

1. About the Serial Lite IV Streaming Intel® Stratix® 10 FPGA IP Design ExampleUser Guide.................................................................................................................3

2. Quick Start Guide............................................................................................................52.1. Design Example Block Diagram............................................................................... 52.2. Hardware and Software Requirements...................................................................... 62.3. Generating the Design............................................................................................6

2.3.1. Design Example Parameters........................................................................72.3.2. Directory Structure.................................................................................... 8

2.4. Compiling and Simulating the Design....................................................................... 92.5. Compiling and Testing the Design...........................................................................10

3. Detailed Description for Serial Lite IV Streaming Design Example................................ 123.1. Features............................................................................................................. 123.2. Traffic Generator..................................................................................................123.3. Traffic Checker.................................................................................................... 133.4. DCFIFO.............................................................................................................. 133.5. Simulation.......................................................................................................... 14

3.5.1. Testbench............................................................................................... 153.6. Hardware Testing.................................................................................................15

3.6.1. Design Setup...........................................................................................163.7. Error Handling.....................................................................................................163.8. Link Debugging Sequence..................................................................................... 173.9. Serial Lite IV Streaming IP Toolkit.......................................................................... 19

3.9.1. Setting Up and Running the Toolkit.............................................................193.9.2. Toolkit GUI Settings................................................................................. 21

4. Document Revision History for the Serial Lite IV Streaming Intel Stratix 10 FPGAIP Design Example User Guide.................................................................................24


Serial Lite IV Streaming Intel Stratix 10 FPGA IP Design Example User Guide Send Feedback


1. About the Serial Lite IV Streaming Intel® Stratix® 10FPGA IP Design Example User Guide

This user guide provides features, usage guidelines, and functional description of theSerial Lite IV Streaming Intel® FPGA IP design examples using E-tile transceivers inIntel Stratix® 10 devices.

Intended Audience

This user guide is intended for:

• Design architects to make IP selection during system level design planning phase.

• Hardware designers when integrating the IP into their system level design.

• Validation engineers during system level simulation and hardware validationphase.

Related Documents

The following table lists other reference documents which are related to the Serial LiteIV Streaming Intel FPGA IP.

Table 1. Related Documents

Reference Description

Serial Lite IV Streaming Intel FPGA IP User Guide This user guide provides IP features, architecturedescription, steps to generate, and guidelines to design theSerial Lite IV Streaming Intel FPGA IP using the E-tiletransceivers.

E-tile Hard IP User Guide: E-tile Hard IP for Ethernet and E-Tile CPRI PHY Intel FPGA IPs

This document describes the features, functionality, andguidelines of the E-Tile Hard IP for Ethernet and E-Tile CPRIPHY Intel FPGA IP cores in Intel Stratix 10 devices.

Intel Stratix 10 Device Data Sheet This document describes the electrical characteristics,switching characteristics, configuration specifications, andtiming for Intel Stratix 10 devices.

E-Tile Transceiver PHY User Guide This document describes the features, functionality, andguidelines of the E-Tile Transceiver PHY in Intel Stratix 10devices.

Acronyms and Glossary

Table 2. Acronym List

Acronym Expansion

CW Control Words

RS-FEC Reed-Solomon Forward Error Correction

PMA Physical Medium Attachment


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Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Agilex, Altera, Arria, Cyclone, Enpirion, Intel, the Intel logo, MAX, Nios,Quartus and Stratix words and logos are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and/orother countries. Intel warrants performance of its FPGA and semiconductor products to current specifications inaccordance with Intel's standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any products and servicesat any time without notice. Intel assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of anyinformation, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Intel. Intelcustomers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any publishedinformation and before placing orders for products or services.*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.


Acronym Expansion

TX Transmitter

RX Receiver

PAM4 Pulse-Amplitude Modulation 4-Level

PCS Physical Coding Sublayer

MII Media Independent Interface

1. About the Serial Lite IV Streaming Intel® Stratix® 10 FPGA IP Design Example User Guide

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2. Quick Start GuideThe Serial Lite IV Streaming Intel FPGA IP provides the capability of generating designexamples for selected configurations.

The Serial Lite IV Streaming Intel FPGA IP design example for Intel Stratix 10 devicesfeatures a simulating testbench and a hardware design that supports compilation andhardware testing. The design example demonstrates loopback mode designs in basicor full mode for duplex configurations.

