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Guided by: SHRI.AMAN GUPTA, PGT(COMP)Done by: C.Ram Mukilan XII A1,

S.P.Sri Nirdheeshwar XII A1,

K.G.Gautam XII A1.

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In Partial fulf illment of the requirements

For the award of the Class of

COMPUTERSubmitted By

C.Ram Mukilan XII A1,

S.P.Sri Nirdheeshwar XII A1,

K.G.Gautam XII A1.





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1 Bona fide Certificate2 Declaration3 Acknowledgement4 Introduction to c++5 Introduction to Project6 Codings7 Outputs8 Bibliography

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This is to certify that the project entitled “SCHOOLMANAGEMENT” is a record of Bona fide work carried out by“C.Ram Mukilan XII A1, S.P.Sri Nirdheeshwar XII A1,K.G.Gautam XII A1“. In partial fulfilment of the requirements inCOMPUTER prescribed by CBSE for AISSCE 2013-2014 in the schoolKendriya Vidyalaya Narimedu , Madurai-625002



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DECLARATIONWe hereby declare that the project work entitled


Submitted to KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA (NO.1),MADURAI for theSubject of “COMPUTER“.

Under the guidance of SHRI.AMAN GUPTA, PGT(COMP), Is arecord of original work done by us.

We further Declare that this project record or any part of this has notbeen Submitted elsewhere for any other class.



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We wish to express our sincere thanks to Mr. C. MUTHIAH Principal,Kendriya Vidyalaya (no .1) Narimedu, Madurai for guiding us to cause

the successful outcome of this project work

We wish to express our deep & profound sense of gratitude to our guideteacher SHRI. AMAN GUPTA, PGT(COMP), For his expert help &

valuable guidance, comments and suggestions

We wish to express our deep & profound sense of gratitude to our guideteacher SHMT.SMITHA PRIYA, for her expert help & valuable

guidance, comments and suggestions

We also place on record, our sincere Gratitude to one and all who ,Directly or Indirectly ,Have Lent their helping hand in this venture

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INTRODUCTION TO C++C++ is a programming Language Developed by Bjarne Stroustrup. It

was originally named as C with classes, was renamed as C++ in 1983.It isregarded as an intermediate-level language, as it comprises both high-leveland low-level language features. Its application domains include systemssoftware, application software, device drivers, embedded software, high-performance server and client applications, and entertainment softwaresuch as video games. C++ continues to be used and is one of the preferredprogramming languages to develop professional applications

The Features of C++ as a Language

Now that all the necessary theory has been covered, now it is possible to explain what C++ has to offer as a programming language. C++....

• an open source ISO-standardized language.For a time, C++ had no official standard and was maintained by a de-

facto standard, however since 1998, C++ is standardized by a committee of the ISO.

• a compiled language.C++ compiles directly to a machine's native code, allowing it to be one

of the fastest languages in the world, if optimized.

• ...supports both static and dynamic type checking.C++ allows type conversions to be checked either at compile-time or

at run-time, again offering another degree of flexibility. Most C++ type checking is, however, static.

• portable.

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As one of the most frequently used languages in the world and as an open language, C++ has a wide range of compilers that run on many different platforms that support it.Code that exclusively uses C++'s standard library will run on many platforms with few to no changes.

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INTRODUCTION TO PROJECT Every School needs to maintain Data bases of the students, teachers andstaff etc., The data base on the students is required for general purposelike collection fees, in Library for the issue of books and obtain back thesame and in the Laboratory, regarding issue of apparatus and damagecaused if any.

School management is a Software developed by a team of students vizS.P.Sri Nirdheeshwar, C. Ram Mukilan, K.G. Gautham of XII A I ofKVS-1, Madurai as part of the curriculum of XII standard CBSE .

Using this Software, under the Office module, the database on thestudents and teaches & staff can be created, modified. The same can beused to verify whether any student is due for payment of term fees etc.This can be used in the Library, Laboratory modules.

In the Library module of the software, a database on the available bookswith author number, no of books, cost of book etc., can be created,modified from time to time. By linking with the students database, theissue of books can be entered against the name of the students. If the bookis returned, the same can be entered in the software. Hence at any point oftime, it is possible to get the details of the books taken by any student canbe obtained. We can check the availability of any book in the Library atany point of time. Similarly, we can extent the software in future to get the

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list of students having any particular book at any point of time.

In the Laboratory module, four labs are included viz Physics, Chemistry,Biology, Computer Science. The list of equipment available and their costis included under each laboratory. The software can be extended to enterthe name and quantity of apparatus damaged by any student againsthim/her and cost to be recovered from him/her can be assessed andcollected. Till it is paid, it will be shown as outstanding against thatstudent.

This software is useful to maintain updated and error free status of all thestudents/teachers, collect/credit the fees/salary. And to Verify whether thestudent has returned all the books and paid all the dues.

The Motive of this software is to dilute the work of office staffs, and toreduce the use of paper.

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CODINGS#include<iostream.h>#include<conio.h>#include<process.h>#include<string.h>#include<fstream.h>#include<stdio.h>#include<dos.h>#include<time.h>/*--------------------------------- files used----------------------------------*/fstream blist,mlist,issfile;/*----------------------------------- STRUCTURES -----------------------------------*/struct udat{

int day ;int mon ;int year ;


struct bdata {

int bcode ;char bname [50] ;

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char auth [50] ;char publ [50] ;int price ;int copies ;


struct mdata {

int mcode ;char mname [20] ;int std ;char contact[15];


struct issdet{

int mcode ;char mname [20] ;int mbcode ;udat issue ;udat retdat ;

}idet;struct Chemical{

int Sno ; int Nos ; int Vol ; int Conc ; char Name [30] ;

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char DOE [30] ;}chem;

struct system{

int no ; int mry ; int ram ; char prcs [30] ; char os [30] ; char cmpy [30] ; long cost ;


struct Instruments{

int Sno ; int numb_inst ; int cost ; char type [30] ; char name_inst[30] ; char company [30] ;


struct Specimen{

int cost ; int number ;

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int Sno ; char cname [50] ; char type [30] ; char sname [50] ; char DOE [20] ;


struct member{

int pcode ; char pname [40] ; long fine ;

}pm; /*-------------------------------- function prototypes---------------------------------*/void welcome ();void interface ();void password ();void library ();void labs ();

/*-----------------------------basic info for student

-----------------------------*/class basic{

public :

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char name[80];char dob[15];char father_name[80];char mother_name[80];char address[80];char contact[15];char religion[20];char nationalty[20];char language[50];char current_stat[10];int pday,pmonth,pyear; // date on when fee was paid..void getvalues1();


adv info for student--------------------------------*/class advstu : public basic{

public : int admin_no; int std; char fee_stat[20]; void getvalues2();


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/*-------------------------------------bassic info for teacher

-----------------------------------------*/class advteach : public basic{

public :int staff_no;char salary_stat[30];void getvalues3();


/*-------------------------- class menu for library --------------------------*/class libmenu{ public:

int day, mon, year ;void duedate (int,int,int) ;void updatecopies (int,int) ;void mainmenu ();void issue ();void returnbook();void memopt ();void mdetails ();void memlist ();void issuedet ();void bookopt ();

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void booklist ();void addbooks ();void writebook ();void bdetails ();void bmodify ();


class for office-----------------------------*/class office_function{

public:void display_adv_student();void display_basic_student();void display_basic_teacher();void display_adv_teacher();void modify_student();void add_student ();void modify_teacher();void add_teacher();void display_student();void display_teacher();int size_student();int size_teacher();void display_all_students();void fee();void fee_check();

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void pay_fee(int);void credict_salary(int);void salary_check();void salary();void display_all_teachers();void menu_student();void menu_teacher();void menu_main();


/*----------------------------date for officee

------------------------------*/time_t theTime = time(NULL);struct tm *aTime = localtime(&theTime);

int day = aTime->tm_mday;int month = aTime->tm_mon + 1; // Month is 0 - 11, add 1 to get a jan-dec 1-12 conceptint year = aTime->tm_year + 1900; // Year is # years since 1900

/*----------------------------- FEE for student

-------------------------------*/class feedate { public:

int day,month,year ; }f;

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/*------------------------ Lab Files

---------------------------*/void phylab();void chemlab();void complab();void biolab();/*-------------------------------

CLASS FOR LABORATORY-----------------------------------*/

class Working{public: void broken() ;

int sizeof_chem() ;void Add_Chemical() ;void Available_chemicals() ;void Show_chemical_detail() ;void Modify_Chemical() ;int sizeof_system() ;void Add_system() ;void System_present() ;void Show_system_detail() ;void Modify_system() ;int sizeof_inst(int) ;void Add_inst(int) ;void Show_inst(int) ;

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int sizeof_spec() ;void Add_spec() ;void Available_specimen() ;void Show_spec_details() ;void Modify_specimen() ;

}W;/*-------------------------------- function for welcome screen --------------------------------*/void welcome(){ clrscr(); cout<<"\n"; cout<<"\t\t ******************************************\n"; cout<<"\t\t ** S C H O O L M A N A G E M E N T **\n"; cout<<"\t\t ******************************************\n"; gotoxy(3,24); cout<<"Authors: C RAM MUKILAN, S P SRINIRDHESHWAR, K G GAUTAM"; gotoxy(23,6); cout<<"WELCOME TO HOGWARTS INTERNATIONALE"; gotoxy(16,10); cout<<"THIS GUIDES TO INFORMATION ACCESS REGARDING"; gotoxy(16,12); cout<<"ADMINISTRATION,LIBRARY AND LABORATORY MANGEMENT"; gotoxy(20,14); cout<<"THIS CAN ACCESED ONLY BY ADMINISTRATORS";

