  • 7/27/2019 Seperation Processes




    Basics of Separation Operations

    Thermodynamics: Phase Equilibrium Mass Transfer and Efficiency of Separation


    st at on Absorption and Stripping

    Liquid Liquid Extraction

    Crystallization Adsorption

    Membrane Separation

  • 7/27/2019 Seperation Processes


    Basics of Separation Operations

    Function of Separation

    Operation in Refining Crude oil: complex

    mixture of a very large of

    components Given specifications

    petroleum products

    Necessary to separate outthe different fractions(cuts)

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    I. Basics of Separation Operations

    Three mains functions:



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    I. Basics of Separation Operations Homogeneous Mixtures

    Two phases thoroughly mixed in the contact stage Separation factor:

    Theoretical stage



    Real stage: separation factor depending on masstransfer kinetics

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    I. Basics of Separation Operations Homogeneous Mixtures

    Classification according to the separating agent and

    the nature of the phases in contact: Distillation

    Crystallization by cooling

    Li uid Li uid extraction for se aratin com onents whose volatilities are

    close and belong to different chemical families) Extractive distillation (Combination of the effect of a phase change by energy

    input with the effect of solvent addition)

    Adsorption (for difficult separation operations and deeppurification)

    Membrane separation based on kinetic selectivity, notinvolving a change in phase (gaseous permeation (gas), Ultra filtration,reverse osmosis (liquid))

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    I. Basics of Separation Operations Classification

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    I. Basics of Separation Operations Implementation of separation processes

    Thermodynamics equilibrium Boiling, Crystallization points, Equilibrium constants

    Kinetic factor

    Molecular diffusion, Hydrodynamic factors

    Mass transfer driving force (C-C*)

    Mass flux through the interface

    N = K(C C*)

    Overall diffusion coefficients (K)

    Contact between phases

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    I. Basics of Separation Operations Implementation of separation processes

    Contact between phases

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    I. Basics of Separation Operations Implementation of separation processes

    Certain examples

    Gas purification operation by means of solvent Separation by fixed-bed adsorption

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    I. Basics of Separation Operations Implementation of separation processes

    Membrane separation:

    Still seldom used in refining

    Potential application: Ultra-filtration, Pervaporation andGaseous Permeation

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    I. Basics of Separation Operations

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    I. Basics of Separation Operations Membrane separation:

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    I. Basics of Separation Operations Exercise 1: Relation between the separation

    operations processes in the oil refining

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    II. Thermodynamics: Phase Equilibrium

    Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium

    General Description:

    Describing a mixture: P, T and [Zi] or P, Vap% and [Zi] orT, Vap% and [Zi]

    For binary and ternary mixture

    Isobaric Vapor - Liquid Equilibrium Diagrams

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    II. Thermodynamics: Phase Equilibrium

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    II. Thermodynamics: Phase Equilibrium

    Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium

    Isothermal Vapor Liquid Equilibrium Diagram

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    II. Thermodynamics: Phase Equilibrium Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium

    Two phase envelope

    Ethane Benzene mixture

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    II. Thermodynamics: Phase Equilibrium Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium


    Ex: n-Hexane and Acetone system

    A. Isothermal diagram (T = 50C) B. Isobaric diagram (P = 1.013 bar)

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    II. Thermodynamics: Phase Equilibrium Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium


    Existence only in limited pressure domain (Ex: C2H



    Exercise 2: Using the SRK model with

    ki,j = 0.13 for drawing up isothermal

    vapor-liquid equilibrium curves for

    the Ethane CO2

    system at 263,15K.

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    II. Thermodynamics: Phase Equilibrium Equilibrium conditions

    Chemical potential and fugacity

    Second principle of thermodynamics

    Gibbs energy decreases to minimal: dGT,P = 0

    Material balance imposing the condition: so

    that we can deduce:

    At equilibrium, the chemical potential of any component

    has the same value in the liquid and vapor phase

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    II. Thermodynamics: Phase Equilibrium Equilibrium conditions

    Heterogeneous methods to calculate the K value:Apply different models to the liquid and vapor phase

    Methods usin the Re ular Solution model

    Chao and Seader, Model 1961

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    II. Thermodynamics: Phase Equilibrium Equilibrium conditions

    Heterogeneous methods to calculate the K value

    Methods using the Concept of Local Composition

    The NRTL Model (Non-Random Two Liquid)

