Page 1: Search Engine Marketing Handbook€¦ · your page is a jumbled, illogical mess. Google cares that the pages it ranks are highly relevant to the keywords. The way it knows what is


Search Engine Marketing


By Michael Murray

October, 2014

Page 2: Search Engine Marketing Handbook€¦ · your page is a jumbled, illogical mess. Google cares that the pages it ranks are highly relevant to the keywords. The way it knows what is


Table of Contents

Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 3

Why Search Engines Exist ............................................................................................................................. 4

The RIGHT Keyword Is Extremely Important ................................................................................................ 5

Optimize Your Web Page ............................................................................................................................ 11

The Importance Of Back Links..................................................................................................................... 12

How Long Does It Take To Get On Page 1 Of Google?................................................................................ 13

Let’s Talk About “Traffic” ............................................................................................................................ 14

How Many New Customers Will I Get ? ...................................................................................................... 16

What REALLY Makes Your Phone Ring? ...................................................................................................... 17

Let’s Talk About Engagement ...................................................................................................................... 19

Improving Engagement ............................................................................................................................... 20

Let’s Talk About Cost................................................................................................................................... 21

About Us ..................................................................................................................................................... 22

Page 3: Search Engine Marketing Handbook€¦ · your page is a jumbled, illogical mess. Google cares that the pages it ranks are highly relevant to the keywords. The way it knows what is



Almost everyone on Earth is familiar with Google. They know that the

biggest problem trying to market with your Web page on the Internet is very

basic – nobody knows you’re there.

There is no Table Of Contents or Index on the Internet. Search engines are

like a searchable Index to the Internet, and Google is the #1 search engine,

The Internet marketing Mantra is very simple:

Get Out There --------- Get Found ----------- Get Business

It’s the “Getting Found” that introduces the difficulty and has a lot of invalid

assumptions associated with it. We’re going to attempt to clear up the

confusion and show you how you can do much better with Google and have

realistic objectives.

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Why Search Engines Exist

In the early days of what is known as the World-Wide Web (that’s where the

“www.” comes from), there were only a relative few Web sites and the indexes

that existed then simply sorted the listings on the contents of the TITLE

statement of the Web page. So, for example, “A really good bakery” would

appear before “Best bakery”.

Soon, the “A” ‘s got crowded and someone discovered that numbers sorted

before letters. Now “1 Of The Best Bakeries” would show above “A really

good bakery”.

Unfortunately, the growth of Web sites quickly became explosive and rapidly

grew into the millions. There needed to be a better way to find Web sites.

The search engine was born.

Search engines operate with “keywords”. The viewer enters a keyword and

the search engine finds Web pages that contain that keyword. This is where

the “Getting Found” starts to get tricky.

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The RIGHT Keyword Is Extremely Important

Many people do not understand the importance of the right keywords and

lose right from the beginning.

Mistake #1 – Assume you know what keywords people are searching for. You

probably don’t. What REALLY matters is what people are ACTUALLY searching

for today. You know it’s not good to open a store on a dead end street, right?

No traffic, and traffic is where the business comes from.

Using keywords that nobody searches for is the equivalent of opening your

store on a dead end street. Nobody will search for your keywords and you

won’t have any traffic to your Web page.

Mistake #2 - Assume that people will search for your business name or

what you do. That’s not how people use search engines.

People search for the problem they have and then look to see who can solve

it. If you’re a chiropractor, for example, you’re better off ranking on Google

for “back pain” than “chiropractic clinic”

Mistake #3 – Using the wrong KIND of keywords. There are TWO kinds of

keywords; looker keywords and buyer keywords.

Let’s look at an example. If someone searches for “digital SLR camera” they

are most likely trying to find out about the subject so they know what to

look for in a digital SLR camera.

However, if the keyword they’re searching for is “Canon EOS Rebel”, they

are searching for a place to buy the camera.

The major symptom of a site that uses looker keywords is lots of traffic and

no sales. People that are looking are not yet ready to buy.