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gotoxy(24,19); password();}

/*----------------- function for password -------------------*/void password() { char inpass[5]; cout<<"Enter password : "; for(int i=0;i<5;i++) {

inpass[i]= (char)getch(); cout<<"*";

} if(inpass[0]=='n'&& inpass[1]=='i'&& inpass[2]=='g'&& inpass[3]=='a'&&inpass[4]=='r') {


} else {

clrscr();gotoxy(28,11);cout<<"ACCESS DENIED!!!";

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} }

/*--------------- main menu


void interface(){ clrscr(); cout<<"\n\n\n"; cout<<"\t\t\t M E N U \n"; cout<<"\t\t\t ~~~~~~~~~~~~\n"; gotoxy(5,24); cout<<"SELECT YOUR CHOICE"; cout<<"\t\t\t\t\t\t < 0 > for EXIT "; gotoxy(25,10); cout<<"1. O F F I C E "; gotoxy(25,12); cout<<"2. L I B R A R Y "; gotoxy(25,14); cout<<"3. L A B O R A T O R Y"; int ms; gotoxy(30,18); cout<<"Enter your choice: "; cin>>ms; switch (ms)

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{case 1 :ff.menu_main(); break;case 2 : library(); break;case 3 : labs(); break;case 0 : welcome(); break;default: gotoxy(30,19); cout<<"WRONG CHOICE";

} }

/*------------------------------------ office main menu

-------------------------------------*/void office_function:: menu_main(){ int ch; clrscr(); while(1)

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{ clrscr(); cout<<"\n\n\n"; cout<<"\t\t WELCOME TO HOGWART'S SCHOOL OF

EXCELLENCE \n"; cout<<"\t\t

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n"; cout<<"\t\t ADMINISTRATION WING \n"; cout<<"\t\t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "; gotoxy(33,12); cout<<"1. STUDENT INFO"; gotoxy(33,14); cout<<"2. TEACHER INFO"; gotoxy(33,16); cout<<"0. EXIT"; gotoxy(30,20); cout<<"Enter the choice : "; cin>>ch; clrscr(); switch(ch) {

case 1:menu_student();break;case 2:menu_teacher();break;case 0:interface();

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} getch();}


/*------------------------------------ size of student

--------------------------------------*/int office_function :: size_student(){

int no;int pos;int size;fstream out;"DATA.dat",ios::in|ios::out);out.seekg(0,ios::end);pos=out.tellp();size=sizeof(s1);no=pos/size;no++;out.close();return no;


/*---------------------------------student menu

-----------------------------------*/void office_function:: menu_student()

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{ int ch; while(1) {

clrscr(); cout<<"\n\n\n"; cout<<"\t\t\t S T U D E N T I N F O \n"; cout<<"\t\t\t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n"; gotoxy(30,8); cout<<"1. ENROLL A STUDENT"; gotoxy(30,10); cout<<"2. DISPLAY A STUDENT "; gotoxy(30,12); cout<<"3. MODIFY "; gotoxy(30,14); cout<<"4. FEE DETAILS "; gotoxy(30,16); cout<<"0. EXIT"; gotoxy(25,20); cout<<"ENTER YOUR CHOICE : "; //textbackground(WHITE); //textcolor(CYAN+BLINK); cin>>ch; switch(ch) { case 1:

s1.getvalues2(); break;

case 2:

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display_student(); break;

case 3: modify_student(); break;

case 4: fee(); break;

case 0: menu_main();

} getch();


get student data-----------------------------------*/void basic:: getvalues1()

{clrscr();pday=0;pmonth=0;pyear=0;cout<<"\n\t\t E N T E R I N F O R M A T I O N ";cout<<"\n\t\t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n";gotoxy(10,24);cout<<"PLEASE ENTER THE DETAILS ONLY IN


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gotoxy(25,5);cout<<"NAME : ";gotoxy(25,6);cout<<"DATE OF BIRTH : ";gotoxy(25,7);cout<<"FATHER NAME : ";gotoxy(25,8);cout<<"MOTHER NAME : ";gotoxy(25,9);cout<<"ADDRESS : ";gotoxy(25,10);cout<<"CONTACT : ";gotoxy(25,11);cout<<"RELIGION : ";gotoxy(25,12);cout<<"NATIONALITY : ";gotoxy(25,13);cout<<"LANGUAGE : ";gotoxy(25,14);cout<<"STATUS(IN/OUT) : ";gotoxy(43,5);gets(name);gotoxy(43,6);gets(dob);gotoxy(43,7);gets(father_name);gotoxy(43,8);gets(mother_name);gotoxy(43,9);

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/*----------------------------------get adv student data

-----------------------------------*/void advstu ::getvalues2()

{ getvalues1(); gotoxy(25,15); cout<<"CLASS : "; gotoxy(25,16); cout<<"FEE STATUS : "; gotoxy(25,17); cout<<"(PAID/NOT PAID) "; gotoxy(43,15); cin>>std; gotoxy(43,16);

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gets(fee_stat); ff.add_student();}

/*----------------------------------------add student

--------------------------------------------*/void office_function:: add_student(){

clrscr();char ch;cout<<"\n\n";cout<<"\t\t\t A D M I S S I O N \n";cout<<"\t\t\t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n";gotoxy(20,10);cout<<"DO YOU WANT TO SAVE THIS RECORD (Y/N) : ";cin>>ch;if(ch=='y'||ch=='Y'){gotoxy(20,12);cout<<"PLEASE NOTE DOWN THE ADMISSION NO .. ";s1.admin_no=size_student();cout<<"\n\n\t\t\t\t"<<s1.admin_no;ofstream out;"data.dat",ios::app,ios::out);out.write((char*)&s1,sizeof(s1));out.close();

// lib.

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ofstream mlist;member.mcode=s1.admin_no;strcpy(member.mname,;member.std=s1.std;strcpy(,;"memlist.dat",ios::app|ios::out);mlist.write((char*)&member,sizeof(member));mlist.close();

// labofstream plist;pm.pcode=s1.admin_no;strcpy(pm.pname,;pm.fine=0;"member.dat",ios::app|ios::out);plist.write((char*)&pm,sizeof(pm));plist.close();

} else {

menu_main(); }};

/*----------------------------------------display menu - student

--------------------------------------------*/void office_function:: display_student()

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{int ch1;clrscr();cout<<"\n\n\n";cout<<"\t\t\t S T U D E N T D I S P L A Y \n";cout<<"\t\t\t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n";gotoxy(30,8);cout<<"1.BASIC INFORMATION ";gotoxy(30,10);cout<<"2.ADVANCE INFORMATION ";gotoxy(30,12);cout<<"3.DISPLAY ALL";gotoxy(30,14);cout<<"0.EXIT";gotoxy(25,18);cout<<"Enter the choice : ";cin>>ch1;clrscr();switch(ch1){

case 1:display_basic_student();break;case 2:display_adv_student();break;case 3:display_all_students();break;

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case 0:welcome();


/*----------------------------------------display student

--------------------------------------------*/void office_function :: display_basic_student(){ clrscr();

int rn;cout<<"\n\n\n";cout<<"\t\t\t S T U D E N T I N F O \n";cout<<"\t\t\t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n";gotoxy(30,8);cout<<"ENTER THE ADMIN NO : ";cin>>rn;clrscr();cout<<"\n\n\n";cout<<"\t\t\t S T U D E N T I N F O \n";cout<<"\t\t\t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n";ifstream in;"data.dat");in.seekg(0);while(!in.eof()){*)&s1,sizeof(s1));if(s1.admin_no==rn)

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{ gotoxy(30,8);cout<<"Admin no : "<<s1.admin_no;gotoxy(30,10);cout<<"Name : "<<;gotoxy(30,12);cout<<"Date of birth : "<<s1.dob;break;


} if(getche()) {

display_student(); }}

/*----------------------------------------display student

--------------------------------------------*/void office_function:: display_adv_student(){

int rn;cout<<"\n\n\n";cout<<"\t\t\t S T U D E N T I N F O \n";cout<<"\t\t\t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n";gotoxy(30,8);cout<<"ENTER THE ADMIN NO : ";cin>>rn;clrscr();

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cout<<"\n\n\n";cout<<"\t\t\t S T U D E N T I N F O \n";cout<<"\t\t\t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n";ifstream in;"data.dat");in.seekg(0);while(!in.eof()){*)&s1,sizeof(s1));if(s1.admin_no==rn){

gotoxy(30,8);cout<<"ADMIN NO : "<<s1.admin_no;gotoxy(30,9);cout<<"NAME : "<<;gotoxy(30,10);cout<<"DATE OF BIRTH : "<<s1.dob;gotoxy(30,11);cout<<"FATHER NAME : "<<s1.father_name;gotoxy(30,12);cout<<"MOTHER NAME : "<<s1.mother_name;gotoxy(30,13);cout<<"ADDRESS : "<<s1.address;gotoxy(30,14);cout<<"CONTACT : "<<;gotoxy(30,15);cout<<"NATIONALITY : "<<s1.nationalty;gotoxy(30,16);

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cout<<"LANGUAGE : "<<s1.language;gotoxy(30,17);cout<<"FEE STATUS : "<<s1.fee_stat;gotoxy(30,18);cout<<"FEE PAID ON : "<<s1.pday<<" "<<s1.pmonth<<"



