
Scott Pilgrim

Scott Pilgrim is a series of graphic stories by Bryan Lee O’Malley. I will be analyzing the film opening of Scott Pilgrim linking it to Cinematography, Mise En Scene, Editing, & sound that are shown in the opening.

This is the link to the film opening:

CinematographyA lot of different shot types are used in this opening. When there is the conversation going on, there is a lot of over the shoulder shots. This is used to show how the conversations is going between the characters. Another shot which is used is close ups of the characters, this gives the audience a clear view on what the character looks like. There is also a long shot which shows the audience the whole setting off the characters house.

Mise En SceneThe mise en scene is to show the audience the characters home by using props such as the instruments and everything in the kitchen. The colours that are used are dull which shows that the characters aren’t bothered about personalising their house and are lazy.

EditingThe editing is different to how it should be as it’s not an actual comic and is a film. Instead, there is pop ups of information about the character which tells the audience more about the character. When the setting changes, there is graphic matches and wipes which highlights the change in scenery. The pace of the editing is slow and seems relaxing and gives a relaxed feel, this way the audience can slowly learn about the protagonists.

SoundIn the beginning of the opening, there is only music, dialogue and sound effects which draws the audience in. The music from the band matches in with the opening credits. Also, the dialogue that is used explains the narrative to the audience.

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