Mistake #4 – Using extremely competitive keywords. Most search engine

marketers will discourage a client from trying to rank for a keyword with more

than 35,000 competing Web pages. It can be done, but with traditional SEO

methods, it could take several months to get on page 1 of Google.

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NEVER use a single keyword to get Google ranking. The competition for

single keywords is FIERCE. Let’s look at what to rank for if you sell printed golf

shirts in Tampa:

golf – There are over 200 million competing Web pages. The odds of reaching

the top 10 on Google are microscopic.

golf shirts – There are over 18 million competing Web pages. The odds of

reaching the top 10 on Google are still microscopic.

Printed golf shirts - There are over 8 million competing Web pages. The odds

of reaching the top 10 on Google are better, but 6 months might not be long

enough to get there.

Printed golf shirts Tampa – Now you only have a bit over 500,000 competing

Web pages. Better than have 200 million competing Web pages, but is still too

competitive for ranking in a 3-month time frame.

Notice that the more words in the keyword phrase, the lower the competition.

These are known as “long tail keywords” and are the best ones to use, IF traffic

to your Website isn’t important.

Mistake #5 – Not marketing locally. If you sell cars, would you rather

compete against every car dealer in the USA for a Google ranking, or just

the car dealers in your city? If choice #2, make sure the city is in your


NOTE: The days when you could rank everywhere for a keyword are long

gone. Google is geo-centric (city oriented) now.

Google ALWAYS assumes that given the choice, people will buy locally first, so

Google shows local results to a searcher before national results. People

normally add in the city name in their searches because they know Google will

return more relevant results if they put the city name into the search.

Mistake #6 – NOT using “long-tail” keywords. A long-tail keyword is a

keyword phrase consisting of more than 1 word, e.g “summer rentals in Egg

Harbor NJ”. Long-tail keywords not only reduce the competition you face,

but have better Click-Through Rates (CTR), which means that people are more

likely to click.

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organic click

On average, the Top 4 positions top organic SERP receive

listing gets

visits from 83°/o 48°/o-17% of page one of searches result

of those searches organic clicks In page one


Aside from position one, page one CTR for long tail

is consistently higher than for one-word queries

Calls to actions and eye-catching page titles/meta descriptions can really make or break your CTR for long tail queries

-- Head term queries often are

navigational in nature

- � As a user's query becomes more refined,

they are more likely to click on a first page organic result

(-56°/o for four+ words v. -30°1o for one word queries)

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Mistake #7 – NOT using the city in a keyword. It is true that Google knows

where everyone is, for the most part. It looks at the IP Address of your

device (computer, tablet or phone) to determine where you are.

Google always assumes that, given the choice, you prefer to buy locally,

rather than regionally or nationally, so it shows your local results before

other related results.

However, Google also makes a LOT of money from large businesses and

helps them whenever it can. Not using a city name in a keyword search

gives less relevant results.

You can see this for yourself. I set my location to Holiday, FL, a small town

in West Central Florida. First I searched for “golf shirts” and notice carefully

how many entries are large businesses and are not likely to have a presence

in a small town:

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Nordstrom, for example, has a store at the International Mall in Tampa, but

definitely not in a small town like Holiday.

Now, if we search for golf shirts Holiday, FL, watch the search results

become much more local:

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Google users have learned that NOT specifying a city name in your search is

going to get you some Google buddies that are NOT local in the search results,

so they tend to use city names in searches.

Note also that “golf shirts Holiday, FL” is NOT the same as “Holiday, FL golf

shirts” to Google. They are DIFFERENT keywords that can have a DIFFERENT

number of competitive pages and DIFFERENT search results.

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Optimize Your Web Page

This is where people begin to feel the frustration. Google made over 400

changes to their ranking calculations last year alone. One of them was to

penalize pages for over-optimizing keywords on the page.

You might feel that if having the keyword on the page once is good, then

having it 12 times will be awesome. Google doesn’t see it that way and will

give you a very low ranking.

TIP: Write your page content for your audience, not Google.