    The UNIQUAC Model (Universal Quasi Chemical)

    Models Using Groups Contribution: ASOG and UNIFAC Models

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    II. Thermodynamics: Phase Equilibrium Equilibrium conditions

    Homogeneous methods to calculate the K value

    Representation of the phases at equilibrium by the same

    equation of state

    Equations of state derived from the Van der Waals theory

    For a mixture: ki,j: interaction parameter determined fromexperimental phase equilibrium data

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    II. Thermodynamics: Phase Equilibrium Equilibrium conditions

    Homogeneous methods to calculate the K value

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    II. Thermodynamics: Phase Equilibrium Equilibrium conditions

    Homogeneous methods to calculate the K value

    Mean relative deviations (%) in the calculation of vapor pressures and densities by the EOS

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    II. Thermodynamics: Phase Equilibrium Equilibrium conditions

    Relation between Homogeneous and

    Heterogeneous Methods

    Liquid Liquid Equilibrium

    Liquid Liquid Vapor Equilibrium

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    II. Thermodynamics: Phase Equilibrium Equilibrium conditions

    Solid Liquid Equilibrium: Crystallization

    Formulation of lube oils dewaxing

    Purification de paraxylene (Tf= 14C), Tf(m-xylene) = -47C

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    II. Thermodynamics: Phase Equilibrium Equilibrium conditions

    Solid Liquid Equilibrium: Crystallization

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    II. Thermodynamics: Phase Equilibrium Equilibrium conditions

    Complex mixture

    Small number of pseudo-component

    Based on TBP distillation

    Detailed chromatographic analysis (simulated

    Parameters calculated for the model used (critical

    coordinates) according to the data available (Tb, S)

    Widely used to calculate distillations

    Applied seldom to non-ideal due to the presence ofpolar components mixture or liquid liquid equilibrium

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    III. Mass Transfer and efficiency of separation operations

    Introduction Sizing the various pieces of equipment

    Kinetics of transfer of mass

    Efficiency of each of the stages

    Height of packed column: transfer coefficient betweenphases in contact

    Membrane separation: rate of diffusion of each component

    Diffusion in a homogeneous phase

    Mass transfer between two phases though theinterface

    Efficiency of equipment for contact between phases


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    III. Mass Transfer and efficiency of separation operations

    Diffusion in the homogeneous phase

    For binary solution

    NA, NB (mol.m-2.s-1): Mass transfer to a fixed point of reference

    CA, CB: molar concentration (mol.m-3), vA, vB: velocities (m.s


    The average volume velocity v is given by the equation:

    Diffusion law: Ficks law

    DAB: Molecular diffusion coefficient (m2.s-1)

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    III. Mass Transfer and efficiency of separation operations

    Diffusion in the homogeneous phase

    For binary solution

    Mass flow NA in relation to a fixed point of reference

    By using C to stand for the total molar concentration:

    Correlation designed to predict the value of a diffusion

    coefficient (DAB)

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    III. Mass Transfer and efficiency of separation operations

    Diffusion in the homogeneous phase

    In the gaseous phase: Chapman and Cowling (1964)

    ()A and ()A : diffusion volumes calculated by

    summing the contributing terms

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    III. Mass Transfer and efficiency of separation operations

    Diffusion in the homogeneous phase

    In the liquid phase: Wilke and Chang (1955)

    D0AB: Diffusion coefficient of solute A at infinite dilution in solvent B (m2.s-1)


    VA: Molar volume of A at its normal boiling point (cm3


    ) MB: Molar mass of the solvent (g.mol-1)

    B: Association parameter (2.6 for water, 1.9 for methanol, 1.5 for ethanol

    and 1 if the solvent does not give rise to any association

    Case of concentrated solution

    Vignes equation (1966)

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    III. Mass Transfer and efficiency of separation operations

    Transfer between phase:

    Phase 1 and 2 in contact

    Mass transfer takes place if they are not at thermodynamic


    Driving force of transfer: (C C*) leading the equation:

    C* corresponding to equilibrium with the concentration C

    K [m.s-1]

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    III. Mass Transfer and efficiency of separation operations

    Transfer between phase:

    Phase 1 and 2 in contact

    An individual transfer coefficient relative to phase 1

    N = k(C Ci)

    An individual transfer coefficient relative to phase 2N = k(Ci C)

