Download - SAP Add Lang

  • Login to client 000

    Go to t-code > i18n ->i18n Customizing -> i18n System configuration

    Then press ADD

  • Click Add and insert RU for Russian. Then click Activate

  • Press yes .

    Press Simulate to get the parameter that will be changed

  • Then go to rz10 and change the parameter

    Reboot the System and start it again

  • go to t-code smlt ->language>classify

  • Click the Import Language to the newly classified language

  • After importing the languages, you must also import the language data in the Support Packages. To do this, perform the following steps: 1. Start transaction SMLT. 2. Select a language. 3. Choose Language Special Actions Import Support Packages.

  • Now, back in SMLT, set English as the supplementation language for the newly installed language. (must be done on each client )

    Check For the Language

  • After finishing can start testing now

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