Never try to fool Google either. The company is loaded with very smart

Ph.D.’s and they will find every trick you try and penalize you severely for

doing it. A typical trick that always fails is putting 100 keywords at the

bottom of the page in 1-point type and making the text color the same as

the background color. Now you’ve stuffed your page with keywords and they’re

invisible to viewers. Not to Google however, and you WILL be penalized.

If you ALWAYS give Google what it looks for, you NEVER have to worry

about a Google update moving you from page 1 to page 20 on Google.

Web page optimization is a subject unto itself and not one easily covered here.

Our service, by the way, gets you 15, 30 or 50 Page 1 rankings for

your keywords in LESS THAN 1 month, regardless of competition, and

we don’t care if your Web page is optimized at all. You get to see these

results BEFORE you pay one penny.

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The Importance Of Back Links

The Google Web crawling robot, the GoogleBot, analyzes your Web page for

word frequency and other things designed to tell it what it thinks your keyword

is. It also assigns you a temporary page ranking that will change within a few


The GoogleBot has no reading comprehension, so has no way to know if

your page is a jumbled, illogical mess. Google cares that the pages it ranks

are highly relevant to the keywords. The way it knows what is good and

what is not is from back links.

Back links are links from Web sites out there somewhere that you do not own

or control that links back to your page, using your keyword. Google considers

those a vote for your site. The more “votes” (back links) you have; the more

likely Google is to give you a higher ranking.

Google has two kinds of back links; low quality and high quality. A low

quality back link is from a Web page that has a Google Page Rank of 3 or less.

A high quality back link if from a Web page that has a Google Page Rank from

4 to 10. High quality back links come from sites that Google knows, likes

and trusts.

You might ask yourself why someone with a Google Page Rank of 6 would give

a new site with a Google page Rank of 0 a link. What could they possibly

get from that? The answer is “nothing” and they will not give you a link, so

don’t waste your time begging.

So, how do you get back links? You post content on high page rank Google

sites that allow article posting and insure that the content has a back link to

you containing your keyword. This is EXTREMELY time consuming and requires

a LOT of work, but they are the #1 component for a page 1 ranking,

and will remain so across EVERY Google update.

Our service, by the way, gets you 15, 30 or 50 Page 1 rankings for

your keywords in LESS THAN 1 month, regardless of competition, and

we don’t care if your Web page is optimized at all. You get to see these

results BEFORE you pay one penny.

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How Long Does It Take To Get On Page 1 Of Google?

The short answer is “it depends”. Usually 1 to 6 months, if it’s going to happen

at all. However, if you did any of the wrong things we mentioned previously,

perhaps never.

Traditional search engine marketers will tell you that it is a “best effort” task

and there are no guarantees of success. So, you’re going to pay for 3

to 6 months with a “maybe”.

They will also claim that nobody can guarantee you a page 1 ranking, and

anyone that does is lying. Well, the fact of the matter is that we put people

on page 1 of Google f o r 1 5 , 3 0 o r 5 0 k e y w o r d s in LESS

THAN 1 MONTH, and they get to see those page 1 rankings BEFORE

they pay us ANYTHING. If that sounds like we’re guaranteeing you a page

one ranking, you are correct.

One other thing that is seriously lacking with many search engine marketing

companies is proof that they can actually GET page 1 rankings.

There are no licenses or regulations or governing body. Anybody can say

they are a successful search engine marketer, but only a few can actually

prove it.

If you’d like to see our proof, CLICK HERE

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Let’s Talk About “Traffic”

The first component of traffic is what Google tells you it is. This misleads people


Google shows the number of searches monthly in two groups; Global and

Local. Many people incorrectly assume “Local” means your city. Google is

global in nature, so “Local” means “your country”. In our case, the entire USA.

OK, there are 50 states and, for the sake of discussion, let’s assume all

states get an equal share of traffic. So, your entire state will get 1.50th of

the Local traffic Google says exists. Let’s say it was 50,000, so your state

gets 1,000 monthly searches for that keyword.

