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Sapienza University of Rome


(ERASMUS MUNDUS MASTER IN ARCHaeological MATerials Science)

Scienze e Tecnologie per la Conservazione dei Beni Culturali

Environmental archaeology from a Roman Villa at Spoletino (Viterbo, Italy)

Seba Mayya - 1823828


Donatella Magri

Alessandra Celant

Emanuela Borgia

Academic Year 2018/2019

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My thesis focuses on the reconstruction of environmental conditions and land use in the Tiber

Valley during the 1st century AD, as highlighted by a combination of archaeological and

archaeobotanical studies. The study site is a cistern connected with a Roman Villa at Spoletino,

in the province of Viterbo, which was a very important rural site of central Italy during the Roman

Imperial Age. The importance of the site lays in the exceptional richness of different kinds of

materials, especially in a high quantity of pottery pertaining to various typologies (from domestic

to storage use), recovered from a large cistern and studied within a collaboration between

Sapienza Università di Roma (Dipartimento di Biologia Ambientale and Dipartimento di Scienze

dell’Antichità) and the Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici of Università di Roma Tre. The

discovery of the cistern, with its important artifacts, dates back to 2014 and the excavation works

continued until 2018: the site retains a special attention as the region’s organization in the Roman

period is quite unknown, whereas it was of fundamental significance for its advantageous

position within the Tiber valley granting a direct connection to Rome itself. Multiple

methodological approaches were used to study plant micro- and macroremains, including pollen,

diatoms, and charcoal, identified through light and stereomicroscope, as well as through

Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (ESEM). The results shed light on the natural

conditions of the area surrounding the Roman Villa during the early Roman Imperial Age as

indicated by pollen analysis, on the aquatic environment of the cistern reconstructed through

diatoms, and on the human activity towards exploitation of the natural resources and cultivation

of fruit trees, as provided by charcoal analysis, complemented by pollen data. The main floristic

elements of the surrounding woodlands were deciduous and evergreen oaks, accompanied by

other tree taxa, such as elms. My data suggest intentional plantation and management of Olea,

Juglans and possibly Prunus, while herbaceous taxa indicate agropastoral activities in the

Spoletino area. The variety and complementarity of plant remains provide new insights into the

relation between man and landscape in the Roman times, in this strategic area in the Tiber Valley

that was until now uninvestigated from both the archaeological and archaeobotanical points of


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No work is made in isolation and I would like to take this time to express my thanks and

gratitude to the people who have directly and indirectly contributed to this academic work.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my advisor Prof. Donatella Magri and my

co-advisor Prof. Alessandra Celant for the inspiration and support during my study and research.

For all the patience, motivation, knowledge and extreme positivity. Also would like to thank my

co-advisors Prof. Emanuela Borgia for guidance, indispensable knowledge and assistance

through every step of my research and all the support gave it to me during my studying of this

master, and Prof. Marcello Spanu for providing research material and much-needed information

about archeological context. I would like to thank Prof. Federico Di Rita, for his generosity in

answering any question or inquiry or providing me with any information I need.

I would also like to express my appreciation to the program coordinator Prof. Nick

Schiavon, I am thankful for all the support and helping to join this program especially after many

problems of my visa. Moreover, thanks for the rest of the professors for providing the opportunity

for this overall experience. The laboratory training and the classes have imparted valuable skills

without which none of this could have been possible.

Actually, I couldn't find any word can express my gratitude for who were always there

for me as an inexhaustible and continuous source of my strength, and support in all whatever

they can, even in many times more than their ability, who are always protect me with their

praying and their faith, father my greatest teacher, mother my Guardian Angel. I am so proud to

be your daughter, also my gratitude goes to all my eight brothers and sisters, and I love you all.

My special thanks and gratitude goes to my husband for his patience, and standing behind

me and motivating continuous, helping and supporting me in such a difficult time before and

during this master.

I would like also to express my thanks to my second family in Italy. Buccini family with

them, I did not feel I am alone. Thankful to Anna Maria, Luigi and their daughters and son.

My thankful for all my sincere friends, I would like to thank you for honest advice and

supporting, helping, I love you, Nancy Badra, Mafalda, Fabrizio, Laura, and Anna.

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Abstract: .................................................................................................................................... 1

Acknowledgments .................................................................................................................... 2

Contents .................................................................................................................................... 3

Figure index .............................................................................................................................. 4

Table Index ............................................................................................................................... 6

1- INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 7

2- HISTORY OF THE SITE ................................................................................................. 9

3- SELECTION OF THE SAMPLES ................................................................................. 14

4- Methodologies and Experimental Analysis ..................................................................... 18

4 - 1 Materials ..................................................................................................................... 18

4 - 2 Samples preparation .................................................................................................... 26

4 -3 Instruments ................................................................................................................... 36

5- RESULTS ........................................................................................................................ 37

5 – 1 - Charcoal ................................................................................................................... 37

5 – 2 - Pollen ....................................................................................................................... 41

5 - 3- Diatoms ...................................................................................................................... 45

6- DISCUSSION .................................................................................................................. 63

6 – 1- Charcoal .................................................................................................................... 63

6 – 2 - Pollen ....................................................................................................................... 63

6 - 3 - Diatoms ..................................................................................................................... 67

7- CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................... 69

8- REFERENCES ................................................................................................................ 71

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Figure index

Figure 1: Google map of Spoletino site ........................................................................................ 7

Figure 2: Location of Spoletino, detail. I. G. M.F. 137. NO Castiglione in Teverina and I. G. M.

F. 137, I. SO AttigIiano (from Mara Elefante thesis) ................................................................ 11

Figure 3: Aerial photo of Spoletino cistern 2015. © Spoletino archive (University of Roma

Tre). ............................................................................................................................................ 12

Figure 4: The plane of the cistern with the location of sediments samples, samples group 1

(layer US 201, 202) 2015 and sample group 2 (layer US 201) 2018. ........................................ 17

Figure 5: Three anatomical sections for wood analysis (Transversal, Tangential, and Radial),

with visible elements (vessels, tracheids, rays, and parenchyma) (Schweingruber, 1990). ....... 20

Figure 6: The number and the disposition of pollen grains in dyads, tetrads and polyads......... 21

Figure 7: The size and shape of pollen grain .............................................................................. 22

Figure 8: The different types of aperture, and the number of apertures ..................................... 23

Figure 9: The different ornamentation of pollen grains ............................................................. 24

Figure 10: Division Bacillariophyta (Diatoms) .......................................................................... 24

Figure 11: the general features of Diatoms ( 25

Figure 12: The treatment of the samples with water and oxygen peroxide (H2O2), and wet

sieving ......................................................................................................................................... 27

Figure 13: Sieving and drying process of the soil ...................................................................... 28

Figure 14: Steps of preparation of pollen samples. .................................................................... 32

Figure 15: Chart explaining the preparation of diatom samples. ............................................... 34

Figure 16: Processes of removing salts soluble in hydrochloric acid (HCl, 7%), and samples in

water bath. .................................................................................................................................. 35

Figure 17: The samples before and after purification with distilled water. ................................ 35

Figure 18: Transversal section of deciduous Quercus from Spoletino. Visible rays and porous

ring. ............................................................................................................................................. 39

Figure 19: Transversal section of Prunus sp. from Spoletino..................................................... 40

Figure 20: Tangential section of Prunus sp. from Spoletino. ..................................................... 40

Figure 21: Radial section of Prunus sp. from Spoletino. ............................................................ 41

Figure 22: Pollen grain of Olea .................................................................................................. 43

Figure 23: Pollen grain of Pinus ................................................................................................. 43

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Figure 24: Pollen grain of Amaranthaceae ................................................................................. 44

Figure 25: Pollen grain of Alnus ................................................................................................ 44

Figure 26: Achnanthes hungarica (Grunow) Grunow in Cleve & Grunow 1880: the valve with

the raphe. Scale bar is 10 μm. ..................................................................................................... 48

Figure 27: Achnanthes hungarica (Grunow) Grunow in Cleve & Grunow 1880: the valve

without the raphe. Scale bar is 10 μm. ....................................................................................... 48

Figure 28: Achnanthes cf delicatula (Kutzing) Grunow. Scale bar is 10 μm. ............................ 49

Figure 29: Achnanthes cf delicatula (Kutzing) Grunow. Scale bar is 10 μm. ............................ 49

Figure 30: Epithemia turgida (Ehrenberg) Kützing 1844. Scale bar is 10 μm. .......................... 50

Figure 31: Navicula cf. concentrica Carter.1981. Scale bar is 10 μm. ....................................... 51

Figure 32: Nitzschia sp. Scale bar is 10 μm. .............................................................................. 52

Figure 33: Gomphonema clavatum Ehrenberg 1832. Scale bar is 10 μm. ................................. 53

Figure 34: Pinnularia microstauron (Ehrenberg) Cleve 1890. Scale bar is 10 μm. .................... 54

Figure 35: Pinnularia borealis Ehrenberg 1843. Scale bar is 10 μm. ......................................... 55

Figure 36: Aulacoseira italica (Ehrenberg) Simonsen 1979. Scale bar is 10 μm. ..................... 56

Figure 37: Amphora veneta Kützing 1844. Scale bar is 10 μm ................................................. 57

Figure 38: Amphora veneta Kützing 1844. Scale bar is 10 μm. ................................................ 57

Figure 39: Amphora montana Krasske 1932. ............................................................................. 58

Figure 40: Hantzschia amphioxys (Ehrenberg) W. Smith 1880. Scale bar is 10 μm. ............... 59

Figure 41: Epithemia adnata (Kutzing) Brebisson. Scale bar is 10 μm...................................... 60

Figure 42: Cyclotella ocellata Pantocsek 1901. Scale bar is 10 μm. ......................................... 61

Figure 43: Neidium septentrionale Clever-Euler1939. Scale bar is 10 μm. ............................... 61

Figure 44: Surirella brebissonii Krammer & Lange-Bertalot. Scale bar is 10 μm. .................... 62

Figure 45: Chart of the Arboreal vs Non-Arboreal Pollen ......................................................... 65

Figure 46: Chart of the percentage of the Arboreal Pollen ........................................................ 66

Figure 47: Chart of the percentage of the Non Arboreal Pollen ................................................. 66

Figure 48: Chart of fresh water Diatoms/ brackish Diatoms ...................................................... 67

Figure 49: Freshwater diatoms ................................................................................................... 68

Figure 50: Brackish diatoms ....................................................................................................... 68

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Table Index

Table 1: The sample sediments analyzed in this thesis .............................................................. 17

Table 2. The five categories of retrieved charcoal ..................................................................... 38

Table 3: Results of pollen analysis of sample US 201 ............................................................... 42

Table 4: Characteristics of the taxa of diatoms from Spoletino and their environmental

distribution .................................................................................................................................. 46

Table 5: Classification of the diatom taxa according to the Freshwater/Brackish environment 47

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The importance of the Roman Villa at Spoletino lies in its location, in the Tiber Valley,

and in the important findings discovered in a cistern during the excavations of 2014/2018. Through

a series of archaeological excavations in the modern site of Spoletino (Civitella d'Agliano, VT) the

cistern was completely excavated and revealed many archaeological objects coming from the villa.