    C* = mC + q

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    III. Mass Transfer and efficiency of separation operations

    Predicting Transfer Coefficients Transfer coefficient depends on the diffusion coefficient

    Assumed that the concentration gradient limited to a very

    thin stagnant film in the neighborhood of the interface

    The interface renewal model: limited contact time,transfer in a transient state:


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    III. Mass Transfer and efficiency of separation operations

    Predicting Transfer Coefficients In practice: Complexity of hydrodynamic conditions

    Impossible to determine the coefficient of transfer of mass

    Using the dimensionless numbers

    Reynoldss :

    Schmidts number:

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    III. Mass Transfer and efficiency of separation operations

    Predicting Transfer Coefficients

    Calculate of Sho(Re,Sc) inside a spherical particle

    (Diffusion only)

    For a short contact time (Dt/d2 < 0,035):

    For fairly large contact time:

    Calculate of Sho(Re,Sc) outside a spherical particle

    (Diffusion and convection)

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    III. Mass Transfer and efficiency of separation operations

    Predicting Transfer Coefficients

    Calculate of Sho(Re,Sc) outside a spherical particle

    (Diffusion and convection)

    By Hughmark (1967)

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    III. Mass Transfer and efficiency of separation operations

    Efficiency and Transfer Coefficients

    Tray efficiency

    (viscosity in cP or mPa.s)

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    III. Mass Transfer and efficiency of separation operations

    Efficiency and Transfer Coefficients HETP for packed column

    i ill i b i d i i

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    IV. Distillation, Absorption and Stripping

    IV Di ill i Ab i d S i i

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    IV. Distillation, Absorption and Stripping

    IV Di till ti Ab ti d St i i

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    IV. Distillation, Absorption and Stripping

    Realized in the tray column or packing column

    Comparison the factors in favor of Tray and PackingTray Column Packed Column

    , , ,


    Complex column (feed injection product

    draw off)

    Low liquid retention

    Large diameter column Operation when residence time minimized

    Overly high/low liquid flow rate - flexibilityof tray design (perforation, use cap, valve)

    Small diameter column: Easier install ofcontact equipment

    Star-up and shut-down: attenuated

    mechanical phenomena

    Minimize the tendency to foam

    Minimize the column weight

    IV Di till ti i th P t l I d t

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    IV. Distillation in the Petroleum Industry

    Atmospheric distillation of crude oil, including the

    important desalting operation

    Vacuum distillation of the atmospheric residue

    Gasoline distillation and gas fractionation

    IV Distillation in the Petroleum Industry

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    IV. Distillation in the Petroleum Industry

    Atmospheric distillation of crude oil (Topping)

    Producing the cuts:

    Gasoline cut: feed for the gasoline and gas fractionation

    Naphtha cut for the petrochemical industry

    Kerosene cut for use in producing aviation fuel

    Atmospheric residue as feed to the vacuum distillation unit


    Distillate cut drawn off between HGO and the flash zone

    for use as a fluxing agent for FO Possible to draw off a light gasoline cut in the distillation

    unit at the top and heavy naphtha laterally via stripper

    (corrosion problem at the top)

    IV Distillation in the Petroleum Industry

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    IV. Distillation in the Petroleum Industry

    Atmospheric distillation of crude oil (Topping) Designed to allow crudes of different characteristics

    A base crude, representative of the refinerys average oil supply

    A lighter crude, which sizes the top of the scheme and furnace zones

    A heavier crude, which sets the dimensions of the bottom of the

    column and the exchanger train

    Allowing the variation in the cut points amounting to about twenty

    degree Celsius on TBP

    Unit able to operate properly at approximately 60% of its normal


    IV Distillation in the Petroleum Industry

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    IV. Distillation in the Petroleum Industry

    Atmospheric distillation of crude oil (Topping) Description of the process - Pressure: 1 3 barg.

