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Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini ,

Nama : Istikomah

Tempat/Tgl.Lahi : Kebumen, 11 Mei 1984

NIM : 104014000324

Jurusan / Prodi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul Skripsi : Teaching Vocabulary through Contextual

Teaching and Learning

Dosen Pembimbing : Drs. Sunardi Kartowisastro Dip.Ed

Dengan ini menyatakan bahwa skripsi yang saya buat benar-benar hasil karya

sendiri dan saya bertanggung jawab secara akademisi atas apa yang saya tulis.

Pernyataan dibuat sebagai salah satu syarat menempuh Ujian Munaqosah

Jakarta, November 2009

Mahasiswa Ybs.


NIM. 104014000324

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ISTIKOMAH. 2009, Teaching Vocabulary through Contextual Teaching and

Learning (An experimental Study of the students of SMU PGRI 56

Ciputat), Skripsi, English Department, The faculty of Tarbiya University

and Teachers’ Training, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic

Adviser : Drs. Sunardi Kartowisastro Dip.ED

Key words: Contextual Teaching and Learning, and vocabulary

The purpose of this study is to describe the objective condition of the

Teaching Vocabulary through Contextual Teaching and learning at first grade students of SMU PGRI 56 Ciputat. It includes the students’ vocabulary mastery

through Contextual Teaching Learning, the students motivation that can be affect the students’ vocabulary mastery in teaching learning process, and the students’

achievement through contextual teaching and learning in teaching vocabulary The aim of the research is to gain the information about teaching

vocabulary through Contextual teaching and learning, moreover it is conducted to get the effective technique in teaching vocabulary at first grade students of SMU

PGRI 56 Ciputat. Sample of the research is as much 30 students of first grade and

an English teacher. This research is using experiment method in quantitative form

by collecting data from observation, and test.

The data collected in this research analyzed by using t-test. According to

the result of statistical calculation, it is obtained the value of to (t observation) is

2,82 and the value of “tt” (t table) from df (28) on degree of significance of 5% is

2.05. It means that null hypothesis (Ho) which says there is no significance

influence of using contextual teaching and learning in teaching vocabulary is

rejected. It means that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) which says that there is

significance influence of teaching vocabulary through contextual teaching and

learning is accepted

Based on the finding of this study, it can be concluded that using

contextual is quite success. By using contextual, students feel more interesting and enjoy doing activities in the class. It also can give the students the

opportunities to be active in learning English vocabulary.

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ISTIKOMAH. 2009, Teaching Vocabulary through Contextual Teaching and Learning (An Experiment Study of The Students of

SMU PGRI 56 Ciputat), Skripsi, Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas Islam Negeri

Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta).

Adviser: Sunardi Kartowisastro, Dip.Ed. Drs

Kata Kunci: Kosakata, dan Contextual Teaching and Learning

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menggambarkan suatu

kondisi yaitu pengajaran kosakata melalui pendekatan contextual

pada tingkat 1 siswa Sekolah Menengah Umum (SMU) PGRI 56

Ciputat. Tujuan tersebut antara lain, penguasaan kosakata siswa

dengan melalui pendekatan contekstual, motivasi siswa yang dapat

mempengaruhi penguasaan kosakata siswa dalam kegiatan belajar

mengajar, dan prestasi siswa yang menggunakan pndekatan

contekstual dalam pembelajaran kosakata.

Selain itu tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan

informasi tentang pengajaran melalui pendekatan contekstual dalam mengajar kosakata, selebihnya hal ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan

keefektifan teknik dalam mengajar kosakata di kelas 1 siswa Sekolah Menengah Umum (SMU) PGRI 56 Ciputat. Siswa yang termasuk

dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 30 orang dan seorang guru Bahasa Inggris. Penelitian ini termasuk penelititan eksperimen dalam bentuk

quantitatif dengan mengumpulkan data-data dari dokumentasi, observasi, dan test.

Data-data yang dikupulkan dalam penelitian ini dianalisa

menggunakan test-t. berdasarkan hasi statistik, telah didapatkan nilai

to (t observasi) yaitu sebesar 2.82 dan nilai dari tt (t table) dari df

(28) pada taraf signifikan 5% yaitu sebesar 2.05. dari hasil tersebut,

jelas bahwa nilai to lebih tinggi daripada tt. Selanjutnya dapat ditarik

kesimpulan bahwa hipothesis nihil (Ho), yaitu tidak ada pengaruh

yang signifikan dari penggunaan belajar aktif dalam mengajar

kosakata ditolak. Sedangkan hipothesis alternatif (Ha), yaitu ada

pengaruh yang signifikan dari penggunaan belajar contextual dalam

mengajarkan kosakata diterima.

Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa

penggunaan belajar contextual dalam mengajar kosakata adalah

cukup berhasil. Para siswa juga merasa senang dan tertarik untuk melakukan kegiatan-kegiatan di kelas. Belajar contekstual juga dapat

memberikan siswa kesempatan untuk lebih aktif belajar kosakata dalam Bahasa Inggris.

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SCENARIO PENGAJARAN of (Experimental Class)

Satuan Pendidikan : SMA PGRI 56 Ciputat

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : X 3

Aspek/Skill/subskill : Vocabulary

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit

Theme : Describing people

Tahun Pelajaran : 2008/2009

1. Standar Kompetensi


11 Merespon makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan esai sederhana

berbentuk narrative, descriptive, news item, dan procedure dalam konteks

kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan.

II. Kompetensi Dasar


11.1 merespon makna dalam bentuk teks fungsional pendek (misalnya

banner, poster, pamphlet,dll)dalam konteks kehidupan sehai-hari dan untuk

mengakses ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk narrative, descriptive,

dan news item, and procedure

III. Indicator

� Setelah guru memberikan instruksi latihan, siswa bisa mempraktikan secara otomstis dalam kehidupan sehari-hari

� Setelah melakukan pelatihan melalui diskusi, siswa bisa menyatakan pendapat

� Setelah melakukan pelaiahan melalui diskusi, siswa bisa menerangkan hasil diskusi kelompok di kelas.

� setelah melakuakn pelatihan melalui diskusi, siswa bisa melaporkan hasil diskusis kelompok

IV. Tujuan pembelajaran

Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa mampu :

Mampu menerapkan pengetahuan yang telah di peroleh secara alami

Bisa merespond tindak tutur kata dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

V. Materi pembelajaran / Uraian Matei Pokok

Describing people

VI. Teknik Sumber dan Alat Pembelajaran

Metode Pembelajaran

o contextual learning

o and role play Sumber dan alat pembelajaran

o Kurikulum Bahasa Inggris SMA (grade X) o Standar isi

o Buku bahasa inggris X “ Window on the world.

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o LKS SMA kelas X, “TUNTAS”

o hand out, marker, gambar yang berkaitan dengan tema.

1.Langkah-langkah Pemberlajaran

Pertemuan I

a. Kegiatan pendahuluan

o Greeting (meberi salam dan tegur sapa) o Brainstorming activity(guru mengarahkan siswa pada topic yang

akan dibahas dengan mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan

o Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran.

b. Kegiatan Inti

o Guru memberikan contoh mendiskripsikan seseorang di lihat dari

ciri mata and hidung

o Siswa di minta mendeskripsikan teman satu bangku.

c. Kegiatan Penutup

o Guru menanayakan kesulitan yang di hadapi siswa

o Guru menyimpulkan matreri pembelajaran

o Guru memberikan hand out

o Guru menutup kegiatan belajar

Pertemuan II

a. Kegiatan pendahuluan � Greeting (meberi salam dan tegur sapa)

� Brainstorming activity(guru mengarahkan siswa pada � Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajarantopic yang akan dibahas dengan

mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan

b. Kegiatan Inti

a. Guru memberikan contoh mendiskripsikan seseorang di lihat dari ciri

mata and hidung

b. Siswa mendeskripsikan orang tua masing-masing.

c. Kegiatan Penutup

a. Guru menanayakan kesulitan yang di hadapi siswa

b. Guru menyimpulkan matreri pembelajaran

c. Guru memberikan hand out

d. Guru menutup kegiatan belajar

Pertemuan III

a. Kegiatan pendahuluan

� Greeting (meberi salam dan tegur sapa) � Brainstorming activity(guru mengarahkan siswa pada topic yang

akan dibahas dengan mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan � Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran

b. Kegiatan Inti

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• Guru memberikan contoh mendiskripsikan seseorang di lihat dari ciri postur tubuh and roman wajah

• Siswa di minta mendeskripsikan the special friend (teman khusus)

c. Kegiatan Penutup

• Guru menanayakan kesulitan yang di hadapi siswa

• Guru menyimpulkan matreri pembelajaran

• Guru memberikan hand out

• Guru menutup kegiatan belajar

Pertemuan IV

a. Kegiatan pendahuluan

� Greeting (meberi salam dan tegur sapa)

� Brainstorming activity

� Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran topic yang akan dibahas

dengan mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan

b. Kegiatan Inti

• Guru memberikan contoh mendiskripsikan seseorang di lihat dari

ciri khusus, seperti jambang, lesung pipit, tai lalat

• Siswa di minta mendeskripsikan their neighbour

c. Kegiatan Penutup

� Guru menanayakan kesulitan yang di hadapi siswa

� Guru menyimpulkan matreri pembelajaran

� Guru memberikan hand out � Guru menutup kegiatan belajar

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1. Sejarah berdirinya SMA PGRI 56 Ciputat

SMA PGRI 56 Ciputat merupakan salah satu lembaga pendidikan

perjuangan bangsa yang dinaungi oleh Organisasi Persatuan Guru

Republik Indonesia (PGRI). SMA PGRI Ciputat sangat kondisten dengan

tujuannya, yaitu: menyelenggarakan pendidikan yang berkualitas dan

terjangkau oleh semua lapisan masyrakat.

Sekolah Menengah Akhir (SMA) PGRI 56 Ciputat terletak di jalan

Pendidikan no.30 Ciputat kota Tangerang Selatan 15411, Tlp.

0217409808, E-mail. [email protected]. Sekolah ini

didirikan pada tahun 1982 yang berdasarkan surat keputusan akreditasi

lama /SK No. 086/102.Kep/E.84/16 Maret 1984, dan akreditasi baru yaitu

/SK No. Ma. 002937/28.00.Ma.0003.06/ 27 Juni 2006, yang berdiri diatas

lahan tanah seluas 1777 m2, yang dipergunakan untuk bangunan seluas

877 m2, halaman seluas 300 m

2, dan untuk lapangan olahraga seluas 600

m2. Lahan tanah yang dipergunakan oleh SMA PGRI 56 Ciputat ini milik

tentara ABRI 203 yang di wakafkan untuk pendidikan. SMA PGRI 56

Ciputat dikepalai oleh Drs. Asep Setiadi, M.Pd sebagai kepala sekolah dan

Novia Roza, M.Pd sebagai wakil kepala sekolah.

2. Visi dan Misi serta Tujuan SMA PGRI 56 Ciputat


Menjadikan SMA PGRI 56 Ciputat sebagai Pusat Pengembangan

Pendidikan, kebanggaan masyarakat yang menghasilkan kader-

kader Bangsa yang Berkualitas yang unggul dalam IPTEK dan



a. Menyelenggarkan pendidikan umum yang bersifat nasional

b. Menghasilkan tamatan yang kompeten, terampil, dan bermutu

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c. Menghasilkan tamatan yang berguna bagi dirinya, bangsa, dan


d. Menjadikan lembaga pendidikan kebanggaan masyarakat

Ciputat dan sekitarnya

e. Menyelenggarakan pendidikan yang berorientasi kepada

pengembanagn potensi siswa dalam membentuk manusia


Tujuan Sekolah

1. Tujuan jangka panjang: berisi tujuan jangka panjang sekolah (5

tahun kedepan)

2. Tujuan jangka pendek:

Berisis serangkaian tujuan jangka pendek yang mewujudkan dalam

tahunan seperti:

a. Membentuk pokja/Tim kecil sebagai pionir dalam

mengimplementasikan budaya profesional

b. Menjaring calon siswa yang berkualitas

c. Menganalisa dan mensinkronkan kurikulum dengan tuntutan

Standar Kompetensi Nasional dan Internasional

d. Meningkatkan kompetensi guru melalui sertifikasi kompetensi

e. Menjalin kerjasama dengan lembaga/PP instansi terkait, dan

masyarakat dalam rangka perkembanngan IPTEK

f. Meningkatkan pelaksanaan kegiatan ekstrakurikuler unggulan

yang sesuai dengan minat siswa

g. Meningkatkan upaya pemenuhan kebutuhan prasarana dan

sarana serta program pendidikan untuk mendukung KBM dan

hasil Belajar siswa

h. Mempersiapkan peserta didika yang bertakwa kepada Allah

Tuhan Yang Maha Esa dan berakhlak mulia.

i. Mempersiapkan peserta didik agar menjadi manusia yang

berprikepribadian, cerdas, berkualitas dan berprestasi dalam

bidang olah raga dan seni.