Figure 1. Development Stages for the Design Example





Compilation(Quartus Prime)


2.1. Design Example Block Diagram

Figure 2. High-level Block Diagram for Intel Stratix 10 Design Examples









IOPLLSerial Lite IVStreaming


Table 3. Design Example Components

Components Description

Serial Lite IV Streaming IP variation The Serial Lite IV Streaming IP variation accepts data from the trafficgenerator and formats the data for transmission.It also receives data from the link, strips the headers, and presents it tothe traffic checker for analysis.


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Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Agilex, Altera, Arria, Cyclone, Enpirion, Intel, the Intel logo, MAX, Nios,Quartus and Stratix words and logos are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and/orother countries. Intel warrants performance of its FPGA and semiconductor products to current specifications inaccordance with Intel's standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any products and servicesat any time without notice. Intel assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of anyinformation, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Intel. Intelcustomers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any publishedinformation and before placing orders for products or services.*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.


Components Description

You generate the IP using the parameter editor in the Intel Quartus®

Prime software.

System console The system console is a Intel Quartus Prime tool that provides a user-friendly interface for you to do first-level debugging and monitor statuson the IP, and the traffic generator and checker.

Demo control The demo control module consists of Avalon-MM pipeline bridgesconnected to the transceiver reconfiguration and the demo managementinterfaces separately. The design also instantiates JTAG master, parallelinput/output (PIO), and ISSP (In-system Source and Probe) modules forsystem console debugging purposes.

Demo management The demo management module implements control and status registers(CSRs) to control and monitor the design operation. This includes CSRsto monitor and log errors that occur during the operation.

User clock—IOPLL For Intel Stratix 10 E-tile devices, the design example uses an IOPLL togenerate a user clock for transmitting data into the Serial Lite IVStreaming IP.The design uses the iopll_ref_clk clock signal as an IOPLL referenceclock to connect to the clock generator.The iopll_ref_clk should have the same frequency as thepll_refclk and come from the same clock module.

Traffic generator The traffic generator generates traffic in a deterministic format to verifythat data is transmitted correctly across the link.

Traffic checker The traffic checker performs inspections to verify that the received dataconforms to the expected format.

Dual-clock FIFO (DCFIFO) The DCFIFO blocks handle data streaming and control signals during thecrossing between the user clock domain to the core clock domain andvice-versa.

Related Information

• Traffic Generator on page 12

• Traffic Checker on page 13

• DCFIFO on page 13

2.2. Hardware and Software Requirements

Intel uses the following hardware and software to test the design examples in a Linuxsystem:

• Intel Quartus Prime Pro Edition software version 19.2

• ModelSim*, Xcelium*, NCSim (Verilog only), or VCS*/VCS MX simulator

• Intel Stratix 10 TX Signal Integrity Development Kit (1ST280EY1F55E1VGS1) forhardware testing

2.3. Generating the Design

You can use the IP parameter editor in the Intel Quartus Prime Pro Edition software togenerate the design example.

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Figure 3. Generating the Design Flow

Start ParameterEditor

Specify IP Variationand Select Device

SelectDesign Parameters

InitiateDesign Generation

Specify Example Design

To generate the design example from the IP parameter editor:

1. In the Tools ➤ IP Catalog, locate and select Serial Lite IV Streaming IntelFPGA IP. The IP parameter editor appears.

2. Specify the parameters for your design.

3. Click the Generate Example Design button.

The software generates all design files in the sub-directories. You need these files torun simulation, compilation, and hardware testing.

2.3.1. Design Example Parameters

The Serial Lite IV Streaming IP parameter editor includes an Example Design tab foryou to specify certain parameters before generating the design example.

Figure 4. Example Design Tab

Table 4. Parameters in the Example Design Tab

Parameter Description

Generate Files for Simulation When selected, the IP generates the necessary files for simulating thedesign example.

Generate Files for Synthesis When selected, the IP generates the synthesis files. Use these files tocompile the design in the Intel Quartus Prime software for hardwaretesting.


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Parameter Description

Generate File Format The format of the RTL files for simulation—Verilog or VHDL.