    - Products drawn off as side streams

    by means ofstrippers

    - Generally steam stripped or reboiled- Behaving like reflux absorber,

    equipped one to three pumparounds

    - Overflash Internal reflux of the first

    tray above the feed sent back to the

    bottom of tower- Overhead condensation total or

    partial: residual gas taken up by

    compressor and sent to gas plant

    - Main column (~50m high): 30 50

    conventional trays- Side stripper: 4 10 trays

    - Crude preheated in an exchanger

    train by recovering heat to 120

    160C and desalted

    - Desalting takes place at high pressure (~10 bars)

    - Heated in a second exchanger train and furnace

    to 330 390C

    - Into the main column in a partially vaporized


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    IV Distillation in the Petroleum Industry

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    IV. Distillation in the Petroleum Industry

    Atmospheric distillation of crude oil (Topping) Fractionation quality: GAP or OVELAP

    IV Distillation in the Petroleum Industry

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    IV. Distillation in the Petroleum Industry

    Atmospheric distillation of crude oil (Topping) Fractionation quality: GAP or OVELAP

    - Other internal specifications

    - Flash point of kerosene and gas oils

    - End boiling point ASTM D86 of heavy naphtha (generally < 185C)

    - Cloud point of heavy gas oil

    - Flash point of atmospheric residue

    IV. Distillation in the Petroleum Industry

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    IV. Distillation in the Petroleum Industry

    Atmospheric distillation of crude oil (Topping) Computerized calculation

    Choose the thermodynamic model

    - Deviations between two extreme models

    - Amount of vapor generated in the flash zone: 5%- So, thermal load of overhead condenser: 5%

    - Off take temperature: 3 5C

    - Overflash: 20%

    IV. Distillation in the Petroleum Industry

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    IV. Distillation in the Petroleum Industry

    Atmospheric distillation of crude oil (Topping) Computerized calculation

    Entering Data and Analyzing Results

    TBP or ASTM D86 of the crude

    Hypothetical component or pseudo-component

    Density, Boiling point temperature, molar mass

    Number of tray

    Thermal exchange zone: 2 4 real trays

    Pressure drop between the top and flash zones: 0,4 0,6 bar

    IV. Distillation in the Petroleum Industry

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    IV. Distillation in the Petroleum Industry

    Atmospheric distillation of crude oil (Topping) Computerized calculation

    Estimating the Overhead pressure

    Amounts of stripping steams Kerosene and gas oils: 15 to 30 kg of steam/m3 of product

    Residue: 20 to 30 kg of steam/m3 of residue

    Regulating the overflash

    3 to 5% of the feed

    Analyzing the results

    TBP and ASTM product curves

    Product specifications (gap or overlap) Flow rate of withdrawn products

    Amount of heat extracted by various pumparounds

    Convergence Difficulties

    IV. Distillation in the Petroleum Industry

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    Atmospheric distillation of crude oil (Topping) Technology

    Conventional technology

    Ordinary carbon steel except for hot zones steel alloys

    Usually clad with 12% weight chromium steel

    Zone exposed to cold corrosion (top of the tower, reflux drum):Monel (Ni Cu ( Fe) alloys) or special coatings

    Conventional valve trays of steel alloy 12%Cr

    Tray efficiency diminishes from the top to the feed inlet Wash zones structured packing

    Draw off tray - feed the side strippers and the pumparound:total draw off type (chimney tray)

    Main column feed inlet of the tangential type

    Furnace of cabin or cylindrical type

    Heat exchangers of TEMA type the nominal working pressuredoes not exceed of 30 bars

    Diameter 9m for a tower processing 1000 t.h


    of crude

    IV. Distillation in the Petroleum Industry

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    Atmospheric distillation of crude oil (Topping) Process variation

    Double condensation at the top

    of the column

    Other flow diagrams

    IV. Distillation in the Petroleum Industry

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    Atmospheric distillation of crude oil (Topping) Crude Oil Desalting:

    Essential operation in the refinery

    Fouling of exchanger and the furnace

    Corrosion of overhead equipment

    Atmospheric residue with high sodium content: fouling rate of thevacuum distillation furnace; shorter cycle length for visbreakers,

    ata yst po son ng n cata yt c crac ng, ou ng an corros on o

    boiler superheaters Severe environment problems

    Sources of the salt in the crude (10 80 mg.l-1)


    Delibarable contamination (5 to 50 mg.l-1)

    Accidental contamination

    Concentration in chlorides of overhead water in the towershould not exceed 10 ppm

    IV. Distillation in the Petroleum Industry

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    Atmospheric distillation of crude oil (Topping) Crude Oil Desalting:

    Salt content o a number

    of crude oils (before andafter transportation)

    IV. Distillation in the Petroleum Industry

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    Atmospheric distillation of crude oil (Topping) Crude Oil Desalting and topping

