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Secret Tibetan Ritual For Wealth, Job,

Marriage, Health and Love

By Vasant Mande, Pune

Life is mysterious!

The more you try to solve its mystery, what you get more is

more confusion!

But apart from that, what everyone wishes in life is more

money, more power, good high paying prestigious job, loving

partner, good health, good houses, cars, good social life and

things like these which are mostly material things. Nothing

wrong in it. In fact so long as one is alive, one should strive for

these things. I am of this view.

But how to get this! And why some people get these things

without any effort while others struggle for these and still do

not get it to their full satisfaction?

I was constantly searching for answers. I tried various systems

and theories. All these are practical efforts. I was struggling for

a long time but success always eluded me. I consider myself as

average person even though I studied in IIT and have MBA

degree and worked in reputed companies, I did not become

rich. That baffled me, because others who were less intelligent

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than me and did little efforts were becoming rich right in front

of my own eyes. I was frustrated.

And then the miracle happened and it started happening again

and again. I stumbled upon a Secret Tibetan Ritual (which is

the name given by me only) which changed my life 180

degrees. I was hilarious as I found a system which, no matter

who you are, will always give results beyond your

expectations! I was skeptical in the beginning, but when I told

this ritual to few of my friends and when they also got

spectacular results, I thought that I will share this system to

all the lucky(!) fellows free of charge.

This ritual is very simple but do not be fooled by its simplicity.

It works wonders! It so happened that one of the students of

my late sister-in-law (who held doctorate in philosophy from

Pune university) was a Tibetan students who knew quite a few

mysterious rituals from Tibet. Being a post graduate student he

was constantly searching for miracle ritual and he, in fact told

the ritual to me. And that is why I call it a secret Tibetan ritual.

When I started following this ritual, things started changing in

my life. I started getting money and now I am a millionaire! I

attracted a loving relationship (my wife is also a doctorate in

Sanskrit). I attracted a good doctor who cured my chronic

disease. I told this system to one of my friends who lost

everything in his business. He started doing this ritual and

within 6 months not only he built his business again but is also

giving jobs to 35 people now.

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One of my friends wanted a new car and in 3 weeks,

mysteriously he got the money and is driving a Honda car now.

One acquaintance tried this system and he got a job in US now

what he always wanted. One of my relative wanted to get

married and got married within 5 months of following this


A much unknown person followed this ritual which was told to

him by one of my distant acquaintance. He was very much in

the stock market, but was never able to earn money

handsomely. Mysteriously he came in my contact, and as I am

giving predictions in the stock market, he started following my

tips and now he is more than a crorepati. I always maintain

that apart from my predictions, it is due to the Secret Tibetan

ritual, which he is following, that he made those millions!

In short everyone attracted what he wanted very mysteriously

with this ritual.

If you want a high paying job, you will get it.

If you want millions of rupees, you will get it.

If you want to get a nice girl, you will get it.

If you want good health, you will get it.

You ask it and you will get it. PERIOD!

Then what is the ritual.

It is simple! It is scientific!

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You already know the ‘Law of Attraction’. You must have seen

the movie ‘Secret’.

But even if you have not, the law of attraction is a universal

law which states that you attract the things which are in your

dominant thought. To get the desired things in your life you

must think of that thing. Everyone knows that your

subconscious mind is 10 times more powerful than your

conscious mind. If by your conscious mind, you think that you

want 1 crore rupees and in your subconscious mind you are

doubting that, then you will not get crore, whatever you may

do. So your subconscious mind is to be programmed for the

results which you want.

For that every book or every system on mind power tells you

that visualization is the technique. One has to visualize the

desired thing in order to get that thing. But for me earlier and

to all of you visualizing is extremely difficult. All one can

visualize in his imagination is a vague picture lacking in color

and depth, lasting for only a second or two. This causes

frustration and you do not get the results!

So, how to visualize correctly? Remember if you visualize

correctly, then only your subconscious mind will be

programmed. And then only the Law of Attraction gives results,

not otherwise. So the key is to program the subconscious mind

by proper visualization and here the ‘Secret Tibetan Ritual’

plays a part.