Select Board Supported hardware for design implementation. When you select anIntel FPGA development board, the Target Device is the one thatmatches the device on the Development Kit.If this menu is grayed out, there is no supported board for the optionsthat you select.Stratix 10 TX Signal Integrity Development Kit: This option allowsyou to test the design example on selected Intel FPGA IP developmentkit. This selection automatically selects the Target Device to match thedevice on the Intel FPGA IP development kit. If your board revision has adifferent speed grade, you can change the target device.Custom Development Kit: This option allows you to test the designexample on a third party development kit with Intel FPGA IP device, acustom designed board with Intel FPGA IP device, or a standard IntelFPGA IP development kit not available for selection. You can also select acustom device for the custom development kit.No Development Kit: This option excludes the hardware aspects forthe design example.

Change Target Device Select a different device grade for Intel FPGA IP development kit. Fordevice-specific details, refer to the device datasheet on the Intel FPGAwebsite.

2.3.2. Directory Structure

The Intel Quartus Prime software generates the design example files in the followingfolders:

• <user_defined_design_example_directory>/ed_sim

• <user_defined_design_example_directory>/ed_synth

• <user_defined_design_example_directory>/ed_hwtest

The following diagrams show the directories that contain the generated files for thedesign example.

Figure 5. Directory Structure for Intel Stratix 10 Serial Lite IV Streaming DesignExample

<Design Example>

ed_sim ed_synth ed_hwtest













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Table 5. Directory and File Description for Design Example Folder

Directory/File Description

ed_sim/tb_components The folder that contains the testbench files.

ed_sim/common The folder that contains the .tcl scripts for all thesimulators.





The folder that contains the simulation script. It also servesas a working area for the simulator.

ed_synth/seriallite_iv_streaming_demo.qpf Intel Quartus Prime project file.

ed_synth/seriallite_iv_streaming_demo.qsf Intel Quartus Prime settings file.

ed_synth/seriallite_iv_streaming_demo.sdc Synopsys Design Constraints (SDC) file.

ed_synth/src The folder that contains the design example synthesizablecomponents.

ed_synth/src/seriallite_iv_streaming_demo.v Design example top-level HDL.

ed_synth/demo_control The folder for each synthesizable component includingPlatform Designer-generated IPs, such as DemoManagement and Demo Control modules.

ed_hwtest The folder that contains the design example hardware setupfiles.

ed_hwtest/Readme.txt Instruction file to download the generated design exampleon the development kit.

ed_hwtest/system_console The folder that contains system console scripts that provideuseful commands to read statistics and to test the hardwaredesign.

ed_hwtest/sl4_ip_toolkit The folder that contains the scripts to invoke the Serial LiteIV Streaming IP toolkit, which is a user-friendly GUI thatprovides step-by-step link initialization and debugging.

2.4. Compiling and Simulating the Design

The design example testbench simulates your generated design.

Change to Testbench Directory

Run<Simulation Script>


1. Change the working directory to <example_design_directory>/ed_sim/<simulator>

2. Run the simulation script for the simulator of your choice.

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Table 6. Testbench Simulation Scripts

Simulator File Directory Command

ModelSim <variationname>seriallite4_0_example_design/ed_sim/mentor

do run_tb.tcl

VCS <variationname>seriallite4_0_example_design/ed_sim/synopsys/vcs


VCS MX <variationname>seriallite4_0_example_design/ed_sim/synopsys/vcsmx


NCSim <variationname>seriallite4_0_example_design/ed_sim/cadence


Xcelium <variationname>seriallite4_0_example_design/ed_sim/xcelium


A successful simulation ends with the following message, "Test Passed." Whensimulation is complete, you can now analyze the results and verify the design.

Figure 6. Sample of Successful Simulation

2.5. Compiling and Testing the Design

The Serial Lite IV Streaming IP parameter editor allows you to compile and run thedesign example on a target development kit.

Compile Designin Quartus Prime


Set up Hardware Program Device Test Designin Hardware

Follow these steps to compile and test the design in hardware:

1. Launch the Intel Quartus Prime Pro Edition software and change the directory toexample_design_dir/ed_synth/ and open theseriallite_iv_streaming_demo.qpf file.

2. Click Processing> Start Compilation to compile the design.

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The timing constraints for the design example and the design components areautomatically loaded during compilation.

3. Connect the development board to the host computer.

4. Configure the FPGA on the development board using the generatedseriallite_iv_streaming_demo.sof file (Tools> Programmer).