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j. Membekali peserta didik agar memiliki keterampilan teknologi

informasi dan komunikasi serta mampu mengembangkan diri

secara mandiri.

k. Menanamkan peserta didik sikap ulet dan gigih dalam

berkompetensi, beradaptasi dengan lingkungan dan

mengembangkan sikap sportifitas

l. Membekali peserta didik dengan Ilmu pengetahuan dan

teknologi agar mamapu bersaing dan melanjutkan ke jenjang

pendidikan yang lebih tinggi.

3. Keadaan Guru, Siswa dan Sarana Prasarana

Dalam proses belajar mengajar, sangat dibutuhkan tenaga yang

profesional agar tercipta generasi yang berkompeten dan mempunyai

skill yang memadai. Adapun tenaga pengajar yang ada di SMA PGRI

56 Ciputat tahun ajaran 2008/2009, dapat dilihat pada tabel dibawah


Tabel 4.1

Keadaan Guru SMA PGRI 56 Ciputat

Tahun Ajaran 2008/2009

No Nama Keterangan

1 Drs. Asep Setiadi, M.Pd Kepala sekolah

2 Novia Roza, M.Pd Wakasek

3 Siti Aisyah, M.Pd guru

4 Dra. Ulfiti Rahmah guru

5 Drs. Tatang Gunawan guru

6 Drs. Junaedi guru

7 Dra, Ecin Kuraesin guru

8 Dra. Tini Gustini guru

9 H. Hasan HB, M.Pd guru

10 Drs. Sidup Usman guru

11 Tatang Setiawan guru

12 M. Zaenudin ZM guru

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13 Dra. Tinelfia guru

14 Tatan. ZM, S.Ag, M.pd guru

15 Komariah S.Pd guru

16 Buyung Tarmizi guru

17 Abdul Rochim, S.Pd guru

18 Yunita Nurhidayati S.hum guru

19 Cucu Purnama Alam guru

20 Drs.Suryadi guru

21 Heru Sutanto, S.Pd guru

22 Budiyanto S.Pd guru

23 Yusep K Sukma, SE guru

24 Drs. Hartono guru

25 Eko Sulistiyo guru

26 Even Apriansyah guru

27 Eka Rostikasari S.Pd guru

28 Agus Suhandi, S.Pd.I guru

29 Rindu Harahap guru

Siswa merupakan salah satu komponen sekolah yang sangat penting.

Siswa di SMA PGRI 56 Ciputat Berjumlah 268 orang, hal ini membuktikan

antusias masyarakat untuk menyekolahkan anaknya ke SMA PGRI 56 Ciputat

ini cukup tinggi.

Adapun jumlah siswa di SMA PGRI 56 Ciputat, yaitu sebagai


Tabel 4.2

Keadaan Siswa SMA PGRI 56 Ciputat

Tahun Ajaran 2008/2009

Kelas Jumlah


Jumlah Perempuan Jumlah Keseluruhan

X 52 orang 48 orang 100 orang

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XI 43 orang 42 orang 85 orang

XII 41 orang 42 orang 83 orang

Total 368 orang

Untuk mendukung kegiatan belajar mengajar di SMA PGRI 56 Ciputat

tersedianya fasilitas-fasilitas. Adapun saran prasarana yang ada di SMA PGRI

56 Ciputat dapat dilihat pada tabel berikut ini;

Tabel 4.3

Sarana Prasarana SMA PGRI 56 Ciputat

Tahun Ajaran 2008/2009

No. Keterangan Jumlah

1 Romel 7

2 Ruang Lab. Komputer 1

3 Ruang Lab. Bahasa 1

4 Ruang Lab. Multimedia 1

5 Ruang Kepala Sekolah 1

6 Ruang Guru 1

7 Ruang BP/ BK 1

8 Ruang TU 1

9 Ruang Perpustakaan 1

10 Kamar Mandi/ WC guru 2

11 Kamar Mandi / WC siswa 2

12 Gudang 1

13 Rumah Ibadah 1

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This chapter presents and discusses Background of the study, Formulation

of the Problem, The objective of study, Limitation of the study, significance of the

study, Hypothesis, Definition of Key term.

A. Background of the Study

Every day all people need to communicate with each other. When they

communicate with each other, surely they use a language. It can be spoken or

written form. Language is intimately tied to man’s feeling and activity. It is bound

up with nationality, religion, and the feeling of self. It is used for work, worship,

and play by everyone, be beggar or banker, savage or civilized.1

In global era, English has reached almost every country in the world.

Global era brings great impacts on all aspects of life. People should be competent

and skillful to be able to get better lives in fully competitive world. Everyone ca

not count on his/her knowledge but he/she must be able to own life skills. Today

life skills are spoken more often in education. Students do not only have to learn

knowledge but also gain some life skills.

Communication ability, especially in English, is one of the most important

life skills, that should be mastered in facing competitive world. Communication

ability is the ability to state and express idea, thought and opinion, to analyze, to

discuss, describe, and take appropriate decision. This ability is really needed, as

the development of science, technology and information, which increase rapidly

day by day

English as an international language is spoken all over the world. In the

global era, English takes an important role as communication language used in

many sector of life, such as trading, bilateral relationship, politic, science,

technology and many others. People should understand and master English in

order to gain broader knowledge, information and technology.

In Indonesia English has taught from the elementary school up to the

University. The teaching learning process of a language, can not be separated

from the curriculum or syllabus. Based on our curriculum, the purposes of

1 Robert Lado, Language Teaching A Scientific Approach (New Delhi : McGraw Hill Publishing

Co.Ltd, 1964),p.11

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teaching English in Indonesia is “students can master the four skills (reading,

writing, listening, speaking)”. But, in many work fields most people/students can

not state their ideas and opinion well since they are not accustomed to speaking,

feeling shy, hesitation and fear to make mistakes. Commonly, it is caused by the

limited vocabulary.

A good vocabulary is a vital part of effective communication. A command

of many words will make us a better speaker, listener, reader and writer. The

primary method of communication between people is words. Words may be used

to communicate meanings in either a written or spoken way. Without use of right

words, communication will break down.

But, vocabulary has been neglected in programs for teachers during much

of the twentieth century. Meanwhile, in recent years, the teaching of vocabulary

has assumed its rightful place as a fundamentally important aspect of language

development. Vocabulary is to be the main attention in teaching English.

Moreover, there are some researchers regarding, that vocabulary more

important than grammar. Among them is McCarthy in his book stated “no matter

how well the student learns grammar, no matter how successfully the sounds of

L2 just cannot happen in any meaningful way.2 So the first that to be master in

learning english is vocabulary.

Nevertheless, to communicate in foreign language, especially in English

written or spoken fluently, we should master grammar too. Grammar and

vocabulary are like the coin side. They can not be separated from each other.

Because both of them are basic elements of language. The opinion and the feeling

are not able to be applied well without grammar and vocabulary. Related to that

matter, Jeremy Harmer quoted from David Wilkins “Without grammar, very little

can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed”3

Second language learning is not a set of easy steps. It is a complex

process, involving a seemingly infinite numbers of variables. Having good

vocabulary does not come about by chance. Words and meanings have to be

learned. Learning involves some form of practice, perhaps reinforced practices.

2 Norbert Schmitt and Michael McCarthy, Vocabulary: Description, Acquisition and

Pedagogy (New York : Cambridge University Press), p.140. 3 David Wilkins, Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach Vocabulary (London : Longman. Co.

Ltd, 2002), p.13

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However it is not easy to teach vocabulary. Teaching can not be defined

apart from learning. Teaching is guiding and facilitating learning, enabling the

learner to learn, setting the condition learning. The goals of vocabulary teaching

must be more than simply covering a certain number of words on a word list.

To reach the purposes of our curriculum, in teaching English, grammar

and vocabulary must be taught in balance. The teaching learning process must be

meaningful. Rich in knowledge, whether grammar or vocabulary will not be

useful, unless it is used in live reality. People’s linguistic ability depends not on

the amount or complexity of the language they possess, but on what they can do

with what they possess.

Teaching English as foreign language should be directed to be lively

communicative process. The teachers must be creative when they teach their

students. So the students do not feel bored. Teachers should think and do some

innovative learning by use some approaches and strategy to empower students’

competence. To make vocabulary easier to learn, and make students gain their

motivation in learning English, the writer tries to apply Contextual Teaching and

learning approach. Contextual Teaching and Learning is conception that helps

teachers relate subject matter content to real world situation and motivate students

to make connection members, citizens, and others.4It means that when teaching

learning process the material should be related to the real life.

Through Contextual teaching and Learning the students can consolidate,

develop, and apply the knowledge and language skills in various levels, both in or

outside school. In addition, students learn to solve problems, that they encounter

by using language actively, like forming a discussion or doing simulation. That is

the reason why the writer chooses this title for her skripsi.

But, it is noticed, there is no right or best way to teach vocabulary. The

best practice in any situation will depend on the type of student, the words that are

targeted, the school system and curriculum, and many others factors.

B. Formulation of The Problem

4 Elaine B. Johnson, Contextual Teaching and Learning (California : Corwin Press,

2002), p.57

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Based on the background above, it is necessary to do an evaluation of

students on teaching learning process of English at firs grade of SMU

PGRI 56 Ciputat. The general question pf this study is “Is there any

difference of students’ achievement between using Contextual

Teaching and Learning in teaching vocabulary and without using

Contextual Teaching and Learning in teaching vocabulary?

To specify this problem, the specific research questions are formulated as


1. How is the process of teaching vocabulary through Contextual

Teaching and Learning at first year students of SMU PGRI 56 Ciputat?

2. Does CTL affect the students’ vocabulary mastery?

3. Does the students’ motivation affect their vocabulary mastery?

C. The Objective of the Study

According to statement of formulation of the problem stated above, the

general objective of this study is to evaluate the teaching learning process

of the English subject, especially in teaching vocabulary at SMU PGRY

56 Ciputat. More specifically, the writer aims at evaluating:

1. to describe the teaching learning process of vocabulary through CTL

2. to describe the students’ vocabulary mastery through CTL

3. to describe the students’ motivation that can be affect the students’

vocabulary mastery.

D. Limitation of the Study

To limit of the problems will be discuss in this skripsi the comprise of (a)

the teaching learning process of vocabulary through CTL, (b) the effect of

CTL of CTL towards the students’ vocabulary, (c) the effect of the

students’ motivation towards the students’ vocabulary mastery

E. Significance of the Study

The results of this study are expected for 3 (three) groups of people are :

(a) English teacher, (b) Students, (c) other researchers. To English teacher,

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the findings of this study are expected to be able to enrich the teachers’

knowledge in terms of teaching English through CTL in teaching

vocabulary at first grade year of students SMU PGRI 56 Ciputat.

To students, the result of this study is expected to make the process of

learning more communicative and enjoyable so that it will increase not

only their motivation and interest but also their vocabulary in learning

English. To other researchers, the results of this study are hoped as a basic

consideration and basic information to do further investigation.

F. Hypothesis

The statistic hypothesis states

1. Alternative Hypothesis (Ha). There is significance difference between

the students’ vocabulary scores taught through CTL and without

through CTL for students at SMU PGRI 56 Ciputat

2. Null Hypothesis (Ho). There is no significance difference between the

students’ vocabulary scores taught through CTL and without through

CTL for students at SMU PGRI 56 Ciputat.

G. Definition of Key Term

For clarification, some terms in this study need to be defined as follows:

1. Contextual Teaching and Learning is An approach which studying by

connecting academic subjects with the context of their personal, social,

and cultural circumstances

2. Vocabulary is English words that are related to the meaning of the

words and the way to use them in communication

3. SMU PGRI 56 Ciputat is the acronym of Senior High School PGRI 56

Ciputat. It is under the supervision of the Department of Education



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Second chapter presents theoretical framework. This chapter concerns

vocabulary; a definition of vocabulary, the kinds of vocabulary, and the problems

in teaching vocabulary. This chapter also concerned with the meaning of

Contextual Teaching and Learning

A. Vocabulary

Language consist of skills (listening, speaking. reading and writing), and

sub skills (pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary). Words are an important

part of our life. We think with words. We also speak, listen, read, and write

with words. Words help us communicate our ideas. They also help us

understand other people’s ideas. Developing the vocabulary is one of the most

useful projects you can undertake.

