Page 1: SCHOOL CAMPAIGN TAX BILL SUNDAY BEING … · which was secured by the Transylva-nia Printing Company of Lexington and the langpage and physiology

fisiartf ti ftqrnhlicaui

Fine Job Work<


PEOPLE OF 01110 COUNTY Subscription 1 per Year





SevenDay Tour Will StartlePeople

Every County arid Town in the

State Will be Visited Our

ing the Week

hFrankfort Ky Juno 22Preparar

tlons have been completed for theseven days whirlwind campaign tobe waged throughout the State beginning next Sunday Superintendent ofPublic Instruction J G Crabbewho

is directing the campaign and hisentire department have been on thehustle and jump for manY days andthey have seen most or their plans

SoperfectedThe hustllng spirit of the depart-

ment Is infectious and despite thewarm and sultry weather some ofthe other departments In the State

4 House seem to to have taken on moreprogressive strides In keeping withthe activities of the Educational De-

partmentThe educational campaign will open

on Sunday when every ministerr Inthe State has been asked to talkpublic education from his pulpitFrom then on during the remainder dthe week there will be oratorical fireworks In every county and school district Politics will cut no figure Inthe many educational rallies and manyof the best speakers of the two lead

4 tIng political parties have volunteeredservices to the cause

lGov Willson will hike It through

t the mountain section of Eastern Kent tucky and probably will have re-

course to the saddle to make lntinary1 The Executlve hoenot visited this

Interesting section of the State sincehis campaign for Governor In 1907

Then theres Secretary of SwtoDen Bruner known among his In

timates as Bristone Ben who will also speak

Another speaker who invariablycatches the fancy of a crowd In Ast 4slstant Attorney General Tom B McGregor Mr McGregor makes a mostpolished address and makes It enter-taining too He Is one of the youngest of the present State officialsand all Western Kentucky Is delighted when ho mounts the stump

Senator Bradley Appellate Judge EC ORear Congressman John WLangley and other well known speakers will be heard during next week

9 j The following letter explanatory of

1the approaching educational campaignhas been sent broadcast through theState by the Educational Departiuecthere

The second Whirlwind Campaignfor better education In Kentucky hasbeen planned for June 27 July 3 mudwill be bigger better and more thorough than the former campaign Itwill cover the entire State both cityand county with speelal reference to-

t kthe rural community The cmapalgnwill open Sunday Juno 27 when everyminister In the State will be asked todeliver an address on Public Edu-

cation In Kentucky from his ownpulpit

The regular apeakersone hundredstrongwill beglnactlve work on Monday June 2S In nearly every Instance each speaker will cover twocounties His work will be reinforced-by local speakers and every community will have an opportunity to par-ticipate in the great educational moyomoats which are sweoping over Kentacky

One of the most Important events

t of the campaign In each county Willbe the Rally Day Tide shouldthe greatest event In the hstoryQfthe county An allday openair meetIIpg with music and marching and s-


eentertainment baa been plannedclap

j ito take place In each county seatLet every business maneveryy bus

i manevery Kentucky woman attenthe big meeting All teachers lrwr

j tees and school children should at

l tend this meeting and they ahoah

1IIJ be joined by every qno who is lntre-

i ested In the children of the Common-wealthi L Many of the most noted men

1 In political and official life In Kentuck have been asked to deliver ad-

sJ dresser on th ocSasiotland verY of r

4 r fort willbe nutd to m ake Jt a itaij Ig dayk l j

J A groatconference of the speakersf


e tt w v


and superifitendonts bas been plannedto meet In Frankfort tfrior to the openIng ot the campaign and a completeplan will bo made and a uniform plan Of

action Will be decldgd upon The entirepurpose and scope of the work wtll bediscussed a uniform plan will beagreed tipon and nil speakers will lieasked to work In unison

One lutportant change In the planof the coming campaign will l1e theshirting of the bombardment from thecity to the rural community Most of


the campaign of 1908 was devoted-to the cities and small towns whilethat of 1909 will attempt to reachrural school conditions

As a rule the cities have good systems of education already and everyeffort will be made to bring up thestandard of the rural school

