


Shajarah Qādiriyyah, Razaviyyah, Ziyāiyyah


This Shajaraĥ was written by Shaykh-e-Ṭarīqat Amīr-e-Aĥl-e-Sunnat, the founder of Dawat-e-Islami ‘Allāmaĥ Maulānā Muḥammad Ilyās ‘Aṭṭār Qādirī Razavī ��� ������ �  � � ک���� ����  ������ in UrduUrduUrduUrdu. The translation Majlis has translated this booklet into EnglishEnglishEnglishEnglish. If you find any mistake in the translation or composing, please inform translation Majlis on the following postal or email address and gain reward [Šawāb].

Translation Majlis (Translation Majlis (Translation Majlis (Translation Majlis (DawatDawatDawatDawat----eeee----IslamiIslamiIslamiIslami)))) Alami Madani Markaz, Faizān-e-Madina, Mahalla Saudagran, Old Sabzi Mandi, Baab-ul-Madina, Karachi, Pakistan Contact #: +92-21-34921389 to 91 [email protected]



Transliteration Chart ..................................................................... iii

The Grand Shajaraĥ ....................................................................... 1

Preface ............................................................................................ 5

Recite These Invocations Daily ...................................................... 7

Invocations to be Recited after Five Daily Ṣalāĥ ............................ 7

Panj Ganj Qādiriyyaĥ ..................................................................... 8

Tasbīḥ-e-Fāṭimaĥ (يح فاطم� 9 ......................................................... (تس

Invocations to be Recited in the Morning and the Evening ........ 11

Sayyīd-ul-Istighfār ( ������� �� ���� �� �� ������ �� ��� ) .............................................. 15

Invocations to be Recited in the Morning Only ........................... 16

The Fātiḥaĥ of Qādiriyyaĥ Order ................................................. 18

Durūd-e-Ghaušiyyaĥ (�درود غوثي) .................................................... 18

Invocations to be Recited after Fajr and ‘Aṣr Ṣalāĥ ...................... 19

Invocations to be Recited after Fajr and Maghrib Ṣalāĥ .............. 19

After the Fajr Ṣalāĥ ...................................................................... 21

During the Night .......................................................................... 21

Invocations to be Recited before Going to Sleep ......................... 22

Recite on Waking up from Sleep.................................................. 23

Taĥajjud ........................................................................................ 24

If there are Hurdles in Your Tasks… ........................................... 24

Necessary Instructions .................................................................. 26

Reminder ...................................................................................... 29



Listen! ........................................................................................... 31

Recitation of Qurān ...................................................................... 31

Durūd-e-Razavīyyaĥ (�درود رضوي) .................................................... 32

Islamic Sisters to Pay Attention ................................................... 34

Some More Rulings ...................................................................... 35

Dawat-e-Islami ............................................................................. 36

Method of Delivering Dars .......................................................... 36

Du’ā of ‘Aṭṭār ................................................................................ 41

Last Four Āyaĥs of Sūra-tul-Kaĥaf (سورةالکهف) .............................. 42


Transliteration CharTransliteration CharTransliteration CharTransliteration Chartttt

� A/a � Ř/ř � L/l

� A/a � Z/z � M/m

� B/b X/x N/n

� P/p � S/s V/v,

W/w � T/t � Sh/sh

� Ṫ/ṫ � Ṣ/ṣ �� � � �� Ĥ/ĥ

� Š/š � Ḍ/ḍ � Y/y

� J/j � Ṭ/ṭ � Y/y

� Ch � Ẓ/ẓ � A/a

! Ḥ/ḥ " ‘ # U/u

$ Kh/kh % Gh/gh & I/i

' D/d ( F/f �)* Ū/ū

+ Ḋ/ḋ , Q/q ��)*�� Ī/ī

- Ż/ż . K/k �)*� Ā/ā


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SSSShajarahajarahajarahajara----eeee----‘‘‘‘AAAAttattattattaririririyyayyayyayyahhhh Spiritual Lineage of Shaykh-e-Ṭarīqat,

