Page 1: Seeds (My Dream Job) Project by: Davron Akbarov From: Uzbekistan Tashkent State of Economics Monitor by: Jawida Mansour From: Palestine

Seeds (My Dream Job)

Project by: Davron Akbarov

From: UzbekistanTashkent State of


Monitor by: Jawida Mansour

From: Palestine

Page 2: Seeds (My Dream Job) Project by: Davron Akbarov From: Uzbekistan Tashkent State of Economics Monitor by: Jawida Mansour From: Palestine

I opened my eyes, looking at the clock beside my bed. It is now Jan/1st/2022; I smiled and got out from bed. It is very cold outside. I prepared myself to start a new working day.

While turning on my car, I did some calls to my partners in different cities of Uzbekistan, as well as partners in different countries around the world.

My dream job is to be a General Manager of Seeds Social Enterprise.

My business keeps some of traditional works and handicrafts and distributes our products to the world.

Through my enterprise I aim to shrink cotton-slavery in my country.

Page 3: Seeds (My Dream Job) Project by: Davron Akbarov From: Uzbekistan Tashkent State of Economics Monitor by: Jawida Mansour From: Palestine

Uzbekistan is the sixth largest producer of cotton and the third largest exporter.

The cotton is harvested manually.

The cotton that is picked ends up in brand-name retail and apparel supply chains all around the world.

According to Responsible Sourcing Network, 131 clothing companies have now joined the boycott of Uzbek cotton, confirming their resoluteness to fight child slavery across the world.

Page 4: Seeds (My Dream Job) Project by: Davron Akbarov From: Uzbekistan Tashkent State of Economics Monitor by: Jawida Mansour From: Palestine

Working together; me, farmers, designers, retailers and distributors.

My office is so comfortable and modern but seldom I stay much time in it. My job needs me to be close to clients and workers. Besides, I hate sitting long hours on chair.

I supervise many places and monitor many factories of cotton fibers.

My target people are young who come from poor families especially women. The women have a good taste of handicrafts and at the end most of products are made to women.

Page 5: Seeds (My Dream Job) Project by: Davron Akbarov From: Uzbekistan Tashkent State of Economics Monitor by: Jawida Mansour From: Palestine

There is no need to stay for long hours at factories and workshops of Seeds; our working time is flexible because I take care of results. I do believe that forcing people to stay at work for regular hours is a kind of slavery and I am against it.

Our working space is flexible, you can do your task wherever you want; at home, school or inside our workshops and factories. My main office locates in Andijon , I used one of our property as a place of Seeds organization.

By changing the way we pick cotton we save time, so we use a new machinery to pick it and produce fibers.

We do a yearly competition in schools and universities to have new designs and ideas. I believe that kids have a great imagination so we can share them in our project.

Page 6: Seeds (My Dream Job) Project by: Davron Akbarov From: Uzbekistan Tashkent State of Economics Monitor by: Jawida Mansour From: Palestine

There is no magic pan which reduce poverty and hunger in my country….Only hardworking build our country and reserve our diversity.

Davron Akbarov

Produce clothes and cotton fibers which designed in a modern way.

When we distribute profit between the workers, each one will do his best.

Take care of environment so that we use machines that don’t harm environment.

I think of a new kind of glasses which when you wear it you can see the person in front of you wearing the dress he chooses.

Use renewable power especially the solar power to reduce the harmful effects for environment.

Page 7: Seeds (My Dream Job) Project by: Davron Akbarov From: Uzbekistan Tashkent State of Economics Monitor by: Jawida Mansour From: Palestine

Technology is killing many of traditional and cultural aspects of countries around the world. While it makes a great job of turning the world to a small village, but it kills diversity of nations! Beside that it makes us as slaves ! Can we live without it!!!

Instead of doing every thing automatically, students should learn how can we do things away from technology, besides using it.

Students of the coming generations don’t need to go to school daily, they just need to be supervised from far distance.

Teachers teach students only the basic things and they should motivate them to be creative and find solutions by their own selves.

Page 8: Seeds (My Dream Job) Project by: Davron Akbarov From: Uzbekistan Tashkent State of Economics Monitor by: Jawida Mansour From: Palestine

From the preliminary school, students should use software and computers to learn the way we design and draw on clothes.

In 2022; Uzbekistan has vastly improved in reading, math and science literacy over the past decade in large part because its teachers are trusted to do whatever it takes to turn young lives around. “What the teachers should do every day? Prepare kids for life.”

Environment course should be essential for the coming generation and should be taught at schools. The students also should know how to use renewable energy in an effective way.

Practical Education is more effective than theoretical; we need to increase number of labs (computer, science, arts and environment labs). Students should make visits to companies to increase their experience.

Page 9: Seeds (My Dream Job) Project by: Davron Akbarov From: Uzbekistan Tashkent State of Economics Monitor by: Jawida Mansour From: Palestine

A subject of marketing and advertising should be taught at schools.

Make the children familiar of using cotton machines.

Use a new kind of drawing pen which immediately transmit the drawing to computer when u draw something with it.

we need Negotiations skills as we work with international companies.

Human aspect should be the most to be concern in teaching process.

A subject of cultures diversity should be taught at schools so that more understanding will occur and peace can be achieved between nations.

Page 10: Seeds (My Dream Job) Project by: Davron Akbarov From: Uzbekistan Tashkent State of Economics Monitor by: Jawida Mansour From: Palestine

Who makes us slaves while God created us free

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