}if(getche()){ display_student();}


/*----------------------------------------display all student

--------------------------------------------*/void office_function:: display_all_students(){

int x=8;clrscr();cout<<"\n\n\n";cout<<"\t\t\t S T U D E N T I N F O \n";cout<<"\t\t\t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n";


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cout<<" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------";

fstream file;"data.dat",ios::out|ios::in);while(1){*)&s1,sizeof(s1));if(file.eof())

break;for(int i=0;i<100;i++){

if(s1.admin_no==i){ x=x+2;



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modify student------------------------------------------*/void office_function:: modify_student(){ char newname[80],newfather[80],newmother[80],newaddress[120],newdob[12],newcontact[10];

clrscr();cout<<"\n\n\n";cout<<"\t\t\t M O D I F Y S T U D E N T \n";cout<<"\t\t\t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n";fstream fio("DATA.dat",ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary);int rn;cout<<"\tENTER THE ADMIN NO : ";cin>>rn;gotoxy(20,24);cout<<" < . > to retain the values ";while(!fio.eof()){*)&s1,sizeof(s1));


gotoxy(10,8);cout<<"ADMIN NO : "<<s1.admin_no;gotoxy(10,9);cout<<"NAME : "<<;

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gotoxy(10,10);cout<<"DATE OF BIRTH : "<<s1.dob;gotoxy(10,11);cout<<"FATHER NAME : "<<s1.father_name;gotoxy(10,12);cout<<"MOTHER NAME : "<<s1.mother_name;gotoxy(10,13);cout<<"ADDRESS : "<<s1.address;gotoxy(10,14);cout<<"CONTACT : "<<;gotoxy(10,15);cout<<"NATIONALITY : "<<s1.nationalty;gotoxy(10,16);cout<<"LANGUAGE : "<<s1.language;


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}char ch;gotoxy(10,20);cout<<"Want to Apply the Changes (y/n)";cin>>ch;if(ch=='y'||ch=='Y'){fio.seekp(fio.tellg() - sizeof(s1));fio.write((char*)&s1,sizeof(s1));

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/*----------------------------------- teacher menu

-------------------------------------*/void office_function:: menu_teacher(){ int ch; while(1) {

clrscr();cout<<"\n\n\n";cout<<"\t\t\t T E A C H E R I N F O \n";cout<<"\t\t\t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n";gotoxy(30,8);cout<<"1. ENROLL A TEACHER";gotoxy(30,10);cout<<"2. DISPLAY A TEACHER";

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gotoxy(30,12);cout<<"3. MODIFY ";gotoxy(30,14);cout<<"4. SALARY STATUS";gotoxy(30,16);cout<<"0. EXIT";gotoxy(25,20);cout<<"ENTER YOUR CHOICE : ";cin>>ch;switch(ch){ case 1:


case 2: display_teacher(); break;case 3: modify_teacher(); break;case 4: salary(); break;case 0: menu_main();

} getch(); }}

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/*----------------------------------------size of techer

--------------------------------------------*/int office_function::size_teacher(){

int no;int pos;int size;fstream out;"DATA1.dat",ios::in|ios::out);out.seekg(0,ios::end);pos=out.tellp();size=sizeof(t1);no=pos/size;no++;out.close();return no;


get info techer--------------------------------------------*/void advteach::getvalues3()

{getvalues1();gotoxy(25,15);cout<<"Salary Details : ";

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gotoxy(25,17);cout<<"(CREDICTED/NOT CREDICTED) ";gotoxy(41,15);gets(salary_stat);ff.add_teacher();


add teacher--------------------------------------------*/

void office_function:: add_teacher(){ char ch;

clrscr();cout<<"\n\n";cout<<"\t\t\t A D M I S S I O N \n";cout<<"\t\t\t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n";gotoxy(20,10);cout<<"DO YOU WANT TO SAVE THIS RECORD (Y/N) : ";cin>>ch;;if(ch=='y'||ch=='Y'){gotoxy(20,12);cout<<"PLEASE NOTE DOWN YOUR STAFF NO ...";t1.staff_no=size_teacher();cout<<"\n\n\t\t\t\t"<<t1.staff_no;ofstream out;"data1.dat",ios::app);out.write((char*)&t1,sizeof(t1));

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/*-----------------------------------DISPLAY MENU

-------------------------------------*/void office_function:: display_teacher(){

int ch1;clrscr();cout<<"\n\n\n";cout<<"\t\t\t T E A C H E R D I S P L A Y \n";cout<<"\t\t\t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n";gotoxy(30,8);cout<<"1.BASIC INFORMATION ";gotoxy(30,10);cout<<"2.ADVANCE INFORMATION ";gotoxy(30,12);cout<<"3.DISPLAY ALL";gotoxy(30,14);cout<<"0.EXIT :";gotoxy(25,18);cout<<"Enter the choice : ";

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case 1:display_basic_teacher();break;case 2:display_adv_teacher();break;case 3:display_all_teachers();case 0:welcome();


display teacher--------------------------------------------*/

void office_function:: display_basic_teacher(){ clrscr();

int rn;cout<<"\n\n\n";cout<<"\t\t\t T E A C H E R I N F O \n";cout<<"\t\t\t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n";gotoxy(30,8);cout<<"Enter the STAFF NO to be searched : ";cin>>rn;

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clrscr();cout<<"\n\n\n";cout<<"\t\t\t T E A C H E R I N F O \n";cout<<"\t\t\t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n";ifstream in;"data1.dat");in.seekg(0);while(!in.eof()){*)&t1,sizeof(t1));if(t1.staff_no==rn){ gotoxy(30,8);

cout<<"STAFF NO : "<<t1.staff_no;gotoxy(30,9);cout<<"NAME : "<<;gotoxy(30,10);cout<<"DATE OF BIRTH : "<<t1.dob;break;

} getch();};


display of techer--------------------------------------------*/void office_function:: display_adv_teacher(){ int rn;


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cout<<"\t\t\t T E A C H E R I N F O \n";cout<<"\t\t\t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n";gotoxy(30,8);cout<<"Enter the admin no to be searched : ";cin>>rn;clrscr();cout<<"\n\n\n";cout<<"\t\t\t T E A C H E R I N F O \n";cout<<"\t\t\t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n";ifstream in;"data1.dat");in.seekg(0);while(!in.eof()){*)&t1,sizeof(t1));if(t1.staff_no==rn){

gotoxy(30,8);cout<<"STAFF NO : "<<t1.staff_no;gotoxy(30,9);cout<<"NAME : "<<;gotoxy(30,10);cout<<"DATE OF BIRTH : "<<t1.dob;gotoxy(30,11);cout<<"FATHER NAME : "<<t1.father_name;gotoxy(30,12);cout<<"MOTHER NAME : "<<t1.mother_name;gotoxy(30,13);cout<<"ADDRESS : "<<t1.address;

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gotoxy(30,14);cout<<"CONTACT : "<<;gotoxy(30,15);cout<<"NATIONALITY : "<<t1.nationalty;gotoxy(30,16);cout<<"LANGUAGE : "<<t1.language;gotoxy(30,17);cout<<"SALARY STATUS :"<<t1.salary_stat;gotoxy(30,18);cout<<"SALARY ";gotoxy(30,19);cout<<"CREDICTED ON ";gotoxy(46,19);cout<<t1.pday<<" "<<t1.pmonth<<" "<<t1.pyear;break;



display all teacher--------------------------------------------*/void office_function:: display_all_teachers(){

int x= 10;clrscr();cout<<"\n\n\n";cout<<"\t\t\t T E A C H E R I N F O \n";

Page 50: School Management (c++)

cout<<"\t\t\t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n";



cout<<" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------";

fstream file;"data1.dat",ios::out|ios::in);while(1){*)&t1,sizeof(s1));if(file.eof())

break;for(int i=0;i<100;i++){

if(t1.staff_no==i){ x=x+2;


Page 51: School Management (c++)




MODIFY TEACHER-----------------------------------*/void office_function:: modify_teacher(){ char newname[80],newfather[80],newmother[80],newaddress[120],newdob[12],newcontact[10];

clrscr();fstream fio("DATA1.dat",ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary);int rn,pos;gotoxy(30,5);cout<<"ENTER THE ADMIN NO : ";cin>>rn;clrscr();while(!fio.eof()){*)&t1,sizeof(t1));if(t1.staff_no==rn){ gotoxy(10,5);

Page 52: School Management (c++)

cout<<"ADMIN NO : "<<t1.staff_no;gotoxy(10,6);cout<<"NAME : "<<;gotoxy(10,7);cout<<"DATE OF BIRTH : "<<t1.dob;gotoxy(10,8);cout<<"FATHER NAME : "<<t1.father_name;gotoxy(10,9);cout<<"MOTHER NAME : "<<t1.mother_name;gotoxy(10,10);cout<<"ADDRESS : "<<t1.address;gotoxy(10,11);cout<<"CONTACT : "<<;gotoxy(10,13);cout<<"LANGUAGE : "<<t1.language;gotoxy(50,6);cin>>newname;gotoxy(50,8);cin>>newfather;gotoxy(50,9);cin>>newmother;gotoxy(50,10);cin>>newaddress;gotoxy(50,11);cin>>newcontact;if(strcmp(newname,".")!=0){


Page 53: School Management (c++)






}char ch;clrscr();gotoxy(10,13);cout<<"WANNA APPLY THE CHANGES (y/n)";cin>>ch;if(ch=='y'||ch=='Y'){fio.seekp(fio.tellg() - sizeof(t1));fio.write((char*)&t1,sizeof(t1));fio.close();gotoxy(10,15);