Words are the basic unit of language form. Without a sufficient

vocabulary, one cannot communicate effectively or express ideas. Having a

limited vocabulary is also a barrier that prevents students from learning a

foreign language. If learners do not know how to expand their vocabulary,

they gradually lose interest in learning.5

Words regarded as most important part in learning language. Related to

that matter, Michael McCarthy, quoted from Vermeer stated

Knowing words is the key to understanding and being understood. The

bulk of learning a new language consists of learning new words. Grammatical

knowledge does not make of great proficiency in a language. (Vermeer, 1992:


From information above, the writer conclude that when someone

learning English, the first that should be mastered is vocabularies.

5 Yang Zhihong, “learning Words”, www. 38/no3/p.18.htm

6 McCarthy, Vermeer, “Vocabulary: Description, Acquisition and Pedagogy” (United

Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 1997), p. 140.

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1. Definition of Vocabulary

There are definitions of vocabulary given by expert. Hatch and Brown

define vocabulary as a list or set of words for a particular language or a list

or set of words that individual speakers of language might use.7

While Harimuti kridalaksana says,

“Kosakata adalah komponen bahasa yang memuat informasi tentang

makna dan penggunaan kata dalam suatu bahasa.8 He says that vocabulary

is a component of a language that maintains all information about meaning

and using words in a language.

According to Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary,

vocabulary is :

a) A list of words and phrases, abbreviation inflectional form etc. Usually arranged in alphabetical order defined or otherwise

identified as in a dictionary of glossary b) An interested group of non-verbal symbols, signs, gestures, etc. Used

for communication or expression in a particular art, skill, etc.9

Penny Ur defined that vocabulary is one of the important aspects in

teaching a language, besides grammar and pronunciation. As a stock of

words used by a person, vocabulary can be defined , roughly, as the word

we teach in foreign language.10

And Robert Lado, defined vocabulary as means the memory of the

situation in which they have been observed and understood.11 It means that

to know a words is to use it or to understand in situation in which the

person has not experienced it before.

7 Evelyn Hatch and Cheryl Brown, Vocabulary, semantic and Language Education,

(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995), p. 1. 8 Harimurti Kridalaksana, Kamus linguistic, (Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama,

1993), p. 27. 9 Meriem Webster’s Ninth, New Collegiate Dictionary, (America: Meriem Webster, Inc,

1983),p. 1494 10

Penny Ur, A Course in Language Teaching: Practice and Theory, (New York:

Cambridge University Press, 1996), p.60. 11

Robert Lado, Language Teaching: A Scientific Approach, (Bombay-New Delhi :

McGraw Hill Publishing Co.Ltd, 1974), p.118

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Based on the definition above, the writer says that vocabulary is a list

or a stock of words, phrases, signs, codes or rules of the world, which can

be defined and identified. Surely it cannot be separated from people in all

social levels.

2. Kinds of Vocabulary

People have attempted to learn second languages from time of the

Romans, and perhaps before. In this period of more than two thousand

years, there have been numerous different approach to language

learning, each with a different perspective on vocabulary. Vocabulary

has the large area to discuss, especially in the kinds of vocabulary.

Many writer will discuss different kinds of vocabulary, but whatever

their notion the point still have same definition.

According to Djalinus Syah and Azimar Enang say,

“Kosakata dibagi menjadi dua bagian , kosa kata umum dan khusus. Kosakata umum adala kata yang digunakan secara umum, tidak ada

batasan baik tema maupun pemakaiannya. Sedangkan kosakata khusus adalah kata yang digunakan dalam tems tertentu, profesi atau satu bidang

ilmu pengetahuan.” (Vocabulary is divided into two kinds, namely: general vocabulary and

special vocabulary. The general vocabulary of the words, that are used in general; there is no limited or field or user. Whereas, special vocabulary is

that the words are used in certain field or job, profession or special


Dealing with the characteristics of the words, vocabulary divided into two

kinds. They are active vocabulary and passive vocabulary.13

a) Active Vocabulary

Active vocabulary refers to items which learner can use

appropriately in speaking or writing. And it is also called as

productive vocabulary, although in fact, it is more difficult to put

into practice.


Djalinus Syah and Azmir Enang, Tata Bahasa Inggris Modern dalam Tanya Jawab,

(Jakarta: CV Miswar, 1980), h.1 13

Ruth Gairns and Stuart Redman, Working with Words A Guide to Teaching and

Learning Vocabulary (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986) p. 65

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It means that to use the productive vocabulary, students must know

with collocation and understand the communication meaning of the word.

This type is often used in speaking and writing skills.

b) Passive Vocabulary

Passive vocabulary refers to language items that can be recognized

and understood in context of reading or listening, and it is also

called as receptive vocabulary.

According to Jack C, Gray, vocabulary divided into three (concrete

words, relative words, and abstract words).14

a. Concrete words

Concrete words have meanings established by more or less regular

reference to actual object. For example is Chair

b. Relative words

Words for qualities have not so much a definite meaning as a direction

of meaning, and their reference in a given instance depends on the

experience and intention of the user. For instance is red.

c. Abstract words.

Words that do not have specific observable referents against which their

meaning can be checked.

There are so many statement about kinds of vocabulary. Based on Fries

statement’s, the writer says that vocabulary is divided two kinds, function and

contents words. The function words are closed class, we cannot add the

prepositions or auxiliaries or modals or any structure words of the language. The

content words, can be added to at any times as new scientific advances make new

words and communication about new invention necessary.

3. Problem in Teaching Vocabulary

We often believe that we need a large number of the words besides

grammar, to master English language well. This belief is not wrong


Jack C,Gray, Words, Words and Words about Dictionaries, (USA : Northen Illionis

University Co.Ltd 1963). P.12-13.

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because we must know that without a large vocabulary, it is impossible to

use the language precisely and vividly.15

But, sometimes we have difficulties in vocabulary, in understanding

the meaning of words, in differentiating the words forms, and in applying

the words in sentences. When we find out a word, we do not know its form

grammatically, such as noun, verb, adjective, or adverb (part of speech).

When we look up the meaning of words we always find several meanings


That why vocabulary is difficult. Bellow are the factors that make

some words difficult for mastering. They are:

a) Pronunciation

Research sows that words are difficult to pronounce are more difficult

to learn. Many learners find that words with cluster of consonant, such

as strength or crisps or breakfast, are problematic.

b) Spelling

Sound and spelling mismatches will be the cause of errors in

pronunciation or in spelling, and can be contribute to a word difficulty.

For example : muscle, headache

c) Length and complexity

Long words are more difficult to learn than short ones. And the

variable stresses or polysyllabic words are difficult too. For example :

necessary, necessity

d) Meaning

Words with multiple meaning such as since and still, can also be

difficulties for learners.

e) Range-connotation and Idiomatic

Words that always used in wider range will be easier than those

narrower range. For example: Thin is more used than skinny, slim,

slender. 16


S.H Burton and J.A. Humphries, Mastering English Language (London: The

Macmillan Press, 1992), p.65

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B. Contextual Teaching and Learning

1. Contextual Teaching and Learning

Philosophy of CTL is rooted from John Dewey progressivism, the students

will better learning if what they have learnt related to what they have already

know. And teaching learning process will be productive if the students are

active in the process of teaching learning. According to contextual learning

theory, learning occurs only when students (learners) process new information

or knowledge in such a way that it makes sense to them in their own frames or

reference (their own inner worlds of memory, experience, and response).

This approach to learning and teaching assumes that the mind naturally

seeks meaning in context, that is in relation to the person’s current

environment, and that it does so by searching for relationships that make sense

and appear useful. Building upon this understanding, contextual learning

theory focuses on the multiple aspects of any learning environments that

incorporate as many different forms of experience as possible, social, cultural,

physical, and psychological, in working toward the desired learning


Contextual teaching and learning an instructional system, is based on the

premise hat meaning emerges from the relationship between content and its

context. Context gives meaning to content. The broader the context within

which students are able to make connection, the more meaning content will

hold for them.18

2. Definition of Contextual Teaching and Learning

The writer found some definition about Contextual Teaching and Learning.

Based on Johnson in “Contextual Teaching and Learning: What It Is and Why It

Is Here to Say”, he stated that


Scott Thornbury, How to Teach Vocabulary, (Harlow: Pearson Education Limited,

2003), p.27-28 17

John Saunders. Contextually Based Learning, Fad or Proven practice in A Forum Brief:

http:/ www. Contextual Teaching Information.html. 6 May 2007. 18

Johnson, E.B. Contextual Teaching and Learning; What It Is and Why it Is Here to

Stay.(United States of America: Corwin Press, Inc. 2002), p.3

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“The CTL system is an educational process that aims to help students see

meaning in the academic material. They are studying by connecting academic subjects with the context of their daily lives, that is with the

context of their personal, social, and cultural circumstances”.19

Based on Nurhadi in Pembelajaran Kontekstual (CTL) dan penerapanya dalam KBK, there is a definition about CTL from the Washington State

Consortium for Contextual Teaching and Learning; “Contextual teaching is teaching that enables students to reinforce, expand and apply their

academic knowledge and skills in a variety of in school and out-of-school

settings in order to solve simulated or real-world problems.20

Based on the preceding definition of CTL, the writer concludes that CTL is a

conception of teaching and learning that helps the students to get a better

understanding about the knowledge as they relate to the context of real life.

Therefore Contextual learning occurs only when teachers relate subject matter

to real world situation. Students are motivated to make connections, between

knowledge and its application to their lives as family members, citizent, and


3. Components of Contextual Teaching and Learning

a. Constructivism

Constructivism is the philosophy of CTL approach mentioning that

knowledge is constructed gradually and the result will be expanded

through limited context and is eventually developed. It is out of the

question that a teacher can transfer all knowledge to the students.

Therefore, students should construct what they have in mind by

finding out complicated information to other situation of their own.

During classroom activities, students can refer to their experience in

lives. One thing the teacher should keep in mind that he/she can take

students to learning atmosphere which relates the lesson in class to

what is available in their real lives.


Johnson. p. vii 20

The Washington State Consortium for Contextual Teaching and Learning in

Pembelajaran Kontekstual (CTL) dan Penerapannya dalam KBK by Nurhadi, 2004. (Malang:

Universitas Negeri Malang), p. 12 21

Robert G. Berns and Patricia M. Erickson.

http:/ www.usc. Edu/ programs/cet/resources/learn/ context. Html, January 9th, 2009

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Constructivist use the metaphor of construction because it aptly

summarizes the epistemological view that knowledge is built by


b. Inquiry

On the basis of teaching, inquiry is the core of CTL process. While

designing the tasks activities in class, teachers should refer to an inquiry

activities both in reading and in speaking. Knowledge and skill that

achieved by the students expected not only from remembering the facts,

but also from self inquiry. The cycles of inquiry are observation,

questioning, hypothesis date gathering and conclusion.

c. Questioning

Questioning is not a new strategy. In teaching and learning process,

teachers have already applied this strategy. The questioning is not only

monopolized by the teacher but also is asked by the students. It is natural

to say that curiosity means questioning. If someone in curious about

something, she/he will ask questions concerning the thing she/he is

observing. Good questions can raise students’ interest, motivate them and

lead to attract their attention to the phenomena observed.

d. Learning community

Learning community suggest that the result of teaching and learning is

resulted from doing tasks with other students group. In other words

sharing is needed among friends, groups, and among those who have

known to those who haven’t. and this concept suggested that the result of

learning be achieved from cooperative with another people.

e. Modeling

Another main component that is applicable is modeling. Teaching and

learning English has quite many chances of applying modeling, begun

with phonology to passages or texts. In assigning students to write the

paragraph in form of narrative, the teacher does not only define what

narrative is, she/he also gives examples. By doing like that, the students


KennethTobin, The Practice of Construction in Science Education, (USA : AAAS

PRESS, 1993) p. 51

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know and can identify the narrative then , at the end, they apply it in their

piece of writing.