The design example targets the Intel Stratix 10 TX Signal Integrity Development Kit.

The design includes a Synopsys Design Constraints File (SDC) and a Intel QuartusPrime Settings File (QSF) with verified constraints in loopback mode. If you use thedesign example with another device or development board, you may need to updatethe device setting and constraints in the QSF file.

Note: Before downloading the design onto the FPGA, you need to program the clockoscillator on board to the correct transceiver PLL and IOPLL reference clockfrequencies according to the generated design example configuration setting.

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3. Detailed Description for Serial Lite IV Streaming DesignExample

This design example demonstrates the functionality of data streaming using basic andfull mode.

You can specify the parameters settings of your choice and generate the designexample.

The design example is available only in duplex mode.

3.1. Features

The design example enables you to demonstrate and test the features of the SerialLite IV Streaming IP.

The design example includes the following features:

• Provides basic and full transmission modes

— Basic mode—Pure streaming mode where data is sent without start of packet,empty cycle, and end of packet to increase bandwidth.

— Full mode—This mode sends a burst and sync cycle at the start of frame, anda burst and empty cycle at the end of frame.

• Support for up to 56 Gbps transceiver data rate per lane with a maximum of eightPAM4 lanes in a single link.

• Traffic checker for data verification and lane deskew verification

• System console commands for hardware testing

• Serial Lite IV Streaming IP debugging toolkit

• Debugging sequence

3.2. Traffic Generator

The traffic generator generates traffic in a deterministic format to verify that data istransmitted correctly across the link. The traffic consists of sets of sample words, onefor each lane on the link, that are presented to the source user interface.

If you configure the Serial Lite IV Streaming IP in full mode, the traffic generator alsoasserts the tx_is_usr_cmd signal at random to signify the packet is from user datafor testing purposes. The Serial Lite IV Streaming IP asserts thenum_valid_bytes_eob control signal to signify the number of valid bytes of theburst packet.

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Figure 7. Traffic Generator Sample Word FormatThis figure shows the format of the sample words generated for each lane.

Word ID Burst Count Word Count

Byte 7 Byte 6 Byte 5 Byte 4 Byte 3 Byte 2 Byte 1 Byte 0

Table 7. Traffic Generator Sample Word Fields

Field Bits Description

Word ID 63–59 Contains a static value to distinguish which 64-bit word on the user interface that thissample was presented on. The Word ID value ranges from 0 to (lanes – 1).

Burst Count 58–32 Tracks the number of bursts used to transfer the sample data. This field value starts withone after reset and is incremented each time the start_of_burst signal is asserted onthe source user interface.

Word Count 31–0 Tracks the number of valid sample words that have been transferred, across all bursts, tothe source user interface.

3.3. Traffic Checker

The traffic checker performs the following inspections to verify that the received dataconforms to the expected format:

• Checks each sample word to verify that the expected word ID was received.

• Checks each sample word to verify that the word count value is higher than theword count value from the last valid sample word.

• Verifies that lane de-skew has been properly performed by validating that theword count and burst count values from the sample word are the same as thevalues received from the adjacent lane.

• If the start_of_burst signal is asserted on the user interface, verifies that theburst count value in the current sample word is higher than the burst count valuefrom the last valid sample word. Otherwise, it verifies that the burst count valuehas not changed.


The design uses two DCFIFO blocks at both TX and RX paths.

The DCFIFO blocks handle data streaming and control signals during the crossingbetween the user clock domain to the core clock domain and vice-versa.

Table 8. TX and RX DCFIFO Configuration

Parameter Value

lpm_width (Number of lanes x 64)+21

lpm_numwords 64

The format of the data that passes through the FIFO is similar to format generated bythe traffic generator.

3. Detailed Description for Serial Lite IV Streaming Design Example

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Figure 8. Data Format

Word ID Burst Count Word Count

Byte 7 Byte 6 Byte 5 Byte 4 Byte 3 Byte 2 Byte 1 Byte 0

Table 9. Control SignalsThe table lists how the IP concatenates the TX and RX control signals with the data bus signals and passesthrough the data.

Control DCFIFO DataOut Bit

Signal Description

[20] tx_valid


Indicates TX or RX data is valid for Full and Basicmodes.

[19] tx_start_of_packet


Indicates the start of a TX or RX data packet.For Full mode only.