Page 54: School Management (c++)



void office_function:: salary(){ //int feedate,feemonth,feeyear;

clrscr();int ch,rn;gotoxy(30,5);cout<<"1.)SET SALARY DATE ";gotoxy(30,6);cout<<"2.)PAY SALARY ";gotoxy(30,7);cout<<"YOUR CHOICE : ";cin>>ch;

switch(ch){case 1:{clrscr();fstream file;

Page 55: School Management (c++)"SALARY.dat",ios::in|ios::out);while(1){*)&f,sizeof(f ));if(file.eof())break;gotoxy(30,2);cout<<"CURRENT SALARY DATE";cout<<" "<<<<" "<<f.month<<" "<<f.year;}file.close();gotoxy(30,5);cout<<"ENTER SALARY DATE (dd mm yyyy) : ";cin>>>>f.month>>f.year;"SALARY.dat",ios::in|ios::out);file.write((char*)&f,sizeof(f ));file.close();

break;}case 2:clrscr();int rn;gotoxy(30,12);cout<<"ENTER THE STAFF NO : ";cin>>rn;credict_salary(rn);break;}

Page 56: School Management (c++)

}void office_function:: credict_salary(int rn){ clrscr();

gotoxy(30,12);cout<<"PRESS ENTER TO CREDICT";getch();fstream change;"DATA1.dat",ios::in|ios::out);while(!change.eof()){*)&s1,sizeof(t1));if(t1.staff_no==rn){

if(strcmp(t1.salary_stat,"NOT CREDICTED")==0)


change.seekp(change.tellg() - sizeof(t1));change.write((char*)&t1, sizeof(t1));change.close();gotoxy(30,13);cout<<"CREDICTED...PRESS ENTER TO


Page 57: School Management (c++)



if(strcmp(t1.salary_stat,"CREDICTED")==0){ clrscr();

gotoxy(20,10);cout<<"SALARY IS ALREADY






void office_function:: salary_check(){ clrscr();

int pos;fstream file;fstream change;

Page 58: School Management (c++)"SALARY.dat",ios::in|ios::out);"DATA1.dat",ios::in|ios::out);while(!change.eof()&&!file.eof()){*)&f,sizeof(f ));




if(t1.pday==day&&t1.pmonth==month&&t1.pyear){cout<<"CHECKED";getch();break;}else{strcpy(t1.salary_stat,"NOT CREDICTED");change.seekp(change.tellg() - sizeof(t1));change.write((char*)&t1, sizeof(t1));

Page 59: School Management (c++)




}void office_function:: fee(){ //int feedate,feemonth,feeyear;

clrscr();int ch,rn;gotoxy(30,5);cout<<"1.)SET FEE DATE ";gotoxy(30,6);cout<<"2.)PAY FEE ";gotoxy(30,7);cout<<"YOUR CHOICE : ";cin>>ch;

switch (ch){case 2:

Page 60: School Management (c++)

{ clrscr();gotoxy(30,5);cout<<"ENTER THE ADMIN NO : ";cin>>rn;clrscr();ifstream in;"data.dat");in.seekg(0);while(!in.eof()){*)&s1,sizeof(s1));if(s1.admin_no==rn){ clrscr();

if(s1.std<=6){ clrscr();

gotoxy(30,5);cout<<"***YOU HAVE TO PAY***";gotoxy(30,7);cout<<"TUTION FEE : 600 RS";gotoxy(30,8);cout<<"COMPUTER FEE : 150 RS";gotoxy(30,9);cout<<"TOTAL : 750";gotoxy(30,10);pay_fee(rn);getch();


Page 61: School Management (c++)

{ clrscr();gotoxy(30,5);cout<<"***YOU HAVE TO PAY***";gotoxy(30,7);cout<<"TUTION FEE : 600 RS";gotoxy(30,8);cout<<"COMPUTER FEE : 600 RS";gotoxy(30,9);cout<<"TOTAL : 1200";pay_fee(rn);getch();



}break;}//end of case

case 1:{

clrscr();fstream file;"FEEDATE.dat",ios::in|ios::out);while(1){

Page 62: School Management (c++)*)&f,sizeof(f ));if(file.eof())break;gotoxy(30,2);cout<<"CURRENT FEE DATE";cout<<" "<<<<" "<<f.month<<" "<<f.year;}file.close();gotoxy(30,5);cout<<"ENTER FEE DATE (dd mm yyyy) : ";cin>>>>f.month>>f.year;"FEEDATE.dat",ios::in|ios::out);file.write((char*)&f,sizeof(f ));file.close();



}void office_function:: pay_fee(int rn){ gotoxy(30,12);

cout<<"PRESS ENTER TO PAY";getch();fstream change;"DATA.dat",ios::in|ios::out);while(!change.eof()){

Page 63: School Management (c++)*)&s1,sizeof(s1));if(s1.admin_no==rn){


change.seekp(change.tellg() - sizeof(s1));change.write((char*)&s1, sizeof(s1));change.close();gotoxy(30,13);cout<<"PAID...PRESS ENTER TO


}if(strcmp(s1.fee_stat,"PAID")==0){ clrscr();

gotoxy(20,10);cout<<"FEE IS ALREADY PAID";getch();break;}


Page 64: School Management (c++)




void office_function:: fee_check(){ clrscr();

int pos;fstream file;fstream change;"FEEDATE.dat",ios::in|ios::out);"DATA.dat",ios::in|ios::out);while(!change.eof()&&!file.eof()){*)&f,sizeof(f ));



Page 65: School Management (c++)


if(s1.pday==day&&s1.pmonth==month&&s1.pyear){cout<<"CHECKED";getch();break;}else{strcpy(s1.fee_stat,"UNPAID");change.seekp(change.tellg() - sizeof(s1));change.write((char*)&s1, sizeof(s1));





Page 66: School Management (c++)

/*---------------------------------Library Intro-------------------------------*/

void library(){

clrscr();cout<<"\n\n\n";cout<<"\t\t WELCOME TO HOGWART'S BIBLIOTHEQUE

\n";cout<<"\t\t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n";gotoxy(13,9);cout <<" HOGWARTS BIBLIOTHEQUE (HB) HAS A WIDE




LIBRARIAN'S DESK.";gotoxy(27,21);cout<<"PRESS TO CONTINUE....." ;if(getche()){ libr.mainmenu();}

Page 67: School Management (c++)


/*----------------------------------- function to show menu for library ----------------------------------*/

void libmenu::mainmenu() {

int lmch;clrscr();cout<<"\n\n";cout<<"\t\t\t L I B R A R Y \n";cout<<"\t\t\t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n";gotoxy(5,24);cout<<" LIBRARIAN: VISHNU PRASAD\t\t\t\t < 0 > for EXIT ";gotoxy(30,7);cout<<"1. INTRODUCTION";gotoxy(30,9);cout<<"2. ISSUE BOOK" ;gotoxy(30,11);cout<<"3. RETURN BOOK";gotoxy(30,13);cout<<"4. MEMBERS ";gotoxy(30,15);cout<<"5. BOOKS ";gotoxy(24,19);

Page 68: School Management (c++)

cout<<"ENTER THE CHOICE: ";cin>>lmch;switch (lmch){case 1 :


case 2 :issue();break;

case 3 :returnbook();break;

case 4 :memopt();break;

case 5 :bookopt();break;

case 0 : interface(); break;

default: gotoxy(30,21); cout<<"WRONG CHOICE"; if(getche()) {

mainmenu(); }

Page 69: School Management (c++)

} }

/*-------------------------- duedate calculator --------------------------*/

void libmenu ::duedate(int d1, int m1, int y1){

static int month[] = {31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31} ;for (int i=1; i<=15; i++){

d1++ ;if ((d1 > month[m1-1]) || (y1%4 != 0 && m1 == 2 && d1 > 28)){

d1 = 1 ;m1++ ;

}if (m1 > 12){

m1 = 1 ;y1++ ;

}}day = d1 ;mon = m1 ;year = y1 ;


Page 70: School Management (c++)

void libmenu::issue() {

int tbcode,tmcode;char tmname[20];date d;getdate(&d);int day = d.da_day ;int mon = d.da_mon ;int year= d.da_year ;clrscr();cout<<"Date: "<<day<<"/"<<mon<<"/"<<year;cout<<"\n\n";cout<<"\t\t\t I S S U E B O O K \n";cout<<"\t\t\t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n";gotoxy(5,8) ;cout <<"Enter Code of the Book to be issued : " ;cin>>tbcode;"booklist.dat",ios::in);while(!blist.eof()){*)&book,sizeof(book)); if(book.bcode==tbcode) {



Page 71: School Management (c++)

}blist.close();gotoxy(5,12);cout <<"Enter Code of the Member to be issued : " ;cin>>tmcode;"memlist.dat",ios::in);while(!mlist.eof()){*)&member,sizeof(member));if(member.mcode==tmcode){ {


}}mlist.close();char wch ;gotoxy(30,20);cout<<"WANT TO ISSUE (y/n) : ";cin>>wch;if(wch=='y'||wch=='Y'){"issdet.dat",ios::out|ios::in|ios::app); idet.mcode=tmcode; strcpy(idet.mname,tmname);

Page 72: School Management (c++)

idet.mbcode=tbcode; = day ; idet.issue.mon = mon ; idet.issue.year = year ; duedate(day,mon,year) ; = ; idet.retdat.mon = libr.mon ; idet.retdat.year = libr.year ; issfile.write((char*)&idet,sizeof(idet)); issfile.close(); mainmenu();} else{ mainmenu();}


/*------------------------------ function to return book -------------------------------*/void libmenu::returnbook(){

long rpos ;int rmcode;date d;getdate(&d);int day = d.da_day ;