So, of the 1,000 searches in your state, how many are made in your city?

Good question. Nobody knows. Nobody tracks keyword searches by city. For

sake of discussion, let’s assume that your city gets 100 of those searches.

If you’re on page 1 of Google, are you going to get 100 visitors. Nope.

Here’s a chart showing how where you are on page 1 of Google (whether

Web or Video results) gets traffic:

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Notice the large drop-off. If you are #1 on Google, you get 42% of the clicks

to the page, but #2 only gets 12% of the clicks to the page. So, if you are in

the #2 position, you only get 12 of the 100 possible visits, and if you’re in

#9, only 3 of the possible visits.

But wait! The top 5 positions get 74% of the clicks to the page. So if you

ranked in positions #1, #2, #3, #4 AND #5, you have 74 of the 100

possible visits. Having MULTIPLE positions on a single Google page is

common with our service. This is how you DOMINATE your city.

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How Many New Customers Will I Get?

Search engine marketing is a form of online advertising.

TV, radio, magazine and newspaper advertising make people aware of your business

and attempt to trigger telephone calls or visits to the business.

The online Yellow Pages and Google AdWords attempt to get people to click and

visit your Web page. None of those advertising methods promise you any specific

number of customers at all. All they promise is that people will come to you.

We are exactly the same. We get you found on the Internet. What visitors do when

they see your Web page is completely out of our control.

We have no control of the content on your Webpage and cannot be responsible if

visitors do not become customers. It is not our job to make your phone ring, and we

have no way to do that.

So, the answer to the common problem of “I’m doing SEO, but my phone isn’t

ringing” is simply fix your Web page. If you are not good at writing great

marketing content, hire a copywriter to look your site over and make improvements.

If you do that, you will capitalize on having great search engine positioning.

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What REALLY Makes Your Phone Ring?

First of all, nobody buys from the first ad they see for a business they don’t know.

Marketing studies have shown that it takes at least 7 exposures, or “touches” to get

a prospect to contact you. People must feel like they know, like and trust you

before they will give you their money.

It’s simpler with TV. Progressive Insurance has the same “Flo” commercial shown

about 20 times each day it seems. Progressive is trying to get those 7 “touches”

done quickly.

The Internet is a slightly different type of advertising. You must make the prospect

come back to your Web page at least 7 times to make your phone ring or get

an email. Doesn’t sound too tough, right? Your search engine marketing efforts keep

you at the top of Google and you’re continually driving traffic to your Web page with


Or are you?

The first TWO visits are important. If the prospect comes back to you and sees

EXACTLY what was there during the last visit, guess what? They stop coming back

because they’ve already seen what you have. You have a billboard on the Information

Superhighway. A tombstone. They won’t be back and your phone won’t ring.

If you have a blog on your Web page and there is fresh, useful content added daily,

or at least 3 times weekly, visitors have a reason to keep coming back and will become

more familiar with you and your business. There are more reasons that people buy

from someone other than that they have a blog, but the concern here is getting repeat

visits to your Web page.

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Visitors will NOT come back to your Web page unless there is something there that is

useful and is fresh.

If you have had 1,000 Web page visitors and no idea who they are, you have missed

a huge opportunity.

Offer a coupon or a contest on your home page that requires the visitor to enter

their name and email address. Make sure that you will have access to that information

so that you can email the person that submitted the form. Send them offers and

useful information and get them back to your Web page. NEVER forget the Rule Of


So, making the phone ring is under your control. Nobody but you can make that


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Let’s Talk About Engagement

Engagement happens when someone visiting your Web page takes some action

so you know they are there and who they are.

Engagement is also known as a Call To Action. If someone visits your Web page

and does not buy, you at least want their email address so you can contact them

again, make them offers and bring them back to, ultimately, become a customer.

A Call To Action can be a Buy Now button, a contest entry form or a form to get a

coupon. You should always try to be sure that if a visitor does not buy or call on the

first visit that you have their contact information and use it to attract them to your


The worst possible thing that can happen with search engine marketing is that you

develop a lot of traffic to your Web page and you do not engage with that traffic.