The excavations were carried out as part of a memorandum of understanding signed in 2014,

between the Soprintendenza Archeologica, delle Belle Arti e del Paesaggio per l’area metropolitana

di Roma, la provincia di Viterbo e l’Etruria Meridionale, the University of Roma Tre and the

municipal administration of Civitella d'Agliano (VT). The cooperation aimed at carrying out

intensive and extensive archaeological research in the municipality, with particular regard to the

village of Spoletino-Torricella and the surrounding area. The results of the excavations are still

unpublished and are property of the Director of the excavation, prof. Marcello Spanu, University of

Roma Tre, and of the Soprintendenza (dott.ssa Maria Letizia Arancio): to both of them goes my

biggest gratitude for giving me the opportunity of working on these materials (See figure 1).

Figure 1: Google map of Spoletino site

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This site contains a wide range of archaeological information that were uncovered through

multiple sessions of survey and exploration. The main building is a big cistern filled up in two

different phases, one during the 1st century AD and the second one in the 4th or 5th century AD,

revealing that in the nearby area a big Roman and Late Roman villa existed. The villa has not been

identified yet, whereas the cistern was discovered in 2006 during cultivation activities.

The thesis project aims at studying the macroscopic and microscopic remains found in the

filling of the cistern, in order to investigate and reconstruct the environmental situation of the

Spoletino villa, during the 1st century AD.

Therefore, the work could be a valuable and important evidence in order to understand the

overall situation when the villa was existing. Thanks to the analyses, it will be possible to understand

if the villa was the center of agricultural production. The fact that is also confirmed by the important

discoveries found within the cistern, a fundamental appendix to the villa itself. These data will be

presented in the context of this work, depending and being rooted on the theories and assumptions

of the archeologists working there.

Moreover, the record of the climate in that period and the promotion of the human cycle

and activity in this context will be examined. The relationship between the presence of the cistern

in this area and the process of agricultural production is based on samples taken from one of the

stratigraphic layers within the reservoir. This work was carried out in collaboration between the

Dipartimento di Biologia Ambientale and Scienze dell’Antichità, Sapienza University of Rome and

the Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, University of Roma Tre.

The results will be in combination with the hypothesis of the archaeologists, and the

perspective about the life within the villa includes the correlation between the findings and the

human activities, related to the study of archaeological layers. In addition, the importance and role

of the cistern in the region will be analyzed also using archaeometry, to improve or support the

archaeological hypothesis. Moreover, the most important aim of this thesis project is to investigate

the archaeological remains for the study of estimated weather changes of human activities, using a

multi-versatile systematic approach.

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The site under examination is located at Spoletino - Torricella, in the municipality of

Civitella d'Agliano (VT). It is in the Tiber Valley, north of Rome, on the right bank of the river,

within a very fertile and cultivated area. We know that in the Roman period this area was rich of

villas, none of which unfortunately has been thoroughly investigated.

Roman villas organization:

While de-urbanization was taking place in the Roman world. Roman society, favored

urban growth as a means to strengthen its political hold on the Mediterranean, although rural in its

origins. Therefore, the Roman rural villa developed as a contrast to the urban village consequence

was a rapid expansion of towns in the 1st century BC and the construction of rural settlements in

their provinces (Matijasic, 1982)

The three main types of Roman rural, which are classified according to the functional

similarities with urban villas in such elements as an architectural project.

1. The luxury design may have a farming establishment integrated into the architectural model, but

the meanwhile represents a continuance of the urban lifestyle. It also expresses the survival of some

of the basic and unchangeable principles of Roman life: individuality and enjoyment of the beauties

of nature (Matijasic, 1982).

2. The second model of the Roman villa is "urban-rural" or working villa is a far more common

category, which consists of a small residential section. Here the pars fructuaria is merged with the

pars urbana; the most of villas in the Roman world fall into this group (Matijasic, 1982).

3. A third category of the Roman villa was serving as the pillar of the Roman economy in the

Mediterranean basin. Which is called Rostovtzeff that depend on “an agricultural factory run by

slaves,” its activities consisting of the intensive processing of agricultural and other productions

(Matijasic, 1982).

Generally, the Roman villas differ on each other in few differences such as the

distribution the parts of the building or the rooms within the villa, or with the way of the decoration

and decorative, but in the meanwhile, they have the main similarity of many characteristics and the

essential architecture plan of buildings. Villas comprise three part the “winter and summer

residences, which have wings, are opening into a portico around the courtyard probably are

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residential, divided into smaller rooms. On the other side of the residential there where the second

part quarter is a cowshed with storeroom, or perhaps a slaves' bedroom, some of the villas have a

constructed of an upper, the villa perhaps are including a big olive-oil plant near it. In addition, part

of the villa with the wheat storage as well. Usually the villa link with cistern, which is necessary for

rainwater collecting and supplying the water to agricultural productions in the farm (Matijasic,


Usually, the best size for a farm (the third part) is a hundred hectare if it includes various

types of soil it is noticeable that on the smallest and most awkward patch of ground the rows of

plants or vines are always exactly placed so that each may obtain its due share of sunlight (Frayn,


According to some written accounts from the end of the last century, the existence of a

villa in the area of Spoletino is confirmed1. Unfortunately, the documents containing the precise

location of the villa were lost and its remains were not uncovered yet. Nevertheless, the memory of

the villa existence has been preserved in the oral tradition and it attracted archaeologists who wished

to identify its location.

In 2006, a preliminary archaeological survey was conducted in the area of interest, due to

the planting of a new vineyard. At this time, the cistern location was recognized. Consequently, in

2014 it was decided to carry out a series of extensive excavations in the area of Spoletino-Torricella,

which are still ongoing. The area of the cistern, located north of the intersection between the Strada

Comunale di Pianucciole and the Strada Comunale dello Spoletino, was protected by a vincolo of

the Soprintendenza Archeologica, delle Belle Arti e del Paesaggio per l’area Metropolitana di Roma,

la provincia di Viterbo e l’Etruria Meridionale (see figure 2).

1 In the late Eighties a small bath building was excavated at some 300 m to the west of the cistern, and maybe it

could be referred to the villa. Other information was obtained by the courtesy of prof. E. Borgia and prof. M.

Spanu who are working at Spoletino, directing the pottery laboratory and the excavation.

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Figure 2: Location of Spoletino, detail. I. G. M.F. 137. NO Castiglione in Teverina and I. G. M. F. 137, I. SO AttigIiano (from

Mara Elefante thesis)

As preliminary operations to the archaeological investigations, in 2014 an initial

topographic mesh was made with the aid of a total station, a prospecting session was carried out

with georadar and the dimension of the campaign plan limited to the area under investigation. The

data suggested the presence of more or less continuous masonry structures, circumscribing an area

of about 40 x 15 m. In the southern sector, there were evident traces of masonry structures,

concomitantly with a height of about 30 cm, which followed an oblique alignment from east to west.

The most important discovery is a very big Roman cistern (see figure 3), which was filled

up with pottery and objects coming from the neighboring villa. The excavation works demonstrated

that the cistern had exceptional dimensions of 42 m x 14 m, being the biggest known example from

the rural area of Etruria at the time. The cistern was built maybe in the Late Republican age in very

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strong opus caementicium according to Vitruvian rules, but its walls are preserved to a maximum

height of 1.80 m, having been partially destroyed during the time, mainly by recent agricultural

activities. The longer walls were provided of two buttresses on each side, to make its structure

stronger. It was not covered, and the water supply was certainly used for irrigation and therefore the

presence of the cistern suggests that the surrounding area was intensively cultivated. The cistern

was filled mainly with rainwater but had a channel in the southeastern wall to take out the water in


Figure 3: Aerial photo of Spoletino cistern 2015. © Spoletino archive (University of Roma Tre).

The samples analyzed in this research come from this filling, datable to the age of Nero.

The southern portion of the cistern continued to be used until the 4th century; it was provided of

hydraulic mortar and had a small staircase in its southwestern corner. This means that the

In the mid-1st century AD the

cistern was divided into two

partitions by a transversal wall

oriented east/west, built in opus

caementicium with facings in

small stones. The northern

portion of the cistern, wider than

the other, came out of use and

was at that time filled with soil

and pottery coming from the

villa, which was in this moment

completed renovated.