Page 73: School Management (c++)

int mon = d.da_mon ;int year= d.da_year ;clrscr();cout<<"Date: "<<day<<"/"<<mon<<"/"<<year;cout<<"\n\n";cout<<"\t\t\t R E T U R N B O O K \n";cout<<"\t\t\t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n";gotoxy(5,8) ;cout <<"Enter Code of the Member to be return : " ;cin>>rmcode;"issdet.dat",ios::in|ios::out);while(!issfile.eof()){

rpos=issfile.tellg();*)&idet,sizeof(idet));if(idet.mcode==rmcode){ gotoxy(20,10); cout<<"MEMBER CODE : "<<idet.mcode; gotoxy(20,11); cout<<"MEMBER NAME : "; puts(idet.mname); gotoxy(20,12); cout<<"BOOK CODE : "<<idet.mbcode; gotoxy(20,13); cout<<"ISSUE DATE :

"<<<<"/"<<idet.issue.mon<<"/"<<idet.issue.year; gotoxy(20,14);

Page 74: School Management (c++)

cout<<"REURN DATE : "<<<<"/"<<idet.retdat.mon<<"/"<<idet.retdat.year;

idet.mcode = 0 ; strcpy(idet.mname," ") ; idet.mbcode = 0 ; = 0 ; idet.issue.mon = 0 ; idet.issue.year = 0 ; = 0 ; idet.retdat.mon = 0 ; idet.retdat.year = 0 ; break; }}{ issfile.seekg(rpos); issfile.write((char*)&idet,sizeof(idet)); issfile.close(); if(getche()); mainmenu();



/*------------------------------ function to show member option -------------------------------*/void libmenu::memopt()

Page 75: School Management (c++)

{int opt;clrscr();cout<<"\n\n";cout<<"\t\t\t M E M B E R S \n";cout<<"\t\t\t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n";gotoxy(60,24);cout<<" < 0 > for EXIT ";gotoxy(30,9);cout<<"1. VIEW MEMBERS LIST" ;gotoxy(30,11);cout<<"2. MEMBERS DETAILS";gotoxy(30,13);cout<<"3. ISSUED DETAILS";gotoxy(24,18);cout<<"ENTER THE CHOICE: ";cin>>opt;switch (opt){case 1 :


case 2 :mdetails() ;break;

case 3 :

Page 76: School Management (c++)


case 0 : library(); break;

default: gotoxy(30,21); cout<<"WRONG CHOICE"; if(getche()) {

memopt(); }

} }

/*------------------------------ function to show book option -------------------------------*/ void libmenu::memlist() { clrscr(); gotoxy(28,3); cout<<" L I S T O F M E M B E R S "; gotoxy(28,4); cout<<"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"; cout<<"\n\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; cout<<"\n C O D E N A M E C L A S S C O N T A C T

Page 77: School Management (c++)

"; cout<<" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------";"memlist.dat",ios::in) ; mlist.seekg(0); int r=10; while(1) {*)&member,sizeof(member));if(mlist.eof()){ break;}for(int i=0;i<100;i++){ if(member.mcode==i) {

gotoxy(7,r); cout<<member.mcode; gotoxy(20,r); cout<<member.mname; gotoxy(48,r); cout<<member.std; gotoxy(64,r); cout<<; r++;


Page 78: School Management (c++)

} } cout<<"\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\tPRESS ANY KEY ..."; mlist.close(); if(getche()) {

memopt(); }}

/*------------------------------ function to show memberdetails -------------------------------*/

void libmenu :: mdetails() { clrscr(); gotoxy(28,3); cout<<" M E M B E R S D E T A I L S"; gotoxy(28,4); cout<<"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"; int mdetcode; cout<<"\n\n\n\t\tENTER A MEMBER CODE: "; cin>>mdetcode;"memlist.dat",ios::in) ; while(!mlist.eof())


Page 79: School Management (c++)

{ gotoxy(26,10); cout<<"CODE : "<<member.mcode; gotoxy(26,12); cout<<"NAME : "; puts(member.mname); gotoxy(26,14); cout<<"CLASS : "; cout<<member.std; gotoxy(26,16); cout<<"CONTACT : "; puts(;}

} mlist.close(); if(getche()) {

memopt(); }


/*------------------------------ FUNCTION TO SHOW ISSUE DETAILS

--------------------------------*/void libmenu:: issuedet(){

Page 80: School Management (c++)

clrscr(); gotoxy(28,3); cout<<" I S S U E D E T A I L S"; gotoxy(28,4); cout<<"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"; int isscode,found=0; cout<<"\n\n\n\t\tENTER A MEMBER CODE: "; cin>>isscode; gotoxy(12,18); cout<<"If return date and Issue date are zero the record is last issued";"issdet.dat",ios::in); while(!issfile.eof())

{*)&idet,sizeof(idet));if(idet.mcode==isscode){ found=1; gotoxy(26,10); cout<<"MEMBER CODE : "<<idet.mcode; gotoxy(26,12); cout<<"MEMBER NAME : "; puts(idet.mname); gotoxy(26,14); cout<<"BOOK : "<<idet.mbcode; gotoxy(26,15); cout<<"ISSUE DATE :

"<<<<"/"<<idet.issue.mon<<"/"<<idet.issue.year ; gotoxy(26,16); cout<<"RETURN DATE :

Page 81: School Management (c++)

"<<<<"/"<<idet.retdat.mon<<"/"<<idet.retdat.year; gotoxy(26,18);}break;

} issfile.close(); if(found==0) {

gotoxy(26,12);cout<<"No Books Issued...";

} if(getche())



} /*------------------------------ function to show book option -------------------------------*/void libmenu::bookopt() {

int opt;clrscr();cout<<"\n\n";cout<<"\t\t\t B O O K S \n";cout<<"\t\t\t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n";gotoxy(60,24);

Page 82: School Management (c++)

cout<<" < 0 > for EXIT ";gotoxy(30,8);cout<<"1. ADD BOOK";gotoxy(30,10);cout<<"2. VIEW BOOK LIST" ;gotoxy(30,12);cout<<"3. BOOK DETAILS";gotoxy(30,14);cout<<"4. MODIFY";gotoxy(24,19);cout<<"ENTER THE CHOICE: ";cin>>opt;switch (opt){case 1 :


case 2 :booklist();break;

case 3 :bdetails();break;

case 4 :bmodify();break;

case 0 : library(); break;

Page 83: School Management (c++)

default: gotoxy(30,21); cout<<"WRONG CHOICE"; if(getche()) {


} } }

/*------------------------- function to add books

--------------------------*/void libmenu::addbooks() { int size;"booklist.dat",ios::out|ios::in|ios::ate) ; blist.seekg(0,ios::end); long pos=blist.tellg(); size=sizeof(book); blist.close(); clrscr(); gotoxy(28,3); cout<<"A D D B O O K S"; gotoxy(28,4); cout<<"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"; book.bcode++;

Page 84: School Management (c++)

gotoxy(26,7); cout<<"CODE :"; gotoxy(26,9); cout<<"NAME :"; gotoxy(26,11); cout<<"AUTHOR :"; gotoxy(26,13); cout<<"PUBLICATION :"; gotoxy(26,15); cout<<"NO OF COPIES:"; gotoxy(26,17); cout<<"PRICE : Rs."; gotoxy(45,7); book.bcode=(pos/size)+1; cout<<book.bcode; gotoxy(45,9); gets(book.bname); gotoxy(45,11); gets(book.auth); gotoxy(45,13); gets(book.publ); gotoxy(45,15); cin>>book.copies; gotoxy(45,17); cin>>book.price; char wch; gotoxy(30,20); cout<<"WANT TO SAVE (y/n) : "; cin>>wch;

Page 85: School Management (c++)

if(wch=='y'||wch=='Y') {


} else {

bookopt(); }}

/*----------------------------------- write book to file

----------------------------------*/void libmenu::writebook(){"booklist.dat",ios::out|ios::in|ios::ate) ; blist.write((char*)&book,sizeof(book)); blist.close(); bookopt();}

/*---------------------- function to show booklist ------------------------*/

Page 86: School Management (c++)

void libmenu::booklist() { clrscr(); gotoxy(28,3); cout<<" L I S T O F B O O K S "; gotoxy(28,4); cout<<"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"; cout<<"\n\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; cout<<"\n C O D E N A M E A U T H O R P U B L I S H E R "; cout<<" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------";"booklist.dat",ios::in) ; blist.seekg(0); int r=10; while(1) {*)&book,sizeof(book));if(blist.eof()){ break;}for(int i=0;i<100;i++){ if(book.bcode==i) {

Page 87: School Management (c++)

gotoxy(5,r); cout<<book.bcode; gotoxy(16,r); cout<<book.bname; gotoxy(42,r); cout<<book.auth; gotoxy(65,r++); cout<<book.publ; if(book.copies>0) { gotoxy(63,r); cout<<"Status: Avail"; } else { gotoxy(63,r); cout<<"Status: N/A"; }

r=r+2; }}

} cout<<"\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\tPress any key ..."; blist.close(); if(getche()) {


Page 88: School Management (c++)


/*---------------------- function to show bookdetails ------------------------*/

void libmenu::bdetails() { clrscr(); gotoxy(28,3); cout<<" B O O K S D E T A I L S"; gotoxy(28,4); cout<<"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"; int bdetcode; cout<<"\n\n\n\t\tENTER A BOOK CODE: "; cin>>bdetcode;"booklist.dat",ios::in) ; while(!blist.eof())

