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from the Principal

Kite ingoa o te Atua, o te Tamaiti, o te Wairua Tapu. Amene Nau mai, haere mai, mihi mai. Greetings to everyone and a happy new school year.

A better tomorrow starts today when we believe and make our presence felt

We are back for another successful year and, as usual, we make resolutions relating to important matters affecting our community. In the charism of St Marcellin Champagnat our theme for 2014 is “PRESENCE”, which is simply defined as “the act of being present”. “Being present” has many implications and a host of expectations go with it.

How are we going to be present to each other and our boys? Mainly by attending to, listening to and caring for each other. How can we the adults, (staff and parents) be present to our boys? We will do this when we IMMERSE ourselves in the lives of our boys; GO OUT to meet them in their own space; meet them through their own culture. We create opportunities to become IN-VOLVED in their lives; and WELCOME them into ours through the classroom, shared liturgical, sporting and cultural activities, through trips, camps and retreats; through incidental chats as opportunities arise. It is a big ask, but if

we want our Bernard’s men to respond we are the people who have to model the behaviours that we hope and pray our young people will pick up.

We believe that with God’s help every thing is possible. Believing in ourselves is where we start, succeeding with our young people is where we finish. We set high expectations for everyone, requiring a positive attitude and success-orientated aspirations. It is by raising the bar that we can go beyond our personal best. My passion is to see every boy doing his very best, aiming at the star, calling upon Mary. It will be another successful year. It is up to us to make it happen.

We pray to be attentive to their needs, welcoming of their presence to us. May we walk

with them with trust and openness, and so bring St Marcellin’s love into their lives. Amen

Arohanui, Peter Fava

Achieve @ St Bernard’s

February 2014

Parent Interviews

Our first set of interviews for 2014 are to be held between 3pm to 7pm


Tuesday 18 and

Thursday 20 March

Students will be issued with parent interview information in March. We would like all parents to attend the interviews. It is a good opportunity to see how your son is coping early in the year and to help him sort out issues if he is struggling.

Congratulations also to all Senior Leaders

Sports Captain Logan Ngatuere-Ongley

House Leaders

Chanel Joseph Afoa, Andy Su

Ignatius Gabriel Balauag, Tama Te Kawa

Marcellin Jayden Grant, Ben Brooking

Pompallier Michael Brennan, Harry Bramwell


students who did well in their NCEA

results, especially those who gained

merit or excellence endorsed. You have

set a benchmark and an expectation to

improve on your personal best. Congratulations to Ethan McAuliffe

(Economics) and Chris Sims (Physics) on

their Scholarship achievement.

INCREASED ROLL: The school roll is

around 640. Thank you to all parents and students for supporting St Bernard’s College. Our success is appreciated by the community and this continued support will impact us next year when it is anticipated that we will again hit our maximum roll of 660.

Congratulations to Nathan Lindstrom Head Boy 2014

and his deputies Nathan Dicken and Jacob Netzler

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Dean, Teacher Contact

Science New staff appointments

Congratulations to the following students who excelled in last year’s NCEA examinations. Level 1 Aaron Marshall gained Excellences in both Physics and Biology papers and a merit in the chemistry paper. Nine other students gained an Excellence in one of their science papers. Level 2 Andy Su sat 5 papers in Chemistry and Physics and gained 5 excellences. This is an exceptional result and Andy is to be congratulated for the tremendous amount of work he put in to gaining these results. Icecream and yogurt containers. Thank you to everyone who has given us their containers. We are still looking for more this year if you have any. Please send them into the college. Workbooks. Please ensure that your son has his Science workbooks. Please ask your son to get a receipt from the office and show it to his teacher. An AP receipt is also acceptable. Field Trips. Field trips coming up are for Y13 Biology, Y12 science and Y8 Science.

Your son’s Form Teacher and subject teachers can be contact by 560-9250. To speak to your son’s dean (the person responsible for your son’s welfare) you can either email the Dean or ring the school office and the extension below. All deans have answerphones for messages and will contact you as soon as they are able. Please leave a message. If your son wishes to leave school for any reason, a note is required and this needs to be signed by the Dean before signing out of the office.