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agricultural purposes changed in this period (as the water collected was in a minor quantity), but

that the villa was still existing and connected with cultivation. The villa and the cistern were

completely abandoned in the 4th century AD, as demonstrates the filling of the southern half of the

cistern, in which many building materials from the destroyed villa were uncovered (such as bricks,

mortar, fragments of frescoes, etc.). Even if the research has not been completely finished, the

botanical material recovered in the northern portion of cistern is in sufficient quantity to be studied

and it is characterized by remarkable state of preservation as well, which allows this thesis project

to be carried out. The archaeometrical investigation can serve as supplementary method to the

archaeological research, which in turn helps to better understand past events and reality.

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According to stratigraphic sequence study the samples studied in this project were

selected from two-layers US (201), US (202), both of which filling the northern portion of the cistern

to the 1th century AD, more precisely to the period of Emperor Nero. The samples were chosen due

to the importance of the context and to their good preservation state. According to the features of

the findings, in the layers with household finds (such as pottery, glass vessels, metal objects, etc.),

were thrown and well preserved due to the appropriate wet conditions of the soil. The excavation

work in this part of the cistern was carried out by different trenches, in various years, all of which

were filled up after the work to better preserve the building. The US 201 and 202 were excavated in

2015 when a large L-shaped sounding was opened (see figure 4). It runs for 13.55 m on the entire

north side of the cistern and for 12 m along the western side and was unified with the test named C.

Under the humus layers (UUSS 200 and 300), characterized by heterogeneous archaeological

material scattered because of agricultural use of the land, the US 201 was identified, extended over

the entire area distinguishable above all by the presence of a large amount of pottery and other

materials of big size.

The stratigraphic unity 201 was very compact due not only to its natural clayey matrix

but also to the high concentration of crumbled mortar. As already mentioned, it was characterized

by a considerable amount of different types of archaeological findings, in very high concentration

and in quite good preservation, such as: amphorae, common ware, dolia, mortaria, large containers,

Italic sigillata, oil lamps, vitreous finds, worked bones, loom weights, bronze findings, iron nails

and clamps, tiles, ashlars of travertine, mosaic tesserae, and fragments of plaster (see figure 4).

The materials were not equally distributed within the layer, as they were more

concentrated in the western sector up to about 2 m from the cistern wall, and then thinned out to

extreme sporadicity, proceeding towards the eastern limit.

The stratigraphic unit US 202 was identified and distinguished because of its slightly

different composition and by the smaller quantity of archaeological materials.

The samples of sediment study were obtained in two groups from various sections in both

of the layers and in different periods. The first group was selected in 2015 during the excavation

campaign from the remains of the sediments within the Amphoras and from the sediments

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surrounding the materials as well. The second the group was obtained thanks to a specific sounding

carried out on the eastern portion of the northern area of the cistern in June 2018, in order to

complete the prediction results of the preliminary study of layer US 201. It was 60 x 60 cm wide

and the samples were taken each 5 cm going down until the bottom of the cistern, for a total of 11


In the following table all the information relating to the samples was collected, indicating

the date of excavation, the layer of origin, the type of sample, its provenance (if it was found within

a vessel, the term was reported in Italian as it was indicated from the archaeologists), and the results

of the present investigation.

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Site Date Layer US Type of the sample Provenance Weight of the


SP 2015 201 Sediments with

charcoal 80 g

SP 2015 201 Sample of soil Amphora 12 57 g

SP 2015 201 Sample of soil Amphora 53BIS 30 g

SP 2015 201 Sample of soil Amphora 19 32 g

SP 2015 201 Sample of soil Amphora 18 20 g

SP 2015 201 Sample of soil Amphora 66 11 g

SP 2015 201 Sample of soil Amphora 16 27 g

SP 2015 201 Sample of soil Amphora INTEGRA 42 g

SP 2015 201 Sample of soil olla da giardino n-1 52 g

SP 2015 201 Sample of soil olla da giardino n-2 66 g

SP 2015 201 Sample of soil olla da giardino n-3 51 g

SP 2015 201 Sample of soil vasetto ovoide 35 g

SP 2015 201 Sample of soil Amphora iberica 58 g

SP 2015 201 Charcoal 54 g

SP 2015 201 Charcoal 20 g

SP 2015 201 Charcoal 63 g

SP 2015 201 Charcoal 12 g

SP 2015 201 Charcoal 25 g

SP 2015 201 Under the wall 290 g

SP 2015 201 From the west 379 g

SP 2015 201 From the west 272 g

SP 2015 201 From the west 410 g

SP 2018 201 Sample of soil 0-5 cm 3800 g

SP 2018 201 5-10 cm 2400 g

SP 2018 201 10-15 cm 3300 g

SP 2018 201 15-20 cm ---

SP 2018 201 20-25 cm 1728 g

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SP 2018 201 25-30 cm 2800 g

SP 2018 201 30-35 cm 1554 g

SP 2018 201 35-40 cm 1846 g

SP 2018 201 40-45 cm 1867 g

SP 2018 201 45-50 cm 2000 g

SP 2018 201 50-55 cm 1903 g

Table 1: The sample sediments analyzed in this thesis

Figure 4: The plane of the cistern with the location of sediments samples, samples group 1 (layer US 201, 202) 2015 and

sample group 2 (layer US 201) 2018.

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4- Methodologies and Experimental Analysis

4 - 1 Materials

In general, the archaeological materials are classified according two standards:

Macrofossils >0.2


Wood, roots, seeds, fruits, flowers, leaves, fibres, bones,


Microfossils <0.2


Pollen and spores (missing if there was combustion or

oxidation) phytoliths, diatoms, micro-charcoal

After the sample preparation, I obtained three types of materials, which I will use for the

palaeoenvironmental interpretation of the archaeological site:

A- Charcoal

B- Pollen

C- Diatoms

Plant remains Aims

Charcoal A partial representation of woody plants, cultivated

trees, wood technology

Pollen Reconstruction of natural or human activities,

Human induced vegetation changes through time

Diatoms Reconstruction of the water ecology system

A- Charcoal

Charcoal (anthracological remains) is charred wood, due incomplete combustion by fire.

It is chemically highly inert, so it is not subject to degradation by the action of microorganisms. It

can be preserved for a long time in non-oxidizing environment. Generally, wood undergoes to the

reduction in its volume when it is carbonized and is transformed to a friable material. Thus, it is

recommended to store it in dry and rigid containers, in order to avoid crumbling and fragmentation.

Anthracological remains usually recovered from the archaeological contexts and soil horizons, so

they may present well-preserved anatomical structures that allow their easy identification (Celant

& Coccolini, 2015).

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In order to examine and identify the fragments of charred wood, three anatomical sections

are studied by stereomicroscope and ESEM.

1. Transversal (or cross) section

In this section, it is possible to identify what type of wood it is (softwood/hardwood). The

section of tracheids is generally polygonal (square, angular) while vessels are roundish. In the

wood formed in spring, tracheids, which have a conduction function, are rather large (early wood)

while in summer they are smaller (late wood). This seasonally different size of cells results in the

succession of annual rings. In conifer wood there can be also see resin canals (they may be present

or not) and they are diagnostic for the identification of wood remains.

2. Tangential section (in the direction of the rings)

Vertical elements may be tracheids and vessels, as well as fibres and parenchyma cells in

angiosperm wood. In this section is possible to see the real height of the rays and elements

composing it (See Figure 5). Rays are mostly formed of parenchyma cells but in some conifers,

there may be also tracheids and resin canals in rays.

3. Radial section (along the rays from the centre to outside, crossing the rings)

Vertical elements may be tracheids and vessels, as well as fibres and parenchyma cells in

angiosperm wood. Horizontal elements are rays. In hardwood, perforation plates can be observed

in radial section (Celant & Coccolini, 2015).

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Figure 5: Three anatomical sections for wood analysis (Transversal, Tangential, and Radial), with visible elements

(vessels, tracheids, rays, and parenchyma) (Schweingruber, 1990).


Pollen grains represent the microgametophytes of a seed plant that is the reproductive

“male” structure of plants. They usually have spherical or elliptical form and their size range is

0.01 mm-0.2 mm. The external wall, called “exina” is made by sporopollenin that is a strong and

chemical inert polymer. The presence of sporopollenin allows the preservation of the grains to

chemical and physical processes through time. However, this biological polymer is subject to

rapid oxidation, so the most important factor to preserve pollen grains is an anaerobic context

that does not permit the degradation of the exina. Natural anoxic environment are peat bogs,

swamps, the bottom of the lakes, river and stream sediments.

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Pollen can be dispersed by wind and precipitations in function of the shape, size and type

of pollination, in this way it can be found at considerable distances from the parent plant. The

good preservation and the good dispersion make it the most abundant fossil in many sediments,

so to allow quantitative evaluations and statistic representations of the data even from small

amounts of sediment. With pollen analysis, it is possible to reconstruct past environment

conditions and relate them with past climate and human impact. Therefore, the study of pollen

grains is useful to a comprehensive understanding of past human, vegetation dynamics and to

determine relative proportions of woodland and open vegetation in past landscapes (Smol et al.,



Number and disposition of pollen grains:

The first taxonomic character to be taken into account for a sound identification is the

number and the disposition of pollen grains. We can recognize single pollen grains and aggregate

pollen grains (Figure 6), which can have different numbers (monad, dyads, tetrads and polyads)

and disposition (tetrahedral, tetragonal, rhomboidal, linear, etc.) or be united in a unique structure

called “pollinia” (typical of Orchidaceae) (Moore et al., 1991).

Figure 6: The number and the disposition of pollen grains in dyads, tetrads and polyads

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The size and shape (e.g., oblate, spherical or prolate) of the grains are very important

selective characters to be considered for the identification (see Figure 7).