{*)&book,sizeof(book));if(book.bcode==bdetcode){ gotoxy(26,10); cout<<"CODE : "<<book.bcode; gotoxy(26,12); cout<<"NAME : "; puts(book.bname); gotoxy(26,14);

Page 89: School Management (c++)

cout<<"AUTHOR : "; puts(book.auth); gotoxy(26,16); cout<<"PUBLICATION : "; puts(book.publ); gotoxy(26,18); cout<<"NO OF COPIES: "<<book.copies; gotoxy(26,20); cout<<"PRICE : "<<book.price; if(book.copies>0) {

gotoxy(26,22);cout<<"STATUS : Avail";

} else {

gotoxy(26,22);cout<<"STATUS : N/A ";



blist.close(); if(getche()) {

bookopt(); }

Page 90: School Management (c++)


Modify a book--------------------*/void libmenu::bmodify(){

char newbname[30];char newauth [30];char newpubl [80];int newcopies;int newprice ;clrscr();"booklist.dat",ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary);long curpos;gotoxy(28,3);cout<<"M O D I F Y B O O K S";gotoxy(26,4);cout<<"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~";int modcode;cout<<"\n\n\n\t\tENTER A BOOK CODE: ";cin>>modcode;while(!blist.eof()){ curpos=blist.tellg();*)&book,sizeof(book));if(book.bcode == modcode){

gotoxy(12,10); cout<<"CODE : "<<book.bcode; gotoxy(12,12);

Page 91: School Management (c++)

cout<<"NAME : "; puts(book.bname); gotoxy(12,14); cout<<"AUTHOR : "; puts(book.auth); gotoxy(12,16); cout<<"PUBLICATION : "; puts(book.publ); gotoxy(12,18); cout<<"NO OF COPIES: "<<book.copies; gotoxy(12,20); cout<<"PRICE : Rs."<<book.price; gotoxy(20,23); cout<<"Retype to retain the values"; gotoxy(46,12); gets(newbname); gotoxy(46,14); gets(newauth); gotoxy(46,16); gets(newpubl); gotoxy(46,18); cin>>newcopies; gotoxy(46,20); cin>>newprice;

strcpy(book.bname,newbname); strcpy(book.auth,newauth); strcpy(book.publ,newpubl);

Page 92: School Management (c++)

book.copies=newcopies; book.price=newprice; break ;

}}{ blist.seekg(curpos); blist.write((char*)&book,sizeof(book)); blist.close(); bookopt();


LABS-----------------------------------------*/ void labs()

{int ch;while(1)

{clrscr();gotoxy(32,2);cout<<" CHOOSE A LABORATORY";gotoxy(20,8);cout<<" 1. PHYSICS LABORATORY";gotoxy(20,11);cout<<" 2. CHEMISTRY LABORATORY";gotoxy(20,14);

Page 93: School Management (c++)

cout<<" 3. COMPUTER LABORATORY";gotoxy(20,17);cout<<" 4. BIOLOGY LABORATORY";gotoxy(70,25);cout<<" 0. EXIT";gotoxy(10,4);cout<<" CHOOSE YOUR CHOICE:- ";cin>>ch;switch(ch){

case 1:phylab();break;

case 2:chemlab();break;

case 3:complab();break;

case 4:biolab();break;

case 0:exit(0);

Page 94: School Management (c++)

default:cout<<"ENTER A VALID CHOICE";



/*---------------------------------------PHYSICS LAB

---------------------------------------*/ void phylab()

{ int ch;


clrscr();gotoxy(20,8);cout<<"1. ENTER NEW INSTRUMENTS";gotoxy(20,10);cout<<"2. DISPALY INSTRUMENTS";gotoxy(20,14);cout<<"0. GO BACK";gotoxy(15,5);;cout<<"ENTER A CHOICE:- ";

Page 95: School Management (c++)


case 1:W.Add_inst(1);break;

case 2:W.Show_inst(1);break;

case 0:labs();

default:cout<<"ENTER A VALID CHOICE";



/*---------------------------------------CHEMISTRY LAB

---------------------------------------*/void chemlab()

{int ch,n; cout<<"~~~~~~~~ W E L C O M E TO C H E M I S T R Y L

Page 96: School Management (c++)

A B ~~~~~~~~"; while(1) { clrscr();

gotoxy(20,8); cout<<"1. ADD A NEW CHEMICAL"; gotoxy(20,10); cout<<"2. ADD A ACCESSORY";

gotoxy(20,12); cout<<"3. SHOW AVAILABLE CHEMICAL"; gotoxy(20,14); cout<<"4. CHEMICAL DETAILS ";

gotoxy(20,16); cout<<"5. INSTRUMENTS DETAILS"; gotoxy(20,18); cout<<"6. MODIFY";

gotoxy(20,20); cout<<"0. BACK"; gotoxy(15,5); cout<<"ENTER A CHOICE:- ";

cin>>ch; switch(ch) { case 1:

W.Add_Chemical(); break;

case 2: W. Add_inst(2);

Page 97: School Management (c++)


case 3: W.Available_chemicals();


case 4: W.Show_chemical_detail();


case 5: W.Show_inst(2);


case 6: W.Modify_Chemical();


case 0: labs();

default: cout<<"ENTER A VALID CHOICE";

} getch(); }


Page 98: School Management (c++)

/*---------------------------------------COMPUTER LAB

---------------------------------------*/void complab(){

int ch,n; cout<<"WELCOME TO COMPUTER LABORATORY"; while(1) {

clrscr();gotoxy(20,8);cout<<"1. ADD A NEW SYSTEM";gotoxy(20,10);cout<<"2. ADD A ACCESSORY";gotoxy(20,12);cout<<"3. SHOW AVAILABLE SYSTEM";gotoxy(20,14);cout<<"4. SYSTEM DETAILS ";gotoxy(20,16);cout<<"5. INSTRUMENTS DETAILS";gotoxy(20,18);cout<<"6. MODIFY";gotoxy(20,20);cout<<"0. BACK";gotoxy(15,5);cout<<"ENTER A CHOISE:- ";cin>>ch;switch(ch){

Page 99: School Management (c++)

case 1: W. Add_system(); break;

case 2: W. Add_inst(3); break;

case 3: W.System_present(); break;

case 4: W.Show_system_detail(); break;

case 5: W.Show_inst(3); break;

case 6: W.Modify_system(); break;

case 0: labs();


Page 100: School Management (c++)

cout<<"ENTER A VALID CHOICE";}getch();



BIOLOGY LAB-----------------------------------*/ void biolab() //Bioloy Lab Menu

{int n,ch;


clrscr();gotoxy(20,8);cout<<"1. ADD A NEW SPECIMEN";gotoxy(20,10);cout<<"2. ADD A INSTRUMENT";gotoxy(20,12);cout<<"3. SHOW AVAILABLE SPECIMEN";gotoxy(20,14);cout<<"4. SPECIMEN DETAILS ";gotoxy(20,16);cout<<"5. INSTRUMENTS DETAILS";gotoxy(20,18);cout<<"6. MODIFY";gotoxy(20,20);

Page 101: School Management (c++)

cout<<"0. BACK";gotoxy(15,5);cout<<"ENTER A CHOICE:- ";cin>>ch;switch(ch){

case 1:W.Add_spec() ;break;

case 2:W. Add_inst(4);break;

case 3:W.Available_specimen();break;

case 4:W.Show_spec_details() ;break;

case 5:W.Show_inst(4);break;

case 6:W.Modify_specimen();

Page 102: School Management (c++)


case 0:labs();

default:cout<<"ENTER A VALID CHOICE";



/*-------------------------------SIZEOF CHEMISTRYLAB

-----------------------------------*/int Working ::sizeof_chem(){ ifstream fin; int no;"Chemical.dat",ios::in); fin.seekg(0,ios::end); long pos=fin.tellg();

no=pos/sizeof(chem); no++;

fin.close(); return no;}


Page 103: School Management (c++)

ADD CHEMICALS-----------------------------------*/void Working::Add_Chemical()


clrscr(); ofstream fo;"Chemical.dat",ios::out|ios::app);

cout<<"\n\t\t A D D C H E M I C A L ";cout<<"\n\t\t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n";

while(1) {

chem.Sno=sizeof_chem(); gotoxy(25,5); cout<<"SERIAL NUMBER : "; gotoxy(25,6);

cout<<"CHEMICAL NAME : "; gotoxy(25,7); cout<<"volume : "; gotoxy(25,8);

cout<<"CONCENTRATION : "; gotoxy(25,9); cout<<"DATE OF EXPITY : "; gotoxy(25,10);

cout<<"NUMBER OF ITEMS: "; gotoxy(43,5); cout<<chem.Sno; gotoxy(43,6);

Page 104: School Management (c++)

gets(chem.Name); gotoxy(43,7); cin>>chem.Vol; gotoxy(43,8);

cin>>chem.Conc; gotoxy(43,9); gets(chem.DOE); gotoxy(43,10);

cin>>chem.Nos; fo.write((char*)&chem,sizeof(chem)); cout<<"\n\n\n\t\t\t~~~~SAVING~~~~"; break;

} fo.close();


AVAILABLE CHEMICALS-----------------------------------*/void Working ::Available_chemicals()

{ clrscr();

fstream fin; gotoxy(28,4); cout<<" C H E M I C A L P R E S E N T "; gotoxy(25,5);

cout<<"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"; cout<<"\n\n\n-----------------------------------------------------------------

Page 105: School Management (c++)

----------"; cout<<" \n S.NO N A M E C O N C. "; cout<<"----------------------------------------------------------------------------";"Chemical.dat",ios::in); fin.seekg(0); int r=12; while(1)