f. Reflection

Reflection plays an important role in contextual teaching and learning. In

reflection, the teacher thinks of what she/he pays more attentions to her/his

teaching. And it is open to ideas or suggestions from other people. The

teacher needs to consider several aspects such as ;earning constrains,

students’ motivation, interesting and challenging tasks, and ways to help

students learn. Reflection directs a teacher to act on purpose: what and

when she/he does something. Teachers can also motivate the students to

reflect about their lesson.

g. Authentic Assessment

Assessment is the on going process of gathering and analyzing evidence of what a student can do. The term “Authentic Assessment”

is used to describe the multiple forms of assessment that reflect students learning achievement, motivation, and attitudes on

instructionally-relevant classroom activities.23

Authentic assessment challenges students to apply new academic

information and skills to a real situation for a significant purpose. It is the tool of a mindful school… clear about what it expects of the

students and about how he or she can exhibit these qualities. The antithesis of standardized testing, authentic assessment gives young

people the chance to exhibit the full range of their abilities while showing what they have learned.24

4. Design of Contextual Teaching and Learning

a. Objectives

The main objectives of Contextual Teaching and Learning is to help

teachers relate subject matter content to real world situations and

motivate students to make connection between knowledge and its


O Malley and Pierce. Authentic Assessment for English Language Learners: Practical

Approaches for Teachers, (United States of America: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company,

2003. 24

Johnson, E.B. Contextual Teaching and Learning: what It Is Here to Stay,(United

States of America: Corwin Press,Inc.2002),p. 165

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application to their lives as family members, citizens, and workers

and engage in the hard work that learning requires25

In other word, teacher’s objective in teaching by using CTL is to

give students opportunity to express and acquire knowledge and

information by themselves. It can be done through some strategies in

the following explanation.

b. The syllabus

The syllabus of CTL should be related to the students’ life. It means

that in making syllabus, the teachers should consider about

everything that is related to the students’ life such as their

environment, culture, social life, and so on. It is because the goal of

contextual syllabus is to increase the students’ motivation, to help

students in comprehending a concept, to increase communication

skill, to improve students’ mastery of material, and to increase

individual and social contribution

c. Types of Learning and Teaching Activities

The range of experience types and activities compatible with CTL is

unlimited. Yet, the activities should be concern with the five general

strategies of CTL. It is usually called REACT, which students for

relating, experiencing, applying, cooperating, and transferring.26

1. Relating

Learning related with the real world experience context.

2. Experiencing

Learning focused on the exploration, discovery, and invention.

3. Applying

Learning should be presented into the context of useful.

4. Cooperating

Learning through interpersonal communication context, together, etc


The office of Vocational and Adult Education, U.S Departement of Education at The

Ohio State University in Partnership with Bowling Green University

http: / www.usc. Edu/ programs/ cet/ resources/ learn/ context. Htm, 9th January 2009

26 Jack Richards, “The Context of Language Teaching”,

http : // www. What is CTL. Htm, December 26thd, 2008.

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5. Transferring

Learning by using the knowledge in the context or in the new situation.

d. Learners Roles

In CTL, the learner’ role is central and active. It is a learner-dominated

method. Learners make a lesson plan by themselves, do the activities,

experience knowledge and information, apply a concept, cooperate

with other learner and finally reflect their learning activities.

e. Teacher Roles

For the CTL approaches to be most effective in students learning,

teacher must plan, implement, reflect upon, and receive lessons. Such

plans are based on CTL principle and approaches that require teacher

to serve in the following roles : facilitator, organizer of the teaching/

learning/ assessment process, role model, learning mentor, content

specialist, and knowledge dispenser. 27

Therefore, there are some activities that should be done by a teacher :

1. Discuss a concept and basic competency that will be learnt

by students

2. Understand the background and experience of the students

3. Make a lesson plan which is related to concept,

competency, and context of application

4. Apply the lesson plan

5. Assess the students comprehension

6. Reflect and revise lesson plan.28


f. The Role of Instructional Materials


Robert G. Berns and Patricia M. Erickson.

http:/ www.usc. Edu/ programs/cet/resources/learn/ context. Html, January 9th

, 2009


The Washington State Consortium for Contextual Teaching and Learning in

Pembelajaran Kontekstual (CTL) dan Penerapannya dalam KBK by Nurhadi, 2004. (Malang:

Universitas Negeri Malang),

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The primary role of materials in CTL is to make classroom activities as

meaningful as possible by providing the context of real life that helps students to

understand and experience the information and knowledge successfully.

Furthermore, the material that is chosen based on the students’ lives, will increase

their motivation and interest in studying and doing the classroom activities.

There are a number of different context types, but for our purposes, we will

concentrate on three : the students’ world, the outside world and formulated


5. Principles in Contextual Teaching and learning

As explained above, that CTL helps us relate subject matter content to real

world situations and motivates students to make connections between

knowledge and its application to their personal, social, and cultural

circumstances in their lives. Therefore, the strategies in using CTL techniques

are: 30

a. Problem-based

Contextual Teaching Learning (CTL) can begin with a simulation or real

problem. Students use critical-thinking and systematic approach to inquiry

to address the problem or issue. Students may also draw upon multiple

content areas to solve theirs problem. Worthwhile problems that are

relevant to student’s families, school experience, workplaces, and

communities hold greater personal meaning for students.

b. Using multiple context

Theories of situated cognition suggest that knowledge cannot be separated

from the physical and social context in which it develops. How and where

a person acquires and creates knowledge is very important. CTL

experiences are enriched when students learn skills in multiple context (i.e.

school, community, workplace, family).

c. Drawing upon student diversity


Jeremy Harmer, The Practical of English Language Teaching, (Cambridge : Longman,

1991) p. 57 30 Contextual Teaching Learning. Htm. Presented by Carr, M., 1999

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On the whole, our student population is becoming more diverse, and with

increased diversity comes differences in values, social mores, and

perspective. These differences can be the impetus for learning and can add

complexity to the CTL experience. Team collaboration and group learning

activities respect students’ diverse histories, broaden perspectives, and

build inter-personal skills.

Students are required to work with different partners, to form different

groupings for different tasks, to engage in mingling activities, and so on.31

d. Supported self-regulated learning.

Ultimately, students must become lifelong learners. Lifelong learners are

able to seek out, analyze, and use information with little to no supervision.

To do so, students must become more aware how they process

information, employ problem-solving strategies, and use background

knowledge. CTL experiences should allow for trial and error, provide and

build for reflection; and provide adequate support to assist to move from

dependent to independent learning.

e. Using interdependent learning groups

Students will be influenced by and will contribute to knowledge and

beliefs of others. Learning groups, or learning communities are established

in workplaces and schools in an effort to share knowledge, focus on goals,

and allow all to teach and learn from each other. When learning

communities are established in school, educator act as coaches,

facilitators, and mentors.

f. Employing authentic assessment.

Contextual Teaching Learning is intended to build knowledge and

skills in meaningful ways by engaging students in real life, or “authentic”

context. Assessment of learning should align with the methods and

purposes of instruction. Authentic assessment shows (among other things)

that learning has occurred; are blended into the teaching learning process;

and provide students with opportunities and direction for improvement.


Rose M. Senior, The Experience of Language Teaching, (Cambridge : Cambridge

University Press, 2006) p.213.

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Authentic assessment is used to monitor student progress and inform

teaching practices.32

During the process of teaching and learning, teachers are indeed observing

students’ performance and making various evaluations of each learners, it

is what we call observation.33.

Many of these strategies should be used by teacher, when they teach

their students through contextual teaching learning approach. Activities

such as team teaching, cooperative learning, integrated learning can

supported the CTL approach. They are should be used in classroom


Related with the students individually needed, to apply the

ContextualTeaching and Learning (CTL), a teacher must have these

following principle:

a) Planning a suitable learning for the students developmentally


Relationship between curriculum content and methodology that is

used to teach must be based on social condition, emotion, and

students’ intellectual development. For example, what have learnt

and done by Junior High School must be different with the Senior

High School have learnt and done.

b) Making independent learning groups

Student can learn from each others in a little group, and learn in a

bigger team (class). This ability is a cooperation that needed by an

adult in a work place and in any other context. However, the

students are hoped to act actively.

c) Preparing an environment that support self-regulated learning


Robert G. Berns and Patricia M. Erickson.

http:/ www.usc. Edu/ programs/cet/resources/learn/ context. Html, January 9th

, 2009


H. Douglas Brown. Language Assesment : Principles and Classroom Practices, (New

York : longaman, 2004), p.5

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Environment that supports self-regulated learning has three general

characteristics. They are awareness in thinking, the use of strategy,

and continuing motivation. A teacher must create an environment

where the students can reflect how they learn, finish the

assignment, face a problem, and corporate with other teacher. It is

clear that regulated learning not only related with simply minded

about the students thinking, but also helped them to use their

thinking to guide their plans, select their performance, so they can

solve a problem in a good way.

d) Considering the diversity of the students

In the class, a teacher used to teach variety students, for instance

background ethnic, social-economy status, mother language that

they use in their home, and another weakness they have. However,

a teacher is expecting to help the students to achieve their learning


e) Pay attention to the students multiple intelligence

In using Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) approach, the

way of students’ participation in a class must be pay attention on

the need and the eight orientations learning (special-verbal,

linguistic-verbal, interpersonal, musical rhythm, naturalistic,

physic-kinesthetic, intrapersonal and logic mathematic). However,

in serving the students in a class, a teacher must be integrated any

learning strategies in Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL)

approach, so the learning will be more effective for the students

with their intelligence.

f) Using questioning techniques to explore the students learning,

problem solving development, and high-thinking order.

In order to achieve the purpose of Contextual Teaching and

Learning, the kinds and the question levels must be spoken. The

question must be selected carefully in order to produce the high-

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thinking order, responses, and the action that need by the students

and all of audiences in contextual learning.

g) Applying the authentic assessment

Authentic assessment evaluates the applying of knowledge and the

students’ complex thinking. It is better than the students just

memorizing the actual information. Contextual teaching and

learning nature condition needs the interdisciplinary assessment

that can measure knowledge and skills deeply and in a variety way

than one disciplinary measured.

6. Vocabulary Learning Process Through Contextual Teaching and


Contextual teaching and learning is a system of instruction based on the

philosophy that students learn when they see meaning in academic material,

and they can see meaning in schoolwork when they can connect new

information with prior knowledge and their own experience.

Therefore, when teaching vocabulary through CTL, the writer tries to give

the vocabulary material has connection with their real life. So, the students can

connect new information that they already have with their own experience.

The writer will give the procedures of teaching vocabulary through

Contextual teaching and Learning. The procedure as follows

Teacher divide the students into some groups, and then discuss together.

The teacher ask the students to describe their parents, their friends, their

neighbor, and so on.

7. The Weakness and Strength of Teaching Vocabulary Through

Contextual Teaching and Learning.

In applying CTL, on the one hand, there are always obstacles or problems that

should be faced by a teacher. In their case, it is usually called as weakness. On the other hand, there are some things that make teacher goal of teaching and

learning process. Then, it is called the strengths of CTL.

The weakness :

a) multiple context outside classroom may be limited by the time, money, and resource.

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b) It is not easy to find a problem relate to teacher’s subject area and

student’s life. c) An authentic assessment take more time for teacher to develop and

apply d) Most students have been spoon-fed and told what to learnt. It is

teacher’s task to turn them to be self regulated e) Time consuming preparation ; in preparing a lesson plan, teacher

should recognize students’ diversity and then utilize those differences to create a rich learning environment.

The strengths :

a) Dynamic, there is a number of difference people to react it, to share

ideas with. Etc : exchange of information is sometimes more “natural”

in smaller scale interaction.

b) Positive atmosphere : CTL can promote positive atmosphere or

“affective climate” need to learn a material, near by their real life (It

has relation with their environment), less inhibited, and more able to

explore possibility self expression.

c) Improving social development and encouraging students to engage in


d) Developing students’ comprehension about current issues which are

related to their lives.

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This chapter presents the description of the research method used in the

study. It consist the research design, place and time of the research, population

and sample, instrumentation, technique of collecting the data and technique of

data analysis

A. Research Design

Research method in education (and the other social science) are often

divided into two main types : quantitative and qualitative methods. In this study,

the writer used the quantitative methods which can be defined as: “Explaining

phenomena by collecting numerical data that are analyzed using mathematically

based methods (in particular statistics)34

. In quantitative research, there are two

main types of design, experimental design and non-experimental design.