Amīr-e-Aĥl-e-Sunnat, the founder of Dawat-e-Islami, ‘Allāmaĥ Maulānā

Muḥammad Ilyās ‘Aṭṭār Qādirī

The Grand Shajaraĥ

Yā Ilāĥī raḥm farmā Muṣṭafā1 kay wāsṭay

Yā Rasūlullāĥ karam kījiyay Khudā kay wāsṭay

Mushkilayn ḥal kar Shaĥ-e-Mushkil Kushā2 kay wāsṭay

Kar balāayn rad Shaĥīd-e-Karbalā3 kay wāsṭay

Sayyid-e-Sajjād4 kay Ṣadqay may Sājid rakĥ mujĥay

‘Ilm-e-Ḥaq day Bāqiray5 ‘Ilm-e-Ĥudā kay wāsṭay

Ṣidq-e-Ṣādiq6 kā Taṣadduq Ṣād-e-Qul Islam kar

Bay Ghaḍab Rāḍī ĥo Kāẓim7 aur Razā8 kay wāsṭay

Baĥray Ma’rūf 9-o-Sarī10 Ma’rūf day bay khud sarī

Jund-e-Ḥaq may gin Junaīd11-e-bā Ṣafā kay wāsṭay



Baĥray Shiblī12 Shaīr-e-Ḥaq dunyā kay kuttūn se bachā

Aīk kā rakĥ ‘Abd-e-Wāḥid13 bay riyā kay wāsṭay

Būl Faraḥ14 kā Ṣadqāĥ kar gham ko faraḥ day Ḥusn-o-Sa’d

Būl Ḥasan15 aūr Bū Sa’īd16-e-Sa’d-e-Zā kay wāsṭay

Qādirī kar Qādirī rakĥ Qādirīyūn mayn uṫĥā

Qadr-e-‘Abdul Qādir17-e-Qudrat numā kay wāsṭay

Aḥsanallāĥ-o-laĥum Rizqan1 se day Rizq-e-Ḥasan

Bandaĥ-e-Razzāq Tāj-ul-Aṣfiyā18 kay wāsṭay

Naṣrābī Ṣāleḥ19 kā Ṣadqāĥ Sāleḥ-o-Manṣūr rakĥ

Day Ḥayāt-e-Dīn Moḥayyī 20 jānfizā kay wāsṭay

Ṭūr-e-‘Irfān-o-‘Uluwwū Ḥamd-o-Ḥusnā-o-Baĥā

Day ‘Alī 21 Mūsā22 Ḥasan23 Aḥmad24 Baĥā25 kay wāsṭay

Baĥray Ibrāĥīm26 mujĥ par Nār-e-gham gulzār kar

Bĥīk day Dātā Bĥikārī27 bādshāĥ kay wāsṭay

Khānaĥ-e-dil ko ziā day rū-e-īmān ko jamāl

Shaĥ-e-Ziā28 Maulā Jamāl-ul-Auliyā29 kay wāsṭay

1 Allāĥ ��� �� �� ����� blessed them with good sustenance.



Day Muḥammad30 kay liye rūzī kar Aḥmad31 kay liye

Khuwān-e-Faḍl-u-llāĥ32 se Ḥissaĥ gadā kay wāsṭay

Dīn-o-dunyā kī mujĥay barakāt day barakāt se

‘Ishq-e-Ḥaq day ‘ishqī ‘Ishq33-e-Intimā1 kay wāsṭay

Ḥubb-e-Aĥl-e-Baīt day Āal-e-Muḥammad34 kay liye

Kar Shaĥīd-e-‘ishq Ḥamzaĥ35 peshwā kay wāsṭay

Dil ko acĥā tan ko sutĥrā jān ko pur nūr kar

Acĥay36 Piyār-e-Shams-e-Dīn Badr-ul-‘ulā kay wāsṭay

Do jaĥan mayn Khādim-e-Āal-e-Rasūlullāĥ kar

Ḥaḍrat-e-Āal-e-Rasūl37-e-Muqtadā kay wāsṭay

Kar ‘Aṭā Aḥmad Razā-e-Aḥmad-e-mursal mujĥay

Meray Maulā Ḥaḍrat-e-Aḥmad Razā38 kay wāsṭay

Pur ziā kar sab kā cheĥrā Ḥashr mayn ae kibriyā

Shaĥ-e-Ziā-ud-Dīn39 Pīr-e-bā Ṣafā kay wāsṭay

Aḥyinā fid-Dīn-e-wad dunyā Salām-um-bis-Salām2

Qādirī ‘Abdus Salām40 ‘Abd-e-Razā kay wāsṭay

1 The one having Spiritual love.

2 Blessed us with peace in the world and salvation in the hereafter.



‘Ishq-e-Aḥmad mayn ‘Aṭā kar chashm-e-tar Soz-e-Jigar

Yā Khudā Ilyās41 ko Aḥmad Razā kay wāsṭay

Ṣadqāĥ in A’yān kā day cheĥ ‘aīn ‘izz-o-‘ilm-o-‘Amal

‘Afwū ‘Irfān ‘Āfiyat mujĥ bay Nawā kay wāsṭay

O Allāĥ ������� �����, by virtue of these holy saints, bless my Islamic

brother/ Islamic sister1________________________________

Qādirī Raḍavī ‘Aṭṭārī S/o, D/o. _________________________

resident of _________________________________________

such that his/ her heart may turn into Madīnaĥ.

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Date: ___________ 14 ____ A.H.

1 Note: With the name of Islamic sisters, write Qādiriyyaĥ Razawīyyaĥ ‘Aṭṭāriyyaĥ.


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1. All Islamic brothers and sisters who have been initiated into the Spiritual Order of Qādiriyyaĥ Razawīyyaĥ are permitted to recite Shajaraĥ Qādiriyyaĥ.

2. Each and every letter of all the Awrād and Wazāif (invocations and recitals) included in this Shajaraĥ, must be recited with correct pronunciation, following the rules of Tajwīd and Qurānic recitation1.

3. The one who cannot distinguish between the sounds of

etc. is not permitted to recite ح and ہ ,ش and س ,ع‘ and الفthese invocations. Beware; there is a danger of harm in reciting them incorrectly.

4. Therefore, get your pronunciation of these invocations checked by a Sunnī Qārī or Sunnī Scholar who knows the art of Qirāt (Qurānic recitation).

5. If you recite all the invocations given in Shajaraĥ, �������  � �!�!" # ����� �������

you will gain countless blessings in this world as well as in

1 Do go through the details of this ruling on page 88, volume 3 of Baĥār-e-Sharī’at.



the Hereafter. One may also recite a few invocations, but Šawāb will be reduced.

6. Pick only as many invocations for you as you can recite consistently.

7. Recite Durūd once in the beginning and once at the end of every invocation. If multiple invocations are recited in one session, reciting Durūd once in the beginning and once at the end of that session would be sufficient.


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Recite These Invocations Daily

1. 70 times ���� ��� ��� L�M�� ��� ��

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2. 166 times � ������ �� �

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3. 3 times �OP�� � ��� Q� ��������

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4. 111 times Any Durūd

Invocations to be Recited after Five Daily Ṣalāĥ

1. ��*����� )�� �4� �� ����� ��� 5 ��#����� �1���5 ��#���� � � � �4�

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1 Translation: “And created the sun and the moon and the stars; all submissive to His command. Behold! His is the creation and command. Benevolent is

Allāĥ ��� �� �� �����, the Creator of the worlds.”(Sūraĥ Al-a’rāf 54)



ن م ن اد ن ز ر و ف ن ز د ر گ ن و م هء ان خ د ر گ و ن م د ر گ .2

ا; ب ار د ه گ ن و وي و ت ش و ت ت اظ ف ح ر اص ح ن م ان ت س و د و ال م د ر گ و 1

3. After reciting the foregoing two invocations in order, recite the third invocation as Panj Ganj Qādiriyyaĥ (The Five Treasures of the Order of Qādiriyyaĥ) for that Ṣalāĥ.

It will be even better if باسط يا is also recited 72 times after the Panj Ganj Qādiriyyaĥ.

Panj Ganj Qādiriyyaĥ Recite each of the following invocations 100 times with Durūd thrice before and after each. Reciting this invocation consistently will bring about countless blessings in this world and the Hereafter.

1 Translation: “O Allāĥ ��� �� �� �����! May there be a fort of protection around me, around my house, around my children, around my wife, around my wealth and friends; and may you be the Protector and the Custodian.”

After Fajr Ṣalāĥ � G��� �&� G ��� � G�� � ��� ���� �

After Ẓuĥr Ṣalāĥ � G �#�_ ��� 4G �G ����

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After ‘Aṣr Ṣalāĥ � G��� �� ��J �0 �G ���� ���� ���

After Maghrib Ṣalāĥ � G��� ����� �� �G ����

���� ���

After ‘Ishā Ṣalāĥ � G��� ������` �G ����

���� ���



Recite the following invocations after offering the Sunnaĥ and the Nawāfil of the five daily Ṣalāĥ. Numbers have been given just for convenience; it is not necessary to recite the invocations in sequence.

4. The one who recites Āyat-ul-Kursī ( الکر< آيت ) once after every Ṣalāĥ, will enter Paradise as soon as he dies. (Mishkāt,

page 89, Bayĥaqī has reported this Ḥadīš in “Shu’abul Imān”)

5. ���� �� ��� ��� �<=> L�M� � �

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The one who recites this invocation three times after every Ṣalāĥ, all his sins will be forgiven even if he had run away from the battlefield. (Jāmi’-e- Tirmiżī, Ḥadīš No. 3588, Vol.

5, page 336)

6. Tasbīḥ-e-Fāṭimaĥ (يح فاطم� (تس

1 Translation: I seek forgiveness from Allāĥ ��� �� �� �����, except Whom no one is worthy of worship. He is Ever-Alive and He is the Sustainer. And I repent in His court.

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Recite “1 B ���� �D�

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once in the end.

On that day no one’s deed, in the whole world, would be elevated equal to that of the reciter of this (invocation), except the deed of the one who recites like him. (Ṣaḥīḥ Bukhārī, Ḥadīš No.

843, Vol. 1, page 229)

7. Recite this invocation placing hand on the forehead.

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The reciter of the foregoing invocation will be secured from every grief and anxiety. (Majma’-uz-Zawāid, Ḥadīš No.

16971, Vol. 10, page 144)

Imām Aḥmad Razā Khān � �%�&  ��� �� ���� ع�#  �()* �% has added following words to the above written supplication.

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1 Translation: There is none worthy of worship except Allah ��� �� �� �����, He is one and He has no partner. For Him is Sovereignty and for Him is glorification. He has omnipotence over everything. 2 Translation: With the name of Allāĥ ��� �� �� �����, except Whom none is worthy of worship, the most kind, the most merciful. O Allāĥ ��� �� �� �����, distance grief and anxiety from me. 3 Translation: And from Aĥl-e-Sunnaĥ.



Invocations to be Recited in the Morning and the


First of all, keep the Islamic definitions of “morning” and “evening” in mind:

The duration from midnight to the glimmering of the first ray of the sun is called ‘morning.’ Whatever recited within this duration will be considered to have been recited in morning. From the starting of Ẓuĥr time upto the sunset is called ‘evening.’ Whatever recited within this duration will be considered to have been recited in the evening. By reciting the following invocations every morning and evening, the reciter would attain countless benefits. It is not necessary to recite in sequence.

1. Recitation of سورة الفلق ,سورة اخالص and سورة الناس three times each is a great means of protection from every affliction. If one recites these Sūraĥ’s in the morning, he will be protected till the evening, and if he recites them in the evening, he will remain secured till morning. (Abū Dāwūd,

Ḥadīš No. 5082, Vol. 4, page 355)

2. &�� �* + �!� ��

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1 Translation: I seek refuge from the harm of the creatures by (virtue of) complete and perfect words of Allāĥ ��� �� �� �����. (Note: Here, creatures refer to such creatures that can cause harm.)