Figure 7: The size and shape of pollen grain

Apertures of pollen grains:

On the pollen surface, two different types of apertures can be found: Colpus, a furrow

long boat-shaped aperture with pointed ends, and Porus, that is simple pore on the exine (Moore

et al.. 1991). Based on the presence/absence of these elements, we can divide pollen types in (See

Figure 8):

Inaperturate pollen grains: without apertures

Colpate pollen grains: with only colpus

Porate pollen grains: with only pores

Colporate pollen grains: with both colpus and porus.

Moreover, the type, position and number of apertures determine an accurate taxonomic

classification. An equatorial distribution of the apertures is identified by the prefix “zono-“, while

a diffuse position of the apertures is identified by the prefix “panto-“. In the same way with the

prefixes “di-“, “tri-“, etc. it is possible to categorize different pollen grains. The combination of

these taxonomic characters identifies several classes. (Moore, et al., 1991) (See Figure 8).

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Ornamentation of pollen grains:

Other useful characters for the identification of pollen taxa reside in the exine

ornamentation that is determined by the presence/absence of tectum and by sculpture elements

(Moore et al., 1991). See Figure 9:

Figure 8: The different types of aperture, and the number of apertures

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Figure 9: The different ornamentation of pollen grains


Diatoms are unicellular algae, Division Bacillariophyta (See Figure 10). Most diatoms

are planktonic, but some are bottom dwellers or grow on other algae or plants. Diatoms are

eukaryotic organisms characterized by siliceous cell walls and yellow-brown pigmentation (Smol

et al., 2002). It is possible to divide diatoms into two big groups: Pennales, which have bilateral

symmetry,and Centrales, which have radial symmetry. The most important diversity in shape is

the division between

Elongated diatoms (mostly benthonic)

Roundish diatoms (mostly planktonic, floating in water).

Figure 10: Division Bacillariophyta (Diatoms)

Diatom cell consists of two more or less identical (thecae) cell enclosing an organ, one

slightly larger than the other. The thecae have two main portions that are the valve and the

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cingulum. The valves can be identified in microscope preparations, as they hold most of the

taxonomic features used in standard floras. The cingulum includes a single or sometimes multiple

series of chains that are created during the process of cell division, permitting the internal

formation of daughter cells. Moreover, Diatoms have very fine and characteristic ornamentation.

Shape and ornamentation are typical for each species so that we can identify diatoms at the

species level. Dots and striae on the valve surface are diagnostic characters. Other diagnostic

characters include the raphe, in Pennales. The raphe is a canal; it can be central or at the margin

of the frustule. Therefore, its presence or absence is a diagnostic character like the dimension,

number, density and shape of striae and points (Smol et al., 2002) (See Figure 11).

Figure 11: the general features of Diatoms (

Diatoms are major players in global biogeochemical cycles. They are found in most

aquatic environments, including marine sediments, brackish and fresh waters, as well as in damp

sub-aerial habitats. In lakes, diatoms are found in abundance in both planktonic and benthic

habitats, and together form the source communities for the sediment record. Mostly, the species

found in different habitats within a lake are characteristic of those habitats, although many

species can be in more than one habitat (indifferent species) (Flower, 1993).

Their most distinctive characteristic is the elaborate, and very resistant, siliceous cell wall

(features used to define and classify species). Diatoms are included within the microfossil

remains <0.2 mm. The study of diatoms can be an important goal for community ecology dealing

with the characterization and prediction of changes in community patterns along environmental

gradients. The major environmental factor affecting diatom distribution patterns is the water

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level, determining the abundance of planktonic versus benthonic species. Some species are

typical of running water and damp soils. Many diatoms live in a specific pH range (each species

has a suitable range of alkalinity, e.g., acidophilus versus acidobiontic species), so the diatom

record may be used as a proxy for changes in water chemistry. Diatoms may be very selective

with respect to salinity, being in some cases adapted to hypersaline environments, saline or

brackish water or they may be even halophobous and live in the environment with only minimal

concentrations of salts (Smol et al., 2002).

4 - 2 Samples preparation

Different methodologies have been used to process the study material and to extract the

macroscopic and microscopic remains from sediments. The following extraction and preparation

techniques have been used to process the sediment from layer US 201:

a- Water separation and dry picking in order to separate plant macroremains

b- Preparation of anthracological remains (charred) for microscopically observation

c- Chemical treatment for pollen analysis

d- Chemical treatment for diatom analysis.

A- Water separation and dry picking

The water separation methods were applied to twelve samples of sediment within

amphoras from layer US (201) belonging to the excavation works of 2015. The same process

was applied to 10 samples obtained from the same layer in July 2018. Those sediments were

collected at 5 cm interval along a vertical sequence, starting from 0-5 cm to 55-60 cm, in order

to check whether they contained seeds.

From each sample, an amount of 2/3 of the available sediment was processed, according

to the following steps.

1- Soaking the sample in warm water. In the samples from Spoletino it was necessary to add three

or more drops of hydrogen peroxide (H202), in order to help plant remains to detach from the

sediment and float on the water surface.

2- Gently stirring the sediment soaked in water to let the macroremains float on the water.

Macroremains were picked up by means of a small brush (See Figure 12).

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3- Wet sieving process, by means of sieves with decreasing mesh (2.0, 1.0 and 0.5 mm), in order

to avoid any loss of the macroremains (See Figure 13).

4- Drying of the sieved material in a container far from heat sources (See Figure 13).

Figure 12: The treatment of the samples with water and oxygen peroxide (H2O2), and wet sieving

A further check of plant remains in the sediments was done in the attempt to pick up

whatever could not be obtained from the water separation process, to avoid the loss of plant

remains that are not able to float on the surface. In this way, I could collect some fragments of

charcoal related to the layer US 201. These fragments were added to the amount of the charcoal

remains I selected by the sieving process (See figure 13).

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Figure 13: Sieving and drying process of the soil

B- Preparation of anthracological remains

The preparation of charred samples from the archaeological contexts depends on the chemical

and physical preservation of the materials, which varies from near normal to highly degraded. In

order to prepare and observe the charred materials, the following tools and instruments are


1- A soft brush, a scalpel, hard forceps with flexible tips and a small hammer, in case of

very hard samples

2- Light reflected microscope with a magnification range between 10-80x. Charred wood is

observed on clean surfaces, after fracturing the materials.

3- Metallographic microscope or SEM, in order to detect the smaller diagnostic details of

charred wood.

The work stages start by cleaning the surface of the sample, using a soft brush. In some

cases, a scalpel may be used to eliminate the embedding sediment. These steps are necessary to

prepare the surface of the charcoal samples and examining them under the stereomicroscope, in

order to obtain the anatomical orientation, which starts by the recognition of the transversal

surface of the samples.

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Normally, clean surfaces in charcoal samples are obtained by fracturing them using the

thumbs and the index finger of both hands. However, some of my samples were so small and

delicate that I had to observe them under the microscope without fracturing and by using forceps

with flexible tips to transfer the prepared fragment to microscope slides (Celant & Coccolini,


The charcoal study of my thesis included the charcoals scattered within layer 201 of the

cistern. Besides some charcoal fragments were found in the Amphoras.

The total amount of charcoal was about 115 g. A selection of 50 charcoal fragments was

chosen because of their good condition and preservation, in order to examine them under the

stereo microscope. The size of the charcoal fragments mostly ranged from 50 mm to 3 cm.

C- Chemical treatment for pollen analysis

Preparation Techniques:

There are many possible processes used to the prepare pollen samples and making the grains

visible under a microscope, depending on the nature of the sample. The treatment generally

consists of removal of the organic and inorganic matter from the sample in order to facilitate the

identification of pollen grains under the light microscopy. These preparation methods are based

on chemical separation, based on the chemically resistant properties of the pollen grains, whose

outer wall is made of sporopollenin. Centrifugation procedures are used in order to separate

pollen from chemicals and water. In some cases, sieving the fraction larger than 200 μm and finer

than 8 μm may considerably improve the result of pollen processing (Magri & Di Rita, 2015).

The pollen preparation technique largely depends on the attributes of the sediment that

contains the pollen grains. However, to avoid any effect on the final interpretation of the pollen

data due to different preparation techniques, it is always better to use a standard preparation

method. Generally, there are a number of steps required to extract the pollen grains from

archaeological sediment (Magri & Di Rita, 2015):

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A- Standard procedure

B- Sieving

C- Deflocculation

D- Gravity separation

E- Acetolysis.

A- Standard procedure

I used the standard procedure as a minimum treatment to extract pollen grains. It can be

complemented by sieving, flocculation, gravity separation, and acetolysis (See Figure 14).

1- To avoid pollution of the pollen sample, the glassware and the laboratory benches were

carefully cleaned, as well as all the tools used to take subsamples. A known amount of sediment

was put in a Falcon tube (50 mL);

2- To remove the carbonate fraction of the sediment, 30 mL of 37% HCl were added to the

sample, until effervescence stopped; then the sample was centrifuged (3500 RPM, 5 minutes).

3- To calculate the pollen concentration, one tablet containing the estimated number of 13.911

Lycopodium spores was added to the sample.

4- To remove silica and silicates from the sediment 30 mL of 50 % HF were added. The sample

was left in HF overnight; then the sample was centrifuged (3500 RPM, 5 minutes).

5- To remove colloidal silica and silicofluorides 30 mL of 37% HCl were added; then the sample

was centrifuged (3500 RPM, 5 minutes).

6- To enhance the sediment disaggregation and facilitate the dissolution of humic acids, 25 mL

of 10 % NaOH were added to the sample. The sample was put in a hot waterbath for 10 minutes,

then it was centrifuged (3500 RPM, 5 minutes).

7- The sample was finally washed in distilled water and centrifuged several times, until

chemically neutral.

8- The sample was stored in glycerol.

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B- Sieving

In order to remove or eliminate the coarse particles, the sample may be poured through

180 μm mesh sieves. This sieving procedure is useful to eliminate vegetal fragments when the

treated sediment is a peat.