[18] tx_end_of_packet


Indicates the end of a TX or RX data packet.For Full mode only.

[17:10] tx_channel


The channel number for data being transmitted orreceived on the current cycle number.For Full mode only.

[9:5] tx_empty


Indicates the number of non-valid words in the finalburst of the TX or RX data.For Full mode only.

[4:1] tg_tx_num_valid_bytes_eob


Indicates the number of valid bytes in the last wordof the final burst.For Full mode only.

[0] tg_tx_is_usr_cmd


Initiates a user-defined information cycle.• Full mode: Must coincide with

tx_startofpacket or rx_startofpacket• Basic mode: Not supported.

Related Information

• FIFO Intel FPGA IP User Guide

• Serial Lite Streaming Intel FPGA IP Interface Signals

3.5. Simulation

The simulation test cases demonstrate continuous streaming of 10,000 sample datafrom the traffic generator to the Serial Lite IV Streaming TX core, and externallyloopback to the RX core.

The simulation test case performs the following steps:

1. Initializes and configures Serial Lite IV Streaming IP, traffic generator and trafficchecker.

2. Traffic generator generates data and starts data transmission.

3. Logs and displays link up status and burst information.

4. Traffic checker verifies received data and stops transmission.

5. Testbench logs and displays test result and test information.

3. Detailed Description for Serial Lite IV Streaming Design Example

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3.5.1. Testbench

The generated example testbench is dynamic and has the same configuration as theIP.

Figure 9. Example Testbench (Duplex) for Intel Stratix 10 E-tile Devices


Serial Lite IV Streaming Intel FPGA IP




RX MAC SkewInsertion

Device Under Test (Duplex Mode)Test Environment



3.6. Hardware Testing

After you download the design and the accompanying software onto the FPGA, youcan test the design through the system console.

To use the system console script, navigate the directory to ./ed_hwtest/system_console and run the sl4_etile_s10.tcl script. The system consolescript provides useful commands for reading statistics, and enables you to controlvarious features in the design.

Table 10. System Console Commands for Hardware Testing

Command Function

set_jtag <0/1> Selects the JTAG master.• Invoke set_jtag 1 to select JTAG master phy_1 when you run the

sl4_link_init_int_lpbk and sl4_link_init_ext_lpbkcommands.

• Invoke set_jtag 0 to select JTAG master phy_0 when you run therest of the commands.

Note: You must perform either an internal or external loopbackcommand once first after programming the SOF file for propertransceiver calibration. Then, you can get the design up andrunning.

sl4_link_init_int_lpbk Enables TX to RX internal serial loopback within the transceiver andperform the specific transceiver calibration flow.

sl4_link_init_ext_lpbk Enables TX to RX external loopback and perform the specific transceivercalibration flow.

traffic_gen_enable Enables traffic generator and checker.

traffic_gen_disable Disables traffic generator and checker.

tx_source_traffic_reset Resets the TX datapath for DCFIFO and traffic generator.


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Command Function

rx_sink_traffic_reset Resets the RX datapath for DCFIFO and traffic checker.

read_error_statistics Displays the error statistics.

continuous_mode_en Resets the TX and RX core (MAC and PHY) and enables the trafficgenerator to generate continuous (single continuous data generation)traffic stream. This setting is identical to the setting when running withtraffic_gen_enable command.

burst_mode_en Resets the TX and RX core (MAC and PHY) and enables the trafficgenerator to generate a burst (multiple burst packet data generation)traffic stream.

In additional to this command script, you can also use the Serial Lite IV Streaming IPtoolkit for more feasible visual and troubleshooting purposes on the real-timehardware running link operation.

Related Information

Serial Lite IV Streaming IP Toolkit on page 19

3.6.1. Design Setup

The design example targets the Intel Stratix 10 TX Transceiver Signal IntegrityDevelopment Kit.

The design includes an SDC script as well as a QSF file with verified constraints inloopback mode. If you use the design example with another device or developmentboard, you may need to update the device setting and constraints in the QSF file.

3.7. Error Handling

The Serial Lite IV Streaming IP detects error conditions, and the behaviors in responseto these error conditions.

Table 11. Error Condition Behavior

Signal Width Location Direction Clock Domain Error Indication

tx_error[4:0] 5 Top-levelsignal

Output tx_core_clkout This vector indicates theerror condition of the TXpath.