    IV. Distillation in the Petroleum Industry

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    Atmospheric distillation of crude oil (Topping) Crude Oil Desalting: Mechanism

    Diffusion of the crudes salts in water (by washing)

    The mixture of water and crude through a mixing valve placed atthe desalter inlet - P = 0,5 (viscous) 1,5 bar(light cude)

    Sufficiently fine water-crude emulsion from 1 to 10m

    oa escence o wa er rop e s y e ec rocoa escence

    Asphaltenes and FeS adsorbed on the water-oil interface stabilizing emulsion agents

    Settling (by gravity Stokes law)

    IV. Distillation in the Petroleum Industry

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    Atmospheric distillation of crude oil (Topping) Crude Oil Desalting: Industrial Implementation

    E1 = 200

    E2 = 1000

    Electrostatic desalter with one stage

    Electrostatic desalter with two stages

    IV. Distillation in the Petroleum Industry

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    Atmospheric distillation of crude oil (Topping) Crude Oil Desalting: Industrial Implementation

    Desalters performances

    Desalting efficiency of 85 95%

    Water content in the desalted crude: mower than 0,2% V (0,4 0,5% for

    heavy crudes)

    Hydrocarbon concentration in the water coming out not exceed 200ppm

    IV. Distillation in the Petroleum Industry

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    Atmospheric distillation of crude oil (Topping) Corrosion and Erosion

    Corrosive agents: Chlorides, organic acids, non-organic salts, sulfur


    Corrosion by salts

    Injection of caustic

    Metals or metal alloys uses: Ti, Monel, Hastelloy

    High Temperature sulfur corrosion

    T: 300 420C for ordinary carbon steel

    5%Cr-5%Mo steel or 12% - 18%Cr steel

    Naphthenic Acid corrosion

    T: 220C 240C

    Severe corrosion above 350C (furnace 18/10/3 steel alloy)


    Transfer line, overhead line: high velocity and mitered elbow used

    IV. Distillation in the Petroleum Industry

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    Atmospheric distillation of crude oil (Topping) Precaution to guard against corrosion risks in topping unit

    IV. Distillation in the Petroleum Industry

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    Vacuum distillation of the Atmospheric residue Purposes:

    Extraction of the distillate cuts to feed conversion unit

    Feed for bitumen manufacture

    Base stocks for lube oil manufacture


    Dry vacuum distillation without injection of steam very low pressure(10 15 mmHg at the top)

    Wet vacuum distillation with injection of steam in the furnace feed andstripping steam in the bottom of tower (40 60 mmHg at the top)

    Semi-wet vacuum distillation with injection only at the bottom of thecolumn

    Use of un ejector (called booster ejector)


    Typical cut points for a 350C TBP atmospheric residue: VGO 350 390C(T90 or T95 ASTM D86 360C), Vacuum Distillate: 390 550C (C, Me)

    Reduce heavy oil production: to prolong distillates (exceed 585C TBP)

    IV. Distillation in the Petroleum Industry

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    Vacuum distillation of the Atmospheric residue Definition of terms specific to vacuum distillation:




    Cracked h drocarbons

    Non condensable Air entering through leaks

    Non condensable dissolved in the feed

    Light hydrocarbon produced by cracking in the furnace

    Slop cut and overflash (3 5% of the feed): internal reflux

    IV. Distillation in the Petroleum Industry

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    Flow diagram of a dry vacuum distillation unit

    IV. Distillation in the Petroleum Industry

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    Flow diagram of a wet vacuum distillation unit

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    IV. Distillation in the Petroleum Industry

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    Crude oil vacuum distillation Configuration of fractionation

    Heat Exchange zones:

    Random packing of metal ringand grates (grids)

    Fractionation zones:

    Structured packing: more effective and


    Wash zone

    Less sophisticated grates (grids)

    Distributors Sprays or Gravity

    IV. Distillation in the Petroleum IndustryComparison of two columns

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    IV. Distillation in the Petroleum Industry

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    Vacuum distillation Vacuum pumps and Ejector Condenser To create the vacuum

    Ejector (venturi effect)-low pressure steam about

    of 6 bar

    Combination ejector and liquid ring pump similar

    to eccentric rotor gas compressors with a seal provided

    By a ring of cooled water moving around in a closed circuit

    with compression ratio of about 10 (eq. to 2 or 3 ejectors)

    IV. Distillation in the Petroleum Industry

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    Gasoline Distillation and Gas Fractionation Conventional Flow Scheme

