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0:13 – What are the two great tools which show you if you have been affected by the latest Penguin update? 1:10 – About the new rules of keyword density & off-page SEO 2:05 - Knowing the best approach to creating your off-page anchor text links 3:21 – Learning step-by-step about Google, SEO and Penguin in next week’s webinar 3:42 – Your opinion matters! Share it on iTunes! Hi, Fiona Lewis here from Super Savvy Business with this week’s SEO news updates.

0:13 – What are the two great tools which show you if you have been affected by the latest Penguin update?

There has been another Penguin update. I know we are probably getting sick of hearing this word, but it is all really good in the long run. I think Google are getting it right. They are starting to reward the sites that have good quality content and are the most relevant results for people’s search terms.

So check your rankings and see if you have been affected. Some people have had their rankings drop, some people have had their rankings improved. You might also want to check your page rank to see if that’s been affected.

If you feel you have been unjustly done by with Google you can go to Google Webmaster Tools and see if there are any errors in particular that they are picking up on and that they would like you to fix: perhaps your page is loading too slowly or perhaps you have some links pointing to your site that come from low quality or spammy sites. You are going to need to work to remove those which can be a little bit of a pain but it is well worth it in the long run if you want your site to recover from these Penguin updates.


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The 2012 SEO Complete Blueprint Webinar – Surviving The Latest

Penguin Update

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1:10 – About the new rules of keyword density & off-page SEO

Now in regards to your content and keywords it is really important right now to make sure that your keyword density is less than 1%. So for every 100 words you need to make sure that you don’t use your keyword more than once. In fact, you can probably make that a little thinner: make it one keyword per 150-200 words and make sure that you are using variations of the keyword, not the exact same phrase the whole way through your content.

Some of the same rules still do apply where appropriate, so if you can pop the keyword in the page title and the headline and at the beginning of your content but don’t go crazy and certainly don’t go over the 1% rule otherwise you will find that your site will be penalised.

2:05 - Knowing the best approach to creating your off-page anchor text links

When it comes to linking from other sites or what we call off-page SEO it is really important that you mix your anchor text up. Make sure that you are not always linking using the same phrases over and over again as Google will pick this up as being unnatural.

It is important now to ensure that you have a mix of words. So not just anchor text with your keyword but also anchor text with your brand name; in other words either your personal name or your business name.

Have some raw text links, for instance your raw URL, which is the or whatever it is, but also some generic ones as well, such as ‘click here’, or ‘to get more information click here’, ‘find out more now’ – all of those sorts of things – they are called ‘Generic Anchor Text Links’. It’s really important that you have a really good spread and really your keyword anchor text should be no more than 20% of your overall link structure.

If you do find that you are top-heavy then you need to start evening that out and that is something that we are working with our clients at Super Savvy SEO – helping them to ensure that their links and their anchor texts are evenly spread.

3:21 – Learning step-by-step about Google, SEO and Penguin in next week’s webinar

Now if all of this seems a little bit full-on and you are trying to keep your head around things, don’t despair! I’m actually going to be putting together a webinar which will be held next week and I will be going through everything you need to do to survive and thrive in the world of SEO in 2012 and beyond. So keep an eye out for that. Registration details will be coming out shortly.

3:42 – Your opinion matters! Share it on iTunes!

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And by the way if you’re enjoying these updates can you please leave a comment in iTunes? That would really help us!

So just head over to iTunes, there’s a link on our page here: click on that link and leave your comment and a little bit of feedback as to what you think about the Super Savvy news updates.

My name is Fiona Lewis, I wish you well for the rest of the week and we will see you next week!

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