(2*n)+2 Top-levelsignal

Output rx_core_clkout When asserted, indicatesthat error conditions occurin the RX datapath.• [(2*n+1):n+2] =

Indicates PCS error forspecific lane.

• [n+1]= Indicates datais forwarded to theuser logic when userlogic is not ready.

• [n] = Indicates loss ofalignment.

• [(n-1):0] = Unused.


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Signal Width Location Direction Clock Domain Error Indication

wrfull 1 Top-level RXDCFIFOsignal

Output RX user clock This vector indicates thewrite domain buffer is fulland cannot accept data.

rdfull 1 Top-level RXDCFIFOsignal

Output RX user clock This vector indicates theread domain buffer is fulland cannot accept data.


1 Top-level TXDCFIFOsignal

Output TX user clock This vector indicates thewrite domain buffer is fulland cannot accept data.

Related Information

FIFO Intel FPGA IP User Guide

3.8. Link Debugging Sequence

The Serial Lite IV Streaming IP provides a link debugging sequence for TX and RX thatyou can use when debugging your design.

Figure 10. TX Link Debugging Flowchart



Yes Yes


Yes Note: If rx_link_up status = 0, you need to debug the RX link.



* Resets = tx_pcs_fec_phy_reset_n, rx_pcs_fec_phy_reset_n, and reconfig_reset

Check Transceiver Reference Clock

Check if tx_serial_data and rx_serial_data are connected

Check if the resets* are out of reset for at least 10 clock cycles

Check rx_link_up Status





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Table 12. TX Link Debugging Signals

Signal Location Description

tx_link_up Top-level TX signal The IP asserts this signal to indicate that theinitialization sequence is complete, and the IP isready to transmit the data.

tx_pll_locked Top-level PHYsignal

This active-high signal indicates that the transceiversare locked to the reference clock.

phy_tx_lanes_stable Top-level PHYsignal

The IP asserts this signal when TX datapath is readyto send data.

phy_ehip_ready[(n*2)-1:0] Top-level PHYsignal

The IP asserts this signal after thetx_pcs_fec_phy_reset_n andtx_pcs_fec_phy_reset_n signals deassert toindicate that the custom PCS has completed internalinitialization and is ready for transmission.

Figure 11. RX Link Debugging Flowchart



Yes Yes

No No


* Resets = tx_pcs_fec_phy_reset_n, rx_pcs_fec_phy_reset_n, and reconfig_reset

Check Transceiver Reference Clock

Check if tx_serial_data and rx_serial_data are connected

Check if the resets* are out of reset for at least 10 clock cycles





Yes RX Ready to Receive Data

3. Detailed Description for Serial Lite IV Streaming Design Example

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Table 13. RX Link Debugging Signals

Signal Location Description

rx_link_up Top-level RX signal The IP asserts this signal to indicate that theinitialization sequence is complete, and the IP isready to receive data.

phy_rx_pcs_ready[(n*2)-1:0] Top-level PHYsignal

The IP asserts this signal when RX datapath is readyto receive data.

phy_rx_block_lock[(n*2)-1:0] Top-level PHYsignal

The IP asserts this signal to indicate the 66b blockalignment has completed for the lanes.

Related Information

Serial Lite Streaming Intel FPGA IP Interface Signals

3.9. Serial Lite IV Streaming IP Toolkit

The Serial Lite IV Streaming IP toolkit is an inspection tool that continuously monitorsthe status of a Serial Lite IV Streaming IP link and provides step by step guide on theIP link initialization sequences.

The Serial Lite IV Streaming IP toolkit mainly monitors the following:

• MAC link up status

• Hardened Custom PCS lane alignment status

• Clock data recovery (CDR) lock

• Traffic generator and checker statistics

• Forward Error Correction (FEC) statistics

The IP link initialization sequences guide also includes CSRs to monitor and log errorsthat occur during the operation.

Note: Because the Serial Lite IV Streaming IP toolkit gives out real-time link status throughhardened custom PCS core registers and MAC output ports, you can only use thetoolkit with the design files generated when you configure the design examples..

Related Information

• E-Tile Transceiver PHY User Guide: RS-FEC Registers

• E-Tile Transceiver PHY User Guide

3.9.1. Setting Up and Running the Toolkit

To enable the Serial Lite IV Streaming IP toolkit, you must download and run thetoolkit.