    Series of column working at different pressure chosen so that the condensation

    can be done by air-cooler exchanger or cooling water

    First column: stabilization column or debutanizer

    After the amine washing, the overhead cut is sent to deethanizer

    Stabilized gasoline is usually fractionated into 2 cuts gasoline splitter

    are ract onate n a epropan zer

    IV. Distillation in the Petroleum Industry

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    Gasoline Distillation and Gas Fractionation

    IV. Distillation in the Petroleum Industry

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    Gasoline Distillation and Gas Fractionation with absorber and stripper

    IV. Distillation in the Petroleum Industry

    Gasoline Distillation and Gas Fractionation

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    Main Operating Conditions

    Common Specification

    Debutanizer C5 content in butane: 0,5% mass or 1% volume maximum

    1% volume maximum C4 in light gasoline

    Depropanizer or Deethanizer

    Commercial specifications for the products

    Propane in Butane: vapor pressure not exceeded 6 bar rel. at 50C Ethane content in propane: vapor pressure not exceeded 14 bar rel at 38,8C

    Splitter GAP 20C

    IV. Distillation in the Petroleum Industry

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    Gasoline Distillation and Gas Fractionation Other configurations

    Cryogenic scheme in some applications to recover olefins contained in gas coming

    from conversion unit

    Set up with a deisobutanizer to recover isobutane for the alkylation unit,

    deisopentanizer, de isohexanizer,

    Columns for extracting aromatic compound

    Gas treatment unit with the diethanolamine (DEA) washing, LPG sweetening,

    sulfur trap and drier type in order to meet commercial specification

    IV. Distillation in the Petroleum Industry

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    FCC Primary Fractionation Similar to a crude topping unit but has two major differences

    Totally vaporized and superheated feed (480 540C)

    Large proportion of the gases

    Feed always contains traces of catalyst Problem of pressure drop to the limits of

    capacity of compressor and the activity of


    A convention configuration includes: HCO


    Heavy naphtha

    Overhead vapors: C2-, C3, C4, light gasoline

    Eventually an added draw-off of intermediate


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    IV. Distillation in the Petroleum Industry


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    Treatment of FCC gas Including the following sequence:


    Deethanizer, primary absorber/stripper


    C3/C4 separation

    Some characteristics

    Working at a relatively high pressure (10 20 bars)

    High specific liquid load in comparison to vapor loads High vapor gravity low liquid gravity

    Favorable for tray

    Sour water stripping

    Remove H2S and NH3 contained in the water condensed at the top ofatmospheric fractionation column before the biological treatment

    Stripping column supplied with the live steam at the bottom

    Equipped with random or structured packing

    IV. Distillation in the Petroleum Industry

    T f FCC

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    Treatment of FCC gas

    IV. Distillation in the Petroleum Industry

    Treatment of FCC gas

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    The primary absorber:

    To absorb most of LPG contained in the gas coming from HP seperatordrum with FCC gasoline

    Equipped with some thirty tray made of 410S

    One or two pumparounds to evacuate the heat of absorption

    Reflux with a draw-off sump to collect the water or supplying the top ofthe column with the debutanized subcooled FCC asoline


    Remove th lightest fraction (C1, C2, H2S ) from wild gasoline

    Equipped with some thirty tray made of 410S

    Reboiled with LCO coming from primary fractionation

    Secondary absorber

    Gas from the top of the absorber washed with lean oil LCO (T < 40C)


    Adjust the FCC gasoline vapor pressure some forty trays of 410S

    Reboiled with HCO coming from primary column

    IV. Distillation in the Petroleum Industry

    k f

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    Coker primary fractionation

    Visbreaker primary fractionation

    Fractionation of HF Alkylation Effluents

    Treatment of Reforming Effluents

    V. Liquid Liquid Extraction in the Petroleum Industry

    Separation technique based on the differences in solubility

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    between the components of a homogeneous liquid feed in a

    appropriate solvent

    Employed when distillation alone can not provide an

    economically satisfactory solution (azeotropy, too small

    relative volatility)

    Good for separating components by chemical family

    In oil and gas industry: dearomatizing gas oil, deasphaltingheavy cut and extracting BTX aromatics

    Compose of two main complementary steps:

    Extraction implemented in different ways: One-stage, Crosscurrent,single countercurrent, Countercurrent with reflux, Dual solvent