C- Deflocculation

This processes it required to remove clay particles by adding 20 mL of 10% Na4P2O7

before sieving though an 8μm mesh sieve.

D- Gravity separation

A saturated solution of ZnCl2 (specific gravity: 1.96) may be added to the sample. The

supernatant is then decanted into a solution of distilled water with a few drops of HCl in order to

avoid precipitation of zinc hydroxide.

E- Acetolysis

The acetolysis mixture (composed of nine parts of (CH3CO)2O and one part of

concentrated (95–98 %) H2SO4) is added to the sample, which is then put into a boiling water

bath (90 ℃) and left for 3 min. CH3CO2H is rapidly added to the sample, which is then washed

in distilled water several times until it is neutral.

One sample from the Spoletino cistern was processed. It was collected from the layer US

202, which is in contact with the layer US 201. The minimum standard procedure, as described

above, was followed.

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Figure 14: Steps of preparation of pollen samples.

D- Chemical treatment of diatoms

The ways of preparing the sample for diatom analysis are various, depending on the

characteristics of the sediment. In any case, it is important to prevent any damage and crumble

of the sample being analyzed, to avoid the loss or damaging of diatom valves, as delicate spines

and processes are easily destroyed by vigorous stirring and rapid centrifugation. In order to

choose the appropriate study samples, it is important to pay attention to safety issues, especially

the proper use of safety disposals and fume cupboards (Flower, 1993).

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It is very important to avoid contamination of the samples, when diatoms from different

sites are being prepared simultaneously. It is essential that the laboratory glassware is clean. It

should be cleaned with hot 10% Na2CO3 in case the glassware is to be reused. Where it is

necessary to prepare sediment samples, a waterbath using disposable test tubes rather than

beakers may be preferable (Renberg, 1990). During the work, it is necessary to pay attention to

avoid the dangers, which occur due the use of the chemical material such as hydrogen peroxide,

which is a powerful oxidizing agent and may cause damages to the skin (Smol et al., 2002). The

main steps to preparing the slides of diatoms samples follows the chart in Figure 15.

One sample from the Spoletino cistern was processed. It was collected from the layer US

202, which is in contact with the layer US 201, and was also the subject of pollen analysis.

The sediment treated corresponded to around 3.00 g, subdivided into three samples.

The following steps were used:

Removing soluble salts in hydrochloric acid: carbonate and many metal salts and oxides

can be removed by diluted hydrochloric acid. In this case, I have added HCl (7%) to the

sample and I have left it reacting for a night.

Repeated washing in distilled water every two hours to get rid of the finest material with

the water.

Removing organic matter by using oxidation by hydrogen peroxide (Smol et al., 2002).

Hydrogen peroxide was used in a wide heatproof beaker in a fume cupboard, in a water

bath (See Figure 16).

Repeated washing in distilled water every two hours to get rid of the finest material with

the water (see Figure 17).

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Figure 15: Chart explaining the preparation of diatom samples.

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Figure 16: Processes of removing salts soluble in hydrochloric acid (HCl, 7%), and samples in water bath.

Figure 17: The samples before and after purification with distilled water.

Slide preparation

Slide preparation should consider the amount of material to be dropped within a perfectly

clean slide: approx. 2.0 ml of diatom suspension is dropped by pipette on to a coverslip, the

diatoms can settle, and the water evaporates at room temperature. Care needs to be taken not to

disturb the coverslip. When dry, the coverslip is mounted using a resin with a high refractive

index such as Naphrax (refractive index = 1.65). One drop of Naphrax is placed on a glass slide

and the coverslip is inverted with the dried diatoms over the drop. The slide is heated on a hotplate

at about 130°C for few minutes to drive off the toluene in the Naphrax. The slide is then cooled,

to check that the coverslip does not move when pushed with a fingernail. If it does, the slide will

need to be re-heated. All slides need to be checked to ensure that the concentration of diatoms on

the coverslip is appropriate for counting (Smol et al., 2002).

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4 -3 Instruments

A- Optical Microscopy

Optical Microscopy was used to examine the various samples of this project in order to

identify the taxa of the charred wood, pollen, and diatoms. I used two types of microscopes:

- Stereomicroscope:

I used stereomicroscope Stemi SV11 ZEISS. Oculars 10x, at 4x magnification to examine

the anatomy of 50 fragments of charcoal. Each fragment of charcoal was broken along the

transverse section.

- Light microscope

Was used to identify pollen and diatom taxa. A Zeiss Axioscope microscope at 400x and

630x magnifications was used for pollen analysis, and at 1000x magnifications for diatom

analysis. The microscope was also provided with Nomarski Differential Interferential Contrast


B- Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy (ESEM)

Scanning Electron Microscopy coupled with Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy is a non-

destructive technique, widely used in many material analyses for obtaining multiple data

information. It gives clear images of the surface of the sample and it allows identifying the texture

and deep details. A Hitachi TM-3000 Tabletop Scanning Electron Microscope was used for

detailed analysis. No sample preparation was needed as the TM-3000 allows for non-conductive

sampling to be imaged without the need for coating. The images were captured using secondary

electron imagined as opposed to backscattered electrons at magnifications varying from 150x to

1.5Kx. The TM-3000 was operated in environmental mode (ESEM) at a voltage of 15Kv. The

SEM was used solely for imaging and no point analysis was undertaken.

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5 – 1 - Charcoal

Charcoal fragments were scattered throughout the accumulation sediments. Some of them

were obtained from a sieving process during the excavation works. Another fraction of charcoals

was picked up from the sediment and washed in the lab, after water separation of the sediment.

The recovered specimens have a size ranging from 0.2 to 3 cm. Additional charcoal pieces below

these sizes were found but considered too fragmented to be able to be properly identified. A total

number of 50 fragments of charcoal were identified. Besides, 22 fragments were too small and

badly preserved for identification. The samples, examined under the stereomicroscope at

different magnification were separated into five categories, based on the observed features (see

Table 2). Subsequently the five groups were identified by observation of the diagnostic features

by the Hitachi TM3000 ESEM.

The largest category of sorted charcoal fragments is represented by the genus Quercus,

which is known in English as Oaks, from the family Fagaceae. It includes 29 fragments of

Quercus charcoal, recovered and identified from the assemblage. These Quercus fragments were

divided into two types: Quercus sp. evergreen group (11 fragments, including 5 fragments of

trunks and 6 possible branches) and Quercus sp. deciduous group (18 fragments, including 15

fragments of trunks and 3 possible branches). A description of the anthracological remains is

reported below.

A second identified taxon is Ulmus (family Ulmaceae), known in English as Elm,

represented by 6 fragments. Ulmus wood cannot be recognized to the species level.

The third type of wood belongs to the genus Prunus (family Rosaceae). It is represented

by 9 fragments (See Figures 21-23).

The fourth group of charcoal includes 6 fragments of Olea europaea, known in English

as Olive tree.

A number of 22 fragile fragments were not identified because of the lack of diagnostic

features and their tiny sizes.

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TAXA Number Trunk Possible Branch

Quercus deciduous 18 15 3

Quercus evergreen 11 5 6

Ulmus sp. 6

Prunus cf avium 9

Olea europaea 6

Damaged fragments 22

Table 2. The five categories of retrieved charcoal

Quercus sp. deciduous group

Heartwood distinct. Ring porous. Early wood porous ring with one to many rows of pores

more or less compact. Latewood pores solitary or in more or less radially oriented groups (flame-

like groupings), in wide growth rings pore arrangement is radial to dendritic. Apotracheal

parenchyma either diffuse and sometimes in uniseriate diagonal and tangential bands, frequency

variable. Broad rays visible to the naked eye (Schweingruber, 1990) (See Figure 18).

Tangential section: rays uniseriate and multiseriate, up to 1 mm wide (up to 30 cell) and

1-5 cm high, frequently absent in young shoots.

Radial section: the rays are homogeneous, sometimes with square cells in uniseriate rays.

Libriform fibers and vasicentric tracheids. Simple perforation plates (Schweingruber, 1990).

Quercus sp. evergreen group

I could observe 11 trunk fragments of this genus of Quercus evergreen group, in addition

to 5 pieces belonging to branches. The transversal section is characterized by diffuse porosity,

growth ring border indistinct, and transition from early wood to latewood indistinct. In the

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tangential section, two distinct sizes of rays are visible (uniseriate and multiseriate). Ray height

in multiseriate rays > 1 mm. Vessel-ray pits vertical (Akkemik et al., 2012).

Figure 18: Transversal section of deciduous Quercus from Spoletino. Visible rays and porous ring.

Ulmus sp.

The common English name is Elm. In the transversal section, Ulmus appears as a ring-

porous wood, with groups of 2-4 pores forming more or less tangential bands in the latewood. It

is also characterized by abundant paratracheal parenchyma in early wood and tangential bands

in latewood. In the tangential section, multiseriate rays (4-5 cells wide) are visible, 30-60 cell

high. In the radial section, simple perforation plates and homogeneous to heterogeneous rays are

visible. Vessels present distinct spiral thickenings.

Prunus cf avium L.

In the transversal section, heartwood is present. Semi-ring porous wood. Radial pore file,

sometimes in clusters (See Figure 19). Gum deposits in tyloses are visible in the heartwood.

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Parenchyma is apotracheal diffuse. In tangential section (See Figure 20), rays are 2-4 seriate,

often uniseriate, average height is 15-30 cells. In radial section (See Figure 21), simple

perforation plates are visible, as well as distinct spiral thickenings in vessels.

Figure 19: Transversal section of Prunus sp. from Spoletino.

Figure 20: Tangential section of Prunus sp. from Spoletino.

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Figure 21: Radial section of Prunus sp. from Spoletino.

Olea europaea L.