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The idea is rooted in the experiment about the use of

subliminal advertising in the cinemas in the 1950s. A frame of

the film being shown would every so often contain the name of

the brand of soft drink; but the name would not be perceived

by the viewer’s conscious mind. It was a stealth frame which

however noted by the subconscious mind, with the result that

people would automatically seek out the brand name of the soft

drink in question. They never had an idea that, they were

influenced to buy that drink by the film the saw! Eventually the

soft drink brand was sold phenomenally. Seeing the danger of

such advertising and influence, this form of advertising was

made illegal. Remember when you see any horror film, the

ghost appears for a split second for the first time, but you

cannot forget it throughout your life.

Our Tibetan monk student of modern day made use of this idea.

I will illustrate the idea with the example of money which is

what everybody wants. But the idea can be applied for

anything you want!

If you want 10 lakh rupees (or whatever you want at present,

but it should be some large amount which you do not foresee to

get easily and also should not be so large like 1000 billion

which is fantacy!), then write that amount on a large sheet of

paper (about 2’X1’). Write it in big, clear print and stick this

paper on the wall facing your bed.

The next thing you need is a flashlight, preferably the one you

get with an emergency light where with one press of button the

flash light starts flashing. If it is not available then a powerful

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torch might well do in the beginning, but it is too slow to flash

the light with on/off button. But you will get the idea.

Next you need an alarm clock which you should set at a time

when you know you will be in deep sleep and when it will be

pitch black in the darkness. Keep your flashlight handy within

your arm’s reach of your bed. When the alarm clock goes off in

the night, stop it and immediately grab the flashlight. Now

looking towards where you stuck your sheet of paper, flash the

flashlight at it three times, allowing one or two seconds

between each time. When this is done, return to sleep and do

not think further about the money you want.

The best results are got if you stick the symbol of your desire

to the wall opposite the bed. If you want a new car, then get

the large picture of that car and write below it ‘My Car’ and

stick it. If you want to get a prestigious job, then get the

symbol of it. If you want a girl or boyfriend stick the picture or

photo of that person or a person with similar features also

works equally fine.

There is no end to the objectives to which ‘Secret Tibetan

Ritual’ can be applied. Just write your desire on a sheet of

paper or use a large picture of whatever you want and stick it

to the wall. The instructions are the same no matter what the

nature of your aim.

There is great ‘LAW OF ATTRACTION’ working her so that you

have to follow additional things, if you want the quicker and

better results.

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You should aim for just one thing at a time until your aim is

accomplished. Then you can begin something else. Follow the

ritual until your aim is achieved. Results may take days, weeks

or months but generally not more than few months. So be


It has worked wonders for me!

It has worked wonders for others!

It will work wonders for you!

For those who find it hard to visualize, this novel idea of mind

power ritual must be a fantastic idea. And nothing could be

simpler. But for some of you may find it difficult to use alarm

clock in the middle of night as others in the room also get


The point of using alarm clock is to arouse one from the

deepest slumber; that moment of awakening when the

subconscious mind is particularly receptive to any impression it

receives. The subconscious mind is in alpha or theta state at

that time and is acutely actively receptive. Many a times one

awakens in the dead of night to answer nature’s call. That also

is the proper moment. At that time one can use this technique

of flashlight, but take care that you do not think more about

what you saw and go to sleep again.

For the individual who sleeps the whole night without

interruption, an alternative idea is to look at the sheet of paper

on the wall as soon as one awakes, close eyes for a second,

again look. It is just like blinking. Repeat this for 3-4 times. It

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is not necessary to repeat it to more than 7-8 times. After that

close eyes for few minutes and do not think of what you looked

at on the wall. Then get up and begin your day.

For those who are unfamiliar with the idea of subconscious or

unconscious, it is that part of our mind of which we are not

aware of. It is that hidden area of mind which controls our

feelings and actions and indeed is far more powerful than our

conscious mind, the area of our mind of which we are aware

and with which we think and reason. This mind is connected to

the universal mind and which attracts the things we desire.