Reciting this invocation in the morning and evening three times each is a means of protection from snakes, scorpions and other fatal animals. (Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim, Ḥadīš No. 2707, Vol. 2,

page 347)

3. �,� )� f �g� �1

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Recite it once in the morning and once in the evening. If all other invocations were missed any day, recitation of only this invocation will be sufficient in lieu of all others. Furthermore, it is a compensation for each and every loss of the day and the night. (Abū Dāwūd, Ḥadīš No. 5076, Vol. 4,

page 353)

4. ����* + �!� &�

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1 Translation: So, glorify Allāĥ ��� �� �� ����� when evening falls and when morning comes. And (solely) His glorification is (prevalent) in the heavens and in the earth, and at little before sun’s setting and when the noon falls. He brings out the living from the dead and brings out the dead from the living, and gives life to the earth after its death. And you shall be brought out similarly.

2 Translation: I seek refuge of Allāĥ ��� �� �� �����, the All Hearing, the All Listening

from Satan, the damned. (One should recite �بسم الل as well after the above تعوذ).



Recite it thrice, then recite the last 3 Āyaĥ of Sūraĥ Ḥashr

ـه ال ـل ـهوال – once from (سورة حشر) جو ـه اال ه ـذي آل ال to the end of the Sūraĥ. If one recites it in the morning, 70 thousand angels will seek forgiveness for him till the evening. If he dies on that day, he will be a Shaĥīd (Martyr). If one recites the same invocations in the evening, there is the same Šawāb for him till morning. (Jāmi’-e-Tirmiżī, Ḥadīš No. 2931, Vol. 4,

page 423)

5. �tu� � �4 s � �y� �1 �-

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By virtue of reciting this invocation in the morning and evening three times each, the reciter will die with Imān (faith). (Musnad-e-Aḥmad, Ḥadīš No. 19625, Vol. 7, page 146)

6. �*�� �4 �)� �~� �4 �)��* 7 �vG �� ?�

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By virtue of reciting this invocation in the morning and evening three times each, the reciter will gain protection of his religion, faith, life, wealth and family. (Al-Waẓīfaĥ-tul-

Karīmaĥ, page 8) 1 Translation: O Allāĥ ��� �� �� �����! We seek Your refuge from associating partner with You knowingly, and we seek forgiveness from You, for that (Polytheistic act) which we do not know.

2 Translation: By the virtue of the name of Allāĥ ��� �� �� �����, may my faith, life, offspring, family and wealth be protected!



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By virtue of reciting it once in the morning and once in the evening, the reciter will be protected from Satan and his troops. (Al-Waẓīfaĥ-tul-Karīmaĥ, page 8)

8. �tu� � �4 s �1 �- �H�*

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By virtue of reciting it once in the morning and once in the evening, the reciter will be secured from grief. For the payment of debts, recite this invocation 11 times in the morning and in the evening each. (Abū Dāwūd, Ḥadīš No.

1555, Vol. 1, page 574)

1 Translation: With the name of Allāĥ ��� �� �� �����, the most glorious; whatever Allāĥ ��� �� �� ����� wills, happens. I seek the refuge of Allāĥ �� ��� �� �� ��� from Satan, the damned.

2 Translation: O Allāĥ ��� �� �� �����! I seek Your refuge from grief, helplessness, laziness, cowardice, miserliness, excessive debt and people’s wrath.



9. Sayyīd-ul-Istighfār ( ����������� �� ����� ������ �� �� )

By virtue of reciting this invocation once or thrice in the morning as well as in the evening, the sins of the reciter will be forgiven. If the reciter dies during that day or night, he would be considered as a martyr. Further, Allāĥ ������� ����� protects him from committing the act that may cause him loss.

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(Ṣaḥīḥ Bukhārī, Ḥadīš No. 6306, Vol. 4, page 187)

Imām-e-Aĥl-e-Sunnaĥ Maulānā Shaĥ Aḥmad Razā Khān � �% �&  ��� �� ���� ع�# �( �)* �% has added the following words to this Istighfār

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1 Translation: O Allāĥ ��� �� �� �����! You are my Creator ��� �� �� �����; there is none worthy to be worshipped except You; You have created me; I am Your servant; I have stuck to Your promise. I seek Your refuge from the evil of what I did; I acknowledge the favour You have granted to me and I confess my sins. Forgive me as no one else forgives sins except You.

2 Translation: Forgive every Muslim man and woman.



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By virtue of reciting this invocation in the morning and in the evening hundred times each, the reciter will remain safe from starvation in the world, fear in the grave and worries in the Hereafter. (Al Waẓīfaĥ-tul-Karīmaĥ, page 10)

Invocations to be Recited in the Morning Only

1. �*�� �4 �)

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By the blessing of the recitation of this invocation, the reciter will get success in every (lawful) matter. He would be protected from Satan. The above-mentioned supplication is included in the morning Waẓāif in Al-Waẓīfaĥ-tul-Karīmaĥ but the number is not mentioned. Therefore, if it is recited once there is no harm in it. However, there is a narration in “Madāre-jun-Nubūwwat”, vol. 1, page 236 reported by Sayyidunā Anas ���+��  *,���-  �.  � �/�& without any limitation of time: The narration says: ‘The one who recites this Du’ā 10 times will be as cleansed from sins as he was on the day when he was born. Further, he is secured from 70 worldly troubles like frenzy, leprosy, leucoderma and wind etc.’ (It is up to the reciter whether he recites it once



in the morning only or recites it 10 times any time during the day).

2. 11 times الخالصسورة ا

Even if Satan along with his troops tries to make the reciter commit a sin, he will not succeed unless the reciter commits the sin himself. (Al Waẓīfaĥ-tul-Karīmaĥ, page 11)

3. ���G �7 �� ���G �k !� � ��

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By virtue of reciting this invocation 41 times, the reciter’s heart will remain (spiritually) alive and he/she will die with Imān (faith). (Al Malfūẓ, Vol. 2)

4. �� f �g� �1 ���� ����

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By virtue of reciting it in the morning and evening three times each, the reciter would remain safe from frenzy, leprosy, leucoderma and blindness. (Al Waẓīfaĥ-tul-Karīmaĥ,


5. Recite at least one part of the Holy Qurān before sun-rise, if possible. If the sun has risen, then wait for at least 20 minutes doing Żikr and reciting Durūd till the sun uprises. The time during which Ṣalāĥ is impermissible, recitation of Qurān is also undesirable.



6. Recite one chapter of Dalāil-ul-Khayrāt (either before or after sunrise; recitation is permissible in both cases).

The Fātiḥaĥ of Qādiriyyaĥ Order

Every day after Fajr Ṣalāĥ, recite the Shajara-e-‘Āliyaĥ ( �ي ال رہ ع ج ش )

once, Durūd-e-Ghaušiyyaĥ ( �ي وث درود غ ) 7 times, Sūraĥ Fātiḥaĥ

( �ح ات ف ةورس ) once, Āyat-ul-Kursī ( ر< الک ت آي ) once, Sūraĥ Ikhlāṣ

( خالصا ةورس ) 7 times and Durūd Ghaušiyyaĥ ( �ي وث درود غ ) 3 times in the end. Present its Šawāb in the Holy Court of the beloved Prophet ��# �0�� �� �* ��  ��� ��  ع�# *,���- �.  ��2 �3, all other Prophets 4 �5 ��6�  � �7� �� the blessed ,ع�#companions �  � �/�&! " #! ��  *,��!�-  ��! � �7�+ , the Saints of Allāĥ *,���-  � "8  � �7�

�% �& and your Murshid by whom you have done Bait (i.e. entered the spiritual lineage). Mention the name of your Murshid during Fātiḥaĥ as Īṣāl-e-Šawāb may be made even during someone’s lifetime1. Also supplicate for his long and healthy life.