Dean Y7/8 Kathy Taylor ext 848 [email protected]

Dean Y9 Mr Chris Hart ext 864

[email protected] Dean Y10 Mrs Manu Corcoran ext 876

[email protected] Dean Y11 Petra Jaeger-Letts ext 939

[email protected]

Dean Y12 Mr Luka Andic ext 803 [email protected]

Y13 Tutor Teachers ext 883

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Greg Bourke

is warmly welcomed to the Science Department . He has come to us from Feild-ing High School and will be teaching Chemistry and Science.

Tara Quinney is our new Director of Religious Studies and has come to us from Verdon College in Invercargill.

David McVay arrived in 2013 and will be teaching Science while Mrs Langford is on maternity leave.

Emma Wallis will be teaching Mathematics and Science while Mrs Christian is on maternity leave for 2014.

Ellen Gallagher has joined us from Samuel Marsden Collegiate and will be teaching Religious Studies, English and French.

Katrin Eickhorst-Squire joins us after teaching at other schools in the Wellington region and will be teaching Religious Studies.

Aimee O’Sullivan is our new Y7/8 homeroom teacher. She will also be teaching Religious Studies.

Peter Crisp will be teaching Music for the start of the year until Mrs McIntyre returns from leave.

Leigh Rangiwhetu is an old boy of SBC and has come from Naenae Intermediate. He returns to take up the position of Head of Junior Studies.

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Welcome to Sport 2014

Upcoming dates for 2014 on St Bernard’s College Māori community calendar Ki-O-Rahi tournament for Y7/8s Friday 28 February First Whānau Support hui for the year Wednesday 5 March Ngā Manu Kōrero Speech Competition Early term two Matariki Matariki 2014 will start on the 28th June Māori Language Week Monday 21 through to Sunday 27 July. The theme is ‘Te Kupu o te Wiki', The Word of the Week’. Kapa haka Nationals Monday 28 July through to Friday 1 August in Gisborne Trip down the upper reaches of the Whanganui River Wednesday 17 through to Saturday 20 September (second to last week of Term 3). Ki-O-Rahi tournament for Y7/8s Monday 1 or Wednesday 3 December

Summer sport is now underway with teams entered in Cricket, Volleyball, Tennis, Senior Water Polo, Touch, Golf and Softball. All sports draws will be put up on the notice boards in the gym each week along with other relevant information. It is important that all boys check the notice boards regularly and listen out for important information regarding trials, meetings etc in the “Daily Notices”. Boys are also reminded that correct sports uniform should be worn at all times or be prepared to stand on the side lines. A reminder that the Board of Trustees Policy “No Pay, No Play” is now in effect and all sport fees and registrations are now overdue. If there is a genuine financial hardship please see Mr Fava to discuss the matter in private and how we can help.

Athletics training has now commenced in preparation for the SBC Athletics Champion-ship followed by the Hutt and Wellington Regional events. Preparations for winter sports will soon be underway and team trials/selections for rugby, football, basketball, etc will commence soon so please ensure your son is aware of days and times of training. Well done to Mataio Pou and Troy McGuinness for being selected to attend a selection camp on 1st and 2nd March in Auckland so that a New Zealand team can be selected to attend the International Hawaiian Tournament in August. Good luck at the trials. Football Registration - These are being taken. If your son wishes to play for the college and has not registered, please ask him to see Mr Higson as soon as possible.

We have previously had a team in the Capital football 13th or 14th grade competition and if we have sufficient players this year we will register a team. In these grades football clubs have first call upon players. Coaches and managers We urgently need coaches to look after our teams. If we do not get Coaches and Managers then we cannot enter teams into the competition. If you can assist us please let Mr Higson know urgently. Trials for 1st X1 and Junior 1 teams will be held in early March.

Football committee This is a group of parents and friends

that organises the running of

our football club. If you would

like to help please ring Mr



Tuesday 25 February

Hutt Rec Grounds

8.40am start

Students have been given

information regarding this day.