    Solvent regeneration generally by distillation

    V. Liquid Liquid Extraction in the Petroleum Industry

    Solvent characteristics

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    Solvent properties related to the thermodynamics of L L equilibrium

    Capacity or Solvent power


    Physical properties Viscosity: pumping, dispersion energy, mass and heat transfer, settling velocities

    Density: density of the extracted phase, difference between the densities of

    extract and raffinate for operating the extractor

    Surface tension: low surface tension promotes the dispersion of one phase in theother, large interfacial surface area favorable to mass transfer, stable emulsion

    Boiling point: differences in volatility great enough to avoid azeotropic

    phenomena, minimize equipment size and energy consumption

    Other properties Thermal stability

    Chemical inertia

    Low toxicity, Biodegradable and high flash point

    VI. Solvent Extraction in the Petroleum Industry

    Extraction of aromatic compound from lube oil stocks in order to produce


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    Deasphalting of distillation residues to produce both DAO and Asphats

    Extraction of Aromatic compound from lighter stocks: gasolines or

    kerosenes in order to comply with present and future regulation

    VI. Solvent Extraction in the Petroleum Industry

    Extraction of aromatic compound from lube oil stocks in order to produce


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    VI. Solvent Extraction in the Petroleum Industry

    Choice of solvent

    S l t (S l t it )

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    Solvent power (Solvent capacity)

    High selectivity for aromatics molecules

    Other points enter into consideration in the choice of a solvent

    VI. Solvent Extraction in the Petroleum Industry

    Extraction of aromatic compound Furfural Extraction

    Extraction solvents are numerous among which furfural meet the target

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    Extraction solvents are numerous, among which furfural meet the target

    criteria adequately

    Examined different variables:

    External variables: Solvent, Extractor, feed composition, extraction


    Internal variables : Solvent ratio, Extraction temperature, Temperature

    , ,


    Phenol N-methyl-2-

    pyrrolidone (NMP)

    VI. Solvent Extraction in the Petroleum Industry

    Furfural Extraction - Comparison

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    VI. Solvent Extraction in the Petroleum Industry

    Furfural Extraction Points to consider for understanding

    Water and furfural form a heteroazetrope

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    ate a d u u a o a ete oa et ope

    The mutual solubility of water and furfural are not negligible

    The solvent power of furfural increases when the temperature increases anddegreases with the molecular mass

    The selectivity of furfural toward aromatics degreases when the temperatureincreases

    Furfural is chemical compound that is sensitive to oxidation, acids andtemperature.

    Inhibitors such as amines protect furfural during the storage against the action ofoxidizing agents but they are difficult to use in a unit in operation

    Metal such as copper accelerate the oxidation process that form acids, they inturn make furfural break down into resins

    Rate of degradation is proportional to the concentration in H+, so water can alsoaffect furfural

    Furfural has tendency to break down with temperature (at 230C, 5% is degradedin 80h) with the formation of resin insoluble in aromatics

    Furfural is not inert toward some components of feeds so giving rise to complexpolymers

    VI. Solvent Extraction in the Petroleum Industry

    Furfural Extraction Choice of extractor

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    Present-day trend is to use the high efficiency RDC (Rotating Disc Contactor)

    -High number of theoretical stages (up to 10 compared with 5-7 conventional


    -Very clear-cut raffinate/Extract interface- Raffinate yield 3 to 5% higher

    -Possibility of optimizing extraction quality depending on the type and flow rate

    of feed by using rotating disc

    VI. Solvent Extraction in the Petroleum Industry

    Furfural Extraction - Flow Scheme

    Feed deaeration

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    DAO, thermal exchange with the extract to 100C, 50mmHg, eliminate the moisture and air,furfural sensible to oxidation and to presence of water

    Extraction Extractor working under pressure (6 bar at the top)

    Introduction of feed at the bottom of the extraction zone, solvent at the top of column

    Adjusting the feed temperature by an exchanger

    Mixed extract side stream drawn off under the feed inlet, cooled in exchanger and sent backto t e tower

    Regulated Top/feed/bottom temperature gradient with the set point of the temperature of

    the top

    Recovery of solvent in the raffinate Equipped exchanger and furnace to heat the raffinate to 200C for vaporizing the furfural in

    flash drum and recovering the solvent trace in the steam stripping zone.