Durūd-e-Ghaušiyyaĥ (�درود غوثي)

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1 It is permissible to make Īṣāl-e-Šawāb to an alive Muslim. Therefore, Sayyidunā Ṣāleḥ ibn Dirĥam narrates: while we were on our way to Makkaĥ for performing Ḥaj, we came across a man who asked us if there was a nearby village named Ubullāĥ. We replied in the positive. Listening to this, he asked ‘Which one of you assures me of offering two or four rak’at Ṣalāĥ in Masjid-e-‘Ashār for me and say ‘This Ṣalāĥ is for (the Īṣāl-e-Šawāb of) Abū Ĥuraīraĥ.’ (In fact, the man who asked them to do so was Abū Ĥuraīraĥ himself). (Mishkāt-kitāb-ul-fitn, Bāb-ul-Malāḥim Pg.468)



Invocation to be Recited after Fajr and ‘Aṣr Ṣalāĥ Recite the following invocation 10 times after Ṣalāt-ul-Fajr and Ṣalāt-ul-‘Aṣr without changing the position of feet and without talking.

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The reciter of this invocation would remain secured from all troubles, afflictions, Satan and evils. His sins would be forgiven; no one else’s good deeds would turn out to be equal to his good deeds2. (Musnad Aḥmad, Ḥadīš No. 18012, Vol. 6, page 289)

Invocations to be Recited after Fajr and

Maghrib Ṣalāĥ

1. Recite the following supplication seven times after Fajr and Maghrib Ṣalāĥ.

1 Translation: There is none worthy of worship except Allah ��� �� �� �����, He is one, and He has no partners. For Him is sovereignty and for Him is all glorification. And in His omnipotence lies all goodness. He gives life and gives death. And He has omnipotence over everything.

2 A narration of Musnad Imām Aḥmad states that it may be recited after Fajr and Maghrib. Another narration says one can recite it after Fajr and ‘Aṣr. According to the Ḥanafī school of thought, acting upon the latter narration is more appropriate. (Baĥār-e-Sharī’at)



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For the reciter of this supplication, Hell makes the supplication, ‘O Allāĥ ������� �����, save him from me.’ (Abū Dāwūd,

Ḥadīš No. 5080, Vol. 4, page 354)

The one consistently reciting each of the following four supplications 10 times daily after Fajr Ṣalāĥ before sunrise and after Maghrib Ṣalāĥ, all his lawful tasks would be accomplished and his enemies would be overpowered.

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1 Translation: O Allāĥ ��� �� �� �����! Save me from the fire (of Hell).

2 Translation: Allāĥ ��� �� �� ����� is sufficient for me, none is to be worshiped except Him. I have put my trust in Him, and He is the 'Owner of the Majestic ‘Arsh. (Kanz-ul-Imān) (Sūraĥ Taubaĥ, verse 129)

3 Translation: O my Rab ��� �� �� �����! I have been afflicted; You are the most merciful and the most kind.

4 Translation: O my Rab ��� �� �� �����! I am overpowered; You take my retaliation.

5 Translation: Now, this multitude is being driven off, and (they) would turn back. (Kanz-ul-Imān) (Sūraĥ Qamar, verse No. 45)




After the Fajr Ṣalāĥ

After Fajr, the one who remains busy doing the Żikr of Allāĥ ������� ����� without changing the position of his feet in sitting-posture till the sun uprises, i.e. almost twenty minutes pass after the glimmering of first sunbeam, and then performs 2 Rak’ats of Nafl Ṣalāĥ will get the Šawāb of complete Ḥajj and ‘Umraĥ. (Jāmi’-e- Tirmiżī, Ḥadīš No. 586, Vol. 2, page 100)

During the Night

The duration from sunset to Ṣubḥ-e-Ṣādiq (dawn) is referred to as night (in Islamic jurisprudence). Hence, whatever is recited within this duration will be considered to have been recited during night. For example, if any invocation is recited after Maghrib, it will be considered to have been recited during the night. If possible, recite the following during the night.

كـل ـورة م ـس .1 : The excellence of reciting this Sūraĥ is that the reciter will get deliverance from the torment of grave. (Jāmi’-e- Tirmiżī, Ḥadīš No. 2899, Vol. 4, page 407)

ـ ورة ي ـس .2 س ـ : The excellence of reciting this Sūraĥ is that the

reciter will be forgiven. (Shu’b-ul-Imān, Ḥadīš No. 2458, Vol. 2, page 479)

هـعـورة واق ـس .3 : The excellence of reciting this Sūraĥ is that the reciter will be protected from starvation. (Shu’b-ul-Imān,

Ḥadīš No. 2497, Vol. 2, page 491)



انـورة دخ ـس .4 : The excellence of reciting this Sūraĥ is that the reciter will wake up in the morning in such a state that 70,000 angels will be making the supplication of forgiveness for him. (Jāmi’-e- Tirmiżī, Ḥadīš No. 2897, Vol. 4, page 406)

Invocations to be Recited before Going to Sleep

1. If someone recites ‘Āyat-ul-Kursī’ ( ـ ال ت ــآي ـ ک ـ ىـ رس ـ ) once, a custodian (an angel) will be deputed for the reciter by Allāĥ ������� ����� and Satan will not be able to approach him till morning. (Ṣaḥīḥ Bukhārī, Ḥadīš No. 2311, Vol. 3, page 88) The reciter’s house as well as his neighbouring houses will remain protected from theft; further, ghosts and Jinns would not enter these houses. (Al Waẓīfaĥ-tul-Karīmaĥ, page 18)

2. The one who recites Tasbīḥ-e-Fāṭimaĥ ( م�سيح فاط ت ) at night will wake up happily in the morning. There are numerous other benefits for reciting this invocation. (Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim,

Ḥadīš No. 2728, Vol. 2, page 351)

3. Recite Sūraĥ Fātiḥaĥ ‘ ح�الفات ورة س ’ and Sūraĥ Ikhlāṣ ‘ خالصال ا ة سور ’ once each. (Reported by Bazaz, Ref: Ḥiṣn-ul-Ḥaṣaīn, page 36)

4. Recite Sūra-tul-Baqaraĥ ‘ ہالبقر سورة ’ from the beginning of

the Sūraĥ till مفلحون and then from سول till the end of امن الرthe Sūraĥ. (Shu’bul Imān, Ḥadīš No. 2413, Vol. 2, page 464)

5. Recite the last Āyaĥs of Sūraĥ Kaĥaf ‘ فه سورةك ’ from امنوا ان الذين to the end of the Sūraĥ. If someone recites these Āyaĥs with the intention of waking up from sleep any time during



the day or night, he will wake up at the desired time. ��  � ������!!" #� ��� �� �� ����� (Dārimī, Ḥadīš No. 3406, Vol. 2 , page 335)

6. Spreading the palms of both hands and reciting سورة اخالص, رة الفلقسو and سورة الناس once each, blow on palms and then

stroke hands on the head, face, chest, back and front up to where the hands can reach in the whole body. Do the same for a second and third time; the one doing so will remain

safe from every affliction. ��  � ������!!" #� ��� ���� ����� (Ṣaḥīḥ Bukhārī, Ḥadīš

No. 6319, Vol. 7, page 192)

7. Finish invocations by reciting Sūra-tul-Kāfirūn ‘ الکحبفرون ورة س ’ at the end. After that, if there is a need to talk, one may talk, but he should recite the same Sūraĥ again in the end.

��  � ������!!" #� ��� ���� ����� (Al Waẓīfaĥ-tul-Karīmaĥ, page 18)

Recite on Waking up from Sleep

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The one who recites the foregoing supplication will be resurrected on the Day of Judgement in such a state that he

would be glorifying Allāĥ ������� ����� [ � � �������!!" #� ��� �� �� ����� ]. (Ṣaḥīḥ Bukhārī, Ḥadīš No. 6312, Vol. 7, page 190)

1 Translation: All glorification is for Allāĥ ��� �� �� ����� who has granted us life (wakefulness) after death (sleep); and we have to return to Him.