Remember what happens with a “tombstone” Web site? Two visits are it and they

don’t come back.

Traffic in a city is NOT infinite. There is a subset of the population that might be

interested in your product or service, but if they stop coming after the second visit,

the result will be predictable.

Your traffic rate will drop. Less people will come to your Web page because many

have already seen it and decided they didn’t like what they saw. What’s worse is

that you have no idea who they were, so you cannot work to change their mind.

Search engine marketing didn’t fail. It delivered traffic, the traffic did not like what

they saw and there was no way to contact that traffic again.

Search engine marketing is like Smith and Wesson. Neither one of us can protect a

customer from themselves. If you stick a Smith and Wesson pistol in your mouth

and pull the trigger, it will do what it was designed to do. The pistol did not fail. It

did what it was designed to do. So, search engine marketing will drive the available

traffic to a Web page.

Next, let’s talk about how to recover from a Web page that has l ittle to no engagement.

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Improving Engagement

Your traffic rate is dropping because a large percentage of your market has seen

the Web page, noticed no changes and has not returned. How can you possibly get

more traffic again?

First of all, update your home page with one or more Calls to Action. Resolve that if

they do not buy right away or make a call to you, that you will try to get their name

and email address so you can remain in contact with them.

People love contests and will enter them if there is no cost to do so. A contest, to

be effective, must give the winner something of value. Think of this method as a really

cheap way to buy leads.

People also love coupons. Offer a coupon in return for name and email address that

offers a significant ONE TIME discount on a product or service. NEVER offer a

coupon giving away something for free. If a potential customer indicates a willingness

to do business with you by printing a coupon after giving up their contact

information, then they see value in what you offer. “Free” has no value.

Once you begin engaging with visitors, word-of-mouth will bring some people back

to get what you’re offering. HOWEVER, do NOT overlook a blog as a means of keeping

them coming back to you.

Now you have a mailing list and can reach out to visitors. Do not abuse the list or

you’ll have people requesting to be removed from your list. Send interesting news

and offers on an infrequent basis to draw them back again.

Need a fast bump in traffic now that you are ready to engage new Web

page visitors? Simple solution: Pick another nearby city to market in

with your keywords. We have no limit on the number of cities that you

can sign up to market in.

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Let’s Talk About Cost


By now you should know that Google AdWords charges its advertisers based

on the popularity of a specific keyword. The popularity of a keyword and the market that you are targeting will determine how much each CLICK will cost

you. By the way, these costs are on the rise. Take a look at the following chart to get an idea of costs.

For example, a Cost-Per-Click AdWords ad in the “legal” category above,

would cost $40.74 for 7 Clicks and does not guarantee a conversion.

Compare that to our Silver Plan which costs just $1500.00/month for any 15 Keywords in any city of your choice. That equates to $100.00 per keyword PER MONTH…regardless of how many clicks are generated. Obviously, the more visitors and/or clicks you get, the better chance you have of generating new business.

We also have a GOLD PLAN (30 keywords) and a PLATINUM PLAN (50 keywords) that equates to a mind-blowing $100.00 per keyword PER

MONTH. So, whether you get one click or one thousand clicks, your cost remains constant.

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While ads can’t guarantee that they will close a sale, our fixed advertising costs do allow you to operate within a budget.

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About Us

We proudly offer a service that has NO Equal anywhere:

15, 30 or 50 keywords in any city on page 1 of Google in LESS THAN 1


You get the keywords and can VERIFY the Google organic search results


No other local competitor will get your keywords in your city if they

sign up with us.

We will create a marketing video for you and also use any videos

you have

We make NO changes to your existing Web page.

MULTIPLE Page 1 positions on the same Google page over time.

Get The FULL STORY of this amazing service. CLICK HERE

Tarpon Internet Marketing

Toll Free: (888) 267-6183

Email: [email protected]

Web page:

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