The research design of this study is that it has three characteristics

1. An independent variable is manipulated (manipulation)

2. All other variables that might affect the dependent variable are held

constant control,

3. And the effect of manipulation of the independent variable on the

dependent variable is observed

Prior to the teaching instruction, the experimental and control groups were

administered pre-test. During the session, both groups were given equal

vocabulary materials and received a slightly different teaching instruction.

In the experimental group, the students were taught vocabulary by

contextual method while those in the controlled group were taught vocabulary by

non contextual.

At the end of the session, the two groups were administered a post test as a

final evaluation of their vocabulary achievement.


Daniel Muijs, Doing Quantitative Research in Education, (Great Britain: Athenaeum Press Ltd,

2004) p.1

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B. Place and time of research

This research was carried out at Senior High School of PGRI 56 Ciputat,

which located on Jl Pendidikan, Ciputat. It began by observation to the school on

April 2009. And the research took place on May 2009.

C. Population and Sample

The population of the research is 90 students, from the level of first grade

students of SMU PGRI 56 Ciputat. There were 30 students in total which were all

included in the research and split up equal at random sampling into the

experimental and controlled group; there are 15 students in each group.

D. Instrumentation

The writer gave pre-test before the teaching process and gave post-test

after The teaching process was done in five meetings for both classes. The writer

compared the achievement of pre-test to identify the effectiveness of using

Contextual Teaching and Learning in teaching vocabulary.

To know the effect of the two methods applied, the test was used. It was

made up of : ten multiple choice, ten matching, and ten fill the blank.

E. Technique of Data Collecting

In this research, the writer used the quantitative research approach , so the

technique used to get the data which related to the teaching vocabulary by the

writer is doing some;

a. Observation

Observation technique is the main technique in collecting the data

about teaching-learning process is going on in the real English classroom

activities at first grade students of SMU PGRI 56 Ciputat on March 2009.

in this case, the researcher acted as an observer who observed the

teaching-learning process without being involved in the process.

Therefore, this technique can be categorized as non-participant


b. Documentation

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Documentation technique was also used to obtainthe written data

of the teaching preparation made by the English teacher. It was

carried out by copyng the English teacher’s documentation about

teaching preparation or English teacher’s lesson plan. The data

needed were recorded from all documents and analyzed them


c. Test

The data were collected from pre-test and post-test. Before the

teaching instruction, the two groups were instructed to answer the

comprehension question about vocabulary and in the final session they

were given the other test with the same question.

The pre-test was administered in order to know the homogeneity of

the two groups in vocabulary achievement while the post-test was

undertaken in order to know the influence of the two methods previously

mentioned on students vocabulary achievement.

F. Technique of Data Analysis

Data analysis is the last step in the procedure of experiment. In this case, is

processing the data. Data processing is the step to know the result of both

experiment class and controlled class, and also their differences.

The writer used the comparative technique. The comparative technique is

an analysis technique to evaluate hypothesis concerning the differences between

two variables examined statistically.

To find the differences of students’ score in using CTL compared to the

students’ score that used the GTM in teaching vocabulary, the writer used Anas

Sudiono’s formula to analyze the data namely T-test

The average difference between the pre test and posttest (α2 – α1) is

found from each group. Later on the average difference scores were compared in

order to a certain whether the experimental treatment produced a greater change

than control situation.

The statistical significance of the difference in average changes was

determined by tttt test and the design of the research itself goes as follow :

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Posttest Independent


Pretest Group

α2 X α1 Experimental

α2 Y α1 Control

As seen from the table, X represent the experimental variable, Y represents

the controlled variable, α1 represent a pretest administered before the

experimental treatment and α2 represents a posttest after the experimental

treatment. After each group was being exposed to the treatment, the two groups

were the dependent compared to variable to asses the treatment.

Due to the fact that the subjects were drawn from population without

pairing or other relationship between the groups, the statistic computation of t test

for independent sample was used to analyzed the data. The formula is expressed

as follow:




Where :

t = the t ratio

X - Y = the observed difference between two means

X = mean scores in the experimental group derived from the total score of

average difference between pretest and posttest (X2 – X1) ; [∑ X ]

which has been divided by a number of cases in experimental group, [N].

The formula form is as follow:




Y = means scores in the control group derived from the total score of average

difference between pretest and post test (Y2 – Y1); [∑Y ] which has been derived

by a number of cases in control group [N]. The formula form goes as follow :

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Y = N


SE X - Y = the standard error of the small difference between two means

(expected difference between two means when the null hypothesis is true)

Whose value is derived from the following formula:

SE x - y = Yx SESE22


Prior to the computation of the ratiot , there are several steps to be

taken. They are as follow:

b. The differences score from each of the group was gained by subtracting each

of the students pretest score with the student posttest score. The differences

score from experimental group were variable symbolized by X while those in

control groups were variable II symbolized with Y.

c. The gained scores in each of the group were summed

d. The mean score of X variable was determined by dividing the sum of the

Difference scores in experimental group with its number of cases ( N1)





e. The mean scores of the Y variable was determined by dividing the sum of the

difference scores in control group with its number of cases ( N 2 )

Y = N



f. The deviation score of X variable was obtained by subtracting each of

students difference score in experimental group with the mean score of X


=X 1 XX −

g. Each of the students’ deviation score in X variable was squared

h. The squared deviation score in variable X were summed

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i. The sum of the deviation score in X variable was divided with its number of

cases and its squared was found SDx = NX



j. Each students’ deviation score in Y variable was squared

k. were summed The squared deviation scores in variable Y

l. The sum of the squared deviation score in X variable was divided with its

number of cases and its squared root was found

SDy = NY



m. The standard error mean of X variable was determined by dividing the squared

root of the deviation score which had been divided by its number of cases

which had been subtracted by one.

xSE = 1



n. The standard error mean Y variable was determined by dividing the squared

root of the deviation score which had been divided by its number of cases

which had been subtracted by one








o. The standard error of the difference between two means was determined by

adding the standard error mean of X variable with Y variable and its squared

root was found, SE x - y = Yx SESE22


p. The to value was determined with the formula , t0




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This chapter is used to answer 3 (three) of the research question for this

study. It presents the research findings, research discussion, and hypothesis

A. Research Finding

The data were collected from students pretest and posttest scores both in

experiment and control groups.

The result for the experimental group being taught by Contextual Learning

method were presented in table 2. Column three presents the difference between

the first and the second scores of each student. The sum of these differences

amount to + 73, The mean of the differences + 4,8 is found by dividing + 73

[∑ X ] by N1, the number of observed students or 15.

Table 2. Before and after achievement scores of 15 students in the

experimental group under Contextual Learning Method

Pretest Posttest Difference score 74 81 +7

74 74 0

74 73 -1

69 74 +5

70 81 +11

74 88 +14

62 66 +4

74 89 +15

54 72 +18

84 84 +0

81 86 +5

58 66 +8

74 73 -1

50 47 -3

88 79 -9

Total + 73

Meanwhile the result for the control group being taught by Grammar

translation Method are presented in table 3. Each column shows in table 3 exactly

presents the same thing as in table 2. Only the sum of the differences amount -

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71,and the mean of the differences -4,7, is found by the same way as in the

experimental group.

Table 3. before and after achievement scores of 15 students in the

controlled group under Grammar Translation Method

Pretest Posttest Difference score

77 41 -28

74 74 0

96 94 -2

84 92 +8

64 64 0

80 80 0

33 30 -3

84 86 +2

69 58 -11

51 47 -4

88 67 -21

62 66 +4

55 43 -12

72 57 -15

36 47 +11

- 71

A. Research Discussion

In order to know whether there is significant difference between students

achievements in vocabulary taught by Contextual Teaching and those taught by

Grammar Translation Method, the data are analyzed.

The results as follow :

Table 4 below shows the comparison of the pretest and posttest scores

between the experimental and control groups. As seen in table 2 and 3, the two

groups scores in general , after receiving different treatment of instruction shows

the difference. This is indicated by the mean score gained by each of the groups.

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Table 4. Raw score calculation in experimental and control group

X X 1

( X - X ) X


1 Y

Y 1

( Y - Y ) Y



7 2.2 4.84 -28 -23.3 542.89

0 -4.8 23.04 0 4.7 22.09

-1 -5.8 33.64 -2 2.7 7.29

5 0.2 0.04 8 12.7 161.29

11 6.2 38.44 0 4.7 22.09

14 9.2 84.64 0 4.7 22.09

4 -0.8 0.64 -3 1.7 2.89

15 10.2 104.04 2 6.7 44.89

18 13.2 174.24 -11 -6.3 39.69

0 -4.8 23.04 -4 0.7 0.49

5 0.2 0.04 -21 -16.3 265.69

8 3.2 10.24 4 8.7 75.69

-1 -5.8 33.64 -12 -7.3 53.29

-3 -7.8 60.84 -15 -10.3 106.09

-9 -13.8 190.44 11 15.7 246.49

∑ += 73X ∑X 1

= 1




∑ −= 71Y

∑Y 1=0,





From the table 5, the writer got the following score

∑ X = +73; ∑X 1= 1; ∑X


1 = 781.8; ∑ −= 71Y ; ∑ −= 71Y ; ∑Y 1



1=1612.95 with N = 15.

Next, the writer determine the deviation score of X and Y variable as follow;

SDx =




SDx =



SDx = 12.52

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SDx = 7.21

SDy =




SDy =



SDy = 46.107

SDy = 10.36

As the SDx and SD y

is gained , the standard error of X and Y variable is

determined. They are calculated as follow :

� SEx

_ =




_ =




_ =



SE x

_ =



SE x

_ = 1.92

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� 1










SE y



SE y



SE y

SE y

− = 77.2

Next the standard error of the difference between the two means was calculated.

The value was

� SEyxSE yx


−− 2

22 )77.2()92.1( +=−−−


67.768.3 +=−−−






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Then the writer found the value of t ratio by using following formula :













and to know whether the value is large enough to reject the null hypothesis, the

degree of freedom need to be calculated and the t table need to be calculated. The

degree of freedom for an independent t test is the number of cases in the

experimental and control groups minus 2 or

df = 221−+ NN

df = 21515 −+

df = 28

18 degrees of freedom was gained. Referring to the t table in the appendix, the

writer found that 28 degrees of freedom t table value of 2,05 was needed for

significance at the 5% level. Because the obtained t0 value of 2,82 was greater

than this t table value and was therefore significant.

C. Test of Hypothesis

In order to know whether there is significance different in the students

vocabulary achievement between those taught by Contextual and Grammar

Translation Method, further statistical analysis is needed; Hypothesis are tested.

The hypothesis proposed by the writer are as follow:

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d. there is significance difference between students’ vocabulary achievement

taught with Contextual and Grammar Translation Method ( H a)

e. There is no significance difference students’ vocabulary achievement taught

with Contextual and Grammar Translation Method ( H O)

Statistically said that if the value of t ratio is greater than t table

and is therefore

H O is rejected and H a

is retained ; meanwhile if the value of t ratio is

smaller than t table, and is therefore the H O

is retained and the H a is

rejected. In formula form the statement becomes ;

t0> =t t

H a

t0< Ht ot


referring to the previous statistic calculation, since the value of t0(2,82) is greater

than that value of t t(2,05) at the 5 % level, consequently the null Hypothesis

( H O ) that there is no significant difference in students’ vocabulary achievement

between those taught by Contextual and Grammar translation Method- is rejected.

In other words, there is significant degree in students’ vocabulary achievement

between those taught by Contextual and Grammar Translation Method; the

alternative Hypothesis ( H a) is retained.

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A. Conclusion

Based on the data analysis on chapter IV and the discussion in the

previous chapter, the writer would like to make a conclusion. After

analyzing the result of the research, the writer got the data about the score

of vocabulary through Contextual Teaching and Learning that has been

compared to the score of teaching vocabulary through Grammar

Translation Method (without Contextual Teaching and Learning).

The writer would conclude that teaching vocabulary through

Contextual Teaching and Learning are more effective than that Grammar

Translation Method. The conclusion can be seen that the result of statistic

calculation above where the value of “to” is higher than “ t t


From the explanation above, it means that there is significant

difference between the results of teaching vocabulary through Contextual

Teaching and Learning and the teaching of vocabulary through Grammar

Translation Method (without Contextual Teaching and Learning)

B. Suggestion

After the writer made a conclusion, she tried to make some

suggestions, especially to the teacher as a person whose concern is focused

on the teaching learning process in the classroom. There are some

suggestions that can be given in relation to the writer’s conclusion. The

suggestions are follows :

1. The teachers of English have to be able to determine what kind of

methods that suitable to do in the classroom before the teaching

learning activity is starts

2. The teachers of English have to be able to motivate the students to

learn, so they are interested in learning English.