In transversal section, diffuse porosity is visible, with vessels arranged in no specific

pattern, mostly in radial multiples or in clusters, with variable proposition of solitary vessels

(Akkemik et al., 2012). Solitary vessels have circular to oval outline. In tangential section, uni-

and biseriate etherocellular rays are present. Simple perforations of vessels are visible in radial

section. Sometimes acicular crystals are present in ray cells.

5 – 2 - Pollen

Upon examination of the pollen samples under the light microscopic the study identified

over 18 taxa belonging to a number of 412 pollen grains. Besides, 242 Lycopodium spores from

the added tablet of Lycopodium markers, and 9 Glomus were found. The results of pollen analyses

are presented following the two categories of Arboreal pollen and Non Arboreal pollen (Table

3). A selection of pictures of pollen grains is presented in Figures 22- 23 -24- 25.

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Date of laboratory treatment 2/06/2018 – 5/06/2018

Quantity of sediment treated 2.58 g

Date of microscope analysis 6-25/06/2018

No. pollen grains counted 412

No. Lycopodium added 13911

No. Lycopodium counted 242

Pollen concentration (grain/gram) 9179

taxa No. % taxa No. %

Arboreal pollen Non Arboreal pollen

PINUS 44 10.68 ASPHODELUS 4 0.97

ABIES 1 0.24 CEREAL TYPE 1 0.24





FAGUS 10 2.43 FABACEAE 1 0.24

OLEA 71 17.23 LILIACEAE 2 0.49


JUGLANS 6 1.46 POACEAE 22 5.34

QUERCUS deciduous 108 26.21

QUERCUS evergreen 81 19.66

QUERCUS suber/cerris 6 1.46

ULMUS 3 0.73

NPPs Spores

GLOMUS type 9 2.14 Trilete spores 3 0.96

Table 3: Results of pollen analysis of sample US 201

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Figure 22: Pollen grain of Olea

Figure 23: Pollen grain of Pinus

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Figure 24: Pollen grain of Amaranthaceae

Figure 25: Pollen grain of Alnus

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5 - 3- Diatoms

The results of diatom analysis are presented in Tables 4 and 5. A total of 680 valves were

counted, belonging to 16 species. Two species were particularly abundant: Achnanthes cf

delicatula (310 valves; 45.6%) and A. hungarica (220 valves; 32.4%). In addition, Amphora

montana (55 valves; 8.1%), A. veneta (30 valves; 4.4%) and Hantzschia amphioxys (21 valves;

3.1%) were also well represented. The ecological requirements of the diatom species found at

Spoletino are shortly described in Table 4.

Date of laboratory treatment


Quantity of sediment treated

3.00 g

Date of microscope analysis

June-July 2018

No. Diatoms counted 680

Taxon Dimension Number Ecology

Achnanthes hungarica Length 6-45 μm,

width 4-8 μm 220

Spreading often in weakly alkaline, with medium to high

electrolyte content

Achnanthes cf delicatula Length 7-20 μm,

width 4-8 μm 310

Cosmopolite, from brackish water to freshwater with moderately

high electrolyte content

Epithemia turgida Length 5-200 μm, width 13-35 μm.


Waters with medium, higher electrolyte content, relatively

common in many fossil freshwater deposits.

Navicula cf concentrica Length.40-75 μm,

width 9-12 μm. 2

Scattered in Europe with mostly low-population, mainly in

oligotrophic lakes

Nitzschia sp. Length 1-57 μm long and 1.3-2.0

μm wide. 1

In the brackish water on the coasts of the sea. In some cases,

it exists in spring water

Gomphonema clavatum Lengths.20-95

μm, width 6-14 um

8 Occurring in lakes with very high

electrolyte content

Pinnularia microstauron Length 20- 90 μm,

width 7-11 μm 6

Widespread in all oligosaprotrophic waters and

very common in low-electrolyte

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waters, more rarely with medium and higher electrolyte content

Pinnularia borealis Length 24-110 μm, width 5-18

μm. 9

They are common in standing and flowing waters from the plain to

the mountains, prefers aerial sites and is common in dry

mosses, on walls and in moist soil.

Aulacoseira italica Diameter 3-23

μm, high 8-20 μm 2

They are relatively rare cosmopolitan littoral forms in

more or less eutrophic trenches, ponds, rivers and lakes, but also

from humid aerobic sites, but they are found in many fossil


Amphora veneta Length 5-60 μm, width 7-18 μm


It is an ecological form and has been found in sub-alpine lakes and other medium-electrolyte


Amphora montana Length 9-25 μm, width 7-10 μm


Widespread in the area from the plain to the mountains, but always sporadic and seldom forming denser populations

Hantzschia amphioxys Length 20-210

(300) um, width 5-15 (25) μm


Distribution in a wide variety of inland waters, rarely brackish

water. Not suitable as an indicator of water pollution


Epithemia adnata Length 15-150

μm, width 7-14 μm


Distribution in some ancient lakes of Europe. Materials from lakes

and rivers. Widespread freshwater. A high abundance

was recorded in lakes as well as in fossil

Cyclotella ocellata Diameter 6-25

μm 1

Preferring waters with medium and higher electrolyte content, are widespread in the brackish waters of the North and Baltic


Neidium septentrionale Length 20-40 μm, width 5 -6.7 μm

7 Widespread in mountainous


Surirella brebissonii Length 8-70 μm, width 8-30 μm

1 They prefer the lake water and

small water bodies, usually they occur in the early and late spring

Table 4: Characteristics of the taxa of diatoms from Spoletino and their environmental distribution

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The diatom taxa were divided into two categories according of freshwater / slightly brackish

ecological requirements.

Freshwater No. % Slightly brackish No. %

Achannthes hungarica 220 32.35 Epithemia turgida 2 0.29

Achnanthes cf delicatula 310 45.59 Nitzschia sp. 1 0.15

Navicula cf concentrica 2 0.29 Gomphonema clavatum 8 1.18

Pinnularia microstauron 6 0.88 Alaucoseira italica 2 0.29

Pinnularia borealis 9 1.32 Hantzschia amphioxys 21 3.09

Amphora veneta 30 4.41 Cyclotella ocellata 1 0.15

Amphora montana 55 8.09

Epithemia adnata 5 0.74

Neidium septentrionale 7 1.03

Surirella brebissonii 1 0.15

Table 5: Classification of the diatom taxa according to the Freshwater/Brackish environment

Achnanthes hungarica (Grunow) Grunow

This species is characterized by a valve linear--elliptical in shape, with broadly rounded

to acutely rounded ends. The raphe is located in the axial area; it is narrow to broad, with linear

form, in some cases slightly widened proximally. Linear-elliptic ends, length 6-45 μm, width 4-

8 μm. The axial area is narrow lanceolate with wedge-shaped to broadly rounded ends, the central

area is narrow, but usually slightly wider than the axial area, often asymmetrically extended and

forming a transverse band, which usually reaches at least one side of the shell edge (Ettl et al.,


Cosmopolitan, often in weakly alkaline areas, with medium to high electrolyte. Mostly

epiphytic, growing on submerged plants; the association with duckweed plants (genus Lemna) is

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particularly noticeable. A. hungarica is hardly confused with other species, but the association of

the smallest and largest cells of the developmental cycle is not always easy to address (Round &

Basson, 1997) (See figure 26-27).

Figure 26: Achnanthes hungarica (Grunow) Grunow in Cleve & Grunow 1880: the valve with the raphe. Scale

bar is 10 μm.

Figure 27: Achnanthes hungarica (Grunow) Grunow in Cleve & Grunow 1880: the valve without the raphe. Scale

bar is 10 μm

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Achannthes cf delicatula (Kutzing) Grunow

This species has valves with broadly lanceolate to elliptical outlines of very different

sizes. Raphe distally bent on the same side. Strips on both valves form several areola rows.

Length about 7-20 μm, width 4-8 μm (Ettl et al., 1986) (See figure 28-29)

Ecological amplitudes are limited to more electrolyte-rich waters, from calcareous

freshwater sources with moderately elevated levels of electrolytes to brackish and seawater,

therefore it can be considered cosmopolitan from brackish water to fresh water with moderately

high electrolyte content. Some populations of this species are spread in brackish waters on

seacoasts (Ettl et al., 1986).

Figure 28: Achnanthes cf delicatula (Kutzing) Grunow. Scale bar is 10 μm.

Figure 29: Achnanthes cf delicatula (Kutzing) Grunow. Scale bar is 10 μm.

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Epithemia turgida (Ehrenberg) Kützing 1844

A coarse texture and the shell outline, along with the location of the raphe on the shell,

are characteristic features of this diatom. The valve is bent in valvar view, rectangular to elliptic

in girdle view, with broad and flat truncated ends (Ettl et al., 1986).

Length: 5-200 μm, width 13-35 μm. The raphe branches curve either only in the middle

of the valve towards the center of the valve (in long, linear forms), or they curve along their entire

length and rise dorsally at the valve end (in shorter and broader forms) (Ettl et al., 1986).

Ecological amplitudes: all varieties are widespread. Often, as nursery plants in the littoral,

they prefer meso- to eutrophic waters with medium to higher electrolyte content. They are also

found in slightly brackish waters. Several varieties are relatively common in many fossil

freshwater deposits (Ettl et al., 1986) (See figure 30).

Figure 30: Epithemia turgida (Ehrenberg) Kützing 1844. Scale bar is 10 μm.

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Navicula cf concentrica Carter 1981

This species of diatom is characterized by lanceolate shape with pointed rounded ends;

length 40-75 μm, width 9-12 μm. Raphe weakly lateral. Axial area distally rather narrow, lancet-

shaped to the moderately large central area, which appears strongly asymmetric (Ettl et al., 1986)

(See figure 31).

Environmental distribution: scattered in Europe with mostly small populations, mainly in

oligotrophic lakes, relatively low in plant nutrients and containing abundant oxygen in the deeper

parts (Ettl et al., 1986).

