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Best SEO Service, SEO Expert in IndiaMatic Solutions is a leading SEO �rm in India that provides total internet marketing services including SEO, PPC and other internet marketing services. Matic o�ers SEO solutions to make your website rank high on the major search engines.

What is SEO?

“”Search engine optimization is the process of improving the volume and quality of tra�c to a website from search engines through “natural” or “organic” search results for the targeted keywords.””

Natural search engine optimization, also known as organic search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of increasing the volume and quality of tra�c to a web site by strategically improving the position of the site within the natural results of search engines like Google, Yahoo, and MSN. SEO techniques often include modi�cations to web site code, information architecture, and content, as well as targeted link acquisitions.

Why do I need SEO?

As many people have discovered, it is not enough just to have a website or a web presence. People often ask why they are not performing online, or not being found.

What you have to understand is that, compared to the dullest person you know, Google and the other search engines are complete imbeciles – they understand nothing. They may be amazing in many ways, but they are not a patch on you and me when it comes to recognising things for what they are ……. And this is just words: when it comes to images, they have even less clue.

Since humans process visual information more quickly than text, you can soon work out that there is a wide gap between the way we see things and the way the search engines do their business.

That situation may change, and is changing, of course, but, for the time being, search engines need help. They are just big old databases, and for big, old databases to function, they need to be indexed and tagged so that they can be searched e�ectively. They also need to build millions of patterns of search to build up useful histories of the way people look for things online. And, �nally, they need the guiding hand of programmers who re�ne those millions of patterns into algorithms so that they become more attuned to each individual as they make their searches. You need SEO because SEO helps the search process.

t h e u l t i m a t e I T s o l u t i o n sMATIC SOLUTIONS

Phone : (079) 26442772 Mobile: (+91) 98798 72727 Email: [email protected]

Our SEO Services typically includes:

• Web Analysis and Competitor Analysis • Keyword Rankings in SERP • Keyword targeted on proper landing page • Essential and Elementary Home Page Changes • On Page Changes in Landing Pages • Expansion of content throughout the website • Optimization of page titles tags • Development of XML and HTML sitemaps • Internal Navigation Optimization • Robot Management • Article Writing and Marketing • Directory submission • Business Listing • Natural Link Building / Link Baiting • Social Media Optimization • Social Networking • Optimization of meta and description tags throughout the site • Landing Page Additions leading into product/service areas. • Link exchange with relevant websites within your industry (only used if the website is highly regarded in the clients industry) • Optimization of other HTML attributes that influence rankings (H1-H6) • Monthly updates of content within your site to focus on revised keywords. • Keyword research and Keyword Analysis to categorize the keywords suited to your growing business

Bene�ts of Our SEO Services:

• Increase in website traffic • Get Targeted Traffic • Long term positioning • Increased website usability • Dominate your competition • Very low cost comparatively any Marketing strategy

Phone : (079) 26442772 Mobile: (+91) 98798 72727 Email: [email protected]

t h e u l t i m a t e I T s o l u t i o n sMATIC SOLUTIONS

What is On-page SEO?Matic Solutions definition of On-page SEO is simple. On-page search engine optimization, or On-page SEO for short, is the process of optimizing every page within a website using known and proven techniques that are important to the overall success of the said website. If you want to optimize your website and be successful Online, you have to optimize each and every page.

• On-page SEO cost - We offer the lowest on-page search engine optimization price than any other SEO company in the Australia • Quality On-page SEO service - We focus on providing you with the best On-page SEO service that is Unmatched, • Fast On-page SEO service delivery - Once you request our 'On-page SEO' service, we will start working on optimizing your page within an hour, • Content Analysis - We will analyze the page and make sure that you are not, unknowingly, spamming via keyword stu�ng,And many more...

Phone : (079) 26442772 Mobile: (+91) 98798 72727 Email: [email protected]

Phase 1: Analysis

Keyword Research

SEO Detailed Audit Report

Technical Audit Report

Website Performance Report

Traffic Analysis Report




30 +

Phase 2: Onpage Optimization

Basic Economic Standard PremiumSEO Package

Optimization of Title, Description, Keyword & Image alt Meta Tags

Content Optimization- Implementation of H1/H2 & Bold tags to Content

XML Sitemap Creation, Submission & Authentication on Google, Yahoo & Bing

Robots.txt Optimization

Wordpress Blog Integration

t h e u l t i m a t e I T s o l u t i o n sMATIC SOLUTIONS

Phase 4:  Tracking & Monitoring

Google Analytics Installation

Google Webmaster tool Monitoring

Monthly Ranking & Traffic Reports

Work Status Reports





Basic Economic Standard PremiumSEO PackagePhase 3:  O�page Optimization

PDF Creation and Submission

Google + Authorship

Google Plus One`s

Google In circles

Google+ Followers

Google Business Page Creation

Google +1 Badge Implementation

Social Bookmarking

Directory Submission

Article Submission

Link Wheel Creation

Blog Comments

Classi�ed Submission (Advertising)

Press Release Distribution

Video Optimization & Submission

Social Media Marketing

























Minimum Contract Duration

Work Status

6 months

12 months

12 months

24 months

Phone : (079) 26442772 Mobile: (+91) 98798 72727 Email: [email protected]

t h e u l t i m a t e I T s o l u t i o n sMATIC SOLUTIONS

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