessary in the case of creating new liabilities.

Almost no new business contracts will be coming up.  It will be a task if the existing business contracts are executed without any flaw.  There may be offers for short circuit ventures and do not fall pry of such unwanted attractions.

Postpone any new venture or business development plans for atleast another one year when Guru moves into your 4th place.

For persons in employment will face dislocations.  You may face a transfer to a new location which is not upto your taste or you may be shifted to a new area of work with which you will not be satisfied.

You may have to work under stiff conditions with no proper environment provided.  

Do not expect any revision or increase in salary or other remunerations.  It is enough if you are able to sustain the present job.

In some cases, you may be compelled to accept even a reduction in compensation.  You may be given the options between a lesser salary and no job.

You will have to tighten your belt necessarily and accept the reduced salary - atleast to keep yourself going.

In some cases, you may even have to leave the job.

Some people will be impelled to accept a foreign assignment with the only object of continuing in job. There may not be adequate financial compensation and yet you will have to accept it to keep yourself going with your job.

Artists can just make a survival.

Artists will find rare opportunities with low compensations or rewards which will be a disguise.

You should be happy that you are having the opportunity to prove your presence in the field.  This is not time when you can worry about the financial benefits or the importance given to your talents.  This is time that you keep yourself showing that you very much exist in the field.

If you care about the financial benefits or if you are concerned about the importance given to your performance, it is difficult that you get the opportunity itself.

This is time that you act in a preventive and cautious manner and ensure their survival rather than trying to better from what you are already in.  11. Kumba Raasi  This is going to be Ashtama Sani period for Kuma Raasi.  During the last over two years, you would have had some opportunities to go abroad and make a decent living.

You would have had the occasion to enjoy life in the way you liked it.  Some persons might have had some romantic experience also in the past.

In the overall, the past over two years would have been a period to satisfy your tastes - whether or not it served your objectives.

Now, time has come that you undergo a level of turbukance in life.  There will appear to be uncertainity about the livelihood and career.  If it were some other Raasi other than Kumbam, it could be easily

concluded that survival will be a stake.  It is normally believed that Sani is soft towards some Raasis including Kumbam.

So, you can expect to have increased levels of difficulties in finances, family relations, social relations. Worries about health may also creep up in some cases.

Unlike in the case of other Raasis, probabilities for a stake in career is very remote in the case of Kumba Raasi.

But there will be other problems.  Relationships will suffer.  Finances will suffer.  There will be loss of money.  Liabilities will increase and give more pressure.  In some cases, health will also be affected.

The period of over two years when Sani is going to traverse in Kanni, will make you tired, skeptical about survival in business, profession or career.  There will always be a consistent fear about what next or a fear about the future.

Guru is now in your 12th place.  This will give room for severe financial stress and worries.

But as a healing factor, Raahu moving into your 11th place will provide some solace.  From any critical position, Raahu is in a position to save you.  This will ensure that though there will be tough finance, you will be able to handle it with some level of ease.

Though this Ashtama Sani period is bound to be a very bitter experience in life, in your case, it is not going to be that much tough.

It gives problems and as well solutions.  You will suffer and also you will be able to manage the show.

Misunderstanding may develope within the family every now and then.  Family health will attract a bad name as if you do not care enough for them.

There will be some loss of credibility.  This can not be avoided.  You will have to face it and taste the bitter pills.

Family, social and business relationships will suffer some setback - but you will be - on and off - able to overcome it with minimal damage.

Persons in business or profession will find a tough time in finance.  Turn over and profits will not be sufficient.  This will result in straining relationships with your business contacts.

Unlike some other Raasis, you will not sustain a total damage to the business or profession - still there will only prevail a dull note in the business activities.

Persons employed will find their relationship with their employer or superiors a straining one.  Howmuch ever you are sincere and hard working, the pretty small errors you commit by oversight or tiredness will result in serious damages.  This will spoil your relationship with your boss.

Some people will have a different experience.  The great things, hard work and sincerety you have exhibited hitherto will not surface to any attention.  But a small negligible error will be wilfully magnified to distort your image.

Some people may have a miserable change in their work place.  Either you will be reduced to a lower level or you will be impelled to accept a lower level of salary or compensation.

All there bad situations are only transient.  There are intermittent periods when your time will be supported by Guru advancing into Meena Raasi for a short period of time.

With this status and the status of Raahu in the 11th place will keep you safe - in spite of a reduction that you will have to face.

Again, reiterating that Kumbam is one of the Raasis on which Sani is soft, any serious damage in the employment need not be feared in spite of being on Ashtama Sani.

Artists do not appear to fare well during this period of over two years.  It will be a period of dull note for them.