    Recovery of solvent in the extract Complex circuit to reduce the energy consumption involved in vaporizing furfural

    Made up of four consecutive vaporization stages and ends with steam stripping

    Water removal and azeotropic distillation section

    Drainage system and Inert Gas system

    VI. Solvent Extraction in the Petroleum Industry

    Furfural Extraction

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    10-15% Furfural

    20% Furfural


    60% Furfural


    90-85% Furfural

    10% Furfural


    VI. Solvent Extraction in the Petroleum Industry

    Furfural Extraction

    Azeotrope: 35% Furfural 65% H2O

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    Azeotrope: 35% Furfural 65% H2O

    VI. Solvent Extraction in the Petroleum Industry

    N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) Extraction

    In comparison with furfural, it has the following advantages

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    p , g g

    Better stability

    Better oxidation resistance

    Less carryover in the raffinate and the extract Higher solvent power toward aromatics

    Lower process temperature

    Less toxicity

    The following drawbacks

    Lower specific gravity

    Less selectivity

    Higher boiling point

    VI. Solvent Extraction in the Petroleum Industry

    N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) Extraction

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    VI. Solvent Extraction in the Petroleum Industry

    N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) Extraction Dehydration section

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    VI. Solvent Extraction in the Petroleum Industry

    Deasphalting Purpose of process

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    Oily fractions

    Production of bright stock and waxes

    Preparation of FCC feed with or without an intermediate hydrorefining stepFeed specs for FCC unit: 2000ppm Maxi. Basic nitrogen,

    2% Maxi. Conradson carbon content

    20ppm mass Maxi. metal

    Preparation of hydrocracking feeds to increase the production of high quality

    middle distillates

    Asphaltic fractions

    Production of road quality

    Use as components in industrial fuel oil or solid fuels

    Feed for conversion unit as visbreakers, oxyvapogasifiers and cokers

    VI. Solvent Extraction in the Petroleum Industry

    Deasphalting Incorporation of deasphalting process in the lube oil

    stock production process

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    VI. Solvent Extraction in the Petroleum Industry

    Deasphalting Incorporation of deasphalting process es an extra

    conversion unit

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    VI. Solvent Extraction in the Petroleum Industry

    Deasphalting Products and properties

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    VI. Solvent Extraction in the Petroleum Industry

    Deasphalting Solvent characteristics and operating conditions

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    VI. Solvent Extraction in the Petroleum Industry

    Deasphalting Solvent characteristics and operating conditions

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    VII. Crystallization in Oil Industry

    Solvent Dewaxing

    Most common Oil/Wax separation based on crystallization with

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    a solvent

    Ideal solvent: Dissolve the Oil and Precipitate all the Wax

    Solubility and selectivity: good solubility for the oil and goodcrystallization selectivity for the wax

    Low heat of vaporization

    Low congeal point: remain liquid at filtration temperature

    No toxicity or corrosivity

    Low price and wide availability

    In the industry using the mixture of Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MKE)and Toluene (80%) or Methylisobutylketone

    VII. Crystallization in Oil Industry

    Solvent Dewaxing

    Physical properties of MEK and Toluene

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    VII. Crystallization in Oil Industry

    Dewaxing Process Using an MEK-Toluene Mixture as solvent Crystallization in presence of solvent

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    Separation between the solvent and the oil or the wax by distillation

    VII. Crystallization in Oil Industry

    Dewaxing Process Using an MEK-Toluene Mixture as solvent


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    - Dewaxed oil and

    -Wax with oil content of 10 20%

    (slack wax or petrolatum wax)

    -Deoiling (wax with very low oilcontent and foots oil)

    VII. Crystallization in Oil Industry

    Dewaxing Process Using an MEK-Toluene Mixture as solvent(Without in line deoiling)

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    VII. Crystallization in Oil Industry

    Dewaxing Process Using an MEK-Toluene Mixture as solvent

    Four main section:

    Crystallization section to cool the

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    - Crystallization section to cool the

    raffinate and solvent, thereby

    crystallizing the waxes

    - Filtration section to separate the

    dexaed oil from the wax cake

    -- D st at on sect on w t two

    operation for dewaxing unit without in

    line deoiling and three with in line

    deoiling to separate the solvent from

    de dewaxed oil, the wax and the foots


    - Solvent system recovering the

    solvent exiting the distillation

    operation and redistrubuting it in the

    form of dilution

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