John C Westeifield Dropped DeadMr John C Westerfield dropped

dead of heart trouble at 7 oclockMonday morning at his home ntPleasant Ridge He had been In goodhealthand his death was entirelyunexpected to the family He wasone of the best known citizens ofthis sectldn of the county and waseventysix years of age Me was

born In Ohio county near the lineat Pleasant Ridge and resided In thatsection all his life His wire and sixchildren survive Tile children areDr A A J Cand Sam Westerfield-of Pleasant Ridge Frank of LittleRock Ark G D of Owensboro andMrs Lilla Cox ot Phllpot

The funeral took place at 2 oclockTuesday afternoon from the churchat Bells Run and was In charge ofthe Masons Burial was In the churchcemetery aTEXT BOOKS ADOPTED


Same as Heretofore Except Pri

Copy binary BooksAmerican Co Successful

The State School Book Commissionawarded to the American Book Com-

pany the contract to furnish theI

school books for the pUblic schools I

of Kentucky for the next five yearsThis award was made after canvass I

Ing the votes of the county boardson the books and bids Only onecounty was missing when the cornmlllsion composed of Governor Willson Auditor James Attorney Genoral Breathitt and Clerk of the Courtof Appeals Adams met and considered the bids The commission was Insession all day and It was not until late that the computation was

comilletedIIn the schools are In most Instancesthose now In use The only changesare the copy books the contract forwhich was secured by the Transylva-nia Printing Company of Lexingtonand the langpage and physiologytext books The books adopted arePractical Primer McGuffeys Seriesof Readers Modern Speller RaysArithmetic Harveys GrammarsSteps In English Maxwells Compostlions National Geographies WlIIlssPhysiology he was formerly con-

nected with Kentucky UniversityPetermans Civil Government Eclectic Elementary History Kencalds History of Kentucky and Cornpet History

American Book Company was prac-tically without opposition In thebidding It was the only book com-pany to offer a comPlete list of textbooks Most of the other big bookpubliShIng houses did not enter bidsat all being unable to do so under

I the present lawFrankfort News

Newspapers Town Builderstownfseminators and sermon delIverers II

neipsslty act d luxury They mustbe given the proper support and bmaintained Without them yourtow nwould rttrogrsde Dont patronize

dhem from a charitable standpointpalronlze them because they delivertht e

Mrs Barnes a State Delegate

The Central City Argus saysMrs EP Barnes who was a ci le-

Igate from this city to the State convcnUon oWouans CubS lilt Owens

O lastweek1was elecled one otho Kentucky delegates t the Generpl Conyenticnof Woman s Clubs


t oJ




Measure Discussed at Meet-

ing at White House

Exact Terms Will Not be Made

Public Until it is All


Washington Juno 23Detallil otthe proposed measure for the taxithou of net earnings of corporationswere arranged last night at the mostImportant confrenece that has beenheld at the White House since MrTaft assumed the Presidency

There were present as the Presi-

dents gUests at dinner Attorney Gentoral Wickersham and Senator Rootwho are charged with the task ofdrafting the measure Secretary ofState Knox and the Republican mem-

bers of the Senate Finance Committee Speaker Cannon and other Representatives

For two hours the corporation taxmeasure which had been preparedin the form of an amendment to thetariff bill was vIewed from everyangle Many changes front the formsuggestI

The terms of the measure as fi-nally agreed upon although not yetwhipped Into form provide that allcorporations having capital stock and

t1xlorignation will be compelled to makereturns to specially named agentsofthe bureau of Internal revenue ofthe Treasury Department giving theaXl1ount of their gross recoillts capItal stock bonded Indebtedness andall other visible debts Separated fromthese returns the corporations willi-be compelled to report the amount of-

i theIr net receIpts after deducting-their general and ordinary runningexpenses IntErest on bonds up tothe amount of the capital stock Interest pn notes and other forms ortangible Indebtedness and any actu-al loss that may have been Incurred Inbusiness which less was not madeup by Insuraucesalvage or other formof return