3. Contextual Teaching and Learning can be alternative methods in

teaching English Language to improve students’ ski

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Berns, Robert G and Patricia M. Erickson. http:/ www.usc. Edu/ programs/cet/resources/learn/ context. Html, January 9th, 2009

Burton, S.H and J.A. Humphries, Mastering English Language (London: The

Macmillan Press, 1992)

C Gray, Jack, Words, Words and Words about Dictionaries, (USA : Northern

Illinois University Co.Ltd 1963).

Contextual Teaching Learning. Htm. Presented by Carr, M., 1999

Douglas Brown, H. Language Assessment : Principles and Classroom Practices,

(New York : Longman, 2004)

Gairns, Ruth and Stuart Redman, Working with Words A Guide to Teaching and

Learning Vocabulary (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,


Harmer, Jeremy The Practical of English Language Teaching, (Cambridge : Longman, 1991)

Hatch, Evelyn and Cheryl Brown, Vocabulary, semantic and Language

Education, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995)

Johnson, EB, Contextual Teaching and Learning: What It Is Here to Stay,(United

States of America: Corwin Press,Inc.2002)

Lado Robert, Language Teaching A Scientific Approach (New Delhi : McGraw

Hill Publishing Co.Ltd, 1964)

Malley, O and Pierce. Authentic Assessment for English Language Learners:

Practical Approaches for Teachers, (United States of America: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 2003.

Nurhadi, The Washington State Consortium for Contextual Teaching and Learning in Pembelajaran Kontekstual (CTL) dan Penerapannya

dalam KBK 2004. (Malang: Universitas Negeri Malang)

Page 50: Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini , Dosen Pembimbing · ... Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris ... Bahasa Inggris


Richards, Jack “The Context of Language Teaching”, http : // www. What is CTL. Htm, December 26thd

, 2008.

Saunders, John, Contextually Based Learning, Fad or Proven practice in A Forum

Brief: http:/ www. Contextual Teaching Information.html. 6 May 2007.

Schmitt, Norbert and Michael McCarthy, Vocabulary: Description, Acquisition

and Pedagogy (New York : Cambridge University Press)

Senior, Rose M The Experience of Language Teaching, (Cambridge : Cambridge

University Press, 2006)

Sujono, Anas, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan,( Jaskarta : PT Raja Grafindo

Persada, 2006).

Syah, Djalinus and Azmir Enang, Tata Bahasa Inggris Modern dalam Tanya

Jawab, (Jakarta: CV Miswar, 1980)

The office of Vocational and Adult Education, U.S Departement of Education at The Ohio State University in Partnership with Bowling Green

Universityhttp: / www.usc. Edu/ programs/ cet/ resources/ learn/ context. Htm, 9th January 2009

Thornbury, Scott, How to Teach Vocabulary, (Harlow: Pearson Education

Limited, 2003)

Tobin, Keneth The Practice of Construction in Science Education, (USA : AAAS

PRESS, 1993)

Ur, Penny, A Course in Language Teaching: Practice and Theory, (New York:

Cambridge University Press, 1996)

Vermeer, Mc Carthy, “Vocabulary: Description, Acquisition and Pedagogy” (United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 1997)

Wilkins, David, Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach Vocabulary (London : Longman. Co. Ltd, 2002),

Zhihong, Yang “learning Words”, www. 38/no3/

Syah, Djalinus and Azmir Enang, Tata Bahasa Inggris Modern

dalam Tanya Jawab, (Jakarta: CV Miswar, 1980)

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In the name of Alloh, the Beneficent the MercifulIn the name of Alloh, the Beneficent the MercifulIn the name of Alloh, the Beneficent the MercifulIn the name of Alloh, the Beneficent the Merciful

All praise be to Allah, Lord of the world who has bestowed upon the

writer in completing this paper. Peace and Blessing be upon to our Prophet

Muhammad SAW, his household, his companions, and his faithful followers.

The writer would like to say her great honor and deepest gratitude to her

beloved parents Abdullah Mu’min (Alm) and Muljani, her brothers and sister

(Ari, Imron, Annas, Roni and Muttamimah), who always give their love, support,

motivation, and advice to finish her study.

The writer also like to address her thank and great attitude to Mr. Sunardi

Kartowisastro, who has given the writer much valuable help, the guidance, and the

advice during the completion of this paper.

The writer also realizes that she would never finish writing this paper

without the help of some people around her. Therefore she would like to give

special gratitude to : Drs. Syauki M.Pd, the Head in Department of English

Education, Miss Neneng, the Secretary in Department of English, all lecturers in

Department of English Education.

Some respect alsoshuld be addressed to Prof. Dr. Dede Rosyada, the Dean

of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher’s Training. The writer would express her

gratitude to the Drs. Asep Setiadi, the headmaster and of SMA PGRI 56 Ciputat

who permitted the writer to do the research.

And finally, the writer realizes this skripsi is not perfect yet. Therefore, the

writer would like to later accept any constructive suggestion to make this skripsi


Jakarta, November 2009

The writer

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Teaching Vocabulary Through Contextual Teaching and

Learning ( An Experimental Study at the First Year

Students of SMU PGRI 56 Ciputat)


Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiya and Teachers’ Training in

Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Strata 1





Approved by the Advisor

Drs. Sunardi Kartowisastro, Dip.Ed

NIP. 150 022 779






1430 H/ 2009 M

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CKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................... i

TABLE OF CONTENT .................................................................. ii


A. Background of the Study ............................................................... 1

B. Limitation of the Problem .............................................................. 4

C. Formulation of the Problem ........................................................... 4

D. The Method of the Study ............................................................... 4

E. The Use of The Study .................................................................... 5

F. Organization of Writing ................................................................. 5


A. Vocabulary

a. Definition of Vocabulary ............................................................... 7

b. Kinds of Vocabulary ...................................................................... 8

c. The Problem in Teaching Vocabulary ............................................ 10

B. Contextual Teaching and Learning

a. The Definition of Contextual Teaching and Learning ..................... 12

b. The Components of Contextual Teaching and Learning ................ 12

c. The Design of Contextual Teaching and Learning .......................... 15

d. The Principles of Contextual Teaching and Learning ..................... 17

e. Vocabulary Learning Process Through CTL .................................. 21

f. The Weakness and Strengths of CTL ............................................. 22


Research Methodology ........................................................................ 23


Research Findings ............................................................................... 27


a. Conclusion .................................................................................... 35

b. Suggestion ..................................................................................... 35

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List of tables

Table 1. The Description of the test……………………………….

Table 2. The score in the experiment group

Table 3. The before and after in the controlled group

Table 4. The before and after in the experimental group

Table 5. The raw calculation of controlled and experimental group

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Satuan Pendidikan : SMU PGRI 56 Ciputat

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : 3/genap

Aspek/Skill : Vocabulary/Writing

Alokasi Waktu : 1 x 45 menit

Tahun Pelajaran : 2008/2009

Standar Kompetensi


11 Menulis kalimat sederhana dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan.

II. Kompetensi Dasar


11.1 Menulis kalimat sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam

konteks kehidupan sehai-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan


� Setelah di terangkan siswa mampu menangkap materi yang di


� Setelah guru memberikan contoh, siswa bisa melaksanakan latihan


� Setelah melakukan melaksanakan latihan, siswa bisa membuat contoh

kalimat sendiri

IV. Tujuan pembelajaran Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa mampu :

• Menangkap vocabulary yang baru di terima

• Bisa membuat kalimat secara benar dan akurat

• Siswa bisa mepraktekan vocabulary tersebut dalam konteks kehidupan


V. Materi pembelajaran / Uraian Matei Pokok

Mrs. Henny is not a tailor but she is a good housewife. She can do

almost all houseework. Mrs. Henny can also make dres for her

children. When she is going to make a dress for her daughter, at first, she-------------------------------------------------------------------------------



VI. Metode, sumber dan alat Pembelajaran

Metode Pembelajaran: ialah “Contextual Teaching and Learning”

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Sumber pembelajaran : Buku SD 3 “Student’s Book Smile”

Media pembelajaran : jumble-letters, hand out, marker, gambar yang berkaitan dengan tema

VII. Langkah-langkah Pemberlajaran

1. Kegiatan pendahuluan � Greeting (meberi salam dan tegur sapa)

� Brainstorming activity(guru mengarahkan siswa pada topic yang

akan dibahas dengan mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan

� Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran

2. Kegiatan Inti

� Siswa mendengarkan materi yang dijelaskan oleh guru

� Siswa menjawab pertanyaan sesuai dengan apa yang di gambarkan

oleh guru di “hand out” .

� Siswa berdiskusi untuk menjawab pertanyaan yan berkaitan

dengan tema yang sedang di pelajari.

VIII. Kegiatan Penutup

� Guru menanayakan kesulitan yang di hadapi siswa

� Guru menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran � Menugaskan siswa untuk mengerjakan latihan soal dari buku

masing-masing � Guru menutup kegiatan belajar

IX. Penilaian Proses dan Penilaian Hasil

a. Penilaian Proses Skor yang diambil dari selama proses kegiatan belajar mengajar


b. Penilaian Hasil

Skor yang diambil dari hasil yang tertera pada hand out.

c. Teknik Penilaian

Teknik :Tes tulis dan lisan

Instrumen : soal dan teks

X. Rubrik Penilaian



Uraian Skor






Setiap jawaban benar, tata bahasa benar dan pilihan kata tepat

Setiap jawaban benar, tata bahasa kurang benar dan pilihan kata tepat

Setiap jawaban benar, tata bahasa salah dan pilihan kata kurang tepat

Setiap jawaban benar, tata bahasa kurang benar dan pilihan kata salah Setiap jawaban salah, tata bahasa salah dan pilihan kata salah






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Satuan Pendidikan : SMU PGRI 56 Ciputat

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : 1/genap

Tema : Family

Linguistic Aspects : Vocabulary and reading

Alokasi Waktu : 1 x 45 menit

Tahun Pelajaran : 2008/2009

Pertemun : 1

I.Standar Kompetensi :

Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan esai sederhana berbentuk

narrative, descriptive dan news item dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan

untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan.

II. Kompetensi Dasar :

Merespon makna dan langkah-langkah retorika dalam eseai sederhana secara akurat, lancer dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehai-hari dan untuk

mengakses ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk narrative, descriptive, dan news item, and procedure

III.Indicator � Setelah guru memberikan instruksi latiahn, siswa bisa melaksanakan

latihan tersebut � Setelah melakukan pelatihan melalui diskusi, siswa bisa menyatakan


� Setelah melakukan pelatihan melalui diskusi, siswa bisa menerangkan hasil diskusi kelompok di kelas.

� setelah melakuakn pelatihan melalui diskusi, siswa bisa melaporkan hasil diskusis kelompok

XI. Tujuan pembelajaran Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa mampu :

• Menganalisa ide utama dan ide pendukung pada descrptive teks

• Mengidentifikasi social function, text organization dan language features

pada descriptive text

XII. Materi pembelajaran / Uraian Matei Pokok

a.Descriptive text


A family is a small group of people to one another by birth,

adoption or marriage, sharing a household, and caring for one

another. A group made up only of father, mother, and chidren is

called a nuclear family. The term comes from the word “nucleus”,

meaning a central part. It refers to the unit parents and children,

among whom ties are usually strong and long lasting. The nuclear

family lives in a single household, but it is usually part of a kinship web. This web includes clse relatives–parents and grandparents,

aunts and uncles, cousins, nieces, and nephews. In some families,

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visits, letters, and occasional large family reuions keep the kinship

web alive eventhough members may live apart. The kinship web may give the nuclear family a sense of special closeness in larger

group and provide help in time of need. Close relatives share the joys or sorrow, renew and strengthen the sense of being a part of the

kinship web. In an extended family, a father, mother, their married sons, married

daughters, their wives and husbands and their children, all live together. There cousins, as well as brothers and sisters for children t

play with. There are teen-aged cousins with whom the elder boys and

girls may share confidences. In the absence of father or mother, an

aunt or uncle fills the roles of parents. In tie of trouble, the member

of extended family are less affected than those of the nuclear family

by such events as deaths or separation of parents.