Some marginal activities will be there every now and then giving a breathing gap.

Otherwise, chances for bright performances and remuneration to the level that actually you deserve, will be at a far distance.

You will have to pass though the period of over two years of Ashtama Sani, before you can rise to the level you actually deserve,

Until then, howmuch ever is the hard work you put in, it will be difficult to shine.

You will have to be necessarily patient until the time re-opens by the close of 2011.

It is essential that you maintain and improve your relations, whether or not you are able obtain material benefits.  Finances will be tough, though you will have intermittent relief.  12. Meena Raasi Life appeared to be light and the way easy going for several Meena Raasi people in the past around two and half years.

Sani Baghwan was merciful when he was in the 6th place Simham.

Kethu in Katagam and Raahu in Makaram would have given some worries about the children and Raahu in Makaram would have maintained a balancing posture, giving elements of happiness in various aspects of day to day life.

Though the association of Raahu and Guru with Raahu and the Neecham state of Guru in Maharam would have bothered you with some problems during the past one year, and the Athisarram of Guru into the 12th house would have been a matter of some concern,  Guru in the 11th place would have also given the cheers of time and life would have appeared a breeze.  

The two major Grahas Guru and Sani were in a quiet comfortable position in the last one year- though with some constraints - they could have made day to day life an experience of happiness and cheers.

Now some reverses in the overall picture are underway after Sani moves into your 7th place, Guru moving into the 12th place and Raahu and Kethu moving into the 10th and 4th places respectively.

During this period there are likely to be some financial reverses.  The personality you have been able to exihibit would have attracted many an eye in the past.  Now there will be clouds in the nature of social relations which will have an adverse impact on your personality.

People who recognized you for your qualities will look at you with a different eye.  Mostly, youngsters should be cautious in their relationship with the outside world.  For some people some relationship will develope with persons not consistent with your status.  This will have a say on your status and your social relationships.  

Be cautious about your romantic relationships. Some persons may have romantic relationship with a

person not to the mark of your social standing and status.   It may also spoil your name in the society.

Persons too affectionate towards their parents, in particular towards the mother and not willing to part with them, will have compelling situations for a separation from parents.  

The profitability or gain you have been enjoying during the past will begin to decline.  Financial flow will tighten up.  You will have to take some strains to keep up your commitments.  In some cases, keeping up a committment itself will become a matter of question.  This will have an adverse impact on the credibility you have been enjoying until now.

Family relationship will be a somewhat unharmonious.  Sani's 10th aspect on Suga Sthanam will have a stake on your comforts of life, including marital relations.  Some persons will have to go far away separating from the family for the sake of survival.  Some will have to go abroad for making a living.  In any case, the comforts of family relationship will suffer some setback.

Even travelling abroad or moving to a far away place may not bring in the much expected growth.  Since Sani also looks at the Bakya Sthanam by his 3rd aspect, the prospects of making good remuneration will be impaired.  The overseas travel or travel to a distant place on account of profession or business is not likely to render any high benefit in terms of remuneration.  It will stand at the stage that somehow you can manage and not beyond it.

But the situation will not be alarming.  Since the past period had been too comfortable and since problems now creep up and you are put into task, you will feel like having a turbulent time.  This period is going to be a step below what you have been hitherto.  Since the past had been too good, this regression will have greater psychological impact than physical losses.

People in business or profession will find this period a little harder than the past.  Turn over and profits will reduce and expenses will mount.   You will find it a little difficult to manage the deficit finances.  You may have to create new liabilities to manage the situation.

Persons in employment will also find a little harder time.  Some persons may have to loose their job and will have to move to far away places or to travel abroad.  The new job either within the country or in a foreign country may not be that much lucrative as it had been in the past.  Working environment will also be a little uncomfortable.  You will have to make a lot of mental compromise in your work place.

People who are lesser than you in their merits will be sitting on your shoulders and giving you unqualified instructions and you will have to obey them.  This will create the kind of mental unrest and at times some loss of credit.  But you will have to bear with it.

Persons in the areas of Arts will have opportunities.  You will also perform well.  Only the remuneration will not be up to the mark.  Persons with lesser talents and lesser performance will stand to gain better than you and you will have to be a calm spectator.

Mental peace will apear to be at loss.  Being Meena Raasi, you are capable of adjusting yourself and making the conditions workable for you.  Handle any situation with a smiling face.  Do not get agitated at the injustice done to you.  It will only further aggravate the conditions and take you to worse from bad.

It is most important that you remain unruffled under any compelling situations.

In the overall, this is going to be a period of very moderate results.  Efforts will be more.  Results will be less - for the time-being.     


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