Figure 31: Navicula cf. concentrica Carter.1981. Scale bar is 10 μm.

Nitzschia sp.

Generally, many Nitzschia species have scalpel form. Cells symmetrical in valve view,

very narrow, tapering from the middle part towards the cell apices. In girdle view, cells are linear

to slightly bent bended and the ends are cut off straight. Cells form chains by overlapping of the

tips, the overlap measuring c. 1/9 of the total cell length. The dimension of the cells are 1-57 μm

long and 1.3-2 μm wide (Ettl et al., 1986) (See figure 32).

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Ecological amplitudes: it concentrates in brackish waters along the coasts of the sea; otherwise,

it is less frequent in inland salt water. It is not present in acid environments. In some cases, it is

found in spring water (Priisholm, 2002).

Figure 32: Nitzschia sp. Scale bar is 10 μm.

Gomphonema clavatum Ehrenberg 1832

Characterized by striae formed by loose rows of few points. Valves very variable in size and

proportion length/width, but always with a distinct keel form with narrow ends. Length 20-95

um, width 6-14 um. (Ettl et al., 1986) (See figure 27). The raphe is strongly wavy in large

specimens, the axial area moderate to fairly wide, linear, the central region variable from very

small to quite large by the occasional shortening of several central striae (Ettl et al., 1986) (See

figure 33).

Ecological amplitudes: it usually occurs within lakes with silicate sediments and very high

electrolyte content. It is sensitive to organic pollution (Ettl et al., 1986).

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Figure 33: Gomphonema clavatum Ehrenberg 1832. Scale bar is 10 μm.

Pinnularia microstauron (Ehrenberg) Cleve 1890

Pinnularia is one of the most species-rich genera of raphid pinnate diatoms. Members of

Pinnularia and the closely related genus Caloneis have linear-lanceolate, blunt-ended or

occasionally capitate valves with a central raphe system that terminates in helictoglossae at the

poles (Souffreau et al., 2001) (See figure 34).

Valves linear to linear-lanceolate or linear-elliptic with parallel, slightly undulating or

slightly convex sides, ends slightly wedge-shaped, rounded or broadly anteriorly rounded and

flat to dull-shaped, length 20- 90 μm, width 7-11 μm. The outer striae slightly curved or slightly

wavy, the raphe is weakly lateral or fusiform proximal with distinct, slightly sideways bent, drop-

shaped central pores. The axial area is narrow, linear or slightly lanceolate towards the middle;

central region very variable, small to large rhombic or a belt, which, however, does not always

reach the edge of the rim or is asymmetrical (Ettl et al., 1986) (See figure 34).

Widespread in all oligotrophic waters and very frequently in low-electrolyte waters, more

rarely with medium and higher electrolyte content (Ettl et al., 1986).

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Figure 34: Pinnularia microstauron (Ehrenberg) Cleve 1890. Scale bar is 10 μm.

Pinnularia borealis Ehrenberg 1843

Almost rectangular form with the outline of the valves variable from narrow-linear to

broadly linear, to linearly elliptical with parallel, slightly convex, concave or triangular sides.

Length 24-110 μm, width 5-18 μm. The outer end of the raphe branch is slightly bent in the

middle region and, especially in the case of larger shapes, is significantly laterally bent

proximally to one side and terminating in a moderately large central pore, forming end gaps (Ettl

et al., 1986) (See figure 35).

Environmental distribution: they are common in standing and flowing waters from the

plain to the mountains, preferring aerial sites. They are common on dry mosses, on walls, and in

moist soil. Moreover, the genus occurs globally in freshwater habitats of varying pH and trophic

status, and in moist soils, peatlands, springs and marine coastal environments (Souffreau et al.,


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Figure 35: Pinnularia borealis Ehrenberg 1843. Scale bar is 10 μm.

Aulacoseira italica (Ehrenberg) Simonsen 1979:

The genus named Aulacoseira was first studied by Thwaites in 1848. He based the genus

on Melosira crenulata Kutzing 1844 which Kutzing had presented, presumably as a form of M.

italica, even though he reported the former (living) from flowing waters and the latter from

diatomaceous earth (Crawford et al., 2011).

Characterized by cylindrical cells, the great majority of the cells are united in pairs as

siblings. with flat to very slightly convex end faces, joined to long, closed chains, which may be

easily loosened, diameter 3-23 μm, height 8-20 μm (See figure 36).

Ecological distribution: cosmopolitan littoral forms in more or less eutrophic ponds,

rivers and lakes, but also from humid aerobic sites, they are found in many fossil materials

(Crawford & Likhoshway, 1999).

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Figure 36: Aulacoseira italica (Ehrenberg) Simonsen 1979. Scale bar is 10 μm.

Amphora veneta Kützing 1844

Cells elliptic with blunt rounded, sometimes slightly advanced ends, length 5-60 μm,

width 7-18 μm, striae numerous, about 26-32 str./10, more or less delicately lined. Valves

strongly dorsiventral with strongly convex dorsal side, ventrally straight or slightly concave, in

the middle often a little bulbous, ends dull rounded, slightly ventrally pulled down (Ettl et al.,


Raphe straight or slightly bent, filiform, very strongly displaced to the ventral margin,

proximal ends almost straight or slightly dorsally curved, central pores often far apart, especially

on longer specimens. However, this characteristic is very variable, and many populations and

small specimens have quite close central pore. Distal raphe ends usually difficult to see and

dorsally curved axial area on the dorsal side very narrow, on the ventral side wider, a delimited

central area is missing, lateral area not visible in the LM (Ettl et al., 1986) (See figures 37-38) .

Environmental distribution: this taxon is an ecological form and has been found in sub-

alpine lakes and other medium-electrolyte waters (Ettl et al., 1986).

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Figure 37: Amphora veneta Kützing 1844. Scale bar is 10 μm

Amphora montana Krasske 1932

Amphora montana is characterized by convex sides and more or less drawn, flat rounded

ends, length 9-25 μm, width 7-10 μm. The shells are slightly dorsiventral, dorsally and ventrally

slightly convex, the ends long and slightly angled ventrally (Ettl et al., 1986) Raphe straight or

slightly curved, proximally and distally dorsally distended, filiform. Axial area very narrow,

central region uneven, developed only on the ventral side as semicircular to a semi-acicular

surface (Ettl et al., 1986) (See figure 39).

Figure 38: Amphora veneta Kützing 1844. Scale bar is 10 μm.

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Environmental distribution: this taxon is an aerobic form, widespread in the area from the

plain to the mountains, but always sporadic and seldom forming denser populations (Ettl et al.,


Figure 39: Amphora montana Krasske 1932.

Hantzschia amphioxys (Ehrenberg) W. Smith 1880

Hantzschia amphioxys is a kind of diatoms with extremely variable length/width

proportions, length 20-210 (300) μm, width 5-15 (25) μm (Ettl et al., 1986). Raphe with 4-11

fibulae / 10 μm, the 2 middle farther apart from the neighboring ones, str. 11-28 / 10 μm, the

middle often spread slightly (Ettl et al., 1986) (See figure 40).

Environmental distribution: this diatom is cosmopolitan, being the most frequent diatom

in the air-plank clay and in long-term dry, briefly creeping biotopes such as rock formations and

soil. On the other hand, with a hard-to-determine ecological focus in a wide variety of inland

waters, rarely brackish water. Not suitable as an indicator of water pollution degree (Ettl et al.,


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Figure 40: Hantzschia amphioxys (Ehrenberg) W. Smith 1880. Scale bar is 10 μm.

Epithemia adnata (Kutzing) Brebisson

The main diagnostic features differentiating the species of the genus Epithemia is the

shape and sizes of valves, the number of ribs and rows of areolae forming striae (in 10 μm), and

the position of branches of the canal-raphe (Vishnyakov et al., 2014). Morphologically,Epithemia

adnata is characterized by a V-shaped raphe. It is differentiated from other Epithemia by

characters like cell shape and size, apex shape, the extent of raphe curvature and striae/costae

density (Ettl et al., 1986). (See figure 41). Length 15-150 μm, width 7-14 μm (See figure 41).

The environmental distribution of species of the genus Epithemia, as of many other

groups of diatoms, is considered cosmopolitan. They are widespread in freshwater environments;

a high abundance was recorded in extant lakes as well as in fossil (Vishnyakov et al., 2014).

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Figure 41: Epithemia adnata (Kutzing) Brebisson. Scale bar is 10 μm.

Cyclotella ocellate Pntocsek 1901

It has discus-shaped cells with almost flat shapes, diameter 6-25 μm. The edge zone is

striped, about 13-15 radial stripes / 10 μm. Midfield with two to five (but mostly three) ocelli,

which often have a greenish glow in the LM, and corresponding papillae. In the center a single

clear point (Ettl et al., 1986) (See figure 42).

Environmental distribution: this species of Cyclotella prefers waters with medium to high

electrolyte content, it is widespread in the brackish waters of the North and Baltic Seas (Ettl et

al. 1986).

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Figure 42: Cyclotella ocellata Pantocsek 1901. Scale bar is 10 μm.

Neidium septentrionale Clever-Euler 1939.

It is characterized by shells linear with concave or triangular edges, the middle area is

always narrow, rounded ends or weakly wedge-shaped, length 20-40 μm, width 5 -7 μm. (Ettl et

al., 1986). Raphe filiform, distally bifurcate proximally with thin central ends bent to opposite

sides. Axial area narrow, linear, with marginal longitudinal lines, a rectangular fascia, often in

the middle rhombic, in the central area. Very delicately dotted, parallel lines marginal, often

oblique to the midline, parallel to convergent at the ends, 30-35 / 10 μm, points approximately

the same distance (Ettl et al., 1986) (See figure 43). Environmental distribution: widespread, it is

found in mountainous areas (Ettl et al., 1986).