{*)&chem,sizeof(chem)); if(fin.eof()) break;

gotoxy(5,r); cout<<chem.Sno; gotoxy(28,r);

cout<<chem.Name; gotoxy(57,r); cout<<chem.Conc; r=r+2;

} cout<<"\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\tPress any key ..."; fin.close();}/*-------------------------------

CHEMICALS DETAILS-----------------------------------*/

Page 106: School Management (c++)

void Working :: Show_chemical_detail(){ clrscr();

int n;cout<<"\n";cout<<"\t\t\t C H E M I C A L D E T A I L \n";cout<<"\t\t\t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n";gotoxy(30,6);cout<<"ENTER THE SERIAL NUMBER : ";cin>>n;ifstream fin;"Chemical.dat",ios::in);fin.seekg(0);while(!fin.eof()){*)&pc,sizeof(pc)); if(chem.Sno==n)

{ gotoxy(30,8);

cout<<"SERIAL NO : "<<chem.Sno;gotoxy(30,9);cout<<"CHEMICAL NAME : "<<chem.Name;gotoxy(30,10);cout<<"CONCENTRATION : "<<chem.Conc;gotoxy(30,11);cout<<"VOLUME : "<<chem.Vol;gotoxy(30,12);cout<<"DATE OF EXPIRY : "<<chem.DOE;gotoxy(30,13);

Page 107: School Management (c++)

cout<<"NUMBER OF ITEMS : "<<chem.Nos;cout<<"\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\tPRESS ANY KEY ...";

break; }



/*-------------------------------MODIFY CHEMICALS

-----------------------------------*/void Working :: Modify_Chemical() {

clrscr();int newconc,newvol,newnos;char newcname[30],newDOE[30];fstream sys;"Chemical.dat",ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary);long curpos;cout<<"\n";cout<<"\t\t\t M O D I F Y C H E M I C A L \n";cout<<"\t\t\t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n";int modcode;gotoxy(30,6);cout<<"ENTER THE SERIAL NUMBER : ";cin>>modcode;while(!sys.eof()){

Page 108: School Management (c++)


if(chem.Sno == modcode) { gotoxy(20,8);

cout<<"SERIAL NO : "<<chem.Sno;gotoxy(20,9);cout<<"CHEMICAL NAME : "<<chem.Name;gotoxy(20,10);cout<<"CONCENTRATION : "<<chem.Conc;gotoxy(20,11);cout<<"VOLUME ( IN LITRES) : "<<chem.Vol;gotoxy(20,12);cout<<"DATE OF EXPIRY : "<<chem.DOE;gotoxy(20,13);cout<<"NUMBER OF ITEMS : "<<chem.Nos;

gotoxy(15,20); cout<<"ENTER '.' TO RETAIN THE VALUES OF CHARACTER";

gotoxy(15,21); cout<<"RETYPE THE NUMBER TO RETAIN"; gotoxy(55,9); gets(newcname);

gotoxy(55,10); cin>>newconc; gotoxy(55,11); cin>>newvol ;

gotoxy(55,12); gets(newDOE); gotoxy(55,13);

Page 109: School Management (c++)


strcpy(chem.Name,newcname); if(strcmp(newDOE,".")!=0) strcpy(chem.DOE,newDOE);

chem.Nos=newnos; chem.Conc=newconc; chem.Vol=newvol; break ;

} }

sys.seekg(curpos); sys.write((char*)&chem,sizeof(chem));



/*-------------------------------SIZE-OF SYSTEM

-----------------------------------*/int Working :: sizeof_system() { ifstream fin;

int no;"system_pc.dat",ios::in); fin.seekg(0,ios::end); long pos=fin.tellg();


Page 110: School Management (c++)

no++; fin.close(); return no; }

void Working :: Add_system() //To add the values of New_system {

clrscr();int n;char ch;ofstream fo;"system_pc.dat",ios::out|ios::app);

cout<<"\n\t\t A D D S Y S E M "; cout<<"\n\t\t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n";


gotoxy(25,5); cout<<"SERIAL NUMBER : ";

gotoxy(25,6); cout<<"PROCESSOR : "; gotoxy(25,7); cout<<"OPERATING SYSTEM : ";

gotoxy(25,8); cout<<"COMPANY : "; gotoxy(25,9); cout<<"HARD DISK(IN GB) : ";

gotoxy(25,10); cout<<"R.A.M ( in GB) : ";

Page 111: School Management (c++)

gotoxy(25,11); cout<<"COST (IN RS) : ";

gotoxy(43,5); cout<<; gotoxy(43,6); gets(pc.prcs);

gotoxy(43,7); gets(pc.os); gotoxy(43,8); gets(pc.cmpy);

gotoxy(43,9); cin>>pc.mry; gotoxy(43,10); cin>>pc.ram;

gotoxy(43,11); cin>>pc.cost; fo.write((char*)&pc,sizeof(pc)); cout<<"\n\n\n\t\t\t~~~~SAVING~~~~";

break; } fo.close();


SYSTEM(S) PRESENT-----------------------------------*/

void Working :: System_present()

Page 112: School Management (c++)

{ clrscr();

fstream fin; gotoxy(28,4); cout<<" S Y S T E M P R E S E N T ";

gotoxy(25,5); cout<<"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"; cout<<"\n\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; cout<<"\n S.NO C O M P A N Y O S ";

cout<<"------------------------------------------------------------------------------";"system_pc.dat",ios::in); fin.seekg(0); int r=12;

while(1) {*)&pc,sizeof(pc)); if(fin.eof())


gotoxy(5,r); cout<<;

gotoxy(28,r); cout<<pc.cmpy; gotoxy(57,r); cout<<pc.os;

Page 113: School Management (c++)

r=r+2; } cout<<"\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\tPRESS ANY KEY ..."; fin.close();

getch(); complab();}/*-------------------------------

SYSTEM DETAILS-----------------------------------*/

void Working::Show_system_detail() //To display the value of New_system {

clrscr();int n;cout<<"\n";cout<<"\t\t\t C H E M I C A L D E T A I L \n";cout<<"\t\t\t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n";gotoxy(30,6);cout<<"ENTER THE SERIAL NUMBER : ";cin>>n;ifstream fin;"system_pc.dat",ios::in);fin.seekg(0);while(!fin.eof()){*)&pc,sizeof(pc));


Page 114: School Management (c++)

{ gotoxy(30,8);

cout<<"SERIAL NO : "<<;gotoxy(30,9);cout<<"PROCESSOR : "<<pc.prcs;gotoxy(30,10);cout<<"OPERATING SYSTEM : "<<pc.os;gotoxy(30,11);cout<<"COMPANY : "<<pc.cmpy;gotoxy(30,12);cout<<"HARD DISK ( IN GB) : "<<pc.mry;gotoxy(30,13);cout<<"R.A.M in GB ) : "<<pc.ram;gotoxy(30,14);cout<<"COST ( in Rs ) : "<<pc.cost;cout<<"\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\tPress any key ...";

break; }



MODIFY SYSTEM-----------------------------------*/

void Working :: Modify_system() {clrscr();int newmry,newram,newcost;

Page 115: School Management (c++)

char newprcs[30],newos[30],newcmpy[30];fstream sys;"system_pc.dat",ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary);long curpos;cout<<"\n";cout<<"\t\t\t M O D I F Y S Y S T E M \n";cout<<"\t\t\t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n";int modcode;gotoxy(30,6);cout<<"ENTER THE SERIAL NUMBER : ";cin>>modcode;while(!sys.eof()){

curpos=sys.tellg();*)&pc,sizeof(pc)); if( == modcode) {

gotoxy(20,8);cout<<"SERIAL NO : "<<;gotoxy(20,9);cout<<"PROCESSOR : "<<pc.prcs;gotoxy(20,10);cout<<"OPERATING SYSTEM : "<<pc.os;gotoxy(20,11);cout<<"COMPANY : "<<pc.cmpy;gotoxy(20,12);cout<<"HARD DISK ( IN GB) : "<<pc.mry;gotoxy(20,13);

Page 116: School Management (c++)

cout<<"R.A.M ( in GB ) : "<<pc.ram;gotoxy(20,14);cout<<"COST ( in Rs ) : "<<pc.cost;

gotoxy(15,20); cout<<"ENTER '.' TO RETAIN THE VALUES OF CHARACTER";

gotoxy(15,21); cout<<"RETYPE THE NUMBER TO RETAIN"; gotoxy(55,9); gets(newprcs);

gotoxy(55,10); gets(newos); gotoxy(55,11); gets(newcmpy);

gotoxy(55,12); cin>>newmry; gotoxy(55,13); cin>>newram;

gotoxy(55,14); cin>>newcost; if(strcmp(newprcs,".")!=0) strcpy(pc.prcs,newprcs);

if(strcmp(newos,".")!=0) strcpy(pc.os,newos); if(strcmp(newcmpy,".")!=0) strcpy(pc.cmpy,newcmpy);

pc.mry=newmry; pc.ram=newram; pc.cost=newcost; break ;

Page 117: School Management (c++)

}} sys.seekg(curpos); sys.write((char*)&pc,sizeof(pc));

sys.close(); complab();


/*-------------------------------SIZE OF INSTRUMENTS

-----------------------------------*/int Working :: sizeof_inst(int n)

{ ifstream fin;

int no; if(n==1)"phy_inst.dat",ios::in); if(n==2)"chem_inst.dat",ios::in);

if(n==3)"comp_inst.dat",ios::in); if(n==4)"bio_inst.dat",ios::in);

fin.seekg(0,ios::end); long pos=fin.tellg();

no=pos/sizeof(Inst); no++;