The simple form of family is the husband and wife without

children. Since there are no reliable method of birth control, a man,

and a women may decide before marriage that they will not have

children. They may wish to devote all their time and energy to their

carriers. Other couple who wish to have children but enable to do so,

may devote themselves to reach other become volunteers in children

organizations, or adopt one or more children or become foster

parents. 1. Define the terms!

2. How to maintain a kinship web? 3. How to prove that a kinship web is maintained?

b. The Generic Structure of Descriptive Text

• Social Function Purpose

To describe a particular person, place or thing.

• Text Organization

Identification, description

• Language feature

Focus on specific participants

Use of attributive and identifying processes

Frequent use of epithets and classifier in nominal

Use of simple present

XIII. Metode, sumber dan alat Pembelajaran

Metode Pembelajaran ialah contextual learning

Sumber pembelajaran : Kurikulum Bahasa Inggris SMA (grade X)

Standar isi

Buku SMU X “ Window on the World”


Media pembelajaran : word strips, hand out, marker, gambar yang berkaitan

dnegan tema

XIV. Langkah-langkah Pemberlajaran

1. Kegiatan pendahuluan

� Greeting (meberi salam dan tegur sapa)

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� Brainstorming activity(guru mengarahkan siswa pada topic yang

akan dibahas dengan mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan � Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran

2. Kegiatan Inti � Siswa mendengarkan teks yang diucapkanoleh guru

� Siswa menjawab pertanyaan sesuai dengan apa yang di gambarkan oleh guru dalam bentuk blank space di “hand out”

� Siswa membentuk kelompok heterogen yang terdiri dari 4-5 orang setiap kelompoknya.

� Guru menjelaskan social function, text organization dan language

features dari text itu.

� Guru meminta siswa untuk menuliskan kata-kata sulit yang

terdapat pada teks

� Guru mengintruksikan para siswa agar bediskusi dengan kelompok

masing-masing untuk mengidentifikasi dan menuliskan social

function, text organization dan language features dari text itu.

� Siswa berdiskusi untuk menjawab pertanyaan yan berkaitan

dengan text itu.

XV. Kegiatan Penutup

� Guru menanayakan kesulitan yang di hadapi siswa

� Guru menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran � Menugaskan siswa untuk mengerjakan latihan soal dari news item

text yang terdapat di LKS, untuk dikumpulakan pada pertemuan selanjutnya

� Guru menutup kegiatan belajar

XVI. Penilaian Proses dan Penilaian Hasil a. Penilaian Proses

Skor yang diambildari listening comprehension dan practice the dialogue.

b. Penilaian Hasil

Skor yang diambil dari hasil yang tertera pada hand out.

c. Teknik Penilaian

Teknik :Tes tulis dan lisan

Bentuk :Dialog (percakapan)

Instrumen : soal dan teks

XVII. Rubrik Penilaian

No Uraian Skor






Setiap jawaban benar, tata bahasa benar dan pilihan kata tepat

Setiap jawaban benar, tat bahasa kuarng benar dan pilihan kata tepat

Setiap jawaban benar, tata bahasa salah dan pilihan kata kurang tepat

Setiap jawabnan benar, tata bahasa kurang benar dan pilihan kata


Seriap jawaban salah, tata bahasa salah dan pilihan kata salah






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SCENARIO PENGAJARAN of (Experimental Class)

Satuan Pendidikan : SMA PGRI 56 Ciputat

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : X 3

Aspek/Skill/subskill : Vocabulary

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit

Theme : Describing people

Tahun Pelajaran : 2008/2009

2. Standar Kompetensi


11 Merespon makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan esai sederhana

berbentuk narrative, descriptive, news item, dan procedure dalam konteks

kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan.

III. Kompetensi Dasar


11.1 merespon makna dalam bentuk teks fungsional pendek (misalnya

banner, poster, pamphlet,dll)dalam konteks kehidupan sehai-hari dan untuk

mengakses ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk narrative, descriptive,

dan news item, and procedure

III. Indicator

� Setelah guru memberikan instruksi latihan, siswa bisa mempraktikan secara otomstis dalam kehidupan sehari-hari

� Setelah melakukan pelatihan melalui diskusi, siswa bisa menyatakan pendapat

� Setelah melakukan pelaiahan melalui diskusi, siswa bisa menerangkan hasil diskusi kelompok di kelas.

� setelah melakuakn pelatihan melalui diskusi, siswa bisa melaporkan hasil diskusis kelompok

VII. Tujuan pembelajaran

Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa mampu :

Mampu menerapkan pengetahuan yang telah di peroleh secara alami

Bisa merespond tindak tutur kata dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

VIII. Materi pembelajaran / Uraian Matei Pokok

Describing people

IX. Teknik Sumber dan Alat Pembelajaran

Metode Pembelajaran

o contextual learning

o and role play Sumber dan alat pembelajaran

o Kurikulum Bahasa Inggris SMA (grade X) o Standar isi

o Buku bahasa inggris X “ Window on the world.

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o LKS SMA kelas X, “TUNTAS”

o hand out, marker, gambar yang berkaitan dengan tema.

1.Langkah-langkah Pemberlajaran

Pertemuan I

a. Kegiatan pendahuluan

o Greeting (meberi salam dan tegur sapa) o Brainstorming activity(guru mengarahkan siswa pada topic yang

akan dibahas dengan mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan

o Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran.

b. Kegiatan Inti

o Guru memberikan contoh mendiskripsikan seseorang di lihat dari

ciri mata and hidung

o Siswa di minta mendeskripsikan teman satu bangku.

c. Kegiatan Penutup

o Guru menanayakan kesulitan yang di hadapi siswa

o Guru menyimpulkan matreri pembelajaran

o Guru memberikan hand out

o Guru menutup kegiatan belajar

Pertemuan II

a. Kegiatan pendahuluan � Greeting (meberi salam dan tegur sapa)

� Brainstorming activity(guru mengarahkan siswa pada � Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajarantopic yang akan dibahas dengan

mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan

b. Kegiatan Inti

a. Guru memberikan contoh mendiskripsikan seseorang di lihat dari ciri

mata and hidung

b. Siswa mendeskripsikan orang tua masing-masing.

c. Kegiatan Penutup

a. Guru menanayakan kesulitan yang di hadapi siswa

b. Guru menyimpulkan matreri pembelajaran

c. Guru memberikan hand out

d. Guru menutup kegiatan belajar

Pertemuan III

a. Kegiatan pendahuluan

� Greeting (meberi salam dan tegur sapa) � Brainstorming activity(guru mengarahkan siswa pada topic yang

akan dibahas dengan mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan � Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran

b. Kegiatan Inti

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• Guru memberikan contoh mendiskripsikan seseorang di lihat dari ciri postur tubuh and roman wajah

• Siswa di minta mendeskripsikan the special friend (teman khusus)

c. Kegiatan Penutup

• Guru menanayakan kesulitan yang di hadapi siswa

• Guru menyimpulkan matreri pembelajaran

• Guru memberikan hand out

• Guru menutup kegiatan belajar

Pertemuan IV

c. Kegiatan pendahuluan

� Greeting (meberi salam dan tegur sapa)

� Brainstorming activity

� Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran topic yang akan dibahas

dengan mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan

d. Kegiatan Inti

• Guru memberikan contoh mendiskripsikan seseorang di lihat dari

ciri khusus, seperti jambang, lesung pipit, tai lalat

• Siswa di minta mendeskripsikan their neighbour

c. Kegiatan Penutup

� Guru menanayakan kesulitan yang di hadapi siswa

� Guru menyimpulkan matreri pembelajaran

� Guru memberikan hand out � Guru menutup kegiatan belajar

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Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini ,

Nama : Istikomah

Tempat/Tgl.Lahi : Kebumen, 11 Mei 1984

NIM : 104014000324

Jurusan / Prodi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul Skripsi : Teaching Vocabulary through Contextual

Teaching and Learning

Dosen Pembimbing : Drs. Sunardi Kartowisastro Dip.Ed

Dengan ini menyatakan bahwa skripsi yang saya buat benar-benar hasil karya

sendiri dan saya bertanggung jawab secara akademisi atas apa yang saya tulis.

Pernyataan dibuat sebagai salah satu syarat menempuh Ujian Munaqosah

Jakarta, November 2009

Mahasiswa Ybs.


NIM. 104014000324


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ISTIKOMAH. 2009, Teaching Vocabulary through Contextual Teaching and

Learning (An experimental Study of the students of SMU PGRI 56

Ciputat), Skripsi, English Department, The faculty of Tarbiya University

and Teachers’ Training, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic

Adviser : Drs. Sunardi Kartowisastro Dip.ED

Key words: Contextual Teaching and Learning, and vocabulary

The purpose of this study is to describe the objective condition of the

Teaching Vocabulary through Contextual Teaching and learning at first grade students of SMU PGRI 56 Ciputat. It includes the students’ vocabulary mastery

through Contextual Teaching Learning, the students motivation that can be affect the students’ vocabulary mastery in teaching learning process, and the students’

achievement through contextual teaching and learning in teaching vocabulary The aim of the research is to gain the information about teaching

vocabulary through Contextual teaching and learning, moreover it is conducted to get the effective technique in teaching vocabulary at first grade students of SMU

PGRI 56 Ciputat. Sample of the research is as much 30 students of first grade and

an English teacher. This research is using experiment method in quantitative form

by collecting data from observation, and test.

The data collected in this research analyzed by using t-test. According to

the result of statistical calculation, it is obtained the value of to (t observation) is

2,82 and the value of “tt” (t table) from df (28) on degree of significance of 5% is

2.05. It means that null hypothesis (Ho) which says there is no significance

influence of using contextual teaching and learning in teaching vocabulary is

rejected. It means that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) which says that there is

significance influence of teaching vocabulary through contextual teaching and

learning is accepted

Based on the finding of this study, it can be concluded that using

contextual is quite success. By using contextual, students feel more interesting and enjoy doing activities in the class. It also can give the students the

opportunities to be active in learning English vocabulary.

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ISTIKOMAH. 2009, Teaching Vocabulary through Contextual

Teaching and Learning (An Experiment Study of The Students of SMU PGRI 56 Ciputat), Skripsi, Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris,

Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta).

Adviser: Sunardi Kartowisastro, Dip.Ed. Drs

Kata Kunci: Kosakata, dan Contextual Teaching and Learning

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menggambarkan suatu

kondisi yaitu pengajaran kosakata melalui pendekatan contextual

pada tingkat 1 siswa Sekolah Menengah Umum (SMU) PGRI 56

Ciputat. Tujuan tersebut antara lain, penguasaan kosakata siswa

dengan melalui pendekatan contekstual, motivasi siswa yang dapat

mempengaruhi penguasaan kosakata siswa dalam kegiatan belajar

mengajar, dan prestasi siswa yang menggunakan pndekatan

contekstual dalam pembelajaran kosakata.

Selain itu tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan

informasi tentang pengajaran melalui pendekatan contekstual dalam

mengajar kosakata, selebihnya hal ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan keefektifan teknik dalam mengajar kosakata di kelas 1 siswa Sekolah

Menengah Umum (SMU) PGRI 56 Ciputat. Siswa yang termasuk dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 30 orang dan seorang guru Bahasa

Inggris. Penelitian ini termasuk penelititan eksperimen dalam bentuk quantitatif dengan mengumpulkan data-data dari dokumentasi,

observasi, dan test. Data-data yang dikupulkan dalam penelitian ini dianalisa

menggunakan test-t. berdasarkan hasi statistik, telah didapatkan nilai

to (t observasi) yaitu sebesar 2.82 dan nilai dari tt (t table) dari df

(28) pada taraf signifikan 5% yaitu sebesar 2.05. dari hasil tersebut,

jelas bahwa nilai to lebih tinggi daripada tt. Selanjutnya dapat ditarik

kesimpulan bahwa hipothesis nihil (Ho), yaitu tidak ada pengaruh

yang signifikan dari penggunaan belajar aktif dalam mengajar

kosakata ditolak. Sedangkan hipothesis alternatif (Ha), yaitu ada

pengaruh yang signifikan dari penggunaan belajar contextual dalam

mengajarkan kosakata diterima.

Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa

penggunaan belajar contextual dalam mengajar kosakata adalah

cukup berhasil. Para siswa juga merasa senang dan tertarik untuk

melakukan kegiatan-kegiatan di kelas. Belajar contekstual juga dapat memberikan siswa kesempatan untuk lebih aktif belajar kosakata

dalam Bahasa Inggris.

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SCENARIO PENGAJARAN of (Experimental Class)

Satuan Pendidikan : SMA PGRI 56 Ciputat

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : X 3

Aspek/Skill/subskill : Vocabulary

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit

Theme : Describing people

Tahun Pelajaran : 2008/2009

3. Standar Kompetensi

Berbicara 11 Merespon makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan esai sederhana

berbentuk narrative, descriptive, news item, dan procedure dalam konteks

kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan.

IV. Kompetensi Dasar


11.1 merespon makna dalam bentuk teks fungsional pendek (misalnya

banner, poster, pamphlet,dll)dalam konteks kehidupan sehai-hari dan untuk

mengakses ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk narrative, descriptive,

dan news item, and procedure

III. Indicator

� Setelah guru memberikan instruksi latihan, siswa bisa mempraktikan

secara otomstis dalam kehidupan sehari-hari � Setelah melakukan pelatihan melalui diskusi, siswa bisa menyatakan

pendapat � Setelah melakukan pelaiahan melalui diskusi, siswa bisa menerangkan

hasil diskusi kelompok di kelas. � setelah melakuakn pelatihan melalui diskusi, siswa bisa melaporkan

hasil diskusis kelompok

X. Tujuan pembelajaran Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa mampu :

Mampu menerapkan pengetahuan yang telah di peroleh secara alami

Bisa merespond tindak tutur kata dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

XI. Materi pembelajaran / Uraian Matei Pokok

Describing people

XII. Teknik Sumber dan Alat Pembelajaran

Metode Pembelajaran

o contextual learning

o and role play

Sumber dan alat pembelajaran o Kurikulum Bahasa Inggris SMA (grade X)

o Standar isi o Buku bahasa inggris X “ Window on the world.

o LKS SMA kelas X, “TUNTAS”

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o hand out, marker, gambar yang berkaitan dengan tema.

1.Langkah-langkah Pemberlajaran

Pertemuan I

a. Kegiatan pendahuluan o Greeting (meberi salam dan tegur sapa)

o Brainstorming activity(guru mengarahkan siswa pada topic yang akan dibahas dengan mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan

o Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran.

b. Kegiatan Inti

o Guru memberikan contoh mendiskripsikan seseorang di lihat dari

ciri mata and hidung

o Siswa di minta mendeskripsikan teman satu bangku.

c. Kegiatan Penutup

o Guru menanayakan kesulitan yang di hadapi siswa

o Guru menyimpulkan matreri pembelajaran

o Guru memberikan hand out

o Guru menutup kegiatan belajar

Pertemuan II

a. Kegiatan pendahuluan

� Greeting (meberi salam dan tegur sapa) � Brainstorming activity(guru mengarahkan siswa pada

� Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajarantopic yang akan dibahas dengan mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan

b. Kegiatan Inti a. Guru memberikan contoh mendiskripsikan seseorang di lihat dari ciri

mata and hidung

b. Siswa mendeskripsikan orang tua masing-masing.

c. Kegiatan Penutup

a. Guru menanayakan kesulitan yang di hadapi siswa

b. Guru menyimpulkan matreri pembelajaran

c. Guru memberikan hand out

d. Guru menutup kegiatan belajar

Pertemuan III

a. Kegiatan pendahuluan

� Greeting (meberi salam dan tegur sapa)

� Brainstorming activity(guru mengarahkan siswa pada topic yang akan dibahas dengan mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan

� Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran

b. Kegiatan Inti

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• Guru memberikan contoh mendiskripsikan seseorang di lihat dari ciri postur tubuh and roman wajah

• Siswa di minta mendeskripsikan the special friend (teman khusus)

c. Kegiatan Penutup

• Guru menanayakan kesulitan yang di hadapi siswa

• Guru menyimpulkan matreri pembelajaran

• Guru memberikan hand out

• Guru menutup kegiatan belajar

Pertemuan IV

e. Kegiatan pendahuluan

� Greeting (meberi salam dan tegur sapa)

� Brainstorming activity

� Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran topic yang akan dibahas

dengan mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan

f. Kegiatan Inti

• Guru memberikan contoh mendiskripsikan seseorang di lihat dari

ciri khusus, seperti jambang, lesung pipit, tai lalat

• Siswa di minta mendeskripsikan their neighbour

c. Kegiatan Penutup

� Guru menanayakan kesulitan yang di hadapi siswa

� Guru menyimpulkan matreri pembelajaran

� Guru memberikan hand out � Guru menutup kegiatan belajar

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4. Sejarah berdirinya SMA PGRI 56 Ciputat

SMA PGRI 56 Ciputat merupakan salah satu lembaga pendidikan

perjuangan bangsa yang dinaungi oleh Organisasi Persatuan Guru

Republik Indonesia (PGRI). SMA PGRI Ciputat sangat kondisten dengan

tujuannya, yaitu: menyelenggarakan pendidikan yang berkualitas dan

terjangkau oleh semua lapisan masyrakat.

Sekolah Menengah Akhir (SMA) PGRI 56 Ciputat terletak di jalan

Pendidikan no.30 Ciputat kota Tangerang Selatan 15411, Tlp.

0217409808, E-mail. [email protected]. Sekolah ini

didirikan pada tahun 1982 yang berdasarkan surat keputusan akreditasi

lama /SK No. 086/102.Kep/E.84/16 Maret 1984, dan akreditasi baru yaitu

/SK No. Ma. 002937/28.00.Ma.0003.06/ 27 Juni 2006, yang berdiri diatas

lahan tanah seluas 1777 m2, yang dipergunakan untuk bangunan seluas

877 m2, halaman seluas 300 m

2, dan untuk lapangan olahraga seluas 600

m2. Lahan tanah yang dipergunakan oleh SMA PGRI 56 Ciputat ini milik

tentara ABRI 203 yang di wakafkan untuk pendidikan. SMA PGRI 56

Ciputat dikepalai oleh Drs. Asep Setiadi, M.Pd sebagai kepala sekolah dan

Novia Roza, M.Pd sebagai wakil kepala sekolah.

5. Visi dan Misi serta Tujuan SMA PGRI 56 Ciputat


Menjadikan SMA PGRI 56 Ciputat sebagai Pusat Pengembangan

Pendidikan, kebanggaan masyarakat yang menghasilkan kader-

kader Bangsa yang Berkualitas yang unggul dalam IPTEK dan



f. Menyelenggarkan pendidikan umum yang bersifat nasional

g. Menghasilkan tamatan yang kompeten, terampil, dan bermutu

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h. Menghasilkan tamatan yang berguna bagi dirinya, bangsa, dan


i. Menjadikan lembaga pendidikan kebanggaan masyarakat

Ciputat dan sekitarnya

j. Menyelenggarakan pendidikan yang berorientasi kepada

pengembanagn potensi siswa dalam membentuk manusia


Tujuan Sekolah

3. Tujuan jangka panjang: berisi tujuan jangka panjang sekolah (5

tahun kedepan)

4. Tujuan jangka pendek:

Berisis serangkaian tujuan jangka pendek yang mewujudkan dalam

tahunan seperti:

a. Membentuk pokja/Tim kecil sebagai pionir dalam

mengimplementasikan budaya profesional

b. Menjaring calon siswa yang berkualitas

c. Menganalisa dan mensinkronkan kurikulum dengan tuntutan

Standar Kompetensi Nasional dan Internasional

d. Meningkatkan kompetensi guru melalui sertifikasi kompetensi

e. Menjalin kerjasama dengan lembaga/PP instansi terkait, dan

masyarakat dalam rangka perkembanngan IPTEK

f. Meningkatkan pelaksanaan kegiatan ekstrakurikuler unggulan

yang sesuai dengan minat siswa

g. Meningkatkan upaya pemenuhan kebutuhan prasarana dan

sarana serta program pendidikan untuk mendukung KBM dan

hasil Belajar siswa

h. Mempersiapkan peserta didika yang bertakwa kepada Allah

Tuhan Yang Maha Esa dan berakhlak mulia.

i. Mempersiapkan peserta didik agar menjadi manusia yang

berprikepribadian, cerdas, berkualitas dan berprestasi dalam

bidang olah raga dan seni.

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j. Membekali peserta didik agar memiliki keterampilan teknologi

informasi dan komunikasi serta mampu mengembangkan diri

secara mandiri.

k. Menanamkan peserta didik sikap ulet dan gigih dalam

berkompetensi, beradaptasi dengan lingkungan dan

mengembangkan sikap sportifitas

l. Membekali peserta didik dengan Ilmu pengetahuan dan

teknologi agar mamapu bersaing dan melanjutkan ke jenjang

pendidikan yang lebih tinggi.

6. Keadaan Guru, Siswa dan Sarana Prasarana

Dalam proses belajar mengajar, sangat dibutuhkan tenaga yang

profesional agar tercipta generasi yang berkompeten dan mempunyai

skill yang memadai. Adapun tenaga pengajar yang ada di SMA PGRI

56 Ciputat tahun ajaran 2008/2009, dapat dilihat pada tabel dibawah


Tabel 4.1

Keadaan Guru SMA PGRI 56 Ciputat

Tahun Ajaran 2008/2009

No Nama Keterangan

1 Drs. Asep Setiadi, M.Pd Kepala sekolah

2 Novia Roza, M.Pd Wakasek

3 Siti Aisyah, M.Pd guru

4 Dra. Ulfiti Rahmah guru

5 Drs. Tatang Gunawan guru

6 Drs. Junaedi guru

7 Dra, Ecin Kuraesin guru

8 Dra. Tini Gustini guru

9 H. Hasan HB, M.Pd guru

10 Drs. Sidup Usman guru

11 Tatang Setiawan guru

12 M. Zaenudin ZM guru

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13 Dra. Tinelfia guru

14 Tatan. ZM, S.Ag, M.pd guru

15 Komariah S.Pd guru

16 Buyung Tarmizi guru

17 Abdul Rochim, S.Pd guru

18 Yunita Nurhidayati S.hum guru

19 Cucu Purnama Alam guru

20 Drs.Suryadi guru

21 Heru Sutanto, S.Pd guru

22 Budiyanto S.Pd guru

23 Yusep K Sukma, SE guru

24 Drs. Hartono guru

25 Eko Sulistiyo guru

26 Even Apriansyah guru

27 Eka Rostikasari S.Pd guru

28 Agus Suhandi, S.Pd.I guru

29 Rindu Harahap guru

Siswa merupakan salah satu komponen sekolah yang sangat penting.

Siswa di SMA PGRI 56 Ciputat Berjumlah 268 orang, hal ini membuktikan

antusias masyarakat untuk menyekolahkan anaknya ke SMA PGRI 56 Ciputat

ini cukup tinggi.

Adapun jumlah siswa di SMA PGRI 56 Ciputat, yaitu sebagai


Tabel 4.2

Keadaan Siswa SMA PGRI 56 Ciputat

Tahun Ajaran 2008/2009

Kelas Jumlah


Jumlah Perempuan Jumlah Keseluruhan

X 52 orang 48 orang 100 orang

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XI 43 orang 42 orang 85 orang

XII 41 orang 42 orang 83 orang

Total 368 orang

Untuk mendukung kegiatan belajar mengajar di SMA PGRI 56 Ciputat

tersedianya fasilitas-fasilitas. Adapun saran prasarana yang ada di SMA PGRI

56 Ciputat dapat dilihat pada tabel berikut ini;

Tabel 4.3

Sarana Prasarana SMA PGRI 56 Ciputat

Tahun Ajaran 2008/2009

No. Keterangan Jumlah

1 Romel 7

2 Ruang Lab. Komputer 1

3 Ruang Lab. Bahasa 1

4 Ruang Lab. Multimedia 1

5 Ruang Kepala Sekolah 1

6 Ruang Guru 1

7 Ruang BP/ BK 1

8 Ruang TU 1

9 Ruang Perpustakaan 1

10 Kamar Mandi/ WC guru 2

11 Kamar Mandi / WC siswa 2

12 Gudang 1

13 Rumah Ibadah 1

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(An Experimental Study at the First Year

at SMA PGRI 56 Ciputat)

Advisor : Drs. Sunardi Kartowisastro Dip.Ed

NIP. 150 022 779









1930 H/ 2009 M

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