Figure 43: Neidium septentrionale Clever-Euler1939. Scale bar is 10 μm.

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Surirella brebissonii Krammer &Lange- Bertalot

It is characterized by round cells, moderately wedge-shaped. Large valves oblong-oval,

medium oval, smallest broad-elliptic to almost round, length 8-70 μm, width 8-30 μm (Ettl et al.,

1986) (See figure 44).

Environmental distribution: Surirella brebissonii prefers lake water and small water

bodies. It usually occurs in the early and late spring (Dalu et al., 2016).

Figure 44: Surirella brebissonii Krammer & Lange-Bertalot. Scale bar is 10 μm.

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The results obtained from charcoal, pollen and diatom analysis from Spoletino have been

discussed separately in the following sections.

6 – 1- Charcoal

The charcoal fragments retrieved from the cistern in the Spoletino Villa are not abundant,

but they are very interesting for the insights they provide into the land use. In spite of the reduced

number of identified fragments (50), a high diversity of taxa is recorded (5). All the largest wood

fragments picked by archaeologists during the excavation belong to trunk fragments of deciduous

and evergreen oaks (Table 2). They were possibly used for wooden structures. Oaks and elms are

common components of the natural vegetation at hilly elevations and may represent the most

widespread trees, whose wood was commonly used for daily activities in the villa.

Determining woods of the genus Prunus to the species level is very difficult

(Schweingruber, 1990), in the absence of carpological remains. For this reason, although the

anatomical characters of the retrieved Prunus charcoal point to Prunus avium, we leave this

identification as tentative.

The presence of a significant number of fragments of Olea europaea (12%) and of Prunus

cf. avium (18%) confirms the local presence of cultivated taxa, suggesting intentional plantation,

although these trees may also be part of the natural vegetation of the Spoletino area, although in

smaller amounts.

6 – 2 - Pollen

The results of the pollen analysis carried out in the site of Spoletino point to a forested

environment (Arboreal Pollen percentages 87%), whose main natural trees were represented by

deciduous Quercus (26%) and evergreen Quercus (20%). Oaks formed widespread woodlands

in many parts of Lazio during Roman Times, as testified by their dominance in almost all the

regional coastal and inland pollen records (Magri and Sadori, 1999; Di Rita et al., 2010; Bellotti

et al., 2011; Di Rita et al., 2018; Sadori, 2018). The local woodlands were also composed of other

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trees and shrubs never exceeding 2%, such as Quercus cerris, Juniperus, Ostrya, Ulmus and

Corylus, which are typical floristic elements of the hilly and lowland stands of the Quercetum

mixtum vegetation. The record of Alnus (5%), instead, reflects the presence of riparian vegetation

developed at the flanks of the Tiber River, which is located at around 2 km from the site.

The significant frequencies of Pinus (10%) suggest either the presence of ornamental pine

trees that Romans were used to plant in both urban contexts and rural villas (Allevato et al., 2010,

2016), or the presence of pine populations not far from the site. Considering that the closest

natural pine communities are currently located in the calcareous slopes of the Martani Mountains

(Schiller and Brunori, 1992), only 30 km far from Spoletino, it is likely that also in the past most

of the highly produced and easily dispersed pollen of Pinus found in our record came from this


As to the record, of Fagus (>2%), its provenance is to be related to the pure beech stands

located in the highest sectors of Cimini mountains, located at less than 20 km from Spoletino,

that in Roman times were quite well developed (Magri and Sadori, 1999).

Among the arboreal pollen, the high amount of Olea (17%) stands out, documenting a

local olive exploitation during Roman times. In this period, similar frequencies are hardly

reported in other pollen records of Italy. For example, in Apulia a real conversion of the territory

in the extensive olive orchard as it currently appears started only from the 6th century with the

Byzantine domination, while during Roman times Olea cultivation shows a decline to be related

to adverse climate conditions (Di Rita and Magri, 2009). The high frequencies of Olea at

Spoletino contrasts with the main cultivation practice of the area at present, which is addressed

to the production of white grapes varieties and high-quality wines.

The absence of Vitis pollen in the Spoletino pollen record induce to exclude any local

vineyard when the archaeological site was active.

Juglans pollen with frequencies exceeding 1% suggests the presence of local walnut trees,

which are commonly cultivated in gardens and orchards during Roman times known as Jovis

Glans trees (Jupiter’s acorn or nut of the Gods) (Mercuri et al., 2013).

Direct and indirect evidence of farming activity can be found also in the record of non-

arboreal pollen. The admixture of Amaranthaceae, Brassicaceae, Asphodelus, Plantago,

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Cichorioideae and Fabaceae strongly suggests the presence of herbaceous communities typical

of meadows disturbed by livestock and other agropastoral activities. However, Brassicaceae and

Amaranthaceae were also possibly cultivated as human food.

In Roman times, the cultivation of Brassica species, mostly cabbage varieties, was

suggested in Campanian sites (Russo Ermolli et al., 2014; Di Rita et al., 2018). Pollen of

Chenopodiaceae, which in coastal sites mostly indicates the development of halophilic

communities on salty soils; in inland sites, it mostly reflects either the cultivation of Beta vulgaris

or the development of nitrophilous pioneer weeds, such as Chenopodium album, competing with

field vegetables (Grundy et al., 2004).

Although cereal type pollen is recorded only with one grain, its find is consistent with the

presence of cereal crop in the area.

Apart from these anthropogenic pollen indicators the record is dominated by pollen of

grasses (Poaceae: 5%), which could come from different environments such as open meadows,

riparian reeds, as well as from pioneer plant communities in cultivated fields.

The pollen of sedges (Cyperaceae/Juncaceae 0.5%) may have been produced by

freshwater marsh communities developed in the Tiber river margins, as usually occur in the

floodplains of rivers within environments characterized by stagnant water (Di Rita et al., 2015).

Figure 45: Chart of the Arboreal vs Non-Arboreal Pollen

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Figure 46: Chart of the percentage of the Arboreal Pollen

Figure 47: Chart of the percentage of the Non Arboreal Pollen

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6 - 3 - Diatoms

The diatoms sampled from the cistern of the Roman villa of Spoletino provide valuable

information on the water environment. In particular, most of the diatoms are typical of freshwater

or slightly brackish environments (See figure 48-49-50). All the diatom species identified are

benthonic forms, except Cyclotella ocellata, which is however rare in the Spoletino samples.

Some species are littoral (e.g. Epithemia) or epiphytic, growing on submerged plants, as in the

case of the dominant species Achnanthes hungarica. They suggest that the water level in the

cistern was always rather low, so that at times the cistern could be almost dried out, as indicated

by several diatom species typical of wet soils and aerobic sites, such as Hantzschia amphioxys,

Aulacoseira italica, and Pinnularia borealis, the latter being rather common on wet walls.

Several species found in the Spoletino cistern live in waters with high electrolyte content.

The diatoms identified are never acidophilous and generally indicate a rather oligotrophic

environment. The waters were not polluted, and relatively low in nutrients. Species of running

waters were absent, as it is normally expected in a cistern.

Figure 48: Chart of fresh water Diatoms/ brackish Diatoms

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Figure 49: Freshwater diatoms

Figure 50: Brackish diatoms

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My work of separation and identification of the materials from the cistern of the Roman

Spoletino villa has made it possible to reconstruct different aspects of the environmental

conditions around and within the cistern at the time of the sediment deposition. This was possible

because the fine sediment filling the cistern allowed the preservation of wood. Besides, it was

possible to retrieve, identify and count microfossils like pollen and diatoms. The chance to study

such different materials, providing various aspects of environmental reconstruction is an

important added value to the archaeological research. Unfortunately, no seeds species were

found, which could have provided direct information on the local subsistence economy. The lack

of carpological remains may be due to the fact that the sedimentary environment was not

especially favorable to waterlogging, as the water level was low and the cistern was often dry, as

indicated by the high number of diatoms typical of aerial environments and damp soils. By

contrast, the wood fragments, which were not well preserved, could persist in sediments because

they were already charred. On the whole, considering the limited amount of sediment that was

treated for this thesis, a more in-depth study on different levels form the cistern may be expected

to provide more detailed results.

Pollen and anthracological finds complement each other in showing the main features of

the local natural vegetation and of the tree crops in the territory of the villa. In particular, they

indicate that the main floristic elements of the surrounding woodlands were oaks, both deciduous

and evergreen, accompanied by other tree taxa, such as elms, in lower amounts. The presence of

olive trees is testified by both pollen and wood remains, found in percentages higher than one

would expect if olive trees would be wild. This indicates intentional olive plantation and

management by the Roman farmers of the villa. This result is very interesting, as the area is

currently mainly devoted to vineyards, which were missing during the Roman times, as suggested

by the lack of Vitis pollen in the record. The finding of Prunus cf avium suggests that cherry trees

could be cultivated in the villa, which is possible considering that the species was imported by

the Romans during the first century BC as reported by Pliny, who argued that this fruit crop was

introduced to Rome from the Pontus area (south-eastern part of the Black Sea Basin) by Locullus

in 73 BC (Zohary et al., 2012). Another evidence for local cultivations is the pollen find of

Juglans with frequencies exceeding 1%, suggesting the presence of local walnut trees.

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Indirect evidence of farming activity is also provided by other pollen taxa, including

Amaranthaceae, Brassicaceae, Asphodelus, Plantago, Cichorioideae, and Fabaceae, which form

herbaceous communities typical of meadows affected by livestock and other agropastoral


The archaeobotanical questions that were asked by the archaeologists excavating in the

Spoletino villa have found several answers, provided by the variety and complementarity of

vegetal macro-and microremains (wood, pollen, and diatoms) preserved in the cistern. The

integration of different archaeobotanical methodologies has offered a new perspective of the

palaeoenvironmental research in this archaeological site, which is proving to be an exceptional

settlement of Roman Imperial age.

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