Page 118: School Management (c++)

return no;}/*-------------------------------

ADD INSTRUMENTS-----------------------------------*/

void Working :: Add_inst(int n) // To add new instruments/accessories{

clrscr(); char ch;

ofstream fo; cout<<"\n\t\t A D D I N S T R U M E N T S ";

cout<<"\n\t\t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n"; if(n==1)"phy_inst.dat",ios::out|ios::app); if(n==2)"chem_inst.dat",ios::out|ios::app);

if(n==3)"comp_inst.dat",ios::out|ios::app); if(n==4)"bio_inst.dat",ios::out|ios::app);

while(1) { Inst.Sno=sizeof_inst(n);

gotoxy(25,5); cout<<"SERIAL NUMBER : "; gotoxy(25,6);

Page 119: School Management (c++)

cout<<"TYPE : ";gotoxy(25,7);

cout<<"NAME : "; gotoxy(25,8); cout<<"COMPANY : ";

gotoxy(25,9); cout<<"NUMBER OF ITEMS: "; gotoxy(25,10); cout<<"COST ( in Rs) : ";

gotoxy(43,5); cout<<Inst.Sno; gotoxy(43,6); gets(Inst.type);

gotoxy(43,7); gets(Inst.name_inst); gotoxy(43,8);

gets(; gotoxy(43,9);

cin>>Inst.numb_inst ; gotoxy(43,10);


cout<<"\n\n\n\t\t\t~~~~Saving~~~~"; break;

} fo.close();


Page 120: School Management (c++)

/*-------------------------------INSTRUMENTS DETILS

-----------------------------------*/void Working ::Show_inst(int n)//To display the values of instruments / accessories

{clrscr();char ch;ifstream fin;if(n==1)"phy_inst.dat",ios::in,ios::app);if(n==2)"chem_inst.dat",ios::in,ios::app);if(n==3)"comp_inst.dat",ios::in,ios::app);if(n==4)"bio_inst.dat",ios::in,ios::app);int m;cout<<"\n";cout<<"\t\t\t I N S T R U M E N T S D E T A I L S \n";cout<<"\t\t\t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n";gotoxy(30,6);cout<<"ENTER THE SERIAL NUMBER : ";cin>>m;fin.seekg(0);while(!fin.eof()){*)&Inst,sizeof(Inst)); if(Inst.Sno==m)

Page 121: School Management (c++)


gotoxy(30,8);cout<<"SERIAL NO : "<<Inst.Sno;gotoxy(30,9);cout<<"TYPE : "<<Inst.type;gotoxy(30,10);cout<<"NAME : "<<Inst.name_inst;gotoxy(30,11);cout<<"COMPANY : "<<;gotoxy(30,12);cout<<"NUMBER OF ITEMS : "<<Inst.numb_inst;gotoxy(30,13);cout<<"COST ( in Rs ) : "<<Inst.cost;cout<<"\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\tPress ANY KEY ...";

} }fin.close();}

int Working ::sizeof_spec(){ ifstream fin; int no;"Specimen.dat",ios::in); fin.seekg(0,ios::end); long pos=fin.tellg();

no=pos/sizeof(spec); no++;

Page 122: School Management (c++)

fin.close(); return no;}/*-------------------------------

ADD SPECIMEN-----------------------------------*/void Working::Add_spec() {

clrscr(); cout<<"\n\t\t A D D S P E C I M E N ";

cout<<"\n\t\t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n";ofstream fo;"Specimen.dat",ios::out|ios::app);while(1){


cout<<"SERIAL NUMBER : "; gotoxy(25,6);

cout<<"COMMON NAME : "; gotoxy(25,7); cout<<"SCIENTIFIC NAME : ";

gotoxy(25,8); cout<<"TYPE : "; gotoxy(25,9); cout<<"NUMBER OF ITEMS : ";

gotoxy(25,10); cout<<"COST( IN RS) : "; gotoxy(43,5);

Page 123: School Management (c++)

cout<<spec.Sno; gotoxy(43,6);

gets(spec.cname); gotoxy(43,7); gets(spec.sname);

gotoxy(43,8); gets(spec.type); gotoxy(43,9); cin>>spec.number;

gotoxy(43,10); cin>>spec.cost;

fo.write((char*)&spec,sizeof(spec)); cout<<"\n\n\n\t\t\t~~~~SAVING~~~~";



/*-------------------------------SPECIMENS AVAILABLE

-----------------------------------*/void Working ::Available_specimen()

{ clrscr();

fstream fin; gotoxy(28,4); cout<<" S P E C I M E N P R E S E N T";

Page 124: School Management (c++)

gotoxy(25,5); cout<<"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"; cout<<"\n\n\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------"; cout<<" \n S.NO C. N A M E S. N A M E ";

cout<<"----------------------------------------------------------------------------";"Specimen.dat",ios::in); fin.seekg(0); int r=12;

while(1) {*)&spec,sizeof(spec)); if(fin.eof())


gotoxy(5,r); cout<<spec.Sno;

gotoxy(28,r); cout<<spec.cname; gotoxy(57,r); cout<<spec.sname;

r=r+2; } cout<<"\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\tPress any key ..."; fin.close();}

Page 125: School Management (c++)

/*-------------------------------SPECIMEN DETAILS

-----------------------------------*/void Working :: Show_spec_details()

{ clrscr();

int n; cout<<"\n"; cout<<"\t\t\t S P E C I M E N D E T A I L S \n";

cout<<"\t\t\t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n"; gotoxy(30,6); cout<<"ENTER THE SERIAL NUMBER : "; cin>>n;

ifstream fin;"Specimen.dat",ios::in); fin.seekg(0); while(!fin.eof())

{*)&spec,sizeof(spec)); if(spec.Sno==n) {

gotoxy(30,8); cout<<"SERIAL NO : "<<spec.Sno; gotoxy(30,9); cout<<"COMMON NAME : "<<spec.cname; gotoxy(30,10); cout<<"SCIENTIFIC NAME : "<<spec.sname; gotoxy(30,11);

Page 126: School Management (c++)

cout<<"TYPE : "<<spec.type; gotoxy(30,12); cout<<"NUMBER OF ITEMS : "<<spec.number; gotoxy(30,13); cout<<"COST : "<<spec.cost;

cout<<"\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\tPRESS ANY KEY ..."; break; } }

fin.close(); }

/*-------------------------------MODIFY SPECIMEN

-----------------------------------*/void Working :: Modify_specimen()

{clrscr();int newcost, newnos;char newcname[30],newsname[30], newtype[30];fstream sys;"Specimen.dat",ios::in|ios::out|ios::binary);long curpos;cout<<"\n";cout<<"\t\t\t M O D I F Y S P E C I M E N \n";cout<<"\t\t\t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n";int modcode;gotoxy(30,6);cout<<"ENTER THE SERIAL NUMBER : ";cin>>modcode;

Page 127: School Management (c++)

while(!sys.eof()){ curpos=sys.tellg();*)&spec,sizeof(spec));

if(chem.Sno == modcode) { gotoxy(20,8);

cout<<"SERIAL NO : "<<spec.Sno;gotoxy(20,9);cout<<"COMMON NAME : "<<spec.cname;gotoxy(20,10);cout<<"SCIENTIFIC NAME : "<<spec.sname;gotoxy(20,11);cout<<"TYPE : "<<spec.type;gotoxy(20,12);cout<<"NUMBER OF ITEMS : "<<spec.number;gotoxy(20,13);cout<<"COST : "<<spec.cost;

gotoxy(15,20);cout<<"ENTER '.' TO RETAIN THE VALUES OF

CHARACTER";gotoxy(15,21);cout<<"RETYPE THE NUMBER TO RETAIN";gotoxy(55,9);


Page 128: School Management (c++)



cin>>newcost; if(strcmp(newcname,".")!=0)

strcpy(spec.cname,newcname); if(strcmp(newsname,".")!=0) strcpy(spec.sname,newsname);

if(strcmp(newtype,".")!=0) strcpy(spec.type,newtype);

spec.number=newnos; spec.cost=newcost;

break ; }

} sys.seekg(curpos); sys.write((char*)&spec,sizeof(spec)); sys.close();


/*--------------------------------- main function -----------------------------------*/void main(){ welcome(); getch();}

Page 129: School Management (c++)

OUTPUTSThe Following string of photos is the output of the project

Main Menu

Office Main Menu

Page 130: School Management (c++)

Student Menu

Enrolling a Student

Page 131: School Management (c++)

Displaying A Student Record

Modifying a Student Record

Page 132: School Management (c++)

Fee Menu

Setting Fee Date

Paying Fee

Page 133: School Management (c++)

Teacher Menu

Enrolling a Teacher

Displaying a Teacher Record

Page 134: School Management (c++)

Modifying a Teacher Road

Page 135: School Management (c++)

Library Menu

Book Menu

Adding a Book

Page 136: School Management (c++)

Book Details

Modifying a Book

Member Menu

Page 137: School Management (c++)

Displaying Members

Issuing a Book

Returning a Book

Page 138: School Management (c++)

Laboratory menu

Physics Lab

Adding A new Instrument

Page 139: School Management (c++)

Displaying instrument

Chemistry Laboratory

Adding a Chemical

Page 140: School Management (c++)

Chemical Details

Modifying a Chemical

Adding a System

Page 141: School Management (c++)

Modifying a System

Adding a Specimen

Specimen Details

Page 142: School Management (c++)


Book Referred

Computer Science with C++ By Sumita Arora

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