The amendment will define In thebroadest possible way the characterof losses which may be d ducted fromthe net earnings upon which the taxIIs to be collected These losses willInclude bad accounts of a mercantilecorporation losses upon securitiesheld by banks uncollectible notes andall other forms of bad debts whichare usually charged to prom and lossaccounts

As has been stated before the 2per cent tax will apply to all corpo-rations organized for profit but eachcorporation will be allowed a 5000exemption which means that the taowill not be collected except upon earn-Ings In excess of 5000

Any corporation which makes afalse report to an agent of the Bureauof Internal Revenue who hUll beendesignated to collect Information regarding earnings or who has made afraudulent return upon any of thesubjects covered by the law will besubjected to a penalty The amount ofthis penalty Is the only feature ofthe bill which was not decIded Mostof the participants In the confer-ence expressed the opInion that thispenalty should range from 1000 to

10000 the amount to be fixed by aUnited States court upon presentationof all the facts connected with suchfraudulent terms

The tax will be collector upon thesatire amount of preferred dad cornmon stock of every corporatlon andupon the bondlpf a corporationamounteof capital

It lalnt nde l that the hill shall becorps operative immediately on thepassage of the bllloTheJlfeof themeasure was made indeterminate Instead of two years or somo other fixed limitation such as had beensuggested originally The present yeartax will be collectableJuly 11 191O thebeginning of the DXetfl cal ye


George DoveyDies Suddenly-

f Xonla 0 June119heorge3oveyrp-rasldent and chief owner or theBoston National LciuoBasoD411

Club died on a Pennsylvania trainnear here early toAny Lie was onhis way to CIncinnati to buy playersWhen found he was bleeding pro-

fusely from the mouth Ho said hewas dying and asked that PresidentHerman of the National Commis-sion be notifiedCenIII

previous made his old home a visItHe had always been a Base Ball en-


Colonel Thomas Jefferson SmithMont time immemorial It has been

he custom to designate KentuckiansColonel However the number to

which this title of a right belongs Iscomparatively few when those so deslgnajed are required to show thepapers Hartford has a sure enough

IColonel In the person of Mr or wephould say Colonel Thomas JeffersonSmlth We were shown his commis-sion a few days ago sIgned by Gov-ernor John Young Brown and JohnW Headley Secretary of State withshe great seal of the Commonwealthattached thereto and dated at Frankfort Dec 10tbr 189L The commissionappoints Mr Smith CommissaryGeneral on the staff of the Governorwith the rank of Colonel The commission Itself Is a thing of beautyand Is very highly prized by ColonelSmith Our citizens through lackof knowledge concerning this high lionat whIch came to ono of our citizenseighteen years ago have never ap-plied the title to our honored fellowcitizen it Is never too late to righta wrong and we suggest that ColonelSmith be properly designated at homeand abroad lurIng the remainder ofhis life


June 3Mrs Ruben Hunter andson of LInton lad who have beenvisiting relatives at this place for thepast week Is now visiting her brother lir Victor Stewart of BedacMlss Matilda lelsure of this place

DatlCelMr Melvin Liles of Taylor Minesand Miss Florence Tucker of HeaverDam visited relatives at this placeSundayiMr R C Deck or McHenry visitedhis nephew Mr A H Beck Sunday

Mr and Mrs Den Amos and chil-

dren of Cromwell visited their brotherSlr Gettle Amos iron Thursday until Saturday

Messrs Joe Stewart and Dill Rafferty of this place visited frIends andrelatives at McHenry and Simmonsthis week

Mr Jack Miller and son Urhln visit-ed relatives at Mclfenry Sunday

Mr J F Dock lost a fllle mare Sat-urday While being tell to time plowshe stepped on a limb which flew 111-

1allli snagged her bodyMrs J F Beck and daughter Miss

Dunie visited relatives at McHenryand Beaver Doa last week

There will ho a call meeting of theA S of E at this place nextlo rldaynIght

Mr J R lIer or McHenryt visitedrelatives at this place Saturday andSunday

FAIRVIEWJune 23Bro Lawrence of Beaver

Dam filled his appointment at thisplace Sunday afternoon and night Inthe afternoon he delivered a fine Sunday school address lull of eloquencewisdom and enthusiasm which delight-ed the people Owing to the Inclem-ency of the weather a large numberfailed to attned the services atnight which would otherwise havedone so amongwhom was the writerWe hope to have Bro Lawrence withus again the thIrd Sunday afternoonand night In August