Sleep after performing ‘Ishā Ṣalāĥ; when you wake up during any part of the night before Ṣubḥ-e-Ṣādiq (dawn), even if you wake up having slept for a short while after ‘Ishā Ṣalāĥ, make Wuḍū and perform at least 2 Rak’ats Nafl Ṣalāĥ. This Ṣalāĥ is called Taĥajjud. It is Sunnaĥ to perform 8 Rak’ats, while the practice of the Mashāikh is to perform 12 Rak’ats. As for the recitation of the Holy Qurān in Taĥajjud, one may recite from any part or Sūraĥ of the Qurān. In the Rak’ats of Taĥajjud Ṣalāĥ, it is better to recite as much Quran as one has memorized. If one has memorized the whole Qurān by heart, he may complete the recitation of the whole Qurān in Taĥajjud within a minimum period of 3 days and a maximum period of 40 days.

One may also recite Sūraĥ Ikhlāṣ ( خالصاال ورة س ) three times in every Rak’at. By doing so, he will attain the Šawāb of reciting the whole Quran in each Rak’at.

If there are Hurdles in Your Tasks… For the fulfilment of permissible desires, attainment of success and subjugation of enemies, recite the following invocations.

1. ����� � � �

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1 Translation: Allāĥ ��� �� �� ����� is my Rab, no one is His partner.



Recite it 874 times with Durūd eleven times before and after the invocation. Recite it daily unless the desire is fulfilled. There is no specified time for it. Recite it in a folded-legs sitting posture facing the Qiblaĥ in the state of Wuḍū. Recite the same invocation in countless numbers whilst sitting, standing, and walking with or without Wuḍū.

2. ���� � �9� J �)��� �5

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Recite it 450 times with Durūd eleven times before and after the invocation. Recite it daily unless the desire is fulfilled. There is no specific time for it. At the time of anxiety, recite this invocation in abundance.

ـ ل ح ـ ي ـ ف ـ ط .3 2ر ـ ووى زي ـن ه ـ م ـ ري دش ــگ ـرت دستـ ض ـ

Recite the foregoing invocation 111 times after ‘Ishā Ṣalāĥ with Durūd eleven times before and after the invocation.

The foregoing three invocations are not only tried and trusted but also very simple. One should not be heedless of them. Whenever you have a desire, recite each of the three invocations in the exact described number. Neither

1 Translation: Allāĥ ��� �� �� ����� is All-Sufficient for us, and how excellent Disposer of affairs He is. (Kanz-ul-Imān) (Sūraĥ Aāl-e-Imrān, Verse 173)

2 Translation: May the enemy be subjugated for the sake of Ghauš-e-A’ẓam ���+��  *,���-  �.  � �/ �&!



increase nor decrease the numbers deliberately because a key with increased or decreased teeth will not open the lock. Recite the foregoing three invocations daily in the given order unless the desire is fulfilled. If the desire is not so important, recite the first two invocations hundred times daily with Durūd thrice before and after the invocation.

Necessary Instructions

1. It is extremely necessary for every sane and adult Islamic brother and sister to offer five daily Ṣalāĥ regularly. For men, it is also Wājib to offer Ṣalāĥ with Jamā’at in Masjid. The abandoner of Ṣalāĥ is like a human-portrait that has an apparent human face but cannot carry out any act typical of humans. Remember! The one who never offers Ṣalāĥ is not the only abandoner of Ṣalāĥ; rather, the one who misses even one Ṣalāĥ deliberately is also an abandoner of Ṣalāĥ. Missing Ṣalāĥ out of job, employment, trade or any other busyness is ungratefulness and utter foolishness. No employer (even if he is a non-Muslim) can prevent his employees from offering Ṣalāĥ. If the employer doesn’t allow the employees to offer Ṣalāĥ, such sort of employment is absolutely Ḥarām. Remember! No means of livelihood can bring about blessings in sustenance by missing Ṣalāĥ. Sustenance is under the omnipotence of Allāĥ ������� ����� who has declared Ṣalāĥ Farḍ. The abandoners of Ṣalāĥ invite the wrath of Allāĥ ������� �����.



2. Make a cautious estimation as to how many total Ṣalāĥ you have missed; even if the estimation includes more Ṣalāĥ than you actually missed, there is no harm in it but no missed Ṣalāĥ should be left out. Offer all these Ṣalāĥ gradually but as shortly as possible. Do not be lazy as the time of death is not known. No Nafl worship is accepted as long as the Farḍ worship is due. If there are a number of Qaḍā Ṣalāĥ to be offered, for example, hundred Fajr Qaḍā Ṣalāĥ are to be offered, make the following intention each time: “I am offering the very first Fajr that I missed.” Make similar intention for every missed Ṣalāĥ. Qaḍā of only Farḍ and Witr are offered. Therefore, total twenty Rak’ats of Qaḍā are offered per day.

3. Similarly, all the missed fasts have also to be kept before the arrival of the next Ramaḍān as a blessed Ḥadīš says that the fasts of the next Ramaḍān are not accepted unless the fasts of the previous Ramaḍān are offered.1

4. Those who possess wealth to the extent of the Niṣāb of Zakāt must pay their Zakāĥ subject to the conditions of Zakāĥ2. In case of not paying Zakāĥ for many years, make a calculation for the total amount of unpaid Zakāĥ and pay it forthwith. To delay in paying Zakāĥ after the completion of (lunar) year is a sin. Zakāĥ may also be

1 In order to get detail information, please go through the chapter (Blessings of Ramaḍān) from Faīzān-e-Sunnat.

2 In order to get detail information, please go through the fifth volume of Baĥār-e-Sharī’at.



paid in small amounts from the commencement of the year. In this case, make a calculation to ensure that complete Zakāĥ has been paid by the end of the year. If some Zakāĥ is still unpaid, pay it instantly. If excess Zakāĥ has been paid, excess amount may be deducted from the Zakāĥ of the next year.

5. Ḥajj is also a chief Farḍ for the one capable of going for

Ḥajj. Allāĥ ������� ����� says in Sūraĥ Āl-e-‘Imrān (سورة آل عمران), Āyaĥ 97, regarding the obligation of Ḥajj:

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�& Q �7 �v ����� � �� Translation from Kanz-ul-Imān

And for the sake of Allāĥ ��� �� �� �����, the people are to perform pilgrimage to this House, who has a way (means) thither. And who denies, then Allāĥ ��� �� �� ����� is independent of entire world.

The beloved and blessed Prophet ��� ��  ع�# *,���-  �.  ��2 �3 � �* �� � �� # �0�� said (about the one who does not perform Ḥajj despite it being Farḍ on him), “No matter whether he dies as a Jew or Christian1.” (Allāĥ ������� ����� forbid) (Jāmi’-e- Tirmiżī, Ḥadīš No.

812, Vol. 2, page 219)

6. Refrain from lying, abusing, tale-telling, backbiting, fornicating, sodomy, cruelty, fraudulence, ostentation,

1 In order to get detail information, please go through the Sixth volume of Baĥār-e-Sharī’at.



arrogance, shaving the beard or trimming it less than a fistful, adopting the outlook of transgressors, watching movies and dramas, listening to music and every other bad practice. The one who obeys Allāĥ ���� ����� ��� and His beloved Prophet ��# �0��  �� �* ��  ��� ��  ع�# *,���-  �.  ��2 �3, Allāĥ ������� ����� and His Prophet ��# �0�� �� �* ��  ��� ��  ع�# *,���- �.  ��2 �3 have promised paradise for him.


O Islamic brothers and sisters! Remember! When you were born, all were smiling but you were crying. Live such a life that everyone cries at your death but you smile.