To download and run the toolkit, follow these steps:

3. Detailed Description for Serial Lite IV Streaming Design Example

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1. Generate the design example after you specify the parameters.

2. In the Intel Quartus Prime Pro Edition software, select Tools ➤ System Consoleto launch the system console.

3. Based on the directory where your design example is generated, use the TCLcommand in the system console to set the current directory in the system consoleto ../ed_hwtest/sl4_ip_toolkit.

4. Then, type the following command in the TCL console window.

toolkit_register sl4_ip_toolkit.toolkit or toolkit_register<full path directory>/sl4_ip_toolkit.toolkit.

5. Click the Launch button from the system console window.

Figure 12. Launch the Serial Lite IV Streaming IP Toolkit

You can start using the toolkit when the design example successfully programs inthe hardware.

When the toolkit is up and running, set JTAG master by following the instructionsgiven in the display window.

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Serial Lite IV Streaming Intel Stratix 10 FPGA IP Design Example User Guide Send Feedback


Figure 13. Setting JTAG Master

Ensure that you specify the same settings as your design example.

3.9.2. Toolkit GUI Settings

The Serial Lite IV Streaming IP toolkit offers an easy-to-manage user interface.

The Serial Lite IV Streaming IP toolkit user interface has three tabs.

• The MAC and PHY tab implements various control and status registers (CSR) forboth the hardened custom PCS core and the MAC soft logic.

• The Traffic Statistics and Bandwidth Performance tab implements variousControl and Status Registers (CSR) for the Demo Management module toconfigure the traffic generator and checker. Additionally, it also provides a real-time bandwidth calculation measurement result based on the traffic modulesinstantiated in the example design.

• The Help tab provides useful next-step troubleshooting information based on theassertion and deassertion of specific status registers or output ports if any errorshappen after the link initialization is executed.

3. Detailed Description for Serial Lite IV Streaming Design Example

UG-20241 | 2019.07.01

Send Feedback Serial Lite IV Streaming Intel Stratix 10 FPGA IP Design Example User Guide


Figure 14. MAC and PHY Tab

The MAC and PHY tab shows a step-by-step guide for link initialization and real-timestatus monitoring of a Serial Lite IV Streaming IP link.

The toolkit continuously reads and displays all of the essential status registers relatedto the Serial Lite IV Streaming IP link after you execute the following stages:

1. Click Assert Full System Reset to perform a full system reset.

2. Click Link Initialization to perform link initialization with internal/externalloopback enabled..

3. Click Read PCS Status to poll all corresponding status registers and output portsfrom both hardened custom PCS and MAC soft logic.

4. Click Read FEC Statistics to generate the FEC statistics report after steps 1–3complete successfully and the link is up and running.

Note: The toolkit user interface changes dynamically to illustrate each execution stage.

In case of any failure, the toolkit narrows down to the type of failure based on thevarious status bits, which are based on the register bank or output port from thehardened custom PCS core or MAC soft logic. The corresponding next-step debugginginformation is displayed in the Help tab.

3. Detailed Description for Serial Lite IV Streaming Design Example

UG-20241 | 2019.07.01

Serial Lite IV Streaming Intel Stratix 10 FPGA IP Design Example User Guide Send Feedback


Figure 15. Traffic Statistics and Bandwidth Performance Tab

Note: The Sink RX to Source TX option is not available in the current version of the toolkit.

The Traffic Statistics and Bandwidth Performance tab enables you to configureboth the traffic generator and checker in the design example to run in the user-specified traffic mode, and reads traffic statistics. Additionally, the toolkit alsocalculates and displays the real-time effective bandwidth based on the designexample.

Figure 16. Help Tab

The Help tab provides useful next-step debugging information based on the errors orstatus registers reported from the MAC and PCS status in the MAC and PHY tab.

3. Detailed Description for Serial Lite IV Streaming Design Example

UG-20241 | 2019.07.01

Send Feedback Serial Lite IV Streaming Intel Stratix 10 FPGA IP Design Example User Guide


4. Document Revision History for the Serial Lite IVStreaming Intel Stratix 10 FPGA IP Design Example UserGuide

Document Version Intel QuartusPrime

IP Version Changes

2019.07.01 19.2 1.0.0 Initial release.

UG-20241 | 2019.07.01

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