Mr and Mrs C CWhlte and famllvisited Mr Whites sister Mr andvisited Mr Whites sister Mrs C VChristian Cane Run Saturday

Miss Bessie F Acton Schrondspent Saturday with relaUves in thiscommunityLittle

Lorena White spentFriday afternoon with little Miss Ruby Acton

Mr Hoary Nabors and wife and lIt-

tle daughters Florence and Stellaand little sdn George Olaton werethe guests of Mr and Mrs CCWhite and family Sunday

Bro Lawrence and wife of BeaverDam were tie guests of Mr and Mr-


R Wilson and family Sunday nightSeveral from this place attendP

church WCane Run Saturday after4 inoon r S

RovkTJAct liltelJlItUJ1lb8Ira Bozarth and 1W Schroadetcrdar





FiscalCourts Must LevyTaxes R commend

>Can Not Be Used for Payment of

Teachers Salaries as

Some Think

All important to the advancementof education In Kentucky was thedecIsion handed down by the Courtof appeals Saturday In which that tribunal holds the Sullivan school lawenacted by the 1908 Legislature fullyconstitutional t hat County Boardsof Education must make up the budget of expenses for all schools In thecounties arid present them to theCounty Fiscal Courts and that theFiscal Courts shall levy whatever localschool taxes the County Boards ask

forItwill be recalled that the last

General Assembly enacted a newschool law which Is generally knownas the Sullivan law RepresentativeJere A Sullivan of Richmond hav-

ing Introduced 1t The law made strlkIng and radical changes to the commonschool system of the State and Itwas believed that It met all the re-

quirements of It modern scheol systemfor the common schools In particular the measure provided for local tax-

ation to defray the burden of schoolexpenses exclusive of teachers sala

riesTheState provides 3000000 a year

for Its common schools but the lawprescribes that this must be expend-

ed for teachers salaries onlyHow to provide for the other Inci-

dental expenses ot school managewent IncludIng buildings repairs fueletc was the problem

Soon after the law went Into ef

fect Its constitutionality was attack-

ed and the Fiscal Court of Ilopkinscounty retuned to make the local taxlevy recommended by the ComfyBoard of Education

Tune County Board then Institutedaction In the Christian Circuit Courtto compel the Fiscal Court to maketime levy Tile lower court decidedagainst time County Board but thelatter body won out on appeal-

Now every Fiscal Court In the StateIs obliged under the provllllonil oftime law and Uo courts decisIon tomake the Icral school tax levy determIned upon by the County Board ofEducation

As a result of the operation of thenew law estimates are that there willbe collected locally for school pur-

poses In tile State this year about2500000 as against 180000 local tax

collected for the same purpose lastyear

HERBERTJuno 21Mr Joe Bellamy was here

Saturday and gave this contract forthe new school house to Mr JohnPurcell of Whltesvlllc price 660OO

Mrs Vlda Kosure of Madisonvillewho has boon the guest of her cousinMrs Emma Miller for the past weekwent to Whltesvllle Friday

Misses Baxter Miller and Oakle Wilson attended Ihe carnlvel at Owensboro Saturday

Mr and Mrer John Bruner visitedtheIr daughter Mrs Orlon Flowersnear Patesvlllo Saturday night and

SundayMrand Mrs Obe nurdett visited

relatives at Aetnavllle several dayslast week

Mr Arthur Milligan lIernn MrsSimpson Mr and Mrs Isom WellsWhltesvllle vlsltedthe lllrullyufHenry Milligan Sunday

Miss Sallie Ford and Mr George

Bruner went to Blackford SaturdayMrs Amanda Stewart has returned

from Owensboro where she has beentaking treatment for her eyes SheIs much Improved