If you keep on weeping sincerely in the remembrance of Allāĥ ������� ����� with your writhing heart in the grief of being far from the Beloved Rasūl ��# �0��  �� �* ��  ��� ��  ع�# *,���-  �.  ��2 �3 so, definitely at the time of death, you will be smiling by virtue of beholding and attaining the closeness of the beloved Prophet ��# �0�� �� �* ��  ��� ��  ع�# *,���-  �.  ��2 �3 whereas all others would be crying in the grief of your departure from the world.

Dear Islamic brothers and sisters! Remember the promise that you have made with Allāĥ ������� ����� via this sinner. Please make Du’ā for me as well that I always abide by all the Divine commandments sincerely and act upon Sunnaĥ till the end of my life.

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O Islamic brothers and sisters! You have promised to stick to the doctrine of ‘Aĥl-e-Sunnaĥ-wal-Jamā’aĥ’, and refrain from the company of every religious bigot. Remain strictly steadfast on your promise.

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O Islamic brothers and sisters! Remember that you have promised to perform Ṣalāĥ, fast and fulfil all other obligations in conformity with Sharī’aĥ and refrain from sins. May Allāĥ ������� ����� enable you to keep your promise! Breaking a promise is a Ḥarām and extremely evil act. Fulfilling a promise is obligatory even if it is made to an ordinary person. Remember you have made this promise to Allāĥ ������� �����.

O Islamic brothers and sisters! Don’t be heedless of your death. If you remember it, you will remain safe from destruction; your faith and religion will be secured, you will be blessed with acting upon Sunnaĥ and refraining from committing sins.

O Islamic brothers! Remain awake today so that you may sleep with peace, protection and comfort after your death; the angel would say to you.

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1 Translation: So, die not, but as Muslim. (Sūraĥ Baqaraĥ, 2:132)

2 Translation: “Sleep as a bride sleeps.” (Jāmi’-e- Tirmiżī, Ḥadīš No. 1083, Vol. 2, page





Wake up! You should stay awake while you are under the shadow of the sky because, after death, you will have to sleep under your grave till the day of Judgement.

O Islamic brothers and sisters! Don’t fall for the World. Excessive fascination by the world will make you heedless of your Creator ������� �����. World is the other name of heedlessness of Allāĥ ������� �����.

Don’t trust and fall in love with this disloyal world. You will be hunted down by death.

Recitation of Qurān

Great Auliyā of Allāĥ ������� ����� have said that the recitation of the Qurān is doubtlessly a tried and trusted invocation for the fulfilment of desires. Recite daily as much Qurān as you can do reverently. If you recite it according to the below-mentioned

method, ��  � ������!!" #� ��� ���� ����� you will attain success soon. Start recitation on Jumu’aĥ (Friday) and complete it on Thursday.

Friday: From Sūraĥ Fātiḥaĥ (سورة الفاتح�) to the end of Sūraĥ

Māidaĥ ( ائدہسورة الم ).

Saturday: From Sūraĥ An’ām (سورة انعام) to the end of Sūraĥ

Taubaĥ ( وب�ت سورة ).

Sunday: From Sūraĥ Yūnus (سورة يونس) to the end of Sūraĥ

Maryam (سورة مريم).



Monday: From Sūraĥ Ṭāĥā ( سورة ط�) to the end of Sūraĥ

Qaṣaṣ ( صصسورة ق ).

Tuesday: From Sūraĥ ‘Ankabūt ( نکبوتسورة ع ) to the end of

Sūraĥ Ṣād ( سورة ص).

Wednesday: From Sūraĥ Zumar ( مرسورة ز ) to the end of

Sūraĥ Raḥmān (سورة الرحمن).

Thursday: From Sūraĥ Wāqi’aĥ ( اقع�سورة و ) to the end of

Sūraĥ Nās (سورة الناس).

Recite in seclusion; avoid talking during recitation. For the achievement of every campaign and fulfilment of every task, recitation of complete Qurān for 12 consecutive times is believed to be the most effective invocation.

Durūd-e-Razavīyyaĥ ( رضوي� درود )

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Recite the above-mentioned Durūd after Jumu’aĥ Ṣalāĥ 100 times with congregation in standing posture, with folded hands facing the direction of the blessed city of Madīnaĥ. The Masājid where Ṣalāt-ul-Jumu’aĥ is not offered, recite this

1 A’lā Ḥaḍrat ����  ع�# *,���-  �.  �(� �% �& has combined three different Durūd in this one Durūd, therefore it is called ‘Durūd-e-Razavī.’



Durūd after Fajr, Ẓuĥr or ‘Aṣr on Friday. If one is alone anywhere, he should recite this Durūd alone. Likewise, Islamic sisters should recite this Durūd in their homes.

There are numerous virtues of reciting Durūd & Salām. Just a few are presented here. If a Muslim loving the Holy Prophet ��# �0�� �� �* ��  ��� ��  ع�# *,���-  �.  ��2 �3, considering him greater than everyone in the world by heart, staying away from his blasphemers and having resentment against them in heart, recites Durūd and Salām, he will attain innumerable blessings. Some benefits are mentioned below.

1. Allāĥ ������� ����� sends 3000 mercies on the reciter of Durūd.

2. Allāĥ ������� ����� sends 2000 Salām upon him.

3. Five thousand good deeds are written in his book of deeds.

4. His 5000 ranks will be elevated.

5. His 5000 sins are forgiven.

6. It will be written on his forehead that he is not a hypocrite.

7. It will be written on his forehead that he is free from the fire of Hell.

8. Allāĥ ������� ����� will keep him with the martyrs on the Day of Judgement.

9. His wealth will increase.

10. His children and grandchildren will increase in number.

11. Allāĥ ������� ����� will give him dominance over his enemies.



12. His love will be put into the hearts of people.

13. He would be blessed with beholding the beloved Nabī ��# �0�� �� �* ��  ��� ��  ع�# *,���- �.  ��2 �3 any day in dream.

14. He will die with Imān (faith).

15. The Beloved Rasūl ��# �0�� �� �* ��  ��� ��  ع�# *,���-  �.  ��2 �3 will shake hands with him on the Day of Judgement.

16. The intercession of the Noble Prophet ��# �0��  �� �* ��  ��� ��  ع�# *,���-  �.  ��2 �3 will be Wājib for him.

17. Allāĥ ������� ����� will be so pleased with him that He ������� ����� will never be displeased. A’lā Ḥaḍrat ����  ع�# *,���-  �.  �(� �% �& has given the permission of reciting this Durūd-e-Razavīyyaĥ to all the Sunnī Muslims provided that they refrain from (the company of) religious bigots.

Islamic Sisters to Pay Attention

Dear Islamic sisters! It is obligatory for you to acquire necessary knowledge about your menstrual periods. Do go through the second part of “Baĥār-e-Sharī’at” or ask any other sister to read it out to you. Furthermore, in order to learn necessary rulings about Pardaĥ (Islamic veiling) read “Baĥār-e-Sharī’at”, Vol. 16, page 78-86. Some information regarding veil is mentioned below.

Sayyidatunā Umm-e-Salamaĥ ��7�+��  *,���- �.  � �/�& narrates: Sayyidatunā Maīmūnaĥ ��7�+��  *,���-  �.  � �/�& and I were present in the court of the Beloved Rasūl �� # �0�� �� �* ��  ��� ��  ع�# *,���- �.  ��2 �3 . (Meanwhile, a blind companion) Ḥaḍrat ‘Abdullāĥ Bin Umm-e-Maktūm ���+��  *,���- �.  � �/�& arrived. The



beloved Rasūl ��# �0�� �� �* ��  ��� ��  ع�# *,���-  �.  ��2 �3 asked us to have veil. I said, “O Prophet of Allāĥ ��  ��� ��  ع�# *,���-  �.  ��2 �3 ��# �0��  �� �* , he is blind and will not be able to see us.” The beloved Rasūl ��# �0��  �� �* ��  ��� ��  ع�# *,���-  �.  ��2 �3 replied, “Are both of you also blind? Would you also not be able to see him?” (Jāmi’-e- Tirmiżī, Ḥadīš No. 2787, Vol. 4, page 356)

Dear Islamic sisters. The foregoing narration clarified that as it is mandatory for man not to see Nā-Maḥram woman, likewise, woman should also avoid seeing Nā-Maḥram man. However, there is a slight difference between a man’s looking at a Nā-Maḥram woman and a woman’s looking at a Nā-Maḥram man; if the woman is sure that she would not have lust in case of seeing so and so man, there is no harm for her, but if she has even doubt about having lust, she must not see him.