One may be skeptical of all this new age idea, just like me in

the beginning. But if it gives results, I am not bothered. There

are scientific theories which give explanation of this idea, but

we are not here to do research. We are here to get results. The

research is for the scientists!

While many researchers and scientists and writers appear to

disagree on the most effective way of exploiting the potential

power of the mind, super mind or universal mind (I call it

GOD!), but they all seem to agree on one central point; that the

subconscious mind and not the conscious mind which holds the

key to turning our wishes into realities and that is what we

want! How and why this works, I do not know, even though I

have a reasonable explanation based on my spiritual

background. But that is best left to experts while we enjoy the


The subconscious, whilst being more powerful than its limited

conscious counterpart, is not able to help you without your

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specific instructions. It has to be told that you want so-and-so.

And the way to instruct it is through simple words and images.

Secondly our mind does not work in a negative fashion. It has

to be told in a straightforward and positive way. It does not

respond to long words with complex meaning particularly the

subconscious mind. And so this ritual becomes all the way

guaranteed. It is simple and effective.

This ritual can be used for virtually anything; acquiring or

improving skills… receiving solutions to the

problems…influencing other people…self

improvement…improving memory….getting wealth…having a

dream girlfriend or boyfriend… managing court cases… making

millions in stock market.

I know particularly because I am stock market analyst myself

and for last 20 years I have seen numerous clients. Those who

followed this ritual always invariably got rich. Even some were

students and some were housewives. So think of the joy they

get when they earn huge amounts with this ritual. It is

financial freedom for them.

You can tailor this system to suit you and for your own desire.

But the gist of the ritual you know now!

One more caveat!

My own observation about the ritual with my own experience is

more valuable and I must share it with you. This system works

beyond imagination with one more universal law. And that law

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is that if your efforts help others make millions or help others

to enhance their life i.e. ‘More good for more people’ then the

results are faster and guaranteed. This is the law of gratitude.

Gratitude only brings desired results. And you can show

gratitude by charity. If you give something to others then your

riches double!

Do not get mistaken! I am not asking anything. I am only

showing ways to you which I know for sure!

You can show gratitude by donating generously

to any cause of your choice!

I donate part of my income every year to our NGO (Peoples

Empowering Movement) Click the link below:

which works to uplift the life of the villagers in a small

village in Konkan area by way of child education, watershed

development. The smiles, which we see on the faces of the

deprived school children is worth millions!

You can watch the video of our activities by clicking the link


A different kind of experiment! ‘CrorePati Club’

I truly believe in the above ritual because it has changed my

life beyond my expectations in many ways! But I am not

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satisfied with my success only. It has to spread beyond me. So

I thought of a ‘CrorePati Club’ on the lines of ‘The Million Dollar

Experiment’ on the internet. The idea is that if you follow the

ritual above for the sake of earning more than one crore and if

you are on your way, then share these experiences on the

email [email protected]. Whatever is your experience we

can then form a club where we would exchange our ideas.

Remember, you have been in possession of this ritual, not by

chance but by God’s design.

And as such as a part to help you make your crores, I will be

sharing some simple but great stock market strategies with

you absolutely free of cost.

Just click the link below and remember not to share with

anyone unless you absolutely feel that the receiving person

should make crores, a deep down desire with positive


Besides that we also have the ‘Magic’ series of softwares on

offer, which is not available to anyone else except to the

‘CrorePati Club’ invitees. These will certainly help you to make

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your crores and as such I am offering with deep discount to

few exclusive people only. Remember this webpage is not

visible from the main website. So bookmark the link below.

Just click 3 exclusive softwares link below

I hope as per Law of Attraction,

I am giving more than what I receive!

May God Grace Millions and every other wish to

the person who reads this and follows the ritual!

Secret Tibetan Ritual For Wealth, Job, Marriage, Health, Love

By Vasant Mande, Pune

!! Swami Swaroopanand Prasanna!!

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