Mr Will Givens from near Owensbore Is the guest of his cousin Mrs

GratltMldkltrMiss Eunice Givens of Owensboro

Is also the Juest of Mrs Mldklff

IMrs Lena Floyd and Son Chesterseveral days tits week with

FloydI C Wt Phillips oJSunday vith Mr

JandMrs R 1IJ MillerI Mrhim Phillips who has boon


sick several months la out againMr George Bartlett had a family

reunion Sunday Among those present were Mr and Mrs Gorol Lanhum and daughter Jessie Fordsv1l1cMiss BIrdie Barnett Deanfleld Mr andMrs Sam Hawkins and chlldren-Whltesllle Misses Mattfe and Gertrude Barnett of this place

We are having a big rain here todayMr and Mrs John Stites gave the

young people a party Saturday nightMrs Emma Evans Wldtucvllle Is

the guest of her brother Mr WillCrow and family

Mr Isaac Crowe who has been settously III Is greatly improved

Mr D A Miller and daughter vIsIt +

ed Mr and Mrs Wave Bartlett Whitesvine Wednesday

AshbySmith WeddingA beautiful home wedding was that

of Miss Geneva Duvall Ashby and MrEverItt Andrew Smith which tookplace at the home of the bridesmother Mrs Sallie M Ashby nearRockport Ky at 730 oclock Wednes-day evening Rev 01 Shultz ot Livermore performing the ceremony Thehouse was effectively decorated Ingreen and white ferns and sweet peasbeing used

To the strains of MendelssohnsweddIng march rendered IIr MissLillian Tlchenor the bOon to be brIdeand groom entered the parlor wheren host of relatives and friends hadgathered to witness the hymeneal

ritesThebride was charming In a beauti-

ful PrIncess or repe tie Chune overwhite satin trlmllled In hand embroidered lace and buttons She worea veil or tulle caught with white sweetpeas Her slices and hose matchedher goingawaygownwhich was london Smoke cut three fourths lengthAimlfitting trimmed In black sutinand buttons

The bridal Party loft ImmulllatelYfor Rockport where they took u traInfor Red Bay Alabama whore theywill slake their home

The bride was the recipient of manybeautiful Presents silver mid cut glasspredomInating

ROCKPORTJune 2Mr Chins Cash and Miss

Llzzla Dunn or this city wero nmrrlell ut llartronl Monday mornIng Theywill reside here

Mr and Mrs T 1 lIoerton ofCentral CIt are visIting Mrs Hewertowns parents Mr and Mrs L Reid

Paul Landrum Is on the sick lItI R Tlchenor was In Central City

last weekMr and Mrs Stlllwoll of Horse

Branch are the guests of Mrs lliueson Long Street

Misses loulee and Johanna Sulli-van of Sulllans Landing were In thecity Saturday-

The Wanderer or Evansville ludpassed up Green river Monday with aparty of Evansville people oh boardThey were enr < ute to the Mauinlolit-

CaveMr and Mrs Paul Lnndrur were In

McHenry SundayProf McRhmey has returned front

CromwellRockport needs a commercIal clubJ

real live oneThe ladies of the Baptist church

will give an Ice cream supper on tilechurch grounds Juno 26

The Olaton PicnicProbably more than 1000 people at

tended the picnic glen here JUliO



The lowering clouds early Saturdaymorning threatened to spoil the dayshut at un early hour the clouds clear-ed away and the weather for the

I rest of the day was us propitious aswould have been desired

The North bound train which arrives here at 730 carrIed a numberQfp rIOllp Qer tolhi picnic aadid also the 11 oclock train

Perfect order was malntalndethroughout the day and the picnicgrounds were as quiet for those who nrorived on the train at 3 p m as Itwas during the forenoon The onlyexcitement was that caused IJY a pis-

tol shot at the platform Saturdaynight where a large crowd were waltlag for the tralnl The shot was firedby some oqe standing in the crowdand dt causeaa panic for several min-


Murphy and Reed Photographerswere on the grounds with theIr tentThis picnIc has broken all previousrecords in that thererwaagood rtor plenty t eat excellent muskand a large altendal1cl

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