Some More Rulings

1. A woman must neither touch the body of a Nā-Maḥram man nor shake hands with him. She cannot even kiss the hands of her Murshid.

2. A woman should not throw away her hairs breaking while combing at a place where a Nā-Maḥram man can see them.

3. There is a command of Pardaĥ (Islamic veiling) between cousin brothers and sisters. Non-observance of Pardaĥ between brother-in-law (husband’s brother) and sister-in-law (brother’s wife) is a cause of destruction like death. (Mirāĥ)



4. Islamic sisters must not sit on terraces outside the house, nor peep through the windows as these acts may open the door of evils.


Dear Islamic brothers and sisters! Dawat-e-Islami is a non-political movement for the preaching of Qurān and Sunnaĥ. You should make every possible co-operation to it physically, heartily and financially. Wherever Dawat-e-Islami’s weekly Ijtimā’ (congregations) are held, you should make an ardent effort to attend them. Likewise, wherever Dars of “Faīzān-e-Sunnat” is given, you should participate in it. The places where the Dars of “Faīzān-e-Sunnat” is not given, make arrangements for the commencement of daily Dars at such places. Every Islamic brother is strictly advised to travel with the Madanī Qāfilaĥ for at least three days every month.

Method of Delivering Dars

Say the following three times:

“Please come closer”

Then, taking veil within veil (double-covering), sit in folded leg position [as in Ṣalāĥ] and recite the following:

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Then make the attendees of the Dars repeat the following Durūd:

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If you are in Masjid, get the participants to make the intention of I’tikāf in these words:

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I make the intention of Sunnat I’tikāf.

Then say the following:

“My Dear Islamic Brothers! Come closer and, in respect of the Dars, sit in the folded leg position [as you sit in Ṣalāĥ]. If you get tired, then sit in any comfortable position. Lower your gaze and listen to the Dars from Faīzān-e-Sunnat with full concentration because listening to it inattentively looking here and there, playing on the floor with your finger or messing around with your clothes, body or hair may result in the removal of its blessings1.”

After saying this, read an excellence of Durūd from Faīzān-e-Sunnat.

1 Make similar persuasion in the commencement of Bayān (Speech) as well.



Thereafter, read this aloud so that all brothers would recite Durūd.

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Thereafter, begin the Dars by reading from the book. Read out what is written in the book only. Read only the translation of Arabic text. Do not give your own explanation of any Quranic Āyaĥ or Ḥadīš, as it is Ḥarām to do so.

Make persuasion in the following words at the end of Dars

(Each Muballigh should memorize following paragraph by heart and make persuasion accordingly without any alteration at the end of Dars and Bayān).

By the Grace of Allāĥ ������� �����, Sunnaĥs of the Holy Prophet ��# �0��  ��* ��  �� ��  ع�# *,���-  �.  ��2 �3 are abundantly learnt and taught in the Madanī Environment of Dawat-e-Islami, a global non-political movement for the preaching of Qurān and Sunnaĥ.

It is a Madanī request to spend the whole night in the weekly Sunnaĥ-inspiring Ijtimā’ commencing after Ṣalāt-ul-Maghrib every Thursday in your city. (In Bāb-ul-Madīnaĥ [Karachi], the Ijtimā’ is held at Faīzān-e-Madīnaĥ, Maḥallaĥ Saudagrān, Old Sabzī Manḋī). Habitualize yourself to a punctual travel in the Madanī Qāfilaĥ with the devotees of the Holy Prophet to learn the Sunnaĥ and fill out the Madanī In’āmāt booklet daily practicing Fikr-e-Madīnaĥ (Madanī Contemplation) and submit it to the Żimmaĥdār (relevant representative of Dawat-e-Islami)



of your locality. By the blessing of this, ��  � ������!!" #� ��� �� �� ����� you will develop a mindset and a yearning to protect your faith, adopt the Sunnaĥs and be averse to sins.

Every Islamic brother should develop the Madanī Mindset that

“I must strive to reform myself and people of the entire world

� � �������!!" #� ��� �� �� ����� .” In order to reform ourselves, we must act upon the Madanī In’āmāt and to reform people of the entire world we

must travel in the Madanī Qāfilaĥ1. � � �������!!" #� ��� �� �� �����

Allāĥ ��� �� �� ����� karam aysā karay tujĥ pay jaĥān mayn

Aey Dawat-e-Islami terī dĥūm machī ĥo

May Allāĥ ��� �� �� ����� bless Dawat-e-Islami with such a grace!

That it becomes glorious at each and every place

Finally, with absolute humility and humbleness, make the following Du’ā conforming to the manners of raising hands without adding and leaving out anything:

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“Yā Allāĥ ������� �����! For the sake of Muṣṭafā �� �* ��  ��� ��  ع�# *,���-  �.  ��2 �3  ��# �0�� forgive us, our parents, and all the Muslims. Yā Allāĥ ������� �����! Forgive the mistakes of Dars and all our sins, give us the passion to become pious and practising Muslims and make us obedient to our

1 Here, Islamic sisters should say, ‘We have to make our male (Maḥram) relatives travel with Madanī Qāfilaĥ.



parents. Yā Allāĥ ������� �����! Make us Your and Your Beloved Prophet’s �� �* ��  ��� ��  ع�# *,���-  �.  ��2 �3  ��# �0�� sincere devotee. Cure us from the disease of sins. Yā Allāĥ ���� ����� ��� ! Give us the ability to act upon the Madanī In’āmāt and travel with the Madanī Qāfilaĥs. Yā Allāĥ ������� �����! Bless us with the enthusiasm to persuade others to carry out Madanī activities. Yā Allāĥ ������� �����! Free Muslims from diseases, debt, unemployment, wrongful court cases and different types of worries. Yā Allāĥ ������� �����! May Islam dominate and the enemies of Islam be disgraced! Yā Allāĥ ������� �����! Bless us with steadfastness in the Madanī environment of Dawat-e-Islami! Yā Allāĥ ����� ������� ! Bless every Muslim with obedient offspring! Yā Allāĥ ������� �����! Bless us with martyrdom under the green dome while we are beholding the beloved Prophet �3 �� �* ��  ��� ��  ع�# *,���-  �.  ��2  �� # �0�� , burial in Jannat-ul-Baqī, and the neighbourhood of Your beloved Prophet �� �* ��  ��� ��  ع�# *,���-  �.  ��2 �3  ��# �0�� in Jannat-ul-Firdaus! Yā Allāĥ ������� ����� for the sake of the fragrant breeze of Madīnaĥ, answer all our lawful Du’ās.”

Then read the following couplet:

Jis kisī nay bĥī Du’ā kay wāsṭay yā Rab ��� �� �� ����� kaĥā

Kar day pūrī ārzū har baykas-o-majbūr kī

“Yā-Rab ��� �� �� ����� whoever requests for his supplications. Fulfil his Du’ā’s and relieve him of all his complications.”

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Next, recite the following Āyaĥ as part of the Du’ā:




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Read any Durūd

Read the following Āyaĥ to finish Du’ā:

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In order to achieve maximum benefit from Dars, sit down and warmly meet everyone. Make some new Islamic brothers sit around you and explain to them the blessings of acting upon the Madanī In’āmāt and travelling with the Madanī Qāfilaĥ.

Tumĥayn aey Muballigh ye merī du’ā ĥay

Kiye jāo tay tum taraqqī ka Zīnaĥ

O Muballigh! For you, it is my prayer May you keep ascending success-stair!

Du’ā of ‘Aṭṭār

Yā Allāĥ ������� �����, Forgive me and all those giving and listening to at least two Dars everyday from Faīzān-e-Sunnat (one in home



and the other at schools, Masājid, homes and busy places) and make us well-mannered.

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Mujĥay Dars-e-Faīzān-e-Sunnat ki Taufīq

Milay din mayn do martabaĥ Yā Ilāĥī ��� �� �� �����

Bless me with this ability May I give Dars daily O Almighty ��� �� �� �����!

Last Four Āyaĥs of Sūra-tul-Kaĥaf (سورةالکهف)

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Dates of WiDates of WiDates of WiDates of Wiṣāl (Departure from this World) and the Places of āl (Departure from this World) and the Places of āl (Departure from this World) and the Places of āl (Departure from this World) and the Places of Burial of the Mashāikh of the SilsilaBurial of the Mashāikh of the SilsilaBurial of the Mashāikh of the SilsilaBurial of the Mashāikh of the Silsilaĥ QādiriyyaQādiriyyaQādiriyyaQādiriyyaĥ RaRaRaRazzzzavīyyaavīyyaavīyyaavīyyaĥ ‘A‘A‘A‘Aṭṭāriyyaāriyyaāriyyaāriyyaĥ

S# Names Wiṣāl Shrine

1. The Beloved Rasūl ��# �0 �� �� �* ��  �����  ع�# *,���-  �.  ��2 �3 12 Rabī’-ul-Awwal 11 AH Madīnaĥ Sharīf

2. Ḥaḍrat ‘Alī !" #!�  �4 ���!�; �� !�7!���  *,�!�!� - ��  = ��!�>! � 21 Ramaḍān 40 AH Najaf Sharīf

3. Ḥaḍrat Imām Ḥussaīn �-  �.  � �/ �& ���+��  *,�� 10 Muḥarram 61 AH Karbalā Mu’allā

4. Ḥaḍrat Imām Zain-ul-‘Ābidīn ���+�� �.  � �/�& 18 Muḥarram 94 A.H. Madīnaĥ Sharīf

5. Ḥaḍrat Imām Bāqir ���+�� �.  � �/�& 7 Żul-Ḥijjaĥ114 AH “

6. Ḥaḍrat Imām Ja’far Ṣādiq ���+�� �.  � �/�& 15 Rajab 148 AH “

7. Ḥaḍrat Imām Kāẓim ���+�� �.  � �/�& 5 Rajab 184 AH Baghdād Sharīf

8. Ḥaḍrat Imām ‘Alī Razā ���+�� �.  � �/�& 21 Ramaḍān 202 AH Mashĥad Sharīf

9. Ḥaḍrat Ma’rūf Karkhī ���+�� �.  � �/�& 2 Muḥarram 200 AH Baghdād Sharīf

10. Ḥaḍrat Imām Sarrī Saqṭī ���+�� �.  � �/�& 13 Ramaḍān 253 AH “

11. Ḥaḍrat Imām Junaīd Baghdādī ���+��  �.  � �/ �& 27 Rajab, 297/298/299 AH “

12. Ḥaḍrat Imām Abū Bakr Shiblī ���+��  �.  � �/ �& 27 Żul-Ḥijjaĥ 334 AH “

13. Ḥaḍrat Imām Shaykh ‘Abdul Wāḥid �.  � �/�& ���+��  26 Jamad-ul-Akhir 425 AH “

14. Ḥaḍrat Imām Abul Farah Tarṭūsī ���+��  �.  � �/ �& 3 Sha’bān 447 AH “

15. Ḥaḍrat Imām Abul Ḥasan

Ĥikārī ���+��  �.  � �/ �& 1 Muḥarram 486 AH “

16. Ḥaḍrat Imām Abu Sa’īd

Makhzūmī ���+��  �.  � �/ �& 7 Sha’bān 513 AH “

17. Ḥaḍrat Ghauš-e-A’ẓam ���+�� �.  � �/�& 11 Rabi-ul-Āakhir 582 AH “

18. Ḥaḍrat Sayyid ‘Abdul Razzāq ���+�� �.  � �/�& 6 Shawwāl 623 AH “

19. Ḥaḍrat Abu Ṣāliḥ ���+�� �.  � �/�& 27 Rajab 632 AH “

20. Ḥaḍrat Muḥī-ud-Dīn ���+�� �.  � �/�& 22 Rabī’-ul-Awwal 656 AH “

21. Ḥaḍrat Sayyid ‘Alī Baghdādī ���+�� �.  � �/�& 23 Shawwāl 739 AH “

22. Ḥaḍrat Sayyid Mūsā ���+�� �.  � �/�& 13 Rajab 763 AH “

23. Ḥaḍrat Sayyid Ḥasan ���+�� �.  � �/�& 26 Ṣafar 781 AH “

24. Ḥaḍrat Sayyid Aḥmad Jīlānī ���+��  *,���-  �.  � �/ �& 19 Muḥarram 853 AH “

25. Ḥaḍrat Sheikh Baĥā-ud-Dīn ���+��  *,���-  �.  � �/ �& 11 Żul-Ḥijjaĥ 921 AH Ḥaīderābād Dakan



26. Ḥaḍrat Ibrāĥīm Aīrjī ���+��  *,���-  �.  � �/ �& 15 Rabī’-ul-Āakhir 953/940 AH


27. Ḥaḍrat Niżām-ud-Dīn

Bĥikārī ���+��  *,���-  �.  � �/ �& 9 Żīqa’daĥ 981 AH Kākūrī Sharīf

28. Ḥaḍrat Qāḍī Ziā-ud-Dīn Ma’rūf

Bajyā ���+��  *,���-  �.  � �/ �& 22 Rajab 989 AH Lakĥnow

29. Ḥaḍrat Sheikh Jamāl-ud-Dīn

Auliyā ���+��  *,���-  �.  � �/ �& 1 Shawwāl 1047 AH

Kořā Jahānābād

District Fataḥpūrī

30. Ḥaḍrat Sayyid Muḥammad

Kālpūvī ���+��  *,���-  �.  � �/ �& 6 Sha’bān 1071/1030 AH Kālpī Sharīf

31. Ḥaḍrat Sayyid Aḥmad

Kālpūvī ���+��  *,���-  �.  � �/ �& 19 Ṣafar 1084 AH Kālpī Sharīf

32. Ḥaḍrat Sayyid Faḍlullāĥ ���+��  *,���-  �.  � �/ �& 14 Żīqa’daĥ 1111 AH “

33. Ḥaḍrat Sayyid Āal-e- Barakāt ���+��  �.  � �/ �& 10 Muḥarram 1142 AH Mārĥaraĥ Maẓĥar

34. Ḥaḍrat Sayyid

Āal-e- Muḥammad ���+��  *,���-  �.  � �/ �& 16 Ramaḍān 1164 AH “

35. Ḥaḍrat Sayyid Shāĥ Ḥamzaĥ ���+��  �.  � �/ �& 14 Ramaḍān 1198 AH “

36. Ḥaḍrat Sayyid Āal-e-Aḥmad

Acĥay Miān ���+��  *,���-  �.  � �/ �& 17 Rabī’-ul-Awwal 1225 AH “

37. Ḥaḍrat Sayyid Shāĥ

Āal-e-Rasūl ���+��  *,���-  �.  � �/ �& 18 Żul-Ḥijjaĥ 1296 AH “

38. Ḥaḍrat Imām Aḥmad Razā

Khān ���+��  *,���-  �.  � �/ �& 25 Ṣafar 1340 AH Bareilly Sharīf

39. Ḥaḍrat Sheikh Ziā-ud- Dīn

Madanī ���+��  *,���-  �.  � �/ �& 4 Żul-Ḥijjaĥ 1401 AH Madīnaĥ Sharīf

40. Ḥaḍrat Maulānā Abdus Salām

Qādirī ����  ع�# *,���-  �.  �(� �% �&

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