Please ensure your son has

food, drink, and sunscreen.


Māori Cricket - Up and coming team

Congratulations to the following boys who won the College Sport Wellington Junior 2 Championship – 40 overs at the end of 2013. The final was played at St Bernard’s College against Aotea who scored 47 all out and St Bernard’s scoring 49 for 1. Aengus McMillan, Harrison Crosbie, Benjamin Ernst, Josh Furjes-Crawshaw, Joseph Hanson, Mitchell Hays, Kane Krebs, Sefa Mamea-Hind, Matthew Mann, Jack Marra, Josh Peckston and Jake Ward

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2014 Term Dates Term 1 28 January to 17 April Term 2 5 May to 4 July Term 3 21 July to 26 September Term 4 13 October to 5 December

Contact Details

p 04 560 9250 f 04 560 9251 e [email protected] w

Physical/Postal Address 183 Waterloo Road Lower Hutt 5010 New Zealand

Sponsors of the St Bernard’s College Newsletter

Free Doctor’s consultation at St Bernard’s College

Plan to be as fit and healthy as you can be!!

Clinic Open

Thursday 10 — 3pm

Alex Ferrier-Kerr is our school health nurse. Dr Beena Hegde will be in attendance at the

Thursday Clinic

570-0883 or 560-9250 (College office)

Free Dental Treatment offered by

Graeme Yee Dental Care, 66 Bloomfield Terrace, Lower Hutt,


This free treatment is available to all secondary

students until their 18th birthday. All new patients, students and parents are welcome. If you have any questions please feel free to call on

the above number.

Uniform Shop Normal Opening Hours Monday 8.15 to 9.00am Wednesday 10.30 to11am Thursday 12.30 to 1.30pm

Uniform on AP

Uniform purchases may be charged to your AP with the consent of the college on a case-by-case basis. Boys need to bring a signed note from parents. Please email [email protected] or phone the accounts office ext 861.

Second Hand Uniform

If your son has grown out of some uniform items that are in good condition please consider donating them to the school or we can sell on your behalf less a commission. All proceeds from second hand school uniforms go to the library to purchase new books.

If you have items to donate or sell, please leave them at the school office or if you have any queries, please contact Tania on


School charges

Preferred method of payment school fees The school prefers all school fees to be paid directly to our bank account. This is a safer means of payment

that provides a reliable trail. Our bank account is ASB Queensgate 12-3142-0164653-00. Please include your son’s first name and surname, and your phone number in the reference fields. Receipts are issued for all payments and given to students in class. If you are facing financial difficulties please see the Principal. Thank you.

PFS News

The PFS is a group of parents who meet monthly with

the BoT staff representative to hear about developments within the school and discussing ways in which we can provide funding for those ”extras”. Their first meeting for the year is on

They would love to have you join them. Enquiries please Elizabeth 971-4408

Entertainment Books Advance Notice

We will be selling Entertainment Books as one of our fundraising ventures. These will be available in Term 2. More details in the near future.


Important Dates 2014

18 Parent Teacher interviews 20 Parent Teacher interviews 24 SBC Swimming Sports 25 Class Photos April 3 Marist Quadrangular tournament 7 CSW Phillips Cup Golf 11 Y11 PED Trip 14 Y7-10 Badge Ceremony Y7/8 Swimming Champs 17 Easter Liturgy — Last Day for Term 1

February 25 Athletics Sports 27 Marist Leaders Forum March 5 World Maths Day Ash Wednesday Liturgy 6 PFS Meeting Days Bay Picnic Y7/8 TBC Hutt Zone Athletics 11 Y7/8 inter school athletics 13 CSW Athletic Champs

Thursday 6 March 7.30pm

in the college staffroom

Accounts for charges have now been processed and statements will be issued and

posted shortly.

A discount applies to all accounts paid in full by the end of Term 1 and payment by

automatic payment is welcomed and is a good way to spread the load.

Starting up a school year is expensive. If your family is facing genuine financial

hardship, please contact the Business Manager (Mr Outtrim, 